华秀萍 教授 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)金融学教授,博士生导师,普惠金融研究中心秘书长 宁波新结构经济学研究中心常务副主任 宁波诺丁汉大学─宁波保税区区块链实验室主任
联系方式 办公室
+86 (0) 转 8305
博士学位 谢菲尔德大学,英国
硕士学位 谢菲尔德大学,英国
学士学位(双学位) 北京大学,中国
华秀萍(Professor Xiuping Hua),现任诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)金融学教授与博士生导师、宁波诺丁汉大学—宁波保税区区块链实验室主任、宁波新结构经济学研究中心常务副主任、普惠金融研究中心秘书长,也担任政协第十五届宁波市委员会委员、宁波市统计协会副会长、宁波市股权投资与创业投资行业协会专家理事、上市公司拓邦股份与东莞银行独立董事、宁波市江北区财政学会第六届理事会理事等社会职务。她是浙江省高等学校中青年学术带头人(金融学科),并入选宁波市领军和拔尖人才培养工程(金融学科)与宁波市哲学社会科学学科带头人培育项目(金融学科)。她拥有北京大学法学与经济学双学位,并取得英国谢菲尔德大学金融学硕士与博士学位。此前曾担任中国金融四十人论坛研究员、英国科学院资助的伦敦大学亚非学院访问****、《欧洲金融杂志》客座主编、君润资本兼职副总裁与合伙人等职务。她研究以中国与欧洲金融市场为主,兴趣包括资产定价、衍生品投资、金融科技、创新金融与普惠金融。她已在Journal of International Money and Finance、European Journal of Finance、Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance、Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting、 Business History、International Business Review、Economic Modeling、《经济研究》、《金融研究》等学术期刊,以及《中国日报》(China Daily),《21世纪经济报道》、《北大商业评论》、财新、FT中文网等媒体杂志发表数十篇文章,并作为项目负责人获得国内外政府、学术机构与金融机构多项研究项目资助。
期刊评审英文期刊:Research Policy; European Journal of Finance; World Development; Economic Modelling; International Journal of Finance and Economics; Industrial Management & Data Systems; International Journal of Production Research; Research in International Business and Finance; China Economic Review 等。
Alain Chong, Eric Lim, Xiuping Hua, Sunny Zheng and Chee-Wee Tan (2020) Business on Chain: A Comparative Study of Five Blockchain-inspired Business Models, Journal of Association for Information Systems (ABS level 4 Information Management), forthcoming.
Xiuping Hua, Ying Jiang, Qian Sun and Xinyi Xing (2019) Do Antidumping Measures Affect Chinese Exporting Firms, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (ABS level 3 Finance), 52(3), 871-900.
Xiuping Hua, Wei Huang and Ying Jiang (2018) Controlled Currency Regime and Pricing of Exchange Rate Risk: Evidence from China, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (ABS level 3 Accounting), DOI: 10.1177/**X**.
Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou, Xiuping Hua & Yiping Huang (2018) Chinese capital markets: the importance of history for modern development, European Journal of Finance (ABS level 3 Finance; SSCI), 24(16), 1369-1374.
Qiwei Chen, Xiuping Hua & Ying Jiang (2018) Contrarian strategy and herding behaviour in the Chinese stock market, The European Journal of Finance (ABS level 3 Finance; SSCI), 24(16), 1552-1568.
Yuhuilin Chen, Xiuping Hua and Agyenim Boateng (2017) Effects of Foreign Acquisitions on Financial constraints, Productivity and Investment in R&D of Target Firms in China, International Business Review (ABS level 3 International Business and Area Studies; SSCI), 26 (4), 640-651.
Chris Adcock, Xiuping Hua, Khelifa Mazouz and Shuxing Yin (2017) Derivative Activities and Chinese banks' Exposures to Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Movements, European Journal of Finance (A top Finance Journal in Europe; ABS level 3 Finance; SSCI), 23(7-9), 727-751.
Xiuping Hua, Anders C. Johansson & Xun Wang (2017) National and regional financial openness in China, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (ABS level 1 International Business and Area Studies), 15(2), 127-140.
Chris Adcock, Xiuping Hua and Yiping Huang (2016) Are Chinese Stock and Property Markets Integrated or Segmented? European Journal of Finance (ABS level 3 Finance; SSCI), 22(4-6), 345-370.
Xiuping Hua, Yali Wang, Miao Wang (2016), The innovation and performance impacts of venture capital investment on China’s small- and medium-sized enterprises, China Economic Journal, 9(2), 167–185. (Invited Article)
Xiuping Hua, Yuhuilin Chen and Shameen Prashantham (2016) Institutional Logic Dynamics: Private Firm Financing in Ningbo (1912–2008), Business History, 58(3), 378-407. (2015 ABS level 3 Business and Economic History; 2010 ABS level 4 Business History; SSCI).
Agyenim Boateng, Xiuping Hua, Shaista Nisar and Junjie Wu (2015) Examining the Determinants of Inward FDI: Evidence from Norway, Economic Modelling (ABS level 2 Economics; SSCI), Vol. 47, 118-127.
Xiuping Hua, Laixiang Sun and Tianyi Wang (2015) Impact of Exchange Rate Regime Reform on Asset Returns in China, European Journal of Finance (ABS level 3 Finance; SSCI), vol. 21, issue 2, 147-171.
Chris Adcock, Xiuping Hua, Khelifa Mazouz and Shuxing Yin (2014) Does the Stock Market Reward Innovation? European Stock Index Reaction to Negative News during the Global Financial Crisis, Journal of International Money and Finance (A world leading journal in the field of international finance; ABS level 3 Finance; SSCI), Vol. 49, 470-491.
Agyenim Boateng, Xiuping Hua, Moshfique Uddin, Min Du (2014)Home Country Macroeconomic Factors on Outward Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from the UK.Research in International Business and Finance (ABS level 2 Finance; SSCI), Vol. 30, 202-216.
Yanbing Zhang, Xiuping Hua and Liang Zhao (2012) Exploring Determinants of Housing Prices: A Case Study of Chinese Experiences in 1999-2010, Economic Modelling (ABS level 2 Economics; SSCI), vol. 29, 2349-2361.
Yiping Huang, Xun Wang and Xiuping Hua (2010) What Determine China’s Inflation, China Economic Journal, vol. 3, 69-86.
Yong Wang and Xiuping Hua (2017) A Detailed Discussion on the Connotation of “Facilitating State” in New Structural Economics: Reply to Professor Tian Guoqiang’s Criticism, Economic Review (Jingji Yanjiu), vol. 3, 17-30.
Xiuping Hua and Ke Yang (2014) Impact of Renminbi appreciation on the performance of Chinese export-oriented companies: evidence from Ningbo, Special Zone Economy (ISSN: 1004-0714), volume 5, vol. 5, 67-69.
Xiuping Hua, Aizong Xiong, and Bin Zhang (2012)Measurements of Financial Openness, Financial Review (Jinrong Pinglun), vol. 5,110-121.
Bin Zhang, Xun Wang and Xiuping Hua (2010)Nominal and Real Returns on China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves, Economic Research Journal (Jinji Yanjiu, Top 1 Chinese journal in Economics), vol. 10, 115-128.
Yiping Huang, Xun Wang and Xiuping Hua (2010)The Fundamental Factors Behind China’s Inflation, Financial Research Journal (Jinrong Yanjiu, Top 1 Chinese journal in Finance), vol. 6, 46-59.
Mingchun Sun, Xiuping Hua, and Jiayao Chen (2010)Resolving Policy Dilemmas by Deepening Economic and Financial Reform, Review of Financial Development (Jinrong Fazhan Pinglun), vol. 7, 1-21.
中国人民银行宁波中心支行、宁波诺丁汉大学(2018)宁波市金融消费权益保护环境评估报告,2014-2017,北京:中国金融出版社,2018年7月,ISBN 978-7-5059-9679-4。
杨正平、王淼、华秀萍(2017)《科技金融:创新与发展》,北京:北京大学出版社,2017年9月第1版,ISBN 978-7-301-28613-5。
华秀萍、陈裕荟琳(2017)《宁波民营企业发展与融资的百年历史回顾(1912-2012)》,杭州:浙江大学出版社,2017年5月第1版,ISBN 978-7-308-15437-6。
华秀萍、王雅丽(2018)“全球产业政策的历史实践”,林毅夫、张军、王勇、寇宗来主编《 产业政策:总结、反思与展望》,第二章,北京大学出版社,71-90页。
华秀萍(2016)“产业政策的旷世之争论”,林毅夫、付才辉、王勇主编《 新结构经济学新在何处》,第三部分,北京大学出版社,124-132页。
Yuhuilin Chen and Xiuping Hua (2015) Ownership, financial constraints and firm performance: Foreign acquisitions of Chinese firms, Douglas Cumming, Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee (eds.), Experiences and challenges in the development of Chinese Capital Market, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London, UK.
Xiuping Hua and Yuhuilin Chen (2015) Institutional logics and financing mechanisms: A comparative study of Ningbo and Wenzhou Entrepreneurs, Douglas Cumming, Michael Firth, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee (eds.), Developments in Chinese Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in China, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London, UK.
Xiuping Hua and Agyenim Boateng (2015) Trade Openness, Financial Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Environment Effects in the North-South: New Static and Dynamic Panel Data Evidence, Liam Leonard and Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (eds.) Beyond the UN Global Compact: Institutions and regulation, Emerald Group Publishing.
Xiuping Hua and Chris Adcock (2013) Chapter 3. Asset pricing under financial repression: Evidence from the Chinese real estate boom during 1999-2010, Douglas Cumming, Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee (eds.), Developing China’s Capital Market: Experiences and Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London, pp. 42-73.
Bin Zhang and Xiuping Hua (2011) On the Reform of RMB Exchange Rate: a Middle Ground Solution, HO Lok Sang & John WONG (eds.) APEC and the Rise of China, World Scientific Publishing, Hong Kong.
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