

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27


李靖 教授
博士生导师 、硕士生导师


男,教授,博士生导师。1981年生于湖北荆州,分别于2003年、2006年和2009年在西安电子科技大学获得工学学士(通信工程专业)、硕士和博士学位(通信与信息系统专业)。2010年晋升副教授和硕士生导师,并入选陕西省首批通信与信息系统学科“三秦****”团队;2014年3月至2015年3月为美国特拉华大学(University of Delaware)无线通信实验室访问****,合作导师为 Leonard J.Cimini教授;2016年被评为博士生导师并晋升教授。目前为 IEEE 会员,中国电子学会高级会员,多个国内外期刊的审稿人。
2018年5月起担任通信工程学院人工智能通信与综合业务研究中心主任,目前主要从事人工智能与无线通信的融合,无线网络建模与仿真、以及5G/B5G/扩频/跳频无线传输系统关键技术研究等。曾参与多项国家级科研项目的研究工作,在无线传输和无线资源管理等方面取得了一些富有创新性的结果,在IEEE TWC、IEEE TC和IEEE TVT等国内外期刊上发表论文50余篇;申请国家发明专利50余项,已授权40项;向中国IMT-A推进组3GPP项目组提交标准化提案20余份,其中4份被大唐移动、中国普天等企业认领后提交至国际3GPP组织。


针对未来通信的三大场景:增强移动宽带(eMBB)、低时延高可靠通信(URLLC)和海量机器通信(mMTC),主要研究新型多载波传输技术(如滤波器组多载波FBMC等)、大规模多输入多输出技术(massive MIMO)、非正交多址接入技术、信道编译码技术等;

主要包括无线网络建模与仿真、单载波/多载波/跳频/扩频通信系统的设计与软硬件实现 (C++/FPGA)。


李靖 教授
博士生导师 、硕士生导师


男,教授,博士生导师。1981年生于湖北荆州,分别于2003年、2006年和2009年在西安电子科技大学获得工学学士(通信工程专业)、硕士和博士学位(通信与信息系统专业)。2010年晋升副教授和硕士生导师,并入选陕西省首批通信与信息系统学科“三秦****”团队;2014年3月至2015年3月为美国特拉华大学(University of Delaware)无线通信实验室访问****,合作导师为 Leonard J.Cimini教授;2016年被评为博士生导师并晋升教授。目前为 IEEE 会员,中国电子学会高级会员,多个国内外期刊的审稿人。
2018年5月起担任通信工程学院人工智能通信与综合业务研究中心主任,目前主要从事人工智能与无线通信的融合,无线网络建模与仿真、以及5G/B5G/扩频/跳频无线传输系统关键技术研究等。曾参与多项国家级科研项目的研究工作,在无线传输和无线资源管理等方面取得了一些富有创新性的结果,在IEEE TWC、IEEE TC和IEEE TVT等国内外期刊上发表论文50余篇;申请国家发明专利50余项,已授权40项;向中国IMT-A推进组3GPP项目组提交标准化提案20余份,其中4份被大唐移动、中国普天等企业认领后提交至国际3GPP组织。


针对未来通信的三大场景:增强移动宽带(eMBB)、低时延高可靠通信(URLLC)和海量机器通信(mMTC),主要研究新型多载波传输技术(如滤波器组多载波FBMC等)、大规模多输入多输出技术(massive MIMO)、非正交多址接入技术、信道编译码技术等;

主要包括无线网络建模与仿真、单载波/多载波/跳频/扩频通信系统的设计与软硬件实现 (C++/FPGA)。

[1] 陕西省重点研发计划,5G基站预商用设备关键技术研发,2019.1至2021.12。
[2] 陕西省重点研发计划,5G低时延高可靠性系统技术方案研究与验证,2018.1至2020.12。
[3] XXX数字波束成形技术,某研究所,2018-2019。
[4] 无人机数据链系统研发,某研究所,2016.8至2017.8。负责人。
[5] 面向C-RAN的低功耗通用处理器平台研发,“新一代宽带无线移动通信网”国家科技重大专项。2014.1至2016.12。负责人。
[6] 认知无线网络双向中继策略及其资源优化,中央高校基本科研业务费,2013.1至2014.12。负责人。
[8] 基于网络编码和有限反馈的协作中继技术研究,国家自然科学基金。2012.1至2014.12。负责人。
[9] 面向IMT-Advanced协作中继的网络编码技术,“新一代宽带无线移动通信网”国家科技重大专项。2010.1至2012.12。负责人。
[10] IMT-Advanced多点协作关键技术研究,“新一代宽带无线移动通信网”国家科技重大专项。2009.1.至2010.12。负责人。
[11] 基于网络编码的中继传输技术研究,中央高校基本科研业务费。2010.9至2012.9。负责人。
[12] 基于网络编码和有限反馈的中继技术研究,ISN国家重点实验室自主课题。2011.1至2013.9。负责人。
[13] TD-LTE商用基站研发,“新一代宽带无线移动通信网”国家科技重大专项。2010.1.至2011.12。第二负责人。
[14] IMT-Advanced中继技术研究,“新一代宽带无线移动通信网”国家科技重大专项。2009.1.至2010.12。第二负责人。
[15] 无线通信中的用户协作分集技术研究,国家863计划项目。2006.12至2009.12,主要完成人。
[16] 无线通信中的编码协作技术,陕西省自然科学基金项目。2007.9至2009.9,主要完成人。
[17] 提高宽带/超宽带无线通信系统的容量和质量的基础理论与关键技术的研究,国家自然基金委和广东省联合资助项目,2007.1至2010.12,参加。



2、Xilinx zynq ZC706 + AD9361硬件平台

[1]. Jing Li, Yu Zheng, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Fengkui Gong, and Mohsen Guizani, "Low-Complexity Opportunistic Transmission Schemes for Multi-User Multi-Relay Asymmetric Bidirectional Relaying Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 5167-5181, Aug. 2016.
[2]. Jing Li, Leonard J. Cimini, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Hao Feng, "Optimal and suboptimal joint relay and antenna selection for two-way amplify-and-forward relaying," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 980-993, Feb. 2016.
[3]. Jing Li, Yu Zheng, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, and Yu Xiangbin, "Simplified relay antenna selection with source beamforming for MIMO two-way relaying networks," Science China Information Sciences, published online, June 2016.
[4]. Chensi Zhang,Jianhua Ge,Jing Li,Fengkui Gong,and Haiyang Ding, "Complexity-Aware Relay Selection for 5G Large-Scale Secure Two-Way Relay Systems," accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Oct. 2016.
[5]. Jiaheng Wang, Qi Tang, Chungang Yang, Robert Schober, and Jing Li, "Security Enhancement via Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 23, No. 11, Nov. 2016.
[6]. Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Fengkui Gong, et al. “Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff for asymmetric Two-Way AF Relaying with Statistical CSI,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no.4, pp. 2833-2839, Apr. 2016.
[7]. Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Yun Rui, Mohsen Guizani,“A unified approach for calculating outage performance of two-way AF relaying over fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no.3, pp. 1218-1229, Mar 2015.
[8]. Jing Li, Mingying Wu, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Florin Pop, Yingguan Wang: Performance analysis of bidirectional cloud networks with imperfect channel state information. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27(8): 2092-2106 (2015)
[9]. Yun Rui, Lei Deng, Qian Wang, Jing Li, Guoming Qian, Mingqi Li, Yingguan Wang: Robust energy-efficient power loading for MIMO system under imperfect CSI. IJSNet 18(3/4): 140-147 (2015)
[10].Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Jingjing Shi, Yun Rui and Mohsen Guizani, “Impact of Channel Estimation Error on Bidirectional MABC-AF Relaying with Asymmetric Traffic Requirements,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1755-1769, May 2013.
[11].Jing Li, Xiabin Qian, Jianhua Ge and Chensi Zhang, “General and efficient relay selection for two-way opportunistic amplify-and-forward relaying,” Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 24, pp. 1886-1888, Nov. 2014.
[12].Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Yun Hu: Robust power allocation algorithm for analog network coding with imperfect CSI. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 57(4): 1-10 (2014)
[13].Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li: Cooperative spectrum sensing using amplify-and-forward relaying with partial relay selection in cognitive radio networks. Wireless Networks 20(5): 861-870 (2014)
[14].Xinhai Song, Jianhua Ge, Jingjing Shi, Jing Li: A novel threshold-based quadrature signaling scheme for cooperative networks. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 57(6): 1-9 (2014)
[15].Chensi Zhang, JianhuaGe, JingLi, Yun Hu,“Performance Evaluation for Asymmetric Two-Way AF Relaying in Rician Fading, ” IEEEWireless Communications Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 307-310, Jun. 2013.
[16].Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yong Wang, Gao Ming, “Resource allocation for cooperative diversity systems based onquadrature modulation,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 327-333, Apr. 2011.
[17].Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yong Wang, Hao Yao, “Performance analysis and partner selection for cooperative diversity based on MQAM modulation,” SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1044-1055, May 2010.
[18].Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yong Wang, YunShuai Tang, Xiong Xiong, “A bandwidth efficient two-user cooperative diversity system with limited feedback,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1055-1066, Jun. 2009.
[19].Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, “Secondary User Selection Scheme Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Under Correlated Shadowing,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 769-788, Jul. 2013.
[20].Bo Ma, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, “Distributed Matching Schemes for Multi-source and Multi-relay Cooperative Wireless Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1525-1540, Jun. 2013.
[21].Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Bin Zhu, Xiaoye Shi, “Traffic-knowledge-based relay selection for asymmetric two-way AF relaying networks,” SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1-6, Apr. 2013.
[22].C. Zhang, J. Ge,J. Liand Y. Hu, “Performance analysis for mobile-relay-based M<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />2M two-way AF relaying in N*Nakagami-mfading,” Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 344-346, Feb. 2013.
[23].C.S. Zhang, J. H. Ge,J. Liand X. Y. Shi, “Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Two-way AF Relay withChannel Estimation Errors,” IET Commun. vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1846-1855, Dec. 2012.

[1] 授权号:ZL8.7,授权日期:2016-01-20,“双向中继通信系统中基于天线和用户联合选择的信息传输方法”,李靖, 钱夏斌, 葛建华, 孙玉展, 王勇, 宫丰奎
[2] 授权号:ZL9.4,授权日期:2016-03-12,“双向移动中继系统中基于中继选择的信息传输方法”,李靖, 孙玉展, 葛建华, 钱夏斌, 王勇, 宫丰奎
[3] 授权号: ZL5.4,授权日期:2015-01-28,“中继传输系统中的分布式Turbo编码方法”,李靖, 孙玉展, 葛建华, 任德锋, 王勇, 宫丰奎。
[4] 授权号: ZL5.9,授权日期:2014-04-16,“用于协作多点传输系统的选择性有限反馈方法”,李靖, 葛建华, 李岩, 申程, 王勇, 宫丰奎, 高明, 张南。
[5] 授权号: ZL9.9,授权日期:2013-08-14,“多输入多输出MIMO逐级并行检测算法”,李靖, 葛建华, 张琦, 申程, 王勇, 宫丰奎, 高明, 张南。
[6] 授权号: ZL8.2,授权日期:2012-09-05,“蜂窝通信系统中的协作伙伴选择和预编码协作通信方法“, 李靖, 葛建华, 王勇, 宫丰奎, 高明, 张南。
[7] 授权号: ZL4.4,授权日期:2011-06-01,“多用户无线网络中的两用户协作通信方法“, 李靖, 葛建华, 张南, 王勇, 宫丰奎, 高明。
[8] 授权号:ZL3.4, 授权日期:2015-03-04,“多小区系统中基于干扰对齐的基站天线选择方法”,葛建华, 朱斌, 李靖, 付少忠, 张沉思, 孙垂强。
[9] 授权号:ZL7.9,授权日期:2015-01-28,“协作多点系统中的多用户预编码方法”, 葛建华, 申程, 李靖, 王勇, 宫丰奎。
[10] 授权号:ZL3.3, 授权日期:2014-05-14,“通用可配置的高速率Turbo码译码系统及其方法”,葛建华, 任德锋, 李靖, 高明, 师晓晔, 付少忠。
[11] 授权号: ZL8.6,授权日期:2014-10-01,“网络编码正交调制协作HARQ控制系统与方法”,葛建华, 师晓晔, 李靖, 付少忠, 任德锋
[12] 授权号:ZL2.3,授权日期:2013-01-23,“中继系统中移动管理实体的选择方法”,葛建华, 李岩, 李靖, 张南, 高明.
[13] 授权号: ZL1.2,授权日期:2013-01-16,“可迭代译码的网络编码协作通信方法”, 唐云帅, 葛建华, 李靖, 王勇, 宫丰奎, 张南, 高明。
[14] 授权号: ZL8.1,授权日期:2013-06-12,“迭代增强型放大转发协作通信方法”, 张南, 葛建华, 李靖, 高明, 宫丰奎, 王勇。
[15] 授权号: ZL4.X,授权日期:2011-02-09,“TDS-OFDM系统中的低复杂度定时恢复方法”, 宫丰奎, 王勇, 葛建华, 李靖, 高明。
[16] 授权号: ZL2.7,授权日期:2012-08-08,“多载波系统中的残余子载波相偏纠正系统及其方法”, 宫丰奎, 王勇, 葛建华, 李靖, 高明。
[17] 授权号: ZL7.9, 授权日期:2013-03-20,“中继系统中Backhaul链路失败后小区的选择方法”, 葛建华, 史晶晶, 宋新海, 李靖, 张南, 李岩。
[18] 授权号: 4.3,授权日期:2014-06-18,“中继系统中均衡优先的微小区节能方法”, 葛建华, 宋新海, 史晶晶, 李靖, 李岩, 张南, 高明, 杜雅丽。


2019级:李慧芳(研究方向:5G/B5G无线传输,Email: katherine_ff@qq.com )

2016级:白宽放(杭州海康)、戎浩(石家庄54所)、郑方圆 (上海瀚讯) 、刘维斌(海南移动)



2014年8月 课题组 访问纽约大学NYU

2014年4月和Prof. Len Cimini,Prof. Andrea Goldsmith等在University of Delaware

2013年4月,与Prof. Keith QT Zhang, Prof. Kwang-Cheng Chen和Dr. Yun Rui等在上海

2011年8月,斯坦福大学Prof. Goldsmith访问西电



Dr. Jing Li
Professor, Ph. D Supervisor
State KeyLab. of Integrated Service Networks
Xidian University
No.2 South Taibai Road, Xi’an 710071, China
Phone: (86) **

2014 – 2015:Visiting scholar in Electrical & Computer Engineering department, University of Delaware, USA (I was hosted by Prof. Leonard J.Cimini and we collaborated on energy-efficient wireless networks)
2006 – 2009:Ph.D.inCommunication and Information Systems, Xidian University (Dissertation title: Cooperative transmission schemes and resource optimization allocation for wireless cooperative communication, Supervisor: Prof. Jianhua Ge)
2003 – 2006:M.S.inCommunication and Information Systems, Xidian University
1999 – 2003:B.S.inTelecommunications Engineering, Xidian University
Teaching and Research Appointments
2016 – present:Professor and Ph.D Supervisor, School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University
2010 – 2016:Associate Professor and M.S. Supervisor, School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University
2008 – 2010:Lecturer, School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University
2006 –2008:Assistant, School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University
Research Interests
Communication theory, information theory, signal processing theory and their applications in practical wireless communications and wireless networks with emphasis on
MIMO and OFDM systems
Energy-efficient design of wireless systems/networks
Multi-user/cooperative communication systems and networks
Cross-la[ant]yer design in wireless networks
Cognitive radio and cognitive relay network
Coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission and interference mitigation
Research Experience
PI, “Development of general-purpose processor platform for Cloud-RAN Network”, National ScienceandTechnology Specific Major Projects of China, 2014-2016.
PI, “Cooperative relayed communication with network coding and limited feedback”, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) of China, 2012-2014.
PI, “Mobile-relay-based communication for LTE-Advanced system”, National ScienceandTechnology Specific Major Projects of China, 2013-2014.
PI, “Two-way relaying Strategies and resource optimization in cognitive wireless networks”, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China, 2013-2014.
Co-PI, “OFDM-based wireless transmission design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)”, 2016-present.
Co-PI, “Cooperative relayed communication for IMT-Advanced system”, National ScienceandTechnology Specific Major Projects of China, 2009-2010.
Co-PI, “Coordinated multiple point transmission (CoMP) for IMT-Advanced system”, National ScienceandTechnology Specific Major Projects of China, 2009-2010.
Co-PI, “User cooperation in wireless communication”, the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) of China, 2006-2009.
Professional Activities
IEEE member
IEEE Communication Society member
Chinese Institute of Electronics, Senior member
Chinese IMT-2020 (5G) Group
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
IET Communications
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
A number of IEEE conferences
Selected Journals:
[1] Jing Li, Yu Zheng, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Fengkui Gong, and Mohsen Guizani, "Low-Complexity Opportunistic Transmission Schemes for Multi-User Multi-Relay Asymmetric Bidirectional Relaying Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 5167-5181, Aug. 2016.
[2] Jing Li, Leonard J. Cimini, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Hao Feng, "Optimal and suboptimal joint relay and antenna selection for two-way amplify-and-forward relaying," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 980-993, Feb. 2016.
[3] Jing Li, Yu Zheng, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, and Yu Xiangbin, "Simplified relay antenna selection with source beamforming for MIMO two-way relaying networks," Science China Information Sciences, published online, June 2016.
[4] Jiaheng Wang, Qi Tang, Chungang Yang, Robert Schober, and Jing Li, "Security Enhancement via Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 23, No. 11, Nov. 2016.
[5] Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Fengkui Gong, et al. “Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff for asymmetric Two-Way AF Relaying with Statistical CSI,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no.4, pp. 2833-2839, Apr. 2016.
[6] Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Yun Rui, Mohsen Guizani,“A unified approach for calculating outage performance of two-way AF relaying over fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no.3, pp. 1218-1229, Mar 2015.
[7]Jing Li, Mingying Wu, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Florin Pop, Yingguan Wang: Performance analysis of bidirectional cloud networks with imperfect channel state information. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27(8): 2092-2106 (2015)
[8]Yun Rui, Lei Deng, Qian Wang, Jing Li, Guoming Qian, Mingqi Li, Yingguan Wang: Robust energy-efficient power loading for MIMO system under imperfect CSI. IJSNet 18(3/4): 140-147 (2015)
[9] Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Jingjing Shi, Yun Rui and Mohsen Guizani, “Impact of Channel Estimation Error on Bidirectional MABC-AF Relaying with Asymmetric Traffic Requirements,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1755-1769, May 2013.
[10] Jing Li, Xiabin Qian, Jianhua Ge and Chensi Zhang, “General and efficient relay selection for two-way opportunistic amplify-and-forward relaying,” Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 24, pp. 1886-1888, Nov. 2014.
[11]Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Yun Hu: Robust power allocation algorithm for analog network coding with imperfect CSI. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 57(4): 1-10 (2014)
[12]Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li: Cooperative spectrum sensing using amplify-and-forward relaying with partial relay selection in cognitive radio networks. Wireless Networks 20(5): 861-870 (2014)
[13]Xinhai Song, Jianhua Ge, Jingjing Shi, Jing Li: A novel threshold-based quadrature signaling scheme for cooperative networks. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 57(6): 1-9 (2014)
[14]Chensi Zhang, JianhuaGe, JingLi, Yun Hu,“Performance Evaluation for Asymmetric Two-Way AF Relaying in Rician Fading, ” IEEEWireless Communications Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 307-310, Jun. 2013.
[15] Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yong Wang, Gao Ming, “Resource allocation for cooperative diversity systems based onquadrature modulation,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 327-333, Apr. 2011.
[16]Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yong Wang, Hao Yao, “Performance analysis and partner selection for cooperative diversity based on MQAM modulation,” SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1044-1055, May 2010.
[17]Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yong Wang, YunShuai Tang, Xiong Xiong, “A bandwidth efficient two-user cooperative diversity system with limited feedback,” Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1055-1066, Jun. 2009.
[18]Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, “Secondary User Selection Scheme Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Under Correlated Shadowing,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 769-788, Jul. 2013.
[19]Bo Ma, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, “Distributed Matching Schemes for Multi-source and Multi-relay Cooperative Wireless Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1525-1540, Jun. 2013.
[20]Chensi Zhang, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Bin Zhu, Xiaoye Shi, “Traffic-knowledge-based relay selection for asymmetric two-way AF relaying networks,” SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1-6, Apr. 2013.
[21] C. Zhang, J. Ge,J. Liand Y. Hu, “Performance analysis for mobile-relay-based M2M two-way AF relaying in N*Nakagami-mfading,” Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 344-346, Feb. 2013.
[22] C.S. Zhang, J. H. Ge,J. Liand X. Y. Shi, “Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Two-way AF Relay withChannel Estimation Errors,” IET Commun. vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1846-1855, Dec. 2012.
[23] Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Yancheng Ji, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Opportunistic Amplify-and-Forward Relaying over Nakagami-m Fading Channels,” IET Communications, Accepted (Apr. 2013).
[24] Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Partial Relay Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks,” Wireless Networks, Accepted (Apr. 2013).
[25] Jingjing Shi, Jianhua Ge,Jing Liand Yang Gao, “Traffic-information-utilized low-complexity relay selection for two-way AF relaying networks,” SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Accepted (Apr. 2013).
[26]Yong Wang, Jianhua Ge, Lihua Wang, Jing Li, Bo Ai, “Nonlinear Companding Transform for Reduction of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in OFDM Systems,”IEEE Transactions onBroadcasting, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 369-375, May 2013.
[27] Yong Wang, Jianhua Ge, Lihua Wang, Jing Li, “Reduction of PAPR of OFDM Signals Using Nonlinear Companding Transform,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 383-397, Jul. 2013.
[28] Defeng Ren, Jianhua Ge,Jing Li, “Modified Collision-Free Interleavers for High Speed Turbo Decoding,” WirelessPersonal Communications, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 939-948, Feb. 2013.
[29] B. Zhu, J. Ge,J. Liand C. Sun, “Subspace optimisation-based iterative interference alignment algorithm on theGrassmann manifold,” IET Commun., vol. 6, no. 18, pp. 3084-3090, Dec. 2012.
[30] C. Zhang, J. Ge,J. Liand Y. Hu, “Fairness-aware power allocation for asymmetric two-way AF relayingnetworks,” Electronics letters, vol. 48, no. 15, pp. 959-960, Jul. 2012.
[31] J. Shi, J. Ge andJ. Li, “Low-complexity distributed relay selection for two-way AF relaying networks,”Electronics Letters, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 186-187, Feb. 2012.
[32] Jun Hou, JianhuaGe, JingLi, “Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of OFDM Signals Using PTS Scheme With Low Computational Complexity,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 143-148, Mar. 2011.
[33]Jun Hou, JianhuaGe, Dewei Zhai, JingLi, “Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of OFDM signals with nonlinearcompanding scheme,” IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 258–262, Jun. 2010.
[34] J. Hou, J. Ge, andJ. Li, “Trapezoidal companding scheme for peak-to-average power ratio reduction of OFDMsignals,” Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 25, pp.1349-1351, Dec. 2009.
[35] Shi Xiaoye, Ge Jianhua, Li Jing, Zhang Chensi, “Energy efficiency enhancement of two-way amplifier forward relaying with channel estimation error,”Journal of Central South University of Technology, Apr. 2013 (Accepted).
[36] Shi Xiaoye, Ge Jianhua, Li Jing, Ji Yancheng, “Network-coding-based HARQ for bi-directional regenerative relaying,”International Journal of em[ant]bedded Systems. May 2013 (Accepted).
[37] Xiong Xiong, Jianhua Ge,Jing Li, Yunshuai Tang, “Cooperative diversity based on rotation code,”Journal ofCentral South University of Technology. vol. 16, no. 2, pp.280-284, Apr. 2009.
[38] Gao Ming, Ge Jian-hua, Li Jing, “Linear Dispersion Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes”, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 357-361, Sept. 2010.
Conference Proceedings
[1]Chengming Zhou, Jing Li, Leonard J. Cimini, “Energy efficiency region for Gaussian multiple access channels under different power consumption models”, 2015 49th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, USA, March. 2015, pp.1-5.
[2] Weiliang Han, JianhuaGe, JingLi, Fengchen Ouyang, Chensi Zhang,“Achieving full spatial and multi-path diversity with cyclically delay shift receiver for SC-FDE system,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), Chengdu, China, Oct. 2015, pp.334-339.
[3] Chensi Zhang, JianhuaGe, JingLi, Yun Hu,“Energy-aware power allocation for asymmetric analog network coding with statistical CSI,” IEEEWireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Shanghai, Apr. 2013, pp.2565-2569.
[4] Mingying Wu, Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Chensi Zhang, Florin Pop,“Impact of Channel Estimation Error on Time Division Broadcast Protocol in Bidirectional Relaying Systems,” International Conference onIntelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), Xi'an China, Sep. 2013, pp. 1-5.
[5]ChungangYang, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Hongyan Li, Jing Li,“Energy-Aware Joint Power and Rate Control in Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks: A Nash Bargaining Perspective,”International Conference onIntelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), Bucharest, Romania, Sep. 2012, pp. 520-524.
[6]Jing Song, Jianhua Ge, Jing Li, Li Cong, “Game-Theoretic Resource Allocation of the Cognitive Base Station in Two-Tie Co-existing Femtocell Networks,” International Conference onIntelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), Bucharest, Romania, Sep. 2012, pp. 525-530.
[7] Yun Rui, Lei Deng, Mingqi Li, Jing Li, Xiangbin Yu, “Robust Energy efficient Power Loading for MIMO System under Imperfect CSI,” International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7405, Yellow Mountains, China, Aug. 2012, pp. 315-323.
[8]Han Chunlei,GeJianhua, LiJing, Gao Yang, “Performance analysis of cooperative transmission in multiple-access relay networks over Nakagami fading channels,” International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM),Harbin, Aug. 2011, pp. 1165-1169.
[9]YanLi, JianhuaGe, Cheng Shen, JingLi, Wang Miao, “Coordinated multi-point transmission with limited feedback for LTE-advanced,” International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Hangzhou, Oct. 2011, pp. 68-72.
[10]JingLi,JianhuaGe, Yancheng Ji, Guixiang Zhang, “Non-orthogonal Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity based onDistributed Space-Time Code,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), Jeju Korea, Nov. 2010,pp. 81-85.
[11]Yancheng Ji, JianhuaGe, JingLi, Juan Fang, “Design and performance analysis of a space-time cooperative physical-la[ant]yer network coding scheme,” International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM), Taiyuan, China, Oct. 2010, pp. V9-300-V9-304.
[12] Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Lijuan Qi, Yong Wang, “BER Performance Analysis and Optimum Power Allocation for aCooperative Diversity System Based on Quadrature Signaling,” in Proc. IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile &Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN), Beijing, Oct. 2008, pp.276-279.
[13] Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Yunshuai Tang, Xiong Xiong, “Cooperative Diversity Based on Alamouti Space-Time Code,” inProc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), Singapore, Aug.29-Sep.2, 2008,pp.642-646.
[14] Jing Li, Jianhua Ge, Lijuan Qi, Yong Wang, “Cooperative Transmit Diversity in Wireless Networks: PerformanceAnalysis and Optimum Power Allocation,” in Proc. IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS),Guangzhou, Nov. 2008, pp.1630-1634.

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