

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

孙煦 工业设计专业课程主任,产品设计与制造副教授
机械、材料与制造工程系 / 理工学院

联系方式 办公室



+86 (0)-6443


英国拉夫堡大学 , 人机交互, 博士
荷兰埃因霍温大学, 互动设计, 工程博士
荷兰特温特大学, 信息系统设计, 硕士

2006年,她进入英国拉夫堡大学,继续人机交互设计方面的博士研究。她的研究总体目标是设计移动设备(例如手机,PDA,以及其它移动设备)是如 何向大型体育赛事(如奥运会或世界杯足球赛)中的观看者提供个性化的智能服务。她的研究方法基于以用户为中心的人机交互设计。她的研究包括探索用户的需 求,设计产品/系统, 开发原型,然后对原型与终端用户进行评估。
在完成博士研究的学习之后,她参与主持了多项国际,国家,宁波市和工业界的人机交互研发项目。在信息偶遇 、信息搜索、设计知识产权研究、智能教育软件设计、计算机辅助协同合作设计、运输交通设计、文化创新设计与可持续性设计等多个领域有深入广泛的合作。

博士生指导Fangyan Tang (Second supervisor): Exploring Cultural Factors in Product Design, to complete in June, 2016
Xiaosong Zhou (First supervisor): Serendipitous Information Research, to submit in 2017
Lanyun Zhang (First supervisor): Transforming the Group Travel Planner Experience, to submit in 2018
Joyce H. Addae (First supervisor): Usability Research in Support of Cyber Security, to submit in 2018
Chao Zhang (Second supervisor): Automatic Semantic Tagging for Event Detection of Video Surveillance, to submit in 2018
Nan Wang (Second supervisor): Enhancing User Experience to Design Enjoyable Exhibition Events, to finish in 2019


Selected publicationsSun, X.*, May, A. and Wang, Q.F. A Field Study of the Role of Mobile Personalisation at Large Sports Events. Appear to International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 25 pages, 2017.
Schnädelbach, H., Sun, X., Kefalidou, G., Coughlan, T., Meese, P., Norris, J., and Mcauley, D. Creativity Greenhouse: At-a-distance collaboration and competition over research funding. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 19 pages, 2016
Wang, Q.F. and Sun, X*. Do elderly intend to play digital games? Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 27 pages, 2016
Wang, Q.F., Sun, X.*, Cobb, S., Lawson, G., Shaples, S. 3D Printing System: An innovation for Small-Scale Manufacturing in Home Settings? International Journal of Production Research, 20 pages, 2016
Wang, Q., Sun, X. (2016) A cross country analysis on the impact of political freedom and human capital on fertility. World development, 19pages, 2016.
Sun, X.*, May, A. and Wang, Q.F. User-initiated versus System-initiated Personalisation: The Impact of Personalisation on User Experience at Large Sports Events. Applied Ergonomics. 25 pages, 2015
Cranwell, J., Sun, X., Golightly, D., Kefalidou, G., Bedwell, B. Sharples, S. Emerging issues in mobile data capture methods across multiple domains: learning from the user experience. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction. 2014. 20 pages
Sun*, X. & May, A. Design of the User Experience for Personalised Mobile Services. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), Vol.5 (2), 2014. 19 pages.
Sun, X.*, Cranwell, J., Golightly, D., Sharples, S., Bedwell, B. Participant Experiences of Mobile device-based Diary Studies. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction. Vol. 5(2): 62-83, 2013. 21pages
Sun, X.* & May, A. A Comparison of Field-based and Lab-based Experiments to Evaluate User Experience of Personalised Mobile Devices. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. Volume 2013 (2013), 2013, 19 pages.
Law, E. L.C & Sun, X. Evaluating User Experience of Adaptive Digital Educational Games with Activity Theory. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Vol. 70(7): 478-497, 2012. 19 pages.
Sun, X.*, Sharples, S. and Makri, S. A User-Centred Mobile Diary Study Approach to Understanding Serendipity in Information Research. Information Research, Vol. 16(3), 2012, 19 pages.
Sun, X. & May, A.* The Role of Spatial Contextual Factors in Mobile Personalization at large sports events. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol, 13: 293–302, 2010, 10 pages.
Sun, X.* & Law, E. L-C. Towards a Structural Model for Intention to Play a Digital Educational Game. ACM Transactions on Edutainment IV, 44-55, 2010. 11 pages.
Zhang, Lanyun & Sun, X. Designing a Trip Planer Application for Groups: Exploring Group Tourists’ Trip Planning Requirements. Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2016, USA
Addae, J.H., Radenkovic, M., Sun, X*, Towey, D., Augmented Cybersecurity Behavioral Research Model, COMPSAC 2016: The 40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications, 2016, USA
Sun, X.*, Andrew, A.,Mitchel,A. Adapting HCI methods into Eastern Culture, Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2015, Korea
Sun, X.*, Wang,Q,F. Wang,N.and Wang,Y. (2015) Design for sustainable behavior. 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2015, USA
Pradel, P. Sun, X. ,Oro, B. Gill, A. A preliminary comparison of desk and panel crit settings in the design studio. 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 2015. UK
Kefalidou, G., Kelly, P., Dix, A., and Sun. X Enhancing Self-Reflection with Wearable Sensors. ACM MobileHCI 2014, Toronto, Canada
Sun. X. *, Golightly, D., Sharples, S., Bedwell, B. User Requirements and Constrains for On-demand Taxi Sharing Technology. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012, Blackpool, UK.
Sun, X.*, Sharples, S., Kefalidou, G. User Requirements for an Interactive System to Stimulate Serendipity. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012, Blackpool, UK.
Piao, S., Bental, D., Whittle, J., Aylett, R., Makri, S. and Sun, X. A Pilot Study: Deriving a Users’ Goal Framework from a Corpus of Interviews and Diaries. Semantic Relations-II. Enhancing Resources and Applications, 2012, Turkey.
Schnadelbach, H., Sun, X., Norriis, J., Duxbury, P., Bailey, R., Lloyd, D. Creativity Greenhouse – Communication Technologies in the Facilitation of Cross-disciplinary Research Ideas. Digital Engagement, Digital Economy 2011, Dundee, UK.
Sun, X.* & Sharples, S. A Mobile Diary Study Approach to Understanding Serendipity. Encouraging Serendipity in Interactive Systems, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
Woods, M., Stephann, M., Blandford, A., Forth, J., Wiggins, G.A., Bental, D., Sun, X., Sharples, S. Understanding Serendipity to Inform Novel Processes, Methods and Technologies for the Researcher. Digital Engagement, Digital Economy 2011, Dundee, UK.
Sun, X. * User Requirements of Personalized Mobile Applications at Large Sporting Events. IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2010, Freiburg, Germany.
Sun, X. * & May, A. The Role of Culture in Designing and Evaluating Mobile Applications for Chinese Users. IWIPS 2010 on Growing Global Design Communities, 2010, London, UK.
Sun, X.* & Law, E. L. C. Digital Educational Game and Sensation Seeking. Digital Educational Game and Sensation Seeking. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6250 LNCS, 2010: 44-55.
Sun, X & May, A. Mobile personalization in the context of large sports events. ECSCW: Techniques and Methodologies for Studying Technology Use ‘In the Wild.’ 2008, Limerick, Ireland. 4 pages.
Sun, X.* and May, A. Mobile Personalization at Large Sports Events: User Experience and Mobile Device Personalization. IN: Usability and Internationalization. Global and Local User Interfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, Vol.4560: 486-495
Wichary, M., Gunawan, L., Ende, N. V., Hjortzberg-Nordlund, Q., Matysiak, A., Janssen, R. and Sun, X. Vista: interactive coffee-corner display. Human Factors in ComputingSystems, CHI 2005 , Vienna, Austria.

科研项目 / 研究基金
GrantPI, 2016 Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Digital Copyright Grant 'User-centred perspectives on IP practices in the creative and IT industries', RMB 820k
PI, 2016 Local Industry Grant ' Design Research and Innovation’
PI, 2015 Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau 'Interaction design of Accidental Discovery in Science and Research', RMB 50k
PI, 2015 Local Industry Grant 'Ningbo Cultural Creative Design' RMB 30k
PI, 2014 National Science Foundation of China (Young Scientists) 'Design Strategies for Serendipity', RMB 310k ((RMB100 K from the university)
PI, 2013 University research Grant, RMB 1.5 K
PI, 2012 University research Grant, RMB 1.5 K

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