Welcome - 贝 耐芳基本信息
2018/01– 至今,西安交通大学,地球环境科学系,教授
Bei, N., L. Zhao, J. Wu, et al., 2018: Impacts of sea-land and mountain-valley circulations on the air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-
Hebei(BTH): A case study, Environmental Pollution, 234, 429-438.
Bei, N., L. Zhao, B. Xiao, N. Meng, and T. Feng, 2017: Impacts of localcirculations on the wintertime air pollution in the
GuanzhongBasin,China,Science of the Total Environment, 592, 373-390.
Bei, N., G. Li, Huang, Huang, J. Cao, N. Meng, T. Feng, S. Liu, T. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and L. T. Molina, 2016: Typical synoptic situations and their impacts on the wintertime air pollution in the Guanzhong basin, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7373-7387.
Bei, N., B. Xiao, N. Meng, and T. Feng, 2016: Critical role of meteorological conditions in a persistent haze episode in the Guanzhong basin, China, Science of the Total Environment, 550, 273–284.
Bei, N., G. Li, Z. Meng, Y. Weng, M. Zavala, and L. T. Molina, 2014: Impacts of using an ensemble Kalman filter on air quality simulations along the California–Mexico border region during Cal–Mex 2010 Field Campaign,Sci. Total Environ., 499, 141–153.
Bei, N.and F. Zhang, 2014: Mesoscale predictability of moist baroclinic waves: Variable and scale-dependent error growth,Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(5), 995–1008.
Bei, N., G. Li, M. Zavala, et al., 2013: Meteorological overview and plume transport patterns during Cal-Mex 2010,Atmos.Environ.,70:477–
Bei,N., G. Li, and L. T. Molina,2012a: Uncertainties in SOA simulations due to meteorological uncertainties in Mexico City during MILAGRO-2006 field campaign,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11295–11308.
Bei, N., F. Zhang, and J. W. Nielsen-Gammon, 2012b: Ensemble-based observation targeting for improving ozone prediction in Houston and the surrounding area,Pure Appl. Geophys.,169, 539–554.
Bei, N.,W.Lei,M.Zavala, andL. T.Molina, 2010: Ozone predictabilities due to meteorological uncertainties in Mexico City Basin using ensemble forecasts,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10, 6295–6309.
Bei, N., B. de Foy, W. Lei, M. Zavala, and L. T. Molina, 2008: Using 3DVAR data assimilation system to improve ozone simulations in the Mexico City basin,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8, 7353–7366.
Bei, N., and F. Zhang, 2007: Impacts of Initial Error Scale and Amplitude on the Mesoscale Predictability of Heavy Precipitation along the Mei-Yu Front of China,Quart.J.Roy.Meteor.Soc., 133, 83–99.
Bei, N.,S.Zhao and S. Gao, 2002:Numerical simulation of a heavy rainfall of aheavy rainfall event in China during july 1998, Meteorol Atmos Phys, 80, 153-164.
Welcome - 贝 耐芳基本信息
2018/01– 至今,西安交通大学,地球环境科学系,教授
Bei, N., L. Zhao, J. Wu, et al., 2018: Impacts of sea-land and mountain-valley circulations on the air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-
Hebei(BTH): A case study, Environmental Pollution, 234, 429-438.
Bei, N., L. Zhao, B. Xiao, N. Meng, and T. Feng, 2017: Impacts of localcirculations on the wintertime air pollution in the
GuanzhongBasin,China,Science of the Total Environment, 592, 373-390.
Bei, N., G. Li, Huang, Huang, J. Cao, N. Meng, T. Feng, S. Liu, T. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and L. T. Molina, 2016: Typical synoptic situations and their impacts on the wintertime air pollution in the Guanzhong basin, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7373-7387.
Bei, N., B. Xiao, N. Meng, and T. Feng, 2016: Critical role of meteorological conditions in a persistent haze episode in the Guanzhong basin, China, Science of the Total Environment, 550, 273–284.
Bei, N., G. Li, Z. Meng, Y. Weng, M. Zavala, and L. T. Molina, 2014: Impacts of using an ensemble Kalman filter on air quality simulations along the California–Mexico border region during Cal–Mex 2010 Field Campaign,Sci. Total Environ., 499, 141–153.
Bei, N.and F. Zhang, 2014: Mesoscale predictability of moist baroclinic waves: Variable and scale-dependent error growth,Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(5), 995–1008.
Bei, N., G. Li, M. Zavala, et al., 2013: Meteorological overview and plume transport patterns during Cal-Mex 2010,Atmos.Environ.,70:477–
Bei,N., G. Li, and L. T. Molina,2012a: Uncertainties in SOA simulations due to meteorological uncertainties in Mexico City during MILAGRO-2006 field campaign,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11295–11308.
Bei, N., F. Zhang, and J. W. Nielsen-Gammon, 2012b: Ensemble-based observation targeting for improving ozone prediction in Houston and the surrounding area,Pure Appl. Geophys.,169, 539–554.
Bei, N.,W.Lei,M.Zavala, andL. T.Molina, 2010: Ozone predictabilities due to meteorological uncertainties in Mexico City Basin using ensemble forecasts,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10, 6295–6309.
Bei, N., B. de Foy, W. Lei, M. Zavala, and L. T. Molina, 2008: Using 3DVAR data assimilation system to improve ozone simulations in the Mexico City basin,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8, 7353–7366.
Bei, N., and F. Zhang, 2007: Impacts of Initial Error Scale and Amplitude on the Mesoscale Predictability of Heavy Precipitation along the Mei-Yu Front of China,Quart.J.Roy.Meteor.Soc., 133, 83–99.
Bei, N.,S.Zhao and S. Gao, 2002:Numerical simulation of a heavy rainfall of aheavy rainfall event in China during july 1998, Meteorol Atmos Phys, 80, 153-164.
西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-贝 耐芳
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26
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西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 猛
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Home-韩杰个人信息|PersonalInformation韩杰,教授,博士生导师西安交通大学青年拔尖人才(A类)环境科学与工程西安交通大学全球环境变化研究院ORCiD|Publons|Scopus|GoogleScholar美国化学会(ACS)会员国际水协会(IWA)会员美国科学编辑理事会成员( ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-丁向东
研究领域或方向l材料相变行为-铁性智能材料铁性智能材料是具有感知温度、力、电、磁等外界环境并产生驱动(位移等)效应的一类重要功能材料,主要包括形状记忆、铁电、压电和磁致伸缩等材料。它们的功能性很大程度上依赖于它们所发生的对称破缺相变。课题组致力于通过对铁性智能材料相变行为的系统研究,理解其中的物理规 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李长久
欢迎访问李长久教师个人网站http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/licj主要研究方向:1.热喷涂、冷喷涂技术的基础理论研究;2.功能涂层、高性能耐磨陶瓷涂层、纳米结构涂层技术的开发;3.热喷涂纤维增强复合材料制造技术研究;4.固体氧化物燃料电池、染料敏化太阳电池制造技术研究。教授、博士 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-GoranUngar
研究领域或方向l新型纳米功能材料l软物质材料结构与性能l超分子自组装工作经历l2018年11月-至今西安交通大学教授科研项目l球晶、添加剂及纳米粒子在半结晶性高聚物中的二维及三维可视化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人lSCALES:ComplexityAcrossLengthscalesi ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘?刚
刘刚,1975年8月7日出生,湖南桂阳人西安交通大学材料学院教授博士生导师教育及工作经历:1992年9月-1996年7月武汉钢铁学院材料系本科1996年9月-1999年3月西安理工大学材料学院硕士研究生1999年4月-2002年12月西安交通大学材料学院博士研究生2003年4月-2005年3月清华大 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马?恩
科研及工作经历:2020.12-:西安交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授2002-2020:美国约翰斯霍普金斯大学,材料科学与工程系,教授1998-2002:美国约翰斯霍普金斯大学,材料科学与工程系,副教授1993-1998:美国路易斯安那州立大学,机械学院,助理教授1992-1993:美国伊利诺伊 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26