

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information






工作经历 Work Experience
2017/04-至今 西北工业大学 理学院 讲师
2018.05-2018.07 访问北京大学数学科学学院张平文院士团队

教育经历 Education Experience
2015/10-2016/10 瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学计算数学与模拟科学学院 联合培养博士生 导师:Jan S. Hesthaven 教授
2013/09-2016/12 兰州大学 计算数学 理学博士 导师:邓伟华 教授
2010/09-2013/06 兰州大学 计算数学 理学硕士 导师:邓伟华 教授
2006/09-2010/06 兰州大学 数学基地班 理学学士

教育教学 Education And Teaching

2019-2020秋 《概率论与数理统计》
2020-2021秋 《概率论与数理统计》(国际教育学院)
2020-2021秋 《概率论与数理统计》
2020-2021春 《概率论与数理统计》


2019-2020秋 《谱方法:算法、分析及应用》
2020-2021秋 《分数阶微分方程》

科学研究 Scientific Research


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,反常运动粒子的轨迹泛函分布,平均退出时间,逃逸概率,模型与算法,编号: **

学术成果 Academic Achievements
1. Lijing Zhao and Weihua Deng*, Jacobian-Predictor-Corrector Approach for Fractional Differential Equations. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 40 (1), 137-165, 2014.

2. Lijing Zhao and Weihua Deng*, A Series of High Order Quasi-Compact Schemes for Space Fractional Diffusion Equations Based on the Superconvergent Approximations for Fractional Derivatives. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 31, 1345-1381, 2015.

3. Jingwei Deng, Lijing Zhao*, Yujiang Wu, Efficient Algorithms for Solving the Fractional Ordinary Differential Equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 269, 196-216, 2015.

4. Lijing Zhao and Weihua Deng*, High Order Finite Difference Methods on Non-uniform Meshes for Space Fractional Operators. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 42(2), 425-468, 2016.

5. Jingwei Deng*, Lijing Zhao, and Yujiang Wu, Fast Predictor-Corrector Approach for the Tempered Fractional Ordinary Differential Equations. Numerical Algorithms, 74(3), 717-754, 2017.

6. Can Li, Weihua Deng, and Lijing Zhao, Well-posedness and numerical algorithm for the tempered fractional ordinary differential equations. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 24(4), 1989-2015, 2019. (ESI 高被引论文)

7. Yajun Yu, Lijing Zhao, Fractional Thermoelasticity Revisited with New Definitions of Fractional Derivative. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 84, 2020.

8. Lijing Zhao*, Weihua Deng, and Jan S. Hesthaven, Characterization of Image Spaces of Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integral Operators on Sobolev Spaces $W^{m,p}(\Omega)$. SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2021, 64.

9. Lijing Zhao and Xudong Wang*, Well‐conditioned Galerkin Spectral Method for Two‐sided Fractional Diffusion Equation with Drift and Fractional Laplacian. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 1-20, 2020.

学术活动 Professional Activities
1.2017.10.20-2017.10.22, 东南大学,分数阶微分方程数值方法研讨会,报告题目:High Order Finite Difference
Methods on Non-uniform Meshes for Space Fractional Operators.
2.2017.11.24-2017.11.26, 西北工业大学,分数阶微分方程及非局部问题论坛,报告题目:Several Spectral Methods
for the Dirichlet Problem for the Fractional Laplacian.
3.2017.11.27-2017.11.29, 兰州大学,第十届学术年会,报告题目:Fractional Integral Spaces and Their Spectral
Applications on Fractional Laplacian.
4.2019.04.26-2019.04.27, 北京计算科学研究中心,3rd Workshop on Numerical Methods for Fractional
derivative Problems,海报论文:Several Spectral Methods for the Dirichlet Problem for the Fractional
5.2019.06.23-2019.06.28, 兰州大学,中德双边国际研讨会,报告题目:Theory and Application of Fractional
Integral Spaces.
6. 2019.11.15-2019.11.18,清华三亚国际数学论坛,The 2nd International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and
Applications of Fractional Differential Equations,报告题目:Characterization of Image Spaces of
Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integral Operators on Sobolev Spaces Wm,p(\Omega).

7. 2020.11.20-2020.11.23,佛山科学技术学院,The 3nd International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and
Applications of Fractional Differential Equations,报告题目:Fractional Integral Sobolev Spaces and Their Spectral Applications.

English Version

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