
北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室导师教师师资介绍简介-王 耘

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王 耘
研究领域 :

简 介

北京师范大学脑与认知科学研究院党总支书记,认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师、教育部基础教育质量监测中心核心专家。于2001年获北京师范大学发展心理研究所思维与认知发展教育博士学位,1983年和1998年于北京师范大学分别获心理学学士、发展与教育学硕士学位。长期参与中国基础教育质量监测工作,主持撰写多篇政策咨询报告。 获全国妇联、教育部联合授予的“全国家庭教育先进个人”(2007)、教育部等八部委联合授予的第二届中国青少年社会教育“银杏奖”突出贡献奖(2008)及全国妇联“十五”期间家教先进集体(个人)表彰。

Luma Muhtadie, Qing Zhou, Nancy Eisenberg, Yun Wang. Predicting Internalizing Problems in Chinese Children: the Unique and Interactive Effects of Parenting and Child Temperament. Development and Psychopathology,in press.
Stephen H. Chen, Qing Zhou, Nancy Eisenberg, Carlos Valiente, Yun Wang. Parental Expressivity and Parenting Styles in Chinese Families: Prospective and Unique Relations to Children’s Psychological Adjustment. Parenting: Science and Practice, 2011, 11: 288-307
Annie Tao, Qing Zhou, & Yun Wang. Parental Reactions to children's Negative Emotions: Prospective Relations to Chinese Children's Psychological Adjustment. J of Family Psychology.2010,24(2):135-144.
Zhou Q; Lengua LJ; Wang Y. The relations of temperament reactivity and effortful control to children’s adjustment problems in China and the United States. Developmental Psychology.2009, Vol. 45(3), May 2009, pp. 724-739
Zhou Q, Wang Y, Eisenberg N, Wolchik SA, Tein YU, Deng XL. Relations of parenting and temperament to Chinese children’s experience of negative life events, coping efficacy, and externalizing problems. Child Development, 2008,79(3), 493-513.
Qing Zhou, Nancy Eisenberg, Yun Wang, and Mark Reiser : Chinese Children’s Effortful and Dispositional Anger: Relations to Parenting Styles and Children's social functioning, Developmental Psychology,2004,vol. 40, No. 3, 352-366.
Yajun Li, Xinghui Zhang, Furong Lu, Qin Zhang, & Yun Wang. (2014). Internet Addiction among Elementary and Middle School Students in China: A Nationally Representative Sample Study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(2): 111-116.
Xinghui Zhang, Yajun Li, Qin Zhang, Furong Lu, & Yun Wang. (2014). Smoking and its Risk Factors in Chinese Elementary and Middle School Students: A Nationally Representative Sample Study, Addictive Behaviors, 39(5):837-841.
陈福美, 杨静, 朱哲, 周晴, 王耘. 小学高年级学生压力与问题行为的关系研究:应对策略的调节作用. 心理学探新, 2010, 30(4), 64-69.
李莉, 白云阁, 徐少冈, 王耘. 教师课堂教学行为与学生课堂参与的关系-基于问卷调查的心理学实证研究. 教学研究, 2010, 33(5), 13-16.

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