

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10

尚荣华  教授



现为西安电子科技大学“智能感知与图像理解教育部重点实验室”教授博士生导师,IEEE 会员,教育部重点实验室骨干成员,教育部创新团队骨干成员,国家 “111计划” 创新引智基地骨干成员,校 “智能信息处理优秀创新团队” 骨干成员。受 IEEE Fellow、IEEE CIS 主席、英国University of Birmingham首席教授Xin Yao邀请,于2013 年9 月到 2014 年 9月 进行了为期 1 年的交流访问工作。2011年获中国电子学会电子信息科学技术二等奖(5/15)2014年晋升为博士生导师,2015年获学校首届菁英人才计划(创新型)”支持,2016年晋升为教授,2017年获陕西省科学技术一等奖(9/11)。 具体学习工作经历如下:
2016.07--至今 西安电子科技大学 教授
2014.06--至今 西安电子科技大学博士生导师
2010.07--2016.06 西安电子科技大学副教授

一直致力于智能感知与自然计算、类脑计算与大数据的学习、优化与应用研究。针对雷达影像解译和复杂社网络社区检测中的关键问题,面向数据挖掘和图像处理的国际学术前沿,在国家“863”计划、“973”计划、国家自然科学基金面上和青年基金的资助下,针对计算智能中的学习与优化的核心问题,从理论、算法及应用等方面进行了深入的研究,提出了系列创新工作,有效解决了进化多目标学习与优化、复杂网络社区检测、以及图像分割和变化检测中的一些关键问题。发表论文 100 余篇,SCI 检索论文 80 余篇IEEE期刊 16 (包括中科院分区一区期刊、人工智能领域的顶级刊物IEEE TNNLS (IF: 11.683)IEEE TCYB (IF: 10.387) IEEE TEVC (IF: 8.508))。研究成果受到国内外同行的广泛关注,Google Scholar的引用指数 H-Index 25,Google Scholar引用 1926 单篇最高引用 163 次。主持了包括 2 项国家自然科学基金面上在内的 10 余项科研项目。获国家发明专利授权 20 余项,出版专著 5 部。
1. 孟洋入选陕西教育系统“我身边的好典型”2019年度人物:http://jyt.shaanxi.gov.cn/news/gsgg/201910/12/16233.html研究生国奖人物|孟洋:不负青春 筑梦远行https://news.xidian.edu.cn/info/2106/202572.htm
2. 外号“都教授”,西电电子工程学院硕士生第一作者3篇SCI、2项国家发明专利: https://www.toutiao.com/a6436**0545/
3. 研途先锋|电子工程学院王文兵:仍是此间少年

[New]Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang, Rustam Stolkin. Dynamic Immunization Node Model for Complex Networks based on Community Structure and Threshold. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, Accepted. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 10.387).
[New]Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang, Rustam Stolkin. Semi-supervised Graph Regularized Deep Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Bi-orth ogonal Constraints for Data Representation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 11.683).

尚荣华  教授



现为西安电子科技大学“智能感知与图像理解教育部重点实验室”教授博士生导师,IEEE 会员,教育部重点实验室骨干成员,教育部创新团队骨干成员,国家 “111计划” 创新引智基地骨干成员,校 “智能信息处理优秀创新团队” 骨干成员。受 IEEE Fellow、IEEE CIS 主席、英国University of Birmingham首席教授Xin Yao邀请,于2013 年9 月到 2014 年 9月 进行了为期 1 年的交流访问工作。2011年获中国电子学会电子信息科学技术二等奖(5/15)2014年晋升为博士生导师,2015年获学校首届菁英人才计划(创新型)”支持,2016年晋升为教授,2017年获陕西省科学技术一等奖(9/11)。 具体学习工作经历如下:
2016.07--至今 西安电子科技大学 教授
2014.06--至今 西安电子科技大学博士生导师
2010.07--2016.06 西安电子科技大学副教授

一直致力于智能感知与自然计算、类脑计算与大数据的学习、优化与应用研究。针对雷达影像解译和复杂社网络社区检测中的关键问题,面向数据挖掘和图像处理的国际学术前沿,在国家“863”计划、“973”计划、国家自然科学基金面上和青年基金的资助下,针对计算智能中的学习与优化的核心问题,从理论、算法及应用等方面进行了深入的研究,提出了系列创新工作,有效解决了进化多目标学习与优化、复杂网络社区检测、以及图像分割和变化检测中的一些关键问题。发表论文 100 余篇,SCI 检索论文 80 余篇IEEE期刊 16 (包括中科院分区一区期刊、人工智能领域的顶级刊物IEEE TNNLS (IF: 11.683)IEEE TCYB (IF: 10.387) IEEE TEVC (IF: 8.508))。研究成果受到国内外同行的广泛关注,Google Scholar的引用指数 H-Index 25,Google Scholar引用 1926 单篇最高引用 163 次。主持了包括 2 项国家自然科学基金面上在内的 10 余项科研项目。获国家发明专利授权 20 余项,出版专著 5 部。
1. 孟洋入选陕西教育系统“我身边的好典型”2019年度人物:http://jyt.shaanxi.gov.cn/news/gsgg/201910/12/16233.html研究生国奖人物|孟洋:不负青春 筑梦远行https://news.xidian.edu.cn/info/2106/202572.htm
2. 外号“都教授”,西电电子工程学院硕士生第一作者3篇SCI、2项国家发明专利: https://www.toutiao.com/a6436**0545/
3. 研途先锋|电子工程学院王文兵:仍是此间少年

[New]Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang, Rustam Stolkin. Dynamic Immunization Node Model for Complex Networks based on Community Structure and Threshold. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, Accepted. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 10.387).
[New]Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang, Rustam Stolkin. Semi-supervised Graph Regularized Deep Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Bi-orth ogonal Constraints for Data Representation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 11.683).


[1] 2018.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目——多目标深度神经网络模型及学习算法(项目编号: **),64万,项目负责人.

[2] 2014.01-2017.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目——基于调节网络和分布式学习的大数据多目标聚类方法研究(项目编号: **),80万,项目负责人.

[3] 2011.01-2013.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目——量子免疫多目标优化模型与算法研究(项目编号: **),18万,项目负责人.

[4] 2010.01-2011.12 中国博士后科学基金——量子多智能体协同进化多目标优化算法研究(项目编号: ),3万, 项目负责人.

[5] 2011.01-2013.12 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金——量子协同拉马克多目标优化模型与算法研究(项目编号: 008), 3.6万,项目负责人.

[6] 2009.06-2011.12 陕西省自然科学基金项目——量子协同多目标优化模型与算法研究(项目编号: 2009JQ8015), 4万,项目负责人.

[7] 2011.03-2013.03 中国博士后特别资助项目——量子免疫拉马克多目标优化模型与算法研究(项目编号: ), 10万,项目负责人.

[8] 2009.09-2011.09 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目——量子协同多agent进化多目标优化算法研究 (项目编号: JY),6万, 项目负责人.

[9] 2013.06-2014.12 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目——基于免疫协同进化的限量弧路由问题研究 (项目编号: K),6万, 项目负责人.

Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Xiangrong Zhang, Rustam Stolkin. Dynamic Immunization Node Model for Complex Networks based on Community Structure and Threshold. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, Accepted. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 10.387).
Ronghua Shang, Wenbing Wang, Rustam Stolkin, Licheng Jiao. Nonnegative spectral learning and sparse regression-based dual-graph regularized feature selection. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, 8(2): 93-806. (中科院分区一区期刊,IF: 10.387).[Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Kaiyun Dai, Licheng Jiao and Rustam Stolkin. Improved memetic algorithm based on route distance grouping for multi-objective large scale capacitated arc routing problems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2016, 6(4): 1000-1013. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 10.387).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Wenping Ma. A novel immune clonal algorithm for MO problems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2012, 16(1): 35-50. (中科院分区一区期刊, 进化计算领域的顶级期刊, IF: 8.508).[PDF]
Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang, Rustam Stolkin. Semi-supervised Graph Regularized Deep Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Bi-orth ogonal Constraints for Data Representation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 11.683).
Ronghua Shang*, Yang Meng, Wenbing Wang, Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao. Local Discriminative Based Sparse Subspace Learning for Feature Selection. Pattern Recognition, 2019, 92: 219-230. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.898).[PDF] [Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Zhu Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Wenbing Wang and Shuyuan Yang. Global discriminative-based nonnegative spectral clustering. Pattern Recognition, 2016, 55:172-182. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.898).[PDF] [Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Jianghai He, Jiaming Wang, Kaiming Xu, Licheng Jiao. Dense connection and depthwise separable convolution based CNN for polarimetric SAR image classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020: 105542. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.101).
Ronghua Shang*, Chen Chen, Guangguang Wang, Licheng Jiao, Michael A. Okoth, Rustam Solkin. A thumbnail-based hierarchical fuzzy clustering algorithm for SAR image segmentation. Signal Processing, 2020, 171, 107518. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.086)
Ronghua Shang*, Kaiming Xu, Fanhua Shang,Licheng Jiao. Sparse and low-redundant subspace learning-based dual-graph regularized robust feature selection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 187, 104830. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.101).
Ronghua Shang*, Wenbing Wang, Rustam Stolkin, Licheng Jiao. Subspace learning-based graph regularized feature selection. Knowledge-Based System, 2016, 112: 152-165. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.101).[Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Yijing Yuan, Licheng Jiao, Yang Meng, Amir M. Ghalamzan E. A Self-paced Learning Algorithm for Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. Signal Processing. 2018, 142: 375-387. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.086).
Ronghua Shang*, Huan Liu, Licheng Jiao, and Amir M. Ghalamzan E. Community Mining Using Three Closely Joint Techniques Based on Community Mutual Membership and Refinement Strategy. Applied Soft Computing. 2017, 61: 1060-1073. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.873).
Ronghua Shang*, Yuying Wang, Jia Wang, Licheng Jiao, et al. A multi-population cooperative coevolutionary algorithm for multi-objective capacitated arc routing problem. Information Sciences, 2014, 277: 609-642.( 中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.524).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Bingqi Du, Hongna Ma, Licheng Jiao, Yu Xue and Rustam Stolkin. Immune clonal algorithm based on directed evolution for multi-objective capasitated arc routing problem. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 49: 748-758 (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.873).
Ronghua Shang*, Jia Wang, Licheng Jiao, Yuying Wang. An improved decomposition- based memetic algorithm for multi-objective capacitated arc routing problem. Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 19: 343-361. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.873).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Pingping Tian, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, Jie Feng, Biao Hou and Xiangrong Zhang. A spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm with kernel metric based on immune clone for SAR image segmentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, 9(4): 1640-1652. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.392).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Yijing Yuan, Licheng Jiao, Biao Hou, Amir M. Ghalamzan E, and Rustam Stolkin. A Fast Algorithm for SAR Image Segmentation Based on Key Pixels. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(12): 5657-5673. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.392) .
Ronghua Shang*, Jiaming Wang, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, Biao Hou,Yangyang Li. SAR Targets Classification Based on Deep Memory Convolution Neural Networks and Transfer Parameters. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, (99): 1-13. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.392).[PDF] [Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Weitong Zhang, Feng Li, Rustam Stolkin. Multi-objective artificial immune algorithm for fuzzy clustering based on multiple kernels. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2019. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 6.33).
Ronghua Shang*, Guangguang Wang, Michael Aggrey Okoth, Licheng Jiao. Complex-Valued Convolutional Autoencoder and Spatial Pixel-squares Refinement for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 2019. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.118).
Ronghua Shang*, Jiyu Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li, Naresh Marturi, Rustam Stolkin. Multi-scale Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(5), 872. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.118)
Ronghua Shang*, Junkai Lin, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. SAR Image Segmentation Using Region Smoothing and Label Correction. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(5), 803. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.118).
Ronghua Shang*, Zhu Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Chiyang Liu and Yangyang Li. Self- representation based dual-graph regularized feature selection clustering. Neurocomputing, 2016, 171: 1242-1253. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.072).[PDF] [Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Liping Qi, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, et al. Change detection in SAR images by artificial immune multi-objective clustering. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 31, 53-67. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.526).[PDF]
Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Wenya Zhang, Shuyuan Yang. Dual-graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization with sparse and orthogonal constraints. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 69, 24-35. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.526).[PDF][Code]
Yang Meng, Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Wenya Zhang, Yijing Yuan, Shuyuan Yang. Feature selection based dual-graph sparse non-negative matrix factorization. for local discriminative clustering. Neurocomputing, 2018, 290: 87-99. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.072).[PDF][Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin, Yu Xue. A community integration strategy based on an improved modularity density increment for large-scale networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 469: 471-485. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).
Ronghua Shang*, Shuang Luo, Weitong Zhang, Rustam Stolkin, Licheng Jiao. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to find community structures based on affinity propagation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016, 453: 203-227. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Huan Liu, Licheng Jiao. Multi-objective clustering technique based on K-nodes update policy and similarity matrix for mining communities in social networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 486(15): 1-24. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).[Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Shuang Luo, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. Large-scale community detection based on node membership grade and sub-communities integration. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 428: 279-294. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).[PDF] [Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Jing Bai, Licheng Jiao, Chao Jin. Community detection based on modularity and an improved genetic algorithm. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2013, 392: 1215-1231. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Jiuzheng Song, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li. Double feature selection algorithm based on low-rank sparse non-negative matrix factorization. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2020, 1-18. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.844).
Ronghua Shang*, Jiangwei Chang, Licheng Jiao, Yu Xue. Unsupervised feature selection based on self-representation sparse regression and local similarity preserving. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019, 10(4), 757-770. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.844).
Weitong Zhang, Rui Zhang, Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao. Weighted compactness function based label propagation algorithm for community detection. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 492: 767-780. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).
Weitong Zhang, Rui Zhang, Ronghua Shang*, Juanfei Li, Licheng Jiao. Application of natural computation inspired method in community detection. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 515: 130-150. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 2.5).
Ronghua Shang*, Yang Meng, Chiyang Liu, Licheng Jiao, Amir M. Ghalamzan Esfahani, Rustam Stolkin Unsupervised feature selection based on kernel fisher discriminant analysis and regression learning. Machine Learning, 2019, 108: 659-686. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.809).
Ronghua Shang*, Hongna Ma, Jia Wang, Licheng Jiao and Rustam Stolkin. Immune clonal selection algorithm for capacitated arc routing problem. Soft Computing, 2016, 20(6): 2177-2204. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.784).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Yongkun Liu, Jiaming Wang, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. Stacked auto-encoder for classification of polarimetric SAR images based on scattering energy. International journal of remote sensing, 2019, 40(13), 5094-5120. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.493).
Ronghua Shang*, Yuyang Lan, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. A dynamic local cluster ratio-based band selection algorithm for hyperspectral images. Soft Computing, 2019, 23(17), 8281-8289. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.784).
Ronghua Shang*, Yang Li, Licheng Jiao. Co-evolution based immune clonal algorithm for clustering. Soft Computing, 2016, 20: 1503-1519. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.784).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Yujing Ren, Lin Li, Luping Wang. Quantum immune clonal coevolutionary algorithm for dynamic multiobjective optimization. Soft Computing, 2014, 18: 743-756. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.784).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Yangyang Li and Jianshe Wu. Quantum immune clonal selection algorithm for multi-objective 0/1 knapsack problems. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(1): 010308-1-010308-4. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 1.066).
Ronghua Shang*, Bingqi Du, Kaiyun Dai, Licheng Jiao, Amir M. Ghalamzan E., and Rustam Stolkin. Quantum-inspired immune clonal algorithm for solving large-scale capacitated arc routing problems. Memetic Computing, 2017, 1-22. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 2.674).
Ronghua Shang*, Chiyang Liu, Yang Meng, Licheng Jiao, Rustam Stolkin. Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Rank Regularization and Hard Constraint. Neural Computation. 2017, 29, 2553-2579. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 2.261).
Ronghua Shang*, Weitong Zhang, and Licheng Jiao. Circularly searching core nodes based label propagation algorithm for community detection. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2016, 30(08): **. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.11).[Code]
Ronghua Shang*, Yuyang Lan, Licheng Jiao. A novel location-based DNA matching algorithm for hyperspectral image classification. Memetic Computing, 2018: 1-17. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 2.674).
Ronghua Shang*, Kun Zhang, Licheng Jiao and Jianshe Wu. Discrete polynary coding immune clonal selection based joint subcarrier and power allocation in uplink cognitive OFDM network. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2016, 29(1): 64-83. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.278).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*,Bingqi Du, Kaiyun Dai, Licheng Jiao, et al. Memetic algorithm based on extension step and statistical filtering for large-scale capacitated arc routing problems.Natural Computing, 2018, 17(2): 375-391. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.33).
Ronghua Shang*, Licheng Jiao, Yujing Ren, Jia Wang, Yangyang Li. Immune clonal coevolutionary algorithm for dynamic multiobjective optimization. Natural Computing, 2014, 13(3): 421-445. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.33).[PDF]
Ronghua Shang*, Ailing Wen, Kun Zhang, and Licheng Jiao.Synthetic aperture radar image change detection based on improved bilateral filtering and fuzzy C mean.Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2016, 10(4): 046017. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.344).
Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, Rustam Stolkin. Dynamic-context cooperative quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization based on multilevel thresholding applied to medical image segmentation, Information Sciences, 2015, 294: 408-422. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.524).
Licheng Jiao, Handing Wang, Ronghua Shang, Fang Liu. A co-evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm based on direction vectors. Information Sciences, 2013, 228: 90-112. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.524).
Licheng Jiao, Lin Li, Ronghua Shang, Fang Liu, Rustam Stolkin. A novel selection evolutionary strategy for constrained optimization, Information Sciences, 2013, 239: 122-141. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.524).
Licheng Jiao, Juanjuan Luo, Ronghua Shang, Fang Liu. A modified objective function method with feasible-guiding strategy to solve constrained multi-objective optimization problems. Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 14: 363-380. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.873).
Juanjuan Luo, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, and Fang Liu. Learning simultaneous adaptive clustering and classification via MOEA. Pattern Recognition, 2016, 60: 37-50. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.898).
Lingling Li, Licheng Jiao, Jin Zhao, Ronghua Shang, and Jiaqi Zhao. Quantum-behaved discrete multi-objective particle swarm optimization for complex network clustering. Pattern Recognition, 2017, 63: 1-14. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.898).
Tianyu Liu, Licheng Jiao, Wenping Ma, and Ronghua Shang. Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization with collaborative attractors for nonlinear numerical problems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2017, 44: 167-183. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 3.967).
Tianyu Liu, Licheng Jiao, Wenping Ma, Jingjing Ma, and Ronghua Shang. A new quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization based on cultural evolution mechanism for multiobjective problems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, 101, 90-99. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.101).
Tianyu Liu, Licheng Jiao, Wenping Ma, Jingjing Ma, and Ronghua Shang. Cultural quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization for environmental/economic dispatch. Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 48: 597-611. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 4.873).
Yangyang Li, Cheng Peng, Yanqiao Chen, Licheng Jiao, Linhao Zhou, Ronghua Shang. A Deep Learning Method for Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57.8: 5751-5763. (中科院分区一区期刊, IF: 5.63).
Yaoguo Zheng, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, Biao Hou, and Xiangrong Zhang. Local collaborative representation with adaptive dictionary selection for hyperspectral image classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, 13(10): 1482-1486. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.534).
Yangyang Li, Qin Huang, Xuan Pei, Licheng Jiao and Ronghua Shang. RADet: Refine Feature Pyramid Network and Multi-Layer Attention Network for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12.3: 389. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.118).
Cheng Peng, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao, Yanqiao Chen, Ronghua Shang. Densely Based Multi-Scale and Multi-Modal Fully Convolutional Networks for High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12.8: 2612-2626. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 3.392).
Yangyang Li, Shuangkang Fang, Licheng Jiao, Ruijiao Liu, Ronghua Shang. A Multi-Level Attention Model for Remote Sensing Image Captions. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12.6: 939. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.118).
Yanqiao Chen, Yangyang Li, Licheng Jiao, Cheng Peng, Xiangrong Zhang, Ronghua Shang. Adversarial reconstruction-classification networks for polsar image classification. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11.4: 415. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.118).
Yangyang Li, Xuan Pei, Qin Huang, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, Naresh Marturi. Anchor-Free Single Stage Detector in Remote Sensing Images Based on Multiscale Dense Path Aggregation Feature Pyramid Network. IEEE Access, 2020. (中科院分区二区期刊, IF: 4.098).
Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Jiarong Shi, Maoguo Gong, Ronghua Shang. Fast density-weighted low-rank approximation spectral clustering. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2011, 23(2): 345-378. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.879).
Handing Wang, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, Shan He, Fang Liu. A memetic optimization strategy based on dimension reduction in decision space. Evolutionary Computation, 2015, 23(1): 69-100. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 3.469).
Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, Chao Jin, Fang Liu, Maoguo Gong, Ronghua Shang, Weisheng Chen. Overlapping community detection via network dynamics. Physical Review E, 2012, 85(1): 016115. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.353).
Yangyang Li, Guoli Yang, Haiyang He, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang. A study of large-scale data clustering based on fuzzy clustering. Soft Computing, 2016, 20(8): 3231-3242. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 2.784).
Yangyang Li, Nana Wu, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, Ruochen Liu. Change detection for SAR images based on quantum-inspired immune clonal clustering algorithm. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2011, 30(4): 372-376. (中科院分区三区期刊, IF: 0.384).
Yangyang Li, Yang Wang, Jing Chen, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang. Overlapping community detection through an improved multi-objective quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization. Journal of Heuristics, 2015, 21(4): 549-575. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.392).
Yangyang Li, Peidao Li, Bo Wu, Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang. Kernel clustering using a hybrid memetic algorithm. Natural Computing, 2013, 12: 605-615. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.33).
Cheng Shi, Fang Liu, Lingling Li, Licheng Jiao, Hongxia Hao, Ronghua Shang, Yangyang Li. Pan-sharpening via compressed superresolution reconstruction and multidictionary learning. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2018, 12(1), 016011. (中科院分区四区期刊, IF: 1.344)
Licheng Jiao, Ronghua Shang, Fang Liu, Weitong Zhang. Brain and Nature-Inspired Learning, Computation and Recognition. Elsevier, 2020.
尚荣华, 焦李成, 胡朝旭, 马晶晶. 修正免疫克隆约束多目标优化算法. 软件学报, 2012, 23(7):1773-1786.
尚荣华, 胡朝旭, 焦李成, 白靖. 多目标优化算法在多分类中的应用研究. 电子学报, 2012, 40(11): 2264-2269.
尚荣华, 焦李成, 马文萍, 公茂果. 用于约束多目标优化的免疫记忆克隆算法. 电子学报, 2009, 37(6): 1389-1294.
尚荣华, 焦李成, 马文萍. 免疫克隆多目标优化算法求解约束优化问题. 软件学报, 2008, 19(11): 2943-2956.
焦李成, 尚荣华, 马文萍, 李阳阳, 公茂果, 刘芳. 多目标优化免疫算法、理论和应用. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010.
焦李成, 尚荣华, 刘芳, 杨淑媛, 侯彪, 王爽, 马文萍, 稀疏学习、分类与识别, 科学出版社, 2017年3月.
焦李成, 尚荣华, 刘芳, 杨淑媛, 侯彪, 王爽, 马文萍, 认知计算与多目标优化, 科学出版社, 2017年3月.
焦李成, 侯彪, 尚荣华, 杨淑媛, 王爽, 万红林, 辛芳芳, 刘赶超, 智能SAR影像变化检测, 科学出版社, 2017年 3月.
焦李成, 李阳阳, 刘芳, 马文萍, 尚荣华, 量子计算、优化与学习, 科学出版社, 2017年3月.
焦李成, 公茂果, 刘芳, 马文萍, 尚荣华, 李阳阳, 杨咚咚, 杨淑媛, 刘若辰, 刘静, 缑水平, 王爽, 侯彪, 朱虎明, 戚玉涛. 高性能智能优化计算理论、关键技术与应用, 国家科技部, 中国电子学会电子信息科学技术奖, 二等奖, 2011年.
Ronghua Shang, Kaize Xie, Michael Aggrey Okoth, Licheng Jiao. Sar Image Change Detection Based on Mean Shift Pre-Classification and Fuzzy C-Means. In: IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 2019, 2358-2361.
Ronghua Shang, Yijing Yuan, Bingqi Du, Licheng Jiao, A Memetic Algorithm Based on Decomposition and Extended Search for Multi-Objective Capacitated Arc Routing Problem. In Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, 2017, 272-283. Springer, Cham.
Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Licheng Jiao. Detection in SAR Images Based on Histogram and Improved Elitist Genetic Fuzzy Clustering. In International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security, 2017, 541-553. Springer, Cham.
Ronghua Shang, Kun Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Wei Fang, Xiangrong Zhang, Xiaolin Tian, A novel algorithm for many-objective dimension reductions:Pareto-PCA-NSGA-II, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Beijing, China, 2014.7.6-2014.7.11
Ronghua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Yuchen Su, Yang Li, Immune clonal multi-objective optimization based simultaneous clustering and classification for classification, AISB50 Celebrating 50 years of the AISB, London, England, 2014.4.1-2014.4.4
Ronghua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Hao Xu, Yangyang Li, Quantum immune clone for solving constrained multi-objectiveoptimization, Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2015 IEEE Congress on, Sendai, Japan, 2015.5.24-2015.5.28
Ronghua Shang, Pingping Tian, Ailing Wen, Wenzhan Liu, Licheng Jiao, An intuitionistic fuzzy possibilistic C-means clustering based on genetic algorithm, Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on, Vancouver, Canada, 2016.7.24-2016.7.29
Ronghua Shang, Weitong Zhang, Ailing Wen, Kun Zhang, Licheng Jiao, On the use of immune clone optimization for unconstrained multi-objective resource allocation in the cognitive OFDMA networks, Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on, Vancouver, Canada, 2016.7.24-2016.7.29
Yajuan Ma, Ruochen Liu, Ronghua Shang, A hybrid dynamic multi-objective immune optimization algorithm using prediction strategy and improved differential evolution crossover operator, ICONIP 2011, Shanghai, China, 2011.11.14-2011.11.17

尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 白靖, 靳超, 吴建设, 郑喆坤, 马文萍, 李阳阳, 侯彪, 基于排序K-均值算法的灰度图像分割方法, 2014.11.12, 中国, ZL9.X
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 白靖, 靳超, 吴建设, 李阳阳, 公茂果, 马文萍, 韩红, 基于遗传算法和先验知识的网络社区划分方法, 2014.12.17, 中国, ZL8.8
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 白靖, 靳超, 吴建设, 公茂果, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 刘若辰, 基于免疫克隆多目标优化的网络社区划分方法, 2014.10.29, 中国, ZL2.3
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 白靖, 靳超, 吴建设, 郑喆坤, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 韩红, 基于模拟退火遗传算法的网络社区划分方法, 2014.05.14, 中国, ZL2.8
尚荣华(#)(*), 齐丽萍, 焦李成, 李阳阳, 王爽, 公茂果, 马晶晶, 马文萍, 吴建设, 基于像素数聚类的模糊C-均值灰度图像分割方法, 2015.11.11, 中国, ZL4.7
尚荣华(#)(*), 齐丽萍, 焦李成, 吴建设, 王爽, 公茂果, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于先验和融合灰度与纹理特征的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2016.1.20, 中国, ZL 0.X
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 苏钰晨, 王爽, 李阳阳, 公茂果, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 吴建设, 基于免疫克隆多目标优化的纹理图像分割方法, 2016.2.10, 中国, ZL4.5
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 齐丽萍, 王爽, 吴建设, 公茂果, 李阳阳, 马晶晶, 马文萍, 基于人工免疫多目标聚类的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2016.05.25, 中国, ZL9.7
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 张坤, 吴建设, 王爽, 刘宪龙, 马文萍, 李阳阳, 马晶晶, 基于离散多元编码的OFDM网络上行链路资源分配方法, 2016.05.25, 中国, ZL3.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 苏钰晨, 焦李成, 公茂果, 李阳阳, 王爽, 吴建设, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于同时聚类和分类的灰度图像分割方法, 2016.6.29, 中国, ZL3.7
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 齐丽萍, 李阳, 刘红英, 熊涛, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于混合策略博弈的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2017.01.11, 中国, ZL6.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 王佳, 马文萍, 公茂果, 齐丽萍, 李阳阳, 王爽, 马晶晶, 基于多目标模糊聚类的灰度图像分割方法, 2017.01.18, 中国, ZL5.3
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 李巧凤, 公茂果, 吴建设, 李巧兰, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于种子集的半监督RFLICM聚类的图像分割方法, 2016.02.08, 中国, ZL6.0
尚荣华(#)(*) , 焦李成, 李静, 王佳, 熊涛, 刘红英, 马晶晶, 马文萍, 一种认知OFDM网络中子载波的分配方法, 2017.02.15, 中国, ZL
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 李巧凤, 公茂果, 吴建设, 罗爽, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于直方图和精英遗传聚类算法的SAR图像变化检测, 2017.03.29, 中国, ZL9.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 罗爽, 公茂果, 吴建设, 李巧凤, 李阳阳, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于近邻传播的进化多目标优化社区检测方法, 2017.05.24, 中国, ZL1.2
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 戴开云, 李阳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 结合稀疏近邻传播和快速谱聚类的纹理图像分割方法, 2017.06.13, 中国, ZL6.1
尚荣华(#)(*), 屈嵘, 马洪娜, 焦李成, 马文萍, 刘红英, 侯彪, 王爽, 熊涛, 利用改进的非局部均值算法对SAR图像变化的检测方法, 2017.07.04, 中国, ZL5.6
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 刘文粘, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 基于核模糊C均值聚类的图像分割方法, 2017.07.28, 中国, ZL7.0
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 田平平, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 屈嵘, 基于免疫克隆和模糊核聚类的图像分割方法, 2017.09.05, 中国, ZL6.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 张竹, 李巧凤, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 屈嵘, 基于均值漂移遗传聚类的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2017.11.21, 中国, ZL4.8
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 都炳琪, 田平平, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 屈嵘, 基于均值漂移和邻域信息的模糊C均值图像分割方法, 2018.03.06 , 中国, ZL4.6
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 徐豪, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 侯彪, 李静, 基于博弈论和进化计算的认知无线电频谱分配方法, 2018.03.06 , 中国, ZL1.X
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 李风, 李静, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 基于比例公平的认知OFDM网络中的资源分配方法, 2018.03.13 , 中国, ZL6.3
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 都炳琪, 李风, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 基于动态局部搜索和免疫克隆自动聚类的图像分割方法, 2018.04.17, 中国, ZL7.5
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 文爱玲, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 熊涛, 基于改进的双边滤波与聚类的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2018.04.17, 中国, ZL7.2
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 文爱玲, 田平平, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 基于粗糙集的快速抑制模糊聚类的图像分割方法, 2018.05.15, 中国, ZL9.6
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 张坤, 李静, 刘红英, 熊涛, 马文萍, 马晶晶, 基于人工免疫分配方法的认知OFDM网络上行链路子载波和功率联合分配方法, 2018.07.31, 中国, ZL4.X
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 袁一璟, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王蓉芳, 侯彪, 王爽, 刘红英, 基于差异图自步学习的SAR图像变化检测方法, 2019.03.26, 中国, ZL5.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 焦李成, 王文兵, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 候彪, 刘红英, 基于子空间学习的图正则高光谱图像波段选择方法, 2019.03.26, 中国, ZL3.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 刘永坤, 焦李成, 刘芳, 王荣芳, 马晶晶, 王爽, 侯彪, 基于散射能量和堆栈自编码的极化SAR图像分类方法, 2019.10.08, 中国, ZL0.4
尚荣华(#)(*), 刘驰旸, 焦李成, 王蓉芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 侯彪, 刘红英, 基于判别信息和流形信息的高光谱图像波段选择方法, 2020.02.07, 中国, ZL0.1
尚荣华(#)(*), 常姜维, 焦李成, 王蓉芳, 刘芳, 马文萍, 王爽, 候彪, 刘红英, 基于自表示和局部相似性保护的高光谱图像波段选择方法, 2020.02.07, 中国, ZL7.8
孟洋, 尚荣华(*), 焦李成, 王蓉芳, 马文萍, 刘芳, 侯彪, 王爽, 张文雅, 基于双图稀疏非负矩阵分解的高光谱波段选择方法, 2019.03.26, 中国, ZL0.9

1. 2015年获得学校首届“菁英人才计划(创新型)”支持;

任羽婧: 西安永电电气有限责任公司
王佳: 西安华为
张坤: 深圳市招商银行软件开发中心
齐丽萍: 西安771研究所 (优秀毕业论文获得者)
马洪娜 公安部第三研究所 (优秀毕业论文获得者)
戴开云 平安科技(深圳)责任有限公司 (国奖获得者,优秀毕业论文获得者)
刘文粘 霍尼韦尔
张 竹 神州租车 (优秀毕业论文获得者)
李 风 青岛歌尔声学科技有限公司
田平平 宁夏理工学院
王文兵:中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所 (国睿奖学金获得者,优秀毕业论文获得者, 优秀毕业研究生)

都炳琪:西安华为技术有限公司 (国奖获得者,优秀毕业论文获得者, 优秀毕业研究生

刘驰旸:中信银行股份有限公司信用卡中心 (优秀毕业论文获得者)

文爱玲:广州杰赛科技股份有限公司 (优秀毕业论文获得者)

张玮桐:上博 (国奖获得者,优秀毕业论文获得者, 优秀毕业研究生


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(2) 每年计划招硕士4~6人(含推免保送生1~2名);接收外校保送生名额不限;招生专业为国家重点学科“电路与系统”(全国排名第一);
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