1.Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China 2.International Center for Climate and Environment Science (ICCES), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China Manuscript received: 2017-09-04 Manuscript revised: 2017-11-02 Manuscript accepted: 2017-11-15 Abstract:Severe biases exist in state-of-the-art general circulation models (GCMs) in capturing realistic central-Pacific (CP) El Nio structures. At the same time, many observational analyses have emphasized that thermocline (TH) feedback and zonal advective (ZA) feedback play dominant roles in the development of eastern-Pacific (EP) and CP El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), respectively. In this work, a simple linear air-sea coupled model, which can accurately depict the strength distribution of the TH and ZA feedbacks in the equatorial Pacific, is used to investigate these two types of El Nio. The results indicate that the model can reproduce the main characteristics of CP ENSO if the TH feedback is switched off and the ZA feedback is retained as the only positive feedback, confirming the dominant role played by ZA feedback in the development of CP ENSO. Further experiments indicate that, through a simple nonlinear control approach, many ENSO characteristics, including the existence of both CP and EP El Nio and the asymmetries between El Nio and La Nia, can be successfully captured using the simple linear air-sea coupled model. These analyses indicate that an accurate depiction of the climatological sea surface temperature distribution and the related ZA feedback, which are the subject of severe biases in GCMs, is very important in simulating a realistic CP El Nio. Keywords: central-Pacific El Nio, eastern-Pacific El Nio, simple coupled model, simulation, asymmetry 摘要:现今的环流模式(GCMs)在模拟中部型El Nio时存在严重的偏差. 与此同时, 很多基于观测的分析指出温跃层反馈和纬向平流反馈分别对东部型和中部型El NioSouthern Oscillation (ENSO)起着主导作用. 本文利用一个简单的海气耦合模式对两类El Nio进行了研究. 基于观测信息, 该模式能够准确给出温跃层反馈和纬向平流反馈的强度沿赤道太平洋的分布. 研究结果表明, 当关闭模式中的温跃层反馈而仅保留纬向平流反馈项时, 模式能够模拟出中部型ENSO的主要特征. 这验证了纬向平流反馈对中部型ENSO的支配作用. 接着, 通过在模式中引入一个简单的非线性调控项, 很多ENSO特征都能被这一简单的海气耦合模式抓住, 包括同时产生两类El Nio以及El Nio与La Nia的非对称性. 该模式分析表明, 若要模拟出接近真实的中部型El Nio, 海表温度的气候态分布及其相联系的纬向平流反馈必须足够准确. 而这恰恰是如今环流模式存在的严重偏差之一. 关键词:中部型El Nio, 东部型El Nio, 简单耦合模式, 模拟, 非对称性
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2.1. Datasets and methods
Observational and reanalysis datasets are used to analyze the developing phase of El Ni?o. The wind stress data are from NCEP Reanalysis-2 (Kanamitsu et al., 2002); the SST data are from ERSST.v3b (Smith et al., 2008); and the monthly ocean temperature and oceanic circulation data are from GODAS (Behringer and Xue, 2004). They are used to quantify the contributions of each oceanic feedback process on the development of the SST and calculate the TH depth (TCD——indicated by the 20°C isotherm depth). The analysis period is from 1980 to 2010. Anomalies presented in this study are calculated by removing the monthly mean climatology. Following (Xiang et al., 2013), five CP El Ni?o (1991/92, 1994/95, 2002/03, 2004/05 and 2009/10) and four EP El Ni?o events (1982/83, 1986/87, 1997/98 and 2006/07) are chosen. The developing phase for each event is defined as from the month when the oceanic Ni?o index becomes larger than 0.5°C until the end of the calendar year. For example, the developing phase is from June to December for the 1991/92 El Ni?o event, and from May to December for the 1997/98 El Ni?o event. To measure the relative contributions of each oceanic feedback on the development of the SST, a straightforward method is used to conduct a budget analysis of the mixed-layer temperature. The temperature equation is as follows: \begin{eqnarray} \partial_tT'&=&-u'\partial_x\bar{T}-v'\partial_y\bar{T}-w'\partial_z\bar{T}-u'\partial_xT'-v'\partial_yT'\nonumber\\ &&-w'\partial_zT'-\bar{u}\partial_xT'-\bar{v}\partial_yT'-\bar{w}\partial_zT'+R , \ \ (1)\end{eqnarray} where overbars and primes represent the monthly climatology and anomaly, respectively. The variables u, v and T are the zonal and meridional currents and oceanic temperature averaged over the mixed layer. The vertical velocity (w) is measured at the bottom of the mixed layer. R is the residual term, which consists of thermodynamic processes and influences from variation other than that on the interannual time scale, amongst other factors. This method is the same as that used in (Kug et al., 2009). Figure 1a illustrates the relative contributions of each process [rhs of Eq. (1)] to the development of local SST tendencies [lhs of Eq. (1)] in the equatorial Pacific for the whole period (1980-2010), rather than for specific El Ni?o events, as calculated in (Kug et al., 2009). It indicates that the ZA feedback (i.e., the anomalous zonal current and mean zonal temperature gradient——black line in the figure) plays the dominant role in the CP region, where the largest mean zonal temperature gradient is located. In the western and eastern areas, the contribution from the ZA feedback is relatively weak. Instead, the TH feedback (i.e., the mean vertical velocity and anomalous vertical temperature gradient——blue line) and the EK feedback (i.e., the anomalous vertical velocity and mean vertical temperature gradient——green line) processes are dominant. Specifically, the TH feedback plays an important role in the central-eastern region, i.e., 110°-150°W, with a comparable contribution to the ZA feedback, and the EK feedback plays the dominant role in the eastern part of the Pacific, i.e., 80°-110°W. Because the TH and EK feedbacks are both related to vertical upwelling processes, their combined effects are also illustrated in Fig. 1a (red line). It shows that the total vertical upwelling processes can explain the majority of the SST development over the central-eastern Pacific region, with the relative contribution exhibiting a near linear increase from the central to the eastern area. Meanwhile, these feedbacks have nearly no effect upon the far western Pacific (WP), where the mean TH is too deep and the zonal mean SST gradient is too small. The contributions from the other oceanic processes in Eq. (1) are very small, so they are not shown in the figure. Overall, this observational analysis indicates that the ZA feedback (a parabolic shape with maximal strength located in the CP) and the vertical upwelling processes (a near linear increase in strength from the CP to EP) play the dominant roles in the development of the SST in the CP and central-eastern Pacific, respectively. Figure1. (a) Observational linear contributions of ZA (black line and gray shading), TH (blue line and shading), EK (green line and shading), and the combination of TH and EK (red line and shading) feedbacks to the SST tendency along the equatorial Pacific. (b) Factors in the SST equations, Eqs. (2) and (3), as a function of longitude; here, α is in units of K (10 m)-1 month-1, β in K (0.1 Pa)-1 month-1, and γ in month-1.
2 2.2. Model -->
2.2. Model
A linear air-sea coupled model of the equatorial Pacific (GMODEL V3.0) is used in this study (Burgers et al., 2002; Burgers and Van Oldenborgh, 2003), which can be obtained at http://www.sciamachy-validation.org/research/ CKO/gmodel.html. Its oceanic dynamic component is a wind-forced linear shallow water ("1.5 layer") model of a baroclinic mode on a beta plane. The atmospheric model comprises simple bivariate linear regression patterns of observed wind stress anomalies to observed SST anomalies in the Ni?o3 (5°S-5°N, 90°-150°W) and Ni?o4 (5°S-5°N, 160°E-150°W) regions (Burgers and Van Oldenborgh, 2003), based on the reality that these two fields are coupled quite well in the equatorial Pacific region. These regression patterns are then combined with noise and used during the run to calculate the likely atmospheric response to model SST anomalies. Details can be found in (Burgers and Van Oldenborgh, 2003) and (Fang and Zheng, 2014). Given the response of SST to TH depth and wind stress anomalies, the SST model (Burgers and Van Oldenborgh, 2003) is valid only in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific, i.e., \begin{equation} \dfrac{dT'}{dt}=\alpha(x)h(x,y)+\beta(x)\tau_x(x,y)-\gamma(x)T'(x,y) , \ \ (2)\end{equation} where the factors α, β and γ determine the strength of the TH feedback (i.e., the term proportional to the anomalous TCD h), zonal wind stress feedback (i.e., the term proportional to the anomalous zonal wind stress τx), and the relaxation term (i.e., the term proportional to the anomalous SST T'), which vary considerably along the equator (Fig. 1b). It can be seen, in the EP, that the SST tendency is linearly related to the TH depth anomaly, with the coefficient depending on longitude and becoming stronger in the EP (dotted line in Fig. 1b). Comparing with the observation in Fig. 1a, this distribution bears a strong resemblance to the vertical upwelling processes (red line), which means the TH feedback defined in the model actually contains both the TH and EK feedbacks. In the CP, where the ZA feedback dominates, a term proportional to the anomalous zonal wind stress, but not the zonal current, is used in the SST equation. As stated by (Burgers and Van Oldenborgh, 2003), the disadvantage of this setting is that the zonal velocity fluctuations that are not related to local zonal wind stress variations are not taken into account. The zonal wind stress feedback is not equivalent to the ZA feedback. Comparing with Fig. 1a, the distribution of this coefficient (dashed line in Fig. 1b) also bears a strong resemblance to the observational linear contribution of the ZA feedback to the SST development (black line). These comparisons indicate that the simple modeling of the major processes influencing the SST development is quite reasonable. In addition, the strength of the linear damping processes in the SST equation is also shown by the solid line in Fig. 1b. In the simulations, external noise in the form of wind stress variations forces the oceanic shallow water model and induces the variation of the TH depth. The TH depth and zonal wind stress anomalies influence the SST through the TH and wind stress feedbacks. The varied SST in turn impacts the zonal wind stress anomalies through the atmospheric model, and so on. Details of the model description and its performance when simulating ENSO can be found in related articles (Burgers et al., 2002; Burgers and Van Oldenborgh, 2003; Philip and Van Oldenborgh, 2010; Fang and Zheng, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2015). In this study, each experiment conducted in GMODEL lasts for 100 years, and the analyzed period is the final 50 years. Figure2. Leading CEOF patterns of the 51st-100th model years simulated by the CTRL run (left-hand panels) and the observational composites of the developing phase of EP El Ni?o (right-hand panels) for (a, b) SST, (c, d) Taux and (e, f) TCD. The numbers at the top of (a) indicate the percentage of variance explained by the CEOF mode. Contour intervals for (a-f) are 0.4°C, 0.4°C, 0.01 N m-2, 0.004 N m-2, 10 m, and 10 m, respectively. Purple dashed lines in each panel are along the equator and dateline.
3.1. Modifying GMODEL to GMODEL-ZA
As mentioned above, many observational analyses have indicated that the ZA feedback is the dominant dynamic process for the development of CP ENSO. However, GMODEL does not directly represent this term, but instead utilizes a so-called wind stress feedback. To better depict the ZA feedback and measure its impact on the ENSO events, the wind stress feedback must be modified into the correct ZA feedback, which linearly correlates with the zonal current anomaly [i.e., u in Eq. (3)], but not the zonal wind stress anomaly, i.e., \begin{equation} \dfrac{dT}{dt}=\alpha(x)h(x,y)+\beta(x)u(x,y)-\gamma(x)T(x,y) . \ \ (3)\end{equation} The feedback strength distribution remains due to its strong resemblance to the observations. To distinguish from the original GMODEL, the modified GMODEL is termed GMODEL-ZA.
2 3.2. Performance of GMODEL-ZA when simulating ENSO events -->
3.2. Performance of GMODEL-ZA when simulating ENSO events
As a linear air-sea coupled model, the simulated ENSO pattern is quite unique. For this reason, and for achieving results that are more physically consistent, the method of combined empirical orthogonal function (CEOF) analysis is a straightforward way to exhibit the distribution of the simulated ENSO phenomenon. Figure 2 shows the leading CEOF patterns of the anomalous SST, zonal wind stress (Taux), and TCD of the 51st-100th model years simulated by GMODEL-ZA, which is termed the CTRL run. Also, the observational composites of the anomalous SST, Taux and TCD during the developing phase of EP El Ni?o are illustrated in the right-hand panels. It can be seen that the patterns of the three fields are strongly coupled together and exhibit typical EP ENSO patterns, i.e., from the perspective of the positive phase, the major warming occurs in the EP, while the cooling part shows a lateral V-shape with the corner located in the west; the strong westerlies are mainly located in the CP and WP, while the weak easterlies are located in the EP and far WP; the TCD pattern is similar to that of the SST, with the TCD deepening in the EP while shallowing in the west. As the TCD feedback is much stronger in the EP than in the WP, the SST variation in the WP is relatively weak, although the local TCD variation is intense. The patterns of TCD and Taux are tightly linked by the Sverdrup balance, i.e., the balance between the zonal wind stress and the TH depth tilt along the equator (Jin, 1997). This indicates GMODEL-ZA can capture the major patterns of EP ENSO successfully, as well as the coupled relationships among the air-sea fields. Figure3. Time-longitude diagrams of the monthly SST anomalies in the equatorial Pacific during the 51st-100th (left) and 91st-100th (right) model years simulated by the CTRL run. Purple dashed line in each panel is along the dateline.
To depict the variation of the ENSO system, Fig. 3a shows a time-longitude diagram for monthly SST anomalies along the equator, with the last 10 years (91-100) enlarged in Fig. 3b. SST anomalies consistently propagate eastward, with the amplitude small in the west and gradually amplifying from the CP to the east under the combined effects of the ZA and TH feedbacks. This is the typical variation of the traditional EP type of ENSO, as indicated by both delayed oscillation and recharge oscillation. Calculating the power spectrum of the Ni?o3.4 (5°S-5°N, 120°-170°W) SST index, the major period of this CTRL run is 4.04 years, which is consistent with observations (Kao and Yu, 2009). This experiment indicates that GMODEL-ZA can capture the main characteristics of EP ENSO reasonably well, reflecting that the standard TH feedback is much stronger than the ZA feedback in influencing the SST development. However, being a linear model, it can only simulate a unique pattern, which means it cannot simulate the CP ENSO or the asymmetries between El Ni?o and La Ni?a.
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