

中国气象科学研究院 /2010-05-10




2.Ren, Guoyu and Lansheng Zhang, 1998, A preliminary mapped summary of Holocene pollen data for Northeast China, Quaternary Science Review, 17,669-688


4.Ren, Guoyu, 1998, Pollen evidence for increased summer rainfall in the Medieval warm period at Maili, Northeast China, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 1931-1934

5.Ren, Guoyu, 2000, Decline of the mid-to late Holocene forests in China: climatic change or human impact? Journal of Quaternary Science, 15 (3), 273-281

6.任国玉、吴虹、陈正洪,2000,我国降水变化趋势的空间特征,应用气象学报, 11, 322-330

7.Ren, G. and H.-J. Beug, 2002,Mapping Holocene pollen data and vegetation of northern China, Quaternary Science Review, 21 (12-13), 1395-1422

8.任国玉、郭军、徐铭志等,2005,五十年来中国大陆近地面气候变化的基本特征,气象学报,63 (6), 942-956


10.Ren, G. Y., Z. Y. Chu, Z. H. Chen, Y. Y. Ren, 2007, Implications of temporal change in urban heat island intensity observed at Beijing and Wuhan Stations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L05711, doi:10.1029/2006GL027927

11.Ren, G., Y. Zhou, Z. Chu, A. Zhang, J. Guo and X. Liu, 2008, Urbanization effect on observed surface air temperature trend in North China, Journal of Climate, 21(6), 1333–1348

12.Ding, Y., Ren, G., Zhao, Z., Xu, Y., Luo, Y., Li, Q. and Zhang, J., 2007, Detection, causes and projection of climate change over China: an overview of recent progress, Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 24 (6), 954-971


武炳义  博士生导师

中国气象科学研究院研究员, 博士生导师。中国科学院冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室固定研究员。1997年于中国科学院大气物理研究所获得博士学位。2000-2001,2002-2003,2005-2006先后在美国国际北极研究中心,阿拉斯加大学海洋研究所,美国北极地区超级计算机中心作访问研究和工作。主要从事北极海-冰-气相互作用和东亚季风研究。


(1)    Wu, B., and M. Johnson, 2007: A seesaw structure in SLP anomalies between the Beaufort Sea and the Barents Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05811, doi:1029/2006GL028333.

(2)    Wu, B., J. Wang, and John Walsh, 2006: Dipole Anomaly in the Winter Arctic Atmosphere and its association with sea ice motion, Journal of Climate, 19(2), 210-225.

(3)    Wu, B., R. Zhang, R. D’Arrigo, 2006: Distinct modes of the East Asian Winter Monsoon, Monthly Weather Review, 134,2165-2179

(4)    Wu, B., 2005: Weakening of Indian summer monsoon and tropospheric temperature variations, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ,22(1), 21-29

(5)    Wu, B., et al., 2004: Feedback of winter sea ice in the Greenland and the Barents Seas on the local atmosphere, Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 1868-1876.

(6)    Wu, B., J. Wang, and R. Zhang, 2004: Effects of intraseasonal variations of the Arctic Oscillation on the Barents Sea, Polar Meteorology and Glaciology (日本), 18,82-95.

(7)    Wang, J., B. Wu, C. Tang, J. Walsh, and M. Ikeda, 2004: Seesaw structure of subsurface temperature anomalies between the Barents Sea and the Labrador Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L19301, doi:10.1029/2004GL019981.

(8)    Wu, B. and R.-H. Huang, 2003: Relationship between sea level pressure of the tropical western Pacific and subsequent Asian Summer Monsoon, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 20(4),496-510

(9)    Wu, B., and Wang Jia, 2002: Possible impacts of winter Arctic Oscillation on Siberian High, the East Asian winter monsoon and sea-ice, Advanced in Atmospheric Sciences, 19(2),297-320.

(10)Wu, B., and Jia Wang, 2002: Winter Arctic Oscillation, Siberian High and East Asian winter monsoon, Geophysical Research Letters, 29(19), 1897, doi:10.1029/2002GL015373

(11)Wu, B., R.-H. Huang and D.-Y. Gao, 2001: Arctic sea ice bordering on the North Atlantic and interannual climate variations, Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(2), 162-165.



王劲松  博士生导师




高学杰  博士生导师







电话:010–6840 8648



教  育:


理学硕士,  中国气象科学研究院,1989年5月

理学学士,  北京大学地球物理系气象学专业,1986年7月



1998-今:  国家气候中心,近年主要工作方向为使用全球和区域气候模式(RegCM),进行中国等地区气候变化和模拟研究






2004年:   被国家气候中心聘任为首席研究员

2002年:   被中国气象局聘任为研究员

1996年:   被国家气候中心聘任为副研究员



和多个国际研究机构有密切合作关系,如意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP)等,定期进行互访和开展气候变化方面的合作(其中如对ICTP的访问有2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008年等前后共十余次,时间由2周~10个月不等)。



IPCC TGICA工作组成员 (2004–)

IPCC第4次评估报告主要作者(IPCC/WGI AR4 Lead Author, 2004–2007)

国际理论物理中心(ICTP,意大利)固定访问人员(associate member, 2003–2009)






其关于区域气候模式和区域气候变化的代表性论文Climate change due to greenhouse effects in China as simulated by a regional climate model (Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2001, 18, 1224-1230) 据CSCD于2006年秋季统计,在Adv. Atmos. Sci.期刊最近10年最有影响力的论文中,排名第12;此论文据ISI统计,被SCI期刊引用次数为26 (2008年6月)。另一篇代表性论文Changes of extreme events in regional climate simulations over East Asia (Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2002, 19, 927-942)引用率为16。引用主要以他引为主,标志着此研究工作被国内外同行的普遍认可。



1.         Gao Xuejie, Shi Ying, Song Ruiyan, F. Giorgi, Wang Yongguang, Zhang Dongfeng, Reduction of future monsoon precipitation over China: Comparison between a high resolution RCM simulation and the driving GCM, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2008, 99, doi: 10.1007/s00703-008-0296-5.

2.         Gao Xuejie, F. Giorgi, Increased aridity in the Mediterranean region under greenhouse gas forcing estimated from high resolution simulations with a regional climate model, Global and Planetary Change, 2008, 62, 195–209. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.02. 002.

3.         高学杰, 张冬峰, 陈仲新, J. S. Pal, F. Giorgi, 中国当代土地利用对区域气候影响的数值模拟, 中国科学D辑, 2007, 37(3), 397–404.

4.         Gao Xuejie, J.S. Pal, F. Gorgi, Projected changes in mean and extreme precipitation over the mediterranean region from a high resolution double nested RCM simulation, Geophysical Research Letters, 2006, L03706, doi:10.1029/2005GL024954.

5.         Gao Xuejie, Xu Ying, Zhao Zongci, J.S. Pal, F. Giorgi, On the role of resolution and topography in the simulation of East Asia precipitation, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2006, 86, 173–185.

6.         Gao Xuejie, Luo Yong, Lin Wantao, Zhao Zongci, F. Giorgi, Simulation of effects of landuse change on climate in China by a regional climate model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2003, 20(4), 583–592.


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