本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27
理论科研(即文章发表)方面,在国内外核心期刊及国际会议上发表论文六十余篇(第一作者21篇),其中SCI检索 7 篇,EI检索 53 篇,ISTP检索 19 篇。现为“电子学报”,“计算机学报”,“宇航学报”,“电子与信息学报”、“系统工程与电子技术”和“西电学报”等多个核心刊物的审稿人。目前是IEEE信号处理协会会员,IEEE多媒体通信技术委员会(MMTC)委员。近年来先后担任了IEEE IIHMSP’08,IIHMSP’10 分会主席,IAS2009 程序委员会委员以及ICUMT’09 技术委员会委员等。
理论科研(即文章发表)方面,在国内外核心期刊及国际会议上发表论文六十余篇(第一作者21篇),其中SCI检索 7 篇,EI检索 53 篇,ISTP检索 19 篇。现为“电子学报”,“计算机学报”,“宇航学报”,“电子与信息学报”、“系统工程与电子技术”和“西电学报”等多个核心刊物的审稿人。目前是IEEE信号处理协会会员,IEEE多媒体通信技术委员会(MMTC)委员。近年来先后担任了IEEE IIHMSP’08,IIHMSP’10 分会主席,IAS2009 程序委员会委员以及ICUMT’09 技术委员会委员等。
Hui Wang, Song Xiao and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Random Linear Network Coding with Ladder-Shaped Global Coding Matrix for Robust Video Transmission", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 203-212, April, 2011. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Ning Cai, "MANET multicast with Poisson distribution and its performance for network coding", IEICE Transactions on Communication, Vol. E94-B, No. 03, pp. 823-826, Mar. 2011. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Hui Wang and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A practical bit stream organization algorithm for robust H.264/SVC transmission", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 871-879, 2010. (SCI, EI)
Ji Lu, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "A network coding based hybird ARQ algorithm for wireless video broadcast", Science in China-Ser. F: Info. Sci., Vol.54, No.6,pp.1327-1332, June, 2011. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Hui Wang and Chengke Wu, "A new network coding design for reliable video multicast", Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.20, No.2, pp.361-364, April. 2011. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Youxi Zhou and Jianchao Du, "Reliable visual transmission method combining source statistics and network congestion control", 软件学报, 2007,18(11):2882-2892. (EI)
Song Xiao, Yunsong Li, Baoming Bai and Youxi Zhou, "The Key Technologies of Deep Space ", China Communications, 2006, 3(6):82-94
Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu and Song Xiao, "A Bidirectional Local Search Algorithm for the Protection of em[ant]bedded Data over Packet Erasure Channel", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2005, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 695-699. (SCI,EI)
Zhang Fang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Robust Scalable Pre-compressed Video Coding based on MPEG-4-FGS over the Internet", Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005, 16(1): 167-172. (EI)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jun Chen, "A New Adaptive UEP Method of Progressive Image over Noisy Channel", Chinese Journal of Electronics, July 2002, 11(3): 322-326. (SCI, EI)
卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, 郭凯, "自适应正交频分复用系统的最优导频间隔设计", 吉林大学学报, 2011, 41(4): 1146-1150. (EI)
卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于机会式网络编码的低时延广播传输算法", 电子学报, 2011, 39(5):1214-1219. (EI)
卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "一种面向视频传输的SVC码流排序方法",电子与信息学报, 2011, 33(3): 537-542. (EI)
卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "无线网络中应用机会式网络编码的广播重传方法", 西安交通大学学报, 2011, 45(2): 68-72. (EI)
卢冀, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于网络编码的SVC高效传输系统", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2010, 37(3), pp 405-411. (EI)
孔繁锵, 肖嵩, 周有喜, "基于场景模型的联合信源信道编码的视频网络传输", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2007, 34(3):354-359. (EI)
周有喜, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于场景模型的视频无线信道鲁棒传输", 宇航学报, 2007, 28(1):108-112. (EI)
肖嵩, 吴成柯, 张方, 李云松, 杜建超, "基于SPIHT的感兴趣区域的多描述编码", 计算机学报, 2006, 29(1):171-176. (EI)
杜建超, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, 张建龙, "一种有效降低误差扩散的数据分割方法", 电子学报, 2006, 34(10):1823-1827. (EI)
杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 郑荣, "可伸缩码流抗丢包保护的交织器参数选择方法", 空军工程大学学报, 2006, 7(5):63-67.
宋锐, 赵波, 肖嵩, "适于硬件实现的运动估计方法及其VLSI实现", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2006, 33(2):257-261. (EI)
杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, "码率约束抗丢包伸缩码流保护的码率分配方法", 西安交通大学学报, 2006, 40(12):1432-1435. (EI)
张建龙, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 杜建超, "一种空域可分级的自适应视频码流控制方法", 电子与信息学报, 2006, 28 (3): 390-395. (EI)
杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 杜建超, "提供服务质量保障的图像快速混合丢包保护方法", 计算机研究与发展, 2006, 43(12):2041-2047. (EI)
杨亚东, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 杜建超, "基于有效期望质量度量的图像混合丢包保护方法", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2006, 33(5):696-699. (EI)
张方, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, 王养利,"一种基于MPEG-4的感兴趣区域视频编码新方法", 电子学报, 2005,33(4):634-637. (EI).
张方, 吴成柯, 程培星, 肖嵩, "一种改进的可分级视频编码方法及其网络传输研究", 电子与信息学报, 2005, 27(1):108-111. (EI)
张方, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "基于位置重排的视频不等错误保护方法", 计算机学报, 2004, 27(11):1546-1551. (EI)
张方, 肖嵩, 吴成柯, "一种快速自适应全局运动估计算法的研究", 电子与信息学报, 2004, 26(4):574-579. (EI)
张方, 吴成柯, 肖嵩, "基于小波EBCOT的图像IP网络传输控制策略", 计算机学报, 2004, 27(2):264-269.
肖嵩, 张方, 吴成柯, "基于小波SPIHT的联合信源信道编码新方法", 计算机学报, 2003, 26 (3):281-286. (EI)
肖嵩, 张方, 吴成柯, "无线信道图像的联合信源信道编码速率分配", 西安电子科技大学学报, 2002, 29(6): 716-720. (EI)
肖嵩, 吴成柯, "无线信道中的联合信源信道编码", 电子与信息学报, 2002, 24 (12): 1835-1841. (EI)
Song Xiao, Junmei Bai, Jianlong Zhang and Jianchao Du, "SVC-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Video in the Cloud", Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC2011)(EI)
Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jianlong Zhang, "A video transmission fr[ant]amework based on packet criticality model", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
Lei Quan, Song Xiao, Jianchao Du and Jianli Zhou, "A Threshould-based Coefficients Cutting Method for Compressive Imaging", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
Xuesong Sun, Song Xiao, Jianchao Du and Min Hu, "Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H264/SVC based on Motion Vector Relation Analysis", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
Ying Kang, Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Chengke Wu, "A Rate Distortion-Based Netwok Coding Design for video Transmission", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
Li Zhang, Song Xiao, Ning Cai and Jianchao Du, "An Opportunistic Network Coding Algorithm Based on the Queue State and Network Topology", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
Jianlong Zhang, Xinbao Gao, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "An Error Concealment Algorithm Based on Non-uniform Lagrange Interpolation ", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011). (EI)
Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Chengke Wu, "Robust video multicast scheme over wireless network with priority transmission", Proceedings of Satellite Data Compression, Communications and Processing VI (SPIE 2010), 7810: 781007-1-781007-9. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Ji Lu, Yangli Wang and Chengke Wu, "Robust video transmission scheme based on network coding", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 591-594, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Efficient Broadcasting for Scalable Video Coding Streaming Using RLNC", Proceedings of Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Processing VI (SPIE 2010),7810: 78100O-1-78100O-5, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Optimized State-Distortion Extraction for Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 599-602, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Hongwei Li, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Yuli Feng, "A Pixel-level Rate Control Algorithm for The Optimal Prediction Residual", Proceedings of IEEE (IIHMSP 2010), pp.603-606, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Haiying Liu, Yunsong Li and Song Xiao, "Distributed Compressive Hyperspectral Image Sensing", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 607-610,2010. (EI, ISTP)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, "Efficient Protection Scheme for SVC Content Based on Network Coding", 2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, IAS2009, vol. 2, pp.585-588. (EI, ISTP)
Ying Feng, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Rui Song, "A refined algorithm for the side information in DVC", Processdings of the4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IIH-MSP 2008, August 15-17, Harbin, China, pp. 675-678. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Yunsong Li, Jianchao Du and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "priority ordering algorithm for scalable video coding transmission over heterogeneous network", In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 25-28, 2008, Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, pp.896-903. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao,Hui wang and C.-C.Jay Kuo,"Priority ordering and packetization for scalable video multicast with network coding", In Proceedings of 8th pacific rim conference on mutimedia (PCM2007), HongKong, China, Dec.11-14,2007, pp.520-529. (EI, ISTP)
Hui Wang, Song Xiao and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Robust and flexible wireless video multicast with network coding", Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2007), pp.2129-2133, 2007. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Jianchao Du and Yadong Yang, “ Reliable Transmission of H.264 Video over Wireless Network”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, April 18-20, 2006, Vienna, Austria, vol2, pp.84-88. (EI, ISIP)
Song Xiao, Jechang Jeong, Chengke Wu, Yunsong Li and Jianchao Du, “Joint source channel coding for deep space communications” , In Proceedings of workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (WSANE 2006), April 9-12, 2006, Xi’an, China, pp.213-216.
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Jianchao Du and Yadong Yang, “ Error Resilient Transmission of H.264 Video over Wireless Network”, In Proceedings of Data Compression Conference2006, March 28-30, 2006, Snowbird, Utah,pp.472. (ISIP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jechang Jong, “ Robust Video Communication Based on Source Modeling and Network Congestion Control”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2005, Taipei, Tainwan, pp.488-494. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengku Wu and Fang Zhang," A New Multiple Desc[ant]ription la[ant]yered Coding Method Over Ad-hoc Network", in proceedings of Int. Conf. Image Processing ’04 (ICIP’04), Singapore, Oct.24-27, 2004, pp.3229-3232. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Fang Zhang and Yaoping Yan, "A New Multiple Desc[ant]ription Coding Method Over Wireless Channel", SPIE Third International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Oct. 2003, Beijing, China. Vol.5286, pp.334-337. (EI, ISIP)
Fang Zhang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu. "A novel transmission and controlling strategy for progressive streaming video over the wireless Internet", in proceedings of ICCIMA’03, Sep., 2003, Xi’an, P.R.China, pp254-259. (ISTP)
Song Xiao, Fang Zhang, Chengke Wu, Yusong Li and Yaoping Yan, "A New Robust Multiple Desc[ant]ription Coding Method based on Region of Interest", In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2003, Xi'an, China, pp.501-504. (ISIP)
Song Xiao, Jianchao Du, Ji Lu, Yunsong Li, "Opportunistic Network Coding Retransmission Algorithm based on Packet Loss Pattern", SPIE 2011,accepted. (EI)
Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Yunsong Li, "A novel video delivery algorithm based on 802.11e EDCA mechanism", SPIE 2011,accepted. (EI)
肖嵩,刘婷,杜建超,卢冀,“分集视频码流三维精细粒度排序方法”, 西电学报,已录用。
项目名称 项目性质 起止时间 备注
1 基于网络编码的鲁棒性视频传输技术研究
国家自然科学基金 2008-2010
2 基于分布式的联合信道编码研究
XX*科研项目* 2008-2010 评价优秀
3 无线网络中鲁棒性视频通信技术研究
国家重点实验室基金 2005-2007 评价良好
4 基于网络编码的分级视频传输技术研究 教育部回国留学人员科研启动基金 2009-2010
5 “面向IMT-Advanced协作中继的网络编码技术”子课题——基于网络编码的组播技术研究
重大专项子课题 2010-2012
6 深空通信中的若干关键技术研究
国家自然科学基金重点项目 2006-2009 评价优秀
7 网络编码中几个关键问题研究 国家自然科学基金重点项目 2009-2012 中期评估优秀
8 基于MPEG-4的联合信源信道编码 国家自然科学基金 2004-2006 评价良好
9 数字立体影像压缩与质量评价技术 “十一五”*科研项目* 2006-2008
10 航天高性能数据压缩芯片
总装XX电子元器件项目 2007-2011
11 静止和活动 “十一五”*科研项目* 2006-2010
序号 项目名称 委托方 起止时间 备注
1 Video multicast with NC in mobile wireless network
Docomo北京通信技术研究中心 2008.09-2009.08 评价优秀
2 Network coding application in next generation mobile network
Docomo北京通信技术研究中心 2009.11-2010.10 评价优秀
3 应用于深空通信的分布式及网络编码技术研究 CAST创新基金 2010-2011 在研
4 地面典型目标与背景动态图像模拟系统 中国空空XX研究院 2006-2007
5 可见光数据压缩机原理样机 中科院光电研究院 2006.01-2007.12
6 高效数据压缩及评价方法研究 航天504所 2008.01-2009.12
序号 项目名称 项目来源 起止时间 备注
1 无线通信中基于内容的跨层机会式网络编码设计 基本科研业务费 2008.09-2011.08 在研
2 基于质量的跨层机会式网络编码算法研究 ISN重点实验室自主课题创新人才类基金 2011.03-2012.03 在研
1)项目组设计并实现了基于DSP和FPGA 的深空通信硬件仿真平台。该仿真演示平台不仅能仿真演示深空通信各关键技术的实现方法和硬件系统的性能,还能仿真演示在深空通信信道模型下通信系统(包括信源编解码、信道编解码、调制解调和通信网络)的综合性能。
图1 仿真平台顶视图
图2 仿真平台运行过程中示波器信号波形
2) 项目组设计并实现了深空通信链路级仿真系统软件平台,在仿真平台系统界面中集成了图像信源编解码模块、信道编译码模块、调制解调模块、信道模型仿真模块等关键技术模块,可以对个模块及系统进行性能仿真和测试。
图3 深空通信链路级软件仿真平台界面
图4 深空通信链路级软件仿真平台运行结束后结果显示
图5 场景产生器与跟踪器联试现场
序号 项目名称 获奖时间 获奖名称及等级 本人排名/证书编号
1 光谱图像压缩及其在嫦娥一号中的应用 2008 陕西省科学技术奖二等奖 5/08-2-4-R5
2 高效图像压缩技术及其在航天航空中的应用 2010 国家科学技术进步奖二等奖 5(校内第3)/2010GFJBJ2210-R05
韩国学术交流-hanyang University-2005.01
AINA-日本冲绳-2008.03 IIHMSP-中国哈尔滨-2008.08
C. - C. Jay Kuo学术访问-2008.06 大塚裕幸博士学术访问交流-2008.08
韩国汉阳大学Jecheng Jeong学术访问2009.10 C. - C. Jay Kuo学术访问2008.08
讲授课程时间 讲授课程名称 班级 主讲/辅导
2003.9-2004.1 计算机文化基础 1-034 主讲
2004.3-2004.6 计算机文化基础 1-034 主讲
2004.2-2004.4 计算机图形学 一系00级 主讲
2004.9-2004.10 Matlab程序设计语言 1-010213 主讲
2004.9-2004.10 Matlab程序设计语言 1-010212 主讲
2004.9-2005.1 计算机文化基础 1-0414 主讲
2005.2-2005.4 计算机图形学 1系02级 主讲
2005.2-2005.6 C程序设计语言 1-0414 主讲
2005.4-2006.1 复变函数 010413 主讲
2005.4-2006.1 Matlab程序设计语言 033,0313 主讲
2006.3-2006.6 计算机图形学 2004级 主讲
2007.4-2008.1 复变函数 010612 主讲
2008.4-2009.1 复变函数 010711 主讲
2010.4-2011.1 复变函数 010911 主讲
独立撰写、主编或与他人合作编写著作 2 部。
《Information Theory and Network Coding》 ,Raymond W. Yeung著,蔡宁等译。2011年7月出版。
序号 专利名称 国别 授权/申请时间 专利授权/申请号
1 スケーラブル映像を優先度に応じて伝送する方法及びその装置 日本 2010.12申请 申请号:
序号 专利名称 国别 授权/申请时间 专利授权/申请号
1 一种基于网络编码的数据重传方法及装置 中国 2011.1申请 申请号:0.7
2 高速去块效应滤波方法 中国 2010.10申请 申请号:7.0
3 基于网络编码的可靠性视频传输方法及装置 中国 2010.09申请 申请号:9.0
4 一种用GPU实现快速小波变换的方法 中国 2010.06申请 申请号:6.9
5 降低编码码率的视频编码方法及系统
中国 2010.04申请
6 可分级视频优先级传输方法及装置
中国 2010.01申请 申请号:6.6
7 基于数学模型预测的运动估计快速半像素级搜索方法
中国 2006.11.8授权 专利号:ZL0.9
07届 孙雪雁,王芳,张楠,张鹏翔,顾晓波,蔡晓光,曾川豪,陈娜
08届 韩晶晶,刘婷,奉玉立,李明,张泽春,曾培,张冉,刘翔
09届 薛媛,艾彬,张亮,石香英,韩全生,陈明明,户敏,周建利
09届 刘卫亮,崔倩,魏维
10级 王栋,李炜,岳建永,康莹,范娇娇,张超,胡圣威,张莉,邱永玖,廖和章
11级 陈鹏,白俊梅,简黎洁,牛惠,孙雪松,陆晨,吴欣伟,赵征
12级 师康潇楠,杨光旭,翟丰泰,路遥,王梦丝,胡朋媛,冯炜,李岩
权磊 通信与信息系统 E-mail:gloomy2110@hotmail.com
(2) 是否拥有良好的专业理论基础和外语能力、计算机能力;
(3) 是否具有较强的工作责任心、主动性和踏实的工作作风;
(4) 是否拥有良好的团队协作精神.
How To Do High Quality Research and Run Large Research Group: - Sharing of My Experience at USC
by C.-C. Jay Kuo
University of Southern California
Song Xiao
Institute of Communications Engineering
Contact Information
Room 311,
East Teaching Building
No.2, South Taibai Road,
Xi'an, Shannxi, PR China
Song XIAO, female, professor.Ph.D director of communication and information system in Xidian University. Member of Image and Graph Institute of Shannxi province. Member of IEEE signal processing society. She obtained her M.S degree in communication and information system and Ph.D degree in signal and information processing in Xidian University, China in 2001 and 2004, respectively. She was promoted to be an associate professor in Xidain University in 2005. From January to February 2005, sheworked inHanyang University in Seoul, Korea, to carry out a short term international project. From 2006 to 2007, she was a postdoctor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California, United States.
In Juneand Dec 2011,she was promoted to be a professor and Ph.D director of communication and information system in Xidain University, respectively.
Her research interests are in the fields of image/video compression and coding, joint source channel coding, multimedia transmission systems over wired/wireless network, robust image and video communication etc.
Research Interests
Network coding
Video joint source-channel coding
Networked multimedia systems
Song Xiao, Hui Wang and Chengke Wu, "A new network coding design for reliable video multicast", Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.20, No.2, pp.361-364, April. 2011. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Ning Cai, "MANET multicast with Poisson distribution and its performance for network coding", IEICE Transactions on Communication, Vol. E94-B, No. 03, pp. 823-826, Mar. 2011. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Jianchao Du, Ji Lu, Yunsong Li, "Opportunistic Network Coding Retransmission Algorithm based on Packet Loss Pattern", SPIE 2011, accepted.(EI)
Song Xiao, Hui Wang and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A practical bit stream organization algorithm for robust H.264/SVC transmission", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 871-879, 2010. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Chengke Wu, "Robust video multicast scheme over wireless network with priority transmission", Proceedings of Satellite Data Compression, Communications and Processing VI (SPIE 2010), 7810: 781007-1-781007-9. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Ji Lu, Yangli Wang and Chengke Wu, "Robust video transmission scheme based on network coding", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 591-594, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Yunsong Li, Jianchao Du and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "priority ordering algorithm for scalable video coding transmission over heterogeneous network", Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 25-28, 2008, Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, pp.896-903. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao,Hui wang and C.-C.Jay Kuo, "Priority ordering and packetization for scalable video multicast with network coding", in Proceedings of 8th pacific rim conference on mutimedia (PCM2007), HongKong, China, Dec.11-14, 2007, pp.520-529. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Youxi Zhou and Jianchao Du, "Reliable visual transmission method combining source statistics and network congestion control", Journal of Software, 2007, 18(11):2882-2892. (EI)
Song Xiao, Yunsong Li, Baoming Bai and Youxi Zhou, "The Key Technologies of Deep Space ", China Communications, 2006, 3(6):82-94
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Fang Zhang, Yunsong Li and Jianchao Du, "Multiple Description Coding for Region of Interest Based on SPIHT", Chinese Journal of Computers, 2006, 29(1):171-176. (EI)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Jianchao Du and Yadong Yang, “ Reliable Transmission of H.264 Video over Wireless Network”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, April 18-20, 2006, Vienna, Austria, vol2, pp.84-88. (EI, ISIP)
Song Xiao, Jechang Jeong, Chengke Wu, Yunsong Li and Jianchao Du, “Joint source channel coding for deep space communications” , In Proceedings of workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (WSANE 2006), April 9-12, 2006, Xi’an, China, pp.213-216.
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Jianchao Du and Yadong Yang, “ Error Resilient Transmission of H.264 Video over Wireless Network”, In Proceedings of Data Compression Conference2006, March 28-30, 2006, Snowbird, Utah,pp.472. (ISIP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jechang Jong, “ Robust Video Communication Based on Source Modeling and Network Congestion Control”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2005, Taipei, Tainwan, pp.488-494. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengku Wu and Fang Zhang," A New Multiple Description Layered Coding Method Over Ad-hoc Network", in proceedings of Int. Conf. Image Processing ’04 (ICIP’04), Singapore, Oct.24-27, 2004, pp.3229-3232. (EI, ISTP)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Fang Zhang and Yaoping Yan, "A New Multiple Description Coding Method Over Wireless Channel", SPIE Third International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Oct. 2003, Beijing, China. Vol.5286, pp.334-337. (EI, ISIP)
Song Xiao, Fang Zhang, Chengke Wu, Yusong Li and Yaoping Yan, "A New Robust Multiple Description Coding Method based on Region of Interest", In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2003, Xi'an, China, pp.501-504. (ISIP)
Song Xiao, Fang Zhang and Chengke Wu, "A New Method of Joint Source Channel Coding Based on SPIHT", Chinese Journal of Computers, 2003, 26 (3):281-286. (EI)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jun Chen, "A New Adaptive UEP Method of Progressive Image over Noisy Channel", Chinese Journal of Electronics, July 2002, 11(3): 322-326. (SCI, EI)
Song Xiao, Fang Zhang and Chengke Wu, "Rate allocation for joint source channel coding of the image over a wireless channel", Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science), 2002, 29(6): 716-720. (EI)
Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, "Joint source channel coding of progressive image over wireless channel ", Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24 (12): 1835-1841. (EI)
Song Xiao, Junmei Bai, Jianlong Zhang and Jianchao Du, "SVC-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Video in the Cloud", Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC2011), accepted. (EI)
Hui Wang, Song Xiao and C.-C. Jay Kuo," Random Linear Network Coding with Ladder-Shaped Global Coding Matrix for Robust Video Transmission", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 203-212, April, 2011. (SCI, EI)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao, Cheng-ke Wu, Kai Guo, "Optimal pilot sapcing for adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems,"Journal of Jilin University, Vol. 41, No. 4, July, 2011. pp. 1146-1150. (EI)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Opportunistic Network Coding Based Delay-Sensitive Sroadcast Transmission Algorithm",Acta Electronica Sinica, 2011, 39(5):1214-1219. (EI)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "A Sorting Approach of SVA streaming for Video Transmission", Journal of electronics & information technology, 2011, 33(3): 537-542. (EI)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "A Broadcast Retransmission Method Using Opportunistic Network Coding in Wireless Networks", Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2011, 45(2):68-72. (EI)
Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jianlong Zhang, "A video transmission framework based on packet criticality model", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011), accepted. (EI)
Lei Quan, Song Xiao, Jianchao Du and Jianli Zhou, "A Threshould-based Coefficients Cutting Method for Compressive Imaging", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE(IIHMSP 2011), accepted. (EI)
Xuesong Sun, Song Xiao, Jianchao Du and Min Hu, "Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H264/SVC based on Motion Vector Relation Analysis", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011), accepted. (EI)
Ying Kang, Song Xiao, Ji Lu and Chengke Wu, "A Rate Distortion-Based Netwok Coding Design for video Transmission", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011), accepted. (EI)
Li Zhang, Song Xiao, Ning Cai and Jianchao Du, "An Opportunistic Network Coding Algorithm Based on the Queue State and Network Topology", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE (IIHMSP 2011), accepted. (EI)
Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Yunsong Li, "A novel video delivery algorithm based on 802.11e EDCA mechanism", SPIE 2011, accepted. (EI)
Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, "An EDCA based algorithm for video packets dynamic mapping", Electronics and Information Technology, accepted.
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Efficient Broadcasting for Scalable Video Coding Streaming Using RLNC", Proceedings of Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Processing VI (SPIE 2010),7810: 78100O-1-78100O-5, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Optimized State-Distortion Extraction for Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 599-602, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Hongwei Li, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Yuli Feng, "A Pixel-level Rate Control Algorithm for The Optimal Prediction Residual", Proceedings of IEEE (IIHMSP 2010), pp.603-606, 2010. (EI, ISTP)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, "Efficient Protection Scheme for SVC Content Based on Network Coding", 2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, IAS2009, vol. 2, pp.585-588. (EI, ISTP)
Ying Feng, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Rui Song, "A refined algorithm for the side information in DVC", Processdings of the4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IIH-MSP 2008, August 15-17, Harbin, China, pp. 675-678. (EI, ISTP)
Hui Wang, Song Xiao and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Robust and flexible wireless video multicast with network coding", Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2007), pp.2129-2133, 2007. (EI, ISTP)
Jianlong Zhang, Xinbao Gao, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "An Error Concealment Algorithm Based on Non-uniform Lagrange Interpolation ", the Seventh International Conference on Intelligence Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing of IEEE, accepted. (IIHMSP 2011)
Ji Lu, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Efficient SVC transmission system based on network coding", Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science), 2010, 37(3), pp 405-411. (EI)
Fanqiang Kong, Song Xiao and Youxi Zhou, "Video network transmission of joint source-channel coded based on scene modeling", Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science),2007, 34(3):354-359. (EI)
Youxi Zhou, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Robust Wireless Video Transmission Based on Scene Modeling ", Journal of Astronautics, 2007, 28(1):108-112. (EI)
Jianchao Du, Song Xiao, Chengke Wu and Jianlong Li, "A Data Partitioning Method for Reducing Error Propagation",Acta Electronica Sinica, 2006, 34(10):1823-1827. (EI)
Zhang Fang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Robust Scalable Pre-compressed Video Coding based on MPEG-4-FGS over the Internet", Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005, 16(1): 167-172. (EI)
Fang Zhang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Unequal Error Correction Protection for Video Based on Position Rearrange", Chinese Journal of Computers, 2004, 27(11):1546-1551. (EI)
Fang Zhang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu, "Study on a Fast Adaptive Global Motion Estimation Algorithm", Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(4):574-579. (EI)
Fang Zhang, Song Xiao and Chengke Wu. "A novel transmission and controlling strategy for progressive streaming video over the wireless Internet", in proceedings of ICCIMA’03, Sep., 2003, Xi’an, P.R.China, pp254-259. (ISTP)
Ji Lu, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "A network coding based hybird ARQ algorithm for wireless video broadcast", Science in China-Ser. F: Info. Sci., Vol.54, No.6,pp.1327-1332, June, 2011. (SCI, EI)
Haiying Liu, Yunsong Li and Song Xiao, "Distributed Compressive Hyperspectral Image Sensing", Processdings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2010), 607-610,2010. (EI, ISTP)
Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Rong Zheng, "Optimal Parameters Selection of Interleaver for the Unequal Loss Protection of Scalable Bit streams", Journal of Air Force Engineering University(Natural Science Edition), 2006, 7(5):63-67.
Rui Song, Bo Zhao and Song Xiao, "A new motion estimation algorithm based on hardware implementation and its VLSI design", Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science), 2006,33(2):257-261. (EI)
Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu and Song Xiao, "Code-Rate Allocation Method of Unequal Loss Protection for Scalable Bitstreams with Rate Constrain", Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2006, 40(12):1432-1435. (EI)
Jianlong Zhang, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "A New Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm with Spatial Scalability for Video Coding", Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2006, 28 (3): 390-395. (EI)
Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "A Fast Hybrid Loss Protection Method with Quality of Service Provision for Image Transmission", Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2006, 43(12):2041-2047. (EI)
Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Jianchao Du, "Hybrid loss protection method based on the measurement of the effective expected quality for image transmission", Journal of Xidian University(Natural Science), 2006, 33(5):696-699. (EI)
Yadong Yang, Chengke Wu and Song Xiao, "A Bidirectional Local Search Algorithm for the Protection of Embedded Data over Packet Erasure Channel", Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2005, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 695-699. (SCI,EI)
Fang Zhang, Chengke Wu, Song Xiao and Yangli Wang, "A New Regions of Interest Video Coding Method Based on MPEG-4", Acta Electronica Sinica, 2005,33(4):634-637. (EI).
Fang Zhang, Chengke Wu and Song Xiao, "Streaming Video Transmission and Controlling Strategy Based on Wavelet EBCOT Coding Over IP Network", Chinese Journal of Computers, 2004, 27(2):264-269.
Fang Zhang, Chengke Wu, Peixing Cheng and Song Xiao, "Research on an Improved Scalable Video Coding and the Network Transmission", Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(1):108-111. (EI)
Book & Patent
Jiaxian Deng , Song Xiao, 《Information Theory and Coding (Second Edition)》, Xidian University Press, 2011,45 million words.
Raymond W. Yeung , 《 Information Theory and Network Coding 》,original ?published by Springe,interprated by Ning Cai.
Professor Xiao translated chap.4, 8 and 9.
Information Theory and Network Coding ,
Coming soon:
《Computer Graphics》, written by professor Xiao, will be published on December 2012.
Number Name Nationality Submit Time Application No.
1 スケーラブル映像を優先度に応じて伝送する方法及びその装置 Japan Dec.2501
Chinese patents:
1 Methodand Apparatus of data retransmission based on network coding
China 2011.01Submit
2 High speed de-blocking filtering methods China 2010.10 Submit
3 Methodand Apparatus of reliable video transmission based on network coding
China 2010.09Submit
4 Method for realizing fast wavelet transform by using GPU China 2010.06 Submit
5 Video coding method for reducing coding code rate and system China 2010.04 Submit
6 Priority transmission method andapparatus for scalable video China 2010.01 Submit
7 Movingestimationquicksemipixelgradesearchingmethodbasedon
China 2006.11.8Authorize
Information Theory and Network Coding ,
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