

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

Group Leader I of Pulmonary Inflammation
Tel: +86-
07/2013- Group Leader I (研究小组主任I类), Center for Translational Medicine, Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China.
9/2011-6/2013 Research associate. Meakins Christie Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
9/2009-8/2011 Postdoctoral fellow. Meakins Christie Laboratories, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
3/2007-6/2009 Postdoctoral fellow. Unit of biomolecules of pulmonary inflammation, INSERM U-774/416, Pasteur Institute, Lille, France.
2006Ph.D., Pathology and Pathophysiology, Unit of respiratory pathology and allergic immunology. INSERM U-416, Pasteur Institute, Lille, France; China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun, China.
2003 M.Sc., Experimental Diagnostics, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, China.
2000 B.Sc., Clinical Medicine, Jilin University, Changchun, China.
2011Meakins Recognition Awards, for high caliber publications by trainees.
2006Highlighted poster discussion of AAAAI annual conference.
2004Scientific and Technological Advancement Award of Jilin Province (No.**).
2003Scientific and Technological Achievements of Jilin Province (No.**-09).
2002Scientific and Technological Achievements of Ministry of Education (No.360--09).
2002Scientific and Technological Achievements of Ministry of Education (No.360--09).
2001Scientific and Technological Achievements of Jilin Province (No.**-09).
Research Interests
1. Roles of cytokines and chemokines in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory pu lmonary diseases:
(1) Mechanism of airway remodeling;
(2) Pathogenesis of severe asthma;
(3) Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD);
2. Roles of microRNA in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases:
(1) Dysregulation of miRNA and miRNA-targeted therapy in severe asthma;
(2) Dysregulation of miRNA and miRNA-targeted therapy in corticosteroid resistance in severe asthma;
(3) Dysregulation of miRNA and miRNA-targeted therapy in COPD.
Representative Publications1.Y Chang, L Al-Alwan, S Alshakfa, S Audusseau, AK Mogas, F Chouiali, P Nair, C J Baglole, Q Hamid, DH. Eidelman. Upregulation of IL-17A/F from human lung tissue explants with cigarette smoke exposure: implications for COPD. Respir Res, 2014, 15(1):145.
2. Y Chang, L Al-Alwan, S Audusseau, F Chouiali, J Carlevaro-Fita, Y Iwakura, CJ Baglole, D H Eidelman, Q Hamid. Genetic deletion of IL-17A reduces cigarette smoke-induced inflammation and alveolar type II cell apoptosis. AJP Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 2014, 306(2):L132-43.
3. Y Chang (Co-first author), L Al-Alwan, , A Mogas, A J Halayko, C J Baglole, J G Martin, D H Eidelman, Q Hamid. Differential roles of CXCL2 and CXCL3 and their receptors in regulating normal and asthmatic airway smooth muscle cell migration. J Immunol, 2013, 191(5):2731-41.
4. Y Chang, L Al-Alwan, PA Risse, A J Halayko, J G Martin, C J Baglole, D H Eidelman, Q Hamid. Th17 Associated Cytokines Promote Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation. FASEB J. 2012, 26(12):5152-60.
5. Y Chang (Co-first author), L Al-Alwan, C J Baglole, PA Risse, A J Halayko, J G Martin, D H Eidelman, Q Hamid. Autocrine-regulated airway smooth muscle cell migration is dependent on IL-17-induced growth-related oncogenes. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2012, 130(4):977-985.
6. Y Chang, L Al-Alwan, PA Risse, L Roussel, S Rousseau, A J Halayko, J G. Martin, Q Hamid, D H Eidelman. Th17 cytokines induce human airway smooth muscle cell migration. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2011, 127(4):1046-53.
7. Y Chang, J Nadigel, N Boulais, J Boubeau, F Maltais, D H Eidelman, Q Hamid. CD8 positive T cells are a major source of IL-17 in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Respir Res. 2011,12: 43.
8. Chang Y, de Nadai P, Azzaoui I, Morales O, Delhem N, Vorng H, Tomavo S, Ait Yahia S, Zhang G, Wallaert B, Chenivesse C, Tsicopoulos A. The chemokine CCL18 generates adaptive regulatory T cells from memory CD4+ T cells of healthy but not allergic subjects. FASEB J, 2010, 24(12):5063-72.
9. Chang Y (Co-first author), Gilet J, Chenivesse C, Legendre B, Vorng H, Duez C, Wallaert B, Porte H, Senechal S, Tsicopoulos A. Role of CCL17 in the generation of cutaneous inflammatory reactions in Hu-PBMC-SCID mice grafted with human skin. J Invest Dermatol. 2009, 129(4): 879-90.
10. Chang Y, Senechal S, de Nadai P, Chenivesse C, Gilet J, Vorng H, Legendre B, Tonnel AB, Wallaert B, Lassalle P, Tsicopoulos A. Diesel exhaust exposure favors TH2 cell recruitment in nonatopic subjects by differentially regulating chemokine production. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2006, 118(2): 354-60.

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