

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19


School of Statistics and Data Sciences

Room 344, Fansun Building

Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071

Email: nk.chlzou@gmail.com [nk(dot)chlzou(at)gmail(dot)com]



1.Ren, H., Zou,C.,Chen, N. and Li, R. “Large-Scale Datastreams Surveillance via Pattern-Oriented-Sampling” JASA, to appear

2.Zou, C., Ke, Y., and Zhang, W. “Estimation of Low Rank High Dimensional Multivariate Linear Models for Multi-response Data” JASA, to appear

3.Zou, C., Wang, G., and Li, R. “Consistent Selection of the Number of Change-Points via Sample-Splitting” Annals of Statistics, 48, 413-439, 2020

4.Qian,C., Quoc,T-D., Fu,S.,Zou,C.and Liu,Y. “Robust Multicategory Support Matrix Machine” Mathematical Programming, 176, 429-463, 2019

5.Wang, G.,Zou, C.and Yin, G. “Change-point detection in multinomial data with a large number of categories”Annals of Statistics,46, 2020-2044, 2018

6.Ren, H., Chen, N. andZou, C.“Projection-based outlier detection in functional data” Biometrika, 104, 411-423, 2017

7.Feng, L., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Multivariate-sign-based high-dimensional tests for the two-sample location problem” JASA, 111, 721-735, 2016

8.Paynabar, K.,Zou, C., and Qin, P. “A Change Point Approach for Phase-I Analysis in Multivariate Profile Monitoring and Diagnosis” Technometrics, 58, 191-204, 2016

9.Chen, X., Cook. D., andZou, C., “Diagnostic Studies in Sufficient Dimension Reduction” Biometrika, 102, 545-558, 2015

10.Ro, K.,Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Yin, G. “Outlier Detection for High Dimensional Data” Biometrika, 102, 589-599, 2015


Short Bio: I obtained B.S, M.S, and Ph.D. in Statistics, from School of Mathematical Sciences,

Nankai University, in 2003, 2006, and 2008, respectively. I joined Nankai University, in June, 2009.


Research Interest:  Change-Point and Outlier Detection; On-Line Learning for Streaming Data; Massive Data Analysis; High-Dimensional Inference; Statistical Process Control


Teaching: Advanced Statistics I (2020Fall)


Selected Recent Publications (Full list on Google Scholar Page):

1.     Ren, H., Zou,C.,Chen, N. and Li, R. “Large-Scale Datastreams Surveillance via Pattern-Oriented-Sampling”, JASA, to appear

2.     Zou, C., Ke, Y., and Zhang, W. “Estimation of Low Rank High Dimensional Multivariate Linear Models for Multi-response Data”, JASA, to appear

3.      Zou, C., Wang, G., and Li, R. “Consistent Selection of the Number of Change-Points via Sample-Splitting”, Annals of Statistics, 48, 413-439, 2020

4.      Qian,C., Quoc,T-D., Fu,S., Zou,C. and Liu,Y. “Robust Multicategory Support Matrix Machine”, Mathematical Programming, 176, 429-463, 2019

5.      Wang, G., Zou, C. and Yin, G. “Change-point detection in multinomial data with a large number of categories” Annals of Statistics, 46, 2020-2044, 2018

6.     Ren, H., Chen, N. and Zou, C. “Projection-based outlier detection in functional data”, Biometrika, 104, 411-423, 2017

7.     Feng, L., Zou, C., and Wang, Z. “Multivariate-sign-based high-dimensional tests for the two-sample location problem” JASA, 111, 721-735, 2016

8.     Paynabar, K., Zou, C., and Qiu, P. “A Change Point Approach for Phase-I Analysis in Multivariate Profile Monitoring and Diagnosis”, Technometrics, 58, 191-204, 2016

9.     Chen, X., Cook. D., and Zou, C., “Diagnostic Studies in Sufficient Dimension Reduction” Biometrika, 102, 545-558, 2015

10.  Ro, K., Zou, C., Wang, Z., and Yin, G. “Outlier Detection for High Dimensional Data”, Biometrika, 102, 589-599, 2015


Editorial Board:

Canadian Journal of Statistics (CJS) 2019-

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (SAM) 2018-

Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 2018-

Statistica Sinica 2017-

Journal of Quality Technology (JQT), 2015-

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (JSCS), 2012-


Technometrics, 2013-2019


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