本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26
Personal Details:
Date of Birth:
1st February, 1955
Marital Status:
Married, 4 children
George Spicer Primary School, Enfield, UK
Enfield Grammar School, Enfield, UK
1977. B.Sc. Pharmacology (1st Class, Honours), University of Bristol, U.K.
1980. Ph.D. The School Of Pharmacy (UCL), University of London, U.K.
“Effect of tetanus toxin on GABA mediated synaptic inhibition in the rat substantia nigra.”
1980 - 1982
Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Physiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
1983 - 1983
Senior Research Officer,
Dept of Physiology & Pharmacology, Univ. New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
1983 - 1990
Lecturer (then Reader),
Department of Pharmacology, University of Bristol, U.K.
1990 - 1994
Professor and Head of Department,
Department of Pharmacology, University of Birmingham, U.K.
1994 - present
Professor of Neuroscience in Anatomy,
School of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Bristol, U.K.
1996 -1998
Head of Department,
Department of Anatomy, University of Bristol, U.K.
1998 - 2012
Director, MRC Centre for Synaptic Plasticity
School of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Bristol, U.K.
2003 &
Visiting Professor
2007 – 2009
Brain Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
2009 - 2013
WCU Professor, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
2015 -
(from May 1st) Chair of Physiology, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(form June 1st). Senior Investigator, The Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research
Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Committee Memberships:
Research Into Ageing: (Advisory Board 1992 – 1997)
Medical Research Council: (ROPA panel 1994 - 1995), Neurosciences and Mental Health Board (1995 -
1999), Links with Industry panel (1995 - 1999), Milstein Panel (2007-2009)
The Wellcome Trust: International Interest Group (1996 - 2001), Neuroscience Panel (2005 – 2006)
UK Government: Foresight Task Force (1999), Community Fund (2001), HEFCE panel (2008)
The Royal Society: Sectional Committee 8 (2001 - 2003), Small Grants Committee (2001 - 2003),
Research Appointments Panel (2007 – 2009), International Networks Committee (2007 – 2013),
Medals and Awards Panel (2008 - 2014), Sectional Committee 8 (2013-2016)
Feldberg Foundation: Anglo-German Scientific Exchange Prize Committee (1998 - 2005)
Academy of Medical Sciences: Sectional Committee (2009 – 2012)
Advisory Boards:
Max-Planck, Institut für Psychiatrie, München, Germany (Advisory Board 1998 - 2001)
Devco, (Member of Project Advisory Board, 1999 - 2001)
The Wellcome Trust, Genes to Cognition Programme (Scientific Advisory Board 2004 – 2009)
Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, USA (ad hoc consultant, 1999 - present)
European Brain Research Institute, International Advisory Board (2010 - present)
Learned society memberships:
European Neuroscience Association (since 1979), Society for Neuroscience (since 1981),
The Physiological Society (since 1984), Brain Research Association (since 1984), The British
Pharmacological Society (since 1986), The American Physiological Society (since 1996),
European Dana Alliance (since 1997), Institute of Biology (since 1997), Academy of Medical Sciences
(since 1998), Biochemical Society (since 1998), British Association (since 2000), The Royal Society
(since 2001), The Royal Society of Arts & Commerce (since 2001), World Innovation Foundation (since
2004), Academia Europaea (2010)
Neuropharmacology (Editor-in-Chief) 1993 - 2010
Membership of Editorial Boards:
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (Guest editor, 1990), Experimental Brain Research (Section editor,
1990-1994), European Journal of Neuroscience (1990-present), Molecular Neuropharmacology
(1990-1994), Hippocampus (1991-present), Neuropharmacology (1991-1993), Learning & Memory
(1994-present), Journal of Neurophysiology (1995-2002), Molecular and cellular neurobiology series
(Bios / OUP; 1995-2005), The Scientific World (2001-2003), The Journal of Neuroscience (2005 –
2010), Synapse (2010 – present), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B
(2010-2016). Scientific Reports (2011-2015). PeerJ (2013-present). Molecular Brain (2015 - present).
Prizes and honours:
1991 Pfizer Academic Award
1992 Sharpey-Shafer Prize (The Physiological Society)
1997 Fellow, Institute of Biology
1997 Founder Fellow, European DANA Alliance
1998 Founder Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences
1998 Director, First MRC Centre
1999 Entry into Who’s Who
2000 Author of the most cited paper in neuroscience during the “Decade of the Brain”
2001 Fellow, The Royal Society
2003 Gaddam Memorial Prize (The Pharmacological Society)
2003 President, Medical Sciences Section of BA
2004 Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award
2007 President, British Neuroscience Association
2008 The Santiago Grisolia Prize
2009 Chair IUPHAR ionotropic glutamate nomenclature subcommittee
2013 The Feldberg Prize
Selected Plenary and Prize Lectures:
Feb. 1992
Physiological Society Meeting, Sharpey-Shafer Prize Lecture, University of Bristol, U.K.
May 1992
Pfizer “Prize” Lecture, Pfizer Research, Sandwich, Kent, U.K.
Nov. 1993
6th Annual Cambridge Neuroscience Meeting. University of Cambridge, U.K. (Plenary
June 1994
Third International Conference on CNS slice preparations. Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.
(Keynote address & Speaker)
Sept. 1995
European Behavioural Pharmacological Society. Marseille, France.
(Plenary Speaker & Chairman)
June 1998
European Neuroscience Forum, Berlin, Germany (Plenary Lecturer)
Apr. 2000
Jan Swammerdam Lecture, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dec. 2000
CNS 2000, 13th Annual Cambridge Neuroscience Meeting, Cambridge, U.K. (Plenary
Apr. 2001
Sickkids Synposium on Synaptic Plasticity and Learning and Memory, University of
Toronto, Canada (Keynote Lecturer)
Apr. 2001
PIN Lecture, University of Toronto, Canada
May 2001
Gordon Conference, Il Ciocco, Italy (Invited Speaker)
GaddamBPS/Phy.Soc. Meeting Manchester (Invited Speaker, Gaddam Lecture)
Dec. 2003
George Cecil Clark Lecture, Nottingham, U.K.
Apr. 2007
Haifa Forum for Brain and Behaviour, Isreal (Plenary Lecturer)
June 2007
Gordon Reserach Conference on Excitatory Synapses & Brain Function, U.S.A.
(Invited Speaker)
Sept. 2007
Cambridge Neuroscience Launch Symposium, University of Cambridge, U.K.
(Plenary Speaker)
Sept. 2007
19th National meeting of the British Neuroscience Association, Harrogate, U.K. (Plenary
Sept. 2008
21st European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Barcelona, Spain (Plenary
Feb. 2009
Crisp Lecture, Unviersity of Leeds, U.K. (Invited Speaker)
May 2009
66th KSBMB annual meeting, Korea (Plenary Lecturer)
Oxford Neuroscience Symposium, University of Oxford, U.K. (Plenary Lecturer)
Oct. 2010
Korean Physiological Society Annual Meeting, Seoul, South Korea (Plenary Lecturer)
Mar. 2011
Physphar 2011, Belgium (Plenary Lecturer)
Mar. 2011
Cajal Winter Conference, Spain (Plenary Lecturer)
Aug. 2011
6th International Conference of Neurons and Brain Disease, Toyama, Japan (Plenary
Feb. 2012
ApoE, Alzheimer’s and Lipoprotein Biology, Keystone Symposium, Colorado, U.S.A.
(Invited Speaker)
Mar. 2012
The 2012 International Symposium on Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity,
Chongqing, China (Invited Speaker)
Nov. 2012
XVI annual LARC Neuroscience Network meeting, Portsmouth, U.K. (Plenary Lecturer)
Dec 2013
Feldberg Prize Lecture, Berlin.
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