
宁波诺丁汉大学MA International Relations and International Business

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-05-25

About the Programme

This programme gives students the opportunity to develop deeper understanding and analytical excellence in two fields of increasing importance, international relations and international business, drawing from the combined strengths of UNNC’s School of International Studies and Nottingham University Business School (NUBS).  A wide selection of modules allows them to specialise in a variety of different areas in international relations and international business. Dissertations are written under the guidance of experienced academic staff, which include world-leading international relations experts focusing on China, Japan, the UK, the US, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Russia, among others. Students will be introduced to key concepts and theories in both fields, will be trained in research methods, important historical and contemporary cases and hot-button issues, and gain access to (and we hope contribute to) the latest research in international relations and international business.

Students can choose from a range of modules in international relations and international business, which include, in addition to subjects directly related to international relations and international business, modules in diplomacy/foreign policy analysis, development, international economics, dimensions of world history, international organisations, European politics, regionalism, traditional and non-traditional security, environmental policy, area studies (including China, Russia, the US, Europe, the UK, Japan, the Middle East, Africa, etc.) and of course research methods, to name a few. Small seminars allow students to develop their analytical skills, and oral and written presentation techniques, as well as their capacity to research, compile and produce thematic reports, essays, and papers.

Case studies and occasional simulation games deepen students’ theoretical and practical knowledge of negotiations, diplomacy, world history and international relations.  The dissertation will give students the opportunity to prove the breadth and depth of their knowledge.

Course structure

The MA in International Relations and International Business is offered as a one year programme (twelve full months).  This degree programme can also be taken in a part time capacity over two years. Students must take 180 credits to graduate, comprised of 60 credits each semester (four modules each semester at 15 credits each), plus 60 credits for the dissertation (normally done over the summer for full time students).  Students must pass the taught components before proceeding to the dissertation.



Code Title Credits
INTS4001 Core Concepts in International Relations and World History: Part One 20
INTS4013 Research Methods  20
NEW International Business Environment 10
INTS4002 China in International Relations 20
INTS4009 International Political Economy 10
INTS4010 Dissertation 60
  Credit Total 140
Student must take all the modules above


Group 1

Students must take a minimum of 20 and maximum of 40 from this group

Code Title Credits
INTS4018 Democratisation in Asia, Africa and Latin America 10
INTS4022 Politics and History of the Middle East 10
CHIN4045 Government and Politics of China 10
INTS4036 China and the World 20
CHIN4030 Contemporary China Issues (20 credits) 20
INTS4033 People and Borders 10
INTS4015 Contemporary Security: Theories and Issues 10
INTS4102 Humanitarian Intervention and Civil Wars 10
INTS4016 International Organisations 10
INTS4020 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire 10
INTS4006 Internship 10
  Credit Total 130


Group 2

A minimum of 0 and a maximum of 20 credits from this group

Code Title Credits
BUSI4342 Project Management 10
CHIN4047 Globalisation and Innovation in China 10
CHIN4038 Management for China (10 credits) 10
CHIN4046 Management for China 20
BUSI4320 International Business Strategy 10
BUSI4326 Managing International Business in China 10
BUSI4339 E-Business 10
  Credit total 80


Detailed module information can be found through the online module catalogue. Please enter the module title or code when searching. Detailed programme specifications information can be accessed on the Online Programme Catalogue

Please note: This degree structure and modules may be subject to change. 


Our staff

The School of International Studies has academic staff from all across the world, who are world-leading experts in their fields. Students gain from a variety of perspectives and backgrounds which compliment the global nature of this programme.

Our class size

We anticipate that the 2016 class size will be approximately ten students.

Your degree certificate

All students who successfully complete their studies at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China will be awarded a University of Nottingham, UK degree.

There are no differences between certificates awarded in the UK and those awarded in China.


Entry Requirement

Degree Requirement

This mater programme require student to have a bachelors degree(or international equivalent) from a recognised institution at the same standard as UK university's 2:1 (upper second class honours degree or international equivalent)

English Language Requirement

Applicants whose first language is not English, and who do not have a degree from a UK institution, are required to have the following English language qualifications before they can register on an academic programme:

Applicants from certain countries may have these requirements waived subject to the University of Nottingham Policy for Waiving English Language Entry Requirements at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/academicservices/documents/qmdocuments/policy-for-waiving-english-language-requirements.docx


Further information

Please consult Study with us for details on entry requirements, scholarships and application procedures.                                                              

You can also contact us by email: fhss@nottingham.edu.  


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