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基于变系数声波方程的地震深度偏移 曾祥芝1,2, 杨文采31. 中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院, 武汉 430074;
2. 中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京 100037;
3. 浙江大学地球科学学院, 杭州 310027 A Seismic Depth Migraton Method Based on Varied-coefficient Acoustic Equation ZENG Xiangzhi1,2, YANG Wencai31. China University of Geosciences of Wuhan, Wuhan 430074, China;
2. Institute Of Geology, Chinese Academy Of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;
3. School of Earth Science, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang 310058, China

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收稿日期: 2019-11-06

曾祥芝, 杨文采. 基于变系数声波方程的地震深度偏移[J]. 应用数学学报, 2020, 43(6): 923-938. ZENG Xiangzhi, YANG Wencai. A Seismic Depth Migraton Method Based on Varied-coefficient Acoustic Equation. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2020, 43(6): 923-938.

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