1.College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK Manuscript received: 2017-02-20 Manuscript accepted: 2017-08-14 Abstract:This study examines pre-industrial control simulations from CMIP5 climate models in an effort to better understand the complex relationships between Arctic sea ice and the stratosphere, and between Arctic sea ice and cold winter temperatures over Eurasia. We present normalized regressions of Arctic sea-ice area against several atmospheric variables at extended lead and lag times. Statistically significant regressions are found at leads and lags, suggesting both atmospheric precursors of, and responses to, low sea ice; but generally, the regressions are stronger when the atmosphere leads sea ice, including a weaker polar stratospheric vortex indicated by positive polar cap height anomalies. Significant positive midlatitude eddy heat flux anomalies are also found to precede low sea ice. We argue that low sea ice and raised polar cap height are both a response to this enhanced midlatitude eddy heat flux. The so-called "warm Arctic, cold continents" anomaly pattern is present one to two months before low sea ice, but is absent in the months following low sea ice, suggesting that the Eurasian cooling and low sea ice are driven by similar processes. Lastly, our results suggest a dependence on the geographic region of low sea ice, with low Barents-Kara Sea ice correlated with a weakened polar stratospheric vortex, whilst low Sea of Okhotsk ice is correlated with a strengthened polar vortex. Overall, the results support a notion that the sea ice, polar stratospheric vortex and Eurasian surface temperatures collectively respond to large-scale changes in tropospheric circulation. Keywords: sea ice-atmosphere coupling, stratosphere-troposphere coupling, atmospheric circulation, Eurasian climate 摘要:本文利用第五次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)工业革命前对照实验的模式模拟结果, 考察了北极海冰与对流层大气、及其与欧亚冷冬的联系. 对北极海冰与大气环流进行超前滞后回归分析发现, 大气环流既是海冰异常的前兆因子同时也存在大气对海冰的滞后响应. 总体来说, 大气环流(如平流层极涡)异常超前于海冰异常的回归信号相对更强. 对海冰减退而言, 其前期中纬度涡动热通量出现显著正异常. 海冰减少和极盖位势高度是对前期中纬度强涡动热通量的响应. “极地热大陆冷”异常型也超前海冰减退异常1-2个月, 而在其之后消失, 表明欧亚冷异常和低海冰异常一样, 也是由中纬度强涡动热通量所控制. 本文结果还指出与大气环流异常相关的海冰异常的地理依赖性, 比如巴伦之海-喀拉海海冰减少之前往往出现平流层极涡减弱, 而鄂霍次克海海冰减少则对应着极涡增强. 总之, 从本文对大气超前一面的讨论结果而言, 海冰、平流层极涡和欧亚表面温度等的异常是对对流层大尺度大气环流的响应. (翻译:张鹏飞) 关键词:海冰-大气耦合, 平流层对流层相互作用, 大气环流, 欧亚气候
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3.1. Polar cap height
We begin by looking at the linear regression between sea ice area and polar cap height at extended lead and lag times (Fig. 1) for the set of all CMIP5 models with data available. There are statistically significant regressions at both positive and negative lags, implying both atmospheric precursors of, and responses to, low sea ice. Positive (anticyclonic) anomalies are the dominant signal through most of the atmosphere, with significant anomalies at both positive and negative lag times. This indicates that low sea ice is preceded by, and followed by, tropospheric high geopotential height anomalies in the Arctic region. In general, the regressions are stronger when the atmosphere leads sea ice, which suggests that sea ice, at least initially, is not forcing the changes in the polar mid-to-upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. This is especially the case for low summer and low autumn sea ice, suggesting sea ice in these seasons is particularly sensitive to the atmospheric conditions in preceding months. However, there are statistically significant positive anomalies in polar cap height following low sea ice in all seasons, but especially in winter and spring, which suggests a weakening of the polar stratospheric vortex following low sea ice. Figure 2 is constructed in a similar manner to Fig. 1, but for the subset of independent models described in Table 1. There are some small but notable differences in the magnitude of the regressions (between the subset and full set), but the largest differences are in the areas of model agreement and statistical significance. Figure 3, showing the results from a subset of high-top (greater than 0.01 hPa) models, is similar to the previous two figures, with some key exceptions. The magnitudes of the regression slopes are higher, and all seasons show a statistically significant but weak negative anomaly in the early spring stratosphere. The latter may indicate a more persistent polar stratospheric vortex in spring, relative to the climatological mean transition to anticyclonic summer circulation. This could be a delay in the final stratospheric warming, the transition between winter (cyclonic) and summer (anticyclonic) stratospheric circulations, typically occurring in April. In general, the qualitative differences in the regressions are small (comparing the high-top subset and the full set), but the high-top subset has a smaller area of statistical significance and robustness compared to the full set. In the following figures, we show results only from the models of the first subset of independent models, as the differences between the two subsets and the full set are small. It should also be noted that the maximum regression slopes, as well as correlation coefficients, are small (maximums of 0.3), despite the relationship being robust across models and statistically significant. This is to be expected, as multiple factors influence atmospheric circulation in addition to sea ice. Figure1. Linear regression of standardized polar cap sea ice area anomalies against standardized polar cap geopotential height anomalies for each season for the full set of models. The regressions have been multiplied by minus one to show the patterns associated with low sea ice. Hatching covers areas not statistically significant at the 99% confidence level, while dots cover areas where fewer than 75% of models agree with the sign of the regression slope. Negative lags indicate atmosphere leading sea ice. The shading is unitless (standardized regression coefficient).
Figure2. As in Fig. 1, but for the subset of eight selected models shown in Table 1.
Figure3. As in Fig. 1, but for the subset of six selected high-top models shown in Table 1.
2 3.2. Eddy heat flux -->
3.2. Eddy heat flux
We now turn our attention to the midlatitude tropospheric meridional eddy heat flux (hereafter, "heat flux"), which is known to drive stratospheric variability and is the vertical component of the Eliassen-Palm flux. In all seasons, a statistically significant heat flux is found to precede anomalously low polar cap sea ice (Fig. 4). Enhanced heat flux is apparent in the lower troposphere for up to 6 months prior to low sea ice in winter and spring, and 12 months prior to low sea ice in summer and autumn. This strongly suggests that enhanced poleward heat flux contributes to the low sea ice anomalies. There is little evidence for the opposite——sea ice causing a change in the heat flux——with mostly insignificant regressions at positive lag times (i.e., following anomalously low ice). A positive heat flux is known to contribute to stratospheric polar vortex weakening. The heat flux anomalies preceding low sea ice are one likely cause of the enhanced polar cap height that also precedes low sea ice. Therefore, it is probable that the sea ice and polar cap height are both responding to this enhanced midlatitude heat flux——similar to the results of (Perlwitz et al., 2015) and (Screen et al., 2012) with respect to Arctic warming being driven by heat transport into the Arctic from lower latitudes. Figure4. As in Fig. 2 but for midlatitude meridional eddy heat flux standardized anomalies. The shading is unitless (standardized regression coefficient).
2 3.3. Surface temperature -->
3.3. Surface temperature
In previous work, low sea ice (and in some cases a weakened stratospheric polar vortex) has been proposed to cause the "warm Arctic, cold continent" winter temperature anomaly pattern. It has been argued that low Arctic sea ice causes warmer Arctic surface temperatures but cooler conditions over Eurasia and North America (Honda et al., 2009; Petoukhov and Semenov, 2010; Cohen et al., 2013; Mori et al., 2014; Kug et al., 2015). Figure 5 shows the lead-lag relationship between winter sea ice and Northern Hemisphere surface temperature. The CMIP5 models reproduce the "warm Arctic, cold continent" anomaly pattern at zero lag, with significant cold winter temperature anomalies over Eurasia correlated with low winter sea ice. This temperature anomaly pattern is also seen at a lag of -1 month and, to a lesser extent, at a lag of -2 months. This implies that both the Arctic warming and Eurasian cooling precede low winter sea ice. Figure5. Linear regression of winter (DJF) polar cap sea ice area standardized anomalies against standardized surface temperature anomalies between lag -1 months to lead +4 months. The regressions have been multiplied by minus one to show the patterns associated with low sea ice. Blue, dashed contours are cold anomalies; red, solid contours are warm anomalies. The shading is unitless (standardized regression coefficient).
The warm anomaly in the Arctic is maximized over the Barents-Kara Sea and is present for at least two months before low winter sea ice. The progression of anomalously warm Arctic temperatures supports the results presented in the previous section, where warmer midlatitude air is transported to the Arctic, thereby reducing sea ice. The warm anomaly persists over the Barents-Kara Sea at lags of up to 3 months, likely in response to the low sea ice. The cool continental anomaly, however, is only present in the months before low sea ice, and not after. This implies the Eurasian cooling is not a response to low sea ice, but instead is driven by atmospheric circulation changes that precede and contribute to low sea ice. Of note is that we also find no evidence for Eurasian winter cooling following low sea ice in other seasons. More specifically, we find no evidence for Eurasian winter cooling following low autumn sea ice, as suggested by others (e.g., Francis et al., 2009; Hopsch et al., 2012; Jaiser et al., 2012).
2 3.4. Sea level pressure -->
3.4. Sea level pressure
To further examine the atmospheric circulation changes linked to the Eurasian cooling, we carry out the same analysis again but with sea level pressure. In the CMIP5 models, the Eurasian cooling is dynamically related to a strengthened Siberian high, consistent with previous studies (Mori et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2016). A high sea level pressure anomaly is found simultaneously with, and for two months prior to, low winter sea ice, which can be seen in Fig. 6. The strengthened Siberian high appears part of a larger-scale pattern of circulation anomalies, including a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)-type pattern in the North Atlantic and raised pressure in the North Pacific. The surface circulation anomalies are much weaker at positive lags, with the most notable feature being a negative NAO pattern at lags of 1 and 2 months. There is no evidence of a strengthened Siberian high following low sea ice, which helps explain the lack of Eurasian cooling following low winter sea ice. Figure6. As in Fig. 5 but for standardized mean sea level pressure anomalies. Red, solid contours are high pressure anomalies; blue, dashed contours are low pressure anomalies. The shading is unitless (standardized regression coefficient).
Several studies have examined the Siberian winter cooling trend, some of which have found that sea ice loss is a precursor to cold continental temperatures (Petoukhov and Semenov, 2010; Mori et al., 2014). Others, meanwhile, have found that sea ice does not drive the cold continental temperatures, but does force a warming Arctic (McCusker et al., 2016; Sorokina et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2016). Our study falls into the latter category insofar as that, while there is evidence for sea ice loss as a precursor to warmer Arctic surface temperatures, the same cannot be said for cold continental temperatures. Thus far, the causes of the "warm Arctic, cold continent" pattern remain uncertain, as discussed in (Screen, 2017a). Figure7. Geographic regions used for spatial averaging of atmospheric and sea ice variables. Grey is the polar cap; Barents-Kara Sea in blue; Bering Sea in orange; Sea of Okhotsk in red; Greenland Sea in green.
2 3.5. Regional sea ice anomalies -->
3.5. Regional sea ice anomalies
As mentioned earlier, low ice in specific regions of the Arctic can impact the atmosphere in different ways. To examine these relationships, Arctic sea ice is partitioned into the marginal seas shown in Fig. 7, based on those previously used in (Screen, 2017b). Figures 8 and 9 show regressions of sea ice, averaged over the four selected polar seas, against the polar cap geopotential height and eddy heat flux, respectively. The regressions of Barents-Kara Sea winter sea ice with polar cap height (Fig. 8a) are similar to those previously shown for the pan-Arctic ice area, with positive polar cap height (Fig. 8a) and eddy heat flux (Fig. 9a) anomalies preceding low ice by 2-3 months, and positive polar cap height anomalies following low sea ice. However, in comparison to the regressions with the pan-Arctic sea ice area, the regressions against Barents-Kara Sea ice are weaker at negative lags and strong at positive lags. Broadly similar lead and lag regressions are found for low winter Greenland Sea ice (Figs. 8b and 9b). There are significant (mainly tropospheric) positive polar cap height and eddy heat flux anomalies preceding, and coincident with, low winter Bering Sea ice (Figs. 8c and 9c). The Sea of Okhotsk has a noticeably distinct pattern from the other seas, with a large negative polar cap height anomaly (Fig. 8d) and negative heat flux (Fig. 9d) in the 2-5 months prior to low ice. This indicates reduced vertical wave activity propagation into the stratosphere and a stronger polar vortex. Figure8. As in Fig. 2 but for winter (DJF) sea ice standardized anomalies in the (a) Barents-Kara Sea, (b) Bering Sea, (c) Greenland Sea and (d) Sea of Okhotsk.
Figure9. As in Fig. 8 but for midlatitude meridional eddy heat flux standardized anomalies. The shading is unitless (standardized regression coefficient).