

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-08

郭立新 教授(****领军人才,****,国家****)


IEEE Xplore
Hack (Y)our Minds

郭立新教授,男,博士,无线电物理学科、电磁场与微波技术学科博士生指导教师,物理与光电工程学院执行院长,国家“****”科技创新领军人才(2019),教育部“****奖励计划”****,国家****科学基金获得者,入选国家“百千****才工程”,并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号。复杂地海环境电波传播与散射“科技部重点领域创新团队”负责人,复杂地物环境电波传播与散射“陕西省重点科技创新团队”负责人。1990年本科毕业于陕西师范大学物理系,1993年硕士毕业于西安电子科技大学无线电物理专业并留校任教工作至今。1999年在中国科学院国家授时中心获得博士学位,随后在西安电子科技大学“电磁场与微波技术”博士后流动站工作两年,2001年4月至2002年5月在韩国庆北国立大学电子工程学院电磁波实验室做访问****。1995年和2007年分别赴法国鲁昂大学和英国曼彻斯特大学做访问研究。1998年在西安电子科技大学破格晋升副教授,2001年破格晋升为教授,2002年被选为博士生导师。兼任IEEE高级会员,美国纽约科学研究院会员,装备发展部目标及其环境特性预研专业组成员,教育部科技委学部委员,陕西省物理学会副理事长,陕西省学位委员会学科评议组成员,中国电子学会会士,中国电子学会电波传播分会委员,中国电子学会天线分会电磁散射和逆散射专委会委员,西安市政协委员。担任国家科技奖、科技部国际合作计划项目、863计划项目、国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、留学回国人员基金,全国优秀博士学位论文评审专家和IEEE Trans. AP, IEEE Trans. GRS, Optics Express等24个国际期刊论文评审人。主要从事复杂目标与地海环境电磁散射特性、随机介质中的电波传播特性、天线理论设计与微波技术研究工作。
近年来负责国家科技重大专项、国家973、国家863课题、国家自然科学基金(重点、面上)等项目四十余项。出版专著6部,在IEEE Trans. AP, IEEE Trans. GRS, Optics Express等发表SCI检索论文340余篇。近年来获国家科技进步三等奖1项,省部级科学技术一等奖1项,二等奖4项,三等奖2项,国家教学成果二等奖1项,陕西省教学成果特等奖1项,一等奖1项,二等奖4项。入选教育部首届“青年教师奖”(2000),陕西省新世纪三五人才工程第一层次(2011),2004年起享受国务院政府特殊津贴,获第六届“中国青年科技创新优秀奖”(2003),首届“陕西省****科技创新奖”(2003),第三届“陕西省青年科技奖”(2000),获评为陕西省师德标兵(2008)和陕西省优秀留学回国人员(2009),获陕西省青年突击手标兵(2003)和陕西省师德楷模(2015)荣誉称号。



郭立新 教授(****领军人才,****,国家****)


IEEE Xplore
Hack (Y)our Minds

郭立新教授,男,博士,无线电物理学科、电磁场与微波技术学科博士生指导教师,物理与光电工程学院执行院长,国家“****”科技创新领军人才(2019),教育部“****奖励计划”****,国家****科学基金获得者,入选国家“百千****才工程”,并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号。复杂地海环境电波传播与散射“科技部重点领域创新团队”负责人,复杂地物环境电波传播与散射“陕西省重点科技创新团队”负责人。1990年本科毕业于陕西师范大学物理系,1993年硕士毕业于西安电子科技大学无线电物理专业并留校任教工作至今。1999年在中国科学院国家授时中心获得博士学位,随后在西安电子科技大学“电磁场与微波技术”博士后流动站工作两年,2001年4月至2002年5月在韩国庆北国立大学电子工程学院电磁波实验室做访问****。1995年和2007年分别赴法国鲁昂大学和英国曼彻斯特大学做访问研究。1998年在西安电子科技大学破格晋升副教授,2001年破格晋升为教授,2002年被选为博士生导师。兼任IEEE高级会员,美国纽约科学研究院会员,装备发展部目标及其环境特性预研专业组成员,教育部科技委学部委员,陕西省物理学会副理事长,陕西省学位委员会学科评议组成员,中国电子学会会士,中国电子学会电波传播分会委员,中国电子学会天线分会电磁散射和逆散射专委会委员,西安市政协委员。担任国家科技奖、科技部国际合作计划项目、863计划项目、国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、留学回国人员基金,全国优秀博士学位论文评审专家和IEEE Trans. AP, IEEE Trans. GRS, Optics Express等24个国际期刊论文评审人。主要从事复杂目标与地海环境电磁散射特性、随机介质中的电波传播特性、天线理论设计与微波技术研究工作。
近年来负责国家科技重大专项、国家973、国家863课题、国家自然科学基金(重点、面上)等项目四十余项。出版专著6部,在IEEE Trans. AP, IEEE Trans. GRS, Optics Express等发表SCI检索论文340余篇。近年来获国家科技进步三等奖1项,省部级科学技术一等奖1项,二等奖4项,三等奖2项,国家教学成果二等奖1项,陕西省教学成果特等奖1项,一等奖1项,二等奖4项。入选教育部首届“青年教师奖”(2000),陕西省新世纪三五人才工程第一层次(2011),2004年起享受国务院政府特殊津贴,获第六届“中国青年科技创新优秀奖”(2003),首届“陕西省****科技创新奖”(2003),第三届“陕西省青年科技奖”(2000),获评为陕西省师德标兵(2008)和陕西省优秀留学回国人员(2009),获陕西省青年突击手标兵(2003)和陕西省师德楷模(2015)荣誉称号。



1. 电磁(光)波传播与散射、环境遥感及成像
2. 目标与环境光电特性分析和应用技术
3. 雷达与通信中的电波传播和散射及信息处理
4. 计算电磁学及其应用

1. 临近空间高速飞行器等离子鞘套下信息传输理论基础-动态等离子鞘套与电磁波相互作用机理研究,民口973课题
2. 等离子体鞘套及电大尺寸,国家科技重大专项-专项工程基础理论研究项目
3. ,国家重大科技专项-专项工程基础理论研究项目
4. 目标和地海环境复合电磁散射理论建模与分析研究,国家****基金
5. 临近空间高超声速飞行器等离子体鞘套与电磁波相互作用机理及电磁散射理论建模研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目
6. 实际地、海背景中目标复合电磁散射特性分析和理论建模研究,教育部高校博士点基金
7. 复杂形状复杂介质电大介质平台上天线电磁特性计算方法研究,教育部高校博士点基金

超大规模天线3-D Ray-tracing信道建模

A. 专著:
[1] 郭立新,王蕊,吴振森编著,《随机粗糙面散射的基本理论和方法》,科学出版社,2010年1月。
[2] 郭立新,李江挺,韩旭彪编著,《计算物理学》,西安电子科技大学出版社,2009年9月。
[3] 郭立新,张民,吴振森 著,《随机粗糙面与目标复合电磁散射的基本理论和方法》,科学出版社,2014年10月。
[4] 张民,郭立新,聂丁,周平 著,《海面目标雷达散射特性与电磁成像》,科学出版社,2015年7月。
B. 国际刊物论文(2007年以后):

[1] Guo Lixin, Xu Runwen, “An efficient multiregion FEM-BIM for composite scattering from an arbitrary dielectric target above dielectric rough sea surfaces”, IEEE Trans. on Geosicence and Remote Sensing, Vol.53, No.7, pp.3885-3896, 2015. (SCI检索:ISI: 026, EI检索:20**6)
[2]Guo Lixin, Liang Yu, “A study of electromagnetic scattering from conducting targets above and below the dielectric rough surface”, Optics Express, Vol.19, No.7, pp.5785-5801, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 008, EI检索:914)
[3] Tian-Qi Fan, Li-Xin Guo, “A novel OpenGL-based MoM/SBR hybrid method for radiation pattern analysis of an antenna above an electrically large complicated platform”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.64, No.1, pp.201-209, 2016.(SCI检索:ISI: 022)
[4] Xiao Meng, Lixin Guo, Tianqi Fan, “Parallelized TSM-RT method for the fast RCS prediction of the 3D large scale sea surface by CUDA”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol.8, No.10, pp.4795-4804, 2015.(SCI检索: 019, EI检索: 20**0)
[5]Chai, Shui-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, “Compressive sensing for monostatic scattering from 3D NURBS geometries”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.64, No.8, pp.3545-3553, 2016. (SCI检索: 029, EI检索: 20**8)
[6] Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulation and analysis of the spiky sea clutter from the sea surface with breaking waves”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.63, No.11, pp.4983-4994, 2015.(SCI检索:ISI:039, EI检索:20**3)
[7] Cheng Mingjian, Guo Lixin, Li Jiangting, Zhang Yixin, “Channel capacity of the OAM-based free-space optical communication links with Bessel–Gauss beams in turbulent ocean”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.8, No.1, **, 2016. (SCI检索:ISI:062)
[8] J. M. Li, L. X. Guo, L. K. Lin, et al., “A new method of tipping calibration for ground-based microwave radiometer in cloudy atmosphere”, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.52, No.9, pp.5506-5513, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:020, EI检索:20**2)
[9]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of multiregion model to EM scattering from a dielectric rough surface with or without a target above it”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.61, No.11, pp.5607-5620, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI:028, EI检索:20**1)
[10]Liang Yu, Guo Lixin, “The fast EPILE combined with FBM for electromagnetic scattering from dielectric targets above and below the dielectric rough surface”, IEEE Trans. on Geosicence and Remote Sensing, Vol.49, No.10, pp.3892-3905, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI:008, EI检索:201**)
[11]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Broadband patch antennas fed by novel tuned loop”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.61, No.4, pp.2290-2293, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI:0003**, EI检索:20**8)
[12] Yunhua Wang, Yanmin Zhang, Haihua Chen, and Lixin Guo, “Effects of atmospheric stability and wind fetch on microwave sea echoes”, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.52, No.2, pp.929-935, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:012, EI检索:20**3)
[13] Wei Chen, Lixin Guo, “Research on the FDTD method of electromagnetic wave scattering characteristics in time-varying and spatially nonuniform plasma sheath”, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Vol.44, No.12, pp.3235-3242, 2016.
[14] Zhang Pei, Bai Lu, Wu Zhen-Sen, Guo Li-Xin, “Applying the parabolic equation to tropospheric groundwave propagation”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol.58, No.3, pp.31-44, 2016.
[15] Run-Wen Xu, Li-Xin Guo, “A hybrid FEM/MoM technique for 3-D electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric object above a conductive rough surface”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.13, No.3, pp.314-318, 2016.
[16] Rui Wang, Lixin Guo, “Scattering from contaminated rough sea surface by iterative physical optics model”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.13, No.4, pp.500-504, 2016.
[17] Hong-Jie He, Li-Xin Guo, “A multihybrid FE-BI-KA technique for 3-D electromagnetic scattering from a coated object above a conductive rough surfac”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.13, No.12, pp.2009-2013, 2016.
[18] Tian-Qi Fan, Li-Xin Guo, “An improved backward SBR-PO/PTD hybrid method for the backward scattering prediction of an electrically large target”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 15, pp. 512-515, 2016. (SCI检索: ISI:017, EI检索:20**1)
[19] Chai Shui-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, “Integration of CS into MoM for efficiently solving of bistatic scattering problems”,IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 15, pp. 1771-1774, 2016.
[20] Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, “An accelerated ray tracing method based on the TSM for the RCS prediction of 3-D large-scale dielectric sea surface”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 14, pp. 233-236, 2015.(SCI检索: ISI:030, EI检索:20**8)
[21] Jing-Ya Deng, Li-Xin Guo, “An efficient octree-based MoM-PO method for analysis of antennas on large platform”, IEEE AntennasWireless Propagation Lett., Vol.14, pp 819-822, 2015.(SCI检索:ISI:016, EI检索:20**2)
[22] P. J. Yang, L. X. Guo, “Polarimetric Doppler spectrum of backscattered echoes from nonlinear sea surface damped by natural slicks”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 184, pp. 193-204, 2016.
[23] Cheng Mingjian, Guo Lixin, Zhang Yixin, Scintillationand aperture averaging for Gaussian beams through non- Kolmogorov maritime atmospheric turbulence channels, Optics Express, Vol.23, No.25, pp 32606-32621, 2015.(SCI检索:ISI:096)
[24] Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “An efficient hybrid method for scattering from arbitrary dielectric objects buried under a rough surface: TM case”, Optics Express,Vol.22, No.6, pp.6844-6858, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:064; EI检索:20**6)
[25] Fan Tianqi, Guo Lixin, “OpenGL-based hybrid GO/PO computation for RCS of electrically large complex objects”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 13, pp. 666-669, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI: 004, EI检索: 20**8)
[26]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Composite scattering of a plasma-coated target above dispersive sea surface by the ADE-FDTD method”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.5-8, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI:001, EI检索:843)
[27]Liang Yu, Guo Lixin, “The EPILE combined with the Generalized-FBM for analyzing the scattering from targets above and on a rough surface”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 9, pp. 809-813, 2010.(SCI检索:ISI:001, EI检索:117)
[28] P. J. Yang, L. X. Guo, and C. G. Jia, “Electromagnetic scattering and Doppler spectrum simulation of time-varying oil-covered nonlinear sea surface”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 10, pp.016015, 2016. (SCI检索: 001, EI检索:20**0).
[29] Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “A fast PO-PO hybrid method for analysing the Doppler spectrum of a plasma- coated object above a rough sea surface: horizontal polarization”,International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 845-862, 2015.(SCI检索:ISI:010)
[30] Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, Meng Xiao, “The fast simulation of scattering characteristics from a simplified time varying sea surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2015, Article ID 815913, 8 pages, 2015. (SCI检索:ISI:001, EI检索:20**0)
[31] Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of multiregion model to EM scattering from a dielectric target above or below a dielectric rough surface”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.26, No.2, pp.152-167, 2016. (SCI检索:ISI:005, EI检索:20**4)
[32] P. J. Yang and L. X. Guo,“Doppler spectrum of polarimetric scattering field from two- dimensional time-varying nonlinear sea surfaces”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 26, No.4, pp. 516-534, 2016.
[33] Li, Juan, Guo, Li-Xin, Chai, Shui-Rong, Jiao Yong-Chang, “Electromagnetic scattering from a PEC object above a dielectric rough sea surface by a hybrid PO-PO method”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.25, No.1, pp 60-74, 2015. (SCI检索:ISI:007, EI检索:20**2)
[34] Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of hybrid finite element-boundary integral algorithm for solving electromagnetic scattering from multiple objects over rough sea surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2014, Article ID 301934, 10 pages, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:001; EI检索:2)
[35] Chungang Jia, Lixin Guo, “Graphics processor unit accelerated finite-difference time domain method for electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional large scale rough soil surface at low grazing incidence”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 8, pp. 084795-1-084795-10, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:001)
[36] Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, and Wang Rui “PO-PO method for electromagnetic backscattering from a 2D arbitrary dielectric-coated conducting target located above a 1D randomly rough surface: horizontal polarization”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol.8, No.15, pp.1340-1347, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:012, EI检索:20**0)
[37] Li Juan, Guo Li-Xin, and Chai Shui-Rong, “Composite electromagnetic scattering from an object situated above rough surface”, Applied Optics, Vol.53, No.35, pp.8189–8196, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:006, EI检索:20**4)
[38] P. J. Yang, L. X. Guo, “Polarimetric scattering from two-dimensional dielectric rough sea surface with a ship-induced Kelvin wake”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2016, Article ID**, 14 pages, 2016. (SCI检索: 001, EI检索: 20**4).
[39] Li Ke, Guo Li-Xin, Li Juan, “Scattering and doppler spectral analysis for a fast-moving target above time-varying lossy dielectric sea surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol.2016, Article ID**, 2016.
[40] Rui Wang, Shui-rong Chai,and Li-xin Guo, “Fast hybrid method for the study on monostatic scattering from plasma-coated target above a rough surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2014, Article ID 762603, 13 pages, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:001, EI检索:20**6)
[41] Jia Chungang, Guo Lixin, “Time-Domain Physical Optics Method for the analysis of wide-band EM scattering from two-dimensional conducting rough surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol.2013, Article ID 584260, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/584260. (SCI检索:ISI:001)
[42] Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, “Efficient three-dimensional ray-tracing model for electromagnetic propagation prediction in complex indoor environments”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A ,Vol. 30, No. 8 pp.1654-1660, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI: 024, EI检索:20**5)
[43]Li Ren-xian, Guo Li-xin, et al.,“Scattering of an axicon-generated Bessel beam by a sphere”, Optics Communications, Vol.307, pp.25-31, 2013.(SCI检索:ISI:005)
[44] Li Ren-xian, Guo Li-xin, Ding Cun-ying,“Debye series analysis of optical force induced by axicon-generated Besselbeam”, J. of Modern Optics, Vol.62, No.6, pp.493-502, 2015.
[45]Xu Run-Wen, Guo Li-Xin, He Hong-Jie, “Study on scattering from multil[ant]ayer rough surfaces with an object buried with FEM/PML”, Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, Vol.58, No.2, pp.429-433, 2016.
[46] Chai, Shui-Rong, Guo, Li-Xin, “A new method based on compressive sensing for monostatic scattering analysis”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Vol.57, No.10, pp.2457-2461, 2015. (SCI检索:ISI:055, EI检索:20**6)
[47] Guo Lixin, Liang Yu, “A high order integral SPM for the conducting rough surface scattering with the tapered wave incidence-TE case”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 114, pp.333-352, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI:020, EI检索:693)
[48]Guo Lixin, Wang Anqi, “Parallel fast multiple method for electromagnetic scattering from one- dimensional large-scale two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces for large angles of incidence”, IET Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 5, No.15, pp.1813-1821, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 00005)
[49]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on wide-band scattering of a target above randomly rough surface by FDTD method,” Optics Express, Vol.19, No.2, pp.1091-1100,2011.(SCI检索:ISI:069, EI检索:951)
[50]Guo Lixin, Li Juan, Zeng Hao,“Bistatic scattering from a three-dimensional object above a two- dimensional randomly rough surface modeled with the parallel FDTD approach”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.26, No.11, pp.2383-2392, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI: 026, EI检索:108)
[51] Chai Shui-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, “Fast analysis of bistatic scattering problems with compressive sensing technique”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.30, No.10, pp.1755-1762, 2016. (SCI检索:ISI: 009, EI检索:20**2)
[52]Li Jiangman, Guo Lixin, “A Dual-frequency method of eliminating liquid water radiation to remotely sense cloudy atmosphere by ground-based microwave radiometer”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 138, pp.629-645, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI: 0003**, EI检索:20**2)
[53]Guo Lixin, Wang Anqi, Majun, “Study on EM wave scattering from 2-D target above 1-D large scale rough surface with low grazing incidence by parallel MOM based on PC clusters”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER89, pp.149-166, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:0011, EI检索:499)
[54]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering of plane wave/ Gaussian beam by adjacent multi-particles”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol.14, pp.219-245, 2009.
[55]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, and Tao Wei, “Full automatic preprocessing of digital map for 2.5D ray tracing propagation model in urban microcellular environment”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.23, No.3, pp.267-278, 2013. (SCI检索: 006, EI检索: 20**4)
[56]Cheng M J, Guo L X, Li J, et al. “Propagation of an optical vortex carried by a partially coherent Laguerre– Gaussian beam in turbulent ocean”, Applied Optics, Vol.55, No.17, pp.4642-4648, 2016.(SCI检索: 0018)
[57]Cheng M J, Guo L X, Li J, et al. “Propagation properties of an optical vortex carried by a Bessel–Gaussian beam in anisotropic turbulence”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., Vol.33, No.8, pp.1442-1450, 2016.(SCI检索: 003)
[58]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, and Fan Tianqi., “Microcellular propagation prediction model based on an improved ray tracing algorithm”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., Vol.30, No.11, pp.2372-2380, 2013. (SCI检索: 027)
[59]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering of Gaussian beam by 2-D targets”,Radio Science, Vol.42, No.4, RS4012, 2007. (SCI检索:ISI:001, EI检索:830)
[60]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD method investigation on the polar-metric scattering from 2-D rough surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 101, pp.173-188, 2010.(SCI检索:ISI: 012, EI检索:915)
[61]Li Jiangting, Guo Lixin, “Research on electromagnetic scattering characteristics of reentry vehicles and blackout forecast model”, J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.26, No.13, pp.1767-1778, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI 013)
[62]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulations of electromagnetic scattering from 2D rough surface: Geometric modeling by NURBS surface”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.24, No.10, pp.1315-1328, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI: 004, EI检索:334 )
[63]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Multi-band antenna using mushroom-shaped self-complementary resonators”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.25, No.17-18, pp.2497-2504, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 018, EI检索:201**)
[64]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Narrow band notches for ultra-wideband antenna using electromagnetic band-gap structures”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.25, No.17-18, pp.2320-2327, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 002, EI检索:201**)
[65]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Dual-band antenna with inserted edge resonators and U-slot DGS”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.26, No.10, pp.1292-1299, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 003)
[66]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Statistical characteristics of the multi-path time delay and Doppler shift of a radar wave propagation through the ionosphere”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 138, pp.479-497, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI: 0003**, EI检索:20**2)
[67]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces”, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal, Vol.25, No.5, pp.450-457, 2010.(SCI检索:ISI: 007, EI检索:926)
[68]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Fast numerical method for electromagnetic scattering from an object above a large-scale la[ant]yered rough surface at large incident angle: vertical polarization”, Applied Optics, Vol.50, No.4, pp.500-508, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI:028, EI检索:370)
[69]Li Jie, Guo Lixin,“Hybrid FE-BI-KA method in analyzing scattering from dielectric object above sea surface”, IET Electronic Letters, Vol.47, No.20, pp.1147-1148,2011. (SCI检索:ISI:025)
[70]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Higher order method of moments for bistatic scattering from 2D PEC rough surface with geometric modeling by NURBS surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 130, pp.85-104, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI:005, EI检索:853)
[71]Li Jie, Wei Bing, He Qiong, Guo Lixin, Ge Debiao, “Time-domain iterative physical optics method for analysis of EM scattering from the target half buried in rough surface: PEC case”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 121, pp. 391-408, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI:022, EI检索:201** )
[72]Liu Songhua, Guo Lixin, “Negative refraction in an anisotropic me[ant]ta-material with a rotation angle between the principal axis and the planar interface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 115, pp.243-257, 2011.(SCI检索:ISI:015, EI检索:883)
[73] F.G. Mitria, R.X. Li, L.X. Guo, “Resonance scattering of a dielectric sphere illuminated by electromagnetic Bessel non-diffracting (vortex) beams with arbitrary incidence and selective polarization”, Annals Physics, 361(2015):120-147. (SCI检索: ISI:011)
[74] Sheng Xu, Bei-ChenZhang, Rui-YuanLiu, Li-Xin Guo, “Comparative studies on ionospheric climatological features of NmF2 among the Arctic and Antarctic stations”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.119, pp.63-70, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:007, EI检索:20**9)
[75]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, “A Quasi three-dimensional ray tracing method based on the virtual source tree in urban microcellular environments”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 118, pp.397-414, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 023, EI检索:201**)
[76]Li Renxian, Ren Kuanfang, Han Xiang’e, Wu Zhensen, Guo Lixin, Gong Shuxi, “Analysis of radiation pressure force exerted on a biological cell induced by high-order Bessel beams using Debye series”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol.126, pp.69-77, 2013.
[77]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Study on electromagnetic scattering from the time-varying lossy dielectric ocean and a moving conducting plate above it”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., Vol.26, No.3, pp.517-529, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:007, EI检索:779)
[78]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Message-passing-interface-based parallel FDTD investigation on the EM scattering from a 1-D rough sea surface using uniaxial perfectly matched la[ant]yer absorbing boundary”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., Vol.26, No.6, pp.1494-1502, June 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:0020, EI检索:335)
[79]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on scattering from a plasma coated target over rough sea surface using a multi-hybrid method”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.22, No.3, pp.344-355, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI:003, EI检索:507)
[80]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Frequency response of 1D dispersive sea surface by the ADE-FDTD algorithm”, Waves in Random and Complex Media,Vol.22, No.2, pp.305-316, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI:011, EI检索:771)
[81] Xu R, Guo L X, Meng X, “Scattering from a target above rough sea surface with breaking water wave by an iterative analytic-numerical method”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.41, pp.115-123, 2015. (EI检索:20**2)
[82] P. J. Yang, L. X. Guo, Q. Wang, “Circularly polarized wave scattering from two-dimensional dielectric rough sea surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.44, pp.119-126, 2015. (EI检索:20**09)
[83] Bao-Ke Ma, Li-Xin Guo, Hong-Tao Su, Bei-Chen Zhang, “Research on the ionospheric ion velocity distribution and the incoherent scattering spectra of the radar with the 16-moments approximation for the relaxation collision model”, Optik, Vol.125, pp.75-83, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:016; EI检索:20**4)
[84] Xu R, Guo L X, Meng X., “Analysis of scattering fromdielectric rough surfaces by hybrid FEM/BIE”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.34, pp.107-116, 2014. (EI检索:20**2)
[85] Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Simulated ion velocity distribution and its incoherent scattering spectrum in the high- latitude ionosphere”, Journal of the Korean Physical Soc.,Vol.63, No.8, pp.1666-1674, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI:025)
[86] Deng Jing Ya, Guo Lixin, “Wideband circularly porlarized suspended patch antenna with indented edge and gap-coupled feed”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 135, pp.151-159, 2013. (SCI检索:ISI:0003**)
[87]Wei Bing, Zhou Yun, Ge Debiao, Guo Lixin, “A general finite difference time domain method for hybrid dispersive media model”,Waves in Random and Complex Media,Vol.21, No.2, pp.336-347, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI:008, EI检索:087)
[88]Li Juan, Guo Lixin and Zeng Hao,“FDTD investigation on bistatic scattering from two- dimensional rough surface with UPML absorbing condition”,Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.19, No.3, pp.418-429, 2009. ( SCI检索:ISI: 004, EI检索:627)
[89]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin and Zeng Hao,“Study on 1D large scale rough surface scattering at low grazing incident angle by parallel MOM based on PC clusters”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.19, No.4, pp.585-599, 2009.(SCI检索:ISI:002)
[90]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from a target above a randomly rough sea surfaces”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.18, No.4, pp.641-650, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI:007, EI检索:312)
[91]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on the bistatic scattering from a target above two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces using UPML absorbing condition”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 88, pp.197-211, 2008.(SCI检索:ISI:012)
[92]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulations of wave scattering from two-la[ant]yered rough surface”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research B, Vol.10, pp.163-175, 2008.
[93]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, He Mingxia, and Guo Lixin, “Calculation of electromagnetic scattering from a two-dimensional target in the vicinity of a plane surface by a hybrid method”,J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp.1232-1239, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI: 003, EI检索: 584)
[94]Qin Santuan, Gong Shuxi, Guo Lixin, “A TDIE/TDPO hybrid method for the analysis of TM transient scattering from two-dimensional combinative conducting cylinders”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 102, pp.181-195, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI:012, EI检索:651)
[95]Wu Zhensen, Zhang Jinpeng, Guo Lixin, “An improved two-scale model with volume scattering for the dynamic ocean surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 89, pp.39-56, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:004, EI检索:492)
[96]Wu Zhensen, Wei Hongyan, Yang Ruike, Guo Lixin, “Study on scintillation considering inner- and outer-scales for laser beam propagation on the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 80, pp.277-293, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI:014, EI检索:129)
[97]Wei Bing, He Qiong, Li Jie, Li Renxian, Guo Lixin, “Transient response of thin wire above a la[ant]yered half-space using TDIE/FDTD hybrid method”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 001, EI检索:378)
[98]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Wei Bing , Yang Ziyuan, “Analysis of optical spectra and SH parameters of V3+ centers in ZnO crystals”, Optical Materials, Vol.34 , No.7, pp.1092-1094, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 018, EI检索:963)
[99]Wei Qun, Brik Mikhail G, Guo Lixin, Wei Bing, “Investigations of g factors for the 2E state of V2+ ions in Al2O3 crystals”, Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 97, pp.50-53, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 008, EI检索:960)
[100]Wei Qun , Guo Lixin, Wei Bing, Zhu Xuanmin, “Optical spectra and defect structure for v2 ions in ZnS at low temperature”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, No. 14, pp.2808-2810, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 029, EI检索:412)
[101]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Yang Ziyuan, Wei Bing, Zhang Dongyun, “Studies of the defect structure for V3+ ions in wurtzite structure ZnO”, Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol.82 , No.1, pp.137-139, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 021, EI检索:201**)
[102]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin , Yang Ziyuan, Wei Bing, “Spin-spin and spin-other-orbit interactions of spin-Hamiltonian parameters for 3d2(8) Ions in Al2O3 crystals”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.119, No.6, pp.857-859, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 022, EI检索:839)
[103]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Yang Ziyuan, Wei Bing, “Studies of the g factors of the ground 4A2 and the first excited 2E state of Cr3+ ions in emerald”, Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol.79 , No.5, pp.1187-1190, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 049, EI检索:832)
C. 国内核心刊物论文(2007年以后):
[1] Guo Lixin,Gou Xueyin, “Bidirectional reflectance distribution function modeling of one-dimensional rough surface in the microwave band”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.23, No.11, pp. 114102-1-114102-9, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:033, EI检索:6)
[2]Guo Lixin, Wang Rui, Wu Zhensen, “Application of the method of equivalent edge currents to composite scattering from the cone-cylinder above a dielectric rough sea surface”,Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.4, pp.044102-1-044102-12, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI:040, EI检索:025)
[3]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Multi-hybrid method for Investigation of EM scattering from inhomogeneous object above a dielectric rough surface”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, Vol.55, No.10, pp.1781-1790, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 00009, EI检索:630)
[4]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Study on electromagnetic backscattering and Doppler spectrum of a moving spherical target above time-varying sea surface”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.51, No.3, pp.269-281, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI: 007, EI检索:893)
[5] Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “An iterative analytic–numerical method for scattering from a target buried beneath a rough surface”,Chinese Physics B, Vol.23, No.11, pp. 114101-1-114101-6, 2014. (SCI检索:ISI:32, EI检索:6)
[6]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin,“Application of multiregion model to the EM scattering from a rough surface with or without a target above it”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.20, No.5, pp. 050201-1-050201-11, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI:001, EI检索:364)
[7]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin,“Electromagnetic scattering from a two-la[ant]yered rough interfaces with a PEC object: vertical polarization”,Chinese Physics B, Vol.20, No.5, pp.050202-1-05 0202-10, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 002, EI检索:365)
[8]Song Jiuxu, Yang Yintang, Liu Hongxia, Guo Lixin, “Negative differential resistance in an (8, 0) carbon/boron nitride nanotube heterojunction”, Journal of Semiconductors, Vol.32, No. 4, 2011. (EI检索:806)
[9] Yang Pengju, Guo Lixin,“Doppler spectrum analysis of time-evolving sea surface covered byoil spills”,Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.32, No.4, pp.044101-1~044101-4, 2015. (SCI检索:ISI: 012)
[10]Yang Chao, Jin Wei, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic wave propagation over oil-covered sea surface”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.29, No.7, pp. 074210-1~ 074210-4, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI: 034)
[11]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface with PM spectrum covered by an organic film”,Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.28, No.3, pp.034101-1~034101-4, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 019)
[12]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from randomly rough surfaces with hybrid FEM/BIE”,Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.28, No.10, pp.104101-1~104101-4, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 021)
[13]Yang Chao, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Investigation on global positioning system signal scattering and propagation over the rough sea surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.5, pp.054101-1-**-9, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI:036, EI检索:086)
[14]Liu Wei, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Polarimetric scattering from a two-dimensional improved sea fractal surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.7, pp.074102-1-074102-9, 2010. (SCI检索:035; EI检索:**)
[15]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Hybrid method for investigation ofelectromagnetic scattering from conducting target above the randomly rough surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.4, pp.1503-1511, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:036, EI检索:918)
[16]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from two-la[ant]yer rough interfaces in the Kirchhoff approximation”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.8, pp.3422-3430, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI: 049, EI检索:549)
[17]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Investigation of composite electromagnetic scattering from ship-like target on the randomly rough sea surfaces using FDTD method”Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.7, pp.2757-2763, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI: 022, EI检索:363)
[18]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin, “Study of MPI based on parallel MOM on PC clusters for EM-beam scattering by 2-D PEC rough surfaces”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.8, pp.3431-3437, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI: 050, EI检索:548)
[19]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces under UPML absorbing condition”Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.26, No.3, pp.034101-1~034101-4, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:025)
[20]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on transient electromagnetic scattering from a randomly roughsurface and the perfectly electric conductor target with an arbitrary cross section above it”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.52, No.5, pp.665-675, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:002, EI检索:509)
[21]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Two-frequency mutual coherence function and its applications to pulse scattering by random rough surface”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.51, No.2, pp.157-164, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI:006, EI检索:905)
[22]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Study on electromagnetic wave transmission from slightly Gaussianrough surface e of la[ant]yered medium”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,. Vol.25, No.1, pp.101-104, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI: 028)
[23]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on electromagnetic scattering from rough soil surface of la[ant]yered medium using the small perturbation method”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.17, No.7, pp.2491-2498, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI024, EI检索:071)
[24]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, He Mingxia, Guo Lixin, “Solution of scattering from rough surface with a 2D target above it by a hybrid method based on the reciprocity theorem and the forward-backward method”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.17, No.10, pp.3696-3703, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI: 027, EI检索:140)
[25]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from 2D Weierstrass fractal dielectric rough surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.17, No.8, pp.2956-2962, 2008. (SCI检索:ISI032, EI检索:866)
[26]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Scattering from Alpha-stable non-Gaussian distributed surfaces”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,.Vol.24, No.1, pp.97-100, 2007. (SCI检索:ISI:027)
[27]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “A time domain algorithm on the reconstruction of rough surfaces”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,.Vol.24, No.3, pp.702-705, 2007. (SCI检索:ISI:031)
[28]Zhang Yanmin, Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “Study of scattering from time-varying Gerstners sea surface using second order small slope approximation”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.5, pp.054103 -1-054103-9, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI:038; EI检索:084)
[29]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on the Doppler shifts induced by 1-D ocean surface wave displacements by the first order small slope approximation theory: comparison of hydrodynamic models”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.7, pp.074103 -1-074103-8, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI:036 ; EI检索:346)
[30]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin,Guo Lixin, “Doppler shifts of backscattering fields from one dimensional linear and nonlinear ocean surface by SSA-II”, Chinese Physics Lett., Vol.27, No.10, pp.104101-1-074103-8, 2010. (SCI检索:ISI:023)
[31]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin, “Unification of the Kirchhoff approximation and the method of moment for optical scattering from lossy dielectric Gaussian random rough surface”, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol.7, No.3, pp.259-262., 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:026, EI检索:305)
[32]Xue Kun, Guo Lixin, “16-moment approximation for ion velocity distribution and its application in calculations of incoherent scattering spectra”, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.2, pp.152-158, 2009. (SCI检索:ISI:005, EI检索:033)
[33]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Optical wave transmission through slightly Gaussian rough surface of la[ant]yered medium” Chinese J. of Computational Physics, Vol.26, No.3, pp.422-429, 2009. (EI检索:846)
[34]Zhu Xiaomin, Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering of 1D band-limited weierstrass fractal la[ant]yered land surface and a conducting column with rectangular cross-section”, Chinese J. of Computational Physics, Vol.29, No.3, pp.399-405, 2012. (EI检索:401)
[35]Wang Ping, Yang Yintang, Liu Zengji, ShangTao, Guo Lixin, “Evaluation of DC I-V characteristics and small signal parameters of 4H-SiC me[ant]tal-semiconductor field effect transistors”, Chinese J. of Computational Physics, Vol.28, No.1, pp.145-151, 2011. (EI检索:916)
[36]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Study on optical wave scatteringfrom slightly Gaussianrough surface of la[ant]yered medium”, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol.5, No.10, pp.605-608, 2007. (SCI检索:ISI:017, EI检索:102)
[37]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, Su Hongtao , Zhang Beichen,Hu Hongqiao, “Incoherent scatter spectrum of ionospheric plasma with an anisotropic temperature ion distribution”, Astrophys Space Sci, Vol.340, No.2, pp.237–243, 2012. (SCI检索:ISI:004)
[38]Zhang Yabin , Wu Jian, Guo Lixin, Zhao Zhenwei, Lin Leke, Xu Bin, Zhang Rui, “The quasi 3-D ray tracing model in microcellular environment”,Chinese Journal of Radio Science,Vol. 27, No. 5, pp.954-959,2012. (EI检索:868)
[39]Wang Ping, Yang Yintang, Guo Lixin, Shang Tao, Liu Zengji, “Study of the Ohmic contact property of SiC”, Journal of Xidian University, Vol.38, No.4, pp.38-41, 2011. (EI检索:201**)
[40]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, Miao Hongmei,“Characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission coefficient through exponential distribution rough surface of stratified medium”, High Power Laser and Particle Beams, Vol.22, No.1, pp.135-139, 2010. (EI检索:981)
[41]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanming, Guo Lixin, “Composite electromagnetic scattering from two adjacent finite length cylinders”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.60, No.2, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 027)
[42]Wei Bing, He Qiong, Li Jie, Ge Debiao, Guo Lixin, “A novel method to calculate transient response of thin-wire structure above the la[ant]yered lossy half-space”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.60, No.10, 2011. (SCI检索:ISI: 036)
[43]郭立新,王运华,吴振森,“时变海面与运动球形目标后向复合电磁散射及多普勒谱研究”,中国科学G辑:物理学,力学,天文学,Vol.38, No.1, pp.34-45, 2008。
[44]郭立新,王蕊,“二维粗糙海面散射回波多普勒谱频移及展宽特征研究”,物理学报,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3464-3472, 2008。(SCI检索:ISI: 028, EI检索:768)
[45] 郭立新,王蕊,“时变海面与其上方导体平板的复合电磁散射研究”,地球物理学报,Vol.51, No.6, pp.1695-1703,2008。(SCI检索:ISI:009)
[46] 郭立新,王运华,“地、海面与其上方三维简单目标的复合电磁散射研究”,目标与环境特性研究,pp.10-30, 2008年第1期。
[47] 郭立新,麻军,“MPI并行矩量法计算二维粗糙面波束电磁散射”,系统工程与电子技术, Vol.32, No.9, pp.1841-1845, 2010。(EI检索:532 )
[48] 王蕊,郭立新,“粗糙面及其上方任意形状截面导体目标的瞬态散射”,中国科学G辑:物理学,力学,天文学Vol.39, No.2, pp.201-212,2009。
[49] 任玉超,郭立新,“双频互相干函数及在粗糙面脉冲散射中的应用”,中国科学G辑:物理学,力学,天文学,Vol.37, No.5, pp.582-589,2007。
[50] 柴水荣,郭立新,“基于压缩感知的一维海面与二维舰船复合后向电磁散射快速算法研究”,物理学报,Vol.64,No.6,pp.060301-1-060301-8, 2015。(SCI检索:ISI:002,EI检索:20**6)
[51] 李文龙,郭立新,“含卷浪Pierson-Moscowitz谱海面电磁散射研究”,物理学报,Vol.63,No.16,pp.164102-1-164102-9, 2014。(SCI检索:ISI:021,EI检索:)
[52] 范天奇,郭立新,“含泡沫面元模型的海面电磁散射研究”,物理学报,Vol.63,No.21,pp.214104-1-214104-10, 2014。(SCI检索:ISI:014)
[53] 徐润汶,郭立新,“有限元/边界元积分方法在海面及其上方弹体目标电磁散射中的应用”,物理学报,Vol.62,No.17,pp.170301-1-170301-7, 2013。(SCI检索:ISI:004,EI检索:20**1)
[54] 刘伟,郭立新,“沙丘粗糙面的二次极化电磁散射”,物理学报,Vol.62,No.14,pp.144213-1 -144213-7, 2013。(SCI检索:ISI:037)
[55] 毛媛,郭立新,“基于高频雷达多普勒谱提取风向的一种新方法”,物理学报,Vol.61,No.4,pp.044201-1-044201-6, 2012。(SCI检索:ISI:033)
[56] 李俊成,郭立新,“THz频段单面左手材料的设计及仿真研究”,物理学报,Vol.61,No.12,pp.124102-1-124102-8, 2012。(SCI检索:ISI:025)
[57] 梁玉,郭立新,“粗糙面重构问题的混合算法研究”,物理学报,Vol.60,No.3,pp.034102-1-034102-9, 2011。(SCI检索:ISI:036)
[58] 秦三团,郭立新,“二维随机粗糙面上导体目标复合瞬态散射的混合算法”,物理学报,Vol.60,No.7,pp.074217-1-074217-9, 2011。(SCI检索:ISI:053)
[59] 王蕊,郭立新,“不同土壤类型的粗糙地面与其下方埋藏目标复合电磁散射研究”,物理学报,Vol.59,No.5,pp.3179-3186, 2010。(SCI检索:041)
[60] 任新成,郭立新,“具有fBm特征的分层介质粗糙面电磁散射的特征研究”,物理学报,Vol.58,No.3,pp.1627-1634, 2009。(SCI检索:ISI:039)
[61] 梁玉,郭立新,“气泡/泡沫覆盖粗糙海面电磁散射的修正双尺度法研究”物理学报,Vol.58, No.9, pp.6156-6166, 2009。(SCI检索:ISI:045)
[62] 王蕊,郭立新,“粗糙海面及其上方导体目标复合电磁散射的混合算法研究”,物理学报,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3473-3480, 2008。(SCI检索:ISI: 029, EI检索:769)
[63] 王运华,郭立新,吴振森,“平行柱体对平面波/高斯波束电磁散射”,物理学报,Vol.56,No.1,pp.186-194, 2007。(SCI检索:ISI:030, EI检索:945)
[64] 杨俊岭,郭立新,“基于未充分发展海谱的分形海面模型及其电磁散射研究”物理学报,Vol.56,No.4,pp.2106-2114, 2007。(SCI检索:ISI:043, EI检索:322)
[65] 任新成,郭立新,焦永昌,“雪层覆盖的粗糙地面与上方矩形截面柱复合电磁散射的时域有限差分法研究”,物理学报,Vol.61,No.14,pp.144101-1-144101-10, 2012。(SCI检索:ISI: 024)
[66] 王运华,张彦敏,郭立新,“平面上方二维介质目标对高斯波束的电磁散射研究”,物理学报,Vol.57,No.9,pp.5529-5536, 2008。(SCI检索: ISI:029)
[67] 田炜,任新成,郭立新,“海面与其上方双矩形截面柱复合散射的混合算法研究”,物理学报,Vol.64,No.17,pp.174101-1-174101-7, 2015。(SCI检索:ISI:012,EI检索:20**7)
[68] 朱小敏,任新成,郭立新,“一维带限Weierstrass分形分层地面与矩形截面导体柱复合电磁散射FDTD研究”,计算物理,Vol.29, No.3, pp.399-405, 2012。
[69]王运华,郭立新,“改进的一维分形模型在海面电磁散射中的应用”,电子学报,Vol.35, No.3, pp.478-483,2007。(EI检索:098)
[70]李江挺,郭立新,胡红桥,“空间尘埃等离子体电磁散射特性研究”,地球物理学报,Vol.53, No.12, pp.2829-2835, 2010。(SCI检索:ISI:005)
[71]薛昆,郭立新,“离子分布函数的20矩近似及其在非相干散射谱中的应用”,地球物理学报,Vol.52, No.4, pp.878-886, 2009。(SCI检索:ISI:003)
[72] 李广成,郭立新,刘伟,“海面正置长方体目标复合散射极化特征”,电波科学学报,Vol.29,No.5,pp.853-857, 2014。( EI检索:20**3)
[73]李广成,郭立新,“障碍物对蒸发波导中电波传播影响研究”,电波科学学报,Vol.26,No.4,pp.621-627, 2011。(EI检索:201**)
[74]郭立新,李宏强,“改进DMF算法研究粗糙海上蒸发波导中的电波传输特性”,电波科学学报,Vol.24, No.3, pp.414-421, 2009。(EI检索:213)
[75]郭立新,王运华,“修正双尺度模型在非高斯海面电磁散射中的应用”,电波科学学报,Vol.22, No.2, pp.212-218, 2007。(EI检索:964)
[76]杨超,郭立新,吴振森,“最小二乘支持向量机在蒸发波导预测中的应用”,电波科学学报,Vol.25, No.4, pp.632-637, 2010。(EI检索:881)
[77]马保科,郭立新,胡红桥,“电离层闪烁功率谱及不均匀体漂移速度反演”,电波科学学报,Vol.25, No.4, pp.779-784, 2010。(EI检索:906)
[78]杨超,郭立新,“高斯介质粗糙面电磁散射的小斜率近似方法”,电波科学学报,Vol.24, No.1, pp.77-82, 2009。(EI检索:093)
[79]薛昆,郭立新,“高纬极区电离层离子速度分布函数的多项式解”,电波科学学报,Vol.24, No.5, pp.813-819, 2009。(EI检索:011)
[80]李江挺,郭立新,“等离子体鞘套中的电波传播特性研究”,电波科学学报,Vol.26,No.3,pp.494-499, 2011。(EI检索:201**)
[81]李江挺,郭立新,“电离层中危险碎片与不规则性的电磁散射分析”,电波科学学报,Vol.26,No.6,pp.1158-1164, 2011。(EI检索:889)
[82]任新成,郭立新,“指数型分层介质粗糙面光透射问题的微扰法研究”,光学学报,Vol.28,No.6, pp.1208-1214,2008。(EI检索:894)
[83]王运华,郭立新,“两个相邻目标对平面波、高斯波束的光散射”,光学学报,Vol.27, No.9, pp. 1711-1718, 2007。(EI检索:340)
[84]任新成,郭立新,“具有fBm分形分层介质粗糙面电磁波透射特征研究”,电子与信息学报,Vol.31,No.1, pp.233-237, 2009。(EI检索:458)
[85]薛昆,郭立新,吴健,“麦克斯韦分子碰撞下的离子分布函数及其非相干散射谱的计算”,空间科学学报,Vol.29, No.3, pp.287-295, 2009.
[86]王蕊,郭立新,“分层粗糙面的电磁散射研究”,系统工程与电子技术,Vol.32, No.10, pp.2098-2102, 2010。(EI检索:756)
[87]任新成,郭立新,“指数型分层介质粗糙面电磁波透射系数的特征”,强粒子与激光束,Vol.22,No.1,pp.135-139, 2010。
[88]刘伟,郭立新,“二维纹理特征指数谱粗糙面的极化散射”,系统工程与电子技术,Vol.33,No.2,pp.242-248, 2011。(EI检索:503)
[89]杨超,郭立新,“粗糙海面电磁散射的小斜率近似方法”,系统工程与电子技术,Vol.31, No.8, pp.1814-1818, 2009。(EI检索:105)
[90]田炜,任新成,郭立新,“分形海面及其与上方目标电磁散射的混合算法”,系统工程与电子技术,Vol.34,No.9,pp.1775-1780, 2012。(EI 检索:240)
[91]李江挺,郭立新,“高超声速飞行器等离子体鞘套中的电波传播”,系统工程与电子技术,Vol.33,No.5,pp.969-973, 2011。(EI检索:868)
[92]任新成,郭立新,“高斯粗糙面透射波散射系数的基尔霍夫驻留相位法研究”,系统工程与电子技术,Vol.30, No.2, pp.213-217, 2008。(EI检索:653)
Analysis method and device for propagation characteristics of electromagnetic wave(电波传播特性的分析方法与装置),国际(美国)发明专利PCT/CN2011/ 077215,2012
1. 发明人:郭立新等,基于积分边界的介质粗糙面有限元电磁仿真方法,授权号:ZL1.6,2016年4月27日
2. 发明人:郭立新等,基于多区域模型矩量法的介质粗糙面电磁散射仿真方法,授权号:ZL5.X,2016年6月29日
3. 发明人:郭立新等,基于互易性原理的粗糙面与目标复合电磁散射仿真方法,授权号:ZL6.7,2016年6月29日
4. 发明人:邓敬亚,郭立新等,一种宽带天线,授权号:ZL2.4,2013年11月6日
5. 发明人:王兰美,郭立新等,锥面共形阵列多参数联合估计方法,授权号:ZL8.9,2015年6月17日
1. 郭立新等,一种粗糙面微波段双向反射分布函数的建模方法,申请号:20**.1,申请日:2014年1月14日
2. 郭立新等,一种基于单视图几何原理的室内环境重构方法,申请号:20**.0,申请日:2014年1月14日
3. 郭立新等,基于并行矩量法与物理光学混合的电磁散射仿真方法,申请号:0.2,申请日:2014年3月26日
4. 郭立新等,用多种高频电磁散射对大型舰船目标进行电磁仿真的方法,申请号:8.6,申请日:2014年10月24日
5. 郭立新等,一种电磁场仿真分析方法,申请号:2.9,申请日:2015年2月6日
6. 郭立新等,一维导体粗糙海面与二维导体目标的电磁散射仿真方法,申请号:5.9,申请日:2015年2月6日
7. 郭立新等,三维环境中的建筑物体选择方法,申请号:1.4,申请日:2015年3月5日
8. 郭立新等,用射线跟踪算法对不同误差地图进行电磁仿真的方法,申请号:3.X,申请日:2015年3月9日
10. 郭立新等,基于NURS曲面建模的导体目标电磁散射仿真方法,申请号:7.5,申请日:2016年7月8日

(3). 入选国家“百千****才工程”,被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号(2014年12月,国家人力资源和社会保障部)
(4).入选陕西省“三五人才工程” 第一层次(2011年12月,陕西省人事厅)
(10).入选陕西省“三五人才工程” 第二层次(2004年11月,陕西省人事厅)


Team Leader 团队首席
Prof. Lixin Guo (郭立新)

Dr. Wei Liu (刘伟,副教授)
Research interests: Polarimetric scattering of ocean surface, analytical methods
Contact: liuwei@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Jiangting Li (李江挺,副教授)
Research interests: EM Waves theory and propagation in complex media
Contact: jtli@xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Rui Wang (王蕊,副教授)
Research interests: scattering from rough surface and object, hybrid method
Contact: doufuruier@xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Songhua Liu (刘松华,副教授)
Research interests: me[ant]tamaterial and EM scattering from targets
Contact: shliu@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Juan Li (李娟,副教授)
Research interests: FDTD, scattering of complex media and parallel computing
Contact: lijuan029@yeah.net
Dr. Jingya Deng (邓敬亚,教授)
Research interests: Antennas, array antenna design
Contact: jydeng@xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Kai Huang (黄锴,讲师)
Research interests: computational electromagnetic, electromagnetic compatibility analysis
Contact: huangkai841025@126.com
Dr. Zhongyu Liu (刘忠玉,讲师)
Research interests: electromagnetic wave propagation in complex environment, design and analysis of antenna
Contact: liuzhongyu2003@163.com
Dr. Huimin Li (李慧敏,讲师)
Research interests:earth's magnetosphere, plasma waves
Contact: whdxlhm@hotmail.com
Dr. Pengcheng Zhao (赵鹏程,讲师)
Research interests:wave propagation in troposphere
Contact: pczhao@xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Qian Tan (唐茜,讲师)
Research interests:optical imaging and analysis
Contact: qtang@xidian.edu.cn


《计算物理学》,郭立新 李江挺 韩旭彪,西安电子科技大学出版社,2009年


(9) 2014年7月被评为陕西省高等学校教学名师。
(1) 2008年《电磁学》课程被评为陕西省精品课程,负责人。
(2) 2014年《计算电磁学》课程被评为陕西省精品资源共享课程,负责人。
(3) 2009年省级“电子信息科学与技术多模式人才培养创新实验区”,负责人。
(4) 2012年“电子信息科学与技术”省级专业综合改革试点项目,负责人。
(5) 2010年省级特色专业“应用物理学专业”,负责人。
(6) 2010年“电子信息科学与技术”专业获批为教育部高等学校特色专业建设点,2007年该专业被评为省级一类特色专业,排名第2。
(7) 2008年“电子信息科学与技术专业教学团队”,获陕西省级教学团队,排名第2。
(8) 2003年《大学物理》课程被评为陕西省精品课程,排名第3。
(9) 2004年“电子信息科学与技术专业”获陕西省名牌专业,排名第2。
(10) 2006年“应用物理学专业”获陕西省名牌专业,排名第2。

1.本科毕业设计:1999年以前:3人/年 ; 2000/2001:4人/年
2003-2005:5人/年; 2006-2013:8人/年







8.指导2000级学生李玲于2003年6月获得第四届“挑战杯” 陕西省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖。2003年11月获得第八届“挑战杯” 全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖。
9.指导2003级学生刘晓勇等三人于2007年6月获得第六届“挑战杯” 陕西省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖。


[1]吴振森,郭立新,李平舟,“依托物理学科培养电波传播与天线创新人才”,西安邮电学院学报, 2011, S2:82-84.
[2]李江挺,郭立新,刘伟,邓敬亚,“西安电波观测站建设与学生科学素质的培养”,西安邮电学院学报, 2011, S2:105-106.
[3]刘忠玉,郭立新,关晓伟,“国家级大学生创新训练计划项目指导体会”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.197-198, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[4]李江挺,郭立新,“电波传播与天线专业创新人才培养项目探索”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.119-120, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[5]弓树宏,郭立新,“信息时代背景下教育改革的一点想法”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.194-196, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[6]李娟,郭立新,“浅谈提高大学生学习积极性的策略”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.199-200, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[7]邓敬亚,郭立新,“《大学物理》课程对《天线原理》课程的教学支撑作用”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.117-118, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[8]李慧敏,郭立新,“浅谈大学物理教学改革”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.131-133, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[9]李仁先,郭立新,“《电波传播概论》课程教学探索”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.96-98, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[10]刘伟,郭立新等,“二进制数控电桥实验设计与教学”,应用光学增刊,Vol.35, pp.106-109, 2014(陕西省物理学会2014年学术年会)。
[11]李仁先,李平舟,郭立新等,“法国高校物理学专业教学特色浅析”,应用光学增刊,Vol.34, pp.216-218, 2013(陕西省物理学会2013年学术年会)。
[12]李江挺,郭立新,“个性化特长培养与研究性教学实践”,应用光学专刊,Vol.31, pp.98-100, 2010(陕西省物理学会2010年学术年会)。
[13]弓树宏,郭立新,“对流层传播课程教学方案构想”,应用光学专刊,Vol.33, pp.275-277, 2012 (陕西省物理学会2012年学术年会)。
[14]郭宏福,郭立新,魏兵,“专业实验教学中的数量与质量”西安邮电学院学报, 2011, S2:117-119.
[15]徐宏兵,魏兵,郭立新,“基于GUI的电波传播动态演示课件制作”,西安邮电学院学报, 2011, S2:88-91.
[16]弓树宏,魏兵,郭立新,“关于大学生入学教育的几点建议”,应用光学专刊,Vol.33, pp.348-351, 2012(陕西省物理学会2012年学术年会)。
[17]李娟,郭立新,“大学物理教学中多媒体技术的应用研究”,应用光学专刊,Vol.31, pp.101-102, 2010(陕西省物理学会2010年学术年会)。
[18]李仁先,郭立新,“大学物理教学与创新能力培养”,应用光学专刊,Vol.31, pp.109-112, 2010(陕西省物理学会2010年学术年会)。
[19]弓树宏,郭立新,“将科研引入本科教学培养学生创新能力”,应用光学专刊,Vol.31, pp.234-236, 2010(陕西省物理学会2010年学术年会)。
[20]魏兵,王倩,郭立新,“基于Matlab语言的电磁波理论教学实践”,应用光学专刊,Vol.31, pp.139-142, 2010(陕西省物理学会2010年学术年会)。
[21]弓树宏,郭立新,““拓展”与“收敛”教学法相结合培养创新人才”,应用光学专刊,Vol.29, pp.250-252,2009(陕西省物理学会2008年学术年会)。
[23]李卫东,刘男,郭立新,“物理学教育的几点思考”,应用光学专刊,Vol.29, pp.261-263, 2009(陕西省物理学会2008年学术年会)。
[24]刘男,李卫东,郭立新,“物理学本科生导师制—个性化教育”,应用光学专刊,Vol.29, pp.264-266, 2009(陕西省物理学会2008年学术年会)。
[25]魏兵,郭立新,电波传播专业建设思考,西安电子科技大学社科版,Vol.17, No.6,pp.169-171, 2007。
[26]郭宏福,郭立新,电波测量实验教学改革之感受,西安电子科技大学社科版, Vol.17, No.6,pp.286-288,2007。
[27]魏兵,郭立新,“大学物理教学中科学计算能力的培养”,西电学报(社科版),No.2, pp.48-50, 2006。
[28]郭宏福,郭立新,“电波测量实验中学生自主创新能力的培养”,西电学报(社科版),No.2, pp.121-125, 2006。
[29]魏兵,郭立新,“电波传播专业建设的几点思考”,西电学报(社科版),No.2, pp.142-143, 2006。
[30]郭立新,郭宏福等,“电磁波综合测量实验室的建设与改革探索”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.15, No.1, pp.32-34, 2005。
[31]张民,郭立新等,“计算仿真在电子信息科学专业课程学习中的应用研究”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.15, No.1, pp.16-19, 2005。
[32]靳亚玲,郭立新,“研究生教育与管理模式的探讨”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.15, No.1, pp.5-7, 2005。
[33]弓树宏,郭立新等,“电磁波极化(偏振)的感性认识”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.14, No.1, pp. 155-157, 2004。
[34]杨瑞科,郭立新,“计算机高级语言教学当中需要强调的几个问题”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.14, No.1, pp.137-138, 2004。
[35]郭宏福,郭立新等,“电波测量实验中的软件仿真与实际动手”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.14, No.1, pp.224-226, 2004。
[36]毛新宏,郭宏福,郭立新,“电波测量实验中Matlab的应用”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.14, No.1, pp.147-151, 2004。
[37]吴振森,郭立新,“加强学科建设,按创新体系建成高水平学术梯队”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.13, No.3, pp.100-104, 2003。
[38]郭宏福,郭立新,“实验教学的方法创新与学生创新能力的提高”,西电学报(社科版),Vol.13, No.3, pp.113-115, 2003。
[40]郭立新,骆志敏,“隐函数等值线的计算机绘制及其在大学物理课程内容模拟上的应用”,大学物理,Vol.19, No.12, pp.34-36, 2000。


电磁波传播与散射及应用、环境遥感、计算电磁仿真与成像 (报名方向)


Personal Information
Prof. Lixin Guo
Executive Dean of School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University
Advisor of doctoral students in Radio Physics

Advisor of doctoral students in Elcteomagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
Advisor of master students in Plasma physics

Office Tel:+86-
Mailing Address:Physics Department, Xidian University, Box 274, Xi’an,
Shaanxi Province, P.R.China
Affiliation:School of Physics and Optoelectronic Enineering, Xidian University, P.R.China

Guo Lixin, was born in Sept.1968, in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. He attended Shaanxi Normal University, China, in 1986, where he received B.S. degree in physics in 1990. He specialized in radio science, received the M.S. degree from Xidian University, China, in 1993. He received the Ph.D. degree in astrometry from Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory, China, in 1999. From 2001 to 2002, he was a Visiting Scholar at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. He has also been a Visiting Professor at d’Energetique des Systemes et Precedes (LESP), University of Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France, and Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K. Since 1993, he has been with Xidian University where he is currently a Professor and Head of the School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University, China. He also serves as director of Ph.D. student. He was the recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2012, and a Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholars Program in 2014. He has been a Chief Professor of Innovative Research Team in Shaanxi Province, China, since 2014. He has authored and coauthored 4 books and more than 360 papers have been published in the international conference and journals at home or abroad in recent years, of many papers have been cited and index

1.Undergraduate’s course:
Mathematic Methods & its Applications in Physics
Computational Physics
College Physics
Solid Physics
2.Gradute’s course:
Numerical Methods in Wave Propagation and Scatterring
Electromagnetic Waves in Complex System
3.Editor in chief of textbook:
Mathematic Methods & its Applications in Physics
Computational Physics
4.15 papers about teaching reform have been published and 3 projects received second class the Teaching Achievement award by Shaanxi province.
5. From 1995, he directed the dissertions of more than 50 undergraduate students, nearly 80 graduate students and 33 doctors.

Research Experience
09/1999-07/2001: Postdoctoral Research in Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technique, Xidian University, China
04/2001-05/2002: Visiting Research Fellow at School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Korea

Research Projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China:
Study on the electromagnetic scattering and predicting model for the target above/on the two-dimensional sea surface Study on electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface and composite model in the background Scattering from the random media with fractal structure Scattering from the non-spherical particle by the finite beam and its application in the phase Doppler
Projects of Chinese Ministries and Commissions:
Scattering characteristics of light spectrum for low-orbit satellite and its simulation (National 863 Projects) Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from the environment (the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of Ministry of Education, China) Study of the electromagnetic scattering from the land/sea surface (the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars) Study on the electomagnetic scattering from the target on/above the sea surface (the Chinese Foundation for the Postdoctoral Research)
International Cooperation Project:
Sino-France: measurement of non-spherical particles in multi-phase fluid

Research Awards
Received the Third Class Award of Science & Technology Progress by National in 1998.
Received First and Second Class Award of Science & Technology Progress by the Electronic Industry Ministry, China in 1997,1998, respectively.
In recent years, achievements of 4 projects were awarded in the Progress of Science & Technology of Shaanxi Province, China.

Honor Awards
The Teaching and Research Award for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of Ministry of Education, China(2006)
The Award of the Scientific Innovation for Chinese Young Scientists(2003)
The Award of the Scientific Innovation for Excellent Young Scholars, Shaanxi Province(2003)
The Award of the Excellent PhD Thesis, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Academia Scinica (1999)

Research Team
Team Leader
Prof. Lixin Guo (郭立新)
(click on the name to get more information)
Dr.Wei Liu(刘伟,associate professor)
Research interests: polarimetric scattering of ocean surface, analytical methods
Contact: liuwei@mail.xidian.edu.cn

Dr. Jiangting Li (李江挺,associate professor)
Research interests: EM waves theory and propagation in complex media
Contact: jtli@xidian.edu.cn

Dr. Rui Wang (王蕊,associate professor)
Research interests: scattering from rough surface and object, hybrid method

Dr. Songhua Liu (刘松华,associate professor)
Research interests: me[ant]tamaterial and EM scattering from targets
Contact: shliu@mail.xidian.edu.cn

Dr. Juan Li (李娟,associate professor)
Research interests: FDTD, scattering of complex media and parallel computing

Dr. Jingya Deng (邓敬亚,associate professor)
Research interests: antennas, array antenna design
Contact: jydeng@xidian.edu.cn

Dr. Kai Huang (黄锴,lecturer)
Research interests: computational electromagnetic, electromagnetic compatibility analysis
Contact: huangkai841025@126.com

Dr. Zhongyu Liu (刘忠玉,lecturer)
Research interests: electromagnetic wave propagation in complex environment, design and analysis of antenna
Contact: liuzhongyu2003@163.com

Dr. Huimin Li (李慧敏,lecturer)
Research interests:earth's magnetosphere, plasma waves
Contact: whdxlhm@hotmail.com

Dr. Pengcheng Zhao (赵鹏程,lecturer)
Research interests:wave propagation in troposphere
Contact: pczhao@xidian.edu.cn
Dr. Qian Tan (唐茜,lecturer)
Research interests:optical imaging and analysis
Contact: qtang@xidian.edu.cn
Current Ph.D. Students
(click on the name to get more information)
Sheng Xu (徐盛)
Research interests: EM waves propagation

Guangcheng Li (李广成)
Research interests: Scattering from ocean surface, GFBM/FPILE
Contact: y_leung@yahoo.cn

Pengju Yang (杨鹏举)
Research interests: Light scattering from rough surface
Contact: pjyang@yeah.net

Jiangman Li (李江漫)
Research interests: Numerical methods and rough surface scattering
Contact: lijiangmanyequ@163.com

Chungang Jia (贾春刚)
Research interests: Time domain methods, scattering
Contact: jcg.0502@163.com

Yiwen Wei (魏仪文)
Research interests: Method of Moment, EM scattering
Contact: ywwei0910@gmail.com

Shuirong Chai (柴水荣)
Research interests: Fast numerical methods
Contact: srchai1989@gmail.com

Qiang Wang (王强)
Research interests: Waves propagation

Runwen Xu (徐润汶)
Research interests: radar scattering, finite element method

Ke Li (李科)
Research interests:FDTD, rough surface scattering

Xiao Meng (孟肖)
Research interests:shooting and bouncing raymethod
Contact: mengxxkx1989@sina.com

Tianqi Fan (范天奇)
Research interests:shootingandbouncingraymethod
Contact: fan_tianqi@126.com

Hua Zhao (赵华)
Research interests:physical optics, near field problem

Huaiyun peng (彭怀云)
Research interests:

Jingfan Gao(高敬帆)
Research interests:

Jiao Liu (刘蛟)
Research interests:

Yu yang (杨郁)
Research interests:

Ying Liu (刘颖)
Research interests:

Wei Chen (陈伟)
Research interests:

Linjing Guo (郭琳静)
Research interests:

Current M.Sc. students:
(click on the name to get more information)
Year 2011
Year 2012
Year 2013

Wei Tao
Changlong Li
Bo Lv

Lianbo Zhang
Jiejing Sun
Min He

Wenlong Li
Hao Wang
Kaili Zhang

Zongbing Zhang
Long He
Xiaola Li

Yajun Bai
Xiaoxiao Wang
Tao Zhang

Xueyin Gou
Jiao Liu
De Liu

Zengfei Wei
Shanshan Xiong
Qi Cheng

Jian Jin
Zhengying Zhu
Hongjie He

Qian Wang

Wenxing Cai

Wei Chang

Chaoqi Xu

Past Ph.D. graduates
Yunhua Wang

Yuchao Ren

Xincheng Ren

Rui Wang

Chao Yang

Juan Li

Wei Liu
Jiangting Li
Baoke Ma
Zhongyu Liu
Anqi Wang
Kun Xue
Yu Liang
Past M.Sc. graduates
Coming soon!

Journal Papers in English
A. Publications in International Journals:
[1]Guo Lixin, Xu Runwen, “An efficient multiregion FEM-BIM for composite scattering from an arbitrary dielectrictarget above dielectric rough sea surfaces”, IEEE Trans. on Geosicence and Remote Sensing, Vol.53, No.7, pp.3885-3896, 2015.
[2]Guo Lixin, Liang Yu, “A study of electromagnetic scattering from conducting targets above and below the dielectric rough surface”, Optics Express, Vol.19, No.7, pp.5785-5801, 2011.
[3]Tian-Qi Fan, Li-Xin Guo, “A novel OpenGL-based MoM/SBR hybrid method for radiation pattern analysis of an antenna above an electrically large complicated platform”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.64, No.1, pp.201-209, 2016.
[4]Xiao Meng, Lixin Guo, Tianqi Fan, “Parallelized TSM-RT method for the fast RCS prediction of the 3D large scale sea surface by CUDA”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol.8, No.10, pp.4795-4804, 2015.
[5]Chai, Shui-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, “Compressive sensing for monostatic scattering from 3D NURBS geometries”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.64, No.8, pp.3545-3553, 2016.
[6]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulation and analysis of the spiky sea clutter from the sea surface with breaking waves”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.63, No.11, pp.4983-4994, 2015.
[7]Cheng Mingjian, Guo Lixin, Li Jiangting, Zhang Yixin, “Channel capacity of the OAM-based free-space optical communication links with Bessel–Gauss beams in turbulent ocean”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.8, No.1, **, 2016.
[8]J. M. Li, L. X. Guo, L. K. Lin, et al., “A new method of tipping calibration for ground-based microwave radiometer in cloudy atmosphere”, IEEE Trans. on Geosicence and Remote Sensing, Vol.52, No.9, pp.5506-5513, 2014.
[9]Liang Yu, Guo Lixin, “The fast EPILE combined with FBM for electromagnetic scattering from dielectric targets above and below the dielectric rough surface”, IEEE Trans. on Geosicence and Remote Sensing, Vol.49, No.10, pp.3892-3905, 2011.
[10]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of multiregion model to EM scattering from a dielectric rough surface with or without a target above it”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.61, No.11, pp.5607-5620, 2013.
[11]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Broadband patch antennas fed by novel tuned loop”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.61, No.4, pp.2290-2293, 2013.
[12]Zhang Pei, Bai Lu, Wu Zhen-Sen, Guo Li-Xin, “Applying the parabolic equation to tropospheric groundwave propagation”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol.58, No.3, pp 31-44, 2016.
[13]Yunhua Wang, Yanmin Zhang, Haihua Chen, and Lixin Guo, “Effects of atmospheric stability and wind fetch on microwave sea echoes”, IEEE Trans. on Geosicence and Remote Sensing, Vol.52, No.2, pp.929-935, 2014.
[14]Wei Chen, Guo Li-Xin, “Research on the FDTD method of electromagnetic wave scattering characteristics in time-varying and spatially nonuniform plasma sheath”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.44, No.12, pp.3235-3242, 2016.
[15]Hong-Jie He, Guo Li-Xin, “A multihybrid FE-BI-KA technique for 3-D electromagnetic scattering from a coated object above a conductive rough surface”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.13, No.12, pp.2009-2013, 2016.
[16]Run-Wen Xu, Li-Xin Guo, “A hybrid FEM/MoM technique for 3-D electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric object above a conductive rough surface”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.13, No.3, pp.314-318, 2016.
[17]Rui Wang, Lixin Guo, “Scattering from contaminated rough sea surface by iterative physical optics model”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.13, No.4, pp.500-504, 2016.
[18]Chai Shui-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, “Integration of CS into MoM for efficiently solving of bistatic scattering problems”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.15, No.1, pp. 1771-1774, 2016.
[19]Tian-Qi Fan, Li-Xin Guo, “An improved backward SBR-PO/PTD hybrid method for the backward scattering prediction of an electrically large target”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 15, pp. 512-515, 2016.
[20]Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, “An accelerated ray tracing method based on the TSM for the RCS prediction of 3-D large-scale dielectric sea surface”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 14, pp. 233-236, 2015.
[21]Jing-Ya Deng,Li-Xin Guo, “An efficient octree-based MoM-PO method for analysis of antennas on large platform”, IEEE AntennasWireless Propagation Lett., Vol.14, pp 819-822, 2015.
[22]Cheng Mingjian, Guo Lixin, Zhang Yixin, “Scintillationand aperture averaging for Gaussian beams through non- Kolmogorov maritime atmospheric turbulence channels”, Optics Express, Vol.23, No.25, pp 32606-32621, 2015.
[23]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “An efficient hybrid method for scattering from arbitrary dielectric objects buried under a rough surface: TM case”, Optics Express, Vol.22, No.6, pp.6844-6858, 2014.
[24]Fan Tianqi, Guo Lixin, “OpenGL-based hybrid GO/PO computation for RCS of electrically large complex objects”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 13, pp. 666-669, 2014.
[25]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Composite scattering of a plasma-coated target above dispersive sea surface by the ADE-FDTD method”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.5-8, 2013.
[26]Liang Yu, Guo Lixin, “The EPILE combined with the Generalized-FBM for analyzing the scattering from targets above and on a rough surface”, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 9, pp. 809-813, 2010.
[27]Guo Lixin, Li Juan, Zeng Hao, “Bistatic scattering from a three-dimensional object above a two- dimensional randomly rough surface modeled with the parallel FDTD approach”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.26, No.11, pp.2383-2392, 2009.
[28]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “A fast PO-PO hybrid method for analysing the Doppler spectrum of a plasma- coated object above a rough sea surface: horizontal polarization”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 845-862, 2015.
[29]Wei, Yiwen, Guo Lixin, Meng Xiao, “The fast simulation of scattering characteristics from a simplified time varying sea surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2015, Article ID 815913, 8 pages, 2015.
[30]Li, Juan, Guo, Li-Xin, Chai, Shui-Rong, Jiao Yong-Chang, “Electromagnetic scattering from a PEC object above a dielectric rough sea surface by a hybrid PO-PO method”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.25, No.1, pp 60-74, 2015.
[31]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of hybrid finite element-boundary integral algorithm for solving electromagnetic scattering from multiple objects over rough sea surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2014, Article ID 301934, 10 pages.
[32]Chungang Jia, Lixin Guo, “Graphics processor unit accelerated finite-difference time domain method for electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional large scale rough soil surface at low grazing incidence”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 8, pp. 084795-1-084795-10, 2014.
[33]YangPeng-Ju, Guo Li-Xin, Jia Chun-Gang, “Electromagnetic scattering and doppler spectrum simulation of time-varying oil-covered nonlinear sea surface”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol.10, pp.016015, 2016.
[34]Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, and Wang Rui “PO–PO method for electromagnetic backscattering from a 2D arbitrary dielectric-coated conducting target located above a 1D randomly rough surface: horizontal polarization”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol.8, No.15, pp.1340-1347, 2014.
[35]YangPeng-Ju, Guo Li-Xin, “Polarimetric doppler spectrum of backscattered echoes from nonlinear sea surface damped by natural slicks”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol.184, pp 193-204, 2016.
[36]Li Juan, Guo Li-Xin, and Chai Shui-Rong, “Composite electromagnetic scattering from an object situated above rough surface”, Applied Optics, Vol.53, No.35, pp.8189–8196, 2014.
[37]Li Ke, Guo Li-Xin, Li Juan, “Scattering and doppler spectral analysis for a fast-moving target above time-varying lossy dielectric sea surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,Vol.2016, pp.**, 2016.
[38]YangPeng-Ju, Guo Li-Xin, “Polarimetric scattering from two-dimensional dielectric rough sea surface with a ship-induced Kelvin wake”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol.2016, pp.**, 2016.
[39]Rui Wang, Shui-rong Chai,and Li-xin Guo, “Fast hybrid method for the study on monostatic scattering from plasma-coated target above a rough surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2014, ID 762603, 13 pages, 2014.
[40]Jia Chungang, Guo Lixin, “Time-Domain Physical Optics Method for the analysis of wide-band EM scattering from two-dimensional conducting rough surface”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol.2013, Article ID 584260, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/584260.
[41]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, “Efficient three-dimensional ray-tracing model for electromagnetic propagation prediction in complex indoor environments”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A ,Vol. 30, No. 8 pp.1654-1660, 2013.
[42]Cheng M J, Guo L X, Li J, et al. “Propagation of an optical vortex carried by a partially coherent Laguerre–Gaussian beam in turbulent ocean”, Applied Optics, Vol.55, No.17, pp.4642-4648, 2016.
[43]Cheng M J, Guo L X, Li J, et al. “Propagation properties of an optical vortex carried by a Bessel–Gaussian beam in anisotropic turbulence”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A , Vol.33, No.8, pp.1442-1450, 2016.
[44]Li Ren-xian, Guo Lixin, “Scattering of an axicon-generated Bessel beam by a sphere”, Optics Communications, Vol.307, pp.25-31, 2013.
[45]Li Ren-xian, Guo Li-xin, Ding Cun-ying,“Debye series analysis of optical force induced by axicon-generated Besselbeam”, J. of Modern Optics, Vol.62, No.6, pp.493-502, 2015.
[46]Guo Lixin, Liang Yu, “A high order integral SPM for the conducting rough surface scattering with the tapered wave incidence-TE case”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 114, pp.333-352, 2011.
[47]Guo Lixin, Wang Anqi, “Parallel fast multiple method for electromagnetic scattering from one- dimensional large-scale two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces for large angles of incidence”, IET Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 5, No.15, pp.1813-1821, 2011.
[48]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on wide-band scattering of a target above randomly rough surface by FDTD method”, Optics Express, Vol.19, No.2, pp.1091-1100, 2011.
[49]Li Jiangman, Guo Lixin, “A Dual-frequency method of eliminating liquid water radiation to remotely sense cloudy atmosphere by ground-based microwave radiometer”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 138, pp.629-645, 2013.
[50]Guo Lixin, Wang Anqi, Majun, “Study on EM wave scattering from 2-D target above 1-D large scale rough surface with low grazing incidence by parallel MOM based on PC clusters,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER89, pp.149-166, 2009.
[51]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering of plane wave/ Gaussian beam by adjacent multi-particles”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol.14, pp.219-245, 2009.
[52]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, and Tao Wei, “Full automatic preprocessing of digital map for 2.5D ray tracing propagation model in urban microcellular environment”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.23, No.3, pp.267-278, 2013.
[53]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, and Fan Tianqi, “Microcellular propagation prediction model based on an improved ray tracing algorithm”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. Vol.30, No.11, pp.2372-2380, 2013.
[54]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering of Gaussian beam by 2-D targets”, Radio Science, Vol.42, No.4, RS4012, 2007.
[55]Chai Shui-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, “Fast analysis of bistatic scattering problems with compressive sensing technique”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.30, No.10, pp.1755-1762, 2016.
[56]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD method investigation on the polar-metric scattering from 2-D rough surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 101, pp.173-188, 2010.
[57]Li Jiangting, Guo Lixin, “Research on electromagnetic scattering characteristics of reentry vehicles and blackout forecast model”, J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.26, No.13, pp.1767-1778, 2012.
[58]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulations of electromagnetic scattering from 2D rough surface: Geometric modeling by NURBS surface”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.24, No.10, pp.1315-1328, 2010.
[59]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Multi-band antenna using mushroom-shaped self-complementary resonators”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.25, No.17-18, pp.2497-2504, 2011.
[60]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Narrow band notches for ultra-wideband antenna using electromagnetic band-gap structures”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.25, No.17-18, pp.2320-2327, 2011.
[61]Deng Jingya, Guo Lixin, “Dual-band antenna with inserted edge resonators and U-slot DGS”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.26, No.10, pp.1292-1299, 2012.
[62]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Statistical characteristics of the multi-path time delay and Doppler shift of a radar wave propagation through the ionosphere”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 138, pp.479-497, 2013.
[63]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces”, Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal, Vol.25, No.5, pp.450-457, 2010.
[64]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Fast numerical method for electromagnetic scattering from an object above a large-scale la[ant]yered rough surface at large incident angle: vertical polarization”, Applied Optics, Vol.50, No.4, pp.500-508, 2011.
[65]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Hybrid FE-BI-KA method in analyzing scattering from dielectric object above sea surface”, IET Electronic Letters, Vol.47, No.20, pp.1147-1148, 2011.
[66]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Higher order method of moments for bistatic scattering from 2D PEC rough surface with geometric modeling by NURBS surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 130, pp.85-104, 2012.
[67]Li Jie, Wei Bing, He Qiong, Guo Lixin, Ge Debiao, “Time-domain iterative physical optics method for analysis of EM scattering from the target half buried in rough surface: PEC case”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 121, pp. 391-408, 2011.
[68]Liu Songhua, Guo Lixin, “Negative refraction in an anisotropic me[ant]ta-material with a rotation angle between the principal axis and the planar interface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 115, pp.243-257, 2011.
[69]F.G. Mitri, R.X. Li, L.X. Guo, C.Y.Ding,“Resonance scattering of a dielectric sphere illuminated by electromagnetic Bessel non-diffracting (vortex) beams with arbitrary incidence and selective polarization”, Annals Physics, 361(2015): 120-147.
[70]Sheng Xu, Bei-ChenZhang, Rui-YuanLiu, Li-Xin Guo, “Comparative studies on ionospheric climatological features of NmF2 among the Arctic and Antarctic stations”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol.119, pp.63-70, 2014.
[71]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, “A Quasi three-dimensional ray tracing method based on the virtual source tree in urban microcellular environments”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 118, pp.397-414, 2011.
[72]Li Renxian, Ren Kuanfang, Han Xiang’e, Wu Zhensen, Guo Lixin, Gong Shuxi, “Analysis of radiation pressure force exerted on a biological cell induced by high-order Bessel beams using Debye series”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol.126, pp.69-77, 2013.
[73]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Study on electromagnetic scattering from the time-varying lossy dielectric ocean and a moving conducting plate above it”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.26, No.3, pp.517-529, 2009.
[74]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Message-passing-interface-based parallel FDTD investigation on the EM scattering from a 1-D rough sea surface using uniaxial perfectly matched la[ant]yer absorbing boundary”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.26, No.6, pp.1494-1502,2009.
[75]Wei Yi-Wen, Guo Li-Xin, “Application of multiregion model to EMscattering from a dielectric target above or below a dielectric rough surface”, Waves in Complex and Random Media, Vol.26, No.2, pp.152-167, 2016.
[76]YangPeng-Ju, Guo Li-Xin, “Doppler spectrum of polarimetric scattering field from two-dimensional time-varying nonlinear sea surfaces”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.26,No.4,pp.516-534, 2016.
[77]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on scattering from a plasma coated target over rough sea surface using a multi-hybrid method”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.22, No.3, pp.344-355, 2012.
[78]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Frequency response of 1D dispersive sea surface by the ADE-FDTD algorithm”, Waves in Random and Complex Media,Vol.22, No.2, pp.305-316, 2012.
[79]Wei Bing, Zhou Yun, Ge Debiao, Guo Lixin, “A general finite difference time domain method for hybrid dispersive media model”,Waves in Random and Complex Media,Vol.21, No.2, pp.336-347, 2011.
[80]Li Juan, Guo Lixin and Zeng Hao, “FDTD investigation on bistatic scattering from two- dimensional rough surface with UPML absorbing condition”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.19, No.3, pp.418-429, 2009.
[81]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin and Zeng Hao, “Study on 1D large scale rough surface scattering at low grazing incident angle by parallel MOM based on PC clusters”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.19, No.4, pp.585-599, 2009.
[82]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from a target above a randomly rough sea surfaces”, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol.18, No.4, pp.641-650, 2008.
[83]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on the bistatic scattering from a target above two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces using UPML absorbing condition”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 88, pp.197-211, 2008.
[84]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulations of wave scattering from two-la[ant]yered rough surface”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research B, Vol.10, pp.163-175, 2008.
[85]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, He Mingxia, and Guo Lixin, “Calculation of electromagnetic scattering from a two-dimensional target in the vicinity of a plane surface by a hybrid method”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp.1232-1239, 2008.
[86]Xu R, Guo L X, Meng X, “Scattering from a target above rough sea surface with breaking water wave by an iterative analytic-numerical method”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.41, pp.115-123, 2015.
[87]P. J. Yang, L. X. Guo, Q. Wang, “Circularly polarized wave scattering from two-dimensional dielectric rough sea surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.44, pp 119-126, 2015.
[88]Bao-Ke Ma, Li-Xin Guo, Hong-Tao Su, Bei-Chen Zhang, “Research on the ionospheric ion velocity distribution and the incoherent scattering spectra of the radar with the 16-moments approximation for the relaxation collision model”, Optik, Vol.125, pp.75-83, 2014.
[89]Xu R, Guo L X, Meng X., “Analysis of scattering fromdielectric rough surfaces by hybrid FEM/BIE”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.34, pp.107-116, 2014.
[90]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Simulated ion velocity distribution and its incoherent scattering spectrum in the high- latitude ionosphere”, Journal of the Korean Physical Soc.,Vol.63, No.8, pp.1666-1674, 2013.
[91]Deng Jing Ya, Guo Lixin, “Wideband circularly porlarized suspended patch antenna with indented edge and gap-coupled feed”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 135, pp.151-159, 2013.
[92]Qin Santuan, Gong Shuxi, Guo Lixin, “A TDIE/TDPO hybrid method for the analysis of TM transient scattering from two-dimensional combinative conducting cylinders”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 102, pp.181-195, 2010.
[93]Wu Zhensen, Zhang Jinpeng, Guo Lixin, “An improved two-scale model with volume scattering for the dynamic ocean surface”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 89, pp.39-56, 2009.
[94]Wu Zhensen, Wei Hongyan, Yang Ruike, Guo Lixin, “Study on scintillation considering inner- and outer-scales for laser beam propagation on the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 80, pp.277-293, 2008.
[95]Wei Bing, He Qiong, Li Jie, Li Renxian, Guo Lixin, “Transient response of thin wire above a la[ant]yered half-space using TDIE/FDTD hybrid method”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2012.
[96]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Application of the extended boundary condition method to electromagnetic scattering from rough dielectric fractal sea surface”, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol.18, No.9, pp.1219-1234, 2004.
[97]Guo Lixinand Zhao Kang, “Study on the characteristic of IR radiation from the space target”, Int. J. Infrared and Mill. Wave., Vol.25, No.1, pp.119-127, 2004.
[98]Guo Lixinand Zhao Kang, “Study on the characteristic of IR radiation from the target of a shell containing the cone”,Int. J. Infrared and Mill. Wave., Vol.25, No.6, pp.917-927, 2004.
[99]Xu Run-Wen, Guo Li-Xin, He Hong-Jie, “Study on scattering from multil[ant]ayer rough surfaces with an object buried with FEM/PML”, Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, Vol.58, No.2, pp.429-433,2016.
[100]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Application of FFT to light scattering from one-dimensional fractal rough surface”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.35, No.4, pp.317-322, 2002.
[101]Guo Lixin, Kim Che-young, “Light scattering models for a spherical particle above a slightly dielectric rough surface”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.33, No.2, pp.142-146, 2002.
[102]Luo Zhimin, Guo Lixin, “Study on the scintillation for optical wave propagation in the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence with considering the inner scale effect”,Int. J. Infrared and Mill. Wave., Vol.23, No.1, pp.167-175, 2002.
[103]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung, “Study on the two-frequency scattering cross section and pulse broadening of the one-dimensional fractal sea surface at millimeter wave frequency”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 37, pp.221-234, 2002.
[104]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung, Wu Zhensen, “A study of optical backscattering enhancement from one-dimensional rough surface using Monte Carlo method”, Int. J. Infrared and Mill. Wave, Vol.22, No.8, pp.1249-1258, 2001.
[105]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Fractal model and electromagnetic scattering from the time-varying sea surface”, IEE of Electronic Letters, Vol.36, No.21, pp.1810-1812, 2000.
[106]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on light scattering from two dimensional rough surface ”, Int. J. Infrared and Mill. Wave., Vol.21, No.12, pp.2099-2106, 2000.
[107]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Rainbow scattering by an inhomogeneous cylinder with an off-axis Gaussian beam incidence at normal”, Int. J. Infrared and Mill. Wave.,Vol.21, No.11, pp.1879-1886, 2000.
[108]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from a multi-la[ant]yered cylinder arbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam, a new recursive algorithms”, Progress In Electromagnetic Research, PIER 18, pp.317-333, 1998 (Also see Abstract in J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Vol.12, pp.725-726) .
[109]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, et al, “Improved algorithms for electromagnetic scattering of plane waves and shaped beams by a multi-la[ant]yered sphere”, Applied Opt., Vol.36, No.21, pp.5188-5198, 1997.
[110]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Wei Bing, Yang Ziyuan, “Analysis of optical spectra and SH parameters of V3+ centers in ZnO crystals”, Optical Materials, Vol.34, No. 7, pp.1092-1094, 2012.
[111]Wei Qun, Brik Mikhail G, Guo Lixin, Wei Bing, “Investigations of g factors for the 2E state of V2+ ions in Al2O3 crystals”, Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 97, pp.50-53, 2012.
[112]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Wei Bing, Zhu Xuanmin, “Optical spectra and defect structure for v2 ions in ZnS at low temperature”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, No. 14, pp.2808-2810, 2012.
[113]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Yang Ziyuan, Wei Bing, Zhang Dongyun, “Studies of the defect structure for V3+ ions in wurtzite structure ZnO”, Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol.82 , No.1, pp.137-139, 2011.
[114]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Yang Ziyuan, Wei Bing, “Spin-spin and spin-other-orbit interactions of spin-Hamiltonian parameters for 3d2(8) Ions in Al2O3 crystals”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.119 , No.6, pp.857-859, 2011.
[115]Wei Qun, Guo Lixin, Yang Ziyuan, Wei Bing, “Studies of the g factors of the ground 4A2 and the first excited 2E state of Cr3+ ions in emerald”, Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol.79, No.5, pp.1187-1190, 2011.
B. Publications in Chinese Journals(in English):
[1]Guo Lixin,Gou Xueyin, “Bidirectional reflectance distribution function modeling of one-dimensional rough surface in the microwave band”,Chinese Physics B, Vol.23, No.11, pp. 114102-1-114102-9, 2014.
[2]Guo Lixin, Wang Rui, Wu Zhensen, “Application of the method of equivalent edge currents to composite scattering from the cone-cylinder above a dielectric rough sea surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.4, pp.044102-1-044102-12, 2010.
[3]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Study on electromagnetic backscattering and Doppler spectrum of a moving spherical target above time-varying sea surface”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.51, No.3, pp.269-281, 2008.
[4]Yang Pengju, Guo Lixin,“Doppler spectrum analysis of time-evolving sea surface covered by oil spills”,Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.32, No.4, pp.044101-1~044101-4, 2015.
[5]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “An iterative analytic–numerical method for scattering from a target buried beneath a rough surface”,Chinese Physics B, Vol.23, No.11, pp. 114101-1-114101-6, 2014.
[6]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “Composite scattering from an arbitrary dielectric target above the dielectric rough surface with FEM/PML”, Chinese Phys Lett. Vol.30, No.12, 124101-1-124101-5, 2013.
[7]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Multi-hybrid method for Investigation of EM scattering from inhomogeneousobject above a dielectric rough surface”, Science in China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.55, No.10, pp.1781-1790, 2012.
[8]Yang Chao, Jin Wei, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic wave propagation over oil-covered sea surface”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,Vol.29, No.7, pp.074210-1~074210-4, 2012.
[9]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Application of multiregion model to the EM scattering from a rough surface with or without a target above it”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.20, No.5, pp. 050201-1-050201-11, 2011.
[10]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin,“Electromagnetic scattering from a two-la[ant]yered rough interfaces with a PEC object: vertical polarization”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.20, No.5, pp.050202-1-050202-10, 2011.
[11]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface with PM spectrum covered by an organic film”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.28, No.3, pp.034101-1~034101-4, 2011.
[12]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from randomly rough surfaces with hybrid FEM/BIE”,Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.28, No.10, pp.104101-1~104101-4, 2011.
[13]Yang Chao, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Investigation on global positioning system signal scattering and propagation over the rough sea surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.5, pp.054101-1-**-9, 2010.
[14]Liu Wei, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Polarimetric scattering from a two-dimensional improved sea fractal surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.7, pp.074102-1-074102-9, 2010.
[15] Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Hybrid method for investigation ofelectromagnetic scattering from conducting target above the randomly rough surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.4, pp.1503-1511, 2009.
[16]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from two-la[ant]yer rough interfaces in the Kirchhoff approximation”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.8, pp.3422-3430, 2009.
[17]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “Investigation of composite electromagnetic scattering from ship-like target on the randomly rough sea surfaces using FDTD method”Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.7, pp.2757-2763, 2009.
[18]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin, “Study of MPI based on parallel MOM on PC clusters for EM-beam scattering by 2-D PEC rough surfaces”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.8, pp.3431-3437, 2009.
[19]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces under UPML absorbing condition”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,Vol.26, No.3, pp.034101-1~034101-4, 2009.
[20]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on transient electromagnetic scattering from a randomly roughsurface and the perfectly electric conductor target with an arbitrary cross section above it”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.52, No.5, pp.665-675, 2009.
[21]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin, “Unification of the Kirchhoff approximation and the method of moment for optical scattering from lossy dielectric Gaussian random rough surface”, Chinese Optical Letters, Vol.7, No.3, pp.259-262, 2009.
[22]Xue Kun, Guo Lixin, “16-moment approximation for ion velocity distribution and its application in calculations of incoherent scattering spectra”, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.2, pp.152 -158, 2009.
[23]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Optical wave transmission through slightly Gaussian rough surface of la[ant]yered medium” Chinese J of Computational Physics, Vol.26, No.3, pp.422-429, 2009.
[24]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Two-frequency mutual coherence function and its applications to pulse scattering by random rough surface”, Science in China, Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,Vol.51, No.2, pp.157-164, 2008.
[25]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Study on electromagnetic wave transmissionfrom slightly Gaussianrough surface e of la[ant]yered medium”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,.Vol.25, No.1, pp.101-104, 2008.
[26]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on electromagnetic scattering from rough soil surface of la[ant]yered medium using the small perturbation method”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.17, No.7, pp.2491-2498, 2008.
[27]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from 2D Weierstrass fractal dielectric rough surface”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.17, No.8, pp.2956-2962, 2008.
[28]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Scattering from Alpha-stable non-Gaussian distributed surfaces”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,.Vol.24, No.1, pp.97-100, 2007.
[29]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “A time domain algorithm on the reconstruction of rough surfaces”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,.Vol.24, No.3, pp.702-705, 2007.
[30] Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Study on optical wave scatteringfrom slightly Gaussianrough surface of la[ant]yered medium”, Chinese Optical Letters, Vol.5, No.10, pp.605-608, 2007.
[31]Zhang Yanmin, Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “Study of scattering from time-varying Gerstners sea surface using second order small slope approximation”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.5, pp.054103 -1-054103-9, 2010.
[32]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on the Doppler shifts induced by 1-D ocean surface wave displacements by the first order small slope approximation theory: comparison of hydrodynamic models”, Chinese Physics B, Vol.19, No.7, pp.074103 -1-074103-8, 2010.
[33]Wang Yunhua, Zhang Yanmin, Guo Lixin, “Doppler shifts of backscattering fields from one dimensional linear and nonlinear ocean surface by SSA-II”, Chinese Physics Lett.,Vol.27, No.10, pp.104101-1-074103-8, 2010.
[34]Guo Lixin, Wei Guohui, et al., “The Modification of the classical SPM for the slightly rough surface scattering with low grazing angle incidence”, Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol.44, No.5, pp.901-907, 2005.
[35]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, Wu Qiong,“Electromagnetic scattering from two parallel 2-D targets arbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam”, Chinese Physics, Vol.15, No.8, pp.1755-1765, 2006.
[36]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Direct solution of the Inverse problem for rough surface scattering”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,. Vol.23, No.9, pp.2426-2429, 2006.
[37]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “Modified two-scale model for electromagnetic scattering from the non- Gaussian oceanic surface”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.22, No.11, pp.2808-2811, 2005.
[38]Guo Lixin, Wu Chunyu, Kim Cheyoung, Wuzhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from a one- dimensional time-varying sea surface with Gaussian-like beam incidence”, Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 413- 418, 2004.
[39]Guo Lixin and Wang Yunhua, “Study on the shadowing effect for optical wave scattering from randomly rough surface”, Chinese Optical Letters, Vol.2, No.7, pp.431-434, 2004.
[40]Guo Lixin, Chen Jianjun, Wu Zhensen, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering from the very rough fractal sea surface”, Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol.40, No.1, pp.95-100, 2003.
[41]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Moment method with wavelet expansions for fractal rough surface scattering”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.19, No.11, pp.1617-1620, 2002.
[42]Guo Lixin, Jiao Licheng and Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from two dimensional fBm rough surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, Chinese. Phys. Lett., Vol.18, No.2, pp. 214-216, 2001.
[43]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from two-dimensional fractal rough surface”, Chinese. Phys. Lett., Vol.18, No.1, pp.42-44, 2001.
[44]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “A modified perturbation method of electromagnetic scattering from rough surface with considering the effect of the curvature”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.18, No.6, pp.767-770, 2001.
[45]Guo Lixin, Luo Zhimin, Wu Zhensen, “A study of optical scintillation in the atmospheric turbulence by using modification of the Rytov method”, Chin. J of Electronic, Vol.10, No.3, pp.300-304, 2001.
[46]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from fractal multi-la[ant]yered cylinder at normal incidence”, J. of System Engineering and Electronic, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-6, 1997.
[47]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional fractal surface”, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol.11, No.5, pp.257-260, 1994.
Journal Papers in Chinese (by date)
[1]Chai Shui-Rong,Guo Li-Xin,“A new fast algorithm based on compressive sensing for composite electromagnetic back scattering from a 2D ship located on a 1D rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.64,No.6,pp.060301-1-060301-8, 2015.
[2]Tian Wei,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on composite electromagnetic scattering from the double rectangular cross-section columns above rough sea surface using hybrid method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.64,No.17,pp.174101-1-174101-7, 2015.
[3]Wei Yi-wen,Guo Li-xin,Yin Hong-cheng,“Analysis of the scattering characteristics of sea surface with the influence from internal wave”,Journal of Radars,Vol.4, No.3, pp.326-333, 2015.
[4]Li Wen-Long,Guo Li-Xin,“Modeling and electromagnetic scattering from the overturning wave crest”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.16,pp.164102-1-164102-9, 2014.
[5]Fan Tian-Qi,Guo Li-Xin,“Research on the facet model of electromagnetic scatterings from rough sea surface with foams”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.21,pp.214104-1-214104-10, 2014.
[6]Xu sheng,Zhang Bei-Chen, Liu Rui-Yuan,Guo Li-Xin,“Comparative studies on solar activity variations of NmF2at the at the aratic and Antarctic stations”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.57, No.11, pp.3502-3512, 2014.
[7]Li Guangcheng,Guo Lixin,Liu Wei,“Polarization signature of composite scattering from cuboidal target on sea surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.5,pp.853-857, 2014.
[8]Li Jiangman,Guo Lixin,“Improved algorithm of self-calibration technology by the ground-based microwave radiometer”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.41, No.4, pp.77-81, 2014.
[9]Li Jiangman,Zhao Zhenwei,Guo Lixin,“A subsection orthogonal neural network technique for the ground-based radiometer to remotely sense cloudy atmosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.6,pp.1105-1109, 2014.
[10]Gou Xueyin,Guo Lixin,“Support vector machine and neural network in inversion of rough surface parameters”,Chinese J. of Computational Physics,Vol.31,No.1,pp.75-84, 2014.
[11]Zhu Xiao-Min,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on wide-band scattering from rectangular cross-section ab ove rough land surface with exponential type distribution using FDTD”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.5,pp.054101-1-054101-8, 2014.
[12]Wang Rui,Chai Shuirong,Guo Lixin,“The study of the scattering from a dielectric coated airfoil above a rough surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.6,pp.1051-1056, 2014.
[13]Liu ZhongYu,Guo LiXin,Zhong ZhiMeng Lu XiaoFeng,“Improved ray tracing prediction model in urban microcellular environments”,J. of Xidian University, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 169-176, 2014.
[14]Xu Run-Wen,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from missile target above sea surface with finite element/boundary integral method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.62,No.17,pp.170301-1-170301-7, 2013.
[15]Zhang Lianbo,Guo Li-Xin,“Method of moment investigation on electromagnetic scattering from the three-la[ant]yered rough interfaces”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.40, No.6, pp.147-154, 2013.
[16]Zheng Fan,Guo Lixin,“Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from the wind-blown barchan”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.40, No.6, pp.132-139, 2013.
[17]Liu Wei,Guo Lixin,“Secondary electromagnetic polarimetric scattering from dune surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.62,No.14,pp.144213-1-144213-7, 2013.
[18]Li Jiangman,Shu Tingting,Lin Leke,Guo Lixin,Zhao Zhenwei,“The improved linear regression arithmetic of radiometers to retrieve the atmosphere refractivity”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.28, No.2, pp.316-320, 2013.
[19]Peng Huaiyun,Pan Weiyan,Guo Lixin,“Legendre function series method for ELF fields excited by horizontal electric dipole in earth-ionosphere cavity”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.28, No.4, pp.851-856, 2013.
[20]Mao Yuan,Guo Li-Xin,”A new method to predict the wind direction from HF radar Doppler spectrum”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.4,pp.044201-1-044201-6, 2012.
[21]Li Jun-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Design and simulation of a single-sided left-handed material in THz regime”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.12,pp.124102-1-124102-8, 2012.
[22]Li Jie,Guo Li-Xin,“Accurate geometry modeling in analysis of composite EM scattering”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.39, No.6, pp.92-98, 2012.
[23] Zhu Xiaomin,Ren Xincheng,Guo Li-Xin,“FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering of 1D band-limited Weierstrass fractal la[ant]yered land surface and a conducting column with rectangular cross-section”,Chinese Journal of Computational Physics,Vol.29, No.3, pp.399-405, 2012.
[24]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,Jiao Yong-Chang,“Investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the column with rectangular cross-section and rough land surface covered with snow using finite difference time domain method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.14,pp.144101-1-144101-10, 2012.
[25]Tian Wei,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Hybrid method of electromagnetic scattering between the fractal sea surface and its above targets”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.34,No.9,pp.1775-1780, 2012.
[26]Liang Yu,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the reconstruction of rough surface with hybrid method”,Acta Physica Sinica,Vol.60,No.3,pp.034102-1-034102-9, 2011.
[27]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“Polarimetric scattering from two-dimensional exponent spectrum rough surface characterized by textures”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.33,No.2,pp.242-248, 2011.
[28]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,“Electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma sheath of hypersonic vehicles”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.33,No.5,pp.969-973, 2011.
[29]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-Xin,“EM wave propagation characteristic in plasma sheath”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.3,pp.494-499, 2011.
[30]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,“Electromagnetic scattering by dangerous debris and irregularities in ionosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.6,pp.1158-1164, 2011.
[31]Li Guang-cheng,Guo Li-xin,“Influence of obstacle towards electromagnetic wave propagation in the evaporation duct”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.4,pp.621-627, 2011.
[32]Qin San-Tuan,Guo Li-Xin,“A hybrid algorithm for the transient scattering from a two-dimensional conductor target above a randomly rough surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.60,No.7,pp.074217-1-074217-9, 2011.
[33]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of monostatic and bistatic polarimetric scattering from the two-dimensional gauss rough surface characterized by textures”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.38, No.6, pp.75-81, 2011.
[34]Guo Li-Xin,Ma Jun,“Calculation of EM beam scattering from two-dimensional rough surface by parallel MOM based on MPI platform”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, Vol.32, No.9, pp.1841-1845, 2010.
[35]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the buried target and the rough surface in different types of soil”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.59,No.5,pp.3179-3186, 2010.
[36]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from la[ant]yered rough surface”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, Vol.32, No.10, pp.2098-2102, 2010.
[37]Yang Chao,Guo Li-xin,WU Zhen-sen,“Application of least square support vector machine to predict the evaporation duct”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.25, No.4, pp.632-637, 2010.
[38]Ma Bao-ke,Guo Li-xin,MA Bao-ke,“Power spectrum of ionospheric scintillation and inversion of drift velocity of irregularities”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.25, No.4, pp.779-784, 2010.
[39]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission coefficient through exponential distribution rough surface of stratified medium”,HIGH POWER LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS,Vol.22,No.1,pp.135-139, 2010.
[40]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,MA Bao-ke,ZHANG Bei-Chen,Study on the characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from the dust plasma in the atmosphere,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.53, No.12, pp.2829-2835, 2010.
[41]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from Gaussian dielectric rough surface using small slope approximation method”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.24, No.1, pp.77-82, 2009.
[42]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from 2-D fBm rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.58,No.3,pp.1627-1634, 2009.
[43]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“Application of 20-moment approximation for ion velocity distribution function in calculations of incoherent scatter spectra”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.52, No.4, pp.878-886, 2009.
[44]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,Wu Jian,“The ion distribution function from Maxwell molecule collision model and calculations of incoherent scatter spectra”,Chinese J. of Space Science,Vol.29, No.3, pp.287-295, 2009.
[45]Guo Li-Xin,Li Hong-Qiang,“Characteristics of radio wave propagation in the evaporation duct environment over the rough surface by the improved DMFT algorithm”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.24, No.3, pp.414-421, 2009.
[46]Liang Yu,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of the electromagnetic scattering from the rough sea surface with bubbles/foams by the modified two-scale method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.58,No.9, pp.6156-6166, 2009.
[47]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface using small slope approximation”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.31, No.8, pp.1814-1818, 2009.
[48]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“New study of polarimetric scattering of the two-dimensional sea surface”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.3, pp.517-523, 2009.
[49]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation electromagnetic scattering from the 1-D band-limited Weierstrass fractal rough surface of the la[ant]yered medium”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.2, pp.322-330, 2009.
[50]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Study the propagation characteristic of radio wave in atmospheric duct”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.6, pp.1097- 1102, 2009.
[51]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission from 2-D fBm fractal rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”,J. Of Electronics & Information Technology,Vol.31,No.1,pp.233-237, 2009.
[52]Ma Bao-ke,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on the scintillation of microwave propagating through the atmospheric turbulence of northern region in China”,Journal of Microwaves,Vol.25,No.4,pp.28-32, 2009.
[53]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“The polynomial solutions of the ion velocity distributions in the high-latitude auroral ionosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.24, No.5, pp.813-819, 2009.
[54]Guo Li-Xin,WANG Rui,“Study on the Doppler shift and the spectrum widening of the scattered echoes from the 2-D rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3464-3472, 2008.
[55]Guo Li-Xin,WANG Rui,“Study on the electromagnetic scattering from a conducting plate above the time-dependant sea surface”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.51, No.6, pp.1695-1703,2008.
[56]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Hybrid method for investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the conducting target and rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3473-3480, 2008.
[57]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on the transmission coefficient from Gaussian rough surface using the Kirchhoff stationary-phase approximation”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.30, No.2, pp.213-217, 2008.
[58] Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Optical transmission from exponentially distributed rough surface of la[ant]yered medium using perturbation method”,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.28,No.6,pp.1208-1214,2008.
[59]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“Application of non-Maxwellian distribution for the ion velocity in calculation of incoherent scattering spectra in high-latitude ionosphere”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.35, No.4, pp.658-663, 2008.
[60]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from the spheroid covered with the plasma”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.35, No.5, pp.903-909, 2008.
[61]Wang Yunhua,Guo Lixin,“The application of an improved 1D fractal model for EM scattering from sea surface”,ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,Vol.35, No.3, pp.478-483,2007.
[62]Yang Jun-Ling,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of electromagnetic scattering from fractal sea surface based on non-fully developed sea spectrum”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.56,No.4,pp.2106-2114, 2007.
[63]Guo Li-Xin,Wang Yunhua,“Application of modified two-scale model for scattering from non-Gaussion sea surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.22, No.2, pp.212-218, 2007.
[64]Wang Yunhua,Guo Li-Xin,“Light scattering of plane wave/Gaussian beam from two adjacent objects”,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.27, No.9, pp. 1711-1718, 2007.
[65]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation of characteristics of transmission codefficient from 1D band limited Weierstrass fractal rough surface”,Journal of Xidian University,Vol.34, No.4, pp.590-595, 2007.
[66]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering interaction between the sea surface and the two-dimensional target above it”, J. of Xidian University,Vol.34, No.6, pp.958-963, 2007.
[67]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, “Application of the equivalence principle and the reciprocity theorem to electromagnetic scattering from two adjacent spherical objects”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.55, No.11, pp.5815-5823, 2006.
[68]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “The application of an improved 2D fractal model for electromagnetic scattering from the sea surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.55, No.10, pp. 209-217,2006.
[69]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and a 2-D conducting slightly rough surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.54, No.11, pp.5130-5138, 2005.
[70]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering and Doppler spectra from two-scale time-varying fractal rough sea surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.54, No.1 pp.96-101, 2005.
[71]Guo Lixin, Xu yan and Wu Zhensen, “Modeling of the scattering from fractal rough sea surface with Gaussian-beam incidence”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.33, No.3, pp.534-537, 2005.
[72]Yi Xiuxiong, Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Study on the optical scintillation for Gaussian beam propagation in the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.25,No.4, pp.433-438, 2005.
[73]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “ Electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and 1D slightly rough surface”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.20, No.5, pp.580-585, 2005.
[74]Guo Lixin, Chen Jianjun, “Study of electromagnetic scattering from the rough surface using the small slope approximation”, J. Of Xidian University, Vol.32, No.3, pp.408-413, 2005.
[75]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “Study on the shadowing effect and Doppler spectra for the scattering from the time-varying fractal rough sea surface”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.27, No.10, pp.1666-1670, 2005.
[76]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung and Wu Zhensen, “Extended boundary condition method of electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional rough dielectric fractal sea surface”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.32, No.1, pp.139-142, 2004.
[77]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung and Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from a spherical particle above a slightly rough surface and the calculation of the scattering cross section”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.23, No.6, pp.717-723, 2003.
[78]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung, “Two-frequency scattering cross section and pulse broadening from the fractal sea surface with pulse beam incidence”, J. Infrared Millim. Waves, Vol.22, No.2, pp.132-136, 2003.
[79]Guo Lixin, Guan Xiuguo, “Study of electromagnetic scattering from the fractal surface by considering the shadowing effect”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.30, No.5, pp.617-622, 2003。
[80]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, Yao Jihuan and Zhang Yandong, “Small perturbation method of electromagnetic scattering from rough surface with considering the effect of the curvature of the surface”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.30, No.3, pp.328-331, 2002.
[81]Guo Lixin, Ruo Zhimin and Wu Zhensen, “Calculation of the scintillation for optical wave propagation through the atmospheric turbulence and comparison with the experimental measurement”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.17, No.3, pp.273-276, 2002.
[82]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two dimensional rough surface”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.24, No.10, pp.1405-1411, 2002.
[83]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Modification of the curvature in physical optics approximation for rough surface scattering”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.29, No.2, pp.245- 248, 2002.
[84]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from two-dimensional FBM rough surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.50, No.1, pp.42-47, 2001.
[85]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from time-varying fractal sea surface considering the distribution of sea power spectrum”, ACTA ELECTRONIC SINICA. Vol.29, No.9, pp. 1287-1289, 2001.
[86]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from a diffuse target in the turbulent atmosphere”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.23, No.4, pp.388- 395, 2001.
[87]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from fBm rough surface using perturbation method”, J. of Microwaves, Vol.17, No.2, pp.60-66, 2001.
[88]Guo Lixin, Ruo Zhimin, “Study on characteristics of fluctuation for optical wave propagation in the atmospheric turbulence”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.28, No.3, pp.273-277, 2001.
[89]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen “Electromagnetic scattering from 2D band-limited fractal surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.28, No.9, pp.141-143, 2000.
[90]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from 2D conducting rough surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.49, No.6, pp.1064-1069, 2000.
[91]Guo Lixin and Luo Zhimin, “Electromagnetic scattering from a conducting target surrounded by fractal atmospheric turbulence”, Chinese J. Radio Science, Vol.15, No.4, pp.423-428, 2000.
[92]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen “Electromagnetic scattering from a diffuse target containing multiple glints in the turbulent atmosphere”, Chinese J. Radio Science, Vol.15, No.1, pp1-6, 2000.
[93]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Measurement of infinite cylinder diameter by the angular frequency of rainbow intensities”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.20, No.6, 2000.
[94]Guo Lixin and Ke Xizheng, “Electromagnetic scattering from a one-dimensional random rough surface using the method of wavelet moment”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.27, No.5, pp.585-589,2000.
[95]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin,“A study of backscattering enhancement of one dimension random surface by using Monte carlo method”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.19, No.4, pp.491-496, 1999.
[96]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin,“Light scattering of Gaussian beam from an off-axis multil[ant]ayered sphere”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.18, No.6, pp.680-687, 1998.
[97]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin, “Chaos of atomic clock noise and its statistical characteristic”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.47, No.9,pp.1436-1449, 1998.
[98]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin, “fBm simulate of two-dimension rough surface and its statistic characteristic”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.13, No.2, pp.60-65, 1998.
[99]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Rainbow scattering by a multi-la[ant]yered cylinder with a 2D Gaussian incidence”, Chinese J. of Light Scattering, Vol.9, No.2-3, pp.355-357, 1997.
[100]Wu Zhensen andGuo Lixin, “Diffraction by band-limited fractal phase screen(I): the distribution of average diffracted intensity”, Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.11, No.1, pp.14-20, 1996.
[101]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Internal and external electromagnetic fields for Multi- la[ant]yered cylinder at normal incidence”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,Vol.23, No.6, pp.114-116, 1995.
[102]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from fractal-shaped sphere and fractal-shaped cylinder”, Chinese J. of Light Scattering, Vol.6, No.1, pp.25-29, 1994.
[103]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen , “Evaluating the fractal dimension of random fractal curves”, Chinese J. of Computational Physics, Vol.9, No.4, pp.687-692, 1992.
Journal Papers in Chinese (by date)
[1]Chai Shui-Rong,Guo Li-Xin,“A new fast algorithm based on compressive sensing for composite electromagnetic back scattering from a 2D ship located on a 1D rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.64,No.6,pp.060301-1-060301-8, 2015.
[2]Tian Wei,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on composite electromagnetic scattering from the double rectangular cross-section columns above rough sea surface using hybrid method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.64,No.17,pp.174101-1-174101-7, 2015.
[3]Wei Yi-wen,Guo Li-xin,Yin Hong-cheng,“Analysis of the scattering characteristics of sea surface with the influence from internal wave”,Journal of Radars,Vol.4, No.3, pp.326-333, 2015.
[4]Li Wen-Long,Guo Li-Xin,“Modeling and electromagnetic scattering from the overturning wave crest”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.16,pp.164102-1-164102-9, 2014.
[5]Fan Tian-Qi,Guo Li-Xin,“Research on the facet model of electromagnetic scatterings from rough sea surface with foams”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.21,pp.214104-1-214104-10, 2014.
[6]Xu sheng,Zhang Bei-Chen, Liu Rui-Yuan,Guo Li-Xin,“Comparative studies on solar activity variations of NmF2at the at the aratic and Antarctic stations”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.57, No.11, pp.3502-3512, 2014.
[7]Li Guangcheng,Guo Lixin,Liu Wei,“Polarization signature of composite scattering from cuboidal target on sea surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.5,pp.853-857, 2014.
[8]Li Jiangman,Guo Lixin,“Improved algorithm of self-calibration technology by the ground-based microwave radiometer”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.41, No.4, pp.77-81, 2014.
[9]Li Jiangman,Zhao Zhenwei,Guo Lixin,“A subsection orthogonal neural network technique for the ground-based radiometer to remotely sense cloudy atmosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.6,pp.1105-1109, 2014.
[10]Gou Xueyin,Guo Lixin,“Support vector machine and neural network in inversion of rough surface parameters”,Chinese J. of Computational Physics,Vol.31,No.1,pp.75-84, 2014.
[11]Zhu Xiao-Min,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on wide-band scattering from rectangular cross-section ab ove rough land surface with exponential type distribution using FDTD”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.5,pp.054101-1-054101-8, 2014.
[12]Wang Rui,Chai Shuirong,Guo Lixin,“The study of the scattering from a dielectric coated airfoil above a rough surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.6,pp.1051-1056, 2014.
[13]Liu ZhongYu,Guo LiXin,Zhong ZhiMeng Lu XiaoFeng,“Improved ray tracing prediction model in urban microcellular environments”,J. of Xidian University, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 169-176, 2014.
[14]Xu Run-Wen,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from missile target above sea surface with finite element/boundary integral method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.62,No.17,pp.170301-1-170301-7, 2013.
[15]Zhang Lianbo,Guo Li-Xin,“Method of moment investigation on electromagnetic scattering from the three-la[ant]yered rough interfaces”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.40, No.6, pp.147-154, 2013.
[16]Zheng Fan,Guo Lixin,“Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from the wind-blown barchan”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.40, No.6, pp.132-139, 2013.
[17]Liu Wei,Guo Lixin,“Secondary electromagnetic polarimetric scattering from dune surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.62,No.14,pp.144213-1-144213-7, 2013.
[18]Li Jiangman,Shu Tingting,Lin Leke,Guo Lixin,Zhao Zhenwei,“The improved linear regression arithmetic of radiometers to retrieve the atmosphere refractivity”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.28, No.2, pp.316-320, 2013.
[19]Peng Huaiyun,Pan Weiyan,Guo Lixin,“Legendre function series method for ELF fields excited by horizontal electric dipole in earth-ionosphere cavity”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.28, No.4, pp.851-856, 2013.
[20]Mao Yuan,Guo Li-Xin,”A new method to predict the wind direction from HF radar Doppler spectrum”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.4,pp.044201-1-044201-6, 2012.
[21]Li Jun-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Design and simulation of a single-sided left-handed material in THz regime”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.12,pp.124102-1-124102-8, 2012.
[22]Li Jie,Guo Li-Xin,“Accurate geometry modeling in analysis of composite EM scattering”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.39, No.6, pp.92-98, 2012.
[23] Zhu Xiaomin,Ren Xincheng,Guo Li-Xin,“FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering of 1D band-limited Weierstrass fractal la[ant]yered land surface and a conducting column with rectangular cross-section”,Chinese Journal of Computational Physics,Vol.29, No.3, pp.399-405, 2012.
[24]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,Jiao Yong-Chang,“Investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the column with rectangular cross-section and rough land surface covered with snow using finite difference time domain method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.14,pp.144101-1-144101-10, 2012.
[25]Tian Wei,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Hybrid method of electromagnetic scattering between the fractal sea surface and its above targets”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.34,No.9,pp.1775-1780, 2012.
[26]Liang Yu,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the reconstruction of rough surface with hybrid method”,Acta Physica Sinica,Vol.60,No.3,pp.034102-1-034102-9, 2011.
[27]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“Polarimetric scattering from two-dimensional exponent spectrum rough surface characterized by textures”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.33,No.2,pp.242-248, 2011.
[28]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,“Electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma sheath of hypersonic vehicles”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.33,No.5,pp.969-973, 2011.
[29]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-Xin,“EM wave propagation characteristic in plasma sheath”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.3,pp.494-499, 2011.
[30]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,“Electromagnetic scattering by dangerous debris and irregularities in ionosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.6,pp.1158-1164, 2011.
[31]Li Guang-cheng,Guo Li-xin,“Influence of obstacle towards electromagnetic wave propagation in the evaporation duct”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.4,pp.621-627, 2011.
[32]Qin San-Tuan,Guo Li-Xin,“A hybrid algorithm for the transient scattering from a two-dimensional conductor target above a randomly rough surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.60,No.7,pp.074217-1-074217-9, 2011.
[33]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of monostatic and bistatic polarimetric scattering from the two-dimensional gauss rough surface characterized by textures”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.38, No.6, pp.75-81, 2011.
[34]Guo Li-Xin,Ma Jun,“Calculation of EM beam scattering from two-dimensional rough surface by parallel MOM based on MPI platform”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, Vol.32, No.9, pp.1841-1845, 2010.
[35]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the buried target and the rough surface in different types of soil”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.59,No.5,pp.3179-3186, 2010.
[36]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from la[ant]yered rough surface”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, Vol.32, No.10, pp.2098-2102, 2010.
[37]Yang Chao,Guo Li-xin,WU Zhen-sen,“Application of least square support vector machine to predict the evaporation duct”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.25, No.4, pp.632-637, 2010.
[38]Ma Bao-ke,Guo Li-xin,MA Bao-ke,“Power spectrum of ionospheric scintillation and inversion of drift velocity of irregularities”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.25, No.4, pp.779-784, 2010.
[39]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission coefficient through exponential distribution rough surface of stratified medium”,HIGH POWER LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS,Vol.22,No.1,pp.135-139, 2010.
[40]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,MA Bao-ke,ZHANG Bei-Chen,Study on the characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from the dust plasma in the atmosphere,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.53, No.12, pp.2829-2835, 2010.
[41]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from Gaussian dielectric rough surface using small slope approximation method”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.24, No.1, pp.77-82, 2009.
[42]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from 2-D fBm rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.58,No.3,pp.1627-1634, 2009.
[43]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“Application of 20-moment approximation for ion velocity distribution function in calculations of incoherent scatter spectra”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.52, No.4, pp.878-886, 2009.
[44]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,Wu Jian,“The ion distribution function from Maxwell molecule collision model and calculations of incoherent scatter spectra”,Chinese J. of Space Science,Vol.29, No.3, pp.287-295, 2009.
[45]Guo Li-Xin,Li Hong-Qiang,“Characteristics of radio wave propagation in the evaporation duct environment over the rough surface by the improved DMFT algorithm”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.24, No.3, pp.414-421, 2009.
[46]Liang Yu,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of the electromagnetic scattering from the rough sea surface with bubbles/foams by the modified two-scale method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.58,No.9, pp.6156-6166, 2009.
[47]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface using small slope approximation”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.31, No.8, pp.1814-1818, 2009.
[48]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“New study of polarimetric scattering of the two-dimensional sea surface”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.3, pp.517-523, 2009.
[49]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation electromagnetic scattering from the 1-D band-limited Weierstrass fractal rough surface of the la[ant]yered medium”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.2, pp.322-330, 2009.
[50]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Study the propagation characteristic of radio wave in atmospheric duct”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.6, pp.1097- 1102, 2009.
[51]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission from 2-D fBm fractal rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”,J. Of Electronics & Information Technology,Vol.31,No.1,pp.233-237, 2009.
[52]Ma Bao-ke,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on the scintillation of microwave propagating through the atmospheric turbulence of northern region in China”,Journal of Microwaves,Vol.25,No.4,pp.28-32, 2009.
[53]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“The polynomial solutions of the ion velocity distributions in the high-latitude auroral ionosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.24, No.5, pp.813-819, 2009.
[54]Guo Li-Xin,WANG Rui,“Study on the Doppler shift and the spectrum widening of the scattered echoes from the 2-D rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3464-3472, 2008.
[55]Guo Li-Xin,WANG Rui,“Study on the electromagnetic scattering from a conducting plate above the time-dependant sea surface”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.51, No.6, pp.1695-1703,2008.
[56]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Hybrid method for investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the conducting target and rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3473-3480, 2008.
[57]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on the transmission coefficient from Gaussian rough surface using the Kirchhoff stationary-phase approximation”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.30, No.2, pp.213-217, 2008.
[58] Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Optical transmission from exponentially distributed rough surface of la[ant]yered medium using perturbation method”,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.28,No.6,pp.1208-1214,2008.
[59]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“Application of non-Maxwellian distribution for the ion velocity in calculation of incoherent scattering spectra in high-latitude ionosphere”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.35, No.4, pp.658-663, 2008.
[60]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from the spheroid covered with the plasma”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.35, No.5, pp.903-909, 2008.
[61]Wang Yunhua,Guo Lixin,“The application of an improved 1D fractal model for EM scattering from sea surface”,ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,Vol.35, No.3, pp.478-483,2007.
[62]Yang Jun-Ling,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of electromagnetic scattering from fractal sea surface based on non-fully developed sea spectrum”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.56,No.4,pp.2106-2114, 2007.
[63]Guo Li-Xin,Wang Yunhua,“Application of modified two-scale model for scattering from non-Gaussion sea surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.22, No.2, pp.212-218, 2007.
[64]Wang Yunhua,Guo Li-Xin,“Light scattering of plane wave/Gaussian beam from two adjacent objects”,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.27, No.9, pp. 1711-1718, 2007.
[65]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation of characteristics of transmission codefficient from 1D band limited Weierstrass fractal rough surface”,Journal of Xidian University,Vol.34, No.4, pp.590-595, 2007.
[66]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering interaction between the sea surface and the two-dimensional target above it”, J. of Xidian University,Vol.34, No.6, pp.958-963, 2007.
[67]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, “Application of the equivalence principle and the reciprocity theorem to electromagnetic scattering from two adjacent spherical objects”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.55, No.11, pp.5815-5823, 2006.
[68]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “The application of an improved 2D fractal model for electromagnetic scattering from the sea surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.55, No.10, pp. 209-217,2006.
[69]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and a 2-D conducting slightly rough surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.54, No.11, pp.5130-5138, 2005.
[70]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering and Doppler spectra from two-scale time-varying fractal rough sea surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.54, No.1 pp.96-101, 2005.
[71]Guo Lixin, Xu yan and Wu Zhensen, “Modeling of the scattering from fractal rough sea surface with Gaussian-beam incidence”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.33, No.3, pp.534-537, 2005.
[72]Yi Xiuxiong, Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Study on the optical scintillation for Gaussian beam propagation in the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.25,No.4, pp.433-438, 2005.
[73]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “ Electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and 1D slightly rough surface”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.20, No.5, pp.580-585, 2005.
[74]Guo Lixin, Chen Jianjun, “Study of electromagnetic scattering from the rough surface using the small slope approximation”, J. Of Xidian University, Vol.32, No.3, pp.408-413, 2005.
[75]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “Study on the shadowing effect and Doppler spectra for the scattering from the time-varying fractal rough sea surface”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.27, No.10, pp.1666-1670, 2005.
[76]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung and Wu Zhensen, “Extended boundary condition method of electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional rough dielectric fractal sea surface”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.32, No.1, pp.139-142, 2004.
[77]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung and Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from a spherical particle above a slightly rough surface and the calculation of the scattering cross section”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.23, No.6, pp.717-723, 2003.
[78]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung, “Two-frequency scattering cross section and pulse broadening from the fractal sea surface with pulse beam incidence”, J. Infrared Millim. Waves, Vol.22, No.2, pp.132-136, 2003.
[79]Guo Lixin, Guan Xiuguo, “Study of electromagnetic scattering from the fractal surface by considering the shadowing effect”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.30, No.5, pp.617-622, 2003。
[80]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, Yao Jihuan and Zhang Yandong, “Small perturbation method of electromagnetic scattering from rough surface with considering the effect of the curvature of the surface”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.30, No.3, pp.328-331, 2002.
[81]Guo Lixin, Ruo Zhimin and Wu Zhensen, “Calculation of the scintillation for optical wave propagation through the atmospheric turbulence and comparison with the experimental measurement”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.17, No.3, pp.273-276, 2002.
[82]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two dimensional rough surface”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.24, No.10, pp.1405-1411, 2002.
[83]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Modification of the curvature in physical optics approximation for rough surface scattering”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.29, No.2, pp.245- 248, 2002.
[84]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from two-dimensional FBM rough surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.50, No.1, pp.42-47, 2001.
[85]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from time-varying fractal sea surface considering the distribution of sea power spectrum”, ACTA ELECTRONIC SINICA. Vol.29, No.9, pp. 1287-1289, 2001.
[86]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from a diffuse target in the turbulent atmosphere”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.23, No.4, pp.388- 395, 2001.
[87]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from fBm rough surface using perturbation method”, J. of Microwaves, Vol.17, No.2, pp.60-66, 2001.
[88]Guo Lixin, Ruo Zhimin, “Study on characteristics of fluctuation for optical wave propagation in the atmospheric turbulence”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.28, No.3, pp.273-277, 2001.
[89]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen “Electromagnetic scattering from 2D band-limited fractal surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.28, No.9, pp.141-143, 2000.
[90]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from 2D conducting rough surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.49, No.6, pp.1064-1069, 2000.
[91]Guo Lixin and Luo Zhimin, “Electromagnetic scattering from a conducting target surrounded by fractal atmospheric turbulence”, Chinese J. Radio Science, Vol.15, No.4, pp.423-428, 2000.
[92]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen “Electromagnetic scattering from a diffuse target containing multiple glints in the turbulent atmosphere”, Chinese J. Radio Science, Vol.15, No.1, pp1-6, 2000.
[93]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Measurement of infinite cylinder diameter by the angular frequency of rainbow intensities”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.20, No.6, 2000.
[94]Guo Lixin and Ke Xizheng, “Electromagnetic scattering from a one-dimensional random rough surface using the method of wavelet moment”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.27, No.5, pp.585-589,2000.
[95]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin,“A study of backscattering enhancement of one dimension random surface by using Monte carlo method”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.19, No.4, pp.491-496, 1999.
[96]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin,“Light scattering of Gaussian beam from an off-axis multil[ant]ayered sphere”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.18, No.6, pp.680-687, 1998.
[97]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin, “Chaos of atomic clock noise and its statistical characteristic”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.47, No.9,pp.1436-1449, 1998.
[98]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin, “fBm simulate of two-dimension rough surface and its statistic characteristic”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.13, No.2, pp.60-65, 1998.
[99]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Rainbow scattering by a multi-la[ant]yered cylinder with a 2D Gaussian incidence”, Chinese J. of Light Scattering, Vol.9, No.2-3, pp.355-357, 1997.
[100]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Diffraction by band-limited fractal phase screen(I): the distribution of average diffracted intensity”, Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.11, No.1, pp.14-20, 1996.
[101]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Internal and external electromagnetic fields for Multi- la[ant]yered cylinder at normal incidence”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,Vol.23, No.6, pp.114-116, 1995.
[102]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from fractal-shaped sphere and fractal-shaped cylinder”, Chinese J. of Light Scattering, Vol.6, No.1, pp.25-29, 1994.
[103]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen , “Evaluating the fractal dimension of random fractal curves”, Chinese J. of Computational Physics, Vol.9, No.4, pp.687-692, 1992.
Journal Papers in Chinese (by date)[1]Chai Shui-Rong,Guo Li-Xin,“A new fast algorithm based on compressive sensing for composite electromagnetic back scattering from a 2D ship located on a 1D rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.64,No.6,pp.060301-1-060301-8, 2015.
[2]Tian Wei,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on composite electromagnetic scattering from the double rectangular cross-section columns above rough sea surface using hybrid method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.64,No.17,pp.174101-1-174101-7, 2015.
[3]Wei Yi-wen,Guo Li-xin,Yin Hong-cheng,“Analysis of the scattering characteristics of sea surface with the influence from internal wave”,Journal of Radars,Vol.4, No.3, pp.326-333, 2015.
[4]Li Wen-Long,Guo Li-Xin,“Modeling and electromagnetic scattering from the overturning wave crest”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.16,pp.164102-1-164102-9, 2014.
[5]Fan Tian-Qi,Guo Li-Xin,“Research on the facet model of electromagnetic scatterings from rough sea surface with foams”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.21,pp.214104-1-214104-10, 2014.
[6]Xu sheng,Zhang Bei-Chen, Liu Rui-Yuan,Guo Li-Xin,“Comparative studies on solar activity variations of NmF2at the at the aratic and Antarctic stations”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.57, No.11, pp.3502-3512, 2014.
[7]Li Guangcheng,Guo Lixin,Liu Wei,“Polarization signature of composite scattering from cuboidal target on sea surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.5,pp.853-857, 2014.
[8]Li Jiangman,Guo Lixin,“Improved algorithm of self-calibration technology by the ground-based microwave radiometer”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.41, No.4, pp.77-81, 2014.
[9]Li Jiangman,Zhao Zhenwei,Guo Lixin,“A subsection orthogonal neural network technique for the ground-based radiometer to remotely sense cloudy atmosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.6,pp.1105-1109, 2014.
[10]Gou Xueyin,Guo Lixin,“Support vector machine and neural network in inversion of rough surface parameters”,Chinese J. of Computational Physics,Vol.31,No.1,pp.75-84, 2014.
[11]Zhu Xiao-Min,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on wide-band scattering from rectangular cross-section ab ove rough land surface with exponential type distribution using FDTD”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.63,No.5,pp.054101-1-054101-8, 2014.
[12]Wang Rui,Chai Shuirong,Guo Lixin,“The study of the scattering from a dielectric coated airfoil above a rough surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.29,No.6,pp.1051-1056, 2014.
[13]Liu ZhongYu,Guo LiXin,Zhong ZhiMeng Lu XiaoFeng,“Improved ray tracing prediction model in urban microcellular environments”,J. of Xidian University, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 169-176, 2014.
[14]Xu Run-Wen,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from missile target above sea surface with finite element/boundary integral method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.62,No.17,pp.170301-1-170301-7, 2013.
[15]Zhang Lianbo,Guo Li-Xin,“Method of moment investigation on electromagnetic scattering from the three-la[ant]yered rough interfaces”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.40, No.6, pp.147-154, 2013.
[16]Zheng Fan,Guo Lixin,“Analysis of electromagnetic scattering from the wind-blown barchan”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.40, No.6, pp.132-139, 2013.
[17]Liu Wei,Guo Lixin,“Secondary electromagnetic polarimetric scattering from dune surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.62,No.14,pp.144213-1-144213-7, 2013.
[18]Li Jiangman,Shu Tingting,Lin Leke,Guo Lixin,Zhao Zhenwei,“The improved linear regression arithmetic of radiometers to retrieve the atmosphere refractivity”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.28, No.2, pp.316-320, 2013.
[19]Peng Huaiyun,Pan Weiyan,Guo Lixin,“Legendre function series method for ELF fields excited by horizontal electric dipole in earth-ionosphere cavity”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.28, No.4, pp.851-856, 2013.
[20]Mao Yuan,Guo Li-Xin,”A new method to predict the wind direction from HF radar Doppler spectrum”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.4,pp.044201-1-044201-6, 2012.
[21]Li Jun-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Design and simulation of a single-sided left-handed material in THz regime”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.12,pp.124102-1-124102-8, 2012.
[22]Li Jie,Guo Li-Xin,“Accurate geometry modeling in analysis of composite EM scattering”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.39, No.6, pp.92-98, 2012.
[23] Zhu Xiaomin,Ren Xincheng,Guo Li-Xin,“FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering of 1D band-limited Weierstrass fractal la[ant]yered land surface and a conducting column with rectangular cross-section”,Chinese Journal of Computational Physics,Vol.29, No.3, pp.399-405, 2012.
[24]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,Jiao Yong-Chang,“Investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the column with rectangular cross-section and rough land surface covered with snow using finite difference time domain method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.61,No.14,pp.144101-1-144101-10, 2012.
[25]Tian Wei,Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Hybrid method of electromagnetic scattering between the fractal sea surface and its above targets”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.34,No.9,pp.1775-1780, 2012.
[26]Liang Yu,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the reconstruction of rough surface with hybrid method”,Acta Physica Sinica,Vol.60,No.3,pp.034102-1-034102-9, 2011.
[27]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“Polarimetric scattering from two-dimensional exponent spectrum rough surface characterized by textures”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.33,No.2,pp.242-248, 2011.
[28]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,“Electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma sheath of hypersonic vehicles”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.33,No.5,pp.969-973, 2011.
[29]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-Xin,“EM wave propagation characteristic in plasma sheath”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.3,pp.494-499, 2011.
[30]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,“Electromagnetic scattering by dangerous debris and irregularities in ionosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.6,pp.1158-1164, 2011.
[31]Li Guang-cheng,Guo Li-xin,“Influence of obstacle towards electromagnetic wave propagation in the evaporation duct”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.26,No.4,pp.621-627, 2011.
[32]Qin San-Tuan,Guo Li-Xin,“A hybrid algorithm for the transient scattering from a two-dimensional conductor target above a randomly rough surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.60,No.7,pp.074217-1-074217-9, 2011.
[33]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of monostatic and bistatic polarimetric scattering from the two-dimensional gauss rough surface characterized by textures”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.38, No.6, pp.75-81, 2011.
[34]Guo Li-Xin,Ma Jun,“Calculation of EM beam scattering from two-dimensional rough surface by parallel MOM based on MPI platform”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, Vol.32, No.9, pp.1841-1845, 2010.
[35]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the buried target and the rough surface in different types of soil”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.59,No.5,pp.3179-3186, 2010.
[36]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from la[ant]yered rough surface”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS, Vol.32, No.10, pp.2098-2102, 2010.
[37]Yang Chao,Guo Li-xin,WU Zhen-sen,“Application of least square support vector machine to predict the evaporation duct”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.25, No.4, pp.632-637, 2010.
[38]Ma Bao-ke,Guo Li-xin,MA Bao-ke,“Power spectrum of ionospheric scintillation and inversion of drift velocity of irregularities”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.25, No.4, pp.779-784, 2010.
[39]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission coefficient through exponential distribution rough surface of stratified medium”,HIGH POWER LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS,Vol.22,No.1,pp.135-139, 2010.
[40]Li Jiang-ting,Guo Li-xin,MA Bao-ke,ZHANG Bei-Chen,Study on the characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from the dust plasma in the atmosphere,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.53, No.12, pp.2829-2835, 2010.
[41]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from Gaussian dielectric rough surface using small slope approximation method”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.24, No.1, pp.77-82, 2009.
[42]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the characteristics of electromagnetic scattering from 2-D fBm rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.58,No.3,pp.1627-1634, 2009.
[43]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“Application of 20-moment approximation for ion velocity distribution function in calculations of incoherent scatter spectra”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.52, No.4, pp.878-886, 2009.
[44]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,Wu Jian,“The ion distribution function from Maxwell molecule collision model and calculations of incoherent scatter spectra”,Chinese J. of Space Science,Vol.29, No.3, pp.287-295, 2009.
[45]Guo Li-Xin,Li Hong-Qiang,“Characteristics of radio wave propagation in the evaporation duct environment over the rough surface by the improved DMFT algorithm”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.24, No.3, pp.414-421, 2009.
[46]Liang Yu,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of the electromagnetic scattering from the rough sea surface with bubbles/foams by the modified two-scale method”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.58,No.9, pp.6156-6166, 2009.
[47]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface using small slope approximation”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.31, No.8, pp.1814-1818, 2009.
[48]Liu Wei,Guo Li-Xin,“New study of polarimetric scattering of the two-dimensional sea surface”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.3, pp.517-523, 2009.
[49]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation electromagnetic scattering from the 1-D band-limited Weierstrass fractal rough surface of the la[ant]yered medium”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.2, pp.322-330, 2009.
[50]Yang Chao,Guo Li-Xin,“Study the propagation characteristic of radio wave in atmospheric duct”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.36, No.6, pp.1097- 1102, 2009.
[51]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on characteristics of electromagnetic wave transmission from 2-D fBm fractal rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”,J. Of Electronics & Information Technology,Vol.31,No.1,pp.233-237, 2009.
[52]Ma Bao-ke,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on the scintillation of microwave propagating through the atmospheric turbulence of northern region in China”,Journal of Microwaves,Vol.25,No.4,pp.28-32, 2009.
[53]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“The polynomial solutions of the ion velocity distributions in the high-latitude auroral ionosphere”,Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.24, No.5, pp.813-819, 2009.
[54]Guo Li-Xin,WANG Rui,“Study on the Doppler shift and the spectrum widening of the scattered echoes from the 2-D rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3464-3472, 2008.
[55]Guo Li-Xin,WANG Rui,“Study on the electromagnetic scattering from a conducting plate above the time-dependant sea surface”,Chinese J. of Geophysics,Vol.51, No.6, pp.1695-1703,2008.
[56]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Hybrid method for investigation of electromagnetic scattering interaction between the conducting target and rough sea surface”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.57,No.6,pp.3473-3480, 2008.
[57]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Study on the transmission coefficient from Gaussian rough surface using the Kirchhoff stationary-phase approximation”,SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS,Vol.30, No.2, pp.213-217, 2008.
[58] Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Optical transmission from exponentially distributed rough surface of la[ant]yered medium using perturbation method”,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.28,No.6,pp.1208-1214,2008.
[59]Xue Kun,Guo Li-Xin,“Application of non-Maxwellian distribution for the ion velocity in calculation of incoherent scattering spectra in high-latitude ionosphere”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.35, No.4, pp.658-663, 2008.
[60]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from the spheroid covered with the plasma”,J. of Xidian University,Vol.35, No.5, pp.903-909, 2008.
[61]Wang Yunhua,Guo Lixin,“The application of an improved 1D fractal model for EM scattering from sea surface”,ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,Vol.35, No.3, pp.478-483,2007.
[62]Yang Jun-Ling,Guo Li-Xin,“Study of electromagnetic scattering from fractal sea surface based on non-fully developed sea spectrum”,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.56,No.4,pp.2106-2114, 2007.
[63]Guo Li-Xin,Wang Yunhua,“Application of modified two-scale model for scattering from non-Gaussion sea surface”,Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.22, No.2, pp.212-218, 2007.
[64]Wang Yunhua,Guo Li-Xin,“Light scattering of plane wave/Gaussian beam from two adjacent objects”,ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.27, No.9, pp. 1711-1718, 2007.
[65]Ren Xin-Cheng,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation of characteristics of transmission codefficient from 1D band limited Weierstrass fractal rough surface”,Journal of Xidian University,Vol.34, No.4, pp.590-595, 2007.
[66]Wang Rui,Guo Li-Xin,“Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering interaction between the sea surface and the two-dimensional target above it”, J. of Xidian University,Vol.34, No.6, pp.958-963, 2007.
[67]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, “Application of the equivalence principle and the reciprocity theorem to electromagnetic scattering from two adjacent spherical objects”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.55, No.11, pp.5815-5823, 2006.
[68]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “The application of an improved 2D fractal model for electromagnetic scattering from the sea surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.55, No.10, pp. 209-217,2006.
[69]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and a 2-D conducting slightly rough surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.54, No.11, pp.5130-5138, 2005.
[70]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua and Wu Zhensen, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering and Doppler spectra from two-scale time-varying fractal rough sea surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol.54, No.1 pp.96-101, 2005.
[71]Guo Lixin, Xu yan and Wu Zhensen, “Modeling of the scattering from fractal rough sea surface with Gaussian-beam incidence”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.33, No.3, pp.534-537, 2005.
[72]Yi Xiuxiong, Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Study on the optical scintillation for Gaussian beam propagation in the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA,Vol.25,No.4, pp.433-438, 2005.
[73]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “ Electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and 1D slightly rough surface”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.20, No.5, pp.580-585, 2005.
[74]Guo Lixin, Chen Jianjun, “Study of electromagnetic scattering from the rough surface using the small slope approximation”, J. Of Xidian University, Vol.32, No.3, pp.408-413, 2005.
[75]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “Study on the shadowing effect and Doppler spectra for the scattering from the time-varying fractal rough sea surface”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.27, No.10, pp.1666-1670, 2005.
[76]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung and Wu Zhensen, “Extended boundary condition method of electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional rough dielectric fractal sea surface”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.32, No.1, pp.139-142, 2004.
[77]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung and Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from a spherical particle above a slightly rough surface and the calculation of the scattering cross section”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.23, No.6, pp.717-723, 2003.
[78]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung, “Two-frequency scattering cross section and pulse broadening from the fractal sea surface with pulse beam incidence”, J. Infrared Millim. Waves, Vol.22, No.2, pp.132-136, 2003.
[79]Guo Lixin, Guan Xiuguo, “Study of electromagnetic scattering from the fractal surface by considering the shadowing effect”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.30, No.5, pp.617-622, 2003。
[80]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, Yao Jihuan and Zhang Yandong, “Small perturbation method of electromagnetic scattering from rough surface with considering the effect of the curvature of the surface”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.30, No.3, pp.328-331, 2002.
[81]Guo Lixin, Ruo Zhimin and Wu Zhensen, “Calculation of the scintillation for optical wave propagation through the atmospheric turbulence and comparison with the experimental measurement”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.17, No.3, pp.273-276, 2002.
[82]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from two dimensional rough surface”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.24, No.10, pp.1405-1411, 2002.
[83]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Modification of the curvature in physical optics approximation for rough surface scattering”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.29, No.2, pp.245- 248, 2002.
[84]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from two-dimensional FBM rough surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.50, No.1, pp.42-47, 2001.
[85]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from time-varying fractal sea surface considering the distribution of sea power spectrum”, ACTA ELECTRONIC SINICA. Vol.29, No.9, pp. 1287-1289, 2001.
[86]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from a diffuse target in the turbulent atmosphere”, J. of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.23, No.4, pp.388- 395, 2001.
[87]Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from fBm rough surface using perturbation method”, J. of Microwaves, Vol.17, No.2, pp.60-66, 2001.
[88]Guo Lixin, Ruo Zhimin, “Study on characteristics of fluctuation for optical wave propagation in the atmospheric turbulence”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.28, No.3, pp.273-277, 2001.
[89]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen “Electromagnetic scattering from 2D band-limited fractal surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, Vol.28, No.9, pp.141-143, 2000.
[90]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Fractal characteristics investigation on electromagnetic scattering from 2D conducting rough surface”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.49, No.6, pp.1064-1069, 2000.
[91]Guo Lixin and Luo Zhimin, “Electromagnetic scattering from a conducting target surrounded by fractal atmospheric turbulence”, Chinese J. Radio Science, Vol.15, No.4, pp.423-428, 2000.
[92]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen “Electromagnetic scattering from a diffuse target containing multiple glints in the turbulent atmosphere”, Chinese J. Radio Science, Vol.15, No.1, pp1-6, 2000.
[93]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Measurement of infinite cylinder diameter by the angular frequency of rainbow intensities”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.20, No.6, 2000.
[94]Guo Lixin and Ke Xizheng, “Electromagnetic scattering from a one-dimensional random rough surface using the method of wavelet moment”, J. of Xidian University, Vol.27, No.5, pp.585-589,2000.
[95]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin,“A study of backscattering enhancement of one dimension random surface by using Monte carlo method”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.19, No.4, pp.491-496, 1999.
[96]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin,“Light scattering of Gaussian beam from an off-axis multil[ant]ayered sphere”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, Vol.18, No.6, pp.680-687, 1998.
[97]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin, “Chaos of atomic clock noise and its statistical characteristic”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.47, No.9,pp.1436-1449, 1998.
[98]Ke Xizheng and Guo Lixin, “fBm simulate of two-dimension rough surface and its statistic characteristic”, Chinese J. of Radio Science, Vol.13, No.2, pp.60-65, 1998.
[99]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Rainbow scattering by a multi-la[ant]yered cylinder with a 2D Gaussian incidence”, Chinese J. of Light Scattering, Vol.9, No.2-3, pp.355-357, 1997.
[100]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Diffraction by band-limited fractal phase screen(I): the distribution of average diffracted intensity”, Chinese J. of Radio Science,Vol.11, No.1, pp.14-20, 1996.
[101]Wu Zhensen and Guo Lixin, “Internal and external electromagnetic fields for Multi- la[ant]yered cylinder at normal incidence”, ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA,Vol.23, No.6, pp.114-116, 1995.
[102]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from fractal-shaped sphere and fractal-shaped cylinder”, Chinese J. of Light Scattering, Vol.6, No.1, pp.25-29, 1994.
[103]Guo Lixin and Wu Zhensen , “Evaluating the fractal dimension of random fractal curves”, Chinese J. of Computational Physics, Vol.9, No.4, pp.687-692, 1992.
International Conference Papers
[1]Guo Li-Xin, “Study on the interaction mechanism of electromagnetic waves with plasma sheath and electromagnetic scattering modeling of hypersonic aircrafts in the near-space”, 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal Integrity and Technical Exhibition, 2016/5/18-2016/5/21, ShenZhen, 2016.
[2]Chen Wei, Guo Li-Xin, Li Jiang-Ting, Liu De, “Analysis of the electromagnetic wave scattering characteristics of time-varying plasma sheath”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, 2016/2/23-2015/2/25, GuangZhou, 2016.
[3]Guo Lin-Jing, Guo Li-Xin, Li Jiang-Ting, “Propagation of electromagnetic waves on a relativistically moving non-uniform plasma with WKB method”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, 2016/2/23-2015/2/25, GuangZhou, 2016.
[4]Liu De, Guo Li-Xin, Li Jiang-Ting, “Research on the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of the ablation particles in plasma sheath in reentry process”, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, 2016/2/23-2015/2/25, GuangZhou , 2016.
[5]Wei Yi-Wen, Guo Li-Xin, “The electromagnetic scattering from complex sea surface”, IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics, 2016/5/16-2016/5/18, NanJing, 2016.
[6]Cheng Ming-Jian, Guo Li-Xin,Li Jiang-Ting, "Focused electromagnetic multi-gaussian schell-model beams propagation in non-kolmogorov anisotropic turbulence", The 11th International Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles, 2016/4/22-2016/4/26, Xi’an, 2016.
[7]Wang Rui, Zhang Zhi-Bin, Guo Li-Xin, “Investigation on electromagnetic scattering from contaminated rough sea surface covered by oil film for low wind condition”, The 11th International Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles, 2016/4/22-2016/4/26, Xi’an ,2016.
[8]Liu Ying, Guo Li-Xin, “FDTD investigation on GPR detecting of underground subsurface layers and buried objects”, IEEE MTI-S International Conference on numerical electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and optimization for RF, Microwave and Terahertz applications, 2016/7/27-2016/7/29, Beijing, 2016.
[9]Jiao Liu, Guo Li-Xin, “Computation of scattering from the convex surfaces with PTD-SPM”, IEEE MTI-S International Conference on numerical electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and optimization for RF, Microwave and Terahertz applications, 2016/7/27-2016/7/29, Beijing, 2016.
[10]Liu Wei, Li Ke-Ke, Guo Li-Xin, Fan Tian-Qi, “Multi-Zone small slope approximation on dune surface scattering”, The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[11]Peng Peng, Guo Li-Xin, Tong Chuang-Ming, “A study of multipath scattering from low-altitude target above complex ocean surface”, The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[12]Wang Ning, Guo Li-Xin, Zhao Zhen-Wei, Lin Le-Ke, Ding Zong-Hua, “Retrieving the troposphere duct by using ground-based radiometric profiler in south coast in china”, The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[13]He Hong-Jie, Guo Li-Xin, “Scattering from a 3-D object above a 2-D conductive rough surface”, The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[14]Guan Xiao-Wei, Guo Li-Xin, Li Qing-Liang, “A vector parabolic equation method for propagation predictions over flat terrains", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[15]Guo Lin-Jing, Guo Li-Xin, "Propagation of electromagnetic wave in a magnetized and non-uniform plasma", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[16]Sun Xiang, Guo Li-Xin, Li Jiang-Ting, "An analysis of doppler frequency shift in 2D modificated space plasma", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, 2016.
[17]Wang Ya-Jiao, Guo Li-Xin, Li Qing-Liang, "A narrow-angle parabolic equation model in atmospheric ducts", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[18]Jia Chun-Gang, Guo Li-Xin, Liu Wei, "Parallel FDTD method for EM scattering from a rough surface with a target", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[19]Zhang Yi, Guo Li-Xin, Li Wei, "Modeling and backward scattering from the time-varying rough overturning wave crest", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[20]Zhou Xin-Bo, Liu Song-Hua, Guo Li-Xin, Xiao Yong, Li Zhao-Yang, "Analysis of scattering characteristics of 3-D objects with rough surfaces", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[21]Yang Shao-Fei, Li Jiang-Ting, Guo Li-Xin, "Electromagnetic scattering characteristics of ablation rough surface in plasma sheath", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[22]Liang You-Rong, Guo Li-Xin, Qi Hai-Yuan, Liu Wei, "Modeling of three-dimensional weak magnetic field induced by water movement", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[23]Liu Zhong-Yu, Guo Li-Xin, Guan Xiao-Wei, Wang Ya-Jiao, "A modeling approach for complex multifloored indoor environments", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[24]Zhou Xin-Bo, Liu Song-Hua, Guo Li-Xin, Xiao Yong, Li Zhao-Yang, "Anylasis of RCS of certain rough targets in terahertz band", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[25]Wang Ning, Guo Li-Xin, Zhao Zhen-Wei, Lin Le-Ke, Ding Zong-Hua, "The difference in variation characteristics of the f2-peak height hmf2 at the low and middle latitudes", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[26]Wang Zhi-Jun, Guo Li-Xin, Li Jiang-Ting, "Mitigation of RF blackout in plasma sheaths communication via nonlinear effects", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[27]Hao Xiao-Jing, Guo Li-Xin, Lin Le-Ke, Li Qing-Liang, Zhang Yu-Sheng, "The statistic and analysis of atmospheric ducts worldwide using radiosonde data", The 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, 2016/10/18-2016/10/21, GuiLin, 2016.
[28]Liang Yu, Guo Li-Xin , Tong Mei-Song , Wu Zhen-Sen, Liu Qing-Huo, "Research of influences from typical scene parameters on target and rough surface composite electromagnetic scattering characteristics", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2016/8/8-2016/8/11, Shanghai, 2016.
[29]Wang Qiang, Guo Li-Xin , Liu Zhong-Yu, "Stable MOT solution for TE transient scattering from two-dimensional conducting objects", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2016/8/8-2016/8/11, Shanghai, 2016.
[30]Liang Yu, Zeng Xiang-Hua, Guo Li-Xin, Wu Zhen-Sen, "Discussion on multiple electromagnetic strategies for surface with different scale of roughness combined with different environmental factors", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2016/8/8-2016/8/11, Shanghai, 2016.
[31]Liang Yu, Zeng Xiang-Hua, Guo Li-Xin, Wu Zhen-Sen, "Review on the pre-study about specific target and rough soil surface composite electromagnetic scattering basing on an efficient numerical strategy", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2016/8/8-2016/8/11, Shanghai, 2016.
[32]Guo Lixin, Guan Xiaowei, Liu Zhongyu, “GPU-based ray tracing algorithm for high-speed propagation prediction in typical indoor environments”, European SPIE Remote Sensing 2015, 2015.
[33]Guan Xiaowei, Guo Lixin, Liu Zhongyu, “GPU-Based ray tracing algorithm for high-speed propagation prediction in multiroom indoor environments”, European SPIE Remote Sensing 2015, 2015.
[34]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, Guan Xiaowei, “EuropAccelerated ray tracing algorithm under urban macro cell” SPIE Remote Sensing 2015, 2015.
[35]Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, “A new approach based on compressive sensing for solving monostatic scattering from 3D conducting bodies modeled by NURBS surface”, 2015 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2015, Hong Kong, 2015.
[36]Guo Lixin, Fan Tianqi, “Octree based backward SBR-PO method for electromagnetic scattering of electrically large target”, 2015 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2015, Hong kong, 2015.
[37]Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, Li Juan, Li Ke, “A New Method Combining Compressive Sensing and Method of Moments for Bistatic Scattering Problems”, 2015 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2015),Nanjing, 2015.
[38]Fan Tianqi, Guo Lixin, Liu Zhongyu, “SBR-PO/PTD Method for Backward Scattering of Airplane Model and Application to ISAR Image”, 2015 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2015), Nanjing, 2015.
[39]Li Ke, Guo Lixin, Li Juan, Chai Shuirong, “Composite EM Scattering and Doppler Spectral Analysis for Time-varying Sea Surfaces and a Target above It”, 2015 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2015), Nanjing, 2015.
[40]Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, Li Ke, Chai Shuirong, “Accelerated IEM for the backscattering of the 3-D Time-varying Overturning Wave Crest Model”, 2015 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2015), Nanjing, 2015.
[41]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Simulation and Analysis of the Clutter from Time Varying Sea with Breaking Waves”, 2015 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2015), Nanjing, 2015.
[42]Guo Lixin, Jia Chungang, Yang Pengju, “EM scattering from a 2-D target above a 1-D sea surface using GPU based FDTD”, SPIE. REMOTE SENSING, Amsterdam, 2014.
[43]Guo Lixin, Li Changlong, Liu Zhongyu, “Influence of electrical parameters on three-dimensional ray-tracing-Based predictions in complex indoor environments”, SPIE. ASIA-PACIFIC REMOTE SENSING, Beijing, 2014.
[44]Guo Lixin, Wang Hao, Xiong Shanshan, “A approach in the determination of visible buildings with OpenGL in macro-cell”, SPIE. ASIA-PACIFIC REMOTE SENSING, Beijing, 2014.
[45]Guo Lixin, Xu Runwen, “Hybrid FE-BIM for electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric target above a dielectric rough surface” , International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Quebec, 2014.
[46]Li Ke, Guo Lixin, Li Juan, “Electromagnetic scattering characteristics of DNM rough surface in theterahertz regime by the FDTD algorithm”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Quebec, 2014.
[47]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of an efficient multiregion FEM-BIM to electromagnetic scattering from an dielectric target above rough sea surfaces”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Quebec, 2014.
[48]Guo Lixin, Yang Pengju, “Electromagnetic scattering and doppler spectra analysis of sea surface covered by oil spills”, 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Harbin, 2014.
[49]Zhao Hua, Guo Lixin, Liu Songhua, “EM scattering of a target over sea surface based on physical optics”, 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Harbin, 2014.
[50]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on the GPS single scattering from a 2-D largescale sea surface”, SPIE.DSS, Sensing Technology+Applications Symposium, Baltimore, 2014.
[51]Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, “Parallelized physical optics computations for the RCS prediction of rough surface by CUDA”, SPIE.DSS, Baltimore, 2014.
[52]Li Renxian, Guo Lixin, Yang Ruiping, Ding Chunying, “Radiation torque induced by Bessel beam”, 10th International Conference Series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles, Marseille, 2014.
[53]Jia Chungang, Guo Lixin, Yang Pengju, “Application of GPU-based parallel FDTD to EM scattering from a target above a 1-D randomly rough sea surface”, The XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Beijing, 2014.
[54]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, “Effects of antenna polarization on power and RMS delay spread in LOS/OOS indoor radio channel”, The XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Beijing, 2014.
[55]Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, Sun Jiejing, “EM scattering from dielectric sea surface by the ray-tracing method”, The XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Beijing, 2014.
[56]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, Zhang Kaili, “An efficient multiregion model for the EM scattering of a dielectric rough surface and a dielectric target”, The XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Beijing, 2014.
[57]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, “Application of FEM-BIE for scattering from dielectric objects buried under a rough surface”, The XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Beijing, 2014.
[58]Yang Pengju, Guo Lixin, Jia Chungang, “A semiempirical model for electromagnetic scattering from dielectric 1-D dielectric sea surface covered by oil film”, The XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Beijing, 2014.
[59]Jia Chungang, Guo Lixin, Yang Pengjum, “GPU accelerated FDTD method for investigation on the EM scattering from 1-D large scale rough surface under low grazing incidence”, Conference on High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing III, Sep. 25-26, Dresden, GERMANY, 2013.
[60]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, Jia Chungang, “GPU-Based ray tracing algorithm for fast coverage zone prediction under urban microcellular environment”. Conference on High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing III, Sep. 25-26, Dresden, GERMANY, 2013.
[61]Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, Tao Wei, “Parallel acceleration of diffuse scattering model for Indoor radio prediction by CUDA”, Conference on High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing III, September. 25-26, Dresden, GERMANY, 2013.
[62]Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, Wei Yiwen, Wang Rui, “A hybid method to calculate the composite electromagnetic scattering from a target above a rough surface”, 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2013), Jul. 21-26, Melbourne, 2013.
[63]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, Chai Shuirong, Wang Anqi, “A new semi-deterministic facet model for electromagnetic scattering from ocean-like surface”, 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2013), Jul.21-26, Melbourne, 2013.
[64]Yang Pengju, Guo Linxin, Jia Chungang, “Imaging of object in the presence of rough surface using scattered electromagnetic field data”, 2013 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2013), Oct. 23-25, 2013, NanJing, pp.1175-1178, 2013.
[65]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, Chai Shuirong, “A hybrid method for the study of the mono-static scattering from the rough surface and the target above it”, 2013 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2013), Oct.23-25, NanJing, pp.1284-1287, 2013.
[66]Yang Pengju, Guo Linxin, Jia Chungang, “Angular correlation functions of intensities scattered from two-la[ant]yered randomly rough surface”, 2013 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation(ICMTCE2013), August. 27-29, 2013.
[67]Wang Qiang, Guo Lixin, Xu Runwen, “Investigation on transient composite scattering of a target above a randomly rough surface using a multiregion model”, MAPE 2013. IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies, Oct. 29-31, Chengdu, China, pp.231-233, 2013.
[68]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, Meng Xiao, “Hybrid FEM/BIE algorithm for analysis of electromagnetic scattering from the dielectric rough surface”, The 2013 International Doctoral Forum of Electronic Science and Technology, Jul. 9-13, Beijing, China, pp.48-51, 2013.
[69]Li Ke, Guo Lixin, Li Juan, “Composite scattering of a double negative material-coated target above random rough surface by the FDTD method”, The 2013 International Doctoral Forum of Electronic Science and Technology, Jul. 9-13, Beijing, China, pp.105-109, 2013.
[70]Meng Xiao, Guo Lixin, “Improved diffuse scattering model of indoor radio prediction”, The 2013 International Doctoral Forum of Electronic Science and Technology, Jul. 9-13, Beijing, China, pp.86-89, 2013.
[71]Wei Yiwen, Guo Lixin, “An efficient multiregion model for the EM scattering of a dielectric rough surface”, 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition, iWEM 2012,Chengdu, China, 2012.
[72]Xu Runwen, Guo Lixin, Zheng Fan, “Application of hybrid FEM/BIE on electromagnetic scattering from random rough surface: TE case,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, xi’an, China, pp.928-931, 2012.
[73]Jia Chungang, Guo Lixin, Li Juan, Yang Pengju, “Time-domain physical optics method for the analysis of wide-band EM scattering from two dimensional conducting rough surface,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.987-990, 2012.
[74]Chai Shuirong, Guo Lixin, Wang Anqi, “Electromagnetic scattering from a PEC cylinder above two-la[ant]yered rough surface: horizontal polarization,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.869-873, 2012.
[75]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, Li Ke, “Wide-band scattering of 1-D dispersive soil surface,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.694-697, 2012.
[76]Liu Wei, Guo Lixin, Zheng Fan, Li Jiangting, “Omnidirectional polarimetric scattering in the upper half-space from ocean-like rough surfaces,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.874-877, 2012.
[77]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, Meng Xiao, Zhong Zhimeng, “Novel 3D ray-tracing model for propagation prediction in indoor environments,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.428-431, 2012.
[78]Feng Yongsheng, Guo Lixin, Wang Peng, Liu Zhongyu, “Efficient ray-tracing model for propagation prediction for microcellular wireless communication systems,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.432-435, 2012.
[79]Wang Peng, Guo Lixin, Feng Yongsheng, “A fast ray-tracing algorithm for microcellular propagation prediction models,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.436-439, 2012.
[80]Liu Rui, Guo Lixin ,Wu Rongrong, Zhang Beichen, “Research on ionosphere drift velocity based on digisonde observation,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.519-522, 2012.
[81]Wu Rongrong, Guo Lixin, Liu Rui, Hu Hongqiao, “Study on morphological characteristics of ionosphere scintillation in the high-latitude region,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.527-530, 2012.
[82]Zheng Fan, Guo Lixin, Xue Ruping, Liu Wei, “Scattering properties of wind-blown barchan,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.747-750, 2012.
[83]Li Qiang, Guo Lixin, Meng Xiao, “Analysis of the scale conditions for the rough surface,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.811-814, 2012.
[84]Zhao Hua, Guo Lixin, “Application of physical optics for scattering calculation in MMWSS,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.1156-1159, 2012.
[85]Li Jiangman, Shu Tingting, Guo Lixin, Lin Leke, Zhao Zhenwei, “Research on the fault tolerance in retrieving atmospheric refractivity by microwave radiometer data,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.555-557, 2012.
[86]Han Hengmin, Shu Tingting, Guo Lixin, Zhao Zhenwei, Li Jiangman, Lin Leke, “research on retrieving the liquid content of clouds by ground-based microwave radiometer,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.971-974, 2012.
[87]Han Hengmin, Shu Tingting, Guo Lixin, Zhao Zhenwei, Li Jiangman, Lin Leke, “A new calibration technique for ground-based microwave radiometer,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.765-768, 2012.
[88]Shu Tingting, Han Hengmin, Guo Lixin, Lin Leke, Zhao Zhenwei, Li Jiangman, “Profiling atmospheric temperature using temperature weighting functions,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.1184-1187, 2012.
[89]Li Renxian, Ding Chunying, Ren Kuanfang, Han Xiang’e, Guo Lixin, Wu Zhensen, Gong Shuxi, “Scattering of a high-order bessel beam by a sphere,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.833-836, 2012.
[90]Cui Jiaqing, Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Research on scintillation index of laser beam propagation through atmospheric turbulence for double slant path,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.493-496, 2012.
[91]Cui Jiaqing, Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Study on characteristics of the ionospheric conductivity in the polar region,” 10th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2012, Xi’an, China, pp.714-717, 2012.
[92]Nie Jiankun, Guo Lixin, Zhao Hua “Application of high frequency scattering predication method in MMWSS”, 2012 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2012 – Proceedings, pp.1236-1239, 2012.
[93]Guo Lixin, Liu Zhao, Gou Xueyin “Inversion of Rough Surface Parameters Based on Support Vector Machine”, 2012 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.740-743, May. 5-8,2012.
[94]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, He Qiong, Xu Renwen, “Characterization of 3D Electromagnetic Scattering from PEC Man-made Target above Rough Surface”, 2012 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.744-747, May. 5-8,2012.
[95]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Research on scintillation characteristic of laser beam reflect by target in atmospheric turbulence under strong fluctuation”, 2011 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, May. 22-25, Beijing, pp.342-345.
[96]Zhang Zhongbo, Guo Lixin, “An improved algorithm of reverse tracing for radio propagation prediction in urban”, 2011 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, May. 22-25, Beijing, pp.346-349.
[97]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Solution of composite scattering from inhomogeneous object above conducting rough surface with a novel multi-hybrid FE-BI-KA method”, 2011 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, May. 22-25, Beijing, pp.489-492.
[98]Liu Wei, Guo Lixin, “Influence of azimuth angle on polarimetric bistatic scattering from sea surface”, 2011 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, May. 22-25, Beijing, pp.505-507.
[99]Ding Huifen, Guo Lixin, “Modeling statistics of sea clutter from 1D time-varying sea surface”, 2011 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, May. 22-25, Beijing, pp.365 -368.
[100]Mao Yuan, Guo Lixin, “Numerical simulation for the sea echo spectrum of OTHR radar based on JONSWARP sea spectrum”, 2011 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, May 22-25, Beijing, pp.369-371.
[101]Liu Zhongyu, Guo Lixin, “A 2D ray tracing method based on the virtual source tree in urban environment”, 2011 2nd International Conference on Electronis and Information Engineering, Tianjin, Sep.9-11, pp.422-426, 2011.
[102]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Prediction the chaotic time series of the radio signal propagates through the lonosphere”, 2011 2nd International Conference on Electronis and Information Engineering, Tianjin, Sep.9-11, pp.461-464, 2011.
[103]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on scattering from 2D plasma coated target over rough sea surface”, 2011 4th IEEE Int. Sym. on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Tech. for Wireless Communications, Nov.1-3, Beijing, pp.183-186.
[104]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Analysis of composite EM scattering based on accurate geometry modeling”, 2011 4th IEEE Int. Sym. on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Tech. for Wireless Communications, Nov.1-3, Beijing, pp.191-193.
[105]Liang Yu, Guo Lixin, “An efficient composite algorithm for rough surface reconstruction”, 2011 4th IEEE Int. Sym. on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Tech. for Wireless Communications, Nov.1-3, Beijing, pp.805-808.
[106]Guo Lixin, Li Juan, “Frequency response from one-dimensional rough surface with the pulsed wave excitation by the FDTD method”, The 9th Int. Sym. on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory,Guangzhou, China, 2010.
[107]Wang, Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Fast RCS computation over a frequency band based on general asymptotic waveform evaluation: Geometric modeling by NURBS surface”, The 9th Int. Sym. on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, Guangzhou, China, 2010.
[108]Li Jie, Guo Lixin, “Study on EM Scattering from 1D random rough surface using Hybrid FEM/BIE”, The 9th Int. Sym. on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, Guangzhou, China, 2010.
[109]Miao Yuanben, Guo Lixin, “Simulation of EM scattering from 3-D target by MOM with pulse basis function”, 2010 Int. Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (ICEEAC2010), Zibo, China, Vo1.11, pp.207-211, Nov., 2010.
[110]Li Guangcheng, Guo Lixin, “Research of the microwave propagation in the evaporation duct with obstacles”, 2010 Int. Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (ICEEAC2010), Zibo, China, Vo1.11, pp.329-333, Nov., 2010.
[111]Wang Anqi, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on electromagnetic scattering from a PEC target above a two- la[ant]yered dielectric rough surface: vertical polarization”, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp.498-501, April 12-16, Beijing , China , 2010.
[112]Guo Lixin, Lijuan, “MPI-based parallel FDTD investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from the two-la[ant]yered rough surface with a large incident angle”, 2009 Int. Conf. on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromagnetics, Nov. 3-6, Beijing, pp.360- 363.
[113]Guo Lixin, Fang Chaofeng, “A computation of incoherent radar spectra of anisotropic temperature plasma”, The 8th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.798-801, Nov.2-5, 2008.
[114]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “Beam decomposition algorithms and its application to the pulse Quasi-beam scattering from two dimensional rough surfaces”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.995-998, April 21-24, 2008.
[115]Yang Chao, Guo Lixin, “Application of the small slope approximation for EM scattering from the rough sea surface”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.999-1002, April 21-24, 2008.
[116]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Application of beam decomposition simulations to electromagnetic pulse Quasi-beam scattering from one-dimensional rough interface”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.1003-1006, April 21-24, 2008.
[117]Xue Kun, Guo Lixin, “Application of 20-monen approximation for ion velocity distribution in calculations of incoherent scattering spectra”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.1011-1014, April 21-24, 2008.
[118]Li Juan, Guo Lixin, “FDTD investigation on electromagnetic scattering from the PEC cylinder above two-la[ant]yered rough surfaces”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.531-534, April 21-24, 2008.
[119]Liu Wei, Guo Lixin, “A Polarmetric scattering research of the ocean surface based on the matrix of scattering facet”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.1687-1690, April 21-24, 2008.
[120]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on backscattering from 1D Weierstrass rough surface of la[ant]yered medium”, 2008 Int. Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave, pp.1726-1729, April 21-24, 2008.
[121]Yang Chao, Guo Lixin, “Modelling the radio wave propagation in the troposphere with discrete mixed Fourier method”, The 8th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.554-557, Nov.2-5, 2008.
[122]Ma Jun, Guo Lixin, “Study on GPS scattering at large angle from rough sea surface”, The 8th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.802-805, Nov.2-5, 2008.
[123]Ma Baoke, Guo Lixin, “Study on scintillation of radio wave propagation through the ionospheric irregularities”, The 8th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.558-561, Nov.2-5, 2008.
[124]Tsang Hao, Guo Lixin, “Study on the bistatic scattering from 2-D ship model on the rough sea surface”, The 8th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.589-592, Nov.2-5, 2008.
[125]Wang Rui, Guo Lixin, “Study on the model for EM scattering from 2D target above sea surface based on artificial neural network”, The 8th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.806-809, Nov.2-5, 2008.
[126]Guo Lixin, Wang Rui, “The study of EM scattering from a target above a dielectric sea surface”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Dec.16-20, Hongkong, 2008.
[127]Guo Lixin, Wu Wanfang, “Study on the statistical properties of laser beam propagation through the turbulent atmosphere in the slant-path”, The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics(CEEM), pp.881-884, August 2-4 2006
[128]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “An efficient canonical-grid method for scattering from rough surfaces”, The 7th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.902-905, 2006. 10. 26, Guilin , China .
[129]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, Guo Hua, “Investigation on the coupling scattering model of a static conducting plate above the time-varying sea surface”, The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics(CEEM), pp.843-846, Dalian, August 2-4 2006.
[130]Ren Yuchao, Guo Lixin, “Investigation on the backscattering from the time-varying oceanic surface with consideration of multiple scattering”, The 7th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.692-695, 2006. 10, Guilin , China .
[131]Ren Xincheng, Guo Lixin, “Electromagnetic scattering from 2D band-limited Weierstrass fractal dielectric rough surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, The 7th Int. Sym. On Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, pp.898-901, 2006. 10, Guilin , China . Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering interaction between a time-varying sea surface and a spherical target above it”, Cross Strait Tri-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSTRWC2006), pp.411-414, Macao , August 24-27 2006.
[132]Guo Lixin, Guo Hua, Wang Yunhua, “Study on the chaotic characteristic of sea clutter”, 2006 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference(CJWM2006), Vol.1, pp.379-382, Chengdu , August 23-25, 2006.
[133]Guo Lixin, Yi Xiuxiong, “Study on the wander for Gaussian beam propagation through the atmospheric turbulence”, IEEE 2005 Int. Symp. on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC, pp.407-410, Beijing, Aug.8, 2005.
[134]Guo Lixin, Wang Yunhua, “Sea-wave fractal spectrum and scattering coefficient evaluation from an inproved two-dimensional fractal sea surface”, PIERS’2005, Hangzhou, Aug.23, pp.359, China.
[135]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “Investigation on the Gaussian beam scattering from non-Gaussian random rough surface”, 2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, pp.2315-2317, Dec., Suzhou, China.
[136]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering from non-Gaussian oceanic surface using the modified two-scale model”, 2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, pp.2754-2757, Dec., Suzhou, China.
[137]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and a 1D random rough surface”, Proceedings of SPIE-The Int. Soc. for Opt. Engineering, Vol.5431, Targets and backgrounds X: Characterization and Representation, pp.300-307, 2004, April 12-16, Orlando, FL, USA.
[138]Guo Lixin, Ren Yuchao, “Study on the Doppler spectrum from the time-varying sea surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, pp.47-49, 2004, Qingdao, China.
[139]Guo Lixin, Yi Xiuxiong, “Study on the optical scintillation for Gaussian beam propagation in the slant-path”, 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, pp.355-358, 2004, Qingdao, China.
[140]Wang Yunhua, Guo Lixin, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering interaction between a conducting plate and a 2D random rough surface”, 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, pp.43-46, 2004, Qingdao, China.
[141]Guo Lixin, Chen Jianjun, “Study on the EM scattering from the rough surface using the small slope approximation”, PERS’2004, pp.42, Nanjing, China.
[142]Guo Lixin, Chen Jianjun, “Backscattering of electromagnetic wave by a rough fractal sea surface with consideration of the multipath effect”, ISAPE’2003, pp.476-479, 2003.10. 28, Beijing.
[143]Guo Lixin, Guan Xiuguo, “Study on the electromagnetic scattering from the fractal surface with considering the shadowing effect”, ISAPE’2003, pp.492-495, 2003. 10. 28, Beijing.
[144]Guo Lixin, “The use of fractal modeling for EM wave scattering from two-dimensional rough surface”, Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT’2001 Conference, pp.59-62, Tajon, Korea, 2001.9.
[145]Guo Lixin, Kim Cheyoung, “Electromagnetic scattering from inhomogeneous la[ant]yers with slightly rough surface”, the 6th Workshop on Modern Electronic Technology and Applications, pp24-28, Beijing, 2001.11.
[146]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from fractal rough surface”, The EOS/SPIE Sym. Remote Sensing, Barcelona, Spain, Sept.25, 2000.
[147]Guo Lixinand Luo Zhimin, “Electromagnetic scattering from a conducting target surrounded by fractal atmospheric turbulence”, ISAPE’2000, Beijing.
[148]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering from 2D Band-limited fractal rough surface using Kirchhoff approximation”, ICCEA’99(Int. Conference on Computational Electromagnetic and Its Applications), Beijing,1999.11.
[149]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Scattering of 2D off-axis Gaussian beam by an inhomogeneous cylinder and its application in determination of fiber”, SPIE’97, San Diego, USA, 1997,7.
[150]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Scattering of an off-axis 2D Gaussian beam by multil[ant]ayered cylinder”, PIERS’97, Hong Kong, Jan. 6-9, 1997.
[151]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “EM Scattering from 1D fractal surface using wavelet transform”, PERS’97, Hongkong, Jan. 6-9,1997.
[152]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Light scattering from fractal multi-la[ant]yered and fractal shaped spherical particle”, The Third Int.-Opt. on Particle Sizing, Yokohama, Japan, pp.189-193, Aug. 1993.
[153]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Fractal scattering from one-dimensional rough surface”,1st Conference on Electromagnetic Science of China, Chengdu, China, pp.190-197, 1992.
[154]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Diffraction of fractal multi-phase screen in the atmospheric turbulence”, 3rd Academic Conference of Chinese Young Scientists, Beijing, 1998,8.
[155]Guo Lixinand Wu Zhensen, “Electromagnetic scattering of an off-axis Gaussian beam by a multi-la[ant]yered cylinder”, SCEM’98, Chengdu, 1998.7.

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