
西安交通大学化学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 志成

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

张志成个人主页 - 张 志成张志成


电话:, **





? 1995.9—1999.7 西安交通大学高分子51班,工学学士
? 1999.9—2002.7 西安交通大学硕906班,工学硕士
? 2002.9—2005.7 中国科学院化学研究所聚烯烃组,理学博士

? 2005.7—2008.5 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料系,博士后
? 2008.9—2009.2 西安交通大学理学院应化系,研究员
? 2009.2—现今 西安交通大学理学院应化系,教授,博士生导师

?2012.9—2020.2 西安交通大学理学院化学学科主任
? 2018.5—2019.12 西安交通大学理学院副院长
? 2020.1—2020.7 西安交通大学理学院党委副书记(主持工作)
? 2020.7—现今 西安交通大学化学学院党委书记




张志成教授受聘Reactive and Functional Polymers 期刊编委




张志成个人主页 - 张 志成张志成


电话:, **





? 1995.9—1999.7 西安交通大学高分子51班,工学学士
? 1999.9—2002.7 西安交通大学硕906班,工学硕士
? 2002.9—2005.7 中国科学院化学研究所聚烯烃组,理学博士

? 2005.7—2008.5 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料系,博士后
? 2008.9—2009.2 西安交通大学理学院应化系,研究员
? 2009.2—现今 西安交通大学理学院应化系,教授,博士生导师

?2012.9—2020.2 西安交通大学理学院化学学科主任
? 2018.5—2019.12 西安交通大学理学院副院长
? 2020.1—2020.7 西安交通大学理学院党委副书记(主持工作)
? 2020.7—现今 西安交通大学化学学院党委书记




张志成教授受聘Reactive and Functional Polymers 期刊编委




科学研究 - 张 志成研究领域

(Controllable Radical Polymerization Methodology)
1)Chemical Communication, 2011, 47(15), 4544.
2)Macromolecules, 2011, 44(20), 7911.
3)Journal of Polymer Science A: Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 50, 3126.

(SynthesisofNovelFunctional Fluoropolymers)
1)Polymer Chemistry. 2014, 5, 2130.
2)Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22, 18496.
3)Macromolecules. 2006, 39(16), 5187.
4)Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2013, 51, 4378

(Electroactive PVDF Based Fluoropolymers)
1)Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013,127, 3002.
2)Polymer. 2013, 54, 440.
3)Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2013,1,1111.
4)Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 9391.

(High Energy Storage Capacitor Dielectrics)
1)Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2013, 1(35), 10353.
2)Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22(44), 23468.
3)Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 96, 192905.
4)ACS Applied Materials & Interface. 2013, 5(19), 9411.

(Fule Cell ProtonExchange Membrane)
1)Macromolecules. 2008, 41, 9130.



** 氟乙烯对聚偏氟乙烯基铁电聚合物的相变及介电性能调控机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
P(VDF-TrFE)压电膜传感器研制及其在炸药Lamb波探测中的应用研究 其他 2018-1~ 负责人 横向项目
** 聚偏氟乙烯-三氟乙烯压电膜应用技术开发 其他 2017-1~ 负责人 横向项目
** 新型聚氯乙烯改性共聚物的合成及其多尺度聚集态结构与介电储能性能调控 国家自然科学基金项目 2016-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
提高**电容器****基础理论研究 “863”高科技项目 2016-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
2013DFR50470 高储能介质材料与器件合作研究 国家“十五”科技攻关项目 2013-4~ 负责人 纵向项目
2013JZ003 聚偏氟乙烯基氟聚合物的介电储能性能调控 其他 2013-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
** 2010年教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 国家教育部项目 2011-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
** 西安交通大学青年教师跟踪项目 国家教育部项目 2011-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
西安交通大学学科交叉项目 国家教育部项目 2011-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
3 太阳能光伏行业多晶硅硅料清洗剂研究 “863”高科技项目 2011-1~ 负责人 横向项目
乙烯催化齐聚合成润滑油用1-烯烃研究 “863”高科技项目 2011-1~ 负责人 横向项目
** PMMA改性氟聚合物的合成及其介电、储电性能研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2009-12~ 负责人 纵向项目
** 氟聚合物改性及其在电介质材料中的应用 国家教育部项目 2009-12~ 负责人 纵向项目
9306c 西安交通大学新教师科研启动 国家“十五”科技攻关项目 2008-7~ 负责人 纵向项目


科研成果 - 张 志成发表论文
? 2021
89.Biyun Peng, Jian Wang, Meng Li,Miao Wang, Shaobo Tan*, Zhicheng Zhang*. Activation of different C-F bonds in fluoropolymers for Cu(0)-mediated single electron transfer radical polymerization.Polym. Chem.2021,12, 3132 - 3141.
88. Jian Wang, Yunchuan Xie, Yifei Zhang, Biyun Peng, Qizheng Li, Denglong Ma,, Zhicheng Zhang*,Xingyi Huang*."The ultrahigh discharge efficiency and energy density of P(VDF-HFP)viaelectrospinning-hot press with St-MMA copolymer" Mater. Chem. Front. 2021, 5,3646-3656.
87.Miao Wang, Jiani Liao, Biyun Peng, Ying Zhang, Shaobo Tan*,ZhichengZhang, "Facile Grafting Modification of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride-co-Trifluoroethylene) Directly from Inner CH(sic)CH Bonds" ,Macromol. Chem. Phys.2021, 222, **.DOI:10.1002/MACP.
86. Qizheng Li, Shaobo Tan, Honghong Gong, Junyong Lu, Wenjing Zhang, Xiao Zhang*, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Influence of Dipole and Intermolecular Interaction on the Tuning Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Polystyrene-Based Polymers".Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2021, 23, 3856-3865. DOI: 10.1039/D0CP05233G
85.Chao Chen, Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Yu Lan, Xiaoyong Wei*, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Enhancing high field dielectric properties of polymer films by wrapping a thin layer of self-assembled boron nitride film".Applied Surface Science. 2021, 535, 147737.
? 2020
84.Qin-Xiang Jia*, Dan-Hong Yang, Li Jin, Zhicheng Zhang."Enhancement of permittivity in P(VDF-CTFE)/metal– organic frameworks mixed matrix membranes"J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2020, 137, e49539.
83. Li Ma, Qiang Zhang, Chenhui Cui, Qianun Zhong, Xingxing Chen, Zhen Li, Arumugam Mariappan, Yilong Cheng, Zhicheng Zhang*, Yanfeng Zhang*. "Introduction of a Stable Radical in Polymer Capacitor Enables High Energy Storage and Pulse Discharge Efficiency".Chem. Mater.2020, 32, 9355-9362.https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs. chemmater.0c03295.
82. Ying Zhang, Wenxiang Zhang, Qizheng Li, Chao Chen, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Design and Fabrication of a Novel Humidity Sensor Based on Ionic Covalent Organic Framework".Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical. 2020, 324, 128733.
81. Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Shaobo Tan, Biyun Peng, Baobao Qiao, Zhicheng Zhang*, Xingyi Huang*, Heliang Sui*. "Improving Energy Storage Density and Efficiency of Polymer Dielectrics by Adding Trace Biomimetic Lysozyme-Modified Boron Nitride". ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2020, 3, 7952-7963.
80. Chao Chen, Yunchuan Xie, Jingjing Liu, Jing Li, Xiaoyong Wei*, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Enhanced Energy Storage Capability of P(VDF-HFP) Nanodielectrics by HfO2 Passivation Layer: Preparation, Performance and Simulation".Composite Science and Technology. 2020, 188, 107968. DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107968.
79. Xiao Wang, Baobao Qiao, Shaobo Tan, Weiwei Zhu*, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Tuning the Ferroelectric Phase Transition of PVDF by Uniaxially Stretching Crosslinked PVDF Films with CF=CH Bonds".Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 11426-11440. DOI:10.1039/D0TC02559C.
78. Jiani Liao, Biyun Peng, Shaobo Tan*, Xin Tian*, Zhicheng Zhang. "Grafting PMMA onto P(VDF-TrFE) by C-F Activiation via a Cu(0) Mediated Controlled Radical Polymerization Process."Macromol. Rapid Commun.2020, **.
77.Zhicheng Zhang*, Jie Xiong, Gang He, Dongfeng Dang, Yunchuan Xie, Qing Wang*. "Fluorous Effect-Induced Emission of Azido Substituted Poly(vinylidene fluoride) with High Photostability and Film Formation".Polym. Chem.2020, 11, 1307-1313.
76.Ying Zhang, Jie Xiong, Chao Chen, Qizheng Li, Jingjing Liu,Zhicheng Zhang*."Regulating the dissociation of LiCl and transportation of Li ions within UiO-66-NH2 framework for humidity sensing applications with superb comprehensive performance".Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 818, 152854.
? 2019
75. Baobao Qiao, Xiao Wang, Shaobo Tan, Weiwei Zhu*,Zhicheng Zhang* "Synergistic Effects of Maxwell Stress and Electrostriction in Electromechanical Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)?based Ferroelectric Polymers".Macromolecules. 2019,52(22), 9000-9011.
74.Zhong Li, Jiani Liao, Ziting Xi, Weiwei Zhu, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Influence of Steric Hindrance on Ferro- and Piezoelectric Performance of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Based Ferroelectric Polymers".Macromol. Chem. & Phys. 2019,220(21), **.
73. Jingjing Liu, Meng Li, Yifei Zhao, Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu, Zhicheng Zhang *. "Manipulating H-bonds in Glassy Dipolar Polymers as a New Strategy for High Energy Storage Capacitors with High Pulse Discharged Efficiency".J. Mater. Chem. A.2019, 7, 19407-19414.
72. Qizheng Li, Jingjing Liu, Xiao Zhang, Shaobo Tan, Junyong Lu, Zhicheng Zhang*. "TuningDielectricandEnergyStoragePropertiesofPolystyreneBasedPolymer DielectricbyManipulatingDipolesandTheirPolarizingBehavior".Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2019, 21, 15712-15724.
71.Jingjing Liu, Jiani Liao, Yu Liao* and Zhicheng Zhang* “High field antiferroelectric-like dielectric of poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene-cochlorotrifluoroethylene)-graft-poly(styrene-methyl methacrylate) for high pulse capacitors with high energy density and low loss”.Polym. Chem.2019, 10, 3547- 3555.
70.Zhicheng Zhang*, Xiao Wang, Shaobo Tan, Qing Wang*. "Superior electrostrictive strain achieved under low electric fields in relaxor ferroelectric polymers".J. Mater. Chem. A.2019, 7, 5201-5208.
69.Jie Xiong, Tao Fu, Ling Yue, Baobao Qiao, Shengnan Wang,Zhicheng Zhang?, Xin Tian?. "Hydrogenation of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) via a light initiated radical chain transfer reaction toward silane".Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2019, 136, 167-172.
? 2018
68. Yunchuan Xie, Wanrong Jiang, Tao Fu, Jingjing Liu, Zhicheng Zhang*, Shengnan Wang*. "Achieving High Energy Density and Low Loss in PVDF/BST Nanodielectrics with Enhanced Structural Homogeneity".ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2018, 10(34), 29038-29047.
67. Wenhua Xu, Gang Yang, Lan Jin, Jie Liu, Yunhe Zhang*, Zhicheng Zhang*, Zhenhua Jiang. "High-k Polymer Nanocomposites Filled with Hyperbranched Phthalocyanine Coated BaTiO3 for High Temperature and Elevated Field Applications".ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2018. 10(13):11233-11241.
66. Yifei Zhao, Qian Li, Xiao Zhang, Huayi Li, Junyong Lu, Zhicheng Zhang*. "High Energy Density and Discharging Efficiency Achieved in Chlorinated Polyethylene Films for High Energy Storage Applications".Macromol. Chem. & Phys.2018, 219(8): **.
65. Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Yangyang Yu, Wanrong Jiang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Enhancing Breakdown Strength and Energy Storage Performance of PVDF-based Nanocomposites by Adding Exfoliated Boron Nitride".Appl. Surf. Sci. 2018, 440: 1150-1158.
64. Weimin Xia, Zhicheng Zhang*. "PVDF Based Dielectric Polymers and Their Applications in Electronic Materials". IET nanodielectrics. 2018, 1(1):17-31.
63.Yanan Zhang, Shaobo Tan, Jian Wang, Xiao Wang, Weiwei Zhu*, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Regulating Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) with Inner CH=CH Bonds". Polymers. 2018,10(3), 339;https://doi.org/10.3390/polym**.
62. Shaobo Tan, Dan Li, Yanan Zhang, Zhijing Niu, Zhicheng Zhang*."Base Catalyzed Thiol-Ene Click Chemistry toward Inner -CH=CF- Bonds for Controlled Functionalization of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)".Macromol. Chem. & Phys.2018, 219, **.
61.Shaobo Tan, Jie Xiong, Yifei Zhao, Jingjing Liu,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Synthesis of Low Dielectric Loss Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-g-poly(methyl methacrylate) with Photo-induced Metal-free ATRP"J. Mater. Chem. C.2018, 6(15):4131-4139.

60. Shaobo Tan, Yifei Zhao, Wanwan Zhang, Pin Gao, Weiwei Zhu*, Zhicheng Zhang*.“A Light-mediated Metal-free Atom Transfer Radical Chain Transfer Reaction for the Controlled Hydrogenation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)”.Polymer Chemistry. 2018, 9,221-227 DOI: 10.1039/C7PY01870C.
59.Shaobo Tan, Yanan Zhang, Zhijing Niu, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Copper(0) Mediated Single Electron Transfer Controlled Radical Polymerization toward C-F Bonds on Poly(vinylidene fluoride)".Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 2018, 39(4), **.https://doi.org/10.1002/marc..
? 2017
58.Yingke Zhu, Pingkai Jiang, Zhicheng Zhang*, Xingyi Huang* “Dielectric phenomena and electrical energy storage of poly(vinylidene fluoride) based high-k polymers” Chinese Chemical Letters. 2017, 28(11), 2027-2035, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2017.08.053
57.Jingjing Liu, YifeiZhao, ChaoChen, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Study on the Polarization and Relaxation Processes of Ferroelectric Polymer Films Using Sawyer-Tower Circuit with Square Voltage Waveform".J. Phys. Chem. C. 2017. 23, 12531-12539.DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b02099.
56. Xiao Wang, Yanan Zhang, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Multiple relaxation in Uniaxially Stretched P(VDF-TrFE) Films after Crosslinking". IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2017. 24(4), 2531-2540.
55. Wanwan Zhang, Jian Wang, Pin Gao, Shaobo Tan, Weiwei Zhu, ZhichengZhang*."Synthesis of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) via a Controlled Silyl Radical Reduction of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)".J. Mater. Chem. C. 2017, 5. 6433-6441 DOI:10.1039/C7TC01051F
54. Xiaomeng Zhang, Yifei Zhao, Yuhao Wu, Zhicheng Zhang*. " Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) Films for High-Temperature Pulse Capacitors with Low Energy Loss". Polymer.2017,114, 311-318, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.03.022.
53. Yanan Zhang, Yifei Zhao, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang* “Inserting -CH=CH- into P(VDF-TrFE) by C-F Activation Mediated with Cu(0) in a Controlled Atom Transfer Radical Elimination Process” Polymer Chemistry.2017, 8, 1840-1849. Feb 10, 2017. DOI: 10.1039/c6py02119k.
52. Yunchuan Xie, Yangyang Yu, Yefeng Feng, Wanrong Jiang, and Zhicheng Zhang* “Fabrication of Stretchable Nanocomposites with High Energy Density and Low Loss from Cross-Linked PVDF Filled with Poly(dopamine) Encapsulated BaTiO3”.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2017, 9 (3), pp 2995–3005 Publication Date (Web): January 9, 2017 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b14166
51. Yefeng Feng, Yuhao Wu, Yunchuan Xie, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang* “Tunable permittivity in polymer composites filled with Si-based semiconductors by regulating induced polarization”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2017, 61, 63-70. April 2017, Pages 63–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2016.12.029
? 2016
50. Pin Gao*, Wanwan Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang.“Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative ipso-Annulation of Activated Alkynes with Silanes: An Approach to 3-Silyl Azaspiro[4,5]trienones”.Org. Lett.2016,18, 5820-5823.
49. Bei Miao, Jingjing Liu, Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang*.“Ferroelectric relaxation dependence of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) on frequency and temperature after grafting with poly(methyl methacrylate)” RSC Adv.2016,6, 84426-84438.
48.Honghong Gong, Xiaomeng Zhang, Yanan Zhang, Aqun Zheng, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang*“Chemical composition characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-based copolymers with F–H decoupled 1H NMR”.RSC Advances.2016, 6, 75880-75889.
47.Feng, Yefeng; Miao, Bei; Gong, Honghong; Xie, Yunchuan; Wei, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Zhicheng* “High Dielectric and Mechanical Properties Achieved in Crosslinked PVDF/α-SiC Nanocomposites with Elevated Compatibility and Induced Polarization at Interface” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016, 8(29), 19054-19065. DOI10.1021/acsami.6b04776
46.Zuochen Wang, Jingjing Liu, Honghong Gong, Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu*, Zhicheng Zhang* “Synthesis of Poly(methyl methacrylate-methallyl alcohol) via Controllable Partial Hydrogenation of Poly(methyl methacrylate) towards High Pulse Energy Storage Capacitors Application”. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 34855-34865.
45. Jian Wang, Zhong Li, Yuan Yan, Xiao Wang, Yunchuan Xie, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Improving Ferro- and Piezo- electric Properties of Hydrogenised Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Films by Annealing at Elevated Temperature” Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2016,5(34), 649-658.
44. Yefeng Feng, Honghong Gong, Yunchuan Xie, Xiaoyong Wei*, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Significantly elevated dielectric permittivity of Si-based semiconductor/polymer 2-2 composites induced by high polarity polymers”. Journal of Physics D: Applied. Physics. 2016, 49, 075503. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/7 /075503
43. Honghong Gong,Bei Miao,Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu* and Zhicheng Zhang* "High-field Anti-ferroelectric-like Behavior in Uniaxially Stretched Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene) -grafted-poly(methyl methacrylate) Films with High Energy Density." RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 1589 - 1599.
? 2015
42. Zhong Li, Jian Wang, Xiao Wang, Qinghao Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Ferro- and piezo-electric properties of a poly(vinyl fluoride) film with high ferro- to para-electric phase transition temperature." RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 80950-80955.
41. YefengFeng, Honghong Gong, Yunchun Xie, Xiaoyong Wei, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "StronginducedpolaritybetweenPoly(vinylidenefluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)andα-SiCanditsinfluenceondielectricpermittivityandlossoftheircomposites". Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 117, 094104.
40. Honghong Gong, Junjie Li, Daming Di, Na Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Influence of less initiator on the living performance of atom transfer radical polymerization and the structure of the synthesized grafted copolymer". RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 19117-19127.
? 2014
39. Xin Hu, Shaobo Tan, Guoxin Gao,Yunchuan Xie, Qinzhuo Wang, Na Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Synthesis of Unsaturation Containing P(VDF-co-TrFE-co-CTFE) from (VDF-co-CTFE) in One-Pot Catalyzed with Cu(0)-Based Single Electron ransfer Living Radical Polymerization System". Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2014, 2, 3429-34401.
38. Junjie Li, Honghong Gong, Qi Yang, Yunchuan Xie, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Linear-like dielectric behavior and low energy loss achieved in poly(ethyl methacrylate) modified poly(vinylidene-co-trifluoroethylene) ". Applied Physics Letters. 2014, 104, 263901.
37. Weimin Xia, Qingping Zhang, Xiao Wang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Electrical Energy Discharging Performance of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) by Tuning Its Ferroelectric Relaxation with Polymethyl Methacrylate". Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2014, 131(7): 40114.
36. Jing Chen, Shaobo Tan, Guoxin Gao, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang* “Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Self-curable Fluoropolymer Triggered by TEMPO in One-pot for High Performance Rubber Application” Polymer Chemistry. 2014,5, 2130-2141.
? 2013
35. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Weimin Xia, Hongjun Ye, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang " High-Energy-Density Poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) Thin Films" Journal of Electronic Materials. 2013, 42, 3489-3493.
34. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Weimin Xia, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang* “High dielectric permittivity and low dielectric loss nanocomposites based on poly(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) and graphene nanosheets” Journal of Advanced Dielectrics. 2013, 3(2): **.
33. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Shaobo Tan, Weimin Xia, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Chemical Bonding Induced Low Dielectric Loss and Low Conductivity in High-K poly (vinylidene fluoride trifluorethylene/Graphene Nanosheets Nanocomposites" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2013, 5(19), 9411-9420.
32.Shaobo Tan, Xin Hu, Shujiang Ding, Zhicheng Zhang*, Huayi Li, Lanjun Yang “Significantly improving dielectric and energy storage properties via uniaxially strething crosslinked P(VDF-co-TrFE) films”. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2013, 1 (35), 10353 - 10361.
31.Xin Hu, Junjie Li, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Cu(0)/2,6-bis(imino)pyridines catalyzed SET-LRP of MMA initiated with P(VDF-co-CTFE)”. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2013, 51(20), 4378-4388.
30. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu*, Zhicheng Zhang*, Huayi Li “Dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of a poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) synthesized via a hydrogenation process”. Polymer. 2013, 54, 440-446.
29. Junjie Li, Xin Hu, Guoxin Gao, Shujiang Ding, Huayi Li, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang* “Tuning Phase Transition and Ferroelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) via Grafting with Desired Poly(methacrylic ester)s as Side Chains”. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2013,1,1111-1121.
28. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Weimin Xia, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang*. “High energy density nanocomposites based on poly (vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) and barium titanate”. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2013, 53(4), 897-904.
27. Qiuping Zhang, Weimin Xia, Zhigang Zhu, Zhicheng Zhang*.“Crystal Phase of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) Synthesized via Hydrogenation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co- chlorotrifluoroethylene)”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013,127(4), 3002-3008.
? 2012
26. Shaobo Tan, Junjie Li, Guoxin Gao, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Synthesis of fluoropolymer containing tunable unsaturation by a controlled dehydrochlorination of P(VDF-co-CTFE) and its curing for high performance rubber applications”. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22, 18496-18505.
25. Junjie Li, Shaobo Tan, Shujiang Ding, Huayi Li, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang* “High-field antiferroelectric behaviour and minimized energy loss in poly(vinylidene-co-trifluoroethylene)-graftpoly(ethyl methacrylate) for energy storage application” Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22(44), 23468-23476.
24. Xin Hu, Junjie Li, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Synthesis and characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-grafted-poly(acrylonitrile) via single electron transfer-living radical polymerization process”. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2012, 50(15), 3126-3134.
23. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu, Qiuping Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang*. Yuanqing Chen “Dependence of Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Properties on Crystalline Properties of P(VDF-co-TrFE) Copolymers”. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2012, 50, 1271-1276.
22. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu, Fei Wen, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Electrical energy density and dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)/BaSrTiO3 nanocomposites”. Ceramics International. 2012, 38,1071-1075.
? 2011
21. Shaobo Tan, Erqiang Liu, Qiuping Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Controlled Hydrogenation of P(VDF-co-CTFE) to Prepare P(VDF-co-TrFE-co-CTFE) in the Presence of CuX(X=Cl, Br) Complexes”. Chemical Communications. 2011, 47(15), 4544–4546.
20. Shaobo Tan, Junjie Li, Zhicheng Zhang*.“Study of Chain Transfer Reaction in the Initiation Stage of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”. Macromolecules. 2011, 44, 7911-7916.
19. Junjie Li, Qingjie Meng, Wenjing Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Influence of Crystalline Properties on the Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011, 122(3), 1659-1668.
? 2010
18. Weimin Xia, Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Wenjing Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Crystalline Properties Dependence of Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly (vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)”. Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 97, 222905.
17. Wenjing Li, Qingjie Meng, Yuansuo Zheng, Zhicheng Zhang*. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu. “Energy Storage Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)”. Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 96, 192905.
16. Qingjie Meng, Zhicheng Zhang*, T. C. Mike Chung. “Energy storage study of ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorotrifluoro ethylene) terpolymers”. Polymer. 2009, 50, 707-715.
15. Qingjie Meng, Wenjing Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Effect of Poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) Addition on Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF)”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2010, 116(5), 2674.
14. Shaobo Tan, Qinghao Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Synthesis and Characterization of P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE)-g-SPS”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2010,11,1269-1275.
13. Erqiang Liu, Zhicheng Zhang*. “A New Method Preparing VDF/CTFE/TrFE Terpolymer by Reductive Dechlorination of VDF/CTFE Copolymer”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2010, 8, 1087-1093.
? 2009
12. Zhicheng Zhang, T. C. Mike Chung. “The structure-Property relationship of PVDF-based polymers with energy storage and loss under applied electric fields”. Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 9391-9397.
11. Zhicheng Zhang, E. Chalkova, M. Fedkin, C. M. Wang, S. N. Lvov, S. Komaneni, T. C. Mike Chung. “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-g-sulfonated Polystyrene Graft Copolymers for Proton Exchange Membrane”. Macromolecules. 2008, 41, 9130-9139.
10. Zhicheng Zhang, Zhiming Wang, T. C. Mike Chung. “Synthesis of Chain End Functionalized Fluoropolymers by Functional Borane Initiators and Application in the Exfoliated Fluoropolymer/Clay Nanocomposites”. Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 5235-5240.
09. Zhicheng Zhang, T.C. Mike Chung. “Study of Fluoropolymers for High Pulsed Capacitor with High Energy Density and Low Energy Loss”. Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 783-785.
08. Zhicheng Zhang, T.C. Mike Chung. “Reaction Mechanism of Borane/Oxygen Radical Initiators during the Polymerization of Fluoromonomers”. Macromolecules. 2006, 39(16), 5187-5189.
07. Zhicheng Zhang, Zhanxia Lu, Shangtao Chen, Huayi Li, Xiaofan Zhang, Yingying Lu, Youliang Hu. “Synthesis of branched polyethylene from ethylene stock by an interference-free tandem catalysis of TiCl4/MgCl2 and iron catalyst”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2005, 236(1-2), 87-93.
06. Zhicheng Zhang, Junfeng Zou, Nannan Cui, Yucai Ke,, Youliang Hu “Ethylene Oligomerization Catalyzed by a Novel Iron Complex Containing Fluoro and Methyl Substituents”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2004, 219(2), 249-254.
05. Zhicheng Zhang, Shangtao Chen, Xiaofan Zhang, Huayi Li, Yucai Ke, Yingying Lu, Youliang Hu. “A series of novel 2,6-bis(imino)pyridyl iron catalysts: synthesis, characterization and ethylene oligomerization”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2005, 230(1), 1-8.
04. Zhicheng Zhang, Nannan Cui, Yingying Lu, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu “Preparation of LLDPE by in situ Copolymerization of Ethylene with a New Iron Oligomerization Catalyst and rac-Et(Ind)2ZrCl2”. Journal of Polymer Science A: Polymer Chemistry. 2005,43, 984-993.
03. Zhicheng Zhang, Ruyi Wang, Yucai Ke, Yuansuo Zheng, Cunyue Guo, Nannan Cui, Youliang Hu. “A metalloncene catalyst supported on MMT used in in situ polymerization to prepare LLDPE”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2004, (5), 713-718.
02. Zhang Zhicheng, Ke Yucai, Lu Yingying, Cui Nannan, Hu Youliang “Synthesis of a novel bis(imino)pyridyl iron complexes and study on oligomerization of ethylene”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2005, (2),191-196.
01. Zhicheng Zhang, Cunyue Guo, Nannan Cui, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu. “Preparation of LLDPE by in situ copolymerization of ethylene with Zr supported on MMT/Fe/MAO catalyst system”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2004, 94(4), 1690-1696.



一种表征电介质极化、铁电相弛豫和漏导的方法 2.2 发明 2016.11.21
一种制备聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟乙烯)和聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟氯乙烯-三氟乙烯)的方法) 2.1 发明 2016.11.03
由聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟氯乙烯)制备荧光聚合物的方法 ZL 5.1 发明 2015.07.21
可交联耐高电压高储能聚偏氟乙烯塑料薄膜的制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 7.4 发明 2014.10.13
制备聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟乙烯)或聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟氯乙烯-三氟乙烯)的方法 ZL 6.8 发明 2014.02.13
高储能密度聚偏氟乙烯基接枝改性聚合物的制备方法 ZL 4.6 发明 2013.10.21
头-头连接的氢化P(VDF-TrFE)制备驻极体压电材料的应用和方法 ZL4.6 发明 2012.10.04
一种由聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟氯乙烯)制备聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟氯乙烯-三氟乙烯)或聚(偏氟乙烯-三氟乙烯)的方法 6.3 发明 2009.05.01
Chain End Functionalized Fluoropolymer Having Good Electrical Properties **A1 发明 2008.01.01



1. 压电聚合物P(VDF-co-TrFE)研究现状
P(VDF-co-TrFE) 在常温下是一种半结晶型的热塑性所料[Aimi K, Ando S, Avalle P, et al. Polymer, 2004, 45 (7): 2281-2290]。1979年,日本****T. Yagi和 M. Tatemoto首先报道了P(VDF-co-TrFE)的分子结构[Yagi T, Tatemoto M. Polymer Journal, 1979, 11 (6): 429-436]。值得关注的是,TrFE单元的引入使此二元共聚物出现了类似于β相PVDF的Tc,即聚合物分子有从TTTT到TGTG’的变化[Furukawa T, Johnson GE. Applied Physics Letters, 1981, 38 (12): 1027-1029],而且随着TrFE含量的增加,Tc点降低。随后的研究说明,在TrFE摩尔分数在20~50 %之间时,未经拉伸的P(VDF-co-TrFE)在室温下也表现为明显的β相特征,在高极化电场下电滞回线变宽,即饱和与剩余极化强度均随极化电场增加。H. Ohigashi 在1995年报道了Pr为10 μC·cm-2的P(VDF-co-TrFE)厚膜,TrFE的摩尔含量为25% [Ohigashi H, Omote K, Gomyo T. Applied Physics Letters, 1995, 66 (24): 3281-3283]。后续的研究表明,此类聚合物经热处理后,其结晶度可以大幅提高,铁电和压电性能也随之改善[Fang F, Yang W, Jia C, et al. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92 (22)]。1998年,Q. M. Zhang等人通过研究发现高能电子辐照可以打断P(VDF-co-TrFE)晶区中的大尺寸铁电畴,使铁电畴的尺寸缩小至纳米尺度。处理后的聚合物从原来的铁电体转化为铁电弛豫体,电滞回线变细,电致伸缩为4%[Zhang QM, Bharti V, Zhao X. Science, 1998, 280 (5372): 2101-2104]。
由于P(VDF-co-TrFE)具有良好的铁电、压电、热释电性能和优异的电能-机械能转换性能,其应用得到了迅速的发展,它已经成为国际压电聚合物领域的热点。2007年,韩国Jong Soon Lee等人报道了P(VDF-co-TrFE)薄膜在数据存储方面的应用,他们利用C-F健与C-H键形成的偶极距在电场作用下的翻转形成的“±Pr”模拟数据记录中的“0”和“1”[Jong Soon L, Anand Prabu A, You Min C, et al. Advanced Polymers for Emerging Technologies, 2007: 13-20]。在性能表述中测试了厚度为200nm铁电聚合物的剩余极化强度和矫顽电场,该项研究中电畴类似于磁记录中的磁畴。2007年,Cheng Chao等人报道了P(VDF-co-TrFE)在压电微机械超声换能器中的应用,该聚合物的厚度方向压电常数d33=-20 pC/N,并完成了器件的制作[Chen C, Tin-Yan L, Kin-Wing K, et al. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics ISAF 2006, 2007: 120-123]。P(VDF-co-TrFE)在压电和电致伸缩性能方面应用也很广泛,2002年,美国宾州州立大学的Q. M. Zhang教授就连续报到了其在激励器中的应用,该类聚合物在厚度方向上的电致伸缩系数S33高达-5%[Xu TB, Cheng ZY, Zhang QM. Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 80 (6): 1082-1084]。
在我国,早在上世纪70年代,先后有中科院上海有机所、锦州塑料八厂、清华大学( 七五国家重点科技攻关项目)、哈尔滨船舶工程学院、电子部三所、中科院物理研究所、武汉大学等单位参与研制纯PVDF压电器件。P(VDF-co-TrFE)聚合物压电材料主要用于机械能-电能转换,在军事上利用压电聚合物的特点,研制运用其它现行技术难以实现的、而且具有特殊电声功能的器件,如抗噪声电话、宽带超声信号发射系统等。如用于水下探测的大面积传感器阵列和监视系统等,随后应用领域逐渐拓展到地球物理探测、声波测试设备等方面。也可以生产电声器件如麦克风、立体声耳机和高频扬声器。压电聚合物换能器还可应用于生物医学传感器领域,尤其是超声成像中,获得了最为成功的应用、PVDF薄膜优异的柔韧性和成型性,使其易于应用到许多传感器产品中。
然而, 目前我国的树脂由于产品纯度和稳定性等原因不能满足该领域的要求,因此所用到的PVDF树脂原料依赖进口,导致器件应用研究和市场开拓严重落后于发达国家。更为严重的是,目前还没有国内单位开展二元共聚物P(VDF-co-TrFE)的生产和应用。
研究表明,VDF摩尔分数在20~50%之间的P(VDF-co-TrFE)具有较大的Pr,经高电场或热极化后,它的d31d33分别可以达到甚至高于25和-25 pC/N,优于β相PVDF的压电性。而且,和传统的铁电压电材料相比,P(VDF-co-TrFE)具有较高的机电耦合系数(kt)。早在上世纪90年代,美国的Glass A. M就详细比较了P(VDF-co-TrFE)和其他材料介电和压电性能,如表1所示。
表 1铁电聚合物和传统铁电压电材料性能比较



Nylon 11尼龙





2. P(VDF-co-TrFE)主要应用领域
PVDF及其共聚物与压电陶瓷相比,其声阻抗(约4MRayls)与人体组织(约1. 5MRay ls)相当,在超声成像方面具有明显的优势。具有宽频响应、强度和稳定性良好的优点,在超声成像中有助于实现短脉冲响应,提高轴向成像分辨率。利用延时频谱方法可使聚合物传感器的信噪比在1到40MHz之间不低于60到75 dB。压电聚合物在生物医学领域的应用可以分为探头、超声源和成像系统三类。非介入聚合物探头心肺检测系统可以重复可靠地检测心肺功能。PVDF 薄膜较高的机械损耗使得PVDF超声发射源在较宽频率范围内具有比较平坦的发射电压响应,使其在宽带超声频率绝对校准应用中具有优异特性。其超声发射源可以发射频率超过30MH z的超声冲击波,在非介入肾结石超声破碎和超声应用中具有良好前景。由其拍摄的甲状腺超声图像大大优于压电陶瓷传感器的结果。采用P(VDF-co-TrFE)共聚物,可以进一步增强聚合物的压电效用,由工作频率为7. 5MH z的P(VDF-co-TrFE)传感器获得的乳房超声图像表明,由于采用共聚物,图像质量获得了显著提高。
压电/电致伸缩驱动器已成功地应用在精密定位、精密加工、智能结构、生物工程、航空航天、电子通讯、汽车工业、机器人关节、医疗器械等众多技术领域,并已经形成一个巨大的产业。电子束辐照的P(VDF-co-TrFE)含氟共聚物具备驰豫铁电体特征,使该材料具备了产生大伸缩应变的能力,最大应变量可超过4%,大大超出传统压电陶瓷材料0. 2% 的应变水平,这一优异特性赋予了该材料在微驱动领域的应用潜力。医疗上的应用主要是人工器官的驱动。例如人工肺(氧合器)、人工心脏(血泵)、人工肾(血液透析器)以及定向给药等,市场前景非常广阔。
表2 压电膜技术指标
指标 样品


20~30 μm





≥5.7 MPa

≥10 kg/cm2

张志成,, **

科研团队 - 张 志成研究队伍


谭少博(山西 1987)
2005.9-2009.7 西安工程大学 高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2009.9-2015.6 西安交通大学 材料科学与工程 工学博士
2015.7-2019.4 西安交通大学
理学院 讲师
2019.4-至今 西安交通大学
化学学院 副教授


龚红红(河南 1986)
2005.9-2009.7 山东轻工业学院 化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2009.9-2012.7 兰州大学 高分子化学与物理 理学硕士
2012.9-2017.3 西安交通大学 材料科学与工程 工学博士
2017.3-2019.3 复旦大学 化学 博士后
2019.4-至今 西安交通大学
化学学院 讲师


李众(江苏 1989)
2008.9-2012.7 南京工业大学
化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2013.9-2016.7 西安科技大学
材料物理化学 工学硕士
2017.9- 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 博士在读

李启蒸(河南 1985)
2004.9-2008.7 郑州大学
化学 理学学士
2008.9-2011.7 郑州大学
无机化学 理学硕士
2011.8-2017.5 黎明化工研究院工程师
2017.9- 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 博士在读

汪霄(河北 1993)
2008.9-2012.7 燕山大学
高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2012.9-2017.3 西安交通大学
应用化学 硕士在读
2017.3- 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 博士在读

张美荣(陕西 1992)
化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2019.9- 西安交通大学

陈超(陕西 1990)
2009.9-2013.7 西安建筑科技大学
化学工程与工艺 工学学士
化学工程与技术 工学硕士
2016.9- 西安交通大学
电子科学与技术 博士在读

贺一晋(山西 1996)
2014.9-2018.7 长治学院
2018.9-2020.7 西安交通大学硕士在读
2020.8 -至今 西安交通大学


席子婷(陕西 1996)
2014.9-2018.7 太原理工大学
应用化学 理学学士
2018.9- 西安交通大学
应用化学 硕士在读

彭碧贇(甘肃 1996)
2013.9-2017.7 陕西师范大学
应用化学 理学学士
2018.9- 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 硕士在读

樊星(山东 1997)
2015.9-2019.7 西安理工大学
应用化学 理学学士
2019.9- 西安交通大学
化学 硕士在读

张颖(山西 1996)
2015.9-2019.7 天津科技大学化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2019.9- 西安交通大学
化学 硕士在读

王苗(山西 1995)
2015. 9-2019.7 山西大同大学
化学 理学学士
2019.9- 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 硕士在读

程益品(安徽 1995)
2014.9-2018.7 华东理工大学材料化学 工学学士
2019.9- 西安交通大学
化学 硕士在读

易佳(湖北 1998)
2016.9-2020.6 湘潭大学
材料科学与工程学院 工学学士
2020.9-至今 西安交通大学
化学 硕士在读

雷鸣新 (陕西 1999)
2016.9-2020.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 理学
化学 硕士在读

郭益(四川 1998)
2016.9-2020.7 西南科技大学 材料科学与工程 工学学士
2020.9-西安交通大学 材料与化工 硕士在读

龙大江(甘肃 1995)
2016.9-2019.7 吉林大学
电气工程及自动化 工学学士
能源动力 硕士在读

翟庆(湖北 1998)
2016.9-2020.7 武汉科技大学
计算机科学与技术 工学学士
软件工程 硕士在读

李欣慰(陕西 1998)
2016.9-2020.7 西安交通大学
材料化学 理学学士
化学 硕士在读


孟庆杰(辽宁 1985)
2003.9-2007.7 四川大学
高分子科学与工程 工学学士
2007.9- 2010.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

李文静(河北 1984)
2004.9-2008.7 河北师范大学
化学 理学学士
2008.9-2011.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

张秋萍(湖北 1987)
2006.9-2010.7 陕西师范大学
2010.9-2013.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士
张东阳(陕西 1988)
2006.9-2010.7 大连大学
化学 理学学士
2010.9-2013.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

李俊杰(山西 1986)
2005.9-2009.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 理学学士
2009.9-2014.9 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 工学博士

胡欣(陕西 1987)
2005.9-2009.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 理学学士
2009.9-2014.9 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 工学博士

陈静(陕西 1988)
2007.9-2011.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 理学学士
2011.9-2014.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

朱智刚(湖北 1987)
2006.9-2010.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 理学学士
2011.9-2014.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

李丹(陕西 1991)
2009.9-2013.7 西安科技大学
高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2013.9-2016.7 西安交通大学

汪佐辰(甘肃 1991)
2009.9-2013.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 理学学士
2013.9-2016.7 西安交通大学

龚红红(河南 1986)
2005.9-2009.7 山东轻工业学院 化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2009.9-2012.7 兰州大学 高分子化学与物理 理学硕士
2012.9-2017.3 西安交通大学材料科学与工程 工学博士

冯野峰(湖北 1987)
2005.9-2009.7 湖北大学
化学生物学 理学学士
2009.9-2012.7 湖北省化学研究院 高分子化学与物理 理学硕士
2012.9-2017.3 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 工学博士

张骁萌(陕西 1992)
2010.9-2014.7 西安交通大学
化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2014.9-2017.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 工学硕士

苗贝(山西 1989)
2010.9-2014.7 中国矿业大学银川学院 化学工程与工艺 工学学士
2014.9-2017.7 西安交通大学
应用化学 工学硕士

2011.9-2015.7 陕西师范大学 化学化工学院 理学学士
2015.9-2018.07 西安交通大学 高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

张亚楠(新疆 1993)
2011.9-2015.7 东北林业大学 高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2015.9-2018.07西安交通大学 应用化学 工学硕士

谭少博(山西 1987)
2005.9-2009.7 西安工程大学
高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2009.9-2015.6 西安交通大学
材料科学与工程 工学博士

2012.9-2016.7 天津科技大学
高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2016.9-2019.7 西安交通大学
高分子化学与物理 理学硕士

刘晶晶(陕西 1989)
2008.9-2012.7 西安科技大学
高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2012.9-2015.7 陕西科技大学
皮革化学与工程 工学硕士
2015.9-2019.12 西安交通大学

2013.9-2017.7 长安大学
高分子材料与工程 工学学士
2017.9-2020.7 西安交通大学

廖佳妮(宁夏 1995)
2013.9-2017.7 宁夏大学
应用化学 工学学士
2017.9-2020.7 西安交通大学

熊杰(陕西 1995)
2013.8-2017.7 西安理工大学
应用化学 理学学士
2017.9-2020.7 西安交通大学




教学招生 - 张 志成讲授课程
《大学化学》主要面向工科非化学专业及钱学森班本科生; 课程网站:http://cc.xjtu.edu.cn/G2S/Template/View.aspx?action=view&courseType=0&courseId=118《基础化学原理》主要面向理科大类专业本科生;



本课题组由张志成教授始建于 2008 年5 月,现有教师6 人,目前共承担国家自然科学基金项目7 项,校企合作项目15 项。课题组的研究工作涉及到高分子化学与物理、有机合成、电介质物理、材料科学等学科以及相互交叉学科,主要包括以下特色研究方向:
① 张志成教授,招生2-3 人:聚偏氟乙烯基氟聚合物的化学改性、电活性调控、功能化、新材料的开发与应用;新型聚合物铁电压电聚合物的设计与压电膜制备及其在机电转换、智能材料等领域的应用。
② 解云川教授,招生2 人:高储能聚合物纳米电介质、电能储存与转换材料、电功能高分子的基础理论及应用研究。
③张雯教授,招生2 人:气敏传感材料与器件、纳米多孔材料及其在吸附和催化等领域的应用。
④ 谭少博副教授,招生 1 人:高储能、低损耗介电高分子的设计合成、电性能调控、可控自由基聚合方法学。
⑤ 贾钦相副教授,招生 1 人,新型磁性MOFs 材料的设计、合成与表征研究工作。
⑥ 龚红红博士,招生 1 人,可控自由基聚合、高分子电介质材料的光控合成、改性与表征研究工作。
1. 积极参与科学研究、专业实践和社会实践并经教育部“中国研究生招生信息网”上“推免服务系统”确认的获得推荐免试资格的优秀应届本科毕业生。
2. 国家英语六级原则上应达到425 分,经审核合格者,可被招收为我院研究生:若在国家级竞赛中获得较高层次奖励、或在正式刊物已发表过论文或有社会实践经历且获得优良评价者可优先招收。
1. 凡被我校录取的同学均享受奖助金,优秀学生享受新生奖学金。(按学校文件执行)
2. 凡被课题组接受的同学除享受学校奖助金外,还可获得课题组补助金,硕士生每月不
少于600 元。
3. 支持并资助课题组同学至少1 次在国内及国外进行会议、短访等学术活动。
电 话:
张志成: ** zhichengzhang@xjtu.edu.cn
地 址: 西安市咸宁西路 28 号西安交通大学理学院,邮编:710049

学术会议 - 张 志成国际国内学术交流

2019 PPC16 新加坡


2018年5月 IFAAP 日本 广岛


国际交流 - 张 志成学术交流

2013年6月 南卡罗来纳州大学Brain Benicewisz 教授一行来我校报告交流

团队活动 - 张 志成团队活动

2021.5.5 团建


2018 日本 广岛

2018 Home party

2018 翠华山
2018 中国大学生马拉松联赛


我的家庭 - 张 志成我的家庭






English - 张 志成Basic Information

Prof. Zhicheng ZhangDepartment of Applied Chemistry
School of Chemistry
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, PR China, 710049

Contact Information

Email: zhichengzhang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Add:Chemistry Building 304
No. 28 Xianning West Road
Xi’an, P.R.China

Education and work experience

?2008.5-now Xi’an Jiaotong University, Professor
?2005.7-2008.5 The Pennsyvania State University, Postdoc?2002.9-2005.7 PhD. in Polymer Chemistry and Physics Institute of Chemistry the Chinese Academy of Sciences
?1999.9-2002.7 Master of Material Science and Technology Xi’anJiaotongUniversity
?1995.9-1999.7Bachelor of Material Science and Technology Xi’anJiaotongUniversity

Research Interests
Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and its copolymer poly(vinylidene-co-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) are widely utilized as sensor and transducer in electronic and electric fields thanks to their excellent dielectric and piezoelectric properties. More recently, the introduction of some conmonomers with appropriate steric bulk would leads to a great enhancement of their breakdown strength and electric storage capability. These copolymers are expected to work as ideal capacitor materials for energy storage. In addition, fluoro-elastomer is widely used as o-ring in automobile engine for its good oil resistance property. Unfortunately, its Tg is too low (about -25oC) for the o-ring to survive at rigorous environment. How to improve its property at low temperature would be a great subject both in industry and academic. Recently, the controllable free radical polymerization, e.g. atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), has attracted considerable attention and widely employed to synthesis new polymers with well designed structure. But few works has been published about the application in fluoropolymer area, which is expected to be a powerful technique for the functionalization of fluoropolymer. Our research interests are as follows:
1)Synthesis and characterization of the fluoropolymer with novel structure and their functionalization.
2)Study of the dielectric, piezoelectric, and energy storage properties of novel fluoropolymers.

3)Application of ATRP in modification of fluoropolymer to synthesis functional fluoropolymer with tunable properties.

4)Development of fluoropolymer with high energy storage capacity and low energy loss.

5) Application of functionalized fluoropolymer in the modification of fluoro-elastomer to improve its oil resistance property at low temperature.
6) Application of functional fluoropolymer in proton exchange membrane fuel cell.


? 2021
89.Biyun Peng, Jian Wang, Meng Li,Miao Wang, Shaobo Tan*,Zhicheng Zhang*. Activation of different C-F bonds in fluoropolymers for Cu(0)-mediated single electron transfer radical polymerization.Polym. Chem.2021,12, 3132 - 3141.
88. Chao Chen, Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Lan Yu, Xiaoyong Wei*,Zhicheng Zhang*."The ultrahigh discharge efficiency and energy density of P(VDF-HFP)viaelectrospinning-hot press with St-MMA copolymer" Mater. Chem. Front.2021, 9, xxxx.
87.Wang, Miao; Liao, Jiani; Peng, Biyun; Zhang, Ying; Tan, Shaobo*;Zhang, Zhicheng, "Facile Grafting Modification of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride-co-Trifluoroethylene) Directly from Inner CH(sic)CH Bonds" ,Macro. Chem. Phys.2021, xx, xx-xx.DOI:10.1002/MACP.
86. Qizheng Li, Shaobo Tan, Honghong Gong, Junyong Lu, Wenjing Zhang, Xiao Zhang*,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Influence of Dipole and Intermolecular Interaction on the Tuning Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Polystyrene-Based Polymers".Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2021, 23, 3856-3865. DOI: 10.1039/D0CP05233G
85.Chao Chen, Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Yu Lan, Xiaoyong Wei*,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Enhancing high field dielectric properties of polymer films by wrapping a thin layer of self-assembled boron nitride film".Applied Surface Science.2021, 535, 147737.
? 2020
84.Qin-Xiang Jia*, Dan-Hong Yang, Li Jin,Zhicheng Zhang."Enhancement of permittivity in P(VDF-CTFE)/metal– organic frameworks mixed matrix membranes"J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2020, 137, e49539.
83. Li Ma, Qiang Zhang, Chenhui Cui, Qianun Zhong, Xingxing Chen, Zhen Li, Arumugam Mariappan, Yilong Cheng, Zhicheng Zhang*, Yanfeng Zhang*. "Introduction of a Stable Radical in Polymer Capacitor Enables High Energy Storage and Pulse Discharge Efficiency".Chem. Mater.2020, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs. chemmater.0c03295.
82. Ying Zhang, Wenxiang Zhang, Qizheng Li, Chao Chen,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Design and Fabrication of a Novel Humidity Sensor Based on Ionic Covalent Organic Framework"Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical. 2020.
81. Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Shaobo Tan, Biyun Peng, Baobao Qiao,Zhicheng Zhang*, Xingyi Huang, Heliang Sui. "Improving Energy Density and Efficiency of Polymer Dielectrics by Adding Trace Biaomimetic Lysozyme-modifided Boron Nitride".ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2020.
80. Chao Chen, Yunchuan Xie, Jingjing Liu, Xiaoyong Wei*,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Enhanced Energy Storage Capability of P(VDF-HFP) Nanodielectrics by HfO2 Passivation Layer: Preparation, Performance and Simulation"Composite Science and Technology. 2020, 107968. DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107968.
79. Xiao Wang, Baobao Qiao, Shaobo Tan, Weiwei Zhu*,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Tuning Ferroelectric Phase Transition of PVDF by Uniaxially Stretching Crosslinked PVDF Films with CF=CH Bonds"Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, DOI:10.1039/D0TC02559C
78. Jiani Liao, Biyun Peng, Shaobo Tan*,Xin Tian*,Zhicheng Zhang. "Grafting PMMA onto P(VDF-TrFE) by C-F Activiation via a Cu(0) Mediated Controlled Radical Polymerization Process."Macro. Rapid. Comm.2020, **.
77.Zhicheng Zhang*, Jie Xiong, Gang He, Dongfeng Dang, Yunchuan Xie, Qing Wang* "Fluorous Effect-Induced Emission of Azido Substituted Poly(vinylidene fluoride) with High Photostability and Film Formation"Polym. Chem.2020, 11, 1307-1313.
76.Ying Zhang, Jie Xiong, Chao Chen, Qizheng Li, Jingjing Liu,Zhicheng Zhang*"Regulating the dissociation of LiCl and transportation of Li ions within UiO-66NH2 framework for humidity sensing applications with superb comprehensive performance"Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020,818,152854
? 2019
75. Baobao Qiao, Xiao Wang, Shaobo Tan, Weiwei Zhu*,Zhicheng Zhang*"Synergistic Effects of Maxwell Stress and Electrostriction in Electromechanical Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)?based Ferroelectric Polymers"Macromolecules. 2019,52(22), 9000-9011.
74.Zhong Li, Jiani Liao, Ziting Xi, Weiwei Zhu,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Influence of Steric Hindrance on Ferro- and Piezoelectric Performance of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Based Ferroelectric Polymers"Macromol. Chem. & Phys.2019. 220(21), **
73. Jingjing Liu, Meng Li, Yifei Zhao, Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu, Zhicheng Zhang *. "Manipulating H-bonds in Glassy Dipolar Polymers as a New Strategy for High Energy Storage Capacitors with High Pulse Discharged Efficiency"J. Mater. Chem. A.2019, 7, 19407-19414.DOI: 10.1039/C9TA05855A.
72. Qizheng Li, Jingjing Liu, Xiao Zhang, Shaobo Tan, Junyong Lu, Zhicheng Zhang*. " TuningDielectricandEnergyStoragePropertiesofPolystyreneBasedPolymer
DielectricbyManipulatingDipolesandTheirPolarizingBehavior"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2019, 21, 15712-15724.DOI: 10.1039/C9CP01798D.
71.Jingjing Liu, Jiani Liao, Yu Liao* andZhicheng Zhang* “High field antiferroelectric-like dielectric of poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene-cochlorotrifluoroethylene)-graft-poly(styrene-methyl methacrylate) for high pulse capacitors with high energy density and low loss”Poly. Chem.2019, 10, 3547- 3555.
70.Zhicheng Zhang*, Xiao Wang, Shaobo Tan, Qing Wang*. "Superior electrostrictive strain achieved under low electric fields in relaxor ferroelectric polymers"J. Mater. Chem. A.2019.7, 5201-5208DOI: 10.1039/c8ta11938d.
69.Jie Xiong, Tao Fu, Ling Yue, Baobao Qiao, Shengnan Wang,Zhicheng Zhang?, Xin Tian?. "Hydrogenation of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) via a
light initiated radical chain transfer reaction toward silane"Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2019, 136, 167–172.
68. Yunchuan Xie, Wanrong Jiang, Tao Fu, Jingjing Liu, Zhicheng Zhang*, Shengnan Wang* "Achieving High Energy Density and Low Loss in PVDF/BST Nanodielectrics with Enhanced Structural Homogeneity"ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2018. 10(34), 29038-29047.
67. Wenhua Xu, Gang Yang, Lan Jin, Jie Liu,Yunhe Zhang*,Zhicheng Zhang*,Zhenhua Jiang. "High-k Polymer Nanocomposites Filled with Hyperbranched Phthalocyanine Coated BaTiO3 for High Temperature and Elevated Field Applications“ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2018. 10(13), 11233-11241.
66. Yifei Zhao, Qian Li, Xiao Zhang, Huayi Li, Junyong Lu, Zhicheng Zhang*."High Energy Density and Discharging Efficiency Achieved in Chlorinated Polyethylene Films for High Energy Storage Applications".Macromol. Chem. & Phys.2018, 219(8):**
65. Yunchuan Xie, Jian Wang, Yangyang Yu, Wanrong Jiang,Zhicheng Zhang*. "Enhancing Breakdown Strength and Energy Storage Performance of PVDF-based Nanocomposites by Adding Exfoliated Boron Nitride"Appl. Surf. Sci.2018, 440:1150-1158.
64. Weimin Xia,Zhicheng Zhang*. "PVDF Based Dielectric Polymers and Their Applications in Electronic Materials"IET nanodielectrics. 2018, 1(1):17-31.
63.Yanan Zhang, Shaobo Tan, Jian Wang, Xiao Wang, Weiwei Zhu*,Zhicheng Zhang*"Regulating Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) with Inner CH=CH Bonds"Polymers.2018,10(3), 339;https://doi.org/10.3390/polym**.
62. Shaobo Tan, Dan Li, Yanan Zhang, Zhijing Niu,Zhicheng Zhang*"Base Catalyzed Thiol-Ene Click Chemistry toward Inner -CH=CF- Bonds for Controlled Functionalization of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)"Macromol. Chem. & Phys.2018,219, **.
61.ShaoboTan,Jie Xiong, YifeiZhao, Jingjing Liu,ZhichengZhang*"Synthesis of Low Dielectric Loss Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-g-poly(methyl methacrylate) with Photo-induced Metal-free ATRP"J. Mater. Chem. C.2018, 6(15):4131-4139.

60. Shaobo Tan, Yifei Zhao, Wanwan Zhang, Pin Gao, Weiwei Zhu*,Zhicheng Zhang*“A Light-mediated Metal-free Atom Transfer Radical Chain Transfer Reaction for the Controlled Hydrogenation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)”Polymer Chemistry.2018, 9,221-227 DOI: 10.1039/C7PY01870C.
59.Shaobo Tan, Yanan Zhang, Zhijing Niu,Zhicheng Zhang*"Copper(0) Mediated Single Electron Transfer ControlledRadical Polymerization towardC-F Bonds on Poly(vinylidene fluoride)"Macromol. Rapid. Comm.2018,39(4), **.https://doi.org/10.1002/marc..
58. Yingke Zhu, Pingkai Jiang,Zhicheng Zhang*,Xingyi Huang*“Dielectric phenomena and electrical energy storage of poly(vinylidene fluoride) based high-k polymers”Chinese Chemical Letters. 2017, 28(11), 2027-2035, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2017.08.053
57.Jingjing Liu, YifeiZhao, ChaoChen, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang. "Study on the Polarization and Relaxation Processes of Ferroelectric Polymer Films Using Sawyer-Tower Circuit with Square Voltage Waveform"J. Phys. Chem. C.2017. 23, 12531-12539.DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b02099.
56. Xiao Wang, Yanan Zhang, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Multiple relaxation in Uniaxially Stretched P(VDF-TrFE) Films after Crosslinking". IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2017. 24(4), 2531-2540.
55. Wanwan Zhang, Jian Wang, Pin Gao, Shaobo Tan, Weiwei Zhu, ZhichengZhang*. "Synthesis of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) via a Controlled Silyl Radical Reduction of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)" J. Mater. Chem. C. 2017, 5, 6433-6441. DOI:10.1039/C7TC01051F
54. Xiaomeng Zhang, Yifei Zhao, Yuhao Wu, Zhicheng Zhang*. " Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) Films for High-Temperature Pulse Capacitors with Low Energy Loss". Polymer 2017, 117: 311-318, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.03.022.
53. Yanan Zhang, Yifei Zhao, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang* “Inserting -CH=CH- into P(VDF-TrFE) by C-F Activation Mediated with Cu(0) in a Controlled Atom Transfer Radical Elimination Process” Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8, 1840-1848. Feb 10, 2017. DOI: 10.1039/c6py02119k.
52. Yunchuan Xie, Yangyang Yu, Yefeng Feng, Wanrong Jiang, and Zhicheng Zhang* “Fabrication of Stretchable Nanocomposites with High Energy Density and Low Loss from Cross-Linked PVDF Filled with Poly(dopamine) Encapsulated BaTiO3ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (3), pp 2995–3005 Publication Date (Web): January 9, 2017 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b14166
51. Yefeng Feng, Yuhao Wu, Yunchuan Xie, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang* “Tunable permittivity in polymer composites filled with Si-based semiconductors by regulating induced polarization”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2017, 61, 63-70. April 2017, Pages 63–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2016.12.029
? 2016
50. Pin Gao*, Wanwan Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang. "Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative ipso-Annulation of Activated Alkynes with Silanes: An Approach to 3-Silyl Azaspiro[4,5]trienones" Org. Lett., 2016,18, 5820-5823.
49. Bei Miao, Jingjing Liu, Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang*.“Ferroelectric relaxation dependence of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) on frequency and temperature after grafting with poly(methyl methacrylate)” RSC Adv., 2016,6, 84426-84438.
48.Honghong Gong, Xiaomeng Zhang, Yanan Zhang, Aqun Zheng, Shaobo Tan, Zhicheng Zhang* Chemical composition characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-based copolymers with F–H decoupled 1H NMR RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 75880-75889.
47.Feng, Yefeng; Miao, Bei; Gong, Honghong; Xie, Yunchuan; Wei, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Zhicheng* “High Dielectric and Mechanical Properties Achieved in Crosslinked PVDF/α-SiC Nanocomposites with Elevated Compatibility and Induced Polarization at Interface” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2016, 8(29), 19054-19065. DOI10.1021/acsami.6b04776
46. Zuochen Wang, Jingjing Liu, Honghong Gong, Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu*, Zhicheng Zhang* “Synthesis of Poly(methyl methacrylate-methallyl alcohol) via Controllable Partial Hydrogenation of Poly(methyl methacrylate) towards High Pulse Energy Storage Capacitors Application”. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 34855-34865.
45. Jian Wang, Zhong Li, Yuan Yan, Xiao Wang, Yunchuan Xie, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Improving Ferro- and Piezo- electric Properties of Hydrogenised Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Films by Annealing at Elevated Temperature” Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2016,5(34), 649-658.
44.Yefeng Feng, Honghong Gong, Yunchuan Xie, Xiaoyong Wei*, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Significantly elevated dielectric permittivity of Si-based semiconductor/polymer 2-2 composites induced by high polarity polymers”. Journal of Physics D: Applied. Physics. 2016, 49, 075503. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/7 /075503
43. Honghong Gong,Bei Miao,Xiao Zhang, Junyong Lu* and Zhicheng Zhang* "High-field Anti-ferroelectric-like Behavior in Uniaxially Stretched Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene) -grafted-poly(methyl methacrylate) Films with High Energy Density." RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 1589 - 1599.
? 2015
42. Zhong Li, Jian Wang, Xiao Wang, Qinghao Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Ferro- and piezo-electric properties of a poly(vinyl fluoride) film with high ferro- to para-electric phase transition temperature." RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 80950-80955.
41. YefengFeng, Honghong Gong, Yunchun Xie, Xiaoyong Wei, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "StronginducedpolaritybetweenPoly(vinylidenefluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)andα-SiCanditsinfluenceondielectricpermittivityandlossoftheircomposites". Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 117, 094104.
40. Honghong Gong, Junjie Li, Daming Di, Na Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Influence of less initiator on the living performance of atom transfer radical polymerization and the structure of the synthesized grafted copolymer". RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 19117-19127.
? 2014
39. Xin Hu, Shaobo Tan, Guoxin Gao,Yunchuan Xie, Qinzhuo Wang, Na Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Synthesis of Unsaturation Containing P(VDF-co-TrFE-co-CTFE) from (VDF-co-CTFE) in One-Pot Catalyzed with Cu(0)-Based Single Electron ransfer Living Radical Polymerization System". Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2014, 2, 3429-34401.
38. Junjie Li, Honghong Gong, Qi Yang, Yunchuan Xie, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Linear-like dielectric behavior and low energy loss achieved in poly(ethyl methacrylate) modified poly(vinylidene-co-trifluoroethylene) ". Applied Physics Letters. 2014, 104, 263901.
37. Weimin Xia, Qingping Zhang, Xiao Wang, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Electrical Energy Discharging Performance of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) by Tuning Its Ferroelectric Relaxation with Polymethyl Methacrylate". Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2014, 131(7): 40114.
36. Jing Chen, Shaobo Tan, Guoxin Gao, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang* “Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Self-curable Fluoropolymer Triggered by TEMPO in One-pot for High Performance Rubber Application” Polymer Chemistry. 2014,5, 2130-2141.
? 2013
35. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Weimin Xia, Hongjun Ye, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang " High-Energy-Density Poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) Thin Films" Journal of Electronic Materials. 2013, 42, 3489-3493.
34. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Weimin Xia, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang* “High dielectric permittivity and low dielectric loss nanocomposites based on poly(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) and graphene nanosheets” Journal of Advanced Dielectrics. 2013, 3(2): **.
33. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Shaobo Tan, Weimin Xia, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang*. "Chemical Bonding Induced Low Dielectric Loss and Low Conductivity in High-K poly (vinylidene fluoride trifluorethylene/Graphene Nanosheets Nanocomposites" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2013, 5(19), 9411-9420.
32.Shaobo Tan, Xin Hu, Shujiang Ding, Zhicheng Zhang*, Huayi Li, Lanjun Yang “Significantly improving dielectric and energy storage properties via uniaxially strething crosslinked P(VDF-co-TrFE) films”. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2013, 1 (35), 10353 - 10361.
31.Xin Hu, Junjie Li, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Cu(0)/2,6-bis(imino)pyridines catalyzed SET-LRP of MMA initiated with P(VDF-co-CTFE)”. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2013, 51(20), 4378-4388.
30. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu*, Zhicheng Zhang*, Huayi Li “Dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of a poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) synthesized via a hydrogenation process”. Polymer. 2013, 54, 440-446.
29. Junjie Li, Xin Hu, Guoxin Gao, Shujiang Ding, Huayi Li, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang* “Tuning Phase Transition and Ferroelectric Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) via Grafting with Desired Poly(methacrylic ester)s as Side Chains”. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2013,1,1111-1121.
28. Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Weimin Xia, Xiaoyong Wei, Zhicheng Zhang*. “High energy density nanocomposites based on poly (vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) and barium titanate”. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2013, 53(4), 897-904.
27. Qiuping Zhang, Weimin Xia, Zhigang Zhu, Zhicheng Zhang*.“Crystal Phase of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) Synthesized via Hydrogenation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co- chlorotrifluoroethylene)”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013,127(4), 3002-3008.
? 2012
26. Shaobo Tan, Junjie Li, Guoxin Gao, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Synthesis of fluoropolymer containing tunable unsaturation by a controlled dehydrochlorination of P(VDF-co-CTFE) and its curing for high performance rubber applications”. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22, 18496-18505.
25. Junjie Li, Shaobo Tan, Shujiang Ding, Huayi Li, Lanjun Yang, Zhicheng Zhang* “High-field antiferroelectric behaviour and minimized energy loss in poly(vinylidene-co-trifluoroethylene)-graftpoly(ethyl methacrylate) for energy storage application” Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012, 22(44), 23468-23476.
24. Xin Hu, Junjie Li, Huayi Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Synthesis and characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-grafted-poly(acrylonitrile) via single electron transfer-living radical polymerization process”. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2012, 50(15), 3126-3134.
23. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu, Qiuping Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang*. Yuanqing Chen “Dependence of Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Properties on Crystalline Properties of P(VDF-co-TrFE) Copolymers”. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2012, 50, 1271-1276.
22. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu, Fei Wen, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Electrical energy density and dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)/BaSrTiO3 nanocomposites”. Ceramics International. 2012, 38,1071-1075.
? 2011
21. Shaobo Tan, Erqiang Liu, Qiuping Zhang, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Controlled Hydrogenation of P(VDF-co-CTFE) to Prepare P(VDF-co-TrFE-co-CTFE) in the Presence of CuX(X=Cl, Br) Complexes”. Chemical Communications. 2011, 47(15), 4544–4546.
20. Shaobo Tan, Junjie Li, Zhicheng Zhang*.“Study of Chain Transfer Reaction in the Initiation Stage of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”. Macromolecules. 2011, 44, 7911-7916.
19. Junjie Li, Qingjie Meng, Wenjing Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Influence of Crystalline Properties on the Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011, 122(3), 1659-1668.
? 2010
18. Weimin Xia, Fei Wen, Zhuo Xu, Wenjing Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Crystalline Properties Dependence of Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly (vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene)”. Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 97, 222905.
17. Wenjing Li, Qingjie Meng, Yuansuo Zheng, Zhicheng Zhang*. Weimin Xia, Zhuo Xu. “Energy Storage Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)”. Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 96, 192905.
16. Qingjie Meng, Zhicheng Zhang*, T. C. Mike Chung. “Energy storage study of ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorotrifluoro ethylene) terpolymers”. Polymer. 2009, 50, 707-715.
15. Qingjie Meng, Wenjing Li, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Effect of Poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) Addition on Dielectric and Energy Storage Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF)”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2010, 116(5), 2674.
14. Shaobo Tan, Qinghao Yang, Zhicheng Zhang*. “Synthesis and Characterization of P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE)-g-SPS”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2010,11,1269-1275.
13. Erqiang Liu, Zhicheng Zhang*. “A New Method Preparing VDF/CTFE/TrFE Terpolymer by Reductive Dechlorination of VDF/CTFE Copolymer”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2010, 8, 1087-1093.
? 2009
12. Zhicheng Zhang, T. C. Mike Chung. “The structure-Property relationship of PVDF-based polymers with energy storage and loss under applied electric fields”. Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 9391-9397.
11. Zhicheng Zhang, E. Chalkova, M. Fedkin, C. M. Wang, S. N. Lvov, S. Komaneni, T. C. Mike Chung. “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-g-sulfonated Polystyrene Graft Copolymers for Proton Exchange Membrane”. Macromolecules. 2008, 41, 9130-9139.
10. Zhicheng Zhang, Zhiming Wang, T. C. Mike Chung. “Synthesis of Chain End Functionalized Fluoropolymers by Functional Borane Initiators and Application in the Exfoliated Fluoropolymer/Clay Nanocomposites”. Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 5235-5240.
09. Zhicheng Zhang, T.C. Mike Chung. “Study of Fluoropolymers for High Pulsed Capacitor with High Energy Density and Low Energy Loss”. Macromolecules. 2007, 40, 783-785.
08. Zhicheng Zhang, T.C. Mike Chung. “Reaction Mechanism of Borane/Oxygen Radical Initiators during the Polymerization of Fluoromonomers”. Macromolecules. 2006, 39(16), 5187-5189.
07. Zhicheng Zhang, Zhanxia Lu, Shangtao Chen, Huayi Li, Xiaofan Zhang, Yingying Lu, Youliang Hu. “Synthesis of branched polyethylene from ethylene stock by an interference-free tandem catalysis of TiCl4/MgCl2 and iron catalyst”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2005, 236(1-2), 87-93.
06. Zhicheng Zhang, Junfeng Zou, Nannan Cui, Yucai Ke,, Youliang Hu “Ethylene Oligomerization Catalyzed by a Novel Iron Complex Containing Fluoro and Methyl Substituents”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2004, 219(2), 249-254.
05. Zhicheng Zhang, Shangtao Chen, Xiaofan Zhang, Huayi Li, Yucai Ke, Yingying Lu, Youliang Hu. “A series of novel 2,6-bis(imino)pyridyl iron catalysts: synthesis, characterization and ethylene oligomerization”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2005, 230(1), 1-8.
04. Zhicheng Zhang, Nannan Cui, Yingying Lu, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu “Preparation of LLDPE by in situ Copolymerization of Ethylene with a New Iron Oligomerization Catalyst and rac-Et(Ind)2ZrCl2”. Journal of Polymer Science A: Polymer Chemistry. 2005,43, 984-993.
03. Zhicheng Zhang, Ruyi Wang, Yucai Ke, Yuansuo Zheng, Cunyue Guo, Nannan Cui, Youliang Hu. “A metalloncene catalyst supported on MMT used in in situ polymerization to prepare LLDPE”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2004, (5), 713-718.
02. Zhang Zhicheng, Ke Yucai, Lu Yingying, Cui Nannan, Hu Youliang “Synthesis of a novel bis(imino)pyridyl iron complexes and study on oligomerization of ethylene”. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2005, (2),191-196.
01. Zhicheng Zhang, Cunyue Guo, Nannan Cui, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu. “Preparation of LLDPE by in situ copolymerization of ethylene with Zr supported on MMT/Fe/MAO catalyst system”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2004, 94(4), 1690-1696.


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