

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07

1. 国家自然科学基金(**):关键氨基酸调控啤酒酵母适应高浓酿造环境胁迫机制的研究
2. 陕西省重点研发计划(2017NY-157):液化法糜子黄酒酿造关键技术研究
3. 试验示范站(基地)科技创新与成果转化:核桃仁脱种皮技术集成与示范
4. 杨凌示范区农业科技助力脱贫攻坚:镇安县魔芋产品开发与销售
5. 杨凌示范区农业科技助力脱贫攻坚:白河县木瓜产品开发
6. 校企合作:醋泡黑豆和营养代餐粉系列产品研发
7. 校企合作:黄酒新产品研发与产品稳定性研究
8. 校企合作:营养固体饮品研发
9. 校企合作:牛肉营养食品系列产品研发
10. 校企合作:黄芪深加工食品研发
11. 校企合作:营养杂粮粉系列产品研发
12. 校企合作:核桃仁脱种皮工艺及装备研究开发
13. 校企合作:水果菁华饮功能评价研究
1. 桑椹酒及其深加工工艺研究,2017年荣获商洛市科学技术三等奖(17-305-R6)
2. 指导本科生创作产品“一季一酒”荣获CAPINNO全球食品饮料商业挑战赛(2019)优胜奖
3. 指导研究生创作产品“国风果茶”荣获第一届秦食皇素食公益大赛(2019)三等奖
4. 指导研究生创作产品“幸吾营养代餐粉”荣获第二届“百颐年杯”大学生营养代餐粉研发创新大赛(2020)三等奖
1. Tianlin Li, Tian Jiang, Ning Liu, Caiyun Wu, Huaide Xu, Hongjie Lei*.Biotransformation of phenolic profiles and improvement of antioxidant capacities in jujube juice by select lactic acid bacteria. Food Chemistry, 2021, 339,127859.
2. Caiyun Wu, Tianlin Li, Jing Qi, Tian Jiang, Huaide Xu, Hongjie Lei*. Effects of lactic acid fermentation-based biotransformation on phenolic profiles, antioxidant capacity and flavor volatiles of apple juice. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020,122, 109064.
3. Tianlin Li, Caiyun Wu, Jianqiao Liao, Tian Jiang, Huaide Xu, Hongjie Lei*. Application of protein hydrolysates from defatted walnut meal in high-gravity brewing to improve fermentation performance of lager yeast. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2020,190: 360-372.
4. Yaqing Xiao, Yingnan Liu, Yu Wang, Yu Jin, Xinyu Guo, Yudi Liu, Xiaomin Qi, Hongjie Lei*, Huaide Xu*. Heat-induced whey protein isolate gels improved by cellulose nanocrystals: Gelling properties and microstructure. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 115749.
5. Yaqing Xiao, Yingnan Liu, Xiaojing Wang, Mei Li, Hongjie Lei*, Huaide Xu*. Cellulose nanocrystals prepared from wheat bran: Characterization and cytotoxicity assessment. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2019,140:225-233.
6. Li Feng, Fei Peng, Xiaojing Wang, Mei Li, Hongjie Lei*?, Huaide Xu*. Identi?cation and characterization of antioxidative peptides derived from simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of walnut meal proteins. Food Research International. 2019, 116: 518-526.
7. Hongjie Lei*, Li Feng, Fei Peng, Huaide Xu. Amino acid supplementations enhance the stress resistance and fermentation performance of lager yeast during high gravity fermentation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2019, 187: 540-555.
8. Ying Xing#, Hongjie Lei#, Jing Wang, Yutang Wang, Huaide Xu*. Effects of different drying methods on the total phenolic rosmarinic acid and essential oil of purple perilla leaves. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2017, 20: 1594-1606.
9. Hongjie Lei, Huaide Xu, Li Feng, Zhimin Yu, Haifeng Zhao, Mouming Zhao*. Fermentation performance of lager yeast in high gravity beer fermentations with different sugar supplementations. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2016, 122(5): 583-588.
10. Hongjie Lei, Huipin Li, Fen Mo, Liye Zheng, Haifeng Zhao*, Mouming Zhao*. Effects of Lys and His supplementations on the regulation of nitrogen metabolism in lager yeast. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(20): 8913-8921.
11. Hongjie Lei, Liye Zheng, Chenxia Wang, Haifeng Zhao*, Mouming Zhao*. Effects of worts treated with proteases on the assimilation of free amino acids and fermentation performance of lager yeast. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2013, 161(2): 76-83.
12. Hongjie Lei, Haifeng Zhao*, Mouming Zhao*. Proteases supplementation to high gravity worts enhances fermentation performance of brewer's yeast. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 77(15): 1-6.
13. Hongjie Lei, Haifeng Zhao*, Zhimin Yu, Mouming Zhao*. Effects of wort gravity and nitrogen level on fermentation performance of brewer's yeast and the formation of flavor volatiles. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2012, 166(6): 1562-1574.
14. 吴彩云,张晓荣,徐怀德,雷宏杰*.益生菌发酵果蔬汁生物活性成分及功能特性研究进展.中国食品学报,2021.
15. 任璐, 王莹钰, 杨沫, 蔡天娇, 雷宏杰*. 啤酒高浓酿造中氨基酸对酵母发酵性能和啤酒色值的影响.食品科学, 2018, 39(14): 119-124.
16. 蔡天娇, 王瑞珍, 魏君慧, 薛媛, 雷宏杰*, 徐怀德*. 白桦脂酸与红枣总三萜酸对小鼠酒精肝损伤保护作用研究.食品科学, 2018, 39(11): 191-195.
17. 杨沫, 薛媛, 任璐,雷宏杰*, 徐怀德*. 不同粒度花椒籽黑种皮粉理化特性研究.食品科学, 2018, 39(9): 47-52.
18. 专利:雷宏杰. 具有改善超高浓麦汁发酵性能的氨基酸营养液的制备方法, 2018.03.28, 中国, CNA
19. 专利:赵海锋, 雷宏杰, 赵谋明, 崔春. 一种超高浓麦汁的制备方法, 2014.02.05, 中国, ZL7.X

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