
西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 虎

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

个人主页 - 张 虎基本信息

张虎 博士/副教授/博士生导师
空天工程系 副系主任





课题组论文被Journal of Thermal Science期刊接收


研究生毋克凡的论文被期刊Composite Structure接收 荐

研究生马奕新的论文被International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer期刊接收 荐

研究生郝雪帆的论文被Chinese Journal of Aeronautics期刊接收 荐



2005.09~2009.07 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院 能源动力系统及自动化 本科
2009.09~2015.12 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院 工程热物理 硕博连读 (师从中科院院士 陶文铨教授)
2014.11~2015.11 明尼苏达大学 科学与工程学院 机械工程系 访问****

2020/07-至今 副教授/博士生导师/空天工程系副系主任, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 空天工程系
2018/11-2020/07 副教授/硕士生导师, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 空天工程系
2016/01-2018/10 讲师/硕士生导师, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 航空工程系

2015~至今:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Composite Structures, International Journal of Thermal Science, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Thermal Science, Journal of Building Engineering, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Ceramics International, Heat Transfer Research, Materials Express, Journal of Inorganic Materials, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 实验流体力学, 空气动力学, 深空探测学报,热力发电等期刊评审人。
4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, CFD and numerical heat/mass transfer 分会场主席, April 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

2020年 西安交通大学校级优秀专业实习队带队教师
2019年 12届亚洲热物性会议最佳论文奖
2019年 陕西省宇航学会2019年学术交流会优秀论文
2019年 首届全国高等学校航空航天类专业本科毕业设计大赛二等奖获得者优秀指导教师
2018年International Journal of Thermal Science, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer期刊杰出审稿人
2017年Applied Thermal Engineering期刊杰出审稿人

个人主页 - 张 虎基本信息

张虎 博士/副教授/博士生导师
空天工程系 副系主任





课题组论文被Journal of Thermal Science期刊接收


研究生毋克凡的论文被期刊Composite Structure接收 荐

研究生马奕新的论文被International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer期刊接收 荐

研究生郝雪帆的论文被Chinese Journal of Aeronautics期刊接收 荐



2005.09~2009.07 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院 能源动力系统及自动化 本科
2009.09~2015.12 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院 工程热物理 硕博连读 (师从中科院院士 陶文铨教授)
2014.11~2015.11 明尼苏达大学 科学与工程学院 机械工程系 访问****

2020/07-至今 副教授/博士生导师/空天工程系副系主任, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 空天工程系
2018/11-2020/07 副教授/硕士生导师, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 空天工程系
2016/01-2018/10 讲师/硕士生导师, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 航空工程系

2015~至今:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Composite Structures, International Journal of Thermal Science, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Thermal Science, Journal of Building Engineering, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Ceramics International, Heat Transfer Research, Materials Express, Journal of Inorganic Materials, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 实验流体力学, 空气动力学, 深空探测学报,热力发电等期刊评审人。
4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, CFD and numerical heat/mass transfer 分会场主席, April 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

2020年 西安交通大学校级优秀专业实习队带队教师
2019年 12届亚洲热物性会议最佳论文奖
2019年 陕西省宇航学会2019年学术交流会优秀论文
2019年 首届全国高等学校航空航天类专业本科毕业设计大赛二等奖获得者优秀指导教师
2018年International Journal of Thermal Science, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer期刊杰出审稿人
2017年Applied Thermal Engineering期刊杰出审稿人

教学工作 - 张 虎讲授课程
2020-2021 学年第一学期 本科生课程《燃烧学》 32学时
2019-2020 学年第一学期 本科生课程《燃烧学》 32学时
2018-2019 学年第一学期 本科生课程《燃烧学》 32学时
2017-2018 学年第一学期 本科生课程《燃烧学》 32学时

研究进展 - 张 虎主要研究内容及进展

科研项目 - 张 虎科研项目


J 考虑颗粒辐射传热的固体发动机内热流环境研究 西安航天动力技术研究所 2020-12~2021-11 负责人 横向项目
J 低温合金热学性能参数测试 中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所 2020-12~2021-01 负责人 横向项目
JZ XX材料复杂高温变压环境热力性能实验研究 XX部队 2020-08~2021-12 负责人 纵向项目
JZ XX结构传热特性预测方法及防热性能的试验验证 XX部队 2020-05~2021-05 负责人 纵向项目
J XX液态金属高温热物性测试 中国核动力研究设计院 2020-01~2050-12 负责人 横向项目
J XXXX高温瞬态敏感性分析 中核科技 2019-9~2020-9 负责人 横向项目
** 质子交换膜燃料电池内电化学反应与微观传递过程的数值模拟和实验研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-1~ 其它 纵向项目
** 质子交换膜燃料电池内氧气局部传质阻力的多尺度机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-1~ 其它 纵向项目
** 翅片热管传热性能测试 其他 2018-4~2018-8 负责人 横向项目
2018M643641 热防护材料高温隔热性能测试及导热系数辨识 国家博士后基金 2018-1~2020-12 负责人 纵向项目
No.xjj** 高温各向异性隔热性能及导热系数测试方法精度分析研究 中央高校基本科研业务费 2018-1~2020-12 负责人 纵向项目
** 局域共振型热-声超材料的概念与设计 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-1~ 其它 纵向项目
BX** 博士后创新人才支持计划 国务院各部委项目 2018-10~2020-9 负责人 纵向项目
** 强化管技术开发 其他 2017-7~2017-8 负责人 横向项目
** 添加物对氧化硅气凝胶隔热性能影响的实验研究及瞬态平面热源法导热系数测试精度分析 国家自然科学基金项目 2017-1~2019-12 负责人 纵向项目
2016M602814 非稳态方法测试半透明材料导热系数时辐射传热的影响 国家博士后基金 2016-1~2018-3 负责人 纵向项目
2016BSHEDZZ133 瞬态平面热源法导热系数测试精度分析 陕西省博士后基金项目 2016-1~2018-3 负责人 纵向项目
XJTU-HRT-2 西安交通大学新教师科研支持计划 国家教育部项目 2016-1~2018-3 负责人 其它
轻质高强低热导编织材料传热特性及接触热阻研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2014-1~2018-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
** 复杂环境下纳米多孔材料隔热性能预测方法的理论及实验研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2013-1~2016-12 骨干成员 纵向项目


科研成果 - 张 虎SCI/EI期刊文章

Xue-Fan Hao, Hu Zhang*, Xiao Hou, Gui-Hua Tang, Radiative properties of alumina/aluminum particles and the influence on radiative heat transfer in solid rocket motor [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2021, accept.
Hu Zhang*, Gui-Hua Tang, Wen-Quan Tao, Influence of participating radiation on measuring thermal conductivity of translucent thermal insulation materials with hot strip method [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, accept.
毋克凡,Pontarit Nuanyai,张虎*,唐桂华. 树脂基碳纤维复合材料各向异性导热系数测试与预测[J].工程热物理学报. 2021, 42(5):1282-1287. (EI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Kefan Wu, Guangming Xiao, Yanxia Du, Guihua Tang, Experimental study of the anisotropic thermal conductivity of 2D carbon-fiber/epoxy woven composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 267:113870. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Shao-En Peng, Qiang Ru, Ping Liu, Jun-Mei Wu, Thermal-fluid-structure analysis of fast pressure relief valve under severe nuclear accident [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2021, 371,110937. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Yixin Ma, Xian Wang, Guihua Tang, Numerical study of the influence of thermal radiation on measuring semi-transparent thermal insulation material with hot wire method [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 121:105120. (SCI收录)
Xiao-Tao Luo, Shao-Peng Lia, Geng-Cheng Lia, Ying-Chun Xie, Hu Zhang, Ren-Zhong Huang, Chang-Jiu Li, Cold spray (CS) deposition of a durable silver coating with high infrared reflectivity for radiation energy saving in the polysilicon CVD reactor [J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 409:126841. (SCI收录)
Wen-Tao Ji, Xiao-Dong Lu, Qiu-Nan Yu, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Film-wise condensation of R-134a, R-1234ze(E) and R-1233zd(E) outside the finned tubes with different fin thickness [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 146, 118829. (SCI收录)
Ting Guo, Xiong-wei Yang, Qian Geng, Zhen Li,Yue-ming Li, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang,Anisotropic phononic crystal structure with low-frequency bandgap and heat flux manipulation.Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020, 63(2), 224711. (SCI收录)
Zhen Li, Lei Wu, Hu Zhang,Yue-Ming Li, Heow Pueh Lee. Dual-functional metamaterial with vibration isolation and heat flux guiding,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020,469, 115122. (SCI收录)
Wen-Tao Ji, Guo-Hun Chong, Shuai-Feng Mao, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Effect of fin structure on the condensation of R-134a, R-1234ze(E) and R-1233zd(E) outside the titanium tubes[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2020,142(1):014502. (SCI收录)
马奕新,张虎*,王娴,唐桂华. TCi方法测试理论假设引入测量误差数值分析[J].科学通报, 2020, 65(8):740-749. (EI收录)
马奕新,金宇,张虎*,王娴,唐桂华. 翅片重力热管传热性能实验研究[J].化工学报, 2020, 71(2): 594-601. (EI收录)
Yu-Bai Xiao, Hu Zhang, Jun-Mei Wu, Experimental Study on the Thermal Properties and Stability of Hybrid Nanofluids and Evaluation of Its Heat Exchange Efficiency[C]. Proceedings ICONE 2020-16630. (EI收录)
Shi-Yan Li, Wen-Tao Ji, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Effects of magnetic field on the pool boiling heat transfer of water-based α-Fe2O3 and γ-Fe2O3 nanofluids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 128: 762-772. (SCI收录)
Wen-TaoJi,Chuang-Yao Zhao, Er-Tao Zhao,Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao,Falling film evaporation and nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of R134a on the same enhanced tube [J].Applied Thermal Engineering,2019,147:113-121. (SCI收录)
Shuai-Feng Mao, Wen-TaoJi, Guo-Hun Chong, Chuang-Yao Zhao,Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical investigation on the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of R134a outside the plain [J].Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2019,76(11):889-908.
Yanqin Shangguan, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, LBM study on unsteady flow and heat-transfer behaviors of double-row film cooling with various row spacings [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,138:1251-1263. (SCI收录)
Dan Dan, Chengning Yao, Yangjun Zhang, Hu Zhang, Xiaoming Xu, Dynamic thermal behavior of micro heat pipe array (MHPA) -air cooling battery thermal management system based on thermal network mode[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 162,114183. (SCI收录)
Wen-Tao Ji, Shuai-Feng Mao, Guo-Hun Chong, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical and experimental investigation on the condensing heat transfer of R134a outside plain and integral-fin tubes [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2019, 159: 113878. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Measuring radiative properties of silica aerogel composite from FTIR transmittance test using KBr as diluents [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 91: 144-154. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Chao Zhang, Wen-Tao Ji, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental characterization of the thermal conductivity and microstructure of opacifier-fiber-aerogel composite [J]. Molecules, 2018, 23(9):2198-12. (SCI收录)
Ming-Jie Li, Hu Zhang, Jian-Fei, Zhang, Yu-Tong Mu, En Tian, Dan Dan, Xiao-Dan Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental and numerical study and comparison of performance for wavy fin and a plain fin with radiantly arranged winglets around each tube in fin-and-tube heat exchangers [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,133: 298-307. (SCI收录)
Xian Wang, Yanqin Shangguan,Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, Numerical study on the near-wall characteristics of compound angled film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018,129:1670-1681. (SCI收录)
Yanqin Shangguan,Xian Wang,Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, Further investigation on the flow and heat transfer mechanism of single-jet film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method [J]. Communications in Computational Physics,2018, 23(4):1094-1115. (SCI收录)
Wen-TaoJi,Guo-HunChong,Chuang-YaoZhao,HuZhang,Wen-QuanTao,Condensation heat transfer of R134a, R1234ze(E) and R290 on horizontal plain and enhanced titanium tubes[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2018, 93:259-268. (SCI收录)
Yan-Jun Dai, Yu-Qing Tang, Wen-Zhen Fang,Hu Zhang,Wen-Quan Tao, A theoretical model for the effective thermal conductivity of silica aerogel composites[J].Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 128:1634-1645. (SCI收录)
张虎*, 马奕新, 王娴, 冀文涛, 李跃明, 陶文铨. 添加物对氧化硅凝胶隔热性能影响的实验研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(5):1039-1043. (EI收录)
庞浩强, 张虎, 李增耀, 陶文铨. SiO2气凝胶复合材料隔热性能实验研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(1): 133-138. (EI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Wen-Zhen Fang, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Thermal conductivity of fiber and opacifier loaded silica aerogel composite [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115 (Part B): 21-31. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Theoretical accuracy of anisotropic thermal conductivity determined by transient plane source method [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108 (Part B): 1634–1644. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wen-Zhen Fang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental study of the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foams [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115:528–538. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Effect of radiative heat transfer on determining thermal conductivity of semi-transparent materials using transient plane source method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114: 337–345. (SCI收录)
Wen-Zhen Fang, Hu Zhang, Li Chen, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical predictions of thermal conductivities for the silica aerogel and its composites [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 1277-1286. (SCI收录)
Yanqin Shangguan,Xian Wang,Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, Analysis on the mechanism of evolutionary process of counter-rotating vortex pair in film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method [J].International Communication of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017, 87: 72-83. (SCI收录)
Wen-Zhen Fang, Yu-Qing Tang, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical predictions of the effective thermal conductivity of the rigid polyurethane foam [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32: 703-708. (SCI收录)
Wen-Zhen Fang, Jian-Jun Gou, Hu Zhang, Qinjun Kang & Wen-Quan Tao. Numerical predictions of the effective thermal conductivity for needled C/C-SiC composite materials [J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2016, 70(10) :1101-1107. (SCI收录)
Jie Zhu, Haechan Park, Jun-Yang Chen, Xiaokun Gu, Hu Zhang, Sreejith Karthikeyan, Nathaniel Wendel, Stephen A. Campbell, Matthew Dawber, Xu Du, Mo Li, Jian-Ping Wang, Ronggui Yang, Xiaojia Wang. Revealing the origins of 3D anisotropic thermal conductivities of black phosphorus [J]. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2016, 2(5): **. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wei Gu, Ming-Jia Li, Wen-Zhen Fang, Zeng-Yao Li, and Wen-Quan Tao. Influence of environmental factors on the adsorption capacity and thermal conductivity of silica nano-porous materials [J].Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15(4): 3048-3054. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wen-Zhen Fang, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. Influence of gas heat conduction on the effective thermal conductivity of nano-porous materials [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 68: 158-161. (SCI收录)
Lei Chen, Hu Zhang, Zhong-Zhen Li, Ya-Ling He, and Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental and numerical study on thermal conductivity of proton exchange membrane[J].Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15(4): 3087-3091. (SCI收录)
Jian-Jun Gou, Hu Zhang, Yan-Jun Dai, Shuguang Li, and Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical prediction of effective thermal conductivities of 3D four-directional braided composites [J].Composite Structures,2015, 125: 499-508. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wei Gu, Ming-Jia Li, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. Experimental study on the kinetics of water vapor sorption on the inner surface of silica nano-porous materials [J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 78: 947-959. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Ming-Jia Li, Wen-Zhen Fang, Dan Dan, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan, Tao. A numerical study on the theoretical accuracy of film thermal conductivity using transient plane source method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 72(1):62-69. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Yu Jin, Wei Gu, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. A numerical study on the influence of insulating layer of the hot disk sensor on the thermal conductivity measuring accuracy [J]. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2013, 13(3/4): 195-205. (SCI收录)
Dan Dan, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao. Effective structure of aerogels and decomposed contributions of its thermal conductivity [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 72(1): 2-9. (SCI收录)
Yong-Cun Zhou, Lu Wang, Hu Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Bai, Yu-Juan Niu, Hong Wang. Enhanced high thermal conductivity and low permittivity of polyimide based composites by core-shell Ag@SiO2 nanoparticle fillers [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(1):012903. (SCI收录)
Yong-Cun Zhou, Hong Wang, Feng Xiang, Hu Zhang, Ke Yu, Liang Chen. A poly (vinylidene fluoride) composite with added self-passivated micro- and nano-aluminum particles for enhanced thermal conductivity [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98(18):182906. (SCI收录)
张虎, 李增耀, 丹聃, 陶文铨. 气氛压力对纳米多孔材料等效热导率的影响[J].工程热物理学报, 2013, 34(4): 756-759. (EI收录)
张虎, 谷伟, 李增耀, 胡子君, 陶文铨. 氧化硅纳米多孔材料表面的水蒸气吸附动力学研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46(3): 1-8. (EI收录)
方文振, 张虎, 屈肖迪, 何雅玲, 陶文铨. 遮光剂对气凝胶复合材料隔热性能的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2014: 65(1)168-174. (EI收录)
方文振,粘权鑫,张虎,陈黎,陶文铨. 气凝胶及其纤维复合材料等效导热系数预测[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2015, 49(7), 25-29. (EI收录)
谷伟, 张虎, 李增耀, 陶文铨. 混合气体在典型多孔介质内扩散过程的数值模拟[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46(3): 107-112. (EI收录)
谷伟, 张虎, 李增耀, 陶文铨. 多组分传质过程的Maxwell-Stefan方法模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 2012, 33(4): 681-684. (EI收录)
范宗良, 张虎, 陶文铨. 两种平直内翅管流动与换热实验研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2011, 32(12): 2016-2019. (EI收录)
母玉同,陈黎,曹涛峰,张虎,陶文铨. PEMFC阳极间歇排氢电化学反应过程的MRT Boltzmann研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2014, 3(7):1-5. (EI收录)

期刊论文 - 张 虎SCI/EI期刊文章

Xue-Fan Hao, Hu Zhang*, Xiao Hou, Gui-Hua Tang, Radiative properties of alumina/aluminum particles and the influence on radiative heat transfer in solid rocket motor [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2021, accept.
Hu Zhang*, Gui-Hua Tang, Wen-Quan Tao, Influence of participating radiation on measuring thermal conductivity of translucent thermal insulation materials with hot strip method [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, accept.
毋克凡,Pontarit Nuanyai,张虎*,唐桂华. 树脂基碳纤维复合材料各向异性导热系数测试与预测[J].工程热物理学报. 2021, 42(5):1282-1287. (EI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Kefan Wu, Guangming Xiao, Yanxia Du, Guihua Tang, Experimental study of the anisotropic thermal conductivity of 2D carbon-fiber/epoxy woven composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 267:113870. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Lei Zhao, Shao-En Peng, Qiang Ru, Ping Liu, Jun-Mei Wu, Thermal-fluid-structure analysis of fast pressure relief valve under severe nuclear accident [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2021, 371,110937. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Yixin Ma, Xian Wang, Guihua Tang, Numerical study of the influence of thermal radiation on measuring semi-transparent thermal insulation material with hot wire method [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 121:105120. (SCI收录)
Xiao-Tao Luo, Shao-Peng Lia, Geng-Cheng Lia, Ying-Chun Xie, Hu Zhang, Ren-Zhong Huang, Chang-Jiu Li, Cold spray (CS) deposition of a durable silver coating with high infrared reflectivity for radiation energy saving in the polysilicon CVD reactor [J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 409:126841. (SCI收录)
Wen-Tao Ji, Xiao-Dong Lu, Qiu-Nan Yu, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Film-wise condensation of R-134a, R-1234ze(E) and R-1233zd(E) outside the finned tubes with different fin thickness [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 146, 118829. (SCI收录)
Ting Guo, Xiong-wei Yang, Qian Geng, Zhen Li,Yue-ming Li, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang,Anisotropic phononic crystal structure with low-frequency bandgap and heat flux manipulation.Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020, 63(2), 224711. (SCI收录)
Zhen Li, Lei Wu, Hu Zhang,Yue-Ming Li, Heow Pueh Lee. Dual-functional metamaterial with vibration isolation and heat flux guiding,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020,469, 115122. (SCI收录)
Wen-Tao Ji, Guo-Hun Chong, Shuai-Feng Mao, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Effect of fin structure on the condensation of R-134a, R-1234ze(E) and R-1233zd(E) outside the titanium tubes[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2020,142(1):014502. (SCI收录)
马奕新,张虎*,王娴,唐桂华. TCi方法测试理论假设引入测量误差数值分析[J].科学通报, 2020, 65(8):740-749. (EI收录)
马奕新,金宇,张虎*,王娴,唐桂华. 翅片重力热管传热性能实验研究[J].化工学报, 2020, 71(2): 594-601. (EI收录)
Yu-Bai Xiao, Hu Zhang, Jun-Mei Wu, Experimental Study on the Thermal Properties and Stability of Hybrid Nanofluids and Evaluation of Its Heat Exchange Efficiency[C]. Proceedings ICONE 2020-16630. (EI收录)
Shi-Yan Li, Wen-Tao Ji, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Effects of magnetic field on the pool boiling heat transfer of water-based α-Fe2O3 and γ-Fe2O3 nanofluids [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 128: 762-772. (SCI收录)
Wen-TaoJi,Chuang-Yao Zhao, Er-Tao Zhao,Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao,Falling film evaporation and nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of R134a on the same enhanced tube [J].Applied Thermal Engineering,2019,147:113-121. (SCI收录)
Shuai-Feng Mao, Wen-TaoJi, Guo-Hun Chong, Chuang-Yao Zhao,Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical investigation on the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of R134a outside the plain [J].Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2019,76(11):889-908.
Yanqin Shangguan, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, LBM study on unsteady flow and heat-transfer behaviors of double-row film cooling with various row spacings [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,138:1251-1263. (SCI收录)
Dan Dan, Chengning Yao, Yangjun Zhang, Hu Zhang, Xiaoming Xu, Dynamic thermal behavior of micro heat pipe array (MHPA) -air cooling battery thermal management system based on thermal network mode[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 162,114183. (SCI收录)
Wen-Tao Ji, Shuai-Feng Mao, Guo-Hun Chong, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical and experimental investigation on the condensing heat transfer of R134a outside plain and integral-fin tubes [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2019, 159: 113878. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Measuring radiative properties of silica aerogel composite from FTIR transmittance test using KBr as diluents [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 91: 144-154. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Chao Zhang, Wen-Tao Ji, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental characterization of the thermal conductivity and microstructure of opacifier-fiber-aerogel composite [J]. Molecules, 2018, 23(9):2198-12. (SCI收录)
Ming-Jie Li, Hu Zhang, Jian-Fei, Zhang, Yu-Tong Mu, En Tian, Dan Dan, Xiao-Dan Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental and numerical study and comparison of performance for wavy fin and a plain fin with radiantly arranged winglets around each tube in fin-and-tube heat exchangers [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,133: 298-307. (SCI收录)
Xian Wang, Yanqin Shangguan,Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, Numerical study on the near-wall characteristics of compound angled film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018,129:1670-1681. (SCI收录)
Yanqin Shangguan,Xian Wang,Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, Further investigation on the flow and heat transfer mechanism of single-jet film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method [J]. Communications in Computational Physics,2018, 23(4):1094-1115. (SCI收录)
Wen-TaoJi,Guo-HunChong,Chuang-YaoZhao,HuZhang,Wen-QuanTao,Condensation heat transfer of R134a, R1234ze(E) and R290 on horizontal plain and enhanced titanium tubes[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2018, 93:259-268. (SCI收录)
Yan-Jun Dai, Yu-Qing Tang, Wen-Zhen Fang,Hu Zhang,Wen-Quan Tao, A theoretical model for the effective thermal conductivity of silica aerogel composites[J].Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 128:1634-1645. (SCI收录)
张虎*, 马奕新, 王娴, 冀文涛, 李跃明, 陶文铨. 添加物对氧化硅凝胶隔热性能影响的实验研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(5):1039-1043. (EI收录)
庞浩强, 张虎, 李增耀, 陶文铨. SiO2气凝胶复合材料隔热性能实验研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(1): 133-138. (EI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Wen-Zhen Fang, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Thermal conductivity of fiber and opacifier loaded silica aerogel composite [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115 (Part B): 21-31. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Theoretical accuracy of anisotropic thermal conductivity determined by transient plane source method [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108 (Part B): 1634–1644. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wen-Zhen Fang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental study of the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foams [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115:528–538. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang*, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Effect of radiative heat transfer on determining thermal conductivity of semi-transparent materials using transient plane source method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114: 337–345. (SCI收录)
Wen-Zhen Fang, Hu Zhang, Li Chen, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical predictions of thermal conductivities for the silica aerogel and its composites [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 1277-1286. (SCI收录)
Yanqin Shangguan,Xian Wang,Hu Zhang, Yueming Li, Analysis on the mechanism of evolutionary process of counter-rotating vortex pair in film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method [J].International Communication of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017, 87: 72-83. (SCI收录)
Wen-Zhen Fang, Yu-Qing Tang, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical predictions of the effective thermal conductivity of the rigid polyurethane foam [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2017, 32: 703-708. (SCI收录)
Wen-Zhen Fang, Jian-Jun Gou, Hu Zhang, Qinjun Kang & Wen-Quan Tao. Numerical predictions of the effective thermal conductivity for needled C/C-SiC composite materials [J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2016, 70(10) :1101-1107. (SCI收录)
Jie Zhu, Haechan Park, Jun-Yang Chen, Xiaokun Gu, Hu Zhang, Sreejith Karthikeyan, Nathaniel Wendel, Stephen A. Campbell, Matthew Dawber, Xu Du, Mo Li, Jian-Ping Wang, Ronggui Yang, Xiaojia Wang. Revealing the origins of 3D anisotropic thermal conductivities of black phosphorus [J]. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2016, 2(5): **. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wei Gu, Ming-Jia Li, Wen-Zhen Fang, Zeng-Yao Li, and Wen-Quan Tao. Influence of environmental factors on the adsorption capacity and thermal conductivity of silica nano-porous materials [J].Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15(4): 3048-3054. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wen-Zhen Fang, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. Influence of gas heat conduction on the effective thermal conductivity of nano-porous materials [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 68: 158-161. (SCI收录)
Lei Chen, Hu Zhang, Zhong-Zhen Li, Ya-Ling He, and Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental and numerical study on thermal conductivity of proton exchange membrane[J].Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15(4): 3087-3091. (SCI收录)
Jian-Jun Gou, Hu Zhang, Yan-Jun Dai, Shuguang Li, and Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical prediction of effective thermal conductivities of 3D four-directional braided composites [J].Composite Structures,2015, 125: 499-508. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Wei Gu, Ming-Jia Li, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. Experimental study on the kinetics of water vapor sorption on the inner surface of silica nano-porous materials [J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 78: 947-959. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Ming-Jia Li, Wen-Zhen Fang, Dan Dan, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan, Tao. A numerical study on the theoretical accuracy of film thermal conductivity using transient plane source method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 72(1):62-69. (SCI收录)
Hu Zhang, Yu Jin, Wei Gu, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. A numerical study on the influence of insulating layer of the hot disk sensor on the thermal conductivity measuring accuracy [J]. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2013, 13(3/4): 195-205. (SCI收录)
Dan Dan, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao. Effective structure of aerogels and decomposed contributions of its thermal conductivity [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 72(1): 2-9. (SCI收录)
Yong-Cun Zhou, Lu Wang, Hu Zhang, Yuan-Yuan Bai, Yu-Juan Niu, Hong Wang. Enhanced high thermal conductivity and low permittivity of polyimide based composites by core-shell Ag@SiO2 nanoparticle fillers [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(1):012903. (SCI收录)
Yong-Cun Zhou, Hong Wang, Feng Xiang, Hu Zhang, Ke Yu, Liang Chen. A poly (vinylidene fluoride) composite with added self-passivated micro- and nano-aluminum particles for enhanced thermal conductivity [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98(18):182906. (SCI收录)
张虎, 李增耀, 丹聃, 陶文铨. 气氛压力对纳米多孔材料等效热导率的影响[J].工程热物理学报, 2013, 34(4): 756-759. (EI收录)
张虎, 谷伟, 李增耀, 胡子君, 陶文铨. 氧化硅纳米多孔材料表面的水蒸气吸附动力学研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46(3): 1-8. (EI收录)
方文振, 张虎, 屈肖迪, 何雅玲, 陶文铨. 遮光剂对气凝胶复合材料隔热性能的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2014: 65(1)168-174. (EI收录)
方文振,粘权鑫,张虎,陈黎,陶文铨. 气凝胶及其纤维复合材料等效导热系数预测[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2015, 49(7), 25-29. (EI收录)
谷伟, 张虎, 李增耀, 陶文铨. 混合气体在典型多孔介质内扩散过程的数值模拟[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46(3): 107-112. (EI收录)
谷伟, 张虎, 李增耀, 陶文铨. 多组分传质过程的Maxwell-Stefan方法模拟[J].工程热物理学报, 2012, 33(4): 681-684. (EI收录)
范宗良, 张虎, 陶文铨. 两种平直内翅管流动与换热实验研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2011, 32(12): 2016-2019. (EI收录)
母玉同,陈黎,曹涛峰,张虎,陶文铨. PEMFC阳极间歇排氢电化学反应过程的MRT Boltzmann研究[J].工程热物理学报, 2014, 3(7):1-5. (EI收录)

会议论文 - 张 虎国际/国内会议
毋克凡,张虎,唐桂华,瞬态平面热源法测量液体导热系数自然对流的影响规律研究[C]. 第二届中国热物性学术会议,上海,5.21-23,2021.
何家容,张虎,唐桂华,陶瓷基碳纤维复合材料的光谱辐射特性数值研究[C]. 第二届中国热物性学术会议,上海,5.21-23,2021.
张虎,材料传热性能测量方法及应用 [C].“微纳米制造”高端研讨暨第三届陕西省智能制造与测试技术青年科技工作者论坛,西安,11.28,2020. (特邀报告)
Yu-Bai Xiao, Hu Zhang, Jun-Mei Wu, Experimental Study on the Thermal Properties and Stability of Hybrid Nanofluids and Evaluation of Its Heat Exchange Efficiency[C]. ASMEICONE28-Power 2020, August 2-6, 2020, Los Angeles CA, United States.
Hu Zhang*, Wen-Zhen Fang, Gui-Hua Tang, Thermal conductivity measurement of porous materials: challenges, examples and prospects [C]. Interpore 2019 11th Annual Meeting, May 6-10, 2019, Valencia, Spain.
Chen-Yang Shang, Zhuo-Ran Liu, Hu Zhang*, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Thermal insulation performance characterization of thermal protection material under large temperature difference and its thermal conductivity identification [C]. 5th International Workshop on Heat/Mass Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, August 13-16, 2019, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Hu Zhang*, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Gui-Hua Tang, Influence of participating Thermal radiation within translucent insulation materials on the thermal conductivity measured by hot strip method [C]. The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow- 2019, September 3-7, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
Yi-Xin Ma, Hu Zhang*, Xian Wang, Yue-Ming Li, Gui-Hua Tang, A numerical study of the uncertainty analysis of TCi method [C]. The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow- 2019, September 3-7, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
Chao Zhang, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang, Simulation of natural convection coupling with radiation in a square cavity by lattice boltzmann method [C]. The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow- 2019, September 3-7, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
Hu Zhang*, Gui-Hua Tang, Wen-Quan Tao, Numerical analyzing the theoretical accuracy of thermal conductivity measured by different methods [C]. The 12th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, October 2-6, 2019, Xi’an, China.
Hao Ding, Hu Zhang, Gang Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental comparison of different hot disk sensors on measuring the thermal conductivity of thermal insulation materials [C]. The 12th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, October 2-6, 2019, Xi’an, China.
毋克凡,Pontarit Nuanyai,张虎*,唐桂华. 树脂基碳纤维复合材料各向异性导热系数测试与预测[C]. 2019工程热物理学会传热传质会议. 青岛,10.12-14,2019.
尚晨阳,刘卓燃,张虎*,唐桂华. 热防护材料大温差隔热性能测试及导热系数辨识[C]. 陕西省宇航学会2019年学术交流会. 宝鸡,07.04-06,2019.
毋克凡,Pontarit Nuanyai,张虎*,唐桂华,树脂基碳纤维复合材料各向异性导热系数测试与预测[C].第二届中国空天推进技术论坛,西宁,8.22-8.24,2019.
Hu Zhang*, Yixin Ma, Xian Wang, Yueming Li, Wenquan Tao, Influence of radiative heat transfer on measuring thermal conductivity of semi-transparent materials with hot wire method[C]. XI-th International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2018), May 20-24, 2018, Cracow, Poland.
Dan Dan, Chengning Yao, Hu Zhang, Xiaoming Xu, Yangjun Zhang, Numerical analyses on transient thermal behavior of micro heat pipe array-air cooling battery thermal management system[C]. Meeting Abstracts. The Electrochemical Society, 2018 (1): 41.
马奕新, 张虎*, 王娴, 李跃明, 陶文铨. 一种新型重力热管传热性能测试[C]. 2018工程热物理学会传热传质会议. 哈尔滨, 10.12-14, 2018.
马奕新, 张虎*, 王娴, 陶文铨. 修正瞬态平面热源法导热系数理论测试精度数值分析[C]. 2018中国第一届热物性会议. 汉中, 10.19-22, 2018.
Hu Zhang*, Yueming Li, Wenquan Tao. Analysis of radiative heat transfer on measuring thermal conductivity of semi-transparent materials using transient plane source method[C]. 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, April 2-5, 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
张虎*, 王娴, 李跃明, 陶文铨. 纤维/遮光剂复合氧化硅气凝胶材料辐射特性及隔热性能实验研究[C]. 2017工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 苏州, 10.27-29, 2017.
张虎*, 李跃明, 李增耀,陶文铨. 瞬态平面热源法测试半透明介质导热系数时辐射传热的影响[C]. 2016工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 北京, 10.21-23, 2016.
庞昊强,张虎,李增耀,陶文铨. 遮光剂和中空玻璃球对SiO2气凝胶复合材料隔热性能影响的实验研究[C]. 2016工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 北京, 10.21-23, 2016.
方文振,佘振宇,粘权鑫,张虎,陶文铨, 硬质聚氨酯发泡材料等效导热系数预测[C]. 2016工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文, 大连, 10.30-11.2,2015.
Hu Zhang, Wei Gu, Ming-Jia Li, Zeng-Yao Li, and Wen-Quan Tao. The influence of temperature and humidity environment on the adsorption capacity and thermal insulation performance of silica nano-porous materials. The 4th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology, October 8-12, 2013, Shanghai, China.
Hu Zhang, Ming-Jia Li, Wen-Zhen Fang, Dan Dan, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan, Tao. A numerical study on the thermal conductivity accuracy of thin film specimens using transient plane source method[C]. Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow - 2013, June 3?6, 2013, Hong Kong, China.
Hu Zhang, Zeng-Yao Li, Dan Dan, Yun-Han Li, Mu Du, Wen-Quan Tao. Experimental and theoretical studies on the gas thermal conductivity in nano-porous materials[C]. 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, November 19–22, 2012, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hu Zhang, Yu Jin, Wei Gu, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. A numerical study on the influence of insulating layer of the hot disk sensor on the thermal conductivity measuring when using transient plane source method[C]. The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow - 2011, September 22?26, 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
Dan Dan, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao. Studies on effective model and effective thermal conductivity of aerogels[C]. The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow - 2013, June 3?6, 2013, Hong Kong, China.
Zong-Liang Fan, Hu Zhang, Ming-Jie Li, Wen-Quan Tao. A study on heat transfer characteristics of core-blocked tubes with straight and corrugated longitudinal fin annular space[C]. International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advance for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control. October 17-20, 2011, Xi’an, China.
Wei Gu, Hu Zhang, Zeng-Yao Li, Wen-Quan Tao. Application of maxwell-stefan approach on simulating the mass transport process of humid air in compound silica aerogel[C]. The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow - 2011, 22?26 September 2011, Kyoto, Japan.
Fang WZ, Nian QX, Zhang Hu, Tao WQ. Numerical predictions of the effective thermal conductivity of the rigid polyurethane foam [C]. The 2th China International Congress on Composites Materials, ZhenJiang, Sep 21-23, 2015
Fang WZ, Zhang H, Nian QX, Tao WQ, An engineering model for fast evaluations of the effective thermal conductivity of silica aerogel composites[C]. 5th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology, Calgary, May 18-20, 2015
Fang WZ, Zhang H, Nian QX, Tao WQ, Numerical predictions of thermal conductivities for the silica aerogel and its composites [C]. The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Busan, Korea, Nov 21-23, 2015
Gou JJ, Fang WZ, Zhang H, Tao WQ. Multi-size unit cells to predict effective thermal conductivities of 3D four-directional braided composites[C]. CCCM-2, ZhenJiang, 9.21-23,2015
张虎, 谷伟, 李明佳, 丹聃, 李增耀, 陶文铨. 温湿环境对氧化硅气凝胶复合材料吸附、隔热性能的影响规律研究[C]. 2013工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 重庆, 10.24-28, 2013.
张虎, 李增耀, 丹聃, 李云汉, 杜慕, 陶文铨. 纳米多孔材料中气相热导率的影响因素研究[C]. 2012工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文.东莞, 11.24-25, 2012.
张虎, 谷伟, 李增耀, 陶文铨, 胡子君. 温湿环境对氧化硅纳米多孔材料隔热性能的影响规律研究[C]. 2011工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 西安, 10.14-17, 2011.
张虎, 谷伟, 李增耀, 陶文铨, 胡子君. 氧化硅纳米多孔材料表面水蒸气吸附动力学研究[C]. 力学大会.哈尔滨, 08.22-24, 2011.
张虎, 谷伟, 李增耀, 张睿, 陶文铨. 表面疏水处理对纳米隔热材料导热系数的影响[C].(北京临近空间飞行器系统工程研究所)基础理论征文. 北京, 2011.
蔡林, 张虎, 陶文铨, 宁志芳, 赵士虎, 朱洪阳, 李彩侠. 环境气氛对冰箱发泡料隔热性能影响研究[C]. 2014年中国家用电器技术大会论文, 宁波, 11.03-06, 2014.
蔡林, 张虎, 方文振, 宁志芳, 李林峰, 赵士虎, 朱洪阳, 李彩侠, 陶文铨. 聚氨酯隔热材料导热系数与温度定性关系研究[C]. 第十二届全国电冰箱(柜)、空调器及压缩机学术交流大会, 合肥, 10.17-18, 2014.
方文振, 张虎, 陈黎, 陶文铨. 气凝胶及其纤维增强复合材料等效导热系数预测[C]. 2014工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文, 西安, 10.31-11.3, 2014
方文振, 张虎, 何雅玲, 陶文铨. 遮光剂对气凝胶复合材料隔热性能的影响[C]. 2013工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 重庆, 10.24-28, 2013.
母玉同, 陈黎, 曹涛峰, 张虎, 陶文铨. 多松弛Boltzmann方法研究间歇性排氢PEMFC阳极电化学反应过程[C]. 2013工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 重庆, 10.24-28, 2013.
李云汉, 尤伟, 李增耀, 张虎, 陶文铨. 大温差下纳米多孔材料隔热性能测试实验方案设计与数值模拟研究[C]. 2012工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 东莞, 11.24-25, 2012.
谷伟, 张虎, 李增耀,张睿,陶文铨. 隔热材料温湿环境的影响机制及控制方法[C].(北京临近空间飞行器系统工程研究所)基础理论征文. 北京, 2011.
谷伟, 张虎, 李增耀,陶文铨. 多元混合气体在孔道内扩散过程的数值模拟.力学大会[C].哈尔滨, 08.22-24, 2011.
谷伟,张虎, 李增耀,陶文铨. 多组分传质过程的Maxwell-Stefan方法模拟[C]. 2011工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文. 西安, 10.14-17, 2011.
金宇, 张虎, 唐桂华,陶文铨. 柱体绕流速度过冲的数值模拟[C]. 2011工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文.西安, 10.14-17, 2011.
范宗良, 张虎, 陶文铨. 两种平直内翅管流动与换热实验研究[C]. 2010工程热物理学会传热传质会议论文.上海, 10.08-10,2010.

专利 - 张 虎专利
[1] 张虎, 郝雪帆, 王海波, 付凯, 刘崇, 蒋文杰, 唐桂华. 一种基于石蜡相变换热的新型取暖器, 发明专利[P]. 申请日: 2020-04-22, 申请号: 45.实质审查
[2] 张虎, 尚晨阳, 马奕新, 王娴, 李跃明. 一种薄膜型热流计的高精度标定装置及方法, 发明专利[P]. 申请日: 2018-12-26, 申请号: 0.X. 已授权
[3] 张虎, 马奕新, 尚晨阳, 王海波, 蒋文杰, 王娴, 李跃明. 一种简易高导热材料导热系数稳态测试系统, 发明专利[P]. 申请日: 2019-01-03, 申请号: 1.9.实质审查
[4] 王娴, 王幸遇, 张虎, 李跃明. 一种用于平板射流气膜冷却的实验装置及方法, 发明专利[P]. 申请日: 2017-11-03, 申请号: 2.9.实质审查
[5]王娴,王幸遇,张虎,李跃明.一种用于平板射流气膜冷却的实验装置,实用新型[P].公开日: 2018-07-06,公开号: U. 已授权

人才培养 - 张 虎在读研究生

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姓 名 年份 毕设题目 备注
王绪暾 2021 固体火箭发动机喷管烧蚀防热机理及数值模拟研究
谢 奇 2021 NEPE高能固体推进剂燃速计算与燃面迁移仿真
毛新宇 2021 低温共晶合金高温熔融热物性实验研究
郝雪帆 2020 固体火箭发动机内氧化铝颗粒辐射传热分析 西安交大校级优秀毕业设计(1%)
王海波 2020 封闭腔自然对流数值仿真与实验研究
刘卓燃 2019 热防护材料大温差隔热性能测试及导热系数辨识 西安交大校级优秀毕业设计(1%);全国高等学校航空航天类专业本科生毕业设计大赛二等奖
黄佳佳 2019 多孔材料隔热性能测试方法适应性实验研究
毋克凡 2019 防热复合材料各向异性传热性能测试及预测
王珍珍 2018 气凝胶/隔热瓦热防护材料隔热性能的实验研究
肖普凌 2017 辐射传热对瞬态热线法导热系数测试的影响


年份 项目名称 人员 项目级别 成果
2019 基于相变蓄热的便携式恒温取暖器 付凯、郝雪帆、刘崇、蒋文杰、王海波 国家级“大学生创新训练项目” 结题优秀

实验条件-空天热管理实验室 - 张 虎对外服务
测试方法:瞬态平面热源法(瑞典Hot Disk TPS2500S)、瞬态热线法(加拿大 Thermtest THW-L2)、石英灯红外辐射加热法(研制)、稳态方法 (研制)
其他实验:换热器流动、传热性能实验;自然对流实验等。联系方式:huzhang@xjtu.edu.cn 微信:zhanghu_3410


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