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孙元,, 仇华吉,中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所/兽医生物技术国家重点实验室,哈尔滨 150069

Eradication of Classical Swine Fever in China: Is It Far Away?

SUN Yuan,, QIU HuaJi,State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences /Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Harbin 150069

通讯作者: 孙元,E-mail: sunyuan@caas.cn 仇华吉,E-mail: qiuhuaji@caas.cn

责任编辑: 林鉴非


关键词: 猪瘟;猪瘟病毒;净化;中国

Classical swine fever (CSF), caused by classical swine fever virus (CSFV), is one of the most devastating diseases to the pig industry worldwide from both economic and sanitary points of view. CSF is notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and classified as a List-I animal infectious disease in China. The National Middle- to Long-Term Plan for the Prevention and Control of Animal Infectious Diseases (2012-2020) has listed CSF as one of five priority animal diseases to be prevented. C-strain, a lapinized attenuated live vaccine developed by Chinese scientists in the 1950s, is highly safe and efficacious, which plays an important role in the control and eradication of CSF all over the world. Up to now, CSF has been eradicated in more than 30 countries and regions in the world. CSF has a high consequence on the pork industry in China. Therefore, we must be committed to eradicate CSF in China. In the middle of the last century, China had put forward a strategy to eradicate CSF. Now sixty years have passed, however, CSF is still endemic in most parts of China. Some factors seriously restrict the eradication of CSF in China, such as vast territory, complex pig-raising environment, diversified pig-raising modes, various animal diseases, and low-level biosecurity measures, etc. At present, China has entered a new era, the overall national strength has grown considerably, the breeding industry is developing towards a scientific, large-scale and environment-friendly direction, and the scientific research is being gradually improved. The current prevalence of CSF is pretty low and the vaccine manufacturing technologies are being improved. New CSF marker vaccines and companion differential diagnosis techniques have been developed. Some pig-raising enterprises in China are also aware of the importance and significance of the eradication of CSF. The government is also actively taking actions to formulate corresponding regulations and policies and to organize farmers, pig-raising enterprises and veterinary administrative departments to carry out local CSF eradication. All these make the eradication of CSF possible and practical. This review summarized the recent situation concerning CSF in China and the world. The importance of the eradication of CSF in China and the favorable and unfavorable conditions for the eradication of CSF were discussed. The cost and benefit of the eradication of CSF in China was also analyzed. This review also summarized the eradication experiences of CSF in Europe and USA and discussed the ideas and plans for the eradication of CSF in China. Considering its historical inevitability, strategic necessity, realistic possibility, and technical feasibility, we believe that the eventual eradication of CSF in China is never so far away from us.
Keywords:classical swine fever;classical swine fever virus;eradication;China

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孙元, 仇华吉. 中国猪瘟净化之路:离我们还有多远?[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(21): 4169-4176 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.21.015
SUN Yuan, QIU HuaJi. Eradication of Classical Swine Fever in China: Is It Far Away?[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(21): 4169-4176 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.21.015

猪瘟(classical swine fever,CSF)是由猪瘟病毒(classical swine fever virus,CSFV)引起猪的一种以高热、出血和高死亡率为主要特征的接触性传染病[1],可造成严重的经济损失[2]。该病被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列入须申报的动物传染病目录[3],我国将其列为一类动物疫病。《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020年)》将猪瘟列为5种优先防治和重点防范的一类动物疫病之一。我国老一辈科学家于上世纪50年代研制出闻名于世的猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗(C株),该疫苗对我国乃至世界范围内猪瘟的防控和根除发挥了至关重要的作用[4]。多个国家通过应用该疫苗结合科学合理的生物安全措施根除了猪瘟。我国早在上世纪中期就提出了消灭猪瘟的战略,数十年过去了,猪瘟仍在我国广泛存在,甚至局部流行,原因何在?中国的猪瘟净化之路还有多远?本文对世界和中国猪瘟的流行现状进行了介绍,深入分析了我国猪瘟净化的必要性和可行性,总结了欧美部分国家猪瘟净化的成功经验和再次暴发的教训,并对我国猪瘟净化思路和方案进行了探讨,以期为我国猪瘟的净化提供参考。

1 世界猪瘟分布和中国猪瘟的流行现状

猪瘟是严重危害养猪业的一种急性传染病,出现于200多年前[5]。世界各国对该病的防控和净化做出了巨大努力。2017年OIE发布的CSF全球流行报告显示,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、欧盟等部分国家和地区已经成功根除了猪瘟[6],该病仍持续对亚洲、东欧、中南美洲大部及加勒比海地区造成严重危害,尤其对发展中国家的养猪业和食品安全影响较大,一些无猪瘟国家也面临着传入该病的高风险[7,8]。目前,猪瘟3大流行区为中南美洲、欧洲和亚洲。其中,中南美洲为疫情稳定区;东欧地区为流行活跃区;亚洲属于老疫区,由于控制措施不力,疫情形势依然严峻。资料表明,除南非、马达加斯加和毛里求斯外,非洲其他国家未见猪瘟爆发[2, 9-10]

猪瘟病毒有3个基因型和11个基因亚型。基因1型主要分布在南美、亚洲和俄罗斯;基因2型主要分布于欧洲、亚洲等。目前,我国流行的猪瘟病毒以2.1、2.2和1.1基因亚型为主,偶有2.3和3.4亚型,其中2.1亚型占优势[7, 11-20]。全球猪瘟亚型分布见表1

Table 1
Table 1Global distribution of CSFV subgenotypes
Genotypes of CSFV
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Russia Federation, India, China
1.3洪都拉斯、危地马拉Honduras, Guatemala
South Africa, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Croatia, Lithuania, Israel, India, South Korea, China, Laos
Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Nepal, Laos, China
Italy, Croatia, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia Federation, China
3.2韩国South Korea
3.4中国台湾Taiwan of China
The data of this table comes from references published past 20 years


当前世界范围内猪瘟的流行发生了很大变化,经典强毒株引起的猪瘟在成年猪中少见,中等、低毒力猪瘟病毒引起的非典型猪瘟和持续性感染比较常见,造成的经济损失不容小视[3, 21-22]。当前我国猪瘟的流行形势和发病特点主要表现为:流行范围广,全国范围内均有流行,但以散发流行为主。目前猪瘟多见于仔猪,成年猪很少出现发病症状,但可持续带毒,并且可通过水平和垂直传播在猪场内恶性循环。非典型症状和繁殖障碍型猪瘟增多,临床上持续性感染(亚临床感染)和隐性感染增多,成为猪瘟流行最危险的传染源。另外,猪瘟与猪繁殖与呼吸综合征、伪狂犬病、猪细小病毒病、猪圆环病毒病等混合感染十分严重和普遍[23]

2 中国猪瘟净化的必要性

2.1 养猪业在我国的重要地位

“粮猪安天下”,养猪业是攸关国计民生和“三农”问题的支柱产业。我国生猪屠宰量占全球近6成,猪肉消费量占全球的一半。2017年我国猪肉产量5 340万吨,生猪存栏43 325万头,出栏68 861万头,是全球第一大猪肉消费市场。


2.2 猪瘟是制约养猪业发展的重大疫病之一


Table 2
Table 2The procedure and cost of CSF vaccine immunization
Vaccination times (times)
Immunizing dose (unit per pig)
Cost of vaccine (RMB)
Cost of labor (RMB)
1) The cost of vaccination against classical swine fever in a herd of 1000 sows per year


2.3 猪瘟对我国猪肉及相关制品贸易的巨大阻碍作用

猪瘟是世界各国重点防控的重大动物疫病之一,该病严重影响世界各国的猪肉及相关制品贸易。以美国为例,1962年暴发猪瘟后,有12个国家禁止从美国进口猪产品,其潜在市场价值估计每年有2 000万美元。猪瘟根除后,美国获得了这个潜在市场的准入机会,所获利润远大于根除猪瘟的开支。


2.4 只有采取净化措施才能从根本上控制我国猪瘟的流行



猪瘟净化的效益非常可观,以美国根除猪瘟为例,在执行根除计划的16年间,共支出经费约1.40亿美元。在执行该计划前,美国由于猪瘟引起的年度损失5 740万美元,从1962年到1977年的损失共计约9.20亿美元,如果将通货膨胀的因素考虑在内,实际损失可能超过15亿美元,成功实施猪瘟根除计划的效益/成本约为13.2,这意味着在成功的根除计划中每投入1美元将会节约13.2美元的猪瘟防控支出。如果以一个更保守的折扣率(6%)计算,每1美元的花费将产生高达21.1美元的收益[23]。因此,投入必要的人力、物力开展猪瘟净化,是目前国内养猪业迫在眉睫的任务和使命。

3 欧美净化猪瘟的经验

欧盟于上世纪80年代实施了猪瘟净化项目,该项目首先采用C株疫苗免疫,当感染率降低到一定程度后,再采取非免疫结合扑杀策略,另外限制猪及猪产品的流通,从而使一些国家净化了猪瘟[28]。然而,在1997年,荷兰、德国、比利时、西班牙和意大利再次暴发了猪瘟。比利时当局立即扑杀了7个感染猪群和55个接触感染的猪群,在40 d内恢复猪瘟无疫状态,意大利利用同样方式取得了成功。这些国家猪瘟的再次暴发主要是由野猪及进口猪制品所引起[15, 28-29]




4 中国猪瘟净化的技术支撑



5 中国猪瘟净化的挑战


5.1 养殖模式多样化


5.2 猪传染病种类复杂、混合感染多



5.3 养猪从业人员素质和意识水平参差不齐


5.4 生物安全防控水平低


6 中国猪瘟净化的思路



6.1 中国猪瘟净化策略与模式


6.2 中国猪瘟净化策略与方案


6.2.1 基于C株疫苗的猪瘟净化








6.2.2 基于标记疫苗的猪瘟净化










Fig. 1Diagram of classical swine fever eradication by using marker vaccines

7 结语与展望




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


参考文献 原文顺序

MOENNIG V . Introduction to classical swine fever: virus, disease and control policy
Veterinary Microbiology, 2000,73:93-102.

DOI:10.1016/S0378-1135(00)00137-1URLPMID:10785320 [本文引用: 1]
Classical swine fever virus is a spherical enveloped particle of about 40 60 nm in diameter with a single stranded RNA genome of about 12,300 bases with positive polarity, classified as a pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae. Natural hosts are domestic and wild pigs. The virus causes one of the most severe diseases in pigs world wide with grave economic consequences. The clinical picture of classical swine fever is variable, depending on the age of the affected animals and viral virulence. The virus is well characterised and reliable laboratory diagnostic procedures are available. In many parts of the world live attenuated vaccines are being used as a safe and efficient prophylactic tool. However, in EU Member States and several other countries vaccination is prohibited and CSF is controlled by a strict stamping out policy. In order to overcome the disadvantages of conventional vaccination inactivated marker vaccines have been developed that enable the distinction between vaccinated and infected animals. Whether these vaccines will be accepted as an additional tool in the framework of the stamping out policy is not yet decided.

EDWARDS S, FUKUSHO A, LEFèVRE PC, LIPOWSKI A, PEJSAK Z, ROEHE P, WESTERGAARD J . Classical swine fever: the global situation
Veterinary Microbiology, 2000,73(2/3):103-119.

DOI:10.1016/S0378-1135(00)00138-3URLPMID:10785321 [本文引用: 2]
A historical and current perspective is given of classical swine fever and its impact on pig production in different regions of the world. Data were obtained from a variety of sources including returns to the Office International des Epizooties, official government reports, other published material and local information through personal contacts. The disease has been recognized for about 170 years and efforts to control it by official intervention began in the nineteenth century. Despite this it remains a lingering problem in many parts of the world where it has both, an economic impact on swine production and a constraining effect on trade due to the measures necessary to prevent spread.

MOENNIG V, FLOEGEL-NIESMANN G, GREISER-WILKE I . Clinical signs and epidemiology of classical swine fever: A review of new knowledge
Veterinary Journal, 2003,165(1):11-20.

DOI:10.1016/S1090-0233(02)00112-0URLPMID:12618065 [本文引用: 2]
Although classical swine fever (CSF) has been well known for decades and epidemics still occur, clinical diagnosis continues to cause problems for veterinary practitioners. This is due to the extensive differential diagnosis, further complicated by the emergence of new diseases such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS). In addition, acute, chronic and prenatal courses of CSF have to be distinguished. As a cause of considerable economical losses within the EU, control of CSF requires knowledge of the primary outbreaks and spread of the disease. Genetic typing of CSF virus isolates has proved to be a potent method of supporting epidemiological investigations. Phylogenetic analysis of CSF virus strains and isolates originating from different continents has allowed three genetic groups and several subgroups within these groups to be distinguished. Whereas isolates belonging to group 3 seem to occur solely in Asia, all CSF virus isolates of the 1990s isolated in the EU belonged to one of the subgroups within group 2 (2.1, 2.2, or 2.3) and were clearly distinct from former CSF reference viruses, which belong to group 1. Within the EU, different strategies are followed for the eradication of CSF in domestic pigs and in wild boar. While a strict non-vaccination policy is followed for domestic pigs, eradication of the disease in wild boar is more complex, and oral immunisation together with special hunting strategies have been applied. Recently, marker vaccines with a companion discriminatory test designed to allow differentiation between vaccinated animals and animals having recovered from field virus infection have been developed. Preliminary studies indicated that the discriminatory tests had a reduced sensitivity and specificity. Further improvements are therefore necessary before marker vaccines can be considered for emergency use in EU Member States. Prevention of CSF remains the main objective within the EU.

仇华吉, 童光志, 沈荣显 . 猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗-半个世纪的回顾
中国农业科学, 2005,38(8):1675-1685.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2005.08.026URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
QIU H J, TONG G Z, SEN R X . The lapinized Chinese strain of classical swine fever virus: a retrospective review spanning half a century
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2005,38(8):1675-1685. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2005.08.026URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]

RIOS L, CORONADO L, NARANJO-FELICIANO D, MARTíNEZ- PéREZ O, PERERA C L, HERNANDEZ-ALVAREZ L, DíAZ D E ARCE H, NúñEZ J I, GANGES L, PéREZ L J . Deciphering the emergence, genetic diversity and evolution of classical swine fever virus
Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1):17887.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-18196-yURLPMID:5738429 [本文引用: 1]
Classical swine fever (CSF) is one of the most important infectious diseases causing significant economic losses. Its causal agent, CSF virus (CSFV), is a member of thePestivirusgenus included into theFlaviviridaefamily. Previous molecular epidemiology studies have revealed the CSFV diversity is divided into three main genotypes and different subgenotypes. However, the classification system for CSFV has not yet been harmonized internationally. Similarly, the phylogeny and evolutionary dynamics of CSFV remain unclear. The current study provides novel and significant insights into the origin, diversification and evolutionary process of CSFV. In addition, the best phylogenetic marker for CSFV capable of reproducing the same phylogenetic and evolutionary information as the complete viral genome is characterized. Also, a reliable cut-off to accurately classify CSFV at genotype and subgenotype levels is established. Based on the time for the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) reconstruction and cophylogenetic analysis, it was determined that CSFV emerged around 225 years ago when the Tunisian Sheep Virus jumped from its natural host to swine. CSFV emergence was followed by a genetic expansion in three main lineages, driven by the action of positive selection pressure and functional divergence, as main natural forces.

POSTEL A, MOENNIG V, BECHER P . Classical swine fever in Europe-The current situation
Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 2013,126(11-12):468-475.

DOI:10.2376/0005-9366-126-468URLPMID:24511821 [本文引用: 1]
Classical swine fever (CSF) is considered to be one of the most important viral diseases in pigs worldwide. In many parts of the world great efforts are being undertaken to reduce economic losses caused by CSF or to eradicate the disease. Among the member states of the European Union (EU) a harmonized strategy for diagnosis, control and eradication of CSF is applied. Success of the common strategy is documented by the decreasing number of outbreaks during the last decade. The present article summarizes the recent situation concerning CSF in Europe with special focus on the situation in the EU member states. In particular, outbreaks in domestic pigs and wild boar, the identified virus isolates, and eradication and monitoring programs actually performed in the EU are described. Despite achieved progress towards eradication, CSF remains a continuous threat to the European pig and wild boar population. After introduction of CSF virus (CSFV) into the domestic pig population rapid spread as a consequence of high frequency of animal movements and intensive trade within Europe can be suspected. Platforms like the CSF sequence database and the CSF in wild boar surveillance database have been implemented as tools to easily exchange information concerning CSF. The improved availability of data about circulating CSFV isolates will help to elucidate possible sources of virus introduction and to better understand routes of virus transmission.

BEER M, GOLLER KV, STAUBACH C, BLOME S . Genetic variability and distribution of classical swine fever virus
Animal Health Research Reviews, 2015,16(1):33-39.

DOI:10.1017/S1466252315000109URLPMID:26050570 [本文引用: 3]
Classical swine fever is a highly contagious disease that affects domestic and wild pigs worldwide. The causative agent of the disease is Classical swine fever virus (CSFV), which belongs to the genusPestiviruswithin the familyFlaviviridae. On the genome level, CSFV can be divided into three genotypes with three to four sub-genotypes. Those genotypes can be assigned to distinct geographical regions. Knowledge about CSFV diversity and distribution is important for the understanding of disease dynamics and evolution, and can thus help to design optimized control strategies. For this reason, the geographical pattern of CSFV diversity and distribution are outlined in the presented review. Moreover, current knowledge with regard to genetic virulence markers or determinants and the role of the quasispecies composition is discussed.

POSTEL A, AUSTERMANN-BUSCH S, PETROV A, MOENNIG V, BECHER P .Epidemiology,diagnosis and control of classical swine fever: Recent developments and future challenges.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2017 Aug 10. doi: 10. 1111/tbed. 12676.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Classical swine fever (CSF) represents a major health and trade problem for the pig industry. In endemic countries or those with a wild boar reservoir, CSF remains a priority for Veterinary Services. Surveillance as well as stamping out and/or vaccination are the principle tools of prevention and control, depending on the context. In the past decades, marker vaccines and accompanying diagnostic tests allowing the discrimination of infected from vaccinated animals have been developed. In the European Union, an E2 subunit and a chimeric live vaccine have been licensed and are available for the use in future disease outbreak scenarios. The implementation of commonly accepted and globally harmonized concepts could pave the way to replace the ethically questionable stamping out policy by a vaccination-to-live strategy and thereby avoid culling of a large number of healthy animals and save food resources. Although a number of vaccines and diagnostic tests are available worldwide, technological advancement in both domains is desirable. This work provides a summary of an analysis undertaken by the DISCONTOOLS group of experts on CSF. Details of the analysis can be downloaded from the web site at http://www.discontools.eu/.

涂长春 . 猪瘟国际流行态势、我国现状及防制对策
中国农业科学, 2003,36(8):955-960.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2003.08.017URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
猪瘟 (classicalswinefever,CSF)仍然是严重危害全球养猪业的重要传染病 ,是我国主要的畜禽疫病之一。目前该病流行于除北美和大洋洲外的世界上各大洲和地区。笔者分析了当前国际上猪瘟的流行态势与流行原因 ,并在此基础上结合我国养猪业的发展现状 ,根据自身多年的研究结果 ,用可靠的试验数据 ,着重阐述了我国猪瘟的流行现状与分子流行病学本底 ,就此提出了一些新的防制对策 ,供同行商榷。
TU C C . Prevalence situation and control strategies of classical swine fever in the world and China
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2003,36(8):955-960. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2003.08.017URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
猪瘟 (classicalswinefever,CSF)仍然是严重危害全球养猪业的重要传染病 ,是我国主要的畜禽疫病之一。目前该病流行于除北美和大洋洲外的世界上各大洲和地区。笔者分析了当前国际上猪瘟的流行态势与流行原因 ,并在此基础上结合我国养猪业的发展现状 ,根据自身多年的研究结果 ,用可靠的试验数据 ,着重阐述了我国猪瘟的流行现状与分子流行病学本底 ,就此提出了一些新的防制对策 ,供同行商榷。

OIE . WAHID home page. . 2016.
URL [本文引用: 1]

Veterinary Microbiology, 2000,73(2/3):137-157.

DOI:10.1016/S0378-1135(00)00141-3URLPMID:10785324 [本文引用: 1]
Three regions of the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) genome that have been widely sequenced were compared with respect to their ability to discriminate between isolates and to segregate viruses into genetic groups. Sequence data-sets were assembled for 55 CSFVs comprising 150 nucleotides of the 5 non-translated region, 190 nucleotides of the E2 envelope glycoprotein gene and 409 nucleotides of the NS5B polymerase gene. Phylogenetic analysis of each data-set revealed similar groups and subgroups. For closely related viruses, the more variable or larger data-sets gave better discrimination, and the most reliable classification was obtained with sequence data from the NS5B region. No evidence was found for intertypic recombination between CSFVs. A larger data-set was also analysed comprising 190 nucleotides of E2 sequence from 100 CSFVs from different parts of the world, in order to assess the extent and global distribution of CSFV diversity. Additional groups of CSFV are evident from Asia and the nomenclature of Lowings et al. (1996) [Lowings, P., Ibata, G., Needham, J., Paton, D., 1996. J. Gen. Virol. 77, 1311 1321] needs to be updated to accommodate these. A tentative assignment, adapting rather than overturning the previous nomenclature divides CSF viruses into three groups with three or four subgroups: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3; 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4. The expanding data-base of CSFV sequences should improve the prospects of disease tracing in the future, and provide a basis for a standardised approach to ensure that results from different laboratories are comparable.

BLACKSELL S D, KHOUNSY S, BOYLE D B, GLEESON L J, WESTBURY H A, MACKENZIE J S . Genetic typing of classical swine fever viruses from Lao PDR by analysis of the 5' non-coding region
Virus Genes, 2005,31(3):349-355.

The 5' non-coding region (5'-NCR) of 27 classical swine fever virus (CSFV) isolates from Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) during 1997 and 1999 were amplified by RT-PCR. A 150-bp region of the 5'-NCR amplicons was analysed and compared with reference CSFV of European and Asian origin and a phylogenetic dendrogram constructed. Following analysis, all viruses were determined to belong to genogroup 2. Viruses from Lao PDR grouped on a geographical basis with the majority of northern/central isolates falling into subgroup 2.1 and southern/central isolates falling into subgroup 2.2. These results concur with previous studies of CSF viruses from Lao PDR, although this study recognized the first occurrence of subgroup 2.1 in southern Lao PDR.

LI X, XU Z, HE Y, YAO Q, ZHANG K, JIN M, CHEN H, QIAN P . Genome comparison of a novel classical swine fever virus isolated in China in 2004 with other CSFV strains
Virus Genes, 2006,33(2):133-142.

The genome of a novel classical swine fever virus (CSFV), SWH/CA/2004, isolated from a hog pen in Henan Province, central China, is 12296 nucleotides (nt) in length. It is composed of a 373-nt 5′ terminal non-translated region (NTR), a 11697-nt open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polyprotein of 3898 amino acids (aa), and a 226-nt 3′-NTR. Genome comparison of the SWH/CA/2004 isolate (GenBank Accession: DQ127910) with other known CSFV isolates was performed and analyzed. Corresponding segments from SWH/CA/2004 and other reported strains shared 80.4–99.8% identity at the nucleotide level and 89.5–99.8% identity at the amino acid level. From an evolutionary point of view, isolate SWH/CA/2004 is closely related to the highly virulent isolate cF114/CA/2001, with a pairwise distance of 0.013; and distantly related to the moderately virulent isolate GXWZ02/CA/2003, with pairwise distance 0.170. The phylogenetic trees of the full-length genome and the following region E rns , E1, E2, and NS5B-based neighbor-joining (NJ) method were constructed and approximately divided into different genetic groups according to avirulence, moderate virulence and high virulence, while other region-based NJ trees demonstrated sequence conservation between these groups. The four genomic regions may constitute important criteria for genetic typing of diverse CSFV isolates. Based on these analyses, isolate SWH/CA/2004 was deduced to belong to the highly virulent isolate group. However, SWH/CA/2004 also contains a 14-U deletion in the 3′-NTR that is characteristic of avirulent isolates. These analyses constitute a comprehensive study of the phylogenetics of CSF based on distinct regions of the genome and may provide the basis for future molecular epidemiology research to identify virulent strain outbreaks and trigger implementation of appropriate control measures.

POSTEL A, SCHMEISER S, BERNAU J, MEINDL-BOEHMER A, PRIDOTKAS G, DIRBAKOVA Z, MOJZIS M, BECHER P . Improved strategy for phylogenetic analysis of classical swine fever virus based on full-length E2 encoding sequences
Veterinary Research, 2012,43:50.

pAbstract/p pMolecular epidemiology has proven to be an essential tool in the control of classical swine fever (CSF) and its use has significantly increased during the past two decades. Phylogenetic analysis is a prerequisite for virus tracing and thus allows implementing more effective control measures. So far, fragments of the 507NTR (150 nucleotides, nt) and the E2 gene (190 nt) have frequently been used for phylogenetic analyses. The short sequence lengths represent a limiting factor for differentiation of closely related isolates and also for confidence levels of proposed CSFV groups and subgroups. In this study, we used a set of 33 CSFV isolates in order to determine the nucleotide sequences of a 3508–3510 nt region within the 507 terminal third of the viral genome. Including 22 additional sequences from GenBank database different regions of the genome, comprising the formerly used short 507NTR and E2 fragments as well as the genomic regions encoding the individual viral proteins Nsuppro/sup, C, Esuprns/sup, E1, and E2, were compared with respect to variability and suitability for phylogenetic analysis. Full-length E2 encoding sequences (1119 nt) proved to be most suitable for reliable and statistically significant phylogeny and analyses revealed results as good as obtained with the much longer entire 507NTR-E2 sequences. This strategy is therefore recommended by the EU and OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF as it provides a solid and improved basis for CSFV molecular epidemiology. Finally, the power of this method is illustrated by the phylogenetic analysis of closely related CSFV isolates from a recent outbreak in Lithuania./p

POSTEL A, SCHMEISER S, PERERA C L, RODRíGUEZ L J, FRIAS-LEPOUREAU M T, BECHER P . Classical swine fever virus isolates from Cuba form a new subgenotype 1.4
Veterinary Microbiology, 2013,161(3/4):334-338.

DOI:10.1016/j.vetmic.2012.07.045URLPMID:22902191 [本文引用: 2]
Identification and classification of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) on the basis of nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis have become an important tool to study the epidemiology and to control CSF disease. According to phylogenetic analyses of short sequences from the 5 ontranslated region (150nt) and the E2 (190nt), most CSFV isolates from South and Central America have been assorted to the subgenotypes 1.1 and 1.3, while CSFV isolates from Cuba have been allocated to subgenotype 1.2. Here we demonstrate that determination and comparison of full-length E2 sequences as well as of the sequences encoding for Npro, C, Erns, E1 and E2 (3361nt) do not support segregation of Cuban CSFV isolates to subgenotype 1.2. In fact, our analysis revealed that the Cuban isolates are more divergent from other so far known CSFV subgenotype 1 isolates and form a novel separate subgenotype that is proposed to be designated subgenotype 1.4.

LUO Y, JI S, LEI J L, XIANG G T, LIU Y, GAO Y, MENG X Y, ZHENG G, ZHANG E Y, WANG Y, DU M L, LI Y, LI S, HE X J, SUN Y, QIU H J . Efficacy evaluation of the C-strain-based vaccines against the subgenotype 2.1d classical swine fever virus emerging in China.
italic>Veterinary Microbiology, 2017, 201:154-161.

Classical swine fever(CSF) is a devastating infectious disease of pigs caused by classical swi ne fever virus(CSFV).The disease has been controlled following extensive vaccination with the 1 apinized attenuated vaccine C-strain for decades in China.However,frequent CSF outbreaks occurr ed recently in a large number of C-strain-vaccinated pig farms in China and a new subgenotype 2.1 d of CSFV has been reported to be responsible for the outbreaks.Here we analyzed the molecul ar variations and antigenic differences among the C-strain-based commercial vaccines of different o rigins from different manufacturers in China,and reevaluated the vaccines against the emerging su bgenotype 2.1 d strain of CSFV.The results showed that the C-strain adapted to the continuous ST cell line(C_(ST)) contain a unique M290 K variation on the E2 protein,compared to those of prima ry BT cells(C_(BT)) or rabbit origin(C_(BT)) and the traditional C-strain sequences available in the Ge nBank database.Serum neutralization test revealed the antigenic differences between Cst and Cbt or C_(RT).Notably,the neutralizing titers of porcine anti-C-strain sera against the CSFV isolate of su bgenotype 2.1 d were significantly lower than those against C-strain or Shimen strain.The C-strainvaccinated,subgenotype 2.1 d HLJZZ2014 strain-challenged pigs did not show any clinical signs an d all survived.However,these pigs displayed mild pathological and histological lesions,and the C SFV viral RNA was detected in the various tissue and blood samples.Taken together,the C-strain-based vaccines of different origins showed molecular variations and antigenic differences,and cou1 d provide clinical but not pathological and virological protection against the subgenotype 2.1 d CS FV emerging in China.Further investigation is needed to comprehensively assess the efficacy of C-strain of different doses against the subgenotype 2.1 d CSFV.

LUO Y, LI S, SUN Y, QIU H-J . Classical swine fever in China: A minireview
Veterinary Microbiology, 2014,172(1/2):1-6.

Classical swine fever (CSF), caused by Classical swine fever virus (CSFV), is an OIE-listed, highly contagious, often fatal disease of swine worldwide. Currently, the disease is controlled by prophylactic vaccination in China and many other countries using the modified live vaccines derived from C-strain, which was developed in China in the mid-1950s. This minireview summarizes the epidemiology, diagnostic assays, control and challenges of CSF in China. Though CSF is essentially under control, complete eradication of CSF in China remains a challenging task and needs long-term, joint efforts of stakeholders.

TITOV I, TSYBANOV S, MALOGOLOVKIN A . Genotyping of classical swine fever virus using high-resolution melt analysis
Journal of Virological Methods, 2015,224:53-57.

Discrimination between different field and vaccine strains of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is crucial for meaningful disease diagnosis and epidemiological investigation. In this study, a rapid method for differentiating vaccine strains and outbreak CSFV isolates by combined RT-PCR and high-resolution melt (HRM) analysis has been developed. The assay is based on PCR amplification of short fragments from the most variable region of CSFVgene E2, followed by HRM analysis of amplicons. RT-PCR/HRM for CSFV detection and differentiation analysis has sensitivity comparable to RT-qPCR and genotyping resolution comparable to E2 nucleotide sequencing. This assay in one step enables rapid and sensitive identification and genotype discrimination of CSFV in field samples, and thus will be valuable for CSF outbreak response and disease control.

GONG W, WU J, LU Z, ZHANG L, QIN S, CHEN F, PENG Z, WANG Q, MA L, BAI A, GUO H, SHI J, TU C . Genetic diversity of subgenotype 2.1 isolates of classical swine fever virus
.Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2016, 41:218-226.

61Genetic diversity of current CSFV subgenotype 2.1 isolates in the world was revealed in this study, which were divided into 10 sub-subgenotypes (2.1a-2.1j).61Sub-subgenotypes 2.1d-2.1j were newly classified.61The newly classified 2.1 sub-subgenotypes were further categorized into three groups: dominant sub-subgenotype (2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1h, 2.1i, and 2.1j), minor sub-subgenotype (2.1d and 2.1g) and silent sub-subgenotype (2.1a, 2.1e, and 2.1f).61Sub-subgenotype 2.1b plays a dominant role in CSF epidemics in China.

ZHANG H, LENG C, FENG L, ZHAI H, CHEN J, LIU C, BAI Y, YE C, PENG J, AN T, KAN Y, CAI X, TIAN Z, TONG G . A new subgenotype 2.1d isolates of classical swine fever virus in China,2014
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2015, 34:94-105.

DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2015.05.031URLPMID:26031602 [本文引用: 1]
The lapinized attenuated vaccine against classical swine fever (CSF) has been used in China for over half a century and has generally prevented large-scale outbreaks in recent years. However, since late 2014, a large number of new cases of CSF were detected in many immunized pig farms in China. Several of these CSV viruses were isolated and characterized. Phylogenetic and genomic sequence analyses indicate that these new isolates, as well as some reference isolates, form a new subgenotype named 2.1d, and share several consistent molecular characteristics. Since these new isolates emerged in disparate geographic regions within 5months, this suggests that these isolates may be widespread. Given that current vaccines do not appear to provide effective protection against this new subgenotype, further investigation of these strains is urgently needed.

DEWULF J, KOENEN F, MINTIENS K, DENIS P, RIBBENS S, DE KRUIF A . Analytical performance of several classical swine fever laboratory diagnostic techniques on live animals for detection of infection
Journal of Virological Methods, 2004,119(2):137-143.

DOI:10.1016/j.jviromet.2004.03.010URLPMID:15158595 [本文引用: 1]
The diagnostic properties of several assays on live animals were studied using data from different experiments. These experiments involved 128 classical swine fever virus (CSFV) infected pigs (weaner pigs, fatteners and sows). Since all pigs in the study were infected with CSFV, only the proportion of test positive results and the time until a test positive result is obtained were evaluated. The RT-nPCR detected the highest proportion of infected pigs (98.9%), whereas the Antigen ELISA gave the worst detection results (74.7%). Within the group of test positive animals, infection was detected earliest using the leukocyte count and latest using Antigen ELISA. Using the virus neutralisation test, antibodies against CSFV were detectable on average 7.6 days after the onset of viraemia in virus isolation in whole blood. Using survival analysis, the time until the first positive diagnosis and the proportion of detected animals were combined in one test. Results showed that RT-nPCR performed significantly better than either virus isolation in different blood fractions or antigen ELISA. It is concluded that the RT-nPCR technique is the best diagnostic tool available for early detection of a classical swine fever infection.

MUñOZ-GONZáLEZ S, RUGGLI N, ROSELL R, PéREZ L J, FRíAS-LEUPOREAU M T, FRAILE L, MONTOYA M, CORDOBA L, DOMINGO M, EHRENSPERGER F, SUMMERFIELD A, GANGES L . Postnatal persistent infection with classical Swine Fever virus and its immunological implications
PLoS ONE, 2015,10(5):e0125692.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0125692URLPMID:25938664 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract It is well established that trans-placental transmission of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) during mid-gestation can lead to persistently infected offspring. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of CSFV to induce viral persistence upon early postnatal infection. Two litters of 10 piglets each were infected intranasally on the day of birth with low and moderate virulence CSFV isolates, respectively. During six weeks after postnatal infection, most of the piglets remained clinically healthy, despite persistent high virus titres in the serum. Importantly, these animals were unable to mount any detectable humoral and cellular immune response. At necropsy, the most prominent gross pathological lesion was a severe thymus atrophy. Four weeks after infection, PBMCs from the persistently infected seronegative piglets were unresponsive to both, specific CSFV and non-specific PHA stimulation in terms of IFN- -producing cells. These results suggested the development of a state of immunosuppression in these postnatally persistently infected pigs. However, IL-10 was undetectable in the sera of the persistently infected animals. Interestingly, CSFV-stimulated PBMCs from the persistently infected piglets produced IL-10. Nevertheless, despite the addition of the anti-IL-10 antibody in the PBMC culture from persistently infected piglets, the response of the IFN- producing cells was not restored. Therefore, other factors than IL-10 may be involved in the general suppression of the T-cell responses upon CSFV and mitogen activation. Interestingly, bone marrow immature granulocytes were increased and targeted by the virus in persistently infected piglets. Taken together, we provided the first data demonstrating the feasibility of CSFV in generating a postnatal persistent disease, which has not been shown for other members of the Pestivirus genus yet. Since serological methods are routinely used in CSFV surveillance, persistently infected pigs might go unnoticed. In addition to the epidemiological and economic significance of persistent CSFV infection, this model could be useful for understanding the mechanisms of viral persistence.

王琴, 涂长春. 猪瘟. 北京:中国农业出版社, 2015.
[本文引用: 3]

WANG Q, TU C C . Classical Swine Fever. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2015. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 3]

国家统计局. 中华人民共和国国民经济与社会发展报告.
2017 .

URL [本文引用: 1]

National Bureau of Statistics of China. Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the National Economic and Social Development.
2017, (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]

DONG X N, CHEN Y H . Marker vaccine strategies and candidate CSFV marker vaccines
Vaccine, 2007,25(2):205-230.

DOI:10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.07.033URLPMID:16934915 [本文引用: 1]
Classical swine fever (CSF) is an economically important highly contagious disease of swine worldwide. Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is its etiological agent, and the only natural hosts are domestic pigs and wild boars. Although field CSFV strains vary in the virulence, they all result in serious losses in pig industry. Highly virulent field strains generally cause acute disease and high mortality; moderately virulent field strains raise subacute or chronic infections; postnatal infection by low virulent field strains produces subclinical infection and mortality in the new-born piglets. CSFV can cross the placental barrier, and this transplacental transmission usually results in mortality of fetuses and birth of congenitally infected pigs with a late-onset disease and death. Two main strategies to control CSF epidemic are systematic prophylactic vaccination with live attenuated vaccines (such as C-strain) and non-vaccination stamping-out policy. But neither of them is satisfying enough. Marker vaccine and companion serological diagnostic test is thought to be a promising strategy for future control and eradication of CSF. During the past 15 years, various candidate marker vaccines were constructed and evaluated in the animal experiments, including recombinant chimeric vaccines, recombinant deletion vaccines, DNA vaccines, subunit vaccines and peptide vaccines. Among them, two subunit vaccines entered the large scale marker vaccine trial of EU in 1999. Although they failed to fulfil all the demands of the Scientific Veterinary Committee, they successfully induced solid immunity against CSFV in the vaccinated pigs. It can be expected that new potent marker vaccines might be commercially available and used in systematic prophylactic vaccination campaign or emergency vaccination in the next 15 years. Here, we summarized current strategies and candidate CSFV marker vaccines. These strategies and methods are also helpful for the development of new-generation vaccines against other diseases.

REIMANN I, DEPNER K, UTKE K, LEIFER I, LANGE E, BEER M . Characterization of a new chimeric marker vaccine candidate with a mutated antigenic E2-epitope
Veterinary Microbiology, 2010,142(1/2):45-50.

DOI:10.1016/j.vetmic.2009.09.042URLPMID:19892497 [本文引用: 1]
A new chimeric pestivirus P7_E1E2alf_TLA , based on the infectious cDNA of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) strain CP7, was constructed. The substitution of BVDV E1 and E2 with the respective proteins of classical swine fever (CSF) strain Alfort 187 allows an optimal heterodimerization of E1 and E2 in the chimeric virus, which is beneficial for efficient and authentic virus assembly and growth. In addition, for implementation of E2-based marker diagnostics, the previously described antigenic CSFV-specific TAVSPTTLR epitope was exchanged with the corresponding E2-epitope of BVDV strain CP7. Recombinant virus CP7_E1E2alf_TLA displayed a growth defect, and was not reacting with monoclonal antibodies used in commercial E2 antibody blocking ELISAs. Therefore, efficacy as well as marker properties of CP7_E1E2alf_TLA were investigated in an animal experiment with both a high dose and a low dose vaccine preparation. All CP7_E1E2alf_TLA-vaccinated animals seroconverted until day 28 post-vaccination with neutralizing antibodies. Furthermore, at the day of challenge infection CP7_E1E2alf_TLA-immunized animals showed distinct lower ELISA values in a commercial CSFV E2 antibody test in comparison to the C-strain vaccinated controls. However, E2-ELISA reactivity as well as neutralizing titers were directly connected to the dosage used for vaccination, and only the low dose group had E2-ELISA values below threshold until challenge infection. Following challenge infection with highly virulent CSFV strain Koslov, all vaccinees were protected, however, short-term fever episodes and very limited CSFV genome detection with very low copy numbers could be observed. In conclusion, manipulation of the TAVSPTTLR-epitope within the tested chimeric virus resulted in an slightly reduced efficacy, but the E2 marker properties unexpectedly did not allow a clear differentiation of infected from vaccinated animals in some cases.

HOLINKA L G, FERNANDEZ-SAINZ I, SANFORD B, O'DONNELL V, GLADUE D P, CARLSON J, LU Z, RISATTI G R, BORCA M V . Development of an improved live attenuated antigenic marker CSF vaccine strain candidate with an increased genetic stability.
Virology, 2014, 471-473:13-18.

DOI:10.1016/j.virol.2014.09.021URLPMID:25461526 [本文引用: 1]
61Stabilization of a vaccine candidate for CSFV by increasing codon distance to revertant residues.61Development of a genetically stable marker vaccine for Classical Swine Fever Virus.61Nucleotide substitution to increase genetic stability against revertant virus.

VANDEPUTTE J, CHAPPUIS G . Classical swine fever: the European experience and a guide for infected areas
Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics), 1999,18(3):638-647.

DOI:10.20506/rst.18.3.1192URLPMID:10588007 [本文引用: 3]
Classical swine fever (CSF) (hog cholera) virus infection is still of world-wide concern, either because of the direct effects of the disease on swine breeding in areas where the virus is epizootic or enzootic, or as a threat in areas where the virus has been eradicated. The authors provide an overview of the characteristics of the disease. Special emphasis is placed on the chronic form of disease, particularly in the late stages of eradication programmes. In the early 1980s, the European Union (EU) was composed of countries which were officially free of the disease (absence of infection and no vaccination) and countries in which vaccination was either permitted or was compulsory. To ensure free trade between the Member States, an eradication plan was agreed upon and implemented. Initially, the plan consisted of a combination of vaccination with the Chinese strain of the virus and slaughter and removal of infected herds. Consequently, when the number of infected herds was low, vaccination was abandoned and the control of CSF was conducted exclusively by eradication (removal and slaughter). The United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, Finland and Sweden ceased vaccination before 1980. In the other countries, vaccination was useful in controlling the last epidemics and was finally ceased as follows: France in 1983, the Netherlands in 1986, Belgium, Spain and Greece in 1988, Germany in 1989 and Italy in 1990. From 1990 onwards, no vaccination against CSF has been performed in the EU. New techniques for the diagnosis of CSF (for example, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the detection of the p125 antigen of the virus) have been shown to be of value in the early detection of infected animals. In enzootic areas, the use of vaccines based on the Chinese strain has been successful. Vaccines with at least 100 PD50 of virus per dose are able to significantly limit the replication of virulent virus in the tonsils. Consequently, shedding of virus after infection can be reduced considerably. In heavily infected areas, vaccination plays a crucial role. The European experience shows that eradication may be achieved when vaccination with highly effective vaccines is combined with effective identification of swine, movement control, early diagnosis and the rapid elimination of infected herds.

RIBBENS S, DEWULF J, KOENEN F, LAEVENS H, DE KRUIF A . Transmission of classical swine fever. A review
The Veterinary Quarterly, 2004,26(4):146-155.

DOI:10.1080/01652176.2004.9695177URLPMID:15663211 [本文引用: 2]
Classical swine fever (CSF) is one of the most important viral pig diseases. Basic measures to control epidemics of CSF comprise eradication of infected herds and preventive emptying of herds at risk. Identification of these herds at risk is based on knowledge of the different transmission routes of the virus. Direct transmission of CSF is undoubtedly the most efficient way of CSF virus transmission. Data on indirect transmission are variable and often equivocal. Various indirect transmission routes like swill feeding, wild boar and artificial insemination are well described, and the importance is beyond discussion. Mechanical transmission via vehicles and persons are categorized as very important based upon epidemiological research, whereas in experiments they can only be reproduced under worst case conditions. The role of arthropods, birds, rodents, and other animals in the spread of CSF virus remains doubtful. Active transmission by these has never been demonstrated and also very sparse indications for mechanical transmission are available. Also the role of airborne transmission remains debated. However epidemiological as well as experimental data indicate that airborne spread over short distances is probable.

王飞 . 中国养猪业当前存在的问题及未来的大趋势
猪业科学, 2017,34(5):128

URL [本文引用: 1]
WANG F . The current problems and future trend of pig industry in China
Swine Industry Science, 2017,34(5):128. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]

甘孟侯 . 目前我国猪传染病的流行特点及防治对策
兽医导刊, 2010,7:28-30.

[本文引用: 1]

GAN M H . Epidemic characteristics and control strategy of swine infectious diseases in China
Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2010,7:28-30. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

PASICK J . Application of DIVA vaccines and their companion diagnostic tests to foreign animal disease eradication
Animal Health Research Reviews, 2004,5(2):257-262.

DOI:10.1079/AHR200479URLPMID:15984335 [本文引用: 1]
The risk of foreign animal disease introduction continues to exist despite Canada's strict regulations concerning the importation of animals and animal products. Given the rapidity with which these diseases can spread, especially in areas with dense livestock populations, eradication efforts which rely solely on quarantine and stamping-out measures can present a formidable undertaking. This, combined with growing economic and ethical considerations, has led to renewed interest in the use of vaccination as a tool in controlling foreign animal disease outbreaks. Vaccination has effects at the individual and population levels. Efficacious vaccines reduce or prevent clinical signs without necessarily preventing virus replication. They may also increase the dose of virus needed to establish an infection and/or reduce the level and duration of virus shedding following infection. Vaccine effectiveness within a population is a function of its ability to reduce virus transmission. Transmission is best described by the reproductive ratio, R, which is defined as the average number of new infections caused by one infectious individual. By helping to reduce the R-value below 1, vaccination can be an effective adjunct in abbreviating an outbreak. Nevertheless, vaccination can also complicate serological surveillance activities that follow eradication, if the antibody response induced by vaccination is indistinguishable from that which follows infection. This disadvantage can be overcome by the use of DIVA vaccines and their companion diagnostic tests. The term DIVA (differentiating infected from vaccinated individuals) was coined in 1999 by J. T. van Oirschot of the Central Veterinary Institute, in the Netherlands. It is now generally used as an acronym for differentiating infected from vaccinated animals . The term was originally applied to the use of marker vaccines, which are based on deletion mutants of wild-type microbes, in conjunction with a differentiating diagnostic test. The DIVA strategy has been extended to include subunit and killed whole-virus vaccines. This system makes possible the mass vaccination of a susceptible animal population without compromising the serological identification of convalescent individuals. The DIVA approach has been applied successfully to pseudorabies and avian influenza eradication, and has been proposed for use in foot-and-mouth disease and classical swine fever eradication campaigns. This paper will survey current vaccine technology, the host immune response, and companion diagnostic tests that are available for pseudorabies, foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever and avian influenza.
相关话题/免疫 病毒 猪瘟 动物 生物

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    花香挥发性苯/苯丙素类化合物的生物合成及基因调控研究进展谯正林,胡慧贞,鄢波,陈龙清*()西南林业大学园林园艺学院,国家林业和草原局西南风景园林工程技术研究中心,云南省功能性花卉资源及产业化技术工程研究中心,昆明650224收稿日期:2020-12-24修回日期:2021-04-27出版日期:202 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-12-26
  • 草莓LIM家族候选基因的鉴定及在非生物胁迫下的表达
    草莓LIM家族候选基因的鉴定及在非生物胁迫下的表达张志强,卢世雄,马宗桓,李彦彪,高彩霞,陈佰鸿,毛娟()甘肃农业大学园艺学院,兰州730070收稿日期:2021-01-22修回日期:2021-04-06出版日期:2021-08-25发布日期:2021-09-06通讯作者:毛娟E-mail:maoj ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-12-26
  • 瓜类褪绿黄化病毒编码的P6蛋白亚细胞定位及致病特征分析
    瓜类褪绿黄化病毒编码的P6蛋白亚细胞定位及致病特征分析涂丽琴1,2,干射香1,3,吴淑华1,任春梅1,程兆榜1,章松柏3,朱月林2,周益军1,季英华1,**()1江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所,南京2100142南京农业大学园艺学院,南京2100953长江大学农学院,湖北荆州434025收稿日期:2 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-12-26
  • 陕西省草莓病毒种类的LncRNA测序初步鉴定
    陕西省草莓病毒种类的LncRNA测序初步鉴定黄倩茹1,牛永浩2,吴宽2,刘占杰3,曹孟籍4,赵磊1,*(),吴云锋1,*()1西北农林科技大学植物保护学院,旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室,陕西杨凌7121002杨凌职业技术学院,陕西杨凌7121003杨凌龙德盛农业科技有限公司,陕西杨凌712100 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-12-26
  • 山葡萄VaCBL6参与非生物胁迫和ABA途径的响应
    山葡萄VaCBL6参与非生物胁迫和ABA途径的响应马俊杰1,宋丽娜1,李乐1,马晓春1,靳磊1,徐伟荣2,3,4,*()1宁夏大学农学院,银川7500212宁夏大学食品与葡萄酒学院,银川7500213中国葡萄酒产业技术研究院,银川7500214宁夏优势特色作物现代分子育种重点实验室,银川750021 ...
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  • 内蒙古赤峰地区番茄斑萎病毒的鉴定
    内蒙古赤峰地区番茄斑萎病毒的鉴定杨菲1,张爱红1,王秀芝2,李希望1,邸垫平1,*,苗洪芹1,张尚卿3,孙祥瑞1,孙茜11河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所/河北省农业有害生物综合防治工程技术研究中心/农业部华北北部作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,河北保定0710002赤峰市农牧科学研究院,内蒙古赤峰0 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-12-26