

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

\r李永丽,吴玲玲,卢 扬,孙广宇\r
AuthorsHTML:\r李永丽,吴玲玲,卢 扬,孙广宇\r
AuthorsListE:\rLi Yongli,Wu Lingling,Lu Yang,Sun Guangyu\r
AuthorsHTMLE:\rLi Yongli,Wu Lingling,Lu Yang,Sun Guangyu\r
Unit:\r智能电网教育部重点实验室(天津大学),天津 300072\r
Unit_EngLish:\rKey laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education(Tianjin University),Tianjin 300072,China\r
Abstract_English:\r\rTo diagnose faults in a circuit breaker\r,\rit is important to determine the status of the circuit breaker by monitoring the current through the circuit breaker’s opening and closing coils\r.\rHowever\r,\rconsidering the low operating frequency of circuit breakers\r,\rfew data samples of the currents of these opening and closing coils are available\r.\rTo quickly and accurately diagnose faults in a circuit breaker despite the availability of few data samples\r,\rwe propose an improved Bayesian algorithm\r.\rThe conventional Bayesian algorithm is only applicable to classification problems about discrete variables\r,\rso we introduce an invasive-weeds optimization algorithm to select the standard state\r,\rand on this basis\r,\rwe use a discretization method based on the standard state probability to discretize the continuous variables\r.\rThe study results reveal that the proposed improved Bayesian algorithm extends the range of categories to which the Bayesian algorithm can be applied to the classification of continuous variables and improves the accuracy of fault diagnosis\r.\rWe performed a simulation analysis of different training samples to verify the accuracy of the improved Bayesian algorithm for fault diagnosis and compared the results obtained with those obtained using the conventional Bayesian algorithm and a support vector machine\r(\rSVM\r)\r.\rFor 10 training samples\r,\rthe fault diagnosis accuracies of the conventional Bayesian algorithm\r,\rSVM\r,\rand the improved Bayesian algorithm were 45.05\r%\r,\r83.15\r%\r,\rand 92.25\r%\r,\rrespectively\r.\rThe accuracy rate of the improved Bayesian algorithm was greater than that of the SVM\r,\rwhich indicates that the diagnostic effect of the improved Bayesian algorithm is better than that of the SVM\r.\rThe accuracy rate of the improved Bayesian algorithm was also higher than that of the conventional Bayesian algorithm\r,\rwhich indicates that the optimization obtained by the invasive-weed optimization algorithm and the discretization method based on the standard state probability distribution were effective in improving the fault diagnosis accuracy using a small sample size\r.\rBecause the improved Bayesian algorithm proposed in this paper had the highest fault diagnosis accuracy\r,\rwe conclude that it can be used to quickly and accurately diagnose faults in circuit breakers using only a small data sample set\r.\r\r

Keywords_English:circuit breaker;fault diagnosis;Bayesian classifier;discretization;small sample\r

相关话题/断路器 算法
