本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-10
2012/09-2016/06 上海交通大学 博士研究生 博士导师:朱佐农
2009/09-2012/06 郑州大学 硕士研究生 硕士导师:李雪梅
2004/09-2009/06 唐山师范学院本科学士
2020/1-至今 浙江工业大学 理学院应用数学系 副研究员
2016/10-2019/12 浙江工业大学 理学院应用数学系 助理研究员
2016/10-2019/11 浙江工业大学 信息工程学院 博士后 合作导师:俞立 教授
2.中国博士后科学基金第62批面上资,2017M621964,经典和非局部的非线性离散系统的可积性,2017/11-2019/10, 5万,主持,已结题。
1.Li-Yuan Ma, Hai-Qiong Zhao*,A three-component differential-difference model: Integrability, Darboux transformation and exact solutions, Applied Mathematics Letters, 106228, 2020. JCR 1 区
2.Li-Yuan Ma, Hai-Qiong Zhao, Shou-Feng Shen*and Wen-Xiu Ma, Abundant exact solutionstothe discrete complex mKdVequationby Darboux transformation,Communications inNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 68, 31-40, 2019. JCR 1 区 引用次数:2
3.Li-Yuan Ma, Hai-Qiong Zhao*and Hong Gu,Integrability and gauge equivalence of the reverse space-timenonlocalSasa-Satsuma equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 91(3), 1909-1920, 2018. JCR 1 区 引用次数:11
4. Li-Yuan Ma, Jia-Liang Ji, Zong-Wei Xu and Zuo-Nong Zhu*, Solitary wave for a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation occurred in nonlinear optical waveguide arrays,Chinese Physics B, 27(3), 030201, 2018. JCR 3 区 引用次数:3
5. Li-Yuan Ma, Shen-Feng Shen and Zuo-Nong Zhu*, Soliton solution and gauge equivalence for an integrable nonlocal complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics,58 (10), 103501, 2017. JCR 2 区 引用次数:24
6. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*,Spatial properties and numerical solitary waves of a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schr?dinger equation withnonlinear hopping,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 309, 93-106,2017. JCR 1 区 引用次数:1
7. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*, Nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its discrete version: Soliton solutions and gauge equivalence, Journal of Mathematical Physics,57 (8), 083507, 2016. JCR 2 区 引用次数:29
8.Li-Yuan Maand Zuo-NongZhu* , Gauge equivalent structure and solitarywave solution for a modified Landau -Lifshitz equation,Communications inNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 40, 44-50, 2016. JCR 1 区 引用次数:1
9. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*,N-soliton solution for an integrable nonlocal discrete focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 59, 115-121, 2016.JCR 1 区 引用次数:26
10. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*,Nonintegrable semidiscrete Hirota equation: Gauge-equivalent structures and dynamical properties, Physical Review E, 90(3), 033202, 2014.JCR 1 区 引用次数:2
2012/09-2016/06 上海交通大学 博士研究生 博士导师:朱佐农
2009/09-2012/06 郑州大学 硕士研究生 硕士导师:李雪梅
2004/09-2009/06 唐山师范学院本科学士
2020/1-至今 浙江工业大学 理学院应用数学系 副研究员
2016/10-2019/12 浙江工业大学 理学院应用数学系 助理研究员
2016/10-2019/11 浙江工业大学 信息工程学院 博士后 合作导师:俞立 教授
2.中国博士后科学基金第62批面上资,2017M621964,经典和非局部的非线性离散系统的可积性,2017/11-2019/10, 5万,主持,已结题。
1.Li-Yuan Ma, Hai-Qiong Zhao*,A three-component differential-difference model: Integrability, Darboux transformation and exact solutions, Applied Mathematics Letters, 106228, 2020. JCR 1 区
2.Li-Yuan Ma, Hai-Qiong Zhao, Shou-Feng Shen*and Wen-Xiu Ma, Abundant exact solutionstothe discrete complex mKdVequationby Darboux transformation,Communications inNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 68, 31-40, 2019. JCR 1 区 引用次数:2
3.Li-Yuan Ma, Hai-Qiong Zhao*and Hong Gu,Integrability and gauge equivalence of the reverse space-timenonlocalSasa-Satsuma equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 91(3), 1909-1920, 2018. JCR 1 区 引用次数:11
4. Li-Yuan Ma, Jia-Liang Ji, Zong-Wei Xu and Zuo-Nong Zhu*, Solitary wave for a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation occurred in nonlinear optical waveguide arrays,Chinese Physics B, 27(3), 030201, 2018. JCR 3 区 引用次数:3
5. Li-Yuan Ma, Shen-Feng Shen and Zuo-Nong Zhu*, Soliton solution and gauge equivalence for an integrable nonlocal complex modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, Journal of Mathematical Physics,58 (10), 103501, 2017. JCR 2 区 引用次数:24
6. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*,Spatial properties and numerical solitary waves of a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schr?dinger equation withnonlinear hopping,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 309, 93-106,2017. JCR 1 区 引用次数:1
7. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*, Nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its discrete version: Soliton solutions and gauge equivalence, Journal of Mathematical Physics,57 (8), 083507, 2016. JCR 2 区 引用次数:29
8.Li-Yuan Maand Zuo-NongZhu* , Gauge equivalent structure and solitarywave solution for a modified Landau -Lifshitz equation,Communications inNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 40, 44-50, 2016. JCR 1 区 引用次数:1
9. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*,N-soliton solution for an integrable nonlocal discrete focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 59, 115-121, 2016.JCR 1 区 引用次数:26
10. Li-Yuan Ma and Zuo-NongZhu*,Nonintegrable semidiscrete Hirota equation: Gauge-equivalent structures and dynamical properties, Physical Review E, 90(3), 033202, 2014.JCR 1 区 引用次数:2
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