

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







综合介绍 General Introduction
裴斌,博士,教授,德国洪堡****,日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS Fellow),复旦大学超级博士后。主要从事应用概率统计、非线性随机动力学、随机分析与控制的科学研究工作,入选陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划(2022-2023),主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,省部级项目1项,日本JSPS特别资助1项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目1 项,西北工业大学优秀博士奖励基金1项(全校仅9人)、西北工业大学博士创新基金1项,作为重要完成人参加国家自然科学基金面上项目3项。近五年发表SCI检索的高水平科研论文20余篇,ESI高被引论文 2 篇,博士期间连续 3 年获教育部博士研究生国家奖学金,获工信部工信创新奖学金 1 次,以第1完成人获陕西省研究生创新成果奖一等奖 (2017),博士论文被评为“陕西省优秀博士学位论文”。

工作经历 Work Experience
2021.01--至 今 西北工业大学数学与统计学院
2018.11--2020.10 日本九州大学(Kyushu University)日本学术振兴会特别研究员(JSPS Fellow) 合作导师:Yuzuru INAHAMA教授
2018.09--2020.12 复旦大学超级博士后 合作导师:汤善健教授
2017.12--2018.08 西安电子科技大学 数学与统计学院

教育经历 Education Experience
2015.09--2016.09美国韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University) CSC 联合培养博士生项目,合作导师: George Yin教授
2014.09--2017.12西北工业大学 理学博士 导师:许勇教授
2012.09--2015.04西北工业大学 理学硕士 导师:许勇教授
2008.09--2012.07 曲阜师范大学 理学学士

教育教学 Education And Teaching
本科生 多元统计分析 48 学时
研究生 应用随机分析 40 学时
留学生Random dynamical systems 40学时

招生信息 Admission Information
研究生招生专业 应用数学
1、随机(偏)微分方程:Rough Path 理论、摄动理论、平均原理
2、基于 Rough Path 理论的随机动力学

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

2018.08日本学术振兴会特别研究员项目资助(JSPS**** 全球9 %录取率)
2017.11陕西省研究生创新成果奖 一等奖 排名第一

科学研究 Scientific Research
1、国家自然科学基金(青年项目) No. **, 2019.01-2021.12,主持;
2、陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目, 2022.01-2023.12, 主持;
4、日本学术振兴会特别资助 No. JP18F18314, 2018.11- 2020.10,主持;
5、中国博士后科学基金(面上项目) No. 2019M651334, 2019.05-2020.12,主持;
6、西北工业大学优秀博士研究生奖励基金(全校仅9人) YB201607, 2016.11-2017.10,主持;
7、西北工业大学博士论文创新基金 No.CX201718, 2016.10-2017.10,主持;
8、国家自然科学基金(面上项目) No.**, No.**, No.**,参与;
9、陕西省自然科学基础研究(面上项目) No.2014JM1028,参与.

学术成果 Academic Achievements

Bin Pei,Yuzuru Inahama and Yong Xu,Averaging principle for fast-slow system driven by mixed fractional Brownian rough path. 31 pages, arXiv:2010.06788, 2020.
Bin Pei,Yuzuru Inahama and Yong Xu,Pathwise unique solutions and stochastic averaging for mixed stochastic partial differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion and Brownian motion. 38 pages, arXiv:2004.05305v2, 2020.
Bin Pei,Yuzuru Inahama and Yong Xu,Averaging principles for mixed fast-slow systems driven by fractional Brownian motion, 27 pages, arXiv:2001.06945v3, 2020.
Yuzuru Inahama andBin Pei,Positivity of the density for rough differential equations. 15 pages, arXiv:2006.09631, 2020.


Bin Pei, Yong Xu and Yuzhen Bai, Convergence of p-th mean in an averaging principle for stochasticpartial differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion,Discrete and Continuous DynamicalSystems Series B. 25(2020) 1141-1158.

Bin Pei, Yong Xu and Jiang-Lun Wu, Stochastic averaging for stochastic differential equations driven byfractional Brownian motion and standard Brownian motion.Applied Mathematics Letters. 100 (2020)106006.
Xiaoyu Zhang, Yong Xu, Bjoern Schmalfuss andBin Pei, Random attractors for stochastic differentialequations driven by two-sided Lévy processes,Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 37 (2019) 1028-1041.
Rong Guo,Bin Pei, Stochastic averaging principles for multi-valued stochastic differential equations driven by Poisson point processes, Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 36 (2018) 751-766.(Corresponding author)
Bin Pei, Yong Xu, George Yin, Xiaoyu Zhang, Averaging principles for functional stochastic partial differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion modulated by two-time-scale Markovian switching processes,Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 27 (2018) 107-127.
Bin Pei, Yong Xu, George Yin, Averaging principles for SPDEs driven by fBm with random delay modulated by two-time-scale Markovian switching processes,Stochastics and Dynamics, 18 (2018) **.
Bin Pei, Yong Xu, Mild solutions of local non-Lipschitz neutral stochastic functional evolution equations driven by jumps modulated by Markovian switching.Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 35 (2017) 391-408.
Bin Pei, Yong Xu, George Yin, Stochastic averaging for a class of two-time-scale systems of stochastic partial differential equations.Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Method and Application, 160 (2017) 159-176.
Bin Pei, Yong Xu andJiang-Lun Wu, Two-time-scales hyperbolic-parabolic equations driven by Poisson random measures: existence, uniqueness and averaging principles.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 447 (2017) 243-268.
Yong Xu,Bin Pei, Jiang-Lun Wu, Stochastic averaging principle for differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients driven by fractional Brownian motion,Stochastics and Dynamics. 17 (2017) **.
Bin Pei, Yong Xu, Mild solutions of local non-Lipschitz stochastic evolution equations with jumps.Applied Mathematics Letters, 52 (2016) 80-86.
Yong Xu,Bin Pei,Guobin Guo, Existence and stability of solutions to non-Lipschitz stochastic differential equations driven by Levy noise,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 263 (2015) 398-409.
Yong Xu,Bin Pei, Rong Guo, Stochastic averaging for slow-fast dynamical systems with fractional Brownian motion,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B. 20 (7) (2015) 2257-2267.
Yong Xu,Bin Pei, Yongge Li, Approximation properties for solutions to nonLipschitz stochastic differential equations with Levy noise,Mathematical Methods in Applications and Science, 38 (2015) 2120-2131.
Yong Xu, Hua Wang, Yongge Li,Bin Pei, Image encryption based on synchronization of fractional chaoticsystems,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 19(2014)3735-3744.
许勇,裴斌,徐伟,随机平均原理研究若干进展,动力学与控制学报.03 (15) (2017) 193-199.

团队信息 Team Information


学术活动 Professional Activities

202012 Workshop on Stochastic Dynamics 2020, online, NPU, (邀请报告);
202011 中国工业与应用数学学会系统与控制数学 2020 年学术研讨会, (邀请报告);
202008 Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, (分会场报告);
201910 第八届全国随机动力学学术会议, 南京 (大会邀请报告);
201909 Japanese-German Open Conference on Stochastic Analysis 2019, Fukuoka University, Japan;
201907 The 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Valencia, Spain (分会场邀请报告);
201907 The 12th MSJ-Seasonal Institute “Stochastic analysis, random fields and integrable probability” Kyushu University, Japan;
201904 The International Workshop on Dynamics, Nonlinearity and Stochasticity, Xi’an, China;
201902 Workshop on Stochastic Analysis 2019, Okayama University, Japan, (邀请报告);
201810 第二届全国概率统计青年****会议, 徐州,(分会场邀请报告);
201807 第五届动力学、振动与控制国际会议, 石家庄,(分会场邀请报告);201712 Seminars Talk, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan;
201710 第六届全国随机动力学学术会议, 西安.
201706 The 5th International Conference on Random Dynamical Systems, Wuhan (分会场邀请报告);

2016.09 随机动力学与控制新进展研讨会, 西安 (邀请报告);
201604 SIAM Great Lakes Spring Meeting, Dearborn, MI, USA (分会场邀请报告);
201508 The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Beijing, China (分会场邀请报告);

201506 The 4th International Conference on Random Dynamical Systems, Xi'an;
201505 第十五届全国非线性振动会议暨第十二届全国非线性动力学和运动稳定性学术会议,长沙,(分会场邀请报告);
201504 第四届全国随机动力学学术会议, 西安;
201411 应用与计算数学最新进展国际会议,武汉;
201306 第二届全国随机动力学学术会议, 银川(邀请报告).
201305 第十四届全国非线性振动会议暨第十一届全国非线性动力学和运动稳定性学术会议,南宁,(分会场邀请报告).

English Version

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