

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-08



崔志伟,物理学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。获得2014年度陕西省优秀博士论文,入选西安电子科技大学首批华山****“菁英人才”支持计划。2012年博士毕业于西安电子科技大学光学专业,毕业后留校任教,2014年晋升副教授,2015年遴选为光学专业硕士研究生导师。2017年8月-2018年8月,在美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校从事结构光场与光学超材料方面的研究工作。主要的研究方向为新型结构光场的产生、传输与调控,复杂目标与环境电磁散射特性分析,超材料中的非线性光学效应及其应用,计算光学与仿真。近年来,主持和参与了国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费、国防预研基金等课题的研究工作。相关研究成果获得教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖1项,陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖1项,出版专著2部,编写教材1部,在Physics Reports、Optics Express、JOSA A/B、JQSRT等国内外著名期刊及国际会议上发表学术论文70余篇,SCI检索50余篇。其中Physics Reports 是国际物理科学和交叉科学类最具影响力的国际期刊之一,专门发表该领域各研究方向全球知名专家撰写的综述性论文,对相关领域的发展具有非常重要的引领和指导作用,论文发表当年度该期刊的影响因子为22.929。
超材料(Metamaterials)是人工复合结构或复合材料,能够实现很多天然材料无法实现的奇异功能,例如,负折射现象、反常切伦科夫辐射、反常多普勒效应、超分辨成像、隐身以及超强的电磁波极化旋转能力等。本方向主要研究超常材料中结构光的传输与控制, 建立结构光的若干传输特性与超常材料电磁特性参数之间的关系,揭示调制不稳定性、孤子、拉曼自频移和色散波等非线性光学现象的产生和调控规律,为开发新型的光电子器件奠定理论基础。
恭喜本人指导硕士研究生郭沈言同学Chinese Physics B发表论文!
Local dynamical characteristics of Bessel beams upon reflection near the Brewster angle. Chinese Physics B, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 044201, 2021.
恭喜本人指导硕士研究生宋攀同学在Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer发表论文!
Explicit analytical expressions for the electromagnetic field components of typical structured light beams. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 241, pp. 106715, 2020.
Scattering of polarized non-diffracting Lommel beams by nonspherical homogeneous particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 219, pp. 238-247, 2018.
恭喜本人指导硕士研究生惠元飞同学在Journal of the Optical Society of America A发表论文!
Propagation and dynamical characteristics of Bessel-Gaussian beam in a chiral medium. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1299-1305, 2018.
恭喜本人指导课题组博士研究生惠元飞同学论文在Waves in Random and Complex Media发表论文!
Propagation dynamics of vortex electromagnetic waves in dispersive left-handed materials. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**. 2021.**, 2021.
Propagation characteristics of non-diffracting Lommel beams in a gradient-index medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**. 2020.**, 2020.
恭喜本人指导课题组博士研究生惠元飞同学论文在Journal of the Optical Society of America A/B发表论文!
Vector wave analysis of Airy beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1480-1489, 2020.
Dynamical characteristics of Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 3730-3740, 2020.
恭喜本人指导课题组博士研究生惠元飞同学论文在Physics Letters A发表论文!
Canonical momentum, angular momentum, and helicity of circularly polarized Airy beams. Physics Letters A, vol. 384, pp. 126284, 2020.



崔志伟,物理学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。获得2014年度陕西省优秀博士论文,入选西安电子科技大学首批华山****“菁英人才”支持计划。2012年博士毕业于西安电子科技大学光学专业,毕业后留校任教,2014年晋升副教授,2015年遴选为光学专业硕士研究生导师。2017年8月-2018年8月,在美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校从事结构光场与光学超材料方面的研究工作。主要的研究方向为新型结构光场的产生、传输与调控,复杂目标与环境电磁散射特性分析,超材料中的非线性光学效应及其应用,计算光学与仿真。近年来,主持和参与了国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费、国防预研基金等课题的研究工作。相关研究成果获得教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖1项,陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖1项,出版专著2部,编写教材1部,在Physics Reports、Optics Express、JOSA A/B、JQSRT等国内外著名期刊及国际会议上发表学术论文70余篇,SCI检索50余篇。其中Physics Reports 是国际物理科学和交叉科学类最具影响力的国际期刊之一,专门发表该领域各研究方向全球知名专家撰写的综述性论文,对相关领域的发展具有非常重要的引领和指导作用,论文发表当年度该期刊的影响因子为22.929。
超材料(Metamaterials)是人工复合结构或复合材料,能够实现很多天然材料无法实现的奇异功能,例如,负折射现象、反常切伦科夫辐射、反常多普勒效应、超分辨成像、隐身以及超强的电磁波极化旋转能力等。本方向主要研究超常材料中结构光的传输与控制, 建立结构光的若干传输特性与超常材料电磁特性参数之间的关系,揭示调制不稳定性、孤子、拉曼自频移和色散波等非线性光学现象的产生和调控规律,为开发新型的光电子器件奠定理论基础。
恭喜本人指导硕士研究生郭沈言同学Chinese Physics B发表论文!
Local dynamical characteristics of Bessel beams upon reflection near the Brewster angle. Chinese Physics B, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 044201, 2021.
恭喜本人指导硕士研究生宋攀同学在Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer发表论文!
Explicit analytical expressions for the electromagnetic field components of typical structured light beams. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 241, pp. 106715, 2020.
Scattering of polarized non-diffracting Lommel beams by nonspherical homogeneous particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 219, pp. 238-247, 2018.
恭喜本人指导硕士研究生惠元飞同学在Journal of the Optical Society of America A发表论文!
Propagation and dynamical characteristics of Bessel-Gaussian beam in a chiral medium. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1299-1305, 2018.
恭喜本人指导课题组博士研究生惠元飞同学论文在Waves in Random and Complex Media发表论文!
Propagation dynamics of vortex electromagnetic waves in dispersive left-handed materials. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**. 2021.**, 2021.
Propagation characteristics of non-diffracting Lommel beams in a gradient-index medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**. 2020.**, 2020.
恭喜本人指导课题组博士研究生惠元飞同学论文在Journal of the Optical Society of America A/B发表论文!
Vector wave analysis of Airy beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1480-1489, 2020.
Dynamical characteristics of Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 3730-3740, 2020.
恭喜本人指导课题组博士研究生惠元飞同学论文在Physics Letters A发表论文!
Canonical momentum, angular momentum, and helicity of circularly polarized Airy beams. Physics Letters A, vol. 384, pp. 126284, 2020.


教材/专著:[1]崔志伟, 李永旭, 韩一平. 结构光场理论. 西安电子科技大学出版社,2021.
[2]崔志伟, 韩一平, 汪加洁, 张华永. 计算光学. 西安电子科技大学出版社,2017.
[3]Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Jiajie Wang. Light wave propagation and scattering through particles. ITECH Press, 2016.
[4]韩一平,艾 夏,刘建勇,崔志伟. 高超声速飞行器电磁散射数值模拟及应用. 科学出版社,2021.
[1]Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yuanfei Hui, Ju Wang, Yiping Han. Local dynamical characteristics of Bessel beams upon reflection near the Brewster angle. Chinese Physics B, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 044201, 2021.
[2]Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yiping Han. Propagation dynamics of vortex electromagnetic waves in dispersive left-handed materials. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2021.**, 2021.
[3]Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wanqi Ma, Wenjuan Zhao, Yiping Han. Dynamical characteristics of Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 3730-3740, 2020.
[4]Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Minhua Zhao, Yiping Han. Vector wave analysis of Airy beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1480-1489, 2020.
[5]Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song. Propagation characteristics of non-diffracting Lommel beams in a gradient-index medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media, doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**, 2020.
[6]Pan Song , Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Jiajie Wang, and Yiping Han. Explicit analytical expressions for the electromagnetic field components of typical structured light beams. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 241, pp. 106715, 2020.
[7]Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. Canonical momentum, angular momentum, and helicity of circularly polarized Airy beams. Physics Letters A, vol. 384, pp. 126284, 2020.
[8]Yongxu Li , Yiping Han , and Zhiwei Cui.Measuring the topological charge of vortex beams with gradually changing-period spiral spoke grating. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 101-104, 2020.
[9]Yongxu Li,Yiping Han,Zhiwei Cui,Jiajie Wang,andWenjuan Zhao. Simultaneous identification of the azimuthal and radial mode indices of Laguerre-Gaussian beams using a spiral phase grating. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 53, pp. 085106, 2020.
[10]Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. The spectral properties of a partially coherent Lommel-Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere. Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 123, pp. 105940, 2020.
[11]Zhiwei Cui , Jingbo Sun , Natalia M Litchinitser, and Yiping Han. Dynamical characteristics of tightly focused vortex beams with different states of polarization. Journal of Optics, vol. 21, pp. 015401(13pp), 2019.
[12]Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. On-axis average intensity of a hollow Gaussian beam in turbulent ocean. Optical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 096115, 2019.
[13]Yongxu Li, Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Yuanfei Hui. Channel capacity of orbital-angular-momentum based wireless communication systems with partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 471-477, 2019.
[14]Qiangbo Suo, Zhiwei Cui, and Yiping Han. Analysis of the beam quality of a multi- Gaussian Schell-model vortex beam in atmospheric turbulence. OpticaApplicata, vol. 49, no. 2,pp. 191-202, 2019.
[15]Chunjing Lv, Zhiwei Cui, and Yiping Han. Light propagation characteristics of turbulent plasma sheath surrounding the hypersonic aerocraft. Chinese Physics B, vol. 28, no.7, pp. 074203, 2019.
[16]Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. The propagation parameters of a Lommel-Gaussian beam in atmospheric turbulence. Applied Physics B, vol. 125, pp. 134(7pp), 2019.
[17]Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Yuanfei Hui. Performance analysis of the OAM based optical wireless communication systems with partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence. Journal of Optics, vol. 21, pp. 035702(11pp), 2019.
[18]Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Evolution properties of a Gaussian Schell-model Array beam in a uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis. Optik, vol. 176, pp. 350-356, 2019.
[19]Antao Chen, Haoyu Sun, Yiping Han, Jiajie Wang, and Zhiwei Cui. Propagation characteristics of oblique incidence terahertz wave through non-uniform plasma. Chinese Physics B, vol. 28, no.1, pp. 014201, 2019.
[20]Yanfeng Lu, Yiping Han , Jiajie Wang, Zhiwei Cui. Geometrical optics approximation for forward light scattering by a large chiral sphere. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 228, pp. 90-96, 2019.
[21]Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song , Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Yiping Han. Scattering of polarized non-diffracting Lommel beams by nonspherical homogeneous particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 219, pp. 238-247, 2018.
[22]Antao Chen, Jiajie Wang, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, Meiping Yu. Implementation of nondiffracting Bessel beam sources in FDTD for scattering by complex particles. Optics Express, vol. 26, no.20, pp. 26766-26775, 2018.
[23]Zhefeng, Yiping Han, Jiajie Wang, and Zhiwei Cui. Generation of Bessel beam sources in FDTD. Optics Express, vol. 26, no.22, pp. 28727-28727, 2018.
[24]Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Yongxu Li, Wenjuan Zhao, and Yiping Han. Propagation and dynamical characteristics of Bessel-Gaussian beam in a chiral medium. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1299-1305, 2018.
[25]Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Haoyu Sun. Scattering of a Laguerre-Gaussian beam by complicated shaped biological cells. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1504-1510, 2018.
[26]Haoyu Sun, Zhiwei Cui, Jiajie Wang, Yiping Han, Peng Sun, and Xiaowei Shi. Analysis of electromagnetic scattering characteristics of plasma sheath surrounding a hypersonic aerocraft based on high-order auxiliary differential equation finite- difference time-domain. Physics of Plasmas, vol. 25, pp. 063514, 2018.
[27]Haoyu Sun,Jiajie Wang, Zhiwei Cui, Peng Sun, Xiaowei Shi,and. Wenjuan Zhao. Backward scattering characteristics of a reentry vehicle enveloped by a hypersonic flow field. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 25, pp. 1-14, 2018.
[28]Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Yuanfei Hui. Probability density performance of Laguerre-Gaussian beams propagating in non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence. Optik, vol. 157, pp. 170-179, 2018
[29]Renxian Li, Ping Li, Jiaming Zhang, Chunying Ding, Zhiwei Cui. Optical Bessel tractor polarized beams on a charged sphere of arbitrary size. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 219, pp.186-198, 2018.
[30]Qiangbo Suo?, Yiping Han?, and Zhiwei Cui. Wigner distribution function and kurtosis parameter of vortex beams propagating through turbulent atmosphere. Journal of Optics, vol. 19, pp. 095604, 2017
[31]Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Antao Chen. Electromagnetic scattering by multiple dielectric particles under the illumination of unpolarized high-order Bessel vortex beam. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 195, pp. 107-113, 2017.
[32]Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Scattering of non-diffracting vortex electromagnetic wave by typical targets. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 70, pp. 139-146, 2017.
[33]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Antao Chen. Electromagnetic scattering of a high-order Bessel trigonometric Beam by typical particles. Chinese Physics Letters. vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 094205, 2015.
[34]Zhiwei Cui. Investigation on the scattering of Bessel beam by complex particles with inclusions. Acta Photonica Sinica, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. **, 2015. (in Chinese)
[35]Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Scattering analysis of Bessel beam by a multilayered sphere. Optics Communications, vol. 340, pp. 5-10, 2015.
[36]Zhiwei Cui and Yiping Han. A review of the numerical investigation on the scattering of Gaussian beam by complex particles. Physics Reports. vol. 538, no. 2, pp. 39-75, 2014.
[37]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Zhuyang Chen, and Lu Han. Scattering of Bessel beam by arbitrarily shaped composite particles with core–shell structure. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 144, pp. 108-116, 2014.
[38]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Meiping Yu. Numerical investigation on the scattering of an arbitrarily incident Bessel beam by fractal soot aggregates. Chinese Physics Letters. vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 064206, 2014.
[39]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Meiping Yu. A domain decomposition method for scattering by multiple objects. Chinese Journal of Radio Science. vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 606-609+620, 2014. (in Chinese)
[40]Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Scattering of Bessel beam by a conducting spheroidal particle with dielectric coating. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 148, pp. 197-202, 2014.
[41]Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Scattering of a zero- order Bessel beam by a concentric sphere. Journal of Optics, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 055701, 2014.
[42]Lu Han, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Jiajie Wang. Expansion of a zero-order Bessel beam in spheroidal coordinates by generalized Lorenz–Mie theory. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 147, pp. 279-287, 2014.
[43]Lu Han, Yiping Han, Jiajie Wang, and Zhiwei Cui. Internal and near-surface electromagnetic fields for a dielectric spheroid illuminated by a zero-order Bessel beam. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1946-1955, 2014.
[44]Jiajie Wang, Yiping Han, Lu Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Electromagnetic scattering from gyroelectric anisotropic particle by the T-matrix method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 135, no. 1, pp. 20-29, 2014.
[45]Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Investigation on the Scattering of Bessel Beam by an Eccentric Sphere. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, vol. 51, pp. 102901, 2014. (in Chinese)
[46]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Xia Ai. Multiple scattering of arbitrarily incident Bessel beams by random discrete particles. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 2320-2327, 2013.
[47]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Lu Han. Scattering of a zero-order Bessel beam by arbitrarily shaped homogeneous dielectric particles. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1913-1920, 2013.
[48]Xia Ai, Yuan Tian, Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Xiaowei Shi. A dispersive conformal FDTD technique for accurate modeling electromagnetic scattering of THZ waves by inhomogeneous plasma cylinder array. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, vol. 142, pp. 353-368, 2013.
[49]Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Wenjuan Zhao. Scattering of Gaussian beam by arbitrarily shaped particles with multiple internal inclusions. Optics Express, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 718-731, 2012.
[50]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Jiajie Wang, and Wenjuan Zhao. Scattering of Gaussian beam by arbitrarily shaped inhomogeneous particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 113, no. 6, pp. 480-488, 2012.
[51]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. Scattering of arbitrarily incident Gaussian beam by fractal soot aggregates. Journal of Optics: Pure and Applied Optics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 035703, 2012.
[52]Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and G. Gouesbet. Numerical simulation of Gaussian beam scattering by complex particles of arbitrary shape and structure. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 113, no. 13, pp. 1719-1727, 2012.
[53]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han. Simulation of electromagnetic scattering by random discrete particles using a hybrid FE-BI-CBFM technique. Waves in Random and Complex Media. vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 234-248, 2012.
[54]Zhiwei Cui and Yiping Han. A hybrid finite element-boundary integral-charac- terristic basis function method for scattering by multiple 3-D cavities. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 791-496, 2012.
[55]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Huayong Zhang. Scattering of an arbitrarily incident focused Gaussian beam by arbitrarily shaped dielectric particles. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 2625-2632, 2011.
[56]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Qiang Xu. Numerical simulation of multiple scattering by random discrete particles illuminated by Gaussian beams. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 2200-2208, 2011.
[57]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Changyou Li. Characterization of the light scattering by ensembles of randomly distributed soot aggregates. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 112, no. 17, pp. 2722-2732, 2011.
[58]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Changyou Li, and Wenjuan Zhao. Efficient analysis of scattering from multiple 3-D cavities by means of a FE-BI-DDM method. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, vol. 116, pp. 425-439, 2011.
[59]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Minglei Li. Solution of CFIE-JMCFIE using parallel MOM for scattering by dielectrically coated conducting bodies. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 211-222, 2011.
[60]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Xia Ai, and Wenjuan Zhao. A domain decomposition of the finite element-boundary integral method for scattering by multiple objects. Electromagnetics, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 469-482, 2011.
[61]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Minglei Li, and Wenjuan Zhao. Analysis of scattering by conducting objects covered with arbitrarily magnetized plasma using finite element-boundary integral-fast multipole algorithm. Waves in Random and Complex Media, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 220-230, 2011.
[62]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Qiang Xu, and Minglei Li. Parallel MOM solution of JMCFIE for scattering by 3-D electrically large dielectric objects. Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, vol. 12, pp. 217-228, 2010.
[63]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Minglei Li. Analysis of scattering characteristics of conducting objects covered with magnetized plasma by FE/BI method. Chinese Journal of Radio Science, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 973-978, 2010. (in Chinese)
[64]Zhiwei Cui and Yiping Han. The substructure method for scattering by large open-ended cavities. Chinese Journal of Radio Science, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 914-919, 2009. (in Chinese)
[65]Qiang Xu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Characteristic of laser diode beam propagation through a collimating lens. Applied Optics, vol. 49, no. 3. pp. 549-553, 2010.
[1]Zhefeng Wu, Jiajie Wang, Yiping Han, Le Zhu, Zhiwei Cui. Computation of Bessel Beams in the FDTD Method. 12th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2018 - Proceedings. March 17-20, 2019, Shanghai, China.
[2]Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Yongxu Li, and Yiping Han. Propagation dynamics of nondiffracting vortex beams in a chiral medium. The 10th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2018). July 8-11, 2018, Beijing, China.
[3]Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Yiping Han. Dynamical characteristics of Gaussian laser beam from right-handed material to left-handed material. The 12th Lasers and Interaction with Particles Conference (LIP2018). March 3-9, 2018, College Station, Texas, USA.
[4]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, Meiping Yu, and Wenjuan Zhao. Interaction of a high-order Bessel vortex beam with an arbitrarily shaped particle. The 11th Lasers and Interaction with Particles Conference (LIP2016). April 22-26, 2016, Xi’an, China.
[5]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. Scattering of a high-order Bessel vortex beam by typical composite particles with an inclusion. 2016 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Wireless Conference (CSQRWC2016). May 11-15, 2016, Penghu, Taiwan.
[6]Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Scattering of non-diffracting vortex electromagnetic wave by typical targets. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium in Shanghai (PIERS 2016 in Shanghai). August 8-11, 2016, Shanghai, China.
[7]Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. The eletromagnetic scattering by multiple nanoparticles under the illumination of a high-order Bessel vortex beam. The 11th Lasers and Interaction with Particles Conference (LIP2016). April 22-26, 2016, Xi’an, China.
[8]Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Numerical study on near-field scattering of arbitrarily shaped homogeneous target illuminated by a Bessel beam. 2016 Cross Strait Quad- Regional Radio Wireless Conference (CSQRWC2016). May 11-15, 2016, Penghu, Taiwan.
[9]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. A domain decomposition method for scattering by multiple 3-D holes. 2015 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Wireless Conference (CSQRWC2015). August 12-15, 2015Xi’an, China.
[10]Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. A domain decomposition method for scattering by multiple 3-D holes. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2013). October 23-25, 2013, Nanjing, China.
[11]Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and G. Gouesbet. Numerical simulation of Gaussian beam scattering by system of complex particles. The 9th Lasers and Interaction with Particles Conference (LIP2012). March 26-30, 2012, Rouen, France.
[12]Cui Zhiwei, Han Yiping, and Zhao Wenjuan. A domain decomposition of the finite element-boundary integral method for scattering by deep cavities. IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control. Nov. 26-28, 2010, Zibo, China.

1. 2018年度陕西省高等学校科学进步奖一等奖,获奖项目名称:“结构光束与微粒相互作用的研究及应用”
2. 2014年度陕西省优秀博士学位论文,论文题目:“复杂粒子对高斯波束散射问题的数值方法研究”
3. 2014年入选西安电子科技大学首批华山****“菁英人才”支持计划
4. 2013年度教育部科技进步二等奖,获奖项目名称:“目标与实际粗糙地海面电磁散射建模技术”

韩一平 教 授 博导
崔志伟 副教授 硕导
徐 强副教授 硕导
汪加洁 副教授 硕导
赵文娟 副教授
Paul 讲师


姓 名 性别 名称 毕业年度 就业类型 单位名称
惠元飞 女 物理学 2019 升学 西安电子科技大学
宋 攀 男 物理学 2020 企业 西安华为技术有限公司
陈 军 男 物理学 2016 校招 华为技术有限公司
田 媛 女 物理学 2016 企业 华为西安研究所
吴 娜 女 物理学 2016 互联网 广州酷狗计算机科技有限公司
黄思倩 女 物理学 2017 自主就业 上海楷登电子科技有限公司
徐 鹏 男 物理学 2017 企业 中兴通讯股份有限公司
徐望龙 男 物理学 2017 企业 中车四方车辆研究所(青岛)
卞亮亮 男 物理学 2018 企业 杭州华为企业通信技术有限公司
韩彩兄 女 物理学 2018 高校 青海大学
孙 鹏 男 物理学 2018 事业单位 中国电子科技集团公司第五十四研究所
王 苗 女 物理学 2018 企业 成都京东方光电科技有限公司
于美平 女 物理学 2018 事业单位 西安邮电大学
周豪杰 男 物理学 2018 事业单位 宁波银行股份有限公司
包明哲 男 物理学 2019 企业 杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司
陈安涛 男 物理学 2019 自主就业 中电科仪器仪表有限公司
范中兴 男 物理学 2019 企业 2021.1.13前就职百度;1.15后入职字节跳动
梁日辉 男 物理学 2019 升学 西安电子科技大学
龙璐璐 女 物理学 2019 半导体 中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司
吴哲锋 男 物理学 2019 高校 南宁师范大学
姜宇轩 男 物理学 2020 企业 北京京东
李 川 男 物理学 2020 事业单位 中国兵器装备研究院
路彦峰 男 物理学 2020 事业单位 淮北师范大学物理与电子信息学院
邱晓敏 女 物理学 2020 企业 西安华为技术有限公司
索强波 男 物理学 2020 高校 长治学院
赵泽康 男 物理学 2020 事业单位 中国电科54所
高 凤 女 物理学 2018 企业 深圳金信诺
孙浩宇 男 物理学 2018 企业 华为技术有限公司
王 举 2020级硕士研究生
Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yuanfei Hui, Ju Wang, Yiping Han. Local dynamical characteristics of Bessel beams upon reflection near the Brewster angle. Chinese Physics B, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 044201, 2021.
郭沈言 2019级硕士研究生
Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yuanfei Hui, Ju Wang, Yiping Han. Local dynamical characteristics of Bessel beams upon reflection near the Brewster angle. Chinese Physics B, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 044201, 2021.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yiping Han. Propagation dynamics of vortex electromagnetic waves in dispersive left-handed materials. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**. 2021.**, 2021.
Pan Song, Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Jiajie Wang, and Yiping Han. Explicit analytical expressions for the electromagnetic field components of typical structured light beams. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 241, pp. 106715, 2020.
Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song , Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Yiping Han. Scattering of polarized non-diffracting Lommel beams by nonspherical homogeneous particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 219, pp. 238-247, 2018.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song. Propagation characteristics of non-diffracting Lommel beams in a gradient-index medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**, 2020.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. Canonical momentum, angular momentum, and helicity of circularly polarized Airy beams. Physics Letters A, vol. 384, pp. 126284, 2020.
惠元飞 2017级硕士研究生 2019级博士研究生
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yiping Han. Propagation dynamics of vortex electromagnetic waves in dispersive left-handed materials. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2021.**, 2021.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Minhua Zhao, Yiping Han. Vector wave analysis of Airy beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1480-1489, 2020.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song. Propagation characteristics of non-diffracting Lommel beams in a gradient-index medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media, https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**, 2020.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Pan Song, Yiping Han, and Wenjuan Zhao. Canonical momentum, angular momentum, and helicity of circularly polarized Airy beams. Physics Letters A, vol. 384, pp. 126284, 2020.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Yongxu Li, Wenjuan Zhao, and Yiping Han. Propagation and dynamical characteristics of Bessel-Gaussian beam in a chiral medium. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1299-1305, 2018.
Yuanfei Hui, Zhiwei Cui, Yongxu Li, and Yiping Han. Propagation dynamics of nondiffracting vortex beams in a chiral medium. The 10th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2018). July 8-11, 2018, Beijing, China.
Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Yiping Han. Dynamical characteristics of Gaussian laser beam from right-handed material to left-handed material. The 12th Lasers and Interaction with Particles Conference (LIP2018). March 3-9, 2018, College Station, Texas, USA.
Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wanqi Ma, Wenjuan Zhao, Yiping Han. Dynamical characteristics of Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams upon reflection and refraction. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 3730-3740, 2020.
Zhiwei Cui, Shenyan Guo, Yuanfei Hui, Ju Wang, Yiping Han. Local dynamical characteristics of Bessel beams upon reflection near the Brewster angle. Chinese Physics B, vol. 30, no.4, pp. 044201, 2021.
Pan Song , Zhiwei Cui, Yuanfei Hui, Wenjuan Zhao, Jiajie Wang, and Yiping Han. Explicit analytical expressions for the electromagnetic field components of typical structured light beams. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 241, pp. 106715, 2020.
Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Yuanfei Hui. Probability density performance of Laguerre-Gaussian beams propagating in non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence. Optik, vol. 157, pp. 170-179, 2018.
Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Yuanfei Hui. Performance analysis of the OAM based optical wireless communication systems with partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence. Journal of Optics, vol. 21, pp. 035702(11pp), 2019.
Yongxu Li, Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Yuanfei Hui. Channel capacity of orbital-angular-momentum based wireless communication systems with partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 471-477, 2019.
索强波 2020届博士研究生
Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Wigner distribution function and kurtosis parameter of vortex beams propagating through turbulent atmosphere. Journal of Optics, vol. 19, pp. 095604, 2017.
Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Evolution properties of a Gaussian Schell-model Array beam in a uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis. Optik, vol. 176, pp. 350-356, 2019.
Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. The propagation parameters of a Lommel-Gaussian beam in atmospheric turbulence. Applied Physics B, vol. 125, pp. 134(7pp), 2019.
Qiangbo Suo, Zhiwei Cui, and Yiping Han. Analysis of the beam quality of a multi- Gaussian Schell-model vortex beam in atmospheric turbulence. OpticaApplicata, vol. 49, no. 2,pp. 191-202, 2019.
Qiangbo Suo, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. The spectral properties of a partially coherent Lommel-Gaussian beam in turbulent atmosphere. Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 123, pp. 105940, 2020.
李永旭 2020届博士研究生
Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Yuanfei Hui. Probability density performance of Laguerre-Gaussian beams propagating in non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence. Optik, vol. 157, pp. 170-179, 2018.
Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Yuanfei Hui. Performance analysis of the OAM based optical wireless communication systems with partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence. Journal of Optics, vol. 21, pp. 035702(11pp), 2019.
Yongxu Li, Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Yuanfei Hui. Channel capacity of orbital-angular-momentum based wireless communication systems with partially coherent elegant Laguerre-Gaussian beams in oceanic turbulence. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 471-477, 2019.
Yongxu Li, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. On-axis average intensity of a hollow Gaussian beam in turbulent ocean. Optical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 096115, 2019.
Yongxu Li,Yiping Han,Zhiwei Cui,Jiajie Wang,andWenjuan Zhao. Simultaneous identification of the azimuthal and radial mode indices of Laguerre-Gaussian beams using a spiral phase grating. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 53, pp. 085106, 2020.
Yongxu Li , Yiping Han , and Zhiwei Cui. Measuring the topological charge of vortex beams with gradually changing-period spiral spoke grating. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 101-104, 2020.
Yongxu Li , Yiping Han , and Zhiwei Cui. Robust measuring topological charge of vortex beams with gradually changing-period spiral spoke grating. 2019 ASIA Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP).
于美平 2018届博士研究生
Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Haoyu Sun. Scattering of a Laguerre-Gaussian beam by complicated shaped biological cells. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 1504-1510, 2018.
Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Antao Chen. Electromagnetic scattering by multiple dielectric particles under the illumination of unpolarized high-order Bessel vortex beam. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 195, pp. 107-113, 2017.
Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Scattering of non-diffracting vortex electromagnetic wave by typical targets. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 70, pp. 139-146, 2017.
Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. The eletromagnetic scattering by multiple nanoparticles under the illumination of a high-order Bessel vortex beam. The 11th Lasers and Interaction with Particles Conference (LIP2016). April 22-26, 2016, Xi’an, China.
Meiping Yu, Yiping Han, and Zhiwei Cui. Numerical study on near-field scattering of arbitrarily shaped homogeneous target illuminated by a Bessel beam. 2016 Cross Strait Quad- Regional Radio Wireless Conference (CSQRWC2016). May 11-15, 2016, Penghu, Taiwan.
Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Meiping Yu. Numerical investigation on the scattering of an arbitrarily incident Bessel beam by fractal soot aggregates. Chinese Physics Letters. vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 064206, 2014.
Zhiwei Cui, Yiping Han, and Meiping Yu. A domain decomposition method for scattering by multiple objects. Chinese Journal of Radio Science. vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 606-609+620, 2014. (in Chinese)
陈祝洋 2015届博士研究生
Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Scattering analysis of Bessel beam by a multilayered sphere. Optics Communications, vol. 340, pp. 5-10, 2015.
Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Scattering of Bessel beam by a conducting spheroidal particle with dielectric coating. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, vol. 148, pp. 197-202, 2014.
Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Scattering of a zero- order Bessel beam by a concentric sphere. Journal of Optics, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 055701, 2014.
Zhuyang Chen, Yiping Han, Zhiwei Cui, and Xiaowei Shi. Investigation on the Scattering of Bessel Beam by an Eccentric Sphere. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, vol. 51, pp. 102901, 2014. (in Chinese)

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