

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21


联系地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号
邮政编码: 100875
Email: chenb@bnu.edu.cn




2006.12-至今 北京师范大学环境学院,基地研究员, 副教授,教授


1. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重大项目子题:“典型城市和区域重大环境污染事故应急技术集成”(主持人);
2. 国家自然科学基金项目:“流域生态水资源可用量评价理论与方法研究”(主持人);
3. 国家自然科学基金项目:“流域生态水资源代谢理论与方法研究”(主持人);
4. 中国博士后科学基金项目:“生态理论与能源资源核算模拟”(主持人);

1. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen (2006), “Exergy analysis for resource conversion of the Chinese society 1993 under the material product system”, Energy, 31, 1115-1150.
2. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen, Z.F. Yang (2006), “Exergy-based resource accounting for China” , Ecological Modelling, 196, 313-328.
3. G.Q. Chen, M.M. Jiang, B. Chen, Z.F.Yang, C. Lin (2006), “Emergy based analysis of Chinese agriculture 1980-2000”, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 115, 161-173.
4. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen (2006), “Ecological footprint accounting based on emergy-A case study of the Chinese society”, Ecological Modelling, 198, 101-114.
5. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen (2007), “Ecological footprint accounting and analysis of the Chinese Society 1981-2001 based on embodied exergy”, Ecological Economics, 61(2-3), 355-376. (Most cited paper from Chinese Mainland Authors)
6. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen, Z.F. Yang, M.M Jiang (2007), “Ecological footprint accounting for energy and resource in China”, Energy Policy, 35, 1599-1609.
7. G. Q. Chen, B. Chen (2007), “Resource analysis of the Chinese Society 1980-2002 based on exergy-Part 1: Fossil Fuels and Energy Minerals”, Energy Policy, 35, 2038-2050.
8. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen (2007), “Resource analysis of the Chinese Society 1980-2002 based on exergy-Part 2: Renewable Energy Sources and Forest”, Energy Policy, 35, 2051-2064.
9. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen (2007), “Resource analysis of the Chinese Society 1980-2002 based on exergy-Part 3: Agricultural Products”, Energy Policy, 35, 2065-2078.
10. B. Chen, G. Q. Chen (2007),” Resource analysis of the Chinese Society 1980-2002 based on exergy-Part 4: Fishery and Rangeland”, Energy Policy, 35, 2079-2086.
11. G. Q. Chen, B. Chen (2007), “Resource analysis of the Chinese Society 1980-2002 based on exergy-Part 5: Resource Structure and Intensity”, Energy Policy, 35, 2087-2095.
12. B. Chen, Z. F. Yang, F. H. Hao, G. Q. Chen (2009), “Emergy-based energy and material metabolism of the Yellow River Basin”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14(3), 923-934.
13. B. Chen, G.Q. Chen, F.H. Hao, Z.F. Yang (2009), “Exergy-based water resource allocation of the mainstream Yellow River”. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14(4), 1721-1728.
14. Z.F. Yang, T. Sun, B.S. Cui, B. Chen, G.Q. Chen (2009), “Environmental flow requirements for integrated water resources allocation in the Yellow River Basin, China”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14(5), 2469-2481.
15. X. Zhao, B. Chen, Z.F. Yang (2009), “National water footprint in an input-output framework-a case study of China 2002”, Ecological Modelling, 220, 245-253.
16. G.Q. Chen, B. Chen* (2009), “Extended exergy analysis of the Chinese society”. Energy, 34(9), 1127-1144.
17. M.R. Su, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen, S. Ulgiati (2009), “Set pair analysis for urban ecosystem based on emergy”, Ecological Modelling, 220(18), 2341-2348.
18. G.Y. Liu, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen, S. Ulgiati (2009), “Emergy-based urban health evaluation and spatial development pattern”, Ecological Modelling, 220(18), 2291-2301.
19. Y. Li, B. Chen, Z.F. Yang (2009), “Ecological network analysis for the water use system-a case study of the Yellow River Basin”, Ecological Modelling, 220(22), 3163-3173.
20. Z.F. Yang, M M. Jiang, B. Chen, J.B. Zhou, G Q. Chen (2010), “Emergy based analysis of Chinese economy 1978-2004”, Energy Policy, 38(2), 875-886.
21. L. Zeng, Z.L. Luo, B. Chen*, Z.F. Yang, Z. Li, W.X. Lin, G.Q. Chen (2010), “Numerical analysis of a lock-release oil slick”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15(8), 2222-2230.
22. X. Zhao, H. Yang, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen , Y. Qin (2010), “Applying the input-output method to account for water footprint and virtual water trade in the Haihe River basin in China”, Environmental Science and Technology, 44(23), 9150-9156.
23. S. Gao, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2010), “Network environ analysis for the holistic spatial arrangement of reserves in Wuyishan Nature Reserve, China”, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 15(2), 74-86.
24. Z.M. Chen, B. Chen*, G. Q. Chen (2011), “Cosmic exergy based ecological assessment for a constructed wetland in Beijing”, Ecological Modelling, 222(2), 322-329.
25. F. Xu, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen, Y.W. Zhao (2011), “Ecosystem health assessment of the plant-dominated Baiyangdian Lake based on eco-exergy”, Ecological Modelling,222(1), 201-209.
26. M.R. Su, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “Relative urban ecosystem health assessment: A method integrating comprehensive evaluation and detailed analysis”, Ecohealth, 7, 459-472.
27. Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “Systematic studies on wetlands in China”, Ecological Modelling, 222(2), 221-223.
28. G.Y. Liu, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen, L.X. Zhang (2011), Emergy-based multiple spatial scale analysis framework combining resources and emissions impact for urban ecological economic evaluation. Entropy, 13(3): 720-743.
29. L.P. Ju, B. Chen* (2011), “Embodied energy and emergy evaluation of a typical biodiesel production chain in China”, Ecological Modelling, 2385-2392.
30. S.Q. Chen, B. Chen*(2011), “Assessing inter-city ecological and economic relations: An emergy-based conceptual model”, Frontiers of Earth Science, 5(1), 97-102.
31. S. Q. Chen, B. Chen* (2011), “Information-based Network Environ Analysis: A system perspective for ecological risk assessment”, Ecological Indicators, 11: 1664-1672.
32. M.M. Jiang, B. Chen* (2011), “Integrated urban ecosystem evaluation and modeling based on embodied cosmic exergy”, Ecological Modelling, 222: 2149-2165.
33. M.R. Su, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “An emergy-based analysis of urban ecosystem health characteristics for Beijing city”, International Journal of Exergy, 192-209.
34. G.Y. Liu, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “Extended exergy analysis of urban socioeconomic system: a case study of Beijing, 1996-2006”, International Journal of Exergy, 168-191.
35. G.Y. Liu, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “Monitoring trends of urban development and environmental impact of Beijing, 1999-2006”, Science of the Total Environment, 18:3295-3308.
36. G.Y. Liu, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “Ecological network determination of sectoral linkages, utility relations and structural characteristics on urban ecological economic system”, Ecological Modelling, 222:2825-2834.
37. J. Yang, B. Chen*(2011), “Using LMDI method to analyze the change of industrial CO2 emission from energy use in Chongqing”, Frontiers of Earth Science, 103-115.
38. J. Yang, W.C. Chen, B. Chen*(2011), “Impacts of biogas projects on agro-ecosystem in rural areas —- A case study of Gongcheng”, Frontiers of Earth Science, 5(3), 317-322.
39. L. Feng, D.G. Wang, B. Chen*(2011), “Water quality modeling for a tidal river network: A case study of the Suzhou River”, Frontiers of Earth Science, 5(4), 428-431.
40. X.F. Mao, Z.F. Yang, B. Chen (2011), “Network Analysis and Comparative Studies on Baiyangdian and Okefenokee Wetland Systems in China and US”, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 18(2), 46-54.
41. Z.F. Yang, X. F. Mao, X. Zhao, B. Chen (2012), “Ecological network analysis on global virtual water trade”, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(3), 1796-1803.
42. M.R. Su, L. Chen, B. Chen, S.Q. Chen, Z.F. Yang (2012), “Low-carbon Development Patterns: Observations of Typical Chinese Cities”, Energies,5(2), 291-304.
43. S. Q. Chen, B. Chen* (2012), “Network Environ Perspective for Urban Metabolism and Carbon Emissions: A Case Study of Vienna, Austria”, Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 4498-4506.
44. S.Q. Chen, B. Chen* (2012), “Sustainability and future alternatives of biogas-linked agrosystem (BLAS) in China: an emergy-based analysis”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 3948-3959.
45. S.Q. Chen, B. Chen* , Dan Song (2012), “Life-cycle energy production and emissions mitigation of biogas-digestate comprehensive utilization”, Bioresource Technology, 114, 357-364.
46. J. Dai, B.D. Fath, B. Chen* (2012), “Constructing a network of the Social-economic Consumption System of China using Extended Exergy Analysis”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 4796-4808.
47. L. Zeng, Y.H. Wu, P. Ji, B. Chen*, Z. Wu (2012), “Effect of wind on contaminant dispersion in a wetland flow dominated by free-surface effect”, Ecological Modelling, 237-238, 101-108.
48. S. Q. Chen, B. Chen* (2012), “De?ning indirect uncertainty in system-based risk management”, Ecological Informatics, 10, 10-16.




联系地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号
邮政编码: 100875
Email: chenb@bnu.edu.cn


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