
中国科学院北京基因组研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-章 张

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-06-02


章 张(ZHANG Zhang)
1998-2002 宁夏大学 计算机科学 学士
2002-2004 南京理工大学 计算机科学 硕士
2004-2007 中国科学院计算技术研究所 计算机科学 博士
2007-2009 美国耶鲁大学(Yale University) 博士后 (Postdoctoral Associate)
2009-2011 沙特阿卜杜拉国王理工大学(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) 研究科学家(Research Scientist)
2011年至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 研究员(Professor,Principle Investigator)
2016年至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 生命与健康大数据中心 执行主任(Executive Director)
2017年至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 特聘研究员(BIG Distinguished Professor)
1. 亚洲副主编(Asian Associate Editor):Briefings in Bioinformatics (2017-)
2. 副主编(Associate Editor-in-Chief): Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (2012-)
3. 编委成员:Biology Direct (2013-)

生物大数据整合与信息挖掘(Big Data Integration and Information Mining)
计算健康基因组学(Computational Health Genomics)

1. Zhang Z as corresponding author in BIG Data Center Members: Database Resources of the BIG Data Center in 2019. Nucleic Acids Res 2019, in press. [PMID=**]
2. Li M, Zou D, Li Z, Gao R, Sang J, Zhang Y, Li R, Xia L, Zhang T, Niu G, Bao Y, Zhang Z: EWAS Atlas: a curated knowledgebase of epigenome-wide association studies. Nucleic Acids Res 2019, in press. [PMID=**]
3. Ma L, Cao J, Liu L, Du Q, Li Z, Zou D, Bajic VB, Zhang Z: LncBook: a curated knowledgebase of human long non-coding RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 2019, in press. [PMID=**]
4. Li M, Xia L, Zhang Y, Niu G, Li M, Wang P, Zhang Y, Sang J, Zou D, Hu S, Hao L, Zhang Z: Plant Editosome Database: a curated database of RNA editosome in plants. Nucleic Acids Res 2019, in press. [PMID=**]
5. Niu G, Zou D, Li M, Zhang Y, Sang J, Xia L, Li M, Liu L, Cao J, Zhang Y, Wang P, Hu S, Hao L, Zhang Z: Editome Disease Knowledgebase (EDK): A curated knowledgebase of editome-disease associations in human. Nucleic Acids Res 2019, in press. [PMID=**]
6. Yin H, Li M, Xia L, He C, Zhang Z: Computational determination of gene age and characterization of evolutionary dynamics in human. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2018, doi: 10.1093/bib/bby074. [PMID=**]
7. Song SH, Tian DM, Li CP, Tang BX, Dong LL, Xiao JF, Bao YM, Zhao WM, He H, Zhang Z: Genome Variation Map: a data repository of genome variations in BIG Data Center. Nucleic Acids Res 2018, 46(D1):D121-D126. [PMID=**]
8. Zhang Z as corresponding author in BIG Data Center Members: Database Resources of the BIG Data Center in 2018. Nucleic Acids Res 2018, 46(D1):D14-D20. [PMID=**]
9. Xu XJ, Ji ZH, Zhang Z: CloudPhylo: a fast and scalable tool for phylogeny reconstruction. Bioinformatics 2017, 33 (3):438-440. [PMID=**]
10. Zhang Z as corresponding author in BIG Data Center Members: The BIG Data Center: from deposition to integration to translation. Nucleic Acids Res 2017, 45(D1):D18-D24. [PMID=**]
11. Yin HY, Wang GY, Ma LN, Yi SV, Zhang Z: What signatures dominantly associate with gene age? Genome Biology and Evolution 2016, 8(10):3083-9. [PMID=**]
12. Yin HY, Ma LN, Wang GY, Li MW, Zhang Z: Old genes experience stronger translational selection than young genes. Gene 2016, 590(1):29-34. [PMID=**]
13. Zhang Z as corresponding author in IC4R Project Consortium: Information Commons for Rice (IC4R). Nucleic Acids Res 2016, 44(D1):D1172-1180. [PMID=**]
14. Zou D, Sun S, Li R, Liu J, Zhang J, Zhang Z: MethBank: a database integrating next-generation sequencing single-base-resolution DNA methylation programming data. Nucleic Acids Res 2015, 43(Database issue):D54-58. [PMID=**]
15. Ma L, Li A, Zou D, Xu X, Xia L, Yu J, Bajic VB, Zhang Z: LncRNAWiki: harnessing community knowledge in collaborative curation of human long non-coding RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 2015, 43(Database issue):D187-192. [PMID=**]
16. Zhang Z, Sang J, Ma L, Wu G, Wu H, Huang D, Zou D, Liu S, Li A, Hao L, Tian M, Xu C, Wang X, Wu J, Xiao J, Dai L, Chen LL, Hu S, Yu J: RiceWiki: a wiki-based database for community curation of rice genes. Nucleic Acids Res 2014, 42(Database issue):D1222-1228. [PMID=**]
17. Wu H, Fang Y, Yu J, Zhang Z: The quest for a unified view of bacterial land colonization. The ISME journal 2014, 8(7):1358-1369. [PMID=**]
18. Ma L, Cui P, Zhu J, Zhang Z, Zhang Z: Translational selection in human: more pronounced in housekeeping genes. Biol Direct 2014, 9:17. [PMID=**]
19. Dai L, Tian M, Wu J, Xiao J, Wang X, Townsend JP, Zhang Z: AuthorReward: increasing community curation in biological knowledge wikis through automated authorship quantification. Bioinformatics 2013, 29(14):1837-1839. [PMID=**]
20. Zhang Z, Xiao J, Wu J, Zhang H, Liu G, Wang X, Dai L: ParaAT: a parallel tool for constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2012, 419(4):779-781. [PMID=**]
21. Zhang Z, Li J, Cui P, Ding F, Li A, Townsend JP, Yu J: Codon Deviation Coefficient: a novel measure for estimating codon usage bias and its statistical significance. BMC Bioinformatics 2012, 13(1):43. [PMID=**]
22. Zhang Z, Lopez-Giraldez F, Townsend JP: LOX: inferring Level Of eXpression from diverse methods of census sequencing. Bioinformatics 2010, 26(15):1918-1919.[PMID=**]
23. Zhang Z, Townsend JP: Maximum-likelihood model averaging to profile clustering of site types across discrete linear sequences. PLoS Comput Biol 2009, 5(6):e**.[PMID=**]
24. Zhang Z, Li J, Zhao XQ, Wang J, Wong GK, Yu J: KaKs_Calculator: calculating Ka and Ks through model selection and model averaging. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 2006, 4(4):259-263. [PMID=**]

  1. 基因组组分动力学和计算分子进化学研究;
  2. 海量生物数据的整合和挖掘;
  3. 基于Web 2.0/3.0的基因组信息学数据共享系统研究;
  4. 生物信息学的Semantic Web Service和生物数据的标准化研究。


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