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2005.9-2008.6 博士 四川大学数学学院概率论与数理统计

2002.9-2005.6 硕士 四川大学数学学院概率论与数理统计

1998.9-2002.6 本科 四川大学数学学院基础数学(基地班)



2018.5-       南开大学统计与数据科学学院,教授

2017.9-       南开大学统计研究院,教授

2015.9-2017.8 四川大学数学学院,教授

2010.7-2015.8 四川大学数学学院,副教授

2008.9-2010.6 四川大学数学学院,讲师

2008.9-2009.8 HKBU-UIC, Joint Institute of Research Studies,博士后

2019.7-2019.8 英国曼彻斯特大学数学学院,访问学者

2018.6-2018.9 加拿大西蒙菲莎大学(SFU)统计系,访问学者

2012.2-2013.2 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 统计系,访问学者

2011.7-2011.8 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,访问学者

2008.6-2008.8 香港大学工程学院,研究助理

2006.9-2008.6 北京师范大学香港浸会大学联合国际学院,研究助理






2019.1-2022.12 国家自然科学基金(11871288), 扩充均匀设计研究,

2019.4-2022.3 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,大数据算法调参技术和抽样技术研究,

2019.1-2021.1 华泰英翔空管技术有限公司,空管运行大数据的平台搭建与测试分析,

2015.1-2018.12 国家自然科学基金(11471229), 研发新型材料的试验设计研究,

2013.10-2016.12 四川大学优秀青年学者基金(2013SCU04A43), 药物研发过程中试验设计问题,

2011.1-2013.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金(11001186), 均匀设计的若干理论问题,

2010.1-2010.12 国家自然科学基金数学天元青年基金(10926046), 稳健有效的试验设计.

2009.1-2010.10 四川大学青年科学基金(2008130), 均衡均匀性与有效性的试验设计.



2011.1-2013.12  国家自然科学基金(11071197),多结果变量的非参数结构及效应分析. 第一主研


10. Zhang X.R., Liu M.Q. and Zhou Y.D.* (2020). Orthogonal Uniform composite designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 206, 100-110.

9. Zhou Y.D. and Tang B.(2019). Column-Orthogonal Strong Orthogonal Arrays of Strength Two Plus and Three Minus, Biometrika, 106, 997-1004.

8. Yang F., Zhou Y.D.* and Zhang A.J. (2019). Mixed-Level Column Augmented Uniform Designs, Journal of Complexity, 53, 23-39.

7. Fang, K.T., Liu, M.Q., Qin, H. and Zhou, Y.D. (2018), Theory and Application of Uniform Experimental Designs, Springer, Singapore

6. Yang F., Zhou Y.D.* and Zhang X.R. (2017). Augmented Uniform Designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 182: 61-73.

5. Zhou Y.D.and Xu H. (2017). Composite Designs Based on Orthogonal Arrays and Definitive Screening Designs. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112:1675-1683.

4. Zhou Y.D.and Xu. H. (2015). Space-filling properties of good lattice point sets. Biometrika, 102(4): 959-966.

3. Zhou Y.D.and Xu. H. (2014). Space-filling fractional factorial designs. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(507):1134-1144.

2. Zhou Y.D., Fang K.T. and Ning J.H. (2013). Mixture discrepancy for quasi-random point sets, Journal of Complexity, 29: 283-301.

1. Zhou Y.D., Fang K.T. and Ning J.H. (2012). Constructing uniform designs: a heuristic integer programming method, Journal of complexity, 28: 224-237.


26. Column Augmented Uniform Designs,2019 International Chinese Statistical Association China conference, Tianjin, China, 2019.7.1-4

25. Orthogonal Uniform Composite Designs, The 27th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, 上海, 2019.6.5-8

24. Column-Orthogonal Strong Orthogonal Arrays of Strength Two Plus and Three Minus, The 8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments, Vienna, Austria, 2019.4.23-26

23. Column Augmented Uniform Designs,2019 International conference on applied probability and statistics, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019.4.2-7

22. Mixed-Level Column Augmented Uniform Designs,中国概率统计学会第十一届年会,四川成都,2018.10.25-28

21. Measures, construction method and application of uniform designs, 中国现场统计研究会第十届全国代表大会暨2017年学术年会, 浙江杭州,2017.11.3-5

20. FM-criterion for representative points, 2017 全国试验设计及其应用研讨会, 甘肃兰州,2017.9.22-24

19. Augmented uniform designs, The 10th ICSA International Conference, 上海,2016.12

18. Uniformity criteria and their applications,2016 中国数学会,内蒙古呼和浩特,2016.9.23-26

17. Representative points for location-biased data,2015大数据与试验设计国际学术研讨会,广东广州,2015.10.30-11.1

16. Randomized Likelihood Sampling, 24th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, IWMS-2015, Haikou, Hainan, China, 2015.5.25-28

15. Construction uniform design under mixture discrepancy,2015年全国试验设计常务理事扩大会议及学术研讨会,天津,2015.4.17-19.

14. Composite Designs Based on Orthogonal Arrays and Definitive Screening Designs,试验设计及其应用暨庆祝方开泰教授75岁生日学术研讨会, 湖北武汉,2014.11.22-23

13. Generalized good lattice point sets, 2014 全国试验设计及其应用研讨会,河南新乡,2014.10.29-31.

12. Definitive screening composite design, 第10届全国概率统计会议,山东济南,2014.10.17-21.

11. Orthogonal-array Composite Design, Australian Statistical Conference in conjunction with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting 2014, Sydney, Austria, 2014.7.6-10.

10. A Note on Orthogonal-array Composite Design, The International Conference on Recent Advances in Experimental Designs, Guangzhou, China, 2013.12.12-16

9. Space-filling fractional factorial designs, The IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability, Chengdu, China, 2013.6.30-7.4

8. Mixture discrepancy for quasi-quasi-random point sets, Design and Analysis of Experiments 2012, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. 2012.10.17-20.

7. Some Construction Methods for Uniform Designs with Large Size, Joint Meeting of the 2011 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and 7th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.12.

6. A note on the discrepancies from the aspect of curse of dimensionality, 2011全国试验设计学术研讨会, 上海, 2011.11.

5. Constructing uniform designs in terms of the integer programming method, The 8th International Chinese Statistical Association, Guangzhou, 2010.12

4.Constructing uniform designs by quadratic programming method,第九届全国概率统计年会,天津. 2010.11

3.Multivariate local linear regression in the prediction of ARFIMA process. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,Chengdu, 2010.6.

2.An Efficient Method for Constructing Uniform Designs with a Large Size,2009年均匀设计年会暨西安统计研讨会,西安. 2009.8.

1.可卷L2-偏差的下界及均匀设计与中点超拉丁方抽样的关系,2007年均匀设计年会,北京. 2007.8.


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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19