

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

主要从事流域水土环境研究,重点研究水-沙-污染物/碳氮等营养元素的相互作用、污染物的形态和生物有效性,以及全球变化对水土环境质量的影响。曾在美国麻省理工学院、英国帝国理工学院和加拿大里贾纳大学进行学术访问。现任中国环境科学学会环境地学分会副主任委员、水环境分会常务委员,中国地理学会环境地理专业委员会委员以及Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry等多个国际刊物编委。主持国家重点研发项目、国家“973”课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目以及国际合作项目等20余项。发表SCI论文130余篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文100余篇),其中Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hydrology, Water Research,Global Biogeochemical Cycles等TOP刊物论文50余篇,入选Elsevier环境领域中国高被引榜单。??

Email: xiaxh@bnu.edu.cn


主要从事流域水土环境研究,重点研究水-沙-污染物/碳氮等营养元素的相互作用、污染物的形态和生物有效性,以及全球变化对水土环境质量的影响。曾在美国麻省理工学院、英国帝国理工学院和加拿大里贾纳大学进行学术访问。现任中国环境科学学会环境地学分会副主任委员、水环境分会常务委员,中国地理学会环境地理专业委员会委员以及Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry等多个国际刊物编委。主持国家重点研发项目、国家“973”课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目以及国际合作项目等20余项。发表SCI论文130余篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文100余篇),其中Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Hydrology, Water Research,Global Biogeochemical Cycles等TOP刊物论文50余篇,入选Elsevier环境领域中国高被引榜单。??


??1998年-2001年 北京师范大学环境科学研究所工作,任讲师
2001年-2005年 北京师范大学环境科学研究所工作,任副教授
2005年7月- 北京师范大学环境学院工作,任教授、博士生导师
2002年-2003年 在加拿大Regina大学工程学院进行学术访问
2006年2月—8月 在美国麻省理工学院进行学术访问



主持NGS空气与水保护基金项目“Tracing nitrogen contamination in the Yellow River, China using multiple stable isotope tracers”,2014-2015.



Jian Chen, Xinghui Xia* et al., Uptakepathway and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in spinachaffected by warming in enclosed soil/water-air-plant microcosms, Journal ofHazardous Materials, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120831
XinghuiXia?, Zhihuang Li, Sibo Zhang, LiweiZhang, Ling Zhang, Gongqin Wang, Occurrence of Anammox on Suspended Sediment(SPS) In Oxic River Water: Effect of the SPS Particle Size,Chemosphere, 2019, https://doi.org/10.?1016/?j.?chemosphere.?2019.?06.?161
XinghuiXia*, Siling Li, Fan Wang, Sibo Zhang, Yunting Fang, JianghanyangLi, Greg Michalski, Liwei Zhang, Triple oxygen isotopic evidence foratmospheric nitrate and its application in source identification for riversystems in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Science of the Total Environment, 2019,10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.204
Yang Li, Jian Zhao, Guangshan Zhang, Lilan Zhang,Shiyuan Ding, Enxiang Shang, Xinghui Xia*, Visiblelight-drivenphotocatalytic disinfection mechanism of Pb-BiFeO3/rGO photocatalyst, WaterResearch, 2019, 161: 251-261,
Yang Li, Xinjie Wang, Wanyi Fu, Xinghui Xia,Changqing Liu, Jiacheng Min, Wen Zhang, John Charles Crittenden, Interactionsbetween nano/micro plastics and suspended sediment in water: Implications onaggregation and settling, Water Research, 2019, 10.1016/j.watres.2019.06.018.
Wang, Haotian; Xia, Xinghui*; Liu, Ran; Wang,Zixuan; Zhai, Yawei; Lin, Hui; Wen, Wu; Li, Yang; Wang, Dahui; Yang, Zhifeng;Muir, Derek; Crittenden, John, Dietary uptake pattern affects bioaccumulationand biomagnification of hydrophobic organic compounds in fish, EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 2019, 53, 4274?4284
Zhuoshi He, Shouliang Huo, Chunzi Ma, Hanxiao Zhang,Da An, Beidou Xi, Qiujing Xu, Xinghui Xia, Fengchang Wu, TheContributions of Climate Changes and Human Activities to Long-Term Variationsin Lake Sediments Based on Results from Generalized Additive Models, WaterResources Management, 2019, 33(3): 1069–1085
Wu Wen, Xinghui Xia* et al., Bioconcentrationand tissue distribution of shorter and longer chain perfluoroalkyl acids(PFAAs) in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Effects of perfluorinated carbon chainlength and zebrafish protein content, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 249: 277-285
Qiong Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Response of SurfaceWater Quality in Urban and Non-urban Areas to Heavy Rainfall: Implications forthe Impacts of Climate Change, Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters,2019, 1(1): 27-36
Jianwei Dong, Xinghui Xia*, Zixuan Liu, XiaotianZhang, Qiuwen Chen, Variations in concentrations and bioavailability of heavy metalsin rivers during sediment suspension-deposition event induced by dams: insightsfrom sediment regulation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir in the Yellow River, Journalof Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(1): 403–414


Lin, Hui; Xia, Xinghui*; Jiang, Xiaoman; Bi,Siqi; Wang, Haotian; Zhai, Yawei; Wen, Wu; Guo, Xuejun, Bioavailability ofPyrene Associated with Different Types of Protein Compounds: Direct Evidencefor Its Uptake by Daphnia magna, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018,52 (17), 9851–9860
Lin Liu, Chunzi Ma, Shouliang Huo*, Beidou Xi,Zhuoshi He, Hanxiao Zhang, Jingtian Zhang, Xinghui Xia, Impacts ofclimate change and land use on the development of nutrient criteria,Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 563: 533–542
Gongqin Wang, Junfeng Wang, Xinghui Xia*,Liwei Zhang, Sibo Zhang, William H. McDowell, Lijun Hou, Nitrogen removal ratesin a frigid high-altitude river estimated by measuring dissolved N2and N2O, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 645: 318–328
XinghuiXia*, Sibo Zhang, Siling Li et al., The cycle ofnitrogen in river systems: sources, transformation, and flux, EnvironmentalScience: Processes & Impacts, 2018, 20(6): 863–891
Yayuan Li, HaotianWang, Xinghui Xia*, YaweiZhai, Hui Lin,Wu Wen, ZixuanWang, Dissolved organic matter affects bothbioconcentration kinetics and steady-state concentrations of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons in zebrafish (Daniorerio), Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 639: 648–656
Yameng Li; Xuejun Guo*; Haiyang Dong; Xiaoyan Luo;Xiaohong Guan; Xiangyuan Zhang; XinghuiXia*, Selenite Removal from Groundwater by Zero-valent Iron (ZVI) inCombination with Oxidants, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 345: 432-440
Yawei Zhai, Xinghui Xia*, Xinyue Xiong,Lingzi Xia, Xuejun Guo, Jay Gan, Role of fluoranthene and pyrene associated withsuspended particles in their bioaccumulation by zebrafish (Danio rerio), Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety, 2018, 157: 89–94
Liu, Lina ; Ma, Chunzi; Huo, Shouliang; Xi, Beidou;He, Zhuoshi; Zhang, Hanxiao; Zhang, Jingtian; Xia, Xinghui, Impacts ofclimate change and land use on the development of nutrient criteria, Journal ofHydrology, 2018, 563: 533-542
Jianwei Dong, Xinghui Xia*, Zhining Zhang,Zixuan Liu, Xiaotian Zhang, Husheng Li,Variationsin concentrations and bioavailability of heavy metals in rivers caused by waterconservancy projects: insights from water regulation of the XiaolangdiReservoir in the Yellow River, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 74(12): 79-87,
Yang Li, Jian Zhao, Enxiang Shang, Xinghui Xia,Junfeng Niu, John Crittenden, Effects of Chloride Ions on Dissolution, ROSGeneration, and Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles under UV Irradiation, EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 2018, 52, 4842?4849
Lin, Hui; Xia, Xinghui*; Bi, Siqi; Jiang,Xiaoman; Wang, Haotian; Zhai, Yawei; Wen, Wu, Quantifying Bioavailability ofPyrene Associated with Dissolved Organic Matter of Various Molecular Weights toDaphnia magna, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52, 644?653
Siling Li, Xinghui Xia*, Bin Zhou, Sibo Zhang,Liwei Zhang, Xinli Mou, Chemical balance of the Yellow River source region, thenortheastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: insights about critical zone reactivity,Applied Geochemistry, 2018, 90: 1-12
Baotong Zhu, Xinghui Xia*, Sibo Zhang, YuchenTang, Attenuation of bacterial cytotoxicity of carbon nanotubes by riverinesuspended solids in water, Enviornmental Pollution, 2018, 234: 581-589
Haotian Wang, Yayuan Li, Xinghui Xia*, XinyueXiong, Relationship between metabolic enzyme activities and bioaccumulationkinetics of PAHs in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Journal of Environmental Sciences,2018, 65: 43-52


Liu, Q, Yu, H, Liang, L, Ping, F, Xia, X,Mou, X, Liang, J, Assessment of ecological instream flow requirements underclimate change Pseudorasbora parva, International Journal of EnvironmentalScience and Technology, 2017, 14(3): 509-520
Wu Wen, Xinghui Xia*, Diexuan Hu, Dong Zhou, HaotianWang, Yawei Zhai, and Hui Lin Long-Chain Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) Affectthe Bioconcentration and Tissue Distribution of Short-Chain PFAAs in Zebrafish(Danio rerio), Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51 (21),12358–12368
Xin Jin, Xuejun Guo, Deshu Xu, Yanna Zhao, XinghuiXia, and Fan Bai, Single-Cell Real-Time Visualization and Quantification ofPerylene Bioaccumulation in Microorganisms, Environmental Science &Technology, 2017, 51 (11), 6211–6219
Shaoda Liu, Xi Xi Lu*, Xinghui Xia*, XiankunYang, Lishan Ran, Hydrological and geomorphological control on CO2outgassing from low-gradient large rivers: an example of the Yangtze Riversystem, Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 550: 26–41
WuQiong, Qi Jun, Xia Xinghui*, Long-term Variations in Sediment Heavy Metalsof a Reservoir with Changing Trophic States: Implications for the Impact ofClimate Change, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 609, 242-250
Sibo Zhang, Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Lingzi Xia, Liwei Zhang, Zhimei Jia, YayuanLi, Potential Roles of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) in OverlyingWater of Rivers with Suspended Sediments, Biogeochemistry, 2017,132(3), 237-249
Xia,Xinghui*; Jia, Zhimei;Liu, Ting; Zhang, Sibo; Zhang, Liwei, Coupled Nitrification-denitrificationCaused by Suspended Sediment (SPS) in Rivers: Importance of SPS Size andComposition, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(1): 212–221
XinghuiXia*, Ting Liu, ZhifengYang, Greg Michalski et al., Enhanced NitrogenLoss from Rivers through Coupled Nitrification-denitrification Caused bySuspended Sediment, Science of the Total Environment,2017, 579: 47-59


Jianwei Dong, Xinghui Xia* et al., Effect of Recurrent SedimentResuspension-Deposition Events on Bioavailability of Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons in Aquatic Environments, Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 540, 934–946
XinghuiXia*, Jianwei Dong et al.,Effect of water-sediment regulation of the Xiaolangdi reservoir on theconcentrations, characteristics, and fluxes of suspended sediment and organiccarbon in the Yellow River, Science of the Total Environment, 2016,571: 487-497
Shaoda Liu, Xi Xi Lu*, Xinghui Xia*, Shurong Zhang,Lishan Ran, Xiankun Yang, Ting Liu, Dynamic biogeochemical controls on riverpCO2 and recent changes under aggravating river impoundment: anexample of the subtropical Yangtze River, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2016, 30,880-897
Pujun Zhao, Xinghui Xia*, Short- and Long-chain Perfluoroalkyl Substances inthe Water, Suspended Particulate Matter, and Surface Sediment of a Turbid River,Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 568: 57–65
XinghuiXia*, Xiaotian Zhang, DongZhou, Yimeng Bao, Husheng Li, Yawei Zhai, Importance of Suspended Sediment(SPS) Composition and Grain Size in the Bioavailability of SPS-associatedPyrene to Daphnia magna, Environmental Pollution, 2016, 214: 440-448
Baotong Zhu, Xinghui Xia*, Shan Wu, et al., Effects of Carbonaceous Materials onMicrobial Bioavailability of 2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) inSediments, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 312: 216-223
Baotong Zhu, Shan Wu, Xinghui Xia*, et al., Microbial Bioavailability of2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) in Natural Sediments from MajorRivers of China, Chemosphere, 2016, 153: 386-393
Wu Wen, Xinghui Xia*, Bioconcentrationof Perfluoroalkyl Substances by Chironomus Plumosus Larvae in Water withDifferent Types of Dissolved Organic Matters, Environmental Pollution, 2016,213: 299-307

Zhimei Jia, Ting Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Effect of Particle Size and Composition of Suspended Sediment on Denitrification in River Water, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 541: 934-940.
Yawei Zhai, Xinghui Xia*, Role of Ingestion Route in the Perfluoroalkyl Substance Bioaccumulation by Chironomus plumosus Larvae in Sediments Amended with Carbonaceous Materials, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 302: 404-414


Zhang, Xiaotian; Xia, Xinghui*; Li, Husheng; Zhu, Baotong; Dong, Jianwei, Bioavailability of Pyrene Associated with Suspended Sediment of Different Grain Sizes to Daphnia magna as Investigated by Passive Dosing Devices, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(16): 10127–10135
Jianwei Dong, Xinghui Xia*, Minghu Wang, Yunjia Lai, Pujun Zhao, Haiyang Dong, Yunling Zhao, Jiaojiao Wen, Effect of water–sediment regulation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir on the concentrations, bioavailability, and fluxes of PAHs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 527: 101–112
Xinghui Xia*, Qiong Wu, Baotong Zhu, Pujun Zhao, Shangwei Zhang, Lingyan Yang, Analyzing the Contribution of Climate Change to Long-Term Variations in Sediment Nitrogen Sources for Reservoirs/Lakes, Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 523: 64-73
Xinghui Xia*, Qiong Wu, Xinli Mou,Yunjia Lai, Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Water Quality of Different Water Bodies, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2015, 25(2): 85-98
Xinghui Xia*, Husheng Li, Zhifeng Yang, Xiaotian Zhang, Haotian Wang, How Does Predation Affect the Bioaccumulation of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Aquatic Organisms? Environmental Science & Technology,2015, 49(8): 4911-4920
Yunjia Lai,Xinghui Xia*, Jianwei Dong, Wenting Lin, Xinli Mou, Pujun Zhao, Xiaoman Jiang, Zhihuang Li, Yali Tong and Yunling Zhao, Equilibrium State of PAHs in Bottom Sediment-Water-1 Suspended Sediment System of A Large River Considering Freely Dissolved Concentrations, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2015, 44(3): 823-832
Xinghui Xia*, Na Xia , Yunjia Lai, Jianwei Dong, Pujun Zhao, Baotong Zhu, Zhihuang Li, Wan Ye, Yue Yuan, Junxiong Huang, Response of PAH-degrading genes to PAH bioavailability in the overlying water, suspended sediment, and deposited sediment of the Yangtze River, Chemosphere, 2015, 128: 236–244
Xinghui Xia*, Andry HarinainaRabearisoa, ZhinengDai, XiaomanJiang, Pujun Zhao, Haotian Wang, Inhibition Effect of Na+ and Ca2+on the Bioaccumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Substances by Daphnia magna in the Presence of Protein, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2015, 34(2): 429–436
Xinghui Xia*, Zhineng Dai, Andry Harinaina Rabearisoa, Pujun Zhao, Xiaoman Jiang, Comparing Humic Substance and Protein Compound Effects on the Bioaccumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Substances by Daphnia magna in Water, Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 978–986


Na Xia, Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Lijuan Hu, Baotong Zhu, Xiaotian Zhang, Jianwei Dong, Characteristics of bacterial community in the water and surface sediment of the Yellow River, the largest turbid river in the world, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14:1894–1904.
Qiong Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Xinli Mou, Baotong Zhu, Pujun Zhao, Haiyang Dong, Effects of seasonal climatic variability on several toxic contaminants in urban lakes: implications for the impacts of climate change, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(12): 2369-2378
Liu, K. K., Li, C. H., Cai, Y. P., Xu, M., and Xia, X. H., Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Resources Security in the Yellow River Basin based on a Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis Approach, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014, 18, 1605–1623
Baotong Zhu, Xinghui Xia*, Na Xia, Shangwei Zhang, and Xuejun Guo, Modification of Fatty Acids in Membranes of Bacteria: Implication for an Adaptive Mechanism to the Toxicity of Carbon Nanotubes,Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48 (7): 4086–4095
Qiong Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Xiaohan Li, Xinli Mou, Impacts of Meteorological Variations on Urban Lake Water Quality: A Sensitivity Analysis for Twelve Urban Lakes with Different Trophic States, Aquatic Sciences, 2014, 76(3): 339-351
Xiuli Zhao, Xinghui Xia*, Shangwei Zhang, Qiong Wu, Xuejun Wang, Spatial and vertical variations of perfluoroalkyl substances in sediments of the Haihe River, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(8): 1557-1566,
Xinli Mou,Xinghui Xia*, Daoyi Gong, Qiang Liu, Qiong Wu, Jia Guo, Effects of Changes in Climatic Variables on Maize Crop Water Requirements in Huang-Huai-Hai Watersheds, China, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2014, 5(2): 176-191
Xiaotian Zhang, Xinghui Xia*, Jianwei Dong, Yimeng Bao, Husheng Li, Enhancement of Toxic Effects of Phenanthrene to Daphnia Magana due to the Presence of Suspended Sediments, Chemosphere, 2014, 104: 162–169
Mohai Shen, Xinghui Xia*, Yawei Zhai, Xiaotian Zhang, Xiuli Zhao, and Pu Zhang, Influence of Carbon Nanotubes with Preloaded and Coexisting Dissolved Organic Matter on the Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Chironomus Plumosus Larvae in Sediment, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2014, 33(1): 182–189


Ting Liu,Fan Wang, Greg Michalski, Xinghui Xia*, Shaoda Liu, Using 15N, 17O and 18O to Determine Nitrate Sources in the Yellow River, China,Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(23): 13412-13421
Na Xia, Xinghui Xia*, Baotong Zhu, Shaokui Zheng, Jing Zhuang, Bacterial diversity and community structure in the sediment of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the largest turbid river in the world, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2013, 71: 43–55
Xinghui Xia,* Andry H. Rabearisoa, Xiaoman Jiang, and Zhineng Dai, Bioaccumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Substances by Daphnia magna in Water with Different Types and Concentrations of Protein, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (19):10955–10963
Zhang Chaosheng, Selinus Olle, Hursthouse Andrew S., Xia Xinghui, Ding Shiming, Preface: selected papers from SESEH 2012 Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2013, 35(5): 551-552
Jianwei Dong, Xinghui Xia*, Yawei Zhai, Investigating particle concentration effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sorption on sediment considering the freely dissolved concentrations of PAHs, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2013, 13:1469–1477
Ting Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Shaoda Liu, Xinli Mou, Yiwen Qiu, Acceleration of Denitrification in Turbid Rivers Due to Denitrification Occurring on Suspended Sediment in Oxic Waters, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 4053?4061
Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Zhifeng Yang, Xueqing Zhang, Zhongbo Yu, Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Transformation in River Water: Effects of Suspended Sediment and Organic Nitrogen Concentration, Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 484: 96-104
Xinghui Xia*, Chuanhui Zhou, Jianhua Huang, Ran Wang, Na Xia, Mineralization of Phenanthrene Sorbed on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2013, 32(4): 894-901
Xinghui Xia*, Xiuli Zhao, Yunjia Lai, Haiyang Dong, Levels and distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphorous in urban soils of Beijing, China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 69(5): 1571-1577
Xinghui Xia*, Yawei Zhai, Jianwei Dong, Contribution Ratio of Freely to Total Dissolved Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Natural River Waters, Chemosphere, 2013, 90(6): 1785–1793
Ying Zhao, Xinghui Xia*, Zhifeng Yang, Growth and nutrient accumulation of Phragmites australisin relation to water level variation and nutrient loadings in a shallow lake, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25(1): 16-25
Shangwei Zhang, Xinghui Xia*, Na Xia, Shan Wu, Fan Gao, Wenwei Zhou, Identification and biodegradation efficiency of a newly isolated2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) aerobic degrading strain, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013, 76: 24-31
Zhineng Dai, Xinghui Xia*, Jia Guo, Xiaoman Jiang,Bioaccumulation and Uptake Routes of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Daphnia magna,Chemosphere, 2013, 90(5): 1589–1596


Ying Zhao, Zhifeng Yang*, Xinghui Xia*, Fei Wang, A shallow lake remediation regime with Phragmites australis: incorporating nutrient removal and water evapotranspiration, Water Research,2012, 46: 5635 -5644
Xinghui Xia*, Xi Chen, Xiuli Zhao, Huiting Chen, Mohai Shen, Effects of Carbon Nanotubes, Chars, and Ash on Bioaccumulation of Perfluorochemicals by Chironomus plumosus Larvae in Sediment, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46 (22): 12467–12475
Shan Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Shangwei Zhang, Qiang Liu, Lei Xu, Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Toxic Equivalency of Dioxin-Like PCB Congeners in Rural Soils of Beijing, China, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2012, 19(2) 12-19
Zhifeng Yang, Ying Zhao, Xinghui Xia*, Nitrous oxide emissions from Phragmites australis- dominated zones in a shallow lake, Environmental Pollution, 2012, 166: 116-124.
Xinghui Xia, Ju Zhang, Yujuan Sha, Jianbing Li, Impact of Irreversible Sorption of Phthalate Acid Esters on Their Sediment Quality Criteria, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2012, 14: 258-265
Lingyan Yang, Xinghui Xia*, Lijuan Hu, Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of HCHs in Urban Soils of Beijing, China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(4): 2377-2387
Mohai Shen, Xinghui Xia*, Fan Wang, Pu Zhang, Xiuli Zhao, Influences of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Plant Residue Chars on Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Chironomus plumosus Larvae in Sediment, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012, 31(1): 202–209


Xinghui Xia, Zhineng Dai, Ju Zhang, Sorption of phthalate acid esters on black carbon from different sources, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13, 2858-2864
YingZhao,XinghuiXia,ZhifengYang*,TemporalandspatialvariationsofnutrientsinBaiyangdianLake, NorthChina, JournalofEnvironmentalInformatics, 2011, 17(2): 102-108
Xinghui Xia*, Lingyan Yang, Levels, Spatial Distribution and Health Risk of Phthalic Acid Esters in Urban Soils of Different Types of Land Use in Beijing, China, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2011, 40(5): 1643-1651
Xi Chen, Xinghui Xia*, Xilong Wang, A comparative study on sorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) by chars, ash and carbon nanotubes, Chemosphere, 2011, 83: 1313–1319
Xinghui Xia*, Zhineng Dai, Yiran Li, The Role of Black Carbon in the Sorption and Desorption of Phenanthrene on River Sediments, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 64: 2287–2294, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1059-z
Fan Wang, Qingwei Bu, Xinghui Xia*, Mohai Shen, Contrasting Effects Of Black Carbon Amendments On PAH Bioaccumulation By Chironomus Plumosus Larvae In Two Distinct Sediments: Role of Water Absorption And Particle Ingestion, Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 1905-1913
Xinghui Xia*, Xi Chen, Ruimin Liu, Hong Liu, Heavy metals in urban soils with various types of land use in Beijing, China, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186: 2043–2050
Shan Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Lingyan Yang, Hong Liu., Distribution, source and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in urban soils of Beijing, China, Chemosphere, 2011, 82: 732–738
Xinghui Xia*, Zhui Zhou, Chuanfei Zhou, Guohua Jiang, and Ting Liu, Mineralizationof Phenanthrene Sorbed on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry, 2013, 32(4): 894-901

SCI期刊Journal of Environmental Informatics 副主编2019.7-
SCI期刊Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 副主编 2019.6
SCI期刊EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry 编委,2014.1-
SCI期刊 ACS Earthand Space Chemistry 编委 2017.1-



Email: xiaxh@bnu.edu.cn


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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨晓华
    基本信息??杨晓华,女,教授,博士生导师。中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会委员,中国环境科学学会水环境分会理事,中国水利学会水生态专业委员会委员,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会复杂系统研究委员会理事,中国人工智能学会集对分析学会筹备委员会副主任兼秘书长,北京大学数字中国研究院Geosis实验室客座教授。主要从事非点源污染控制、城市雨洪管理、水资源综合评价、生态水文模型、流域管理与风险评价研究。曾 ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曾维华
    基本信息长期从事环境系统工程、环境信息学、环境规划与管理、流域水环境过程模拟优化与集成管理、环境影响评价、总量控制与节能减排、重大环境污染事故预警与应急响应、水华预警与应急响应、低碳技术与全球气候变化等方面的教学与科研工作。在环境承载力、区域规划环境评价、总量控制与排污许可证、多尺度环境风险区划以及流域集成管理等方面有独到的见解。曾主持973、863、科技支撑与国家自然科学基金及部委科研项目50余 ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-林春野
    基本信息??北京师范大学教授,博士生导师,讲授土壤污染修复技术本科生课程,长期从事陆地表层污染物生物地球化学过程研究。围绕陆地表层元素生物地球化学,开展了水体沉积物元素地球化学基线方法学研究,建立了辽河流域水体沉积物元素地球化学基线。基于土壤元素示踪方法,建立了我国儿童土壤摄入率暴露参数,编制了国家环境保护标准《儿童土壤摄入量调查技术规范示踪元素法》(HJ876—2017)。基于雨养沉积物剖面,反 ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘新会
    基本信息刘新会,男,教授,博士生导师。主要从事水环境污染物的环境行为、环境效应、环境风险和控制技术研究。作为主持人承担国家973子课题、国家自然科学基金以及环境保护部委托课题的研究工作,在水环境污染物的迁移机制、转化机理、检测方法、控制技术以及预测模型等研究方面取得了一定成绩。2015年,已在EnvironmentalScience&Technology、WaterResearch、Journal ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-毛显强
    基本信息毛显强,北京师范大学环境学院教授、博导,全球环境政策研究中心主任。联系方式??联系地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号邮政编码:100875电话:86-Email:maoxq@bnu.edu.cn研究方向??环境经济政策与管理、环境评价与规划、温室气体与局地污染物协同控制、贸易与环境问题基本信息毛显强,北京师范大学环境学院教授、博导,全球环境政策研究中心主任。教育经历??1995-1998 ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈彬
    基本信息联系方式联系地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号邮政编码:100875电话:Email:chenb@bnu.edu.cn研究方向生态经济核算城市生态系统管理能源与资源代谢基本信息教育经历工作经历2006.12-至今北京师范大学环境学院,基地研究员,副教授,教授教学信息科研项目1.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重大项目子题:“典型城市和区域重大环境污染事故应急技术集成”(主持人);2. ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-裴元生
    基本信息??Dr.YuanshengPeiSchoolofEnvironmentBeijingNormalUniversityNo.19,XinjiekouwaiSt.Beijing100875,ChinaTele:(8610)58801830Email:yspei@bnu.edu.cn长期从事水环境修复、河流污染控制与湖泊富营养化控制等方面的基础与应用基础研究,在流域生态恢复与修复领域,提出了将 ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张妍
    基本信息张妍,女,教授,博士生导师。2012年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者。主要从事城市代谢、生态规划与管理等方面研究。主持和作为学术骨干参与了一系列科研项目,包括973课题、国家自然科学基金、教育部重点项目、教育博士点基金等。曾获国家科技进步二等奖(排名5)、教育部自然科学二等奖(排名1)、教育部科技进步一等奖(排名3),在ES&T、EnergyPolicy、EnvironmentalPo ...
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  • 北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郑少奎
    基本信息郑少奎,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事废水处理新技术研发工作,研发出(1)以节能降耗为特征的微好氧活性污泥UMSB工艺;(2)基于物化方法的废水深度净化与再生新工艺与设备,均已完成中试。主持和参与国家973课题、国家自然科学基金、教育部新世纪人才支持计划等课题的研究工作,以第一作者或通讯作者在Environ.Sci.Technol.,WaterRes.,BioresourceTechno ...
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