

北京师范大学 /2013-07-29

彭奎庆 博士

E-mail: kq_peng@bnu.edu.cn


2011.9 北京师范大学教授,博士生导师
2008.6 北京师范大学副教授,博士生导师
2006.9 北京师范大学副教授,硕士生导师
2004.9 香港城市大学物理与材料系博士后
2004.7 清华大学材料科学与工程系,获工学博士学位
1999.7 郑州大学物理系,获理学硕士学位
1996.7 河南大学物理系,获理学学士学位


彭奎庆博士近年来一直致力于硅微纳米加工技术、硅微纳米结构光伏电池、半导体光催化、半导体电化学等研究;在硅微纳米结构材料的制备、形成机制及其性能研究方面取得了一系列原创性成果;揭示了金属催化硅腐蚀的微管机制,是国际上金属催化硅腐蚀技术制备硅纳米线等微纳米结构的开创者。在Journal of the American Chemical Society,Advanced Materials,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,Nano Letters等国际知名期刊发表论文30余篇,获授权发明专利6项。硅纳米线太阳能电池研究成果入选2008年度中国光学重要成果。第一作者研究论文被Nature,Science,Nature Materials等国际知名期刊引用1200余次。目前主持和参与多项国家与省部级科研项目。

1.    High-Performance silicon nanowire array photoelectrochemical solar cells via surface passivation and modification
Wang X, Peng KQ, Pan XJ, et al.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2011 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201104102)
2.    Silicon nanowires for photovoltaic solar energy conversion
Peng KQ,  Lee ST.
Advanced Materials 23, 198, 2011
3.    High-performance silicon nanohole solar cells 
Peng KQ, Wang X, Li L, Wu XL, Lee ST.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 6872, 2010
4.    Platinum nanoparticle decorated silicon nanowires for efficient solar energy conversion
Peng KQ, Wang X, Wu XL, Lee ST.
Nano Letters 9, 3074, 2009
5.    Motility of metal nanoparticles in silicon and induced anisotropic silicon etching 
Peng KQ, Lu AJ, Zhang RQ, Lee ST.
Advanced Functional Materials 18, 3026, 2008
6.    Silicon nanowires for rechargeable lithium-ion battery anodes
Peng KQ, Jie JS, Zhang WJ, et al.
Applied Physics Letters  93, 033105, 2008

7.    Ordered silicon nanowire arrays via nanosphere lithography and metal-induced etching
Peng KQ, Zhang ML, Lu AJ, et al.
Applied Physics Letters  90, 163123, 2007
8.    Aligned single-crystalline Si nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications
Peng KQ, Xu Y, Wu Y, et al.
Small 1, 1062, 2005

9.    Uniform, axial-orientation alignment of one-dimensional single-crystal silicon nanostructure arrays
Peng KQ, Wu Y, Fang H, et al.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 44, 2737, 2005
10.  Fabrication of large-area silicon nanowire p-n junction diode arrays
Peng KQ, Huang ZP, Zhu J.
Advanced Materials 16, 73, 2004
11.  Synthesis of large-area silicon nanowire arrays via self-assembling nanoelectrochemistry
Peng KQ, Yan YJ, Gao SP, Zhu J.
Advanced Materials 14, 1164, 2002
 *Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the entire world.
                                                                                                                -- Albert Einstein
