

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13


Rapid changes in the near-bottom temperature of the bottom aquaculture area around Zhangzi Island in summer
Identify the impacts of waves and tides to coastal suspended sediment concentration based on high-frequency acoustic observat
On influencing factors of hypoxia in waters adjacent to the Changjiang estuary
A model evaluation of the influence of biological activities on seasonal variation of air-sea CO2 flux in the Yellow and East
Impacts of the Kuroshio intrusion on the two eddies in the northern South China Sea in late spring 2016
Modeling the impact of land reclamation on storm surges in Bohai Sea, China
Linking Suspended Particulate Material Characteristics to the Plankton Distribution in Summer in the Yellow Sea and East Chin
Seasonal variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Yellow and East China Seas: A case study of continental shelf sea carbon cy
Influence of the Yellow Sea Warm Current on phytoplankton community in the central Yellow Sea
Intraseasonal variation in the salinity of the Yellow and East China Seas in the summers of 2011, 2012, and 2013
Giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai gathering in the Yellow Sea --a numerical study
Distribution and spectral characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a coastal bay in northern China
Individual-based modeling of Calanus sinicus population dynamics in the Yellow Sea
Estimating the budgets of nutrients in the central Yellow Sea for phytoplankton bloom using a modified lower tropic ecosystem
Forcing mechanisms of heat content variations in the Yellow Sea
Diffusive boundary layer influenced by bottom boundary hydrodynamics in tidal flows
A modelling study of inter-annual variation of Kuroshio intrusion on the shelf of East China Sea
Coupling of an Individual-Based Model of Anchovy with Lower Trophic Level and Hydrodynamic Models.
Variable diffusion boundary layer and diffusion flux at sediment-water interface in response to dynamic forcing over an inter
The effects of horizontal advection on the spring bloom of phytoplankton in the central Southern Huanghai Sea
A physical–biological coupled aquaculture model for a suspended aquaculture area of China
Interannual and long-term hydrographic changes in the Yellow Sea during 1977-1998
Implications of intermittent turbulent bursts for sediment resuspension in a coastal bottom boundary layer: A field study in
Vertical structure of tidal current in a typically coastal raft-culture area
Late summer stratification, internal waves, and turbulence in the Yellow Sea
Observations of sediment resuspension and settling off the mouth of Jiaozhou Bay,Yellow Sea
Tides and mixing in the northwestern East China Sea,Part II: Near-bottom turbulence
Tides and mixing in the northwestern East China Sea Part I:Rotating and reversing tidal flows
Summer hypoxia adjacent to the Changjiang Estuary
Nutrients seasonal variation and budget in Jiaozhou Bay, China: A 3-dimensional physical-biological coupled model study
Evidence of double diffusion in the East China Sea
Estimation to Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate and Bottom Shear Stress in the Tidal Bottom Boundary Layer of the Yel
226Ra and 228Ra in the seawater of the western Yellow Sea
An adjoint data assimilation approach to estimate key parameters for a three-dimensional coupled physical and biological mode
The influence of physical factors on the variation of phytoplankton and nutrients in the Bohai Sea
Simulations of annual cycle of phytoplankton production and the utilization of nitrogen in the Yellow Sea
Phytoplankton dynamics in the Bohai Sea--observations and modeling
Simulation of water exchange in Jiaozhou Bay by average residence time approach
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