

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information






工作经历 Work Experience
2019.03 至今:西北工业大学,数学与统计学院, 副教授, 硕导
2019.12 至今:西北工业大学,博士后(合作导师:孙浩 教授)
2021.04--2021.05:中国科学院,访问 戴彧虹 研究员
2019.10--2019.10:北京航空航天大学,访问 韩德仁 教授
2016.10--2016.10:南方科技大学,访问 何炳生教授

教育经历 Education Experience
2017/09--2018/09 联培博士,路易斯安那州立大学/数学系, 导师:张洪超 教授
2015/09--2018/12 博士, 西安交通大学/数学, 导师:李继成 教授
2012/09--2015/07 硕士, 桂林电子科技大学/计算数学, 导师:段雪峰 教授
2008/09--2012/07 学士, 延安大学/数学与应用数学, 导师:郭金宝 教授

教育教学 Education And Teaching
主讲博士生公共课: 数学学科前沿课(Part12)

主讲硕士生专业课: 最优化原理与方法、机器学习建模方法与应用(Part 1)
主讲硕士生公共课: 凸优化算法与应用
主讲本科生公共课: 线性代数I
本科生助教: 数学分析 I

招生信息 Admission Information
招收计算数学专业硕士研究生 (报研/统考均可,详见招生简章) ,感兴趣的同学请将个人简历和学习成绩单发送至bjc1987@163.com, 求:
备注:1. 将提供较高的助研津贴和发表论文奖励,欢迎计算数学和运筹学的学生报考
2. 英语未过6级的,如曾参加各类数学 (建模) 竞赛并获奖,可同等条件下优先录取。

荣誉获奖 Awards Information
[7] 西安市D类人才 (编号:D,2019/6)
[6] 硕、博研究生国家奖学金 (2014/10, 2018/10)
[5] 教育部建设高水平大学出国留学奖学金 (2017-2018)
[4] 西安交通大学优秀研究生 (2017/12, 2018/10)
[3] 西安交通大学优秀研究生干部 (2015-2016)
[2] 郝建学理科奖学金一等奖 (2016-2017)
[1] 桂林电子科技大学优秀硕士学位论文 (2015/07)
[1]2020年陕西省级大学生创新训练计划项目: 随机算法及其在监督学习中的应用研究, 项目批准号:S8 (成员:刘晓志、周试翼、郑鑫伟、张昱葳、盛梓益)

科学研究 Scientific Research
6.主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目:新型交替方向法的设计与应用 (2020M683545), 2021/01-2022/12, 项目经费8万
4.参与装备预研重点实验室基金项目:基于深度学习的翼型表面测量信息的精细化重构(6**101), 2020/01-2021/12,项目经费30万
3.参与全国统计科学重点研究项目:低秩稀疏大数据信息分析方法及应用(2018LZ23), 2018/01-2020/12,项目经费5万,已结题
1.参与福建省自然科学基金面上项目:线性互补问题解的估计及新型算法研究 (2016J01028),2016/04-2019/03,项目经费3万,已结题

学术成果 Academic Achievements

Optimization methods includingfirst-order methodsand others
[16]J. Bai, M. Zhang, H. Zhang. An inexact ADMM for sepable nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization,(2021)In preparation
[15]J. Bai,D. Han, H. Sun, H. Zhang. Convergence analysis of an inexact accelerated stochastic ADMM with larger stepsizes,(2020)Under review
[14]J. Bai,W. Hager, H. Zhang.Accelerated stochastic ADMM for separable convex optimization, (2020) Under review
[13]J. Bai, J. Liang, K. Guo, Y. Jing, H. So.Accelerated symmetric ADMM and its applications in signal processing, (2019) Under review
[12] 汪涛, 陈梓浩, 邓晓波, 梁军利, 白建超.恒模发射波形和非匹配滤波器的联合设计, 西北工业大学学报, 接受待发表, (2021) (EI, CSCD)
[11] X. Chang, J. Bai(通讯作者).A projectedextrapolated gradient method with larger step size for monotone variational inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Accepted, (2021) (JCR-2)
[10]J. Bai, Y. Ma, H. Sun, M. Zhang. Iteration complexity analysis of a partial LQP-based alternating direction method of multipliers,Applied Numerical Mathematics, 165: 500-518, (2021)(JCR-2)
[9] J. Bai,X.Chang, J. Li, F. Xu.Convergence revisit on generalized symmetric ADMM, Optimization, 70: 149-168, (2021)(JCR-3)
[8]Y. Bai,Y. Gong, J. Bai, et al. A joint analysis of multi-paradigm fMRI data with its applications to cognitive study,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,40(3): 951-962, (2021)(JCR-1, Top)
[7] X. Chang, J. Bai(通讯作者),D. Song, S. Liu. Linearized symmetric multi-block ADMM with indefinite proximal regularization and optimal proximal parameter, Calcolo, 57: 38 (2020) (JCR-2)
[6]J. Bai, J. Li,Z. Wu.Several variants of the primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm with applications, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 13(1): 176-199 (2020) (JCR-2)
[5]J. Bai, K.Guo, X. Chang.A family of multi-parameterized proximal point algorithms, IEEE Access, 7(1): 164021-164028 (2019) (JCR-2, Top)
[4] J. Bai, J. Li, P. Dai, J. Li.General parameterized proximal point algorithm with applications in the statistical learning, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 96(1): 199-215 (2019) (JCR-3)
[3]J. Bai, J.Li, F.Xu. Accelerated method for optimization over density matrices in quantum state estimation, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66(5):869-880 (2018)(JCR-3)
[2]J. Bai, H. Zhang, J. Li.A parameterized proximal point algorithm for separable convex optimization, Optimization Letters, 12(7):1589-1608 (2018) (JCR-3)
[1]J. Bai, J. Li, F. Xu, H. Zhang. Generalized symmetric ADMM for separable convex optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(1):129-170 (2018)(JCR-2)

Numerical algebraincludinglow-rank approximation, complementarity problem and others
[16]J. Bai, C. Chen, X. Gu. Two alternating iterative methods and their preconditioned versions for solving the absolute value equations, (2021) In preparation
[15]P. Dai,J. Bai, J. Li. A general preconditioner for tensor complementarity problem,(2020) Under review
[14]P. Dai, J. Li,J. Bai, L.Dong. Notes on new e-bounds for linear complementarity problems of Nekrasov matrices, B-Nekrasov matrices and QN-matrices,Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications,12: 1191-1212 (2019)(JCR-2)
[13]P. Dai, J. Li,J. Bai,L. Dong. New e-bounds for linear complementarity problems of S-Nekrasov matrices and B-S-Nekrasov matrices, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 38: 61(2019)(JCR-3)
[12]戴平凡, 李继成, 白建超. 解线性互补问题的预处理加速模Gauss-Seidel迭代方法, 计算数学, 41(3):308-319 (2019)
[11]P. Dai, J. Li,J. Bai, J. Qiu.A preconditioned two-step modulus-based matrix splitting iteration method for linear complementarity problem,Applied Mathematics andComputation,348: 542-551 (2019) (JCR-1, Top)
[10]J. Bai, J. Li, F. Xu, P. Dai. A novel method for a class of structured low rank minimization with equality constraint, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 330:475-487 (2018) (JCR-2, Top)
[9]J. Bai, J. Li, J. Deng.A class of multilevel structured low-rank approximation arising in material processing, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(2): 329-340 (2018) (JCR-3)

[8]刘子胜, 李继成, 白建超. 基于受限等距性质的矩阵低秩稀疏逼近误差界, 高等学校计算数学学报, 40(2):146-159 (2018)
[7]Z. Liu, J. Li, G. Li,J. Bai, X.Liu. A new model for sparse and low rank matrix decomposition, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 7(2):600-616 (2017)(JCR-4)
[6]J. Bai, J. Li, P. Dai.Novel alternating update method for low rank approximation of structured matrices, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 121:223-233 (2017) (JCR-2)
[5]P. Dai, J. Li, Y. Li,J. Bai.A general preconditioner for linear complementarity problem with an M-matrix, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317:100-112 (2017) (JCR-2, Top)
[4]白建超, 李继成, 李文博. 一类Stifel流形上极小化问题的低秩解, 高等学校计算数学学报, 39(1):31-42 (2017)
[3]X. Duan,J. Bai, J. Li, J. Peng. On the low rank solution of the Q-weighted nearest correlation matrix problem, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 23(2):340-355 (2016)(硕导为一作,JCR-2)
[2]J. Bai X. Duan,K. Cheng, X. Zhang. A class of weighted low rank approximation of the positive semidefinite Hankel matrix. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Atricle ID 937 573 (2015) 7 pages.
[1]X. Duan,J. Bai(通讯作者), M. Zhang, X. Zhang. On the generalized low rank approximation of the correlation matrices arising in the asset portfolio, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 461:1-17 (2014) (硕导为一作,JCR-3)
For PDF file of the above researches, pleaseclick the title orfind it frommy Reseachgate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianchao_Bai3

社会兼职 Social Appointments
Reviewer ofsome journals including
Automatica (IF: 5.541, JCR-2, Top)
Applied Numerical Mathematics (IF: 1.979, JCR-2)
Computational and Applied Mathematics (IF: 1.360, JCR-3)
Computational Optimization and Applications (IF: 1.906, JCR-2)
Calcolo (IF:1.521, JCR-2)
FILOMAT (IF: 0.789, JCR-3)
IEEEAccess(IF: 4.098, JCR-2, Top)
Journal of Global Optimization ?(IF: 1.631, JCR-2)
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China(EI)
Neurocomputing (IF: 4.438, JCR-2, Top)
Numerical Algorithms (IF: 1.973, JCR-2)
Optimization Letters (IF: 1.399, JCR-3)
SignalProcessing(IF: 4.086, JCR-2)
数值计算与计算机科学 (CSCD)
高等学校计算数学学报 (CSCD)
美国 Math Review 特邀评论员,中国运筹会会员(SM),CSIAM会员(**M),中国数学会会员(SM),陕西省自然科学基金通信评议专家

学术活动 Professional Activities
[8]May 6, 2020-Now |参与中国运筹学会主办的 “运筹千里”纵横论坛.腾讯会议.

[7]April 20, 2020-Now |Participates“One World Optimization Sewminar”.Zoom.
[6]December 11-12,2020|参与中科院数学与系统科学研究院主办的 “科学计算论坛” 之第六届科学与工程计算青年研讨会. 腾讯会议.
[5]September 12-13, 2020|参与“第三届复杂信息的数学表征分析与应用国际会议”. Zoom
[4]August21-23,2020|参与南京大学主办暑期短期课程“经典凸分析与凸优化专题宣讲” . 腾讯会议.
[3]July 20-22, 2020|参与广西大学主办的 “数学优化前沿” 研讨会—君武数学论坛(四). 腾讯会议.
[2]May 23-24, 2020|参与南京信息工程大学主办的 “2020年高性能计算与数据分析研讨会”. Zoom.
[1]April 19-21, 2019| Participates "International Workshop on Multiphysics Problems: Theory, Computing, and Applications", Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China.
[14]June 18, 2021| Report on “Deterministic and stochastic ADMM for structured convex optimization”.Henan NormalUniversity,China. (invited byProf. Yonggang Pei)
[13]April 21, 2021| Report on “Deterministic and stochastic ADMM for structured convex optimization”.Beihang University,China. (invited byProf. Jiaxin Xie)
[12]December 19, 2020| Report on “Deterministic and stochastic ADMM for nonsmooth separable convex optimization”. Changsha University of Science & Technology,China. (invited byProf. Weijun Zhou)
[11]November 5, 2020| Report on “ADMM and its varaintsfor separable convex optimization”. Guangxi University,China. (invited byProf. Gonglin Yuan)
[9]October 15-18, 2020| Report on “Deterministic and stochastic ADMM for separable convex optimization”. ORSC2020, University of Science and Technology of China, China.
[8]November 29, 2019|Report on “ADMM for separable convex and nonconvex optimization”. Xinyang NormalUniversity, China. (invited by Dr. Yongchao Yu)
[7]November 4, 2019|Report on “ADMM for separable convex and nonconvex optimization”. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China. (invited by Prof. X.M. Gu and J.T. Ma)
[6]October 18-19, 2019|Report on “ADMM for separable structured optimization: from deterministic to stochastic, and convex to nonconvex”. 2019 Seminar on Advances in Big-data Optimization,China West Normal University,China.
[5]July 31- August 4, 2019| Report on "Generalized symmetric ADMM for separable convex optimization". The 12-th Conference on Computational Mathematics (Section Chair), Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
[4]September 4, 2018| Report on “Deterministic and Stochastic ADMM for Structured Convex Optimization”. Louisiana State University, USA. (invited by Prof. S.C. Brenner and H.C. Zhang)
[3]February 21,2018| Report on “Generalized/linearized symmetric ADMM for separable convex optimization”.Tulane University, USA.(invited by Prof. Y.P. Wang)
[2]February 2-3, 2018| Report on “Generalized symmetric ADMM for separable convex optimization”. SCALA2018 - Scientic Computing aroud Louisiana, Louisiana State University, USA.
[1]April 23-27, 2016| Report “On the low rank solution of the Q-weighted nearest correlation matrix problem”.Shenzhen University, China. (invited by Prof. G. Li)

[13]September 3-5, 2021|主计算与优化青年****研讨会西北工业大学资助 (经费5.2万元),召集人之一.
[12]May 29-30, 2021|主非凸优化与分布式优化的理论、算法及应用国际研讨会”,国家天元数学西北中心资助 (经费7万元),召集人. (天元中心新闻、西工大新闻、运筹通讯新闻)
[11]May 20, 2021|主办算子分裂法及其应用研讨会(II), 报告人:周伟军(长沙理工大学)、Yuntong Bai (Tulane University), 腾讯会议.
[10]March 27, 2021|主办算子分裂法及其应用研讨会(I), 报告人:蒋建林(南京航空航天大学)、李敏(南京大学)、蔡邢菊(南京师范大学), 腾讯会议.
[10]December 27, 2020|主办最优化进展主题研讨会(三), 报告人:陈彩华(南京大学)、常小凯(兰州理工大学)、吴中明(南京信息工程大学), 腾讯会议.
[9]November 27, 2020|邀请湘潭大学 彭拯教授线下学术交流, 报告题目:一种求解非光滑黎曼流形优化问题的非精确增广拉格朗日算法,地点:理学院214会议室.
[8]November 21-22, 2020|联合主办 “计算地球物理与偏微分方程反问题会议”, 国家天元数学西北中心资助 (经费5万元),腾讯会议.
[7]November 14, 2020|主办最优化进展主题研讨会(二), 报告人:罗和治(浙江理工大学)、胡耀华(深圳大学)、孙聪(北京邮电大学), 腾讯会议.
[6]September 26, 2020|主办最优化进展主题研讨会(一), 报告人:陈加伟(西南大学)、Yangyang Xu(伦斯勒理工大学)、韩德仁(北京航空航天大学), 腾讯会议.
[5]June 30, 2020|邀请香港理工大学 孙德锋教授在线学术交流, 报告题目:Solving Statistical Optimization Problems: Second Order Methods with First Order Complexities or Less.
[4]May 18, 2020|邀请大连理工大学 张立卫教授在线学术交流, 报告题目:在线复合优化的一个交替乘子方向方法.
[3]September 22, 2019|邀请南京大学 杨俊锋教授来校学术交流, 报告题目:Tight Sublinear Convergence Rate of the Proximal Point Algorithm.
[2]September 21, 2019|邀请兰州理工大学 常小凯副教授来校学术交流, 报告题目:How to get a proper step size for forward-backward splitting method and primal-dual algorithm?
[1]September 21, 2019|邀请南京航空航天大学 王丽平教授来校学术交流, 报告题目:A Joint Matrix Minimization Approach for Seismic Wavefield Recovery.

English Version

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