

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

姓名: 项水英 博士/教授 博导/硕导


1986年出生于江西遂川,2007.06毕业于西南交通大学通信工程专业,获工学学士学位。2007.09- 2012.12在西南交通大学通信与信息系统专业攻读博士学位。2012年被评为四川省优秀博士毕业生。2013年获西南交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖。

1. 光子神经形态计算、光子神经信息处理、光脉冲神经网络,类脑计算、脑科学、机器学习、神经元网络
2. 激光混沌通信、保密通信、真随机数产生、网络安全
3. 微波光子学、高速ADC
4. 复杂系统与复杂网络、网络同步

姓名: 项水英 博士/教授 博导/硕导


1986年出生于江西遂川,2007.06毕业于西南交通大学通信工程专业,获工学学士学位。2007.09- 2012.12在西南交通大学通信与信息系统专业攻读博士学位。2012年被评为四川省优秀博士毕业生。2013年获西南交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖。

1. 光子神经形态计算、光子神经信息处理、光脉冲神经网络,类脑计算、脑科学、机器学习、神经元网络
2. 激光混沌通信、保密通信、真随机数产生、网络安全
3. 微波光子学、高速ADC
4. 复杂系统与复杂网络、网络同步

2016年度博士后创新人才支持计划 (2016.9-2018.9)
全球第一个光子神经网络问世: http://36kr.com/p/**.html

SYXiang* , Z. Ren(任振兴), Z. Song, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, G. Han, and Y. Hao, Computing primitive of fully-VCSELs-based all-optical spiking neural network for supervised learning and pattern classification, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, 2020. (中科院IIF: 8.793
Y.N.Han(韩亚楠),SYXiang* ,Y.Wang,Y.T.Ma,B.Wang,A.J.Wen,Y.Hao,Generationofmulti- channelchaoticsignalswithtimedelaysignatureconcealmentandultrafastphotonicdecisionmakingbasedonglobally-coupledsemiconductorlasersnetwork,PhotonicsResearch,accepted, 2020. (中科院I区,IF: 6.099
S.Y.Xiang* , Z. Ren(任振兴), Y. Zhang, Z. Song, X. Guo, G. Han, and Y. Hao, Training a multi-layer photonic spiking neural network with modified supervised learning algorithm based on photonic STDP, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(2), **, Mar./Apr. 2021. (中科院2区)
S.Y.Xiang* , Y. Zhang(张雅慧), J. Gong(龚俊楷), X. Guo, L. Lin and Y. Hao, STDP-based unsupervised spike pattern learning in a photonic spiking neural network with VCSELs and VCSOAs, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics, 25(6): **, Nov./Dec. 2019. (中科院2区)
S.Y.Xiang* , Z. Ren(任振兴), Y. Zhang, Z. Song and Y. Hao, All-optical neuromorphic XOR operation with inhibitory dynamics of a single photonic spiking neuron based on VCSEL-SA, Optics Letters, 45(5), 1104-1107, Mar. 2020. (中科院II区)
S.Y.Xiang* , B. Wang(王博), Y. Wang, Y. Han, A. Wen and Y. Hao, 2.24 Tb/s physical random bit generation with minimal post-processing based on chaotic semiconductor lasers network, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 37(16), 3987-3993, Aug. 2019. (中科院2区)
S.Y.Xiang*, H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, J. F. Li, A. J. Wen, W. Pan, and Y. Hao, Cascadable neuron-like spiking dynamics in coupled VCSELs subject to orthogonally polarized optical pulse injection, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics, 23 (6):**,2017. (中科院2区)
S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Zhang, X. X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Photonic generation of neuron-like dynamics using VCSELs subject to double polarized optical injection, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. vol. 36, no. 19, pp. 4227-4234, Mar. 2018. (中科院2区)
S. H. Wang, S.Y.Xiang* , G. Q. Han, Z. W. Song, Z. X. Ren, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Photonic associative learning neural network based on VCSELs and STDP, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(17), 4691-4698, Sep. 2020.
Y. Zhang, S.Y.Xiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, Y. Hao, The winner-take-all mechanism for all-optical systems of pattern recognition and max-pooling operation, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, accepted, 2020.
Y. Zhang, S.Y.Xiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, Y. Hao, A modified supervised learning rule for training a photonic spiking neural network to recognize digital patterns, Science China Information Sciences, accepted, 2020.
Y. Zhang(张雅慧), S.Y.Xiang* , X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, All-optical inhibitory dynamics in photonic neuron based on polarization mode competition in a VCSEL with an embedded saturable absorber, Optics Letters. 44(7):1548-1551, 2019. (中科院2区,IF:3.589,入选Editor’s Pick
S.Y.Xiang* , Y. N. Han, X. X. Guo, A. Wen, G. Q. Han, and Y. Hao, Real-time optical spike-timing dependent plasticity in a single VCSEL with dual-polarized pulsed optical injection, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, accepted, 2020. (中科院 II区)
S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Han, H. Wang, A. Wen, Y. Hao, Zero-lag chaos synchronization properties in a hierarchical tree-type network consisting of mutually-coupled semiconductor lasers, Nonlinear Dynamics, 99(4), 2893-2906 2020 (中科院II区)
Z. W. Song(宋紫薇), S.Y.Xiang* , Z. X. Ren, G. Q. Han, and Y. Hao. Spike sequence learning in a photonic spiking neural network consisting of VCSELs-SA with supervised training. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron, 26 (5), **, Sep./Oct. 2020.(中科院II区)
Z. W. Song(宋紫薇), S.Y.Xiang*, Z. X. Ren, S. H. Wang, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Photonic spiking neural network based on excitable VCSELs-SA for sound azimuth detection, Optics Express,28(2), 1561-1573, Jan. 2020. (中科院II区)
Y. T. Ma(马源廷), S.Y.Xiang*, X. X. Guo, Z. W. Song, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Time-delay signature concealment of chaos and ultrafast decision making in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with a phase-modulated Sagnac loop, Optics Express,28(2), 1665-1678, Jan. 2020. (中科院II区)
X.X.Guo,S.Y Xiang,Y.Qu,Y.N,Han,A.Wen,andY.Hao,“EnhancedPredictionPerformanceofaNeuromorphicReservoirComputingUsingaSemiconductorNanolaserwithDoublePhaseConjugateFeedbacks”,IEEEJournalofLightwaveTechnology,accepted, 2020.(中科院II区).
X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang* , Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, High-speed neuromorphic reservoir computing based on a semiconductor nanolaser with optical feedback under electrical modulation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, accepted, 2020.(中科院II区)
X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Enhanced memory capacity of a neuromorphic reservoir computing system based on a VCSEL with double optical feedbacks, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, accepted, 2020. (中科院II区)
X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Four-channels reservoir computing based on polarization dynamics in mutually coupled VCSELs system, Optics Express, 27(16), 23293-23306, Aug. 2019. (中科院II区)
X. X. Guo(郭星星), S.Y.Xiang* , Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Polarization Multiplexing Reservoir Computing Based on a VCSEL with Polarized Optical Feedback, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics. 26(1),**, Jan./Feb. 2020. (中科院2区)
W. Cai (蔡薇), S.Y.Xiang* , X. Y. Cao, X. X. Guo, A. J. Wen and Y. Hao, Experimental investigation of time-delay signature of chaotic output and dual-channel physical random bit generation in 1550nm mutually coupled VCSELs with common FBG filtered feedback, Applied Optics, accepted, 2020.
Y. Han(韩亚楠), S.Y.Xiang* , L. Zhang, Cluster synchronization in mutually-coupled semiconductor laser networks with different topologies, Optics Communications, 445, 262-267, Aug. 2019.
H. Wang(王浩宁), S.Y.Xiang* , J. Gong, Multi-user image encryption algorithm based on synchronized random bits generator in semiconductor lasers network, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 78,no.18, pp.26181-26201, Sep.2019.
Y. Wang(王阳),, S.Y.Xiang* , B. Wang, X. Cao, A. Wen, Y. Hao, Time-delay signature concealment and physical random bits generation in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers with FBG filtered injection, Optics Express, 27(6), 8446-8455, Mar. 2019. (中科院2区,IF:3.356)
Y. Qu(屈妍),, S.Y.Xiang*, Y. Wang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, and Y. Hao, Concealment of time delay signature of chaotic semiconductor nanolasers with double chaotic optical injections, IEEE J. Quantum Electron.,55(2), **, Apr. 2019 (IF:2.069)
S.Y.Xiang*, J. K.Gong(龚俊楷), Y.H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Numerical Implementation of Wavelength-Dependent Photonic Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Based on VCSOA, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, p. **, Dec. 2018.(IF:2.069)
Y. Zhang(张雅慧),, S.Y.Xiang*, X. Guo, A. Wen, and Y. Hao, Polarization- resolved and polarization- multiplexed spike encoding properties in photonic neuron based on VCSEL-SA, Scientific Reports8:16095 (2018),(中科院3区,IF:4.122)
H. Zhang(张浩),,X.X.Guo, S.Y.Xiang*, Key distribution based on unidirectional injection of vertical cavity surface emitting laser system, Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 204202 (2018)
Yahui Zhang(张雅慧),, Shuiying Xiang, Junkai Gong, Xinxing Guo, Aijun Wen, and Yue Hao, Spike encoding and storage properties in mutually coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to optical pulse injection, Applied Optics 57(7): 1731-1737, 2018 (IF:1.65)
X. X. Guo(郭星星),, S.Y.Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, A. J. Wen , and Y. Hao, Information- theory-based complexity quantifier for chaotic semiconductor laser with double time delays, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 54(1): **, 2018. (IF:1.852)
S.Y.Xiang*, J. Gong, H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Wen, Zero-lag intensity correlation properties in small ring laser network with heterogeneous delays, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optics Physics 35(2) : 287-294, 2018. (IF:1.843)
J. Li(李甲福),, S.Y.Xiang*, H. Wang, J. Gong, and A. Wen, A novel image encryption algorithm based on synchronized random bit generated in cascade- coupled chaotic semiconductor ring lasers, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,102:170-180, 2018. (中科院2区,IF:2.769)
H. Zhang(张浩),, S.Y.Xiang* , Y. H.Zhang, X. X. Guo, Complexity-enhanced polarization-resolved chaos in a ring network of mutually coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with multiple delays, Applied Optics 56(24): 6728-6734, 2017(IF:1.65)
S. Y. Xiang*, A. J. Wen, W. Pan, Emulation of spiking response and spiking frequency property in VCSEL-based photonic neuron, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(5): **, 2016. (IF: 2.291)
S. Y. Xiang*, A. J. Wen, W. Pan, L. Lin, H. X. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Guo, J. Li , Suppression of chaos time delay signature in a ring network consisting of three semiconductor lasers coupled with heterogeneous delays, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 34(18), 4221-4227, 2016. (中科院2区,IF: 3.671)
S. Y. Xiang*, A. J. Wen, W. Pan, Synchronization regime of star type laser network with heterogeneous coupling delays, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 28(18), 1988-1991, 2016. (IF: 2.375)
S. Y. Xiang*, A. J. Wen, H. Zhang, J. Fu Li, H.X. Zhang and L. Lin,Effect of gain nonlinearity on time delay signature of chaos in external-cavity semiconductor lasers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,52(4):**,2016. (IF: 1.852)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, L. Zhang, A. Wen, L. Shang, H. Zhang, L. Lin, Phase-modulated dual-path feedback for time delay signature suppression from intensity and phase chaos in semiconductor laser, Optics Communications, 2014, 324: 38-46. (IF: 1.588)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, N. Q. Li, L. Y. Zhang, H. N. Zhu, Chaotic unpredictability properties of small network mutually-coupled laser diodes, Optics Communications, 2014, 311: 294-300. (IF: 1.588)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, and N. Li. Influence of variable- polarization optical feedback on polarization switching properties of mutually-coupled VCSEL. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics, 19 (4): **, 2013. (中科院2区,IF:3.971)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, A. Wen, N. Li, L. Zhang, L. Shang and H. Zhang. Conceal time delay signature of chaos in semiconductor lasers with dual-path injection. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 25(14): 1398-1401, 2013. (IF: 2.375)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, N. Li, L. Yan, B. Luo, L. Zhang, and H. Zhu. Photonic approach for generation randomness-enhanced physical chaos via dual-path optically-injected VCSEL. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 49(3): 274-280, 2013. (IF: 1.852)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, N. Li, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, L. Zhang, and P. Mu. Randomness-enhanced chaotic source with dual-path-injection from single master laser. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 24(19): 1753-1756, 2012. (IF: 2.375)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, N. Jiang, N. Li, and H. Zhu. Message encoding/decoding using unpredictability-enhanced chaotic VCSEL. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 24(15):1267-1269, 2012. (IF: 2.375)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, N. Jiang, N. Li, and H. Zhu. Wideband unpredictability-enhanced chaotic semiconductor lasers with dual-chaotic optical injections. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 48(8): 1069-1076, 2012. (IF: 1.852)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, N. Li, and L. Zhang. Enhanced chaotic communication in VCSEL with variable-polarization optical feedback and polarization- preserved optical injection. Optics Communication. 285: 5293-5301, 2012. (IF: 1.588)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, X. Zou, N. Jiang, and L. Yang. Impact of unpredictability on chaos synchronization of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with variable-polarization optical feedback. Optics Letters. 36(17): 3497-3499, 2011. (中科院2区,IF:3.416)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, X. Zou, N. Jiang, and K. Wen. Quantifying chaotic unpredictability of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with polarized optical feedback via permutation entropy. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics. 17(5): 1212-1219, 2011. (中科院2区,IF:3.971)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, X. Zou, N. Jiang, and K. Wen. Influence of polarization-mode-competition on chaotic unpredictability of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with polarization-rotated optical feedback. Optics Letters. 36(3): 310-312, 2011. (中科院2区,IF:3.416)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, N. Jiang, L. Yang, and H. Zhu. Unpredictability-enhanced chaotic vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with variable-polarization optical feedback. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 29(14): 2173-2179, 2011. (中科院2区,IF: 3.671)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, N. Jiang, L. Yang, and N. Li. Synchronization of unpredictability-enhanced chaos in VCSEL with variable- polarization optical feedback. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 47(10): 1354-1361, 2011. (IF: 1.852)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, B. Luo, L. Yan, X. Zou, N. Jiang, L. Yang, and H. Zhu. Conceal time-delay signature of chaotic vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers by variable-polarization optical feedback. Optics Communication. 284: 5758-5765, 2011. (IF: 1.588)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, X. Zou, N. Jiang, and K. Wen. Time-delay signature of chaotic vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with polarization-rotated optical feedback. Chinese Physics Letters. 28(1): 014203, 2011. (IF: 1.078)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, N. Jiang, K. Wen, X. Zou, and L.Yang. Polarization degree of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to optical feedback with controllable polarization. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optics Physics. 27(3): 476-483, 2010. (IF: 1.843)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, X. Zou, N. Jiang, and K. Wen. Variable- polarization optical feedback induced hysteresis of the polarization switching in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optics Physics. 27(12): 2512-2517, 2010. (IF: 1.843)
S. Y. Xiang*,W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, N. Jiang, and K. Wen. Using polarization properties to enhance performance of chaos synchronization communication between vertical- cavity surface-emitting lasers. Optics and Laser Technology. 42(4): 674-681, 2010. (IF: 2.109)
S. Y. Xiang*, W. Pan, L. Yan, B. Luo, N. Jiang, and L.Yang. Polarization properties of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to feedback with variably rotated polarization angle. Applied Optics. 2009, 48(27): 5176-5183. (IF: 1.65)

Ø 项水英,潘炜,江宁,朱宏娜. 一种能隐藏反馈时延特征的激光混沌信号产生装置. 国家发明专利,授权公告号:CNB,专利号:ZL 7.6, 2013.3.20.
Ø 项水英,张浩,李甲福,文爱军。一种基于异构时延耦合环形网络的多路无时延特征激光混沌信号产生装置。国家发明专利,申请号:4.2,申请日:2016.9.19。
Ø 项水英,张雅慧,龚俊楷。一种基于垂直腔半导体光放大器的低功耗光学突触装置。国家发明专利,申请号:9.7,申请日:2018.8.1。

S. Xiang*, Z. Ren, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, Z. Song, A. Wen, Y. Hao, Hardware Architecture and Algorithm Co-design for Multi-Layer Photonic Neuromorphic Network with Excitable VCSELs-SA, OFC,2020
X. X. Guo, S. Y. Xiang*, Y. H. Zhang, L. Lin, A. J. Wen, Y. Hao, “Parallel tasks processing using polarization multiplexing reservoir computing based on a VCSEL with polarized optical feedback,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference. M4A-275, 2019.
J. F. Li , S.Y. Xiang*, A. J. Wen, H. X. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. X. Guo, Role of linewidth enhancement factor on time-delay signature concealment of chaos in mutually-coupled semiconductor ring lasers, The 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, May 21-23,2016,Chengdu, China.
S.Y. Xiang*, A. Wen, H. Zhang, J. Li, X. Guo, L. Shang, and L. Lin, Polarization and dynamical properties of VCSELs-based photonic neuron subject to optical pulse injection, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 1-1-7,2016.11.9 (Invited paper).
S.Y. Xiang*, A. Wen, L. Shang, H. Zhang, L. Lin, Time-delay signatures in chaotic semiconductor ring lasers with cross mutual injection. 12th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 2013

2013年 获西南交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖 《基于VCSEL的混沌系统中偏振及不可预测度特性研究》
2015年 获教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第五)
2016年 入选陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划
2016年 入选博士后创新人才支持计划
2018年 获西安电子科技大学先进女职工称号

2018级秋:郭星星 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金)
2020级春:韩亚楠 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金)
2021级春:宋紫薇 (硕博连读,获国家奖学金)
2015级: 李甲福 张浩(获国家奖学金
2016级: 王浩宁 龚俊楷 张雅慧(硕博连读,) 郭星星(硕博连读
2017级:韩亚楠(硕博连读,获国家奖学金) 屈妍(获国家奖学金) 王阳(获国家奖学金) 王博
2018级:任振兴 (获国家奖学金)曹星宇 蔡薇 马源廷(获国家奖学金) 宋紫薇 (获国家奖学金)王苏红(获国家奖学金
2019级:刘晓松 付晨涛 高爽 赵世豪
2020级:赵思婷 张天瑞 蒋树庆 谷碧玲 张钰娜

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