本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-10
2011.09 - 2015.06华南师范大学,学士
2015.09- 2020.06上海交通大学,博士
2020.07 -今浙江工业大学,讲师
1. Y. Xie, W. Ying, A fourth-order kernel-free boundary integral method for the modified Helmholtz equation, Journal of Scientific Computing 78 (2019) 1632-1658.
2. Y. Xie, W. Ying, W.-C. Wang, A high-order kernel-free boundary integral method for the biharmonic equation on irregular domains, Journal of Scientific Computing 80 (2019) 1681-1699.
3. Y. Xie, W. Ying, A fourth-order kernel-free boundary integral method for implicitly defined surfaces in three space dimensions, Journal of Computational Physics (2020) 109526.
4. Y. Xie, W. Ying, A high-order kernel-free boundary integral method for incompressible flow equations in two space dimensions, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 13 (2020) 595-619.
5. Y. Xie, Z. Huang, W. Ying, A Cartesian grid based tailored finite point method for reaction-diffusion equation on complex domains, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2021).
6. Y. Xie, S. Li, W. Ying, A fourth-order Cartesian grid method for multiple acoustic scattering on closely packed obstacles, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2021).
2011.09 - 2015.06华南师范大学,学士
2015.09- 2020.06上海交通大学,博士
2020.07 -今浙江工业大学,讲师
1. Y. Xie, W. Ying, A fourth-order kernel-free boundary integral method for the modified Helmholtz equation, Journal of Scientific Computing 78 (2019) 1632-1658.
2. Y. Xie, W. Ying, W.-C. Wang, A high-order kernel-free boundary integral method for the biharmonic equation on irregular domains, Journal of Scientific Computing 80 (2019) 1681-1699.
3. Y. Xie, W. Ying, A fourth-order kernel-free boundary integral method for implicitly defined surfaces in three space dimensions, Journal of Computational Physics (2020) 109526.
4. Y. Xie, W. Ying, A high-order kernel-free boundary integral method for incompressible flow equations in two space dimensions, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 13 (2020) 595-619.
5. Y. Xie, Z. Huang, W. Ying, A Cartesian grid based tailored finite point method for reaction-diffusion equation on complex domains, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2021).
6. Y. Xie, S. Li, W. Ying, A fourth-order Cartesian grid method for multiple acoustic scattering on closely packed obstacles, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2021).
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