本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27
李晖 教授,博士生导师
网络空间安全 密码学
李晖,博士生导师,现任西安电子科技大学网络与信息安全学院执行院长。ACM SIGSAC CHINA首任主席, 中国密码学会理事、安全协议专委会委员,中国中文信息学会大数据安全与隐私保护专委会副主任,中国人工智能学会人工智能与安全专委会副主任,中国电子学会信息论分会委员,IEEE会员、ACM会员,天翼网信安全产业联盟副理事长、陕西省商用密码协会专家委员会主任、工信部商用密码应用推进专家委员会委员、网络与信息安全学报副主编。 1990年获得复旦大学无线电电子学理学学士学位, 1993年和1998年分别获得西安电子科技大学通信与电子系统工学硕士和工学博士学位,2009年在加拿大滑铁卢大学进行为期6个月的访问研究。主要的研究方向是密码信息安全、信息论与编码理论。
国家重点研发计划项目负责人, 国家自然科学基金重点项目负责人,移动互联网安全陕西省创新团队负责人,获得国家级教学成果二等奖2项,陕西省教学成果特等奖1项,二等奖4项,陕西省优秀教材奖1项;省部级科技进步奖一等奖2项,二等奖3项,三等奖1项,2003年获得陕西省青年科技奖,2010年获陕西省教学名师奖,2017年获中央网信办网络安全优秀教师奖,2018年入选陕西省特支计划教学名师项目。获发明专利授权20余项,申请发明专利20项。论文170余篇。
1. 11.1-11.3成功举办中国密码学会2019年会
李晖 教授,博士生导师
网络空间安全 密码学
李晖,博士生导师,现任西安电子科技大学网络与信息安全学院执行院长。ACM SIGSAC CHINA首任主席, 中国密码学会理事、安全协议专委会委员,中国中文信息学会大数据安全与隐私保护专委会副主任,中国人工智能学会人工智能与安全专委会副主任,中国电子学会信息论分会委员,IEEE会员、ACM会员,天翼网信安全产业联盟副理事长、陕西省商用密码协会专家委员会主任、工信部商用密码应用推进专家委员会委员、网络与信息安全学报副主编。 1990年获得复旦大学无线电电子学理学学士学位, 1993年和1998年分别获得西安电子科技大学通信与电子系统工学硕士和工学博士学位,2009年在加拿大滑铁卢大学进行为期6个月的访问研究。主要的研究方向是密码信息安全、信息论与编码理论。
国家重点研发计划项目负责人, 国家自然科学基金重点项目负责人,移动互联网安全陕西省创新团队负责人,获得国家级教学成果二等奖2项,陕西省教学成果特等奖1项,二等奖4项,陕西省优秀教材奖1项;省部级科技进步奖一等奖2项,二等奖3项,三等奖1项,2003年获得陕西省青年科技奖,2010年获陕西省教学名师奖,2017年获中央网信办网络安全优秀教师奖,2018年入选陕西省特支计划教学名师项目。获发明专利授权20余项,申请发明专利20项。论文170余篇。
1. 11.1-11.3成功举办中国密码学会2019年会
互联网环境下隐私保护与取证,国家重点研发计划, 2017.7-2020.12,2017YFB**
移动互联网服务及隐私保护的理论与关键技术研究, 广东省联合基金项目,2015.1-2018.12,U**
社区电子服务系统安全支撑体系 ,国家科技支撑计划项目
会议名称 主办方 举办时间
IEEE S&P IEEE 5月 安全四大会 Big 4
Usenix Security USENIX 8月
NDSS Internet Society 2月
Crypto IACR 8月 三大密码会
Eurocrypt 5月
Asiacrypt 12月
ESORICS 9月 欧洲计算机安全会议
ACSAC 8月 计算机安全会议
FSE IACR 3月 快速软件加密
CHES IACR 8月 硬件和嵌入式系统
ICC IEEE ComSoc 5月 通信旗舰会议
GLOBECOM IEEE ComSoc 12月 通信旗舰会议
CNS IEEE ComSoc 10月 通信和网络安全
MOBICOM ACM 10月 移动计算和网络
SIGCOMM ACM 8月 计算机通信
WISEC ACM 7月 无线通信安全
ISIT IEEE 7月 信息论旗舰会议
李小青:西安电子科技大学 副教授
张应辉:西安邮电大学 教授
王博洋:美国辛辛那提大学 助理教授
赖成喆:西安邮电大学 教授
Fawad Khan,department of information security, national university of science and technology, Pakistan
李维皓:CEC 6所
丁 晟:华为
2001级:叶平丰 赵兴文 王珊珊 李菲
2002级:邹娟 裴智强 曹玥 李林 王丹卉 韩贞
2003级:于明喆 和力 吴蔚 李晓媛 张武军 申婷 朱一欣 马进 忤小墩
2004级:宋亚琼 顾洁 鱼雷 陈娟 咸娟 罗楠 叶飞 阎琪 徐颖
2005级:邹佩琳 苏志图 杨天骄 周亮 谷 裕 钟文国 王伟 魏元首 王宁娟 徐明
2006级:祖玲玲 王诚 祁小波 张蔚 刘博 游前程 孙春辉
2007级:尹钰 王彦平 代宜君 于静 王博洋 付晓红 宋芹芹 申肖肖 牛犇 曹巍
2008级:芦文峰 孔德智 石玲玲 莫灿 赵黎斌 邱婷婷 王怀勇 曹进 赖成喆 王宏王 大中 李瑞民 崔琳
2009级:梁晨 李扬 吴昊 王康 张朕源 陈曦 李杰 薛尚武 胡逸 陈旭红 王亚飞 杨洁
2010级:潘文海 张泽钥 郭爱香 何红 艾云 杨柳 高文龙 解岳峰 刘北水 王志强
2011级:张文静 陈思羽 康思 李帅 郭利君 曾栋 朱乐翔 刘樵 白晨 刘梦溪
2012级:折宇超 李义杰 王莹娟 刘航 朱晓阳 方魏 张可人
2013级:赵高飞 尤博 闫文婷 张少志 王晨沣 冯玮钰
2015级:潘媛 刘栋 龚柏瀚 姚瑞欣 石素丽 宋和春 汪涛和 吴宝锐
2016级:罗玙榕 李佳旻 路世翠 郝晓娜 徐国玮
2017级:王灿 豆敏娟 张宇阳 张秀娟
2018级:闫皓楠 萧明炽 刘阳 王硕 戴睿 丁潇 付溪 关键
2019级:赵姝畅 李高明 饶嵩 王瑞 张铭 拜晓蒙 谢雨航
2020级:石小平 杨惠敏 郑春皓 张喆 刘赣秦
Conference paper
K Fan, J Wang, X Wang, H Li, Y Yang,Secure, efficient and revocable data sharing scheme for vehicular fogs,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (4), 766-777,2018
K Fan, W Wang, W Jiang, H Li, Y Yang,Secure ultra-lightweight RFID mutual authentication protocol based on transparent computing for IoV,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (4), 723-734,2018
Q Han, C Li, H Li, Efficient and robust attribute-based encryption supporting access policy hiding in Internet of Things, Future Generation Computer Systems 83, 269-277,2018
S Ding, C Li, H Li,A Novel Efficient Pairing-free CP-ABE Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography for IoT,IEEE Access,2018
K Fan, X Wang, K Suto, H Li, Y Yang,Secure and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext Retrieval in Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing,IEEE Network 32 (3), 52-57,2018
K Fan, W Jiang, H Li, Y Yang,Lightweight RFID Protocol for Medical Privacy Protection in IoT,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (4), 1656-1665,2018
X Liu, H Zhu, R Lu, H Li,Efficient privacy-preserving online medical primary diagnosis scheme on naive bayesian classification,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (2), 334-347,2018
F Shan, H Li, F Li, Y Guo, B Niu,HAC: Hybrid Access Control for Online Social Networks,Security and Communication Networks 2018
Kai Fan, Deng Hai, Lang Wang, Hui Li, Yinyang Yang, Ciphertext retrieval in super-peer p2p network, GLOBECOM 2015
Boyang Wang, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui LI, Circular Range Search on Encrypted Spatial Data, IEEE CNS 2015
JinCao;HuiLi; Maode Ma, GAHAP: A Group-based Anonymity Handover Authentication Protocol for MTC in LTE-A Networks, ICC 2015
JinCao;HuiLi;MaodeMa;FenghuaLi, UGHA:Uniform Group-based Handover Authentication for MTC within E-UTRAN in LTE-A Networks ,ICC 2015
ShunrongJiang;XiaoyanZhu;RipeiHao;HaotianChi;HuiLi;LiangminWangLightweight and Privacy-Preserving Agent Data Transmission for Mobile Healthcare, ICC 2015
WeihaoLi;BenNiu;HuiLi;FenghuaLi, Privacy-Preserving Strategies in Service Quality Aware Location-Based Services, ICC 2015
Wenhai Sun, Xuefeng Liu; Wenjing Lou,Thomas Hou, Hui Li, Catch You If You Lie to Me: Efficient Verifiable Conjunctive Keyword Search over Large Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data, IEEE INFOCOM 2015
Ben Niu; Qinghua Li; Xiaoyan Zhu; Guohong Cao; Hui Li , Enhancing Privacy through Caching in Location-Based Services, IEEE INFOCOM 2015
Niu, Ben;Zhu, Xiaoyan;Li, Weihao;Li, Hui;Wang, Yingjuan;Lu, ZongqingA personalized two-tier cloaking scheme for privacy-aware location-based services, ICNC 2015,p 94-98,March 26, 2015
1. Boyang Wang, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui Li, Maple: scalable multi-dimensional range search over encrypted cloud data with tree-based index, ASIA CCS '14, Tokoyo, Japan
2. Boyang Wang ; Ming Li ; Sherman S. M. Chow ; Hui Li, A Tale of Two Servers: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Computation over Cloud Data under Multiple Keys, 2th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, 2014.10, San Fransico,USA
3. Boyang Wang, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui Li and Fenghua Li. Tree-based Multi-Dimensional Range Search on Encrypted Data with Enhanced Privacy, 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks,Beijing, China
4. Niu, Ben ;Zhu, Xiaoyan; Weihao,Li,Li, Hui, EPcloak: An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Spatial Cloaking Scheme for LBSs, IEEE MASS 2014, Philadelphia, USA,2014.10
5. Niu, Ben ; Li, Qinghua; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Li, Hui, A fine-grained spatial cloaking scheme for privacy-aware users in Location-Based Services, ICCCN, September 25, 2014, Shanghai, China
6. Zhu, Hui ; Huang, Rong; Liu, Ximeng; Li, Hui, SPEMR: A new secure personal electronic medical record scheme with privilege separation, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2014, p 700-705, 2014,
7. Zhu, Xiaoyan ; Chi, Haotian; Jiang, Shunrong; Lei, Xiaosan; Li, Hui, Using dynamic pseudo-IDs to protect privacy in location-based services, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, p 2307-2312, 2014,
8. Zhu, Hui; Huang, Cheng; Li, Hui, MPPM: Malware propagation and prevention model in online SNS, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2014,Sydney, NSW, Australia
9. Zhu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Jie; Jiang, Shunrong; Chen, Zengbao; Li, Hui, Efficient Weight-based Private Matching for proximity-based mobile social networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014,Sydney, NSW, Australia,2014
10. Lai, Chengzhe; Li, Hui; Lu, Rongxing; Jiang, Rong; Shen, Xuemin, SEGR: A secure and efficient group roaming scheme for machine to machine communications between 3GPP and WiMAX networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, p 1011-1016, 2014
11. Niu B, Zhang Z, Li X and Li H, Privacy-Area Aware Dummy Generation Algorithms for Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2014
12. Sun W, Yu S, Lou W, Hou T Y, and Li H, Protecting Your Right: Attribute-based Keyword Search with Fine-grained Owner-enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2014
13. Niu B, Li Q, Zhu X, Cao G and Li H, Achieving k-anonymity in Privacy-Aware Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada
14. Zhang, Yinghui ; Zheng, Dong; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Jin; Li, Hui, Computationally efficient ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with constant-size ciphertexts, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8782, p 259-273, 2014
1. Niu B, Zhu X, Lei X, Zhang W, and Li H, EPS: Encounter-Based Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
2. Niu B, Zhu X, Liu J, Li Z, and Li H, Weight-aware Private Matching Scheme for Proximity-Based Mobile Social Networks," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
3. Zhu X, Chi H, Niu B, Zhang W, Li Z, and Li H, Mobicache: When k-anonymity meets cache, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
4. Niu B, Zhu X, Zhang T, Chi H, and Li H, P-match: Priority-aware Friend Discovery for Proximity-Based Mobile Social Networks, in Proc. of IEEE MASS, pp.351-355, 2013
5. Boyang Wang, Sherman S.M. Chow, Ming Li, Hui Li, Storing Shared Data on the Cloud via Security-Mediator, ICDCS 2013
6. Boyang Wang, Hui Li, Ming Li, Privacy PreservingPublic AuditingforSharedCloudData SupportingGroupDynamics, ICC 2013.
7. Wenhai Sun, Bing Wang, Ning Cao, Ming Li, Wenjing Lou, Thomas Hou and Hui Li, Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Text Search in the Cloud Supporting Similarity-based Ranking, ASIACCS 2013
8. Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Duncan S. Wong and Hui Li, Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption Supporting Efficient Decryption Test, ASIACCS 2013, distinguished paper award
9. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, INFOCOM 2013, Apr.15-19, Turin, Italia.
10. Ben Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Hui Li, An Ultralightweight and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for Mobile RFID Systems, IEEE WCNC 2013
11. Ben Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Haotian Chi, Hui Li, plus:$ Privacy-Preserving Pseudo-Location Updating System in Location-Based Services, IEEE WCNC 2013
1. Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, Unified Handover Authentication between Heterogeneous Access Systems in LTE Networks, IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
2. Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, A Group-based Authentication and Key Agreement for MTC in LTE Networks, IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
3. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Gmatch: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Group Matching in Social Networks,IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
4. Zhao Xingwen,Li Hui,Codes based tracing and revoking scheme with constant ciphertext,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,v 7496 LNCS,p318-335,2012,Provable Security - 6th International Conference, ProvSec 2012, Proceedings
5. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Knox: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Shared Data with Large Groups in the Cloud, ACNS 2012, LNCS 7341, 507-525,June 26-29, Singapore
6. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud, IEEE Cloud 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.June 24-29, 2012.
7. Kai Fan, Libin Zhao, Xuemin Sherman Shen, Hui Li, Yintang Yang, Smart-blocking File Storage Method in Cloud Computing, IEEE ICCC 2012, Beijing, August 15-18, 2012.
1. Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Hui Li, Jin Cao, Identity Based Construction for Secure and Efficient Handoff Authentication Schemes in Wireless Networks, The 2011 FTRA World Convergence Conference, Korea, DEC 12-15, 2011
2. Sun, Yuhua; Wang, Zilong; Li, Hui; Yan, Tongjiang, On the cross-correlation of a ternary m-sequence of period 34k-1 and its decimated sequence by (32k+1)2/20, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications, IWSDA'11, p 48-51, 2011, EI 358
3. Li, Zhanhu;Fan, Kai;Li, Hui,Concurrent signature protocol on conic curve over ring Zn,Source: 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, ICECC 2011 - Proceedings, p 194-197, 2011, EI 201**
4. Niu, Ben,Li, Hui;Zhu, Xiaoyan;Chao, Lv, Security analysis of some recent authentication protocols for RFID, Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011, p 665-669, 2011,
1. Yong Wang, Hui Li and Xiyuan Wang. Performance Analysis of Optimal Antenna Scheme in Transmit Diversity Systems. The 6th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'10), Yantai, August, 2010, Vol. 6, 2793-2797. EI 415
2. Yong Wang, Hui Li. Full Rate and Full Diversity STBC in Decode-and-Forward Relay Systems. The 2010 International Conference on Communications and Intelligence Information Security, Nanning, October, 2010, 135-138.
3. Can Mo, Hui Li, Hui Zhu, A steam pattern matching method for traffic analysis, ICST E-Forensics 2010, Shanghai
4. Chao Lv; Maode Ma, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma, A security enhanced authentication and key distribution protocol for wireless networks, in IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security, 2010.12,EI 828
5. Chao Lv; Maode Ma, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma,An Efficient Three-Party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with One-Time Key, INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops , 2010
1. Zhou Yejun, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng, Secure Error-Correction Network Coding in a Randomized Setting,ISA2009,LNCS 5576,pp570-577
2. ZhuHui, LiHui, WangYumin. An Efficient Fast Authentication Protocol. IEEE 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security. 2009, 12.
3. Li, Xiaoqing, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng and Zhang Weidong. An Efficient Anonymous Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The 5th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Volume II, pp. 287–290, 2009.
4. Lv Chao, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng. Analysis the Properties of TLS Based on Temporal Logic of Knowledge, The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, 2009.
2008 and before
1. Wang Ying, Li Hui, Du Xinjun, Wang Yumin, The design of optimal period interleaver, Proceedings-International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, Proceedings-22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops/Symposia, AINA 2008, 2008, p 413-415
2. Wang Ying, Du Xinjun, Li Hui, Zhu Xiaoyan, Tail-biting theory for turbo codes, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2006, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2006
3. Li Hui, Shenqing, A Token Based Single Sign-on protocol, CIS 2005, Part II, LNAI 3802, Springer-Verlag 2005.12
4. Wang Meng, Li Hui, Liu Zhijing, Efficient Identity Based Proxy-Signcryption Schemes with Forward Security and Public Verifiability,ICCNMC 2005, LNCS Springer Verlag 2005.8.
Journal Paper
Liu, X.; Sun, W.; Quan, H.; Lou, W.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H. Publicly Verifiable Inner Product Evaluation over Outsourced Data Streams under Multiple Keys, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, online
Zhu, Hui; Huang, Cheng;Lu, Rongxing;Li, Hui, Modelling information dissemination under privacy concerns in social media, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, v 449, p 53-63, May 1, 2016
Zhu, Hui;Gao, Lijuan;Li, Hui, Secure and privacy-preserving body sensor data collection and query scheme, Sensors (Switzerland), v 16, n 2, February 1, 2016
Zhu, Hui;He, Xiaoying;Liu, Ximeng;Li, Hui, PTFA: A secure and privacy-preserving traffic flow analysis scheme for intelligent transportation system, International Journal of em[ant]bedded Systems, v 8, n 1, p 78-86, 2016
Niu, Ben;(Zhu, Xiaoyan; Li, Qinghua ; Chen, Jie; Li, Hui*, A novel attack to spatial cloaking schemes in location-based services, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE,Vol.49,p125-132,2015
Wang, Yong; Wu, Hao;Tang, Liyang; Li, Hui, The Solution for Cooperative Beamforming Design in MIMO Multi-way Relay Networks, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS,9(3):956-970,2015
Lv, Xixiang; Mu, Yi; Li, Hui, Key management for Smart Grid based on asymmetric key-wrapping, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS,92(3): 498-512,2015
Lai, Chengzhe; Li, Hui; Li, Xiaoqing; Cao, Jin, A novel group access authentication and key agreement protocol for machine-type communication, TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES 26(3):414-431,2015
Li, Chen; Chen, Le; Lu, Rongxing; Li, Hui, Comment on "An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for Authentication in Network Coding", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, 64(3): 882-883,2015
Zhu, Hui; Xue, Yingfang;Chen, Xiaofeng;Li, Qiang; Li, Hui, V-MGSM: A Multilevel and Grouping Security Virtualization Model for Mobile Internet Service, MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 1-9,2015
Wang B, Li B, Li H, Panda: Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, 8(1): 92-106,2015
Sun W, Wang B, Cao N, Li M, Lou W, Y Hou Y, Li H,Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Text Search in the Cloud Supporting Similarity-based Ranking, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 25(11): 3025-3035, 2014
Wang, Boyang; Li, Hui;Liu, Xuefeng;Li, Fenghua;Li, Xiaoqing, Efficient Public Verification on the Integrity of Multi-Owner Data in the Cloud, JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS,16(6): 592-599
Zhang, Yinghui; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Jin;Li, Hui, Generic construction for secure and efficient handoff authentication schemes in EAP-based wireless networks, COMPUTER NETWORKS, 75:192-211,series A,2014
Li, Chen ; Lu, Rongxing;Li, Hui; Chen, Le;Li, Xiaoqing, Comment on "A Novel Homomorphic MAC Scheme for Authentication in Network Coding", IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 18(12): 2129-2132,2014
Cao J, Ma M, Li H, Zhang Y,A Survey on Security Aspects for LTE and LTE-A Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol.16, No.1, pp.283-302, 2014
Xiang, Xinyin ; Li, Hui; Wang, Mingyu; Liu, Zhenhua, Hidden attribute-based signcryption scheme for lattice, Security and Communication Networks, 11(7):1780-1787, 2014
Wang B, Li B, Li H, Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2(1): 43-56, 2014
Lv X, Mu Y, Li H, Non-interactive Key Establishment for Bundle Security Protocol of Space DTNs, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 9(1): 5-13, 2014
Chengzhe Lai ; Hui Li; Xiaohui Liang; Rongxing Lu; Kuan Zhang; Xuemin Shen, CPAL: a conditional privacy-preserving authentication with access linkability for roaming service, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1(1): 46-57, 2014
Wang, Boyang; Li, Hui; Liu, Xuefeng, SecureMatch: Privacy-preserving group matching in social networks for large groups, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 10(2):665-672, 2014
Han, Qi ; Zhang, Yinghui; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Hui; Quan, Jiaxiang, Efficient and robust identity-based handoff authentication for EAP-based wireless networks, Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 26(8):1561-1573, 2014
Li, Xiaoqing ; Li, Hui; A survey on data dissemination in VANETs, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 59(32): 4190-4200
Lv, Chao; Ma, Maode; Li, Hui; Ma, Jianfeng; Zhang, Yaoyu An novel three-party authenticated key exchange protocol using one-time key,Journal of Network and Computer Applications, v 36, n 1, p 498-503, January 2013
Lai C, Li H, Lu R, Shen XS ,SE-AKA: A secure and efficient group authentication and key agreement protocol for LTE networks, Computer Networks, Vol.57, No.17, pp.3492-3510, 2013
Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Hui Li, Key-Evolving Hierarchical ID-Based Signcryption, the Computer Journal, accepted, The Computer Journal (2012) doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxs154 First published online: December 2, 2012,
Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, Yueyu Zhang, Chengzhe Lai, An Uniform Handover Authentication between E-UTRAN and Non-3GPP Access Networks , IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, Vol. 11, No. 10, 2012, pp 3644-3650
Lv Xixiang, Li Hui, Wang Baocang, Group key agreement for secure group communication in dynamic peer systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,v 72, n 10,p 1195-1200,October
Jin Cao, Hui Li, Maode Ma, Yueyu Zhang, Chengzhe Lai, A simple and robust handover authentication between HeNB and eNB in LTE networks, Computer Networks, 56(8), 2012, 2119-2131
Boyang Wang, Hui Li, Jin Cao, An efficient MAC scheme for secure network coding with probabilistic detection, Frontiers of Computer Science Volume 6, Number 4 (2012), 429-441
C. Lv, M. Ma, H. Li, and J. Ma, A security enhanced authentication and key distribution protocol for wireless networks, Security and Communication Networks, 5(4):343-352 (2012),
C. Lv, M. Ma, H. Li, J. Ma, and B.Niu Security enhancement of the communication efficient AUTHMAC_DH protocols, Security and Communication Networks ,5(6):674-680 (2012)
Chengzhe Lai,Hui Li,Yueyu Zhang,Jin Cao: Security Issues on Machine to Machine Communications. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6(2): 198-514 (2012)
Chao Lv,Hui Li,Jianfeng Ma,Ben Niu: Vulnerability analysis of lightweight secure search protocols for low-cost RFID systems.International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, 4(1):3-12 (2012)
Zhitu Su,Chunhui Sun,Hui Li,Jianfeng Ma: A method for efficient parallel computation of Tate pairing. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 3(1):43-52 (2012)
Lv, Xixiang;Li, Hui;Wang, Baocang, Identity-based key distribution for mobile Ad Hoc networks, FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN CHINA vol.5. No. 4,442-447,2011.12
Lv, Chao; Li, H; Ma, JF; Niu,B; Vulnerability Analysis of Elliptic Curve-Based RFID Protocol, CHINA COMMUNICATIONS,Vol.8,No.4, pp 153-158
Lai, Chengzhe;Li, Hui; Zhang, Yueyu; Cao, Jin,A fast seamless handoff scheme between IEEE 802.11 and EPS networks using optimized proxy mobile IPv6,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, v 5, n 8, p 81-91, 2011
Sun Chunhui, Li Hui, Yangyang, Chen Jie, Research on fault-electromagnetic attack on block cipher, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol.6 No.11, 409-417 2011.
Su, Zhitu; Sun, Chunhui; Li, Hui; Ma, Jianfeng, Fast computation of tate pairing using elliptic curves with prime subgroup order of proth form, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, v 3, n 7, p 384-393, August 2011
Lv, Chao, Li Hui, Ma, Jianfeng; Zhao, Meng, Security analysis of two recently proposed RFID authentication protocols, Frontiers of Computer Science in China, v 5, n 3, p 335-340, September 2011
Yong Wang, Hui Li, Weidong Zhang. Design of Multiuser Intermediate Relay Safety Communication Based on Sharing Signals Subspace Beamforming. Advanced Science Letters, Vol.4., Mo.2, pp606-609, 2011.2.
Sun Yinxia, Li Hui, ID-based Signcryption KEM to Multiple Recipients, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.20,No.2,317-322, 2011
Yong Wang, Hui Li. A Novel Convex Optimization for Receive Antenna Selection. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 186, p 611-615, 2011, New Trends and Applications of Computer-Aided Material and Engineering
Lv, Chao; Li, Hui ; Ma, Jianfeng; Niu, Ben; Jiang, Haiyang,Security analysis of a privacy-preserving ECC-based grouping-proof protocol,Journal of Convergence Information Technology,v 6, n 3, p 113-119, March 2011
Yong Wang, Hui Li and Xiyuan Wang. Robustness of Weighting Receive Antenna Selection Algorithm. Wireless Personal Communication, Vol.61,No.1, pp69-67, 2011
2010 and before
Yong Wang, Hui Li. A Novel Antenna Selection Scheme for Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2010, 24(11/12). 1530-1542.
Xudong Zhu, Hui Li, Zhijing Liu, Behavior Clustering for Anomaly Detection, China Communications, 2010:7(6).
Zhu Hui, Li Hui, Mo Can, A steam pattern matching method for traffic analysis , China Communication, 2010.No.6
Zhao bin, Kou Weidong, Li Hui, Dang Lanjun, Zhang Jun, Effective watermarking scheme in the encrypted domain for buyer-seller watermarking protocol,Information Sciences, v 180, n 23, p 4672-4684, 2010,
Sun Yinxia,Li Hui,Short-ciphertext and BDH-based CCA2 secure certificateless encryption,Science China Information Science,2010, No.10, Vol.53 2005-2015
Sun Yinxia, Li Hui. Efficient Signcryption between TPKC and IDPKC and Its Multi-Receiver Construction, Science China-Information Sciences, 2010.3
Dang Lanjun, Kou Weidong, Li Hui, Zhang Junwei, Cao Xuefei, Zhao Bin, Fan Kai, Efficient ID-based Registration Protocol Featured with User Anonymity in Mobile IP Networks, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, FEB,2010, VoL 9,No.2 pp594-604
Xixiang Lv, Hui Li. ID-based authenticated group key agreement from bilinear maps. Front. Comput. Sci. China, 2010.2
ZHOU Ye-jun,LI Hui, MA Jian-feng, Secure Network Coding Against the Contamination and Eavesdropping Adversaries, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2009.7
电子交易密码应用技术体系框架, 2010, 密码科技进步奖 二等,排名第5,2010-MJ-20-05
李晖,申婷,跨安全域的网络认证和密钥分配方法, ZL2.5
李晖,孙银霞, 朱辉,证书公钥系统与身份公钥系统之间的认证加密方法,ZL7.9
吕锡香,李晖,基于身份的认证群组密钥管理方法,ZL 7.5
朱辉;李晖;尹钰;刘欢;段海生,网络设备统一配置系统及其配置方法,ZL 8.4
李 晖;代宜君;刘建伟;宫晓妍,16APSK编码调制中软判决信息获取方法,ZL 6.4
吕锡香, 李晖, 张卫东,移动自组织网络的自认证公钥生成及验证方法,ZL 9.3
吕锡香;李晖;张卫东,基于自认证公钥的两方密钥协商方法, ZL8.9
李晖, 于静, 张跃宇,基于路径优化查找的P2P网络安全信任管理系统。ZL3.6, (公告日2012.7.25)
李晖,朱辉,尹钰,王彦平,莫灿,基于模式匹配方式的网络数据流识别方法,ZL 8.7, (公告日2012.8.8)
李晖, 王博洋, 曹进,基于概率检测的抗污染网络编码方法。ZL 5.5
李学俊、李晖、申肖肖,分代分组交叉随机线性网络编码方法。ZL 3.5
1. 接收本科专业为信息安全、通信与电子信息类专业、计算机科学与技术、软件工程、应用数学、信息与计算科学的学生
2. 有较好的数学基础,特别是线性代数、概率论,随机过程或者离散数学、组合数学、代数等方面基础较好的学生
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Hui Li, Professor, Ph.D.
School of Cyber Engineering
Contact Information
Post Box 101,Xidian University
No.2 Taibai Road South
Xian, Shaanxi, China
Tel: 86-
Hui Li, received B.Sc. degree from Fudan University in 1990, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from xidian University in 1993 and 1998. In 2009, he was with Department of ECE, University of Waterloo as a visiting scholar. Since 2005, he has been the professor in Xidian University, China. Now, he is the executive dean of School of Cyber Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of cryptography, wireless network security, cloud computing security, privacy preservation, and information theory . He has published over 200 papers in academic journals and conferences. He served as TPC co-chair of ISPEC 2009 and IAS 2009, general co-chair of E-Forensic 2010, ProvSec 2011 and ISC 2011,honorary chair of NSS 2014, ASIACCS 2016.
Research Interests
1.Cryptography and security protocol in cloud computing,IoT etc
2. Privacy computing
3.Information theory and coding
Security of cloud computing
Wireless communication security
Infomation theory of coding theory
Conference Paper
Kai Fan, Deng Hai, Lang Wang, Hui Li, Yinyang Yang, Ciphertext retrieval in super-peer p2p network, GLOBECOM 2015
Boyang Wang, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui LI, Circular Range Search on Encrypted Spatial Data, IEEE CNS 2015
JinCao;HuiLi; Maode Ma, GAHAP: A Group-based Anonymity Handover Authentication Protocol for MTC in LTE-A Networks, ICC 2015
JinCao;HuiLi;MaodeMa;FenghuaLi, UGHA:Uniform Group-based Handover Authentication for MTC within E-UTRAN in LTE-A Networks ,ICC 2015
ShunrongJiang;XiaoyanZhu;RipeiHao;HaotianChi;HuiLi;LiangminWangLightweight and Privacy-Preserving Agent Data Transmission for Mobile Healthcare, ICC 2015
WeihaoLi;BenNiu;HuiLi;FenghuaLi, Privacy-Preserving Strategies in Service Quality Aware Location-Based Services, ICC 2015
Wenhai Sun, Xuefeng Liu; Wenjing Lou,Thomas Hou, Hui Li, Catch You If You Lie to Me: Efficient Verifiable Conjunctive Keyword Search over Large Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data, IEEE INFOCOM 2015
Ben Niu; Qinghua Li; Xiaoyan Zhu; Guohong Cao; Hui Li , Enhancing Privacy through Caching in Location-Based Services, IEEE INFOCOM 2015
Niu, Ben;Zhu, Xiaoyan;Li, Weihao;Li, Hui;Wang, Yingjuan;Lu, ZongqingA personalized two-tier cloaking scheme for privacy-aware location-based services, ICNC 2015,p 94-98,March 26, 2015
1. Boyang Wang, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui Li, Maple: scalable multi-dimensional range search over encrypted cloud data with tree-based index, ASIA CCS '14, Tokoyo, Japan
2. Boyang Wang ; Ming Li ; Sherman S. M. Chow ; Hui Li, A Tale of Two Servers: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Computation over Cloud Data under Multiple Keys, 2th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, 2014.10, San Fransico,USA
3. Boyang Wang, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Haitao Wang, Hui Li and Fenghua Li. Tree-based Multi-Dimensional Range Search on Encrypted Data with Enhanced Privacy, 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks,Beijing, China
4. Niu, Ben ;Zhu, Xiaoyan; Weihao,Li,Li, Hui, EPcloak: An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Spatial Cloaking Scheme for LBSs, IEEE MASS 2014, Philadelphia, USA,2014.10
5. Niu, Ben ; Li, Qinghua; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Li, Hui, A fine-grained spatial cloaking scheme for privacy-aware users in Location-Based Services, ICCCN, September 25, 2014, Shanghai, China
6. Zhu, Hui ; Huang, Rong; Liu, Ximeng; Li, Hui, SPEMR: A new secure personal electronic medical record scheme with privilege separation, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2014, p 700-705, 2014,
7. Zhu, Xiaoyan ; Chi, Haotian; Jiang, Shunrong; Lei, Xiaosan; Li, Hui, Using dynamic pseudo-IDs to protect privacy in location-based services, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, p 2307-2312, 2014,
8. Zhu, Hui; Huang, Cheng; Li, Hui, MPPM: Malware propagation and prevention model in online SNS, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2014,Sydney, NSW, Australia
9. Zhu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Jie; Jiang, Shunrong; Chen, Zengbao; Li, Hui, Efficient Weight-based Private Matching for proximity-based mobile social networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014,Sydney, NSW, Australia,2014
10. Lai, Chengzhe; Li, Hui; Lu, Rongxing; Jiang, Rong; Shen, Xuemin, SEGR: A secure and efficient group roaming scheme for machine to machine communications between 3GPP and WiMAX networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, p 1011-1016, 2014
11. Niu B, Zhang Z, Li X and Li H, Privacy-Area Aware Dummy Generation Algorithms for Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2014
12. Sun W, Yu S, Lou W, Hou T Y, and Li H, Protecting Your Right: Attribute-based Keyword Search with Fine-grained Owner-enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2014
13. Niu B, Li Q, Zhu X, Cao G and Li H, Achieving k-anonymity in Privacy-Aware Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada
14. Zhang, Yinghui ; Zheng, Dong; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Jin; Li, Hui, Computationally efficient ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with constant-size ciphertexts, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8782, p 259-273, 2014
1. Niu B, Zhu X, Lei X, Zhang W, and Li H, EPS: Encounter-Based Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Location-Based Services, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
2. Niu B, Zhu X, Liu J, Li Z, and Li H, Weight-aware Private Matching Scheme for Proximity-Based Mobile Social Networks," in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
3. Zhu X, Chi H, Niu B, Zhang W, Li Z, and Li H, Mobicache: When k-anonymity meets cache, in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2013
4. Niu B, Zhu X, Zhang T, Chi H, and Li H, P-match: Priority-aware Friend Discovery for Proximity-Based Mobile Social Networks, in Proc. of IEEE MASS, pp.351-355, 2013
5. Boyang Wang, Sherman S.M. Chow, Ming Li, Hui Li, Storing Shared Data on the Cloud via Security-Mediator, ICDCS 2013
6. Boyang Wang, Hui Li, Ming Li, Privacy PreservingPublic AuditingforSharedCloudData SupportingGroupDynamics, ICC 2013.
7. Wenhai Sun, Bing Wang, Ning Cao, Ming Li, Wenjing Lou, Thomas Hou and Hui Li, Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Text Search in the Cloud Supporting Similarity-based Ranking, ASIACCS 2013
8. Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Duncan S. Wong and Hui Li, Anonymous Attribute-Based Encryption Supporting Efficient Decryption Test, ASIACCS 2013, distinguished paper award
9. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, INFOCOM 2013, Apr.15-19, Turin, Italia.
10. Ben Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Hui Li, An Ultralightweight and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for Mobile RFID Systems, IEEE WCNC 2013
11. Ben Niu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Haotian Chi, Hui Li, plus:$ Privacy-Preserving Pseudo-Location Updating System in Location-Based Services, IEEE WCNC 2013
1. Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, Unified Handover Authentication between Heterogeneous Access Systems in LTE Networks, IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
2. Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, A Group-based Authentication and Key Agreement for MTC in LTE Networks, IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
3. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Gmatch: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Group Matching in Social Networks,IEEE GlobeCom 2012, Dec.3-7, CA, USA
4. Zhao Xingwen,Li Hui,Codes based tracing and revoking scheme with constant ciphertext,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,v 7496 LNCS,p318-335,2012,Provable Security - 6th International Conference, ProvSec 2012, Proceedings
5. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Knox: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Shared Data with Large Groups in the Cloud, ACNS 2012, LNCS 7341, 507-525,June 26-29, Singapore
6. Boyang Wang, Baochun Li, Hui Li, Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud, IEEE Cloud 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.June 24-29, 2012.
7. Kai Fan, Libin Zhao, Xuemin Sherman Shen, Hui Li, Yintang Yang, Smart-blocking File Storage Method in Cloud Computing, IEEE ICCC 2012, Beijing, August 15-18, 2012.
1. Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Hui Li, Jin Cao, Identity Based Construction for Secure and Efficient Handoff Authentication Schemes in Wireless Networks, The 2011 FTRA World Convergence Conference, Korea, DEC 12-15, 2011
2. Sun, Yuhua; Wang, Zilong; Li, Hui; Yan, Tongjiang, On the cross-correlation of a ternary m-sequence of period 34k-1 and its decimated sequence by (32k+1)2/20, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications, IWSDA'11, p 48-51, 2011, EI 358
3. Li, Zhanhu;Fan, Kai;Li, Hui,Concurrent signature protocol on conic curve over ring Zn,Source: 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, ICECC 2011 - Proceedings, p 194-197, 2011, EI 201**
4. Niu, Ben,Li, Hui;Zhu, Xiaoyan;Chao, Lv, Security analysis of some recent authentication protocols for RFID, Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011, p 665-669, 2011,
1. Yong Wang, Hui Li and Xiyuan Wang. Performance Analysis of Optimal Antenna Scheme in Transmit Diversity Systems. The 6th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'10), Yantai, August, 2010, Vol. 6, 2793-2797. EI 415
2. Yong Wang, Hui Li. Full Rate and Full Diversity STBC in Decode-and-Forward Relay Systems. The 2010 International Conference on Communications and Intelligence Information Security, Nanning, October, 2010, 135-138.
3. Can Mo, Hui Li, Hui Zhu, A steam pattern matching method for traffic analysis, ICST E-Forensics 2010, Shanghai
4. Chao Lv; Maode Ma, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma, A security enhanced authentication and key distribution protocol for wireless networks, in IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security, 2010.12,EI 828
5. Chao Lv; Maode Ma, Hui Li, Jianfeng Ma,An Efficient Three-Party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with One-Time Key, INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops , 2010
1. Zhou Yejun, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng, Secure Error-Correction Network Coding in a Randomized Setting,ISA2009,LNCS 5576,pp570-577
2. ZhuHui, LiHui, WangYumin. An Efficient Fast Authentication Protocol. IEEE 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security. 2009, 12.
3. Li, Xiaoqing, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng and Zhang Weidong. An Efficient Anonymous Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The 5th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Volume II, pp. 287–290, 2009.
4. Lv Chao, Li Hui, Ma Jianfeng. Analysis the Properties of TLS Based on Temporal Logic of Knowledge, The Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, 2009.
2008 and before
1. Wang Ying, Li Hui, Du Xinjun, Wang Yumin, The design of optimal period interleaver, Proceedings-International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, Proceedings-22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops/Symposia, AINA 2008, 2008, p 413-415
2. Wang Ying, Du Xinjun, Li Hui, Zhu Xiaoyan, Tail-biting theory for turbo codes, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2006, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON 2006
3. Li Hui, Shenqing, A Token Based Single Sign-on protocol, CIS 2005, Part II, LNAI 3802, Springer-Verlag 2005.12
4. Wang Meng, Li Hui, Liu Zhijing, Efficient Identity Based Proxy-Signcryption Schemes with Forward Security and Public Verifiability,ICCNMC 2005, LNCS Springer Verlag 2005.8.
Journal Paper
Niu, Ben;(Zhu, Xiaoyan; Li, Qinghua ; Chen, Jie; Li, Hui*, A novel attack to spatial cloaking schemes in location-based services, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING AND ESCIENCE,Vol.49,p125-132,2015
Wang, Yong; Wu, Hao;Tang, Liyang; Li, Hui, The Solution for Cooperative Beamforming Design in MIMO Multi-way Relay Networks, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS,9(3):956-970,2015
Lv, Xixiang; Mu, Yi; Li, Hui, Key management for Smart Grid based on asymmetric key-wrapping, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS,92(3): 498-512,2015
Lai, Chengzhe; Li, Hui; Li, Xiaoqing; Cao, Jin, A novel group access authentication and key agreement protocol for machine-type communication, TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES 26(3):414-431,2015
Li, Chen; Chen, Le; Lu, Rongxing; Li, Hui, Comment on "An Efficient Homomorphic MAC with Small Key Size for Authentication in Network Coding", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, 64(3): 882-883,2015
Zhu, Hui; Xue, Yingfang;Chen, Xiaofeng;Li, Qiang; Li, Hui, V-MGSM: A Multilevel and Grouping Security Virtualization Model for Mobile Internet Service, MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 1-9,2015
Wang B, Li B, Li H, Panda: Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, 8(1): 92-106,2015
Sun W, Wang B, Cao N, Li M, Lou W, Y Hou Y, Li H,Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Text Search in the Cloud Supporting Similarity-based Ranking, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, 25(11): 3025-3035, 2014
Wang, Boyang; Li, Hui;Liu, Xuefeng;Li, Fenghua;Li, Xiaoqing, Efficient Public Verification on the Integrity of Multi-Owner Data in the Cloud, JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS,16(6): 592-599
Zhang, Yinghui; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Jin;Li, Hui, Generic construction for secure and efficient handoff authentication schemes in EAP-based wireless networks, COMPUTER NETWORKS, 75:192-211,series A,2014
Li, Chen ; Lu, Rongxing;Li, Hui; Chen, Le;Li, Xiaoqing, Comment on "A Novel Homomorphic MAC Scheme for Authentication in Network Coding", IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 18(12): 2129-2132,2014
Cao J, Ma M, Li H, Zhang Y,A Survey on Security Aspects for LTE and LTE-A Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol.16, No.1, pp.283-302, 2014
Xiang, Xinyin ; Li, Hui; Wang, Mingyu; Liu, Zhenhua, Hidden attribute-based signcryption scheme for lattice, Security and Communication Networks, 11(7):1780-1787, 2014
Wang B, Li B, Li H, Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2(1): 43-56, 2014
Lv X, Mu Y, Li H, Non-interactive Key Establishment for Bundle Security Protocol of Space DTNs, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 9(1): 5-13, 2014
Chengzhe Lai ; Hui Li; Xiaohui Liang; Rongxing Lu; Kuan Zhang; Xuemin Shen, CPAL: a conditional privacy-preserving authentication with access linkability for roaming service, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1(1): 46-57, 2014
Wang, Boyang; Li, Hui; Liu, Xuefeng, SecureMatch: Privacy-preserving group matching in social networks for large groups, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 10(2):665-672, 2014
Han, Qi ; Zhang, Yinghui; Chen, Xiaofeng; Li, Hui; Quan, Jiaxiang, Efficient and robust identity-based handoff authentication for EAP-based wireless networks, Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 26(8):1561-1573, 2014
Li, Xiaoqing ; Li, Hui; A survey on data dissemination in VANETs, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 59(32): 4190-4200
Lv, Chao; Ma, Maode; Li, Hui; Ma, Jianfeng; Zhang, Yaoyu An novel three-party authenticated key exchange protocol using one-time key,Journal of Network and Computer Applications, v 36, n 1, p 498-503, January 2013
Lai C, Li H, Lu R, Shen XS ,SE-AKA: A secure and efficient group authentication and key agreement protocol for LTE networks, Computer Networks, Vol.57, No.17, pp.3492-3510, 2013
Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Hui Li, Key-Evolving Hierarchical ID-Based Signcryption, the Computer Journal, accepted, The Computer Journal (2012) doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxs154 First published online: December 2, 2012,
Jin Cao, Maode Ma, Hui Li, Yueyu Zhang, Chengzhe Lai, An Uniform Handover Authentication between E-UTRAN and Non-3GPP Access Networks , IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, Vol. 11, No. 10, 2012, pp 3644-3650
Lv Xixiang, Li Hui, Wang Baocang, Group key agreement for secure group communication in dynamic peer systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,v 72, n 10,p 1195-1200,October
Jin Cao, Hui Li, Maode Ma, Yueyu Zhang, Chengzhe Lai, A simple and robust handover authentication between HeNB and eNB in LTE networks, Computer Networks, 56(8), 2012, 2119-2131
Boyang Wang, Hui Li, Jin Cao, An efficient MAC scheme for secure network coding with probabilistic detection, Frontiers of Computer Science Volume 6, Number 4 (2012), 429-441
C. Lv, M. Ma, H. Li, and J. Ma, A security enhanced authentication and key distribution protocol for wireless networks, Security and Communication Networks, 5(4):343-352 (2012),
C. Lv, M. Ma, H. Li, J. Ma, and B.Niu Security enhancement of the communication efficient AUTHMAC_DH protocols, Security and Communication Networks ,5(6):674-680 (2012)
Chengzhe Lai,Hui Li,Yueyu Zhang,Jin Cao: Security Issues on Machine to Machine Communications. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6(2): 198-514 (2012)
Chao Lv,Hui Li,Jianfeng Ma,Ben Niu: Vulnerability analysis of lightweight secure search protocols for low-cost RFID systems.International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications, 4(1):3-12 (2012)
Zhitu Su,Chunhui Sun,Hui Li,Jianfeng Ma: A method for efficient parallel computation of Tate pairing. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 3(1):43-52 (2012)
Lv, Xixiang;Li, Hui;Wang, Baocang, Identity-based key distribution for mobile Ad Hoc networks, FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN CHINA vol.5. No. 4,442-447,2011.12
Lv, Chao; Li, H; Ma, JF; Niu,B; Vulnerability Analysis of Elliptic Curve-Based RFID Protocol, CHINA COMMUNICATIONS,Vol.8,No.4, pp 153-158
Lai, Chengzhe;Li, Hui;Zhang, Yueyu;Cao, Jin,A fast seamless handoff scheme between IEEE 802.11 and EPS networks using optimized proxy mobile IPv6,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, v 5, n 8, p 81-91, 2011
Sun Chunhui, Li Hui, Yangyang, Chen Jie, Research on fault-electromagnetic attack on block cipher, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol.6 No.11, 409-417 2011.
Su, Zhitu; Sun, Chunhui; Li, Hui; Ma, Jianfeng, Fast computation of tate pairing using elliptic curves with prime subgroup order of proth form, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, v 3, n 7, p 384-393, August 2011
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Information Theory
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基本信息姓名李鹏职位讲师博士学科:通信与信息系统硕士学科:通信与信息系统 工作单位:通信工程学院信息科学研究所联系方式通信地址:陕西省西安市太白南路2号西安电子科技大学108信箱电子邮箱:penglee@mail.xidian.edu.cn办公电话:办公地点:科技楼A203个人简介2005年7月毕业 ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安电子科技大学通信工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李静
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基本信息李文刚博士/副教授/硕导博士学科:信息与通信系统硕士学科:信息与通信系统工作单位:通信工程学院先进交通技术课题组联系方式通信地址:西安电子科技大学115#电子邮箱:wgli@xidian.edu.cn办公电话:**办公地点:北校区主楼1区联系QQ:**个人经历2010年3月,获通信与信息系统 ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安电子科技大学通信工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李颖
基本信息李颖 博士生导师博士学科:通信与信息系统硕士学科:通信与信息系统 工作单位:通信工程学院综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室联系方式通信地址:西安电子科技大学119信箱电子邮箱:yli@mail.xidian.edu.cn办公电话:**办公地点:主楼1区3052022招生信息本团队2022 ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安电子科技大学通信工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李毅
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