葛微 教授
葛微教授本科毕业于北京师范大学化学系,之后在河北农业大学从事教学科研工作5年。2002年,获得牛津大学全额奖学金资助攻读有机化学博士,师从Professor Sir Jack. E.Baldwin,2005年在牛津大学取得博士学位,2005-2012年在牛津大学Professor Christopher J Schofield课题组做博士后研究。2013年回国后被聘为中国医学科学院基础医学研究所免疫系教授,博士生导师,获得协和称号。
2. 基于人脑组织库的蛋白质组学研究。
2017(10篇) 2016(9篇) 2015年(6篇)2014年(8篇)2013年(3篇)2012-2008年(13篇)【超链接】
2.核素(18F, 11C, 99mTc, 188Re,68Ga)标记小分子和抗体;
(1) Xu B,Zhao Y, Wang X, Gong P, Wei G. MZH29 is a novel potent inhibitor that overcomesdrug resistance-FLT3 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 2017, 31: 913-921.
(2) YanpanGao, Yanyu Chen, Shaohua Zhan, Wenhao Zhang, Feng Xiong and Wei Ge. Comprehensiveproteome analysis of lysosomes reveals the diverse function of macrophages inimmune responses. Oncotarget, 2017, Vol. 8, (No. 5), pp: 7420-7440.
(3) ShaohuaZhan, Tianxiao Wang, Wei Ge. Multiple functions of the E3 ubiquitin ligaseCHIP in immunity. Int Rev Immunol.2017 Jun 2:1-13.
(4) RachelChun Yee Tam, Michelle Wing Man Li, Yan Pan Gao, Yuen Ting Pang, Sheng Yan, WeiGe, Chak Sing Lau. Human CLEC16A regulates autophagy through modulating mTORactivity. Experimental Cell Research. 2017 Mar 15;352(2):304-312.
(5) QingzhongHe, Wei Ge. The tandem Agenet domain of fragile X mental retardation proteininteracts with FUS. Scientific reports, 2017, 7, 962.
(6) BenhongXu*, Yanpan Gao*, Shaohua Zhan and Wei Ge. Quantitative proteomic profiling forclarification of the crucial roles of lysosomes in microbial infections.Molecular Immunology. 2017, 87, 122-131.
(7) FuxingZuo, Feng Xiong, Xia Wang, Xueyuan Li, Renzhi Wang, Wei Ge, Xinjie Bao.Intrastriatal Transplantation of Human Neural Stem Cells Restores the ImpairedSubventricular Zone in Parkinsonian Mice. Stem Cells 2017 35 (6): 1519-1531.
(8) Yanyu Chen, Yong Xie, Lai Xu, Shaohua Zhan,Yi Xiao, Yanpan Gao, Bin Wu, Wei Ge. Protein content and functionalcharacteristics of serum-purified exosomes from patients with colorectal cancerrevealed by quantitative proteomics. International Journal of Cancer. 2017 Feb15;140(4):900-913.
(9) XiaWang, Qiang Hao, Yuanli Zhao, Yi Guo, Wei Ge. Dysregulation of cell-cellinteractions in brain arteriovenous malformations: A quantitative proteomicstudy. Proteomics Clin Appl 2017 11(5-6).
(10) YongXie, Yanyu Chen, Licheng Zhang, Wei Ge, Peifu Tang. The roles of bone-derivedexosomes and exosomal microRNAs in regulating bone remodeling. J Cell Mol Med 2017, 21, 1033-1041.
(1) Xu L,Gao Y, Chen Y, Xiao Y, He Q, Qiu H, Ge W. Quantitative proteomics reveals thatdistant recurrence-associated protein R-Ras and Transgelin predictpost-surgical survival in patients with Stage III colorectal cancer. Oncotarget 2016, 7, 43868-43893.
(2) XiongQ, Zhan S, Zhang N, Ge W, Wang T: Protein progiling of papillary thyroidcarcinoma with and without lymph node metastasis: a proteomic study. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016,9(3):3057-3069.
(3) Xu B,Xiong F, Tian R, Zhan S, Gao Y, Qiu W, Wang R, Ge W, Ma C: Temporal lobe inhuman aging: A quantitative protein profiling study of samples from ChineseHuman Brain Bank. Exp Gerontol 2016,73:31-41.
(4) Xu B,Tian R, Wang X, Zhan S, Wang R, Guo Y, Ge W: Protein profile changes in thefrontotemporal lobes in human severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Res 2016, 1642:344-52.
(5) Xu B,Gao Y, Zhan S, Xiong F, Qiu W, Qian X, Wang T, Wang N, Zhang D, Yang Q, Wang R,Bao X, Dou W, Tian R, Meng S, Gai WP, Huang Y, Yan XX, Ge W, Ma C: Quantitativeprotein profiling of hippocampus during human aging. Neurobiol Aging 2016, 39:46-56.
(6) XiongQ, Zhang L, Zhan S, Ge W, Tang P: Investigation of proteome changes inosteoclastogenesis in low serum culture system using quantitative proteomics. Proteome Sci 2016, 14:8.
(7) XiongQ, Zhang L, Ge W, Tang P: The roles of interferons in osteoclasts andosteoclastogenesis. Joint Bone Spine 2016,83(3):276-81.
(8) Xin L,Xu B, Ma L, Hou Q, Ye M, Meng S, Ding X, Ge W: Proteomics study reveals thatthe dysregulation of focal adhesion and ribosome contribute to early pregnancyloss. Proteomics Clin Appl 2016,10(5):554-563.
(9) Xiong Q, Ge W. Gene mutations in Cushing’s disease.Biomedical Reports. 2016, 5(3):277-282.
(1) ZhangQ, Zhao K, Shen Q, Han Y, Gu Y, Li X, Zhao D, Liu Y, Wang C, Zhang X, Su X, LiuJ, Ge W, Levine RL, Li N, Cao X: Tet2 is required to resolve inflammation byrecruiting Hdac2 to specifically repress IL-6. Nature 2015, 525(7569):389-393
(2) Yang J,Gao Y, Liu W, Ge W, Zhao R: The degradation and mineralization of acephate byionization irradiation. Environ Prog Sustain 2015, 34(2):324-332.
(3) XiongQ, Zhang L, Xin L, Gao Y, Peng Y, Tang P, Ge W: Proteomic study of differentculture medium serum volume fractions on RANKL-dependent RAW264.7 cellsdifferentiating into osteoclasts. ProteomeSci 2015, 13:16.
(4) XiongQ, Tang P, Gao Y, Zhang L, Ge W: Proteomic Analysis of Estrogen-Mediated SignalTransduction in Osteoclasts Formation. BiomedRes Int 2015, 2015:596789.
(5) Xie Y,Zhang L, Gao Y, Ge W, Tang P: The Multiple Roles of Microrna-223 in RegulatingBone Metabolism. Molecules 2015,20(10):19433-19448.
(6) Su X,Wang H, Ge W, Yang M, Hou J, Chen T, Li N, Cao X: An In Vivo Method to IdentifymicroRNA Targets Not Predicted by Computation Algorithms: p21 Targeting bymiR-92a in Cancer. Cancer Res 2015,75(14):2875-2885.
(7) Jin J,Xiao Y, Hu H, Zou Q, Li Y, Gao Y, Ge W, Cheng X, Sun SC: Proinflammatory TLRsignalling is regulated by a TRAF2-dependent proteolysis mechanism inmacrophages. Nat Commun 2015, 6:5930.
(8) HoritaS, Scotti JS, Thinnes C, Mottaghi-Taromsari YS, Thalhammer A, Ge W, Aik W,Loenarz C, Schofield CJ, McDonough MA: Structure of the ribosomal oxygenaseOGFOD1 provides insights into the regio- and stereoselectivity of prolylhydroxylases. Structure 2015,23(4):639-652.
(9) Ge W,Li D, Gao Y, Cao X: The Roles of Lysosomes in Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases. Int Rev Immunol 2015, 34(5):415-431.
(1) Tang P, Xiong Q, Ge W, Zhang L. Therole of microRNAs in osteoclasts and osteoporosis. RNA biology 2014;11:1355-63.
(2) Chowdhury R, Sekirnik R, Brissett NC,Krojer T, Ho CH, Ng SS, Clifton IJ, Ge W, Kershaw NJ, Fox GC, Muniz JR, VollmarM, et al. Ribosomal oxygenases are structurally conserved from prokaryotes tohumans. Nature 2014;510: 422-6.
(3) Feng T, Yamamoto A, Wilkins SE,Sokolova E, Yates LA, Munzel M, Singh P, Hopkinson RJ, Fischer R, Cockman ME,Shelley J, Ge W, et al. Optimal translational termination requires C4 lysylhydroxylation of eRF1. Molecular cell 2014;53: 645-54.
(4) He Q, Ge W. FMRP: a new chapterwith chromatin. Protein & cell 2014;5: 885-8.
(5)He Q, Zhang H, Wang Y, Ting HH, Yu W, Cao X, Ge W. Purified anti-CD3 xanti-HER2 bispecific antibody potentiates cytokine-induced killer cells of poorspontaneous cytotoxicity against breast cancer cells. Cell & bioscience2014;4: 70.
(6) Loenarz C, Sekirnik R, Thalhammer A,Ge W, Spivakovsky E, Mackeen MM, McDonough MA,Cockman ME, KesslerBM, Ratcliffe PJ,Wolf A, SchofieldCJ. Hydroxylation of theeukaryotic ribosomal decodingcenter affects translationalaccuracy. Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014;111: 4019-24.
(7) Scotti JS, Leung IK, Ge W, Bentley MA,Paps J, Kramer HB, Lee J, Aik W, Choi H, Paulsen SM, Bowman LA, Loik ND, et al.Human oxygen sensing may have origins in prokaryotic elongation factor Tuprolyl-hydroxylation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of theUnited States of America 2014;111: 13331-6.
(8)Singleton RS, Liu-Yi P, Formenti F, Ge W, Sekirnik R, Fischer R, Adam J,Pollard PJ, Wolf A, Thalhammer A, Loenarz C, Flashman E, et al. OGFOD1catalyzes prolyl hydroxylation of RPS23 and is involved in translation controland stress granule formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America 2014;111: 4031-6.
(1) YangM, Hardy AP,Chowdhury R, LoikND, Scotti JS,McCullagh JS, ClaridgeTD, McDonough MA, GeW, Schofield CJ.Substrate selectivity analysesof factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor.Angewandte Chemie (International ed in English) 2013;52: 1700-4.
(2) Clifton IJ, Ge W, Adlington RM,Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. The crystal structure of an isopenicillin N synthasecomplex with an ethereal substrate analogue reveals water in the oxygen bindingsite. FEBS letters 2013;587: 2705-9.
(3) Huang L, Liu Y, Wang L, Chen R, Ge W,Lin Z, Zhang Y, Liu S, Shan Y, Lin Q, Jiang M. Down-regulation ofmiR-301a suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokinesin Toll-like receptor-triggeredmacrophages. Immunology 2013;140: 314-22.
(1) Ge W, Clifton IJ, Stok JE, AdlingtonRM, Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. Isopenicillin N synthase mediates thiolateoxidation to sulfenate in a depsipeptide substrate analogue: implications foroxygen binding and a link to nitrile hydratase?Journal of the American ChemicalSociety 2008;130: 10096-102.
(2) Ge W, Clifton IJ, Howard-Jones AR,Stok JE, Adlington RM, Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. Structural studies on thereaction of isopenicillin N synthase with a sterically demandingdepsipeptide substrate analogue. Chembiochem : a Europeanjournal of chemical biology 2009;10:2025-31.
(3) Conejo-Garcia A, McDonough MA, LoenarzC, McNeill LA, Hewitson KS, Ge W, Lienard BM, Schofield CJ, Clifton IJ.Structural basis for binding of cyclic 2-oxoglutarate analogues tofactor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor. Bioorganic & medicinalchemistry letters 2010;20: 6125-8.
(4) Ge W, Clifton IJ, Stok JE, AdlingtonRM, Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. Crystallographic studies on the binding ofselectively deuterated LLD- and LLL-substrate epimers by isopenicillin Nsynthase. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2010;398: 659-64.
(5) Ge W, Clifton IJ, Stok JE, AdlingtonRM, Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. The crystal structure of an LLL-configureddepsipeptide substrate analogue bound to isopenicillin N synthase. Organic &biomolecular chemistry 2010;8: 122-7.
(6) Loenarz C, Ge W, Coleman ML, Rose NR,Cooper CD, Klose RJ, Ratcliffe PJ, Schofield CJ. PHF8, agene associated withcleft lip/palate andmental retardation, encodesfor an Nepsilon-dimethyl lysinedemethylase. Human molecular genetics 2010;19: 217-22.
(7) YueWW, Hozjan V,Ge W, LoenarzC, Cooper CD,Schofield CJ, KavanaghKL, Oppermann U, McDonoughMA. Crystal structureof the PHF8Jumonji domain, an Nepsilon-methyl lysine demethylase. FEBSletters 2010;584: 825-30.
(8) Clifton IJ, Ge W, Adlington RM,Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. The crystal structure of isopenicillin Nsynthase withdelta-((L)-alpha-aminoadipoyl)-(L)-cysteinyl-(D)-methionine revealsthioether coordination to iron. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics2011;516: 103-7.
(9) Clifton IJ, Ge W, Adlington RM,Baldwin JE, Rutledge PJ. Isopenicillin N synthase bindsdelta-(L-alpha-aminoadipoyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-thia-allo-isoleucine through bothsulfur atoms. Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 2011;12:1881-5.
(10) Yang M, Chowdhury R, Ge W, Hamed RB,McDonough MA, Claridge TD, Kessler BM, Cockman ME, Ratcliffe PJ,Schofield CJ. Factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor(FIH) catalyses the post-translational hydroxylation of histidinylresidues within ankyrin repeat domains. The FEBS journal 2011;278: 1086-97.
(11) Yang M, Ge W, Chowdhury R, ClaridgeTD, Kramer HB, Schmierer B, McDonough MA, Gong L, Kessler BM, Ratcliffe PJ,Coleman ML, Schofield CJ. Asparagine and aspartate hydroxylation of the cytoskeletalAnkyrin family is catalyzed by factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor. TheJournal of biological chemistry 2011;286: 7648-60.
(12) Ge W, Wolf A, Feng T, Ho CH, SekirnikR, Zayer A, Granatino N, Cockman ME, Loenarz C, Loik ND, Hardy AP, Claridge TD,et al. Oxygenase-catalyzed ribosome hydroxylation occurs in prokaryotes andhumans. Nature chemical biology 2012;8: 960-2.
(13) Woon EC, Tumber A, Kawamura A,Hillringhaus L, Ge W, Rose NR, Ma JH, Chan MC, Walport LJ, Che KH, Ng SS,Marsden BD, et al. Linking of 2-oxoglutarate and substrate binding sitesenables potent and highly selective inhibition of JmjC histone demethylases.Angewandte Chemie (International ed in English) 2012;51: 1631-4.
王霞博士毕业于北京师范大学化学系,2010-2015年就读于无机化学专业放射性药物化学领域刘伯里院士课题组,师从贾红梅教授,2015年6月获理学博士学位。博士期间,获得博士研究生国家奖学金和北京师范大学一等奖学金。2013年,获国际原子能机构(NIH)资助参加“the 20th internationalRadiophamaceutical Sciences”作大会口头报告。研究生期间的研究方向:以sigma受体为靶点,研制新型有机小分子放射性药物,对中枢神经系统疾病(如抑郁,焦虑,早老性痴呆,记忆力减退等)和肿瘤(乳腺癌,前列腺癌等)进行早期诊断。研究内容包括有机小分子药物制备,放射性药物(核素药物)制备,及放射性药物在细胞及小鼠体内的评价。博士期间以第一作者发表SCI学术论文2篇,其中一篇发表在药物化学领域顶尖级期刊Journal of MedicinalChemistry上。
1.中枢神经系统疾病(AVM, PD, AD)的早期诊断及发病机制的研究
2017年(2篇)2016年(1篇)2014年(2篇)2013年(2篇)2012年(1篇) (超链接)
(1)Xia Wang, Qiang Hao, Yuanli Zhao, Yi Guo,Wei Ge. Dysregulation of cell-cell interactions in brain arteriovenousmalformations: A quantitative proteomic study. Proteomics Clin Appl 201711(5-6).
(2) FuxingZuo#, Feng Xiong#, Xia Wang#, Xueyuan Li,Renzhi Wang, Wei Ge, Xinjie Bao. Intrastriatal Transplantation of Human NeuralStem Cells Restores the Impaired Subventricular Zone in Parkinsonian Mice. StemCells 2017 35 (6): 1519-1531.
(1) XuB, Tian R, Wang X, Zhan S, Wang R, Guo Y, Ge W: Protein profile changes in thefrontotemporal lobes in human severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Res 2016, 1642:344-52.
(1) WangX, Li D, Deuther-Conrad W, Lu J, Xie Y, Jia B, Cui M, Steinbach J, Brust P, LiuB, Jia H. Novel cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl (99m)tc complexes containing1-piperonylpiperazine moiety: potential imaging probes for sigma-1 receptors. JMed Chem. 2014, 57, 7113-7125
(2) Chen YY, Wang X, Zhang JM,Deuther-Conrad W, Zhang XJ, Huang Y, Li Y, Ye JJ, Cui MC, Steinbach J, Brust P,Liu BL, Jia HM. Synthesis and evaluation of a 18F-labeled spirocyclicpiperidine derivative as promising σ1 receptor imaging agent. Bioorg Med Chem.2014, 22, 5270-5278.
(1) Wang X, Li Y, Deuther-Conrad W, Xie F,Chen X, Cui MC, Zhang XJ, Zhang JM, Steinbach J, Brust P, Liu BL, Jia HM.Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1?Flabeled fluoro-oligo-ethoxylated 4-benzylpiperazine derivatives for sigma-1receptor imaging. Bioorg Med Chem. 2013, 21, 215-222
(2)Li Y, Wang X, Zhang J, Deuther-Conrad W, Xie F, Zhang X, Liu J, Qiao J, Cui M,Steinbach J, Brust P, Liu B, Jia H. Synthesis and evaluation of novel(18)F-labeled spirocyclic piperidine derivatives as σ1 receptorligands for positron emission tomography imaging. J Med Chem. 2013, 56,3478-3491.
(1)Chen X, Cui MC, Deuther-Conrad W, Tu YF, Ma T, Xie Y, Jia B, Li Y, Xie F, WangX, Steinbach J, Brust P, Liu BL, Jia HM. Synthesis and biological evaluation ofa novel 99mTc cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl complex ([(Cp-R)99mTc(CO)3])for sigma-2 receptor tumor imaging. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2012, 22, 6352-6357.
研究助理: 王 霞
秘 书:方 虓
博 士 后:熊 峰
在读学生: 高延盼(博士生)
罗 丹(博士生)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-10
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陈等陈等,男,1994年毕业于兰州医学院预防医学系,获医学学士学位。1997年毕业于西安医科大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生与卫生毒理学专业,获医学硕士学位。2003年毕业于中国医学科学院基础医学研究所生物化学与分子生物学专业,获理学博士学位。2004.11-2010.7在美国伯明翰阿拉巴马大学医学院药理毒 ...北京协和医学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-10中国医学科学院基础医学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-蒋澄宇
蒋澄宇导师简介:蒋澄宇,中国医学科学院基础医学研究所研究员,北京协和医学院教授。毕业于中国科学技术大学生物系,获理学学士学位;美国布朗大学医学院病理与实验室药学系,获博士学位。随后于哈佛医学院麻省总医院从事博士后工作。蒋澄宇回国后致力于植物药新组分小RNA的药理学及呼吸系统肺损伤相关疾病研究。发现了 ...北京协和医学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-10中国医学科学院基础医学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-彭小忠
彭小忠本课题组在二十世纪九十年代我国人类基因组计划启动时,应用差异显示RT-PCR和比较蛋白质组学等分析技术,从不同发育阶段的胎脑及分化前后的神经系统肿瘤细胞中分离、克隆到一批新的在神经细胞不同发育或分化阶段高表达或特异表达编码基因的全长cDNA。在建立了比较系统的基因结构与功能研究体系的基础上近几 ...北京协和医学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-10