

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13


Spike-frequency adaptation of a two-compartment neuron modulated by extracellular electric fields,
Spike initiating dynamics of the neuron with different adaptation mechanisms to extracellular electric fields
Endogenous field feedback promotes the detectability for exogenous electric signal in the hybrid coupled population
Multiple feature extraction and classification of electroencephalograph signal for Alzheimers' with spectrum and bispectrum
Adaptive control of Parkinson's state based on a nonlinear computational model with unknown parameters
Power spectral density and coherence analysis of Alzheimer’s EEG
Stochastic resonance in feedforward acupuncture networks
Adaptive synchronization control of coupled chaotic neurons in an external electrical stimulation
The effects of time delay on the synchronization transitions in a modular neuronal network with hybrid synapses
Vibrational resonance in feedforward neuronal network with unreliable synapses
Delay-induced synchronization transitions in small-world neuronal networks with hybrid electrical and chemical synapses
Bursting synchronization in clustered neuronal networks
Closed-loop control of the thalamocortical relay neurons Parkinsonian state based on slow variable
The effects of time delay on the stochastic resonance in feed-forward-loop neuronal network motifs
Exploring how extracellular electric field modulates neuron activity through dynamical analysis of a two-compartment neuron model
Exploring action potential initiation in neurons exposed to DC electric fields through dynamical analysis of conductance-based model
Impact of delays on the synchronization transitions of modular neuronal networks with hybrid synapses
Effects of time delay and random rewiring on the stochastic resonance in excitable small-world neuronal networks
Vibrational resonance in neuron populations with hybrid synapses
Observer-based tracking control of abnormal oscillations in demyelination symptom
The estimation of neurotransmitter release probability in feedforward neuronal network based on adaptive synchronization
Synchronization of neuron population subject to steady DC electric field induced by magnetic stimulation
Decoding the neural activity of dorsal spinal nerve root evoked by acupuncture at Zusanli point based on the generalized linear model
Control of synchronization and spiking regularity by heterogenous aperiodic high-frequency signal in coupled excitable systems
Delayed feedback control of bursting synchronization in small-world neuronal networks
The effects of induction electric field on sensitivity of firing rate in a single-compartment neuron model
Multi-scale order recurrence quantification analysis of EEG signals evoked by manual acupuncture in healthy subjects
Investigation of EEG abnormalities in the early stage of Parkinson’s disease
The modulation of brain functional connectivity with manual acupuncture in healthy subjects: An electroencephalograph case study
Modulation of electroencephalograph activity by manual acupuncture stimulation in healthy subjects: An autoregressive spectral analysis
Bifurcations in the Hodgkin–Huxley model exposed to DC electric fields
Delay-induced synchronization transitions in small-world neuronal networks with hybrid synapses
Effects of hybrid synapses on the vibrational resonance in small-world neuronal networks
The intrinsic phase response properties of an interneuron model
The effect of extreme low frequency external electric field on the adaptability in the Ermentrout model
Adaptive backstepping sliding mode control for chaos synchronization of two coupled neurons in the external electrical stimulation
Decoding acupuncture electrical signals in spinal dorsal root ganglion
Self-sustained firing activities of the cortical network with plastic rules in weak AC electrical field
Spiking patterns of a minimal neuron to ELF sinusoidal electric field
Characteristics analysis of acupuncture electroencephalograph based on mutual information Lempel—Ziv complexity
Characterizing the transmission of acupuncture signal: A combination of experimental and computational study
How the self-coupled neuron can affect the chaotic synchronization of network
Vibrational resonance in excitable neuronal systems
Chaotic phase synchronization in a modular neuronal network of small-world subnetworks
Chaos synchronization of coupled neurons via adaptive sliding mode control
Characterizing electrical signals evoked by acupuncture through complex network mapping: A new perspective on acupuncture
Chaotic phase synchronization in small-world networks of bursting neurons
Estimating and adjusting abnormal networks with unknown parameters and topology
Vibrational resonance in feedforward network
Spiking patterns of a hippocampus model in electrical fields
Feedback linearization control of chaos synchronization in coupled map-based neurons under external electrical stimulation
Stochastic resonance on a modular neuronal network of small-world subnetworks with a subthreshold pacemaker
Chaotic synchronization of coupled neurons under electrical stimulation via robust adaptive fuzzy control
Unidirectional synchronization for Hindmarsh–Rose neurons via robust adaptive sliding mode control
Vibrational resonance in neuron populations
Global synchronization of two Ghostburster neurons via active control
Robust synchronization control of coupled chaotic neurons under external electrical stimulation
Introducing internal model to robust output synchronization of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons in external electrical stimulation
Effect of chemical synapse on vibrational resonance in coupled neurons
Harmonics and intermodulation in subthreshold FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron
Fire patterns of modified HH neuron under external sinusoidal ELF stimulus
A combined method to estimate parameters of neuron from a heavily noise-corrupted time series of active potential
Unidirectional synchronization of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons exposed to ELF electric field
An approach of partial control design for system control and synchronization
Synchronization of Ghostburster neuron in external electrical stimulation via H∞ variable universe fuzzy adaptive control
Synchronization control of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons exposed to ELF electric field
Robust ISS-satisficing variable universe indirect fuzzy control for chaotic systems
Phase-locking and chaos in a silent Hodgkin–Huxley neuron exposed to sinusoidal electric field
Chaos synchronization of coupled neurons under external electrical stimulation using adaptive H-infinity control
Synchronization of chaotic neurons coupled with gap junction with time delays in external electrical stimulation
Spike trains in Hodgkin–Huxley model and ISIs of acupuncture manipulations
Synchronization of FitzHugh–Nagumo systems in EES via H∞ variable universe adaptive fuzzy control
Synchronization of coupled equations of Morris–Lecar model
Asymptotic behavior of Morris–Lecar system
Robust Smooth-Trajectory Control of Nonlinear Servo Systems Based on Neural Networks
Synchronization of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons in external electrical stimulation via nonlinear control
Analysis and control of the bifurcation of Hodgkin–Huxley model
Bifurcation control of the Hodgkin–Huxley equations
Synchronization of coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo systems via MIMO feedback linearization control
Chaos analysis of the electrical signal time series evoked by acupuncture
Chaos control and synchronization of two neurons exposed to ELF external electric field
Effects of chemical synapses on the enhancement of signal propagation in coupled neurons near the canard regime
Chaotic synchronization of two coupled neurons via nonlinear control in external electrical stimulation
Multi-parameter Hopf-bifurcation in Hodgkin–Huxley model exposed to ELF external electric field
Analysis of Hopf bifurcation caused by leakage conductance gl in the Hodgkin–Huxley model in muscles
Adaptive robust control of nonholonomic systems with stochastic disturbances
Synchronizing two coupled chaotic neurons in external electrical stimulation using backstepping control
Control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor using a second-order non-linear trajectory smoother
Chaotic synchronization with gap junction of multi-neurons in external electrical stimulation
Nonlinear PI control of chaotic systems using singular perturbation theory
H∞ Variable universe adaptive fuzzy control for chaotic system
Observer-based robust adaptive variable universe fuzzy control for chaotic system
Second-order sliding mode controllers for nonlinear singular perturbation system
Nonlinear PI Control of a Class of Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed System
Two-parameters Hopf bifurcation in the Hodgkin-Huxley model
Chaotic synchronization of neurons coupled with gap junction under external electrical stimulation
Hopf bifurcation in the Hodgkin–Huxley model exposed to ELF electrical field
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