Curriculum Vitae: Liwei Liu
工作单位: 宁波大学 食品与药学学院 海洋药学系
Affiliation: College of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ningbo University
Position/Degree: Associate Professor/Ph.D
Discipline: Marine Pharmaceutical Science
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2010-2014 理学博士 微生物系 赫尔辛基大学 芬兰
Ph.D Microbiology University of Helsinki Finland
2007-2010 硕士 微生物系 南开大学 中国
M.S. Microbiology Nankai University China
2003-2007 工学学士 生物工程系 合肥工业大学 中国
B.Eng. Bioengineering Hefei University of Technology China
工作经历/Research experience
2015-2017 博士后 微生物资源前期开发国家重点实验室 中国科学院微生物研究所 中国
Postdoc State Key Laboratory of Microbial Resources Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2017-2019 博士后 生物学院 惠灵顿维多利亚大学 新西兰
Postdoc School of Biological Sciences Victory University of Wellington New Zealand
研究方向/Research interest
1. 高通量筛选新的微生物天然产物
High Throughput screening of new microbial natural products
2. 天然产物的生物学功能和作用机制的探索
Research on biological function and mechanism of natural products
3. 微生物天然产物的生物合成机制和重要功能蛋白的酶学反应机理
The biosynthesis of microbial natural products and catalytic reaction mechanism of key enzymes
主持的科研项目/ Research grants
l 中国国家科学基金-青年项目, 放线菌中五角多酚类化合物的基因组挖掘(**),2017.1-2019.12, 21万元。
l 中国博士后科学基金一等, 口腔天然产物mutingweicin生物合成中乙酰基转移的研究(2017M610123),2017.5-2018.8, 8万元。
l 中国博士后国家交流计划引进项目资助,2017.1-2018.8, 27万元。
l 2011 芬兰CIMO奖学金(国家级12万)
l 2010 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生奖学金(国家级50万)
邀请报告/Invited Presentation
l The Centre for Biodiscovery Symposium on Harnessing, killing, and being infected by microbes. Jun 16th, 2017, Alan MacDiarmid Centre, Wellington, New Zealand. The new natural products with potent bioactivities from Cyanobacteria and Streptococcus mutans. (Invited speaker)
l “首届粤港澳大湾区微生物资源调查暨未/难培养微生物分离与培养技术研讨会”. 2019年 12月12-14日。中国,广州。Bioprospecting of Marine Microbial Resources by New Cultivation Methods(邀请报告)
1. Metathramycin, a new bioactive aureolic acid discovered by heterologous expression of a metagenome derived biosynthetic pathway.
Luke J. Stevenson, Joe Bracegirdle, Liwei Liu, Abigail V. Sharrock, David F. Ackerley, Robert A. Keyzers, Jeremy G. Owen*. RSC Chemical Biology. 2021. (DOI: 10.1039/D0CB00228C)
2. Accessing previously uncultured marine microbial resources by a combination of alternative cultivation methods
Dawoon Jung, Biyin Liu, Xiaoping He, Jeffrey S. Owen, Liwei Liu, Ye Yuan, Weiyan Zhang, Shan He. Microbial Biotechnology. 2021. (DOI: 10.1111/1751-7915.13782)
3. Development of an anaerobic bacterium host system for heterologous expression of biosynthetic gene clusters and discovery of mutanocyclin from human oral anaerobes.
Tingting Hao, Zhoujie Xie, Min Wang, Liwei Liu, Yuwei Zhang, Weicang Wang, Zhao Zhang, Xuejin Zhao, Pengwei Li, Zhengyan Guo, Chunbo Lou, Guodong Zhang, Geoff P. Horsman, Yihua Chen*. Nature communications.2019.10(3665).
4. Hexaricins, Pradimicin-like Polyketides from a Marine Sediment-Derived Streptosporangium sp. and Their Antioxidant Effects.
Chunzhi Gao, Zhengyan Guo, Xingzhong Lu, Haiyan Chen, Liwei Liu, Zhiguo Yu*, and Yihua Chen*. Journal of Natural Product. 2018. 81(9): 2069–2074.
5. The swinholide biosynthetic gene cluster from a terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. UHCC 0450.
Anu Humisto, Jouni Jokela, Liwei Liu, Matti Wahlsten, Hao Wang, Perttu Permi, Joao Paulo Machado, Agostinho Antunes, David P Fewer, Kaarina Sivonen*. Applied and Environmental Microbiolgy. 2017. 84(3): e02321-17.
6. Genome mining of natural products gene clusters in Streptococcus mutans from human caries.
Liwei Liu, Tingting Hao, Zhoujie Xie, Yihua Chen*. Scientific Report 2016, 6, 37479.
7. Pseudoaeruginosins, nonribosomal peptides in Nodularia spumigena.
Liwei Liu, Adnan Budnjo, Jouni Jokela, Bengt Erik Haug, Torgils Fossen, David P. Fewer, Matti Wahlsten, Perttu Permi, Kaarina Sivonen*. ACS Chemical Biology 2015, 10 (3):725–733.
8. Antifungal compounds from cyanobacteria.
Tania K. Shishido, Anu Humisto, Jouni Jokela, Liwei Liu, Matti Wahlsten, Anisha Tamrakar, David P. Fewer, Perttu Permi, Ana P.D. Andreote, Marli F. Fiore, and Kaarina Sivonen*. Marine Drugs 2015, 13(4): 2124-2140.
9. 4-methylproline guided natural product discovery yielded novel cyclic nostoweipeptins and nostopeptolides.
Liwei Liu, Jouni Jokela, Lars Herfindal, Matti Wahlsten, Jari Sinkkonen, Perttu Permi, David P Fewer, Stein Ove Døskeland, Kaarina Sivonen*. ACS Chemical Biology 2014, 9(11): 2646-2655.
10. Nostosins, trypsin inhibitors isolated from the terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. strain FSN.
Liwei Liu, Jouni Jokela, Matti Wahlsten, Bahareh Nowruzi, Perttu Permi, Yuezhou Zhang, Henri Xhaard, David P. Fewer, Kaarina Sivonen*. Journal of Natural Product 2014, 77 (8): 1784–1790.
11. Cyanobacteria from terrestrial and marine sources contain apoptogens able to overcome chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemia cells.
Liwei Liu, Lars Herfindal, Jouni Jokela, Tania Keiko Shishido, Matti Wahlsten, Stein Ove Døskeland, Kaarina Sivonen*. Marine Drugs 2014, 12 (4): 2036-2053.
12. Genome mining expands the catalytic potential of the cyanobactin natural product pathway to include N-prenylated and O-methylated linear peptides.
Niina Leikoski, Liwei Liu, Jouni Jokela, Matti Wahlsten, Muriel Gugger, Cheryl Kerfeld, Alexandra Calteau, Perttu Permi, Kaarina Sivonen, David P. Fewer*. Journal of Chemistry and Biology. 2013, 20: 1033-1043.
13. DsbM, a novel disulfide oxidoreductase affects aminoglycoside resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by OxyR-regulated response.
Xuehan Wang, Mingxuan Li, Liwei Liu, Rui Mou, Xiuming Zhang, Yanling Bai, Haijin Xu, Mingqiang Qiao*. Journal Microbiology. 2012, 50(6): 932-938.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11
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