1.City University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Research Institute, Shenzhen 518057, China 2.Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Center, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Manuscript received: 2017-09-27 Manuscript revised: 2017-12-12 Manuscript accepted: 2018-01-16 Abstract:Tropical cyclones (TCs) constitute one of the major atmospheric activities affecting the air quality of the Pearl River Delta region. In this study, the impact of TCs on air quality in Hong Kong during the TC active season (July-October) from 2000 to 2015 is investigated. It is found that 57.5% of days with concentration of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10 μm (PM10) above the 90th percentile are related to TC activity. TCs in three regions, located to the east, southeast, and southwest of Hong Kong, have obvious impacts on pollutant concentration. When TCs are located east of Hong Kong near Taiwan, 65.5%/38.7% of the days have high or extremely high PM10/ozone (O3) levels, which are associated with northerly wind, sinking motion, and relatively low precipitation. When TCs are located southeast of Hong Kong, 48.1%/58.2% of the days have high pollution levels, associated mainly with continental air mass transport. When TCs are south or west of Hong Kong, only 20.8%/16.9% of the days have high PM10/O3 levels, and the air quality in Hong Kong is generally good or normal due to TC-associated precipitation, oceanic air mass transport, and an enhanced rising motion. The higher chance of high O3 days when TCs are present between Hong Kong and Taiwan, possibly due to lower-than-normal precipitation along the east coast of China under TC circulation. The results in this study highlight the important influence of TC position and associated atmospheric circulations on the air quality in Hong Kong. Keywords: PM10, O3, air quality, HK TC 摘要:研究发现, 台风移动路径会加强或减轻香港及其附近区域的空气污染浓度. 我们选取2000-2015年的台风数据和香港空气污染浓度的数据, 发现两者之间有很好的对应关系. 特别是台风季节(7-10月), 台风移动路径直接影响到香港区域的空气质量: 当台风向北移动位于台湾附近, 由于香港受下沉气流或大陆气流控制, 区域的边界层稳定度极高, 城市里的污染物不容易扩散, 65.5% /38.7% 以上的事件属于颗粒污染物(PM10)/臭氧(O3)高或严重污染, 导致香港空气质量差, 污染严重;当台风西北移动位于台湾与香港之间, 大约48.1% /58.2% 以上的事件属于颗粒污染物(PM10)/臭氧(O3)高或严重污染, 此时香港主要受到由沿海城市传送的污染物影响, 导致空气质量中等偏差, 但严重性开始下降;而当台风偏西移动位于香港的西南方向时, 台风降水以及西南边输送的充沛水汽及强劲的上升环流,会导致区域大气不稳定, 台风降水及其上升气流会降低区域内的污染物浓度, 只有20.8 % (16.9%)的事件属于颗粒污染物(PM10)/臭氧(O3)高或严重污染, 香港空气质量改善. 关键词:颗粒污染物, 臭氧, 台风, 香港空气质量
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3.1. Characteristics of PM10 and O3 during the TC season
In the time series of PM10 and O3 concentration at Tap Mun station during 2000-2015 from July to October (JASO), variation can be separated into seasonal variation and high-frequency variation by daily climatology and linear regression, as shown in Fig. 1. From the subtracted time series, the mean PM10 concentration increases from July, with about 20 μg m-3, to October, with about 70 μg m-3, illustrating an obvious seasonal variation of PM10. Some of the chemical components in PM10, such as SO42-, NH4+, and NO3-, have shown similar variation patterns, with a high in winter and a low in summer, in previous studies (Qin et al., 1997). This seasonal variation pattern of PM10 is also observed at Sham Shui Po and Mong Kok stations (data not shown). In long-term variation, after filtering the seasonal variation, weak decreasing trends are observed. The decreasing trend in urban areas is larger than that in rural areas, which may be the result of efforts to reduce emissions in Hong Kong and nearby regions. In Hong Kong, HKEPD introduced several measures to reduce pollutant emissions, such as phasing out Pre-Euro IV Diesel commercial vehicles, installing emission reduction devices in power plants, and using natural gas for power generation. The rest of the PM10 variations from the seasonal and long-term linear trend shown in Fig. 1b range mainly from -25μg m-3 to 40 μg m-3, covering 90% of the data, and the maximum and minimum reach 102 μg m-3 and -50μg m-3. These variations could be related to some kind of high-frequency variation compared to the seasonal scale. Figure1. Time series of the daily PM10 concentration (units: μg m-3) at Tap Mun based on the (a) original data and (b) detrended daily anomaly, from July to October 2000-15. (c, d) As in (a, b) but showing the daily O3 concentration. The blue solid lines in (a, c) represent the daily climatology. The four blue horizontal dashed lines from low concentration to high concentration in (b, d) represent the 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentile, respectively.
Figure2. The (a) atmospheric conditions during Typhoon Sinlaku during 8-18 September 2008, and the (b, c) time series of the (b) anomalous PM10 concentration (units: μg m-3) and (c) anomalous O3 concentration (units: μg m-3) during 1-15 September 2008. The shading and vectors in (a) denote vertical velocity (units: Pa s-1) and horizontal wind velocity (m s-1), respectively. TM, SSP, and MK in (b, c) represent observations from Tap Mun, Sham Shui Po, and Mong Kok stations, respectively.
In addition to the PM10 variation, an obvious seasonal variation is also found in the subtracted time series of the O3 concentration. The O3 concentration increases from 40 μg m-3 in July to 100 μg m-3 in October. Such variation has also been observed in a previous study (Wang et al., 2001b). On the other hand, a difference in the long-term trend between PM10 and O3 is observed. Generally, a high concentration of PM10 is observed during 2004 to 2008 and decreases in later years, while high O3 concentrations seem to occur in the later years of the time series. Linear regression shows that the O3 concentration increases by 0.418 μg m-3 yr-1, which agrees with the increasing O3 concentration found in a previous study (Wang et al., 2009). In the high-frequency variation, the range of O3 with 90% of the data is between -40μg m-3 and 50 μg m-3, and the minimum and maximum are -88μg m-3 and 122 μg m-3, respectively. TCs may be one of the major factors contributing to such high-frequency variation. A case study showing the time series of anomalous PM10 and O3 concentration in Hong Kong with TC activity from 10 September 2008 to 15 September 2008 is illustrated in Fig. 2. The time series is separated into two periods: phase 1 without TC activity, and phase 2 with TC activity. Although Mong Kok is a roadside station where concentrations are highly affected by traffic emissions, it is still found that the daily concentrations at Tap Mun, Sham Shui Po, and Mong Kok along the time series show similar levels and variation after a data separation method is applied. During phase 1, the pollutant concentration is steady within a normal level, and no TC is observed during these days. On 8 September 2008, a TC is generated in the WNP. The concentration in the following days shows a rapid increase from normal to extremely high, with about a 40 μg m-3 increase, in which the TC moves toward the northern WNP. The concentrations remain high for several days until the TC moves northeast and leaves Hong Kong. A similar variation is also observed in the O3 concentration at Sham Shui Po. Many case studies have reported variation in pollutant concentrations and aerosols during the approach of TCs. (Feng et al., 2007) showed that when Typhoon Melor arrived, the PM10 concentration (visibility) become higher (lower) due to the horizontal transport of upstream inland emissions to the coastal PRD region. Similar conditions were also found in observations of visibility and MODIS satellite measurements in Guangzhou (Wu et al., 2005). TC influence is also apparent outside of individual cases. During the study period, 191 TCs entered coastal and nearby oceanic regions of East Asia (5°-30°N), giving 765 TC-days out of 1968 days in this period. A probability density function (PDF) is used to show the difference between the residual PM10 and O3 concentration in TC-days and that in NTC-days, as shown in Fig. 3. It is obvious that the difference in concentration distribution in TC-days is shifted to the right compared to that in NTC-days, showing that TC-days generally have a higher PM10 concentration than NTC-days. The difference in the two groups of daily concentration reaches the 0.01 significance level in the Student's t-test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test, showing distinguishable concentration distribution characteristics. Similar to the results of the case study, comparable results of the distribution of PM10 concentration with the two other stations are observed, which means that TC influence is not only apparent at the rural station, but also has an overall impact on Hong Kong. Figure3. PDF of the PM10 and O3 concentration (units: μg m-3) on TC-days (red) and non-TC days (blue) during JASO from 2000 to 2015.
To deepen our understanding of the influence of TCs on Hong Kong air quality, the involvement of TCs at different pollution levels of PM10 and O3 are shown in Table 2 and 3 respectively. Pollutant concentration is separated into five groups according to percentiles. The levels are extremely low, low, medium, high, and extremely high, with percentile ranges of 1st-10th, 10th-25th, 25th-75th, 75th-90th, and 90th-100th, respectively. PM10/O3 increases obviously with TC occurrence, from 24.7%/29.9% at the extremely low pollution level to 57.5%/44.5% at the extremely high pollution level, illustrating a close relationship between TCs and pollution levels during this period. The location of TC distribution and different pollution levels is demonstrated in Fig. 4. Obvious TC distributions associated with pollution levels are found. At the extremely high PM10 and O3 levels, a condensed TC distribution pattern is observed, located in Taiwan and the nearby region, and the rest of the TCs at this level are irregularly distributed in the South China Sea. A similar pattern is found at the high PM10 level, but the pattern is shifted southwestward compared to the extremely high pollution level. At the high O3 level, the pattern is located mainly in the ocean south of Taiwan. At a medium pollution level, within the range of the 25th-75th percentile, TCs are distributed mainly within 15°-20°N. While some are at the eastern boundary of the study domain, these are too far away from Hong Kong and would have no significant impact on Hong Kong air pollution. For lower pollution levels, the TC distribution is still mainly within 15°-20°N, but the distribution is shifted west, mainly to the south and southwest of Hong Kong, as shown in the probability density by the contour lines. This distribution is more concentrated in the lowest pollution levels. Based on such a TC distribution at different pollution levels and the distance to Hong Kong, three regions are chosen: Taiwan and nearby areas (region 1), southwest of Taiwan (region 2), and southwest of Hong Kong (region 3), and the associated impact of TCs in each region on air quality in Hong Kong is studied in depth. Figure4. Location of TCs associated with (a) anomalous PM10 levels and (b) anomalous O3 levels, at Tap Mun. The pink lines represent the probability density of TC occurrence with intervals of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 from inner to outer, respectively. Black boxes from east to west denotes obvious TC distributed regions during extreme high, high and low pollution levels accordingly.
2 3.2. Distinct pollution levels with three TC regions and associated atmospheric conditions -->
3.2. Distinct pollution levels with three TC regions and associated atmospheric conditions
The frequency of occurrence and the PM10 levels associated with TCs located in the defined regions are shown in Table 4. Considering the impacts of all TCs on air quality, it is found that the extremely high pollution level is dominant with TCs in region 1; up to 37.2% of the TC-days are in the extremely high pollution level, and fewer than 6% of the TC-days are at the low and extremely low pollution levels. The occurrence of pollution levels with TCs in region 2 is dominant at higher pollution levels over the 75th percentile and at the medium pollution level, but the percentage of TC-days at the extreme pollution level is less than in region 1. The pollution level with TCs in region 3 is dominant at the medium level, with 50% of the TC-days. The number of extremely low pollution days is greater than that of the extremely high pollution days, generally giving low to medium pollution levels. While the relationship between TC position and O3 level is shown in Table 5, the distribution is slightly different compared to that with PM10 levels. It is found that the frequency of extremely high O3 levels is associated mainly with TCs in region 2, with 27.3%, compared to that in region 1, with 20.8%, and the second highest rank of O3 levels in region 2/region 1 is 30.9%/17.9%. The total ratio of frequency days with O3 concentration in the upper quantile is 58.2%/38.7%, with TCs located in region 2/region 1. A composite of anomalous atmospheric circulations with TCs in the different regions is shown in Fig. 5. The impacts of the TCs here are illustrated by vertical and horizontal motion. With the presence of TCs in region 1, TC-associated anomalous cyclonic flows over the WNP are observed. The circulation can bring anomalous northerly wind to its western area, in which Hong Kong will suffer continual outflow from China, as shown in Fig. 6, which increases continental and regional pollutant transport. On the other hand, anomalous sinking motion in southern China is observed, which leads to calm atmospheric conditions. The precipitation shown in Fig. 7 illustrates consistent results; with anomalous sinking motion, significantly less precipitation than normal is observed when TCs are located in region 1. Therefore, there is less possibility of precipitation and wet deposition that can affect the air quality in Hong Kong. Figure 8 shows a general vertical profile at King Park with TCs in the three defined regions. The mean wind flow with TCs in region 1 in the low-level atmosphere has a direction comparable to that in the wind fields in Fig. 6. On the other hand, stability, derived by the vertical temperature profile, is higher near the surface, which provides evidence that vertical pollutant dispersion is weaker in this condition, which favors increasing pollutant concentrations. When TCs are located in region 2, the center of the anomalous cyclonic flow is located southwest of Taiwan. Due to the position of the TCs, the wind direction in Hong Kong becomes northeasterly. The mean trajectories show that it comes mainly from the southeastern coastal regions of the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong. In addition, precipitation in Hong Kong and nearby regions becomes insignificant compared with that when TCs are in region 1. Except for local precipitation, it is also found that the anomalous precipitation north of Hong Kong is significantly less than normal. This is one of the important conditions contributing to higher O3 concentrations with TCs in region 2. Following (Wang et al., 2009), the coastal region of eastern China is generally a region of high NO2 density. The lower-than-normal precipitation that accompanies the northeasterly coastal wind flow with TCs in region 2 would enhance more super-regional transport. Figure5. Anomalous atmospheric conditions at 850 hPa showing the wind flow (units: m s-1) and vertical motion (Pa s-1) with TCs in three regions as defined by vectors and colored shading, respectively. Only signals exceeding the 0.1 significance level are presented.
Figure6. Similar to Fig. 5 but showing mean air mass trajectories at 1000 m. Shading represents the trajectory frequency (%) of air masses approaching Hong Kong with TCs in three regions.
When TCs are located in region 3, with cyclonic flow southwest of Hong Kong, an easterly anomalous wind flow is observed. The oceanic air mass generally brings fewer pollutants compared with the continental air mass and the mixed air mass with TCs in regions 1 and 2, respectively, which leads to lower pollution levels in Hong Kong. On the other hand, wind speed is also larger than when TCs are in regions 1 or 2 because of the flat sea surface compared to the roughness of the land, which provides less frictional force to the flow, and it is relatively easy to blow out the local or continental pollutants. In addition, due to TCs being close to Hong Kong, TC-associated circulation will bring more precipitation, representing a greater ability to remove ambient pollutants. In addition to local weather conditions, a composite high-pressure system is observed northeast of Taiwan, which may not be related to local meteorological conditions in Hong Kong but can control the position of TCs. Figure7. Similar to Fig. 5 but showing anomalous precipitation. Only signals exceeding the 0.1 significance level are presented.
Figure8. Mean vertical wind profiles (units: m s-1), static stability (units: °C km-1), and relative humidity (%) with TCs in different regions at (a) 0000 UTC (0800 LST) and (b) 1200 UTC (2000 LST). The red solid lines, red dashed lines, and blue solid lines represent TCs in region 1, region 2, and region 3, respectively.