Continuous carbon nanotube composite fibers for flexible aqueous lithium-ion batteries
A freestanding CNTs film fabricated by pyrrole-modified CVD for capacitive deionization
Silica-Mediated Formation of Nickel Sulfide Nanosheets on CNT Films for Versatile Energy Storage
CNTs@gamma-Fe2O3@C composite electrode for high capacity lithium ion storage
Engineering of lithium-metal anodes towards a safe and stable battery
Effects of in situ synthesized mullite whiskers on compressive strength of mullite fiber brick
One-step synthesis and magnetic properties of Ni-Fe3O4@PI core-shell composite microspheres
Effects of CNT-film Pretreatment on the Characteristics of NiCo2O4/CNT Core-shell Hybrids as Electrode Material for Electroch
Continuous hierarchical carbon nanotube/reduced graphene oxide hybrid films for supercapacitors
Magnetic properties of FeNi3/NiZn-ferrite nanocomposite prepared by hydrothermal method for application in high frequency
Synthesis of heterostructure Cu2O/TiO2 nanotube arrays by AC electrochemical deposition
SiO2-coated Fe-Ni alloy core-shell structures synthesized by a facile chemical method
Preparation and electrochemical performances of CoNi(1-)(OH)(2) coated carbon nanotube free standing films as flexible electr
In Situ Gas-Solid Reaction and Oxidation Resistance of Silicon Carbide Coating on Carbon fibers
Facile synthesis of free-standing Fe2O3/carbon nanotube composite films as high-performance anodes for lithium-ion batteries
One-step synthesis of continuous free-standing Carbon Nanotubes-Titanium oxide composite films as anodes for lithium-ion batt
Fabrication of NiCo2O4 and carbon nanotube nanocomposite films as a high-performance flexible electrode of supercapacitors
Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Continuous Carbon Nanotube Networks Modified C-f/SiC Composite
Electrochemical property studies of carbon nanotube films fabricated by CVD method as anode materials for lithium-ion battery
Preparation and Electrochemical Lithium Storage of Tin Oxide Coated Carbon Nanotube Composites
Effect of frozen conditions on dispersion morphologies of carbon nanotubes and electrical conductivity of carbon fiber/epoxy
Facile Synthesis of Ni(OH)(2) Nanoflakes on Carbon Nanotube Films as Flexible Binder-Free Electrode for Supercapacitors
Spatial dispersion state of carbon nanotubes in a freeze-drying method prepared carbon fiber based preform and its effect on
Microstructure of mullite fiber-based hierarchical structures adjusted by Al/Si mole ratio of the raw material powders
Combination effect of physical drying with chemical characteristic of carbon nanotubes on through-thickness properties of car
Hierarchical mullite structures and their heat-insulation and compression-resilience properties
Hierarchical structural silica-fiber-woven/mullite-whisker material prepared by surface etching and gas-phase reaction
Structure formation process, heat-insulation property and cyclic compression-resilience performance of mullite fibres/whisker
Preparation of continuous carbon nanotube networks in carbon fiber/epoxy composite
Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of SnO2/C- La0.3Sr0.7MnO3 Composites for Li-Ion Anode
Comparison of drying methods for the preparation of carbon fiber felt/carbon nanotubes modified epoxy composites
Effect of raw material ratio on the crystal structure and electrochemical performance of nano-MnO2 synthesized by hydrotherma
Investigation in production of TiO2 ceramic hollow spheres
Fabrication TiO2 nanowires by electrochemical anodization
Effect of various dispersants on the gel-casting of silicon nitride
Study on the oxygen sensing properties of Ga2O3 thin film
Gas sensing properties of WO3 thin films
Study for oxygen sensing properties of LaFeO3 thin films
Properties of silicon nitride using cordierite as sintering additives
Enhanced solar water-splitting efficiency using core/sheath heterostructure CdS/TiO2 nanotube arrays
Preparation of Zinc Oxide Long Fibers by Pyrolysis of Oxalate
Fabrication of the SiOC/HfO2 ceramic composites by the sol-gel method
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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