个人简介 1998年考入南开大学外国语学院,师从刘士聪教授,专业为英汉翻译,2001年获得硕士学位;2002年考入南开大学文学院,师从石锋教授,专业为语言学及应用语言学,方向为第二语言习得,实验语音学,2005年获得博士学位,同年留校,任教于汉语言文化学院。2009年4月到2011年4月赴日本京都立命馆大学宇治高校任教,2018年两次赴法国诺欧孔子学院进行国际汉语教师资格证书考试培训。
I was admitted to the school of foreign languages of Nankai University in 1998,under the guidance of Professor Liu Shicong, majoring in translation, and obtained a master's degree in 2001. I was admitted to the school of Chinese of Nankai University in 2002, learning from Professor Shi Feng, majoring in Linguistics and applied linguistics, with the direction of second language acquisition and experimental phonetics. In 2005, I obtained my doctor's degree and became a teacher in the College of Chinese language and culture. I taught in Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto of Japan from April 2009 to April 2011. I went to the Confucius Institute of Neoma in France twice in 2018 for the training of international Chinese teachers.
主要研究方向 1、实验语音学 2、语言习得,包括母语习得和第二语言习得
1. Experimental phonetics
2. Language acquisition, including first language acquisition and second language acquisition
主要研究成果有 专著:
《汉语普通话的元音习得》 南开大学出版社 2008 独撰
《汉语语音习得研究》南开大学出版社 2016 第一作者
1.Acquisition of vowels in Mandarin Chinese, Nankai University Press, 2008
2. Phonetic acquisition of Chinese (the first author), Nankai University Press, 2016
《语言变化原理》第二卷,商务出版社 2020
Translated works:
The principle of language change, Vol. 2, Business press, 2020
《中级汉语写作教程》北京大学出版社 2009
Teaching materials:
Intermediate Chinese writing course, Peking University Press, 2009
On the mid vowel phoneme in mandarin phonology《 lingua》 2017 第一作者
汉语作为第二语言习得的研究与思考 《Journal of Chinese linguisitics》 2009 通讯作者
留学生汉语声调习得中阳上合流的实验研究 《Journal of Chinese language teachers association 》 2015 第一作者
中美学生元音发音中的母语迁移现象研究 《journal of Chinese language teachers association》2009 通讯作者
汉语普通话儿童的元音发展 《中国语文》2007 第二作者
广州普通话元音的分布模式 《语言文字应用》2015 第一作者
日本学习者汉语陈述句习得的实验研究 《南开学报》2018 第一作者
美国学生汉语元音习得的实验研究 《汉语学习》2010 独撰
美国学习者汉语疑问句语调模式分析 《南开语言学刊》2017 第一作者
论汉语中元音音位 《南开语言学刊》2018 第一作者
韩国学习者汉语普通话阴平-阳平调感知能力的发展 《语言教学与研究》2019 第一作者
中、日学生元音发音中的母语迁移现象 《南开语言学刊》 2004 第二作者
日本学习者汉语元音习得研究 《云南财贸学院学报》 2007 独撰
汉语普通话元音习得的实验研究 《南开语言学刊》 2006 独撰
日本学生汉语元音发音的特点及教学对策《南开大学本科教育教学改革与创新论文集》 2007 独撰
日本学生汉语元音习得的实验研究 《语言教学与研究》 2008 独撰
英汉语言形态变化的语音形式及意义 《世界汉语教学》 2008 第二作者
雅克布逊理论框架下的儿童元音习得研究 《南开语言学刊》 2008 独撰
中介语的元音系统 第八届中国语音学学术会议暨 庆贺吴宗济先生百岁华诞语音科学前沿问题国际研讨会论文集 2008
德国学生习得汉语塞音声母的初步分析 《云南师范大学学报》 2009 第一作者
语言演变——基于形态语法扩散的实例研究 译文《南开语言学刊》 2009 第一译者
韩国学生汉语普通话语调习得的实验研究 《实验语言学》2012 第二作者
“洋腔洋调”初探——美国学生汉语语调分析 《南开语言学刊》2012 第二作者
On sound pattern 译文《语言学文选》2012 独译
镜像神经元——从动作的模仿到心灵的模仿 《语言学译林》2012 独撰
汉语普通话语调的韵律匹配 《南开语言学刊》 2015 第二作者
中国学生英语语调习得的实验研究 《实验语言学》 2015 第一作者
美国学生汉语疑问句语调初探 《实验语言学》2015 第二作者
日本学生汉语疑问句语调习得的实验研究 《实验语言学》2015 第一作者
汉语普通话疑问句语调的韵律匹配 《中国语音学报》2015 第一作者
广州话平调的感知研究 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》2017 第二作者
广州话二字组平调的听感实验初探 《中国语音学报》2015 第二作者
韩国学习者普通话语调的韵律特征分析 《中国语音学报》2018 第一作者
广州话平调的感知研究 《实验语言学》2015 第三作者
1.On the mid vowel phoneme in Mandarin phonology (the first author), lingua, 2017
2.Research and Reflection on the acquisition of Chinese as a second language (corresponding author), Journal of Chinese linguistics ,2009
3.An experimental study on the confluence of Yang and Shang in the acquisition of Chinese tones by foreign students (the first author), Journal of Chinese language teachers’ association 2015.
4. A study of mother tongue transfer in vowel pronunciation of Chinese and American students (corresponding author), Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association, 2009
5.Vowel development of Mandarin Chinese children (the second author), Chinese language ,2007
6. The distribution pattern of vowels in Guangzhou Putonghua (the first author) language application, 2015
7.An experimental study on Japanese learners' acquisition of Chinese declarative sentences (the first author), Nankai journal ,2018
8. An experimental study on the acquisition of Chinese Vowels by American students, Chinese learning, 2010
9. An analysis of the intonation patterns of Chinese interrogative sentences by American learners, (the first author), Nankai linguistics, 2017
10. On vowel phonemes in Chinese (the first author), Nankai linguistics, 2018
11. The development of Korean Learners' perception of Yin Ping/Yang Ping tone in Mandarin Chinese (the first author), Language teaching and research, 2019
12.Mother tongue transfer in vowel pronunciation of Chinese and Japanese students (the second author), Nankai linguistics, 2004
13. Japanese learners' acquisition of Chinese Vowels, Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and trade,2007
14. An experimental study of Vowel Acquisition in Mandarin Chinese, Nankai linguistics, 2006
15. Characteristics and teaching strategies of Japanese students' Chinese vowel pronunciation,
"Nankai University undergraduate education and teaching reform and innovation anthology", 2007
16.An experimental study on Japanese students' acquisition of Chinese Vowels, Language teaching and research, 2008
17.Phonetic forms and meanings of morphological changes in English and Chinese
(the second author), World Chinese teaching, 2008
18.A study of children's Vowel Acquisition in the framework of Jacobson's Theory, Nankai linguistics, 2008
19.The vowel system of Interlanguage, Proceedings of the 8th Chinese phonetics conference and the International Symposium to celebrate Mr. Wu Zongji's centenary birthday,2008
20.A preliminary analysis of German students' acquisition of Chinese stops (the first author), Journal of Yunnan Normal University, 2009
21.Language evolution: a case study based on morphological grammar diffusion (the first translator), Nankai linguistics, 2009
22.An experimental study on the acquisition of Mandarin Intonation by Korean Students (the second author), Experimental linguistics ,2012
23.On "foreign accent and foreign tone" -- an analysis of American students' Chinese intonation (the second author), Nankai linguistics ,2012
24.On sound pattern, Selected works of linguistics, 2012
25.Mirror neuron -- from action imitation to mind imitation, Linguistics translation, 2012
26.Prosodic matching of Mandarin intonation (the second author), Nankai linguistics, 2015
27.An experimental study on the acquisition of English Intonation by Chinese students, (the first author), Experimental linguistics ,2015
28.On the intonation of American students' Chinese interrogative sentences (Second author), Experimental linguistics, 2015
29.An experimental study on Japanese students' acquisition of Chinese interrogative intonation (the first author), Experimental linguistics 2015
30.Prosodic matching of interrogative intonation in Mandarin Chinese (the first author), Journal of Chinese phonetics i, 2015
31.A study on the perception of level tone in Guangzhou dialect (Second author), Journal of Tsinghua University (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) ,2017
32.An experimental study on the perception of two characters group level tone in Guangzhou dialect (the second author), Journal of Chinese phonetics, 2015
33.An analysis of prosodic features of Korean Learners' Mandarin intonation (the first author), Journal of Chinese phonetics ,2018
34.A study on the perception of level tone in Guangzhou dialect (the third author), Experimental linguistics ,2015
1. 2005南开大学青年项目
2. 2008南开大学双语课程建设重点项目
3. 2012天津市社科规划项目
4. 2012 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目
5.2014 国家社科重大项目子课题
6. 2016南开大学全英文项目
7.2018 国家双一流建设团队项目
1. 2005 Project of Nankai University Youth
2. 2008 Key projects of bilingual curriculum construction in Nankai University
3. 2012 Tianjin Social Science Planning Project
4. 2012 Special fund project for basic scientific research business expenses of Central Universities
5. 2014 Sub project of National social science major project
6. 2016 English program of Nankai University
7. 2018 National double first class construction team project
8. 2018 International exchange project of National double first class construction
1. 2004天津市语言学会年会论文一等奖
2. 2005天津市语言学会年会论文一等奖
3. 南开大学本科教育教学改革与创新论文二等奖
7.2018 科学硕士优秀毕业论文指导教师奖
1. The first prize of papers in annual meeting of Tianjin Linguistics Association in 2004
2. The first prize of papers in annual meeting of Tianjin Linguistics Association in 2005
3. Second prize of undergraduate education and teaching reform and innovation thesis of Nankai University
4. The second prize of the sixth scientific research achievement award of the Ministry of education and the first prize of Tianjin humanities and Social Sciences Award (the third author)
5. The best topic selection award of 2016 monograph of Social Science Department of the Ministry of Education
6. The third prize of the first teaching and research young talents Award
7. Excellent thesis instructor Award for master’s degree in 2018
8. "Nankai top ten" students’ instructor Award in 2016
9. The third prize of Tianjin humanities and Social Sciences Award
Brand courses:
Second language acquisition research, a professional master's course, won the title of Tianjin brand course.
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于辉南开大学汉语言文化学院副教授hyu@nankai.edu.cn个人简介于辉,1979年生,吉林人。2010年南开大学语言学及应用语言学博士研究生毕业。主要研究方向理论音系学、语音学、语言对比主要研究成果有[著作]汉语借词音系学,天津:南开大学出版社,2014[学术论文]1、《重叠式三声变调的词汇 ...南开大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19南开大学汉语言文化学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邹雅艳
邹雅艳南开大学汉语言文化学院副教授hyzouyy@nankai.edu.cn个人简介邹雅艳,女,天津人,文学博士,南开大学汉语言文化学院讲师,主要从事比较文学与世界文学及对外汉语教学研究。2002年,获国家留学基金委“青年骨干教师出国研修项目”资助赴意大利锡耶纳外国人大学进修。2004-2006年, ...南开大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19南开大学汉语言文化学院导师教师师资介绍简介-祖晓梅
祖晓梅南开大学汉语言文化学院教授hyzxm@nankai.edu.cn个人简介祖晓梅,天津市人。现为南开大学汉语言文化学院教授、硕士研究生导师、研究生部主任。教育背景:1981年-1985年南开大学外文系英文专业学士学位1985年-1988年南开大学中文系世界文学专业硕士学位国际交流:1995年-1 ...南开大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19南开大学汉语言文化学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁晓萍
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