Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
On-chip sub-cycle pulse generation via a two-octave supercontinuum from visible to mid-infrared wavelengths
Octave-spanning supercontinuum generation of vortices in a As2S3 ring photonic crystal fiber
Two-cycle pulse generation from mode-locked Kerr frequency combs based on an integrated dispersion-flattened micro-resonator
Enhanced self-frequency shift of cavity soliton in mode-locked octave-spanning frequency comb generation
Enhanced Tailoring of a broader and flatter frequency comb using a microring resonator with a low-index slot
Broadband low chromatic dispersion and supercontinuum generation in a step-index fiber and an OAM-supporting vortex fiber
Micro-resonator devices for optical broadband access application
Tailoring birefringence and polarization coupling in photonic crystal fibers
Reversed self-steepening in nonlinear pulse propagation along a silicon nano-crystal slot waveguide with engineered dispersio
Enhanced dispersive and nonlinear properties of coupled ring resonators by using an embedded microrings configuration
Dispersion-engineered silicon nitride waveguide for supercontinuum generation at visible wavelengths
Improved spectral flatness and sub-two-cycle pulse generation in octave-spanning Kerr frequency combs using micro-resonators
>25× Reduction in the effective nonlinear coefficient over a 100-nm wavelength range using vertically-slotted silicon wavegui
Dispersion tailoring in dual slot waveguide
A "linear" high-contrast gratings hollow-core waveguide and its system level performance
Achieving uniform chromatic dispersion over a wide wavelength range in highly nonlinear slot waveguides
Slot waveguide incorporating a sub-core
Generating orbital angular momentum modes in a fiber with a central square and a ring profile
Data bit distortion induced by slow light in optical communication systems
Engineering spectral variation of FSR by tailoring dispersion for octave-spanning comb generation based on micro-resonators
New approach for generating and (de)multiplexing OAM modes in a fiber coupler consisting of a central ring and four external
On-chip mirrorless-oscillation in nonlinear silicon waveguides using non-degenerate four-wave mixing
Phase characteristics of EIT-like spectral responses in coupled ring-resonators
Hollow-core-waveguides using adiabatically chirped high-contrast-gratings for a >10× loss reduction
Chromatic dispersion variation and its effect on high-speed data signals due to structural parameter changes in a high-contra
Nonlinear distortions induced by non-idealities of integrated silicon waveguides in analog optical links
Low chromatic dispersion of ±16 ps/(nm?km) over a 550-nm wavelength range using a strip/slot hybrid silicon waveguide
Ultrabroadband low dispersion silicon-on-nitride waveguide in mid-infrared region
Low dispersion silicon slot waveguides for frequency comb generation with equally spaced spectral lines
Chromatic dispersion in tightly curved silicon waveguides and ring resonators
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Slot waveguides with a flattened near-zero dispersion and a small effective mode area
Integrated midinfrared laser based on an Er-doped chalcogenide microresonator
Nonlinear conversion efficiency in Kerr frequency comb generation
On-chip biological and chemical sensing with reversed Fano lineshape enabled by embedded microring resonators
Nonlinear group IV photonics based on silicon and germanium: from near-infrared to mid-infrared
Generation of two-cycle pulses and octave-spanning frequency combs in a dispersion-flattened micro-resonator
Power enhancement and phase regimes in embedded microring resonators in analogy with electromagnetically induced transparency
Phase characteristics of an electromagnetically induced transparency analogue in coupled resonant systems
Octave-spanning supercontinuum generation of vortices in an As2S3 ring photonic crystal fiber
Silicon-on-nitride waveguide with ultralow dispersion over an octave-spanning mid-infrared wavelength range
On-chip octave-spanning supercontinuum in nanostructured silicon waveguides using ultralow pulse energy
Three-dimensional chirped high-contrast grating hollow-core waveguide
Silicon waveguide with four zero-dispersion wavelengths and its application in on-chip octave-spanning supercontinuum generat
Fiber structure to convert a Gaussian beam to higher-order optical orbital angular momentum modes
Nondegenerate mirrorless oscillation in silicon waveguide
On-chip two-octave supercontinuum generation by enhancing self-steepening of optical pulses
Tailoring of dispersion and nonlinear properties of integrated silicon waveguides for signal processing applications
Analysis and engineering of chromatic dispersion in silicon waveguide bends and ring resonators
Highly efficient nonlinearity-reduction in silicon-on-insulator waveguide using vertical slots
Silicon-based microring resonator modulators for intensity modulation
Flat and low dispersion in highly nonlinear slot waveguides
Flattened dispersion in silicon slot waveguides
Nonlinear distortion in a silicon microring-based electro-optic modulator for analog optical links
Silicon-on-insulator polarization splitter using two horizontally-slotted waveguides
Integrated nano-structured silicon waveguides and devices for high-speed optical communications
Silicon microring-based signal modulation for chip-scale optical interconnection
CD-insensitive PMD monitoring of a high-speed polarization-multiplexed data channel
Optical signal-to-noise ratio monitoring of an 80 Gbits/s polarization-multiplexed return-to-zero differential phase-shift ke
Higher-order-mode assisted silicon-on-insulator 90 degree polarization rotator
Highly dispersive slot waveguides
Optical data timing skews in on-chip optical WDM interconnects
Coupled-ring-resonator-based silicon modulator for enhanced performance
Polarization mode dispersion monitoring for phase-modulated signals using DGD-generated interferometric filter
Embedded ring resonators
Optical signal processing using tunable delay elements based on slow light
Monolithic modulator and demodulator of differential quadrature phase-shift keying signals based on silicon microrings
Data quality dependencies in microring-based DPSK transmitter and receiver
All-optical chromatic dispersion monitoring for phase-modulated signals utilizing cross-phase modulation in a highly nonlinea
Embedded ring resonators for microphotonic applications
High group birefringence in photonic crystal fibers with both positive and negative phase birefringences
Pattern dependence of data distortion in slow-light elements
Photosensitivity-enabled dispersion controllability for quasi-phase-matching in photonic crystal fibers
Continuously-tunable, bit-rate variable OTDM using broadband SBS slow-light delay line
Microring-based modulation and demodulation of DPSK signal
PCF-based polarization splitters with simplified structures
Polarization-dependent coupling in twin-core photonic crystal fibers
Nonreciprocal coupling in asymmetric dual-core photonic crystal fibers
A novel polarization splitter based on the photonic crystal fiber with nonidentical dual cores
Photonic crystal fibers with squeezed hexagonal lattice
Polarization splitter based on photonic crystal fibers
Improving the performance of fiber gratings with sinusoidal chirps
Sinusoidally chirped fiber Bragg gratings
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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