

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13

周泽华 职称:

教育背景1981.09 - 1984.07长江大学学士
1987.09 - 1990.07厦门大学 硕士
1996.09 - 1999.05武汉大学 博士

工作经历 1984.07-1987.09 湖北荆州东方红中学,教师
1990.07-1996.09 武汉工程大学数学教研室,讲师
1998.09-1999.05 武汉工程大学数学教研室,副教授
1999.05-2001.03 中国科学技术大学,副教授,博士后
2001.03-2002.07 天津大学数学系,副教授
2002.07-2004.05 天津大学数学系,教授,博士生导师
2004.05-2005.06 天津大学数学系,系副主任
2005.06-2011.04 天津大学数学系,系主任
2011.04-2016.12 天津大学数学系,教授,博士生导师
2016.12-至今 天津大学数学学院,教授,博士生导师


竞赛指导: 全国大学生数学竞赛一等奖、二等奖多人.

2007 – 2010 教育部教改项目,国内外数学基础课程教材比较研究.负责人
教材编纂 线性代数及其应用,科学出版社,2008年,副主编

科研工作基金项目 身份
2018-2021国家自然科学基金项目: (加权)复合算子的谱与循环性的研究,资助号:**,主持人
2014-2017国家自然科学基金项目: 复合算子空间的拓扑结构及相关问题的研究,资助号:**,主持人
2010-2012国家自然科学基金项目: 多复变函数空间上的复合算子与Toeplitz算子,资助号:**,主持人
2010-2010国家自然科学基金项目: 函数空间与算子理论国际研讨会,资助号:,主持人
2007-2009国家自然科学基金项目: 多复变函数空间与算子理论,资助号:**,主持人
2004-2006国家自然科学基金协作项目: 多复变值分布,刚性理论和函数空间,资助号:**,主持人
2000-2003国家自然科学基金协作项目: 多复变函数空间的算子理论,资助号:**,参加人

主要荣誉文章著作: 已发表论文100余篇,被SCI期刊源引用400多次。主要结果发表在
《Mathematicheskii Sbornik》
《Michigan Math. J.》
《J. Operator Theory》
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
《Illinois J. Math.》
《Internat. J. Math.》
《Integral Equations Operator Theory》
《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》
《Studia Math.》
《New York J. Math.》
《Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.》
《C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris》

《Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.》
J. Aust. Math. Soc.》
《Collectanea Mathematica》


《Journal of Complex Analysis》编委,
《Journal of Mathematical Extension》编委,
《Scientific Journal of Mathematics Research》编委。
《Asia-Pacific Journal of Mathematics and Statistics》《亚太数学与统计期刊》编委
美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员, 德国《Zentrabliatt Math》评论员。

发表论文 1.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, The topological structure of weighted composition operators from Lipschitz spaces to $H^{\infty}$}, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) , 2018, preprint.
2.Ya Wang and Ze-Hua Zhou, A note on the hypercyclicity of operator weighted shifts, Ann. Funct. Anal. 9 (2018), no. 3, 322–333. (SCI: GQ0HL)
3. Ya Wang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjoint hypercyclic powers of weighted pseudo-shifts,Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) ,2018,preprint.
4.Yu-Xia Liang and Ze-Hua, Differences of integral-type operators from weighted Bergman spaces to $\beta$-Bloch--Orlicz spaces, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 92/3-4 (2018), 381-410. (SCI: GC3FU)
5.Yong-Xin Gao and Ze-Hua Zhou, Complex symmetric composition operators induced by linear fractional maps,Indiana Univ. Math. J. 2018,preprint.
6.Ya Wang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjoint hypercyclic weighted pseudo-shifts on Banach sequence spaces,Collectanea Mathematica, 69(2018),no. 3, 437-449. (SCI: GQ0PQ)
7.Cao Jiang, Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Commutator and Semicommutator of Two Monomial-Type Toeplitz Operators on the Unit Polydisk,Complex Anal. Oper. Theory,2018,preprint.
8.Yu-Xia Liang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Hypercyclic composition operators on the little Bloch space and the Besov spaces, Indag. Math., 29(2018)986-996. (SCI: GJ9TB)
9.Cao Jiang, Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Product of quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the pluriharmonic Bergman space of the polydisk. Ann. Funct. Anal.2018,preprint.
10.Ce-Zhong Tong, Cheng Yuan and Ze-Hua Zhou, Compact intertwining relations for composition operators on $H^\infty$ and the Bloch spaces, New York J. Math. 24 (2018), 611-629. (SCI: GS2ER)
11.Yu-Xia Liang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjoint supercyclic weighted composition operators Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 55 (2018), No. 4, 1137–1147. (SCI: GO8PE)
12.Yu-Xia Liang andZe-Hua Zhou, Weighted differentiation composition operator from logarithmic Bloch spaces to Bloch-type spaces,Math. Nachr. 290 (2-3) (2017) 349-366.
13. Cheng Yuan andZe-Hua Zhou, The Hilbert-Schmidt norm of a composition operator on the Bergman space, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 95(2017),250-259..
14.Liang Zhang,Hui-Qiang Lu, Xiao-Mei Fu andZe-Hua Zhou, Disjoint hypercyclic powers of weighted translations on groups, Czechoslovak Math. J. 67(2017), 839-853.
15. Xing-Tang Dong andZe-Hua Zhou, Ranks of Commutators and Generalized Semicommutators of Quasihomogeneous Toeplitz Operators, Monatshefte für Mathematik,183(2017),103-141.
16.Yu-Xia Liang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Supercyclic translation $C_0$-semigroup on complex sectors, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.-Series A, 36(1)(2016)361-370. (SCI:CQ9HJ)
17. Yong-Xin Gao and Ze-Hua Zhou, Spectra of some invertible weighted composition operators on Hardy and weighted Bergman spaces in the unit ball, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 41 (2016)177-198. (SCI: DF5BA)
18.Ren-Yu Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Parametric Representation of Infinitesimal Generatorson the Polydisk, Complex Anal. Operator Theory, 10(4)(2016 ) 725-735. (SCI: DI6SN)
19.Shi-An Han and Ze-Hua Zhou, Isometric composition operators on weighted Dirichlet space, Czechoslovak Math. J. 66(1) (2016) 27-34. (SCI: DC7ZS )
20.Ning Xu and Ze-Hua Zhou, New estimates of essential norm of an integral-type operator between Bloch-type spaces on the unit ball, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 19(1)(2016) 271-285. (SCI: DJ4JA)
21.Cui Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Composition operators followed by differentiation from $Q_K(p,q)$ spaces to Bloch-type spaces, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 61(2) (2016) , 239-251. (SCI: CX4CO )
22. Yong-Xin Gao Sanjay Kumar and Ze-Hua Zhou, Order Bounded Weighted Composition Operators mapping into the Dirichlet type spaces, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B. 7B(4)(2016)585-594. (SCI: DV0WP)
23.Liang Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Dynamics of composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces. Indagationes Mathematicae,27(1) (2016) 406-418. (SCI: DC1JI)
24.Yu-Xia Liang,and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disk-cyclic and Codisk-cyclic tuples of the adjoint weighted composition operators on Hilbert spaces, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin, 23(2016) 203-215 . (SCI: DQ7IC)
25.Cui Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Differences of differentiation composition operators from mixed-norm spaces to weighted-type spaces, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 28(6) (2016) 842-852. (SCI:EF0DY)
26.Yu-Xia Liang,and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disk-cyclicity and codisk-cyclicity of certain shift operators, Oper. Matrices9(4)(2015):831-846. (SCI:DC7ZS)
27.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou,Disjoint mixing linear fractional composition operators in the unit ball. Comptes Rendus Mathematique 353(10)(2015) 937-942. (SCI: CY0FG.)
28.Liang Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Differences of products of the extended Cesàro and composition operators from F(p; q; s) space to μ-Bloch type space on the unit ball, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 87(1-2)(2015)1-21 (SCI: CY5RD)
29.Liang Zhang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Notes about subspace-suprcylic operators, Ann. Funct. Anal.6(2) (2015) 60-68. DOI: 10.15352/afa/06-2-6. (SCI: CG3WY )
30.Yu-Xia Liang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Supercyclic tuples of the adjoint weighted compositionoperators on Hilbert spaces, Bull.IranianMath.Soc. 41 (1) (2015)121-139. (SCI:CE6LT)
31.Xin-Cui Guo and Ze-Hua Zhou, New characterizations for weighted composition operator from Zygmund type spaces to Bloch type spaces, Czechoslovak Math. J. 65(140)(2015), 331-346 (SCI: CL2YV)
32.Liang Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjointness in supercyclicity on the algebra of Hilbert-Schmidt operators, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 46(2) (2015), 219-228. (SCI: CL2SI )
33.Liang Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Dynamics of differentiation operators on generalized weighted Bergman spaces , Open Math. (formly Cent. Eur. J. Math.) 13(2015) 141–145. (SCI: CA9ZL)
34.Cui Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou Essential norms of generalized composition operators between Bloch-type spaces in the unit ball, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 60(5) (2015), 696-706. (SCI: CE5YR)
35.Yu-Xia Liang, Chang-Jin Wang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Weighted composition operator from Zygmund spaceto Bloch space on the unit ball, Ann. Polon. Math. 114(2) (2015), 101-113. (SCI: CR4WZ)
36.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, New characterizations of Composition operators between Bloch type spaces in the unit ball, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 52(3) (2015)751-759. (SCI: CJ8TO)
37.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, New characterizations of the weighted composition operators between Bloch type spaces in the polydisk, Canad. Math. Bull. 57(4)(2014)794-802.  (SCI: AT3FO)
38.Xing-Tang Dong, Congwen Liu and Ze-Hua Zhou, Quasihomogeneous Toeplitz Operators with integrable symbols on the Harmonic Bergman Space, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 90 (2014) 494–503. (SCI:AS9UF)
39.Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjoint mixing composition operators on the Hardy space in the unit ball, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 352 (2014) 289-294. (SCI: AF1MW).
40.Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Some integral-type operators from $f(p,q,s)$ spaces to mixed-norm spaces on the unit ball, Math. Nachr. 287 (11-12) (2014) 1298-1311.   (SCI: AN1YJ )
41.Ren-Yu Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Affine Infinitesimal Generators of Semigroups on the Polydisk, Semigroup Forum 88(2) (2014) 316-323. (SCI: AE8UO)
42.Li Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Hypercyclicity of weighted composition operator on weighted Dirichlet space, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 59(7)(2014)1043-1051. (SCI: AE7FR)
43.Li Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Topological structure of the space of composition operators form F(p,q,s) space to Bloch type space, Taiwanese J. Math. 18(1) (2014) 285-304. (SCI: AE7BB)
44.Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Hereditarily hypercyclicity and supercyclicity of different weighted shifts, J. Korean Math. Soc. 51(2) (2014)363-382.  (SCI: AD4LP)
45.Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou,Hypercyclic behaviour of multiples of composition operators on the weighted Banach space, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 21(3) (2014), 385–401. (SCI: AQ9PI))
46.Cui Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Essential norms of the integral-type composition operators between Bloch-type spaces, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 25(7) (2014), 552-561. (SCI: AE5RJ)
47.Ce-Zhong Tong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Compact intertwining relations for composition operators between the weighted Bergman spaces and the weighted Bloch spaces, J. Korean Math. Soc. 51(1)(2014) 125-135. (SCI: 290PB) 
48.Yuan Cheng, Sanjay Kumar and Ze-Hua Zhou, Composition operators on Dirichlet spaces and Bloch space, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 30(10)(2014) 1775-1784.  (SCI: AO6OY)
49.Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou, New estimate of essential norm of Composition followed by differentiation between Bloch-type spaces, Banach J. Math. Anal. 8(1) (2014) 118-137.  (SCI: 247PL)
50.Liang Zhang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Notes about the structure of common supercyclic vectors, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 418 (2014) 336-343.  (SCI: AH2FD).
51.Yu-Xia Liang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjoint supercyclic powers of weighted shifts on weighted sequence spaces, Turkish J. Math. 38, (2014), 1007-1022.  (SCI:AY2QP)
52.Ce-Zhong Tong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Intertwining relations for Volterra operators on the Bergman space, Illinois J. Math., 57 (1)(2013)195-211. (SCI: AN9QF)
53.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Product equivalence of quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the harmonic Bergman space, Studia.Math. 219(2)(2013) 163-175. (SCI: AG6QJ )
54.Ze-Hua Zhou and Li Zhang, Differences of the products of integral type and composition operators from $H^{\infty}$ to the Bloch space, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ.,58(8)(2013), 1125-1143.(SCI:198UJ)
55.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Commuting quasihomogeneous Toeplitz Operators on the Harmonic Bergman Space,Complex Anal. Operator Theory, 7(4)(2013), 1267-1285. (SCI: 186AD)
56.Li Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Hilbert-Schmidt differences of composition operators between the weighted Bergman spaces on the unit ball, Banach J. Math. Anal. 7(1) (2013),160-172. (SCI:054LC)
57.Xiao-Jun Song and Ze-Hua Zhou, Differences of weighted composition operators from Bloch space to $H^\infty$ on the unit ball, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 401 (2013),447-457. (SCI: 087CN )
58.Ze-Hua Zhou,Wei-Li Chen and Xing-Tang Dong, The Berezin transform and radial operators on the Bergman space of the unit ball, Complex Anal. Operator Theory, 7(1) (2013), 313-329. (SCI: 077JE)
59.Ze-Hua Zhou,Yu-Xia Liang and Hong-Gang Zeng, Essential norms of weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman space to mixed-norm space on the unit ball, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 29(3) (2013), 547-556. (SCI: 089FR )
60.Yu-XiaLiang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Essential norm of the product of differentiation and composition operators between Bloch-type spaces, Archiv der Mathematik, 100 (4) (2013) 347-360. (SCI:131CN)
61.Li Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Integral type operators between logarithmic Bloch-type space and F(p,q,s) space on the unit ball, Publ. Math. Debrecen 82(2) (2013) 407-423. (SCI: 224OB)
62. Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou and Xing-Tang Dong, Weighted composition operator from Bers-type space to Bloch-type space on the unit ball, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 36(3) (2013) 833–844. (SCI:185SK)
63.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Essential norms of composition operators between Bloch type spaces in the polydisk, Archiv der Mathematik, 99(6)(2012),547-556.   (SCI: 056MM )
64.Ze-Hua Zhou, Liang Zhang and Hong-Gang Zeng, Essential commutativity of some integral and composition operators, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 85(2012), 143-153. (SCI: 884NS)
65.Yuan Cheng, Sanjay Kumar and Ze-Hua Zhou, Weighted composition operators on Dirichlet-type spaces and related $Q_p$ spaces, Publ. Math. Debrecen 80 (1-2) (2012), 79-88. (SCI: 906CY)
66.Ze-Hua Zhou, Yu-Xia Liang and Xing-Tang Dong, Weighted composition operator between weighted-type space and Hardy space on the unit ball, Ann. Polon. Math. 104(3) (2012), 309-319.   (SCI: 955RL)
67.Hong-Gang Zeng and Ze-Hua Zhou, Essential norm estimate of a Composition Operator between Bloch-type spaces in the unit ball, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 42(3) (2012), 1049-1071. (SCI: 018CA)
68.Li Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Generalized composition operator from Bloch-type spaces to mixed-norm space on the unit ball, J. Math. Inequal. 6(4) (2012), 523-532. (SCI: 068VB)
69.Ze-Hua Zhou and Yu-Xia Liang,Differences of weighted composition operators from Hardy space to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball,Czechoslovak Math. J. 62(3) (2012), 695-708. (SCI: 024CN)
70.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Isometric composition operators on the Bloch type space in the polydisk, Acta Math. Sinica (Chin. Ser.) 55 (2) (2012), 273-280.
71.Zhong-Shang Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Bloch-to-BMOA pullbacks in several complex variables, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed. , 32A(5)(2012), 851-860.
72.Ce-Zhong Tong and Ze-Hua Zhou, The sum of weighted composition operators on the disk algebra, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed., 32A(6) (2012), 1102–1109.
73.Zhou Zehua, A characterization of Nevanlinna class in the unit ball and its applications, Progr. Natur. Sci. (English Ed.) 12(5)( 2002), 331-335. (SCI: 545GX)
74.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Algebraic properties of Toeplitz operators with separately quasihomogeneous symbols on the Bergman space of the unit ball, J. Operator Theory 66(1) (2011), 193–207. (SCI: 829RZ)
75.Ren-Yu Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Hypercyclicity of weighted composition operators on the unit ball of C^n, J. Korean Math. Soc. 48 (5)(2011) , 969-984. (SCI : 816IA)
76.Cheng Yuan and Ze-Hua Zhou, Spectra of weighted composition operators on algebras of analytic functions on Banach spaces, Czechoslovak Math. J. 61 (2) (2011), 371–381. (SCI: 889RT)
77.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Separately quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space of the polydisk . Sci. Sin. Math. 41(1) ( 2011), 69-80.
78.Ke-ben Yang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Essential norm of the difference of composition operators on Bloch Space, Czechoslovak Math. J. 60(4) (2010) ,1139-1152. (SCI: 680YA)
79.Cheng Yuan and Ze-Hua Zhou, The essential norm and spectrum of a weighted composition operator on H^\infty(B_N), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 33(3) (2010), 499–511. (SCI: 650HJ)
80.Cheng Yuan and Ze-Hua Zhou, Composition operators belong to the Schatten class $\mathcal{S}_p$,Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 81(2010), 465-472. (SCI : 602RO )
81.Ren-Yu Chen, Stevo Stevic and Ze-Hua Zhou, Weighted composition operators between Bloch-type spaces in the polydisc, Sbornik Mathematics, 201(2) (2010), 289-319; Mathematicheskii Sbornik (a Russian Journal), 201(2) (2010),131-160. (SCI 592JX)
82.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Products of Toeplitz Operators on the Harmonic Bergman Space, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138(5) (2010), 1765-1773. (SCI: 583AO )
83.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Extended Cesaro operators on BMOA spaces in the unit ball, J. Math. Inequal. 4( 1) (2010), 27–36. (SCI 812QK)
84.Ze-Hua Zhou and Li-Gang Geng, Commuting Toeplitz operators on the Dirichlet space of the ploydisk, Sci. Sin. Math. 40(5) (2010), 437-445.
85.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Essential Norms of Weighted Composition Operators between Hardy Spaces in the unit Ball, J. Appl. Funct. Anal. 5(3)( 2010), 251-265.
86.Ze-Hua Zhou and Xing-Tang Dong, Algebraic properties of Toeplitz operators with radial symbols on the Bergman space of the unit ball, Integral Equations Operator Theory 64(1) (2009), 137-154. (SCI: 440WZ)
87.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Extended Cesaro operators from weighted Bloch spaces to Zygmund spaces in the unit ball, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 359(2) (2009), 499-507. (SCI : 477VU)
88.Ze-Hua Zhou and Cheng Yuan, Linear fractional composition operators on the Dirichlet space in the unit ball, Sci. China Ser. A 52(8) (2009),1661-1670. (SCI : 481DW )
89.Zhong-Shan Fang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Differences of composition operators on the Bloch space in the Polydisc, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 79(3) (2009),465-471. (SCI : I 459HN)
90.Ze-Hua Zhou and Min Zhu, Extended Cesaro operators between generalized Besov spaces and Bloch type spaces in the unit ball, J. Funct. Spaces Appl. 7(3) (2009), 209-223. (SCI : 525FE)
91.Feng Zhang and Ze-Hua Zhou, Adjoint of Weighted Composition Operators on Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions in the Unit Ball and its Applications, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 30(2) (2009),153-160, translation in Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 30(2)(2009), 107--116 .
92.Ze-Hua Zhou and Yuan Chen, Linear combinations of composition operators on $H^\infty(B_N)$, J. Concr. Appl. Math. 7(2) (2009), 172-178.
93.Ze-Hua Zhou and Ren-Yu Chen, Weighted composition operator from F(p,q,s) space to the Bloch type spaces on the unit ball, Internat. J. Math. 19(8) (2008), 899-926. (SCI: 359VP)
94.Zhou Zehua, On the composition operators on the Bloch space of several complex variables, Sci. China Ser. A 48(Supp.), 2005: 392-399. (SCI: 951DE)
95.Zhou Zehua et al, Composition operators on the Little Bloch space in the polydiscs, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 25(4), (2005), 629-638 . (SCI: 981AC)
96.Zhou Zehua, Weighted composition operators on the Lipschitz spaces. Adv. Math. (Beijing/Boston) 33(6) ( 2004), 691-696.
97.Zhou Zehua, Composition operators between p-Bloch and q-Bloch space in the unit ball, Progr. Natur. Sci. (English Ed.) 13(3)(2003),233-236 .(SCI 649HC)
98.Zhou Zehua, Composition operators on the Lipschitz space in polydiscs, Sci. China Ser. A 46(1) (2003), 33-38. (SCI 653MK)
99.Zhou Zehua and Shi Jihuai, The essential norm of a composition operator on the Bloch space in polydiscs, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 24(2), 2003: 199-208; translation in Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 24 (2)( 2003), 175-186.
100.Zhou Zehua and Shi Jihuai, Compactness of composition operators on the Bloch space in classical bounded symmetric domains, Michigan Math. J., 50(2) ( 2002), 381-405. (SCI: 592NP)
101.Zhou Zehua and Shi Jihuai, Compact composition operators on the Bloch space in polydiscs, Sci. China Ser. A 44(3)(2001), 286-291. (SCI: 423UV)
102.Zhou Zehua and Shi Jihuai, Composition operators on the Bloch space in polydiscs, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 46 (1)(2001), 73-88.
103.Zhou Zehua, Biholomorphic mappings and symmetric classical domains. Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed., 20(2000), 597-601.
104.Zhou Zehua, Quasimeromorphic mappings of several complex variables and normal criteria, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 39(1), (1999), 27-38.
105.Zhou Zehua and Sun Daochun, Quasimeromorphic mappings of several complex variables, Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed. 19(1999), 541-547.

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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱斐
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文朱斐职称:讲师院系:应用数学中心电子邮箱:fei.zhu@tju.edu.cn办公地点:卫津路校区25教B1125研究方向遥感图像处理、机器学习、深度学习教育背景2007.09-2011.06西安交通大学数学与应用数学/金 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋世禹
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文宋世禹职称:讲师院系:数学系电子邮箱:办公地点:北洋园校区32教407研究方向随机过程理论,金融衍生品定价教育背景2005.09-2009.06电子科技大学学士2009.09-2012.06南开大学硕士2012.09-20 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋保方
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文宋保方职称:副教授院系:应用数学中心电子邮箱:baofang_song@tju.edu.cn办公地点:卫津路校区25教B1208研究方向计算物理,湍流和多相流的数值模拟(SpectralMethod,Phase-field ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋占杰
    教授,博导/数学学院-电气自动化与信息工程学院■■zhanjiesong@tju.edu.cn■北洋园校区32教423研究方向1、随机场视觉信息及海洋遥感图像特征参数估计2、随机场Shannon采样逼近与Shannon熵大数据处理3、随机场人类异常行为及金融工程大数据分析与预警教育背景1984.09 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋先发
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文宋先发职称:副教授院系:数学系电子邮箱:songxianfa2004@163.com办公地点:北洋园校区32教432研究方向偏微分方程定性研究教育背景1990.09-1994.06吉首大学学士1998.09-2003.12 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙笑涛
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文孙笑涛职称:教授院系:数学学院电子邮箱:xiaotaosun@tju.edu.cn办公地点:北洋园校区32教北侧楼306研究方向主要从事代数几何的研究教育背景1979.09-1983.06湖南师范大学学士1986.09-1 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙晓晨
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文孙晓晨职称:副教授院系:数学系电子邮箱:sxc722@163.com 办公地点:北洋园校区32教438研究方向系统优化与决策分析;供应链系统建模与优化;随机库存模型教育背景1998.09-2002.06河北工业大学数学系学 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王宏
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文王宏职称:副教授院系:数学学院电子邮箱:wanghong@tju.edu.cn办公地点:北洋园校区32教430研究方向优化算法;图像处理;调度教育背景1993.09-1997.06天津大学学士2000.09-2002.06 ...
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  • 天津大学数学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-田文义
    快捷导航:研究方向教育背景工作经历教学工作科研工作主要荣誉学术兼职其它发表论文田文义职称:讲师院系:应用数学中心电子邮箱:wenyi.tian@tju.edu.cn办公地点:卫津路校区25教B1121研究方向优化与数值偏微分方程教育背景2005.09-2009.06兰州大学学士2009.09-201 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-13