同时,招生办老师将为有意(或已经)申请2009-2010年入学的学生提供面谈机会。每位学生的咨询时间为15分钟,提前预约者优先。预约面试咨询的方式为: 欲参加咨询者可以电邮至admissions@nottingham.edu.cn. 请务必提供正确的个人信息及联系方式,招生办老师会以电邮的形式确认预约成功,并通知开放日当天具体面试咨询时间以及地点。
Postgraduate Open Day, 7 Dec 2008
The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China will be open to the public on December 7th, 2008 (Sunday) . If you are interested in our university and its POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES, please come along and find out more about us, the excellent range of facilities and research resources we have available, and what makes the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China a truly distinctive and international university.
Throughout the day, there will be a number of general talks, student-led campus tours, and the chance to put your own questions to University staff. Our admissions officers will be on hand to offer advice and information on any postgraduate programmes that interest you.
Private Interviews with staff at campus can also be arranged, subject to staff availability and advance booking. Each interview will last max.15 minutes. Anyone who is interested in this new section could send email directly to the admissions office to reserve a place (E: admissions@nottingham.edu.cn). The staff of Admissions Office will confirm your reservation and notify the time and venue of interview.