

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information






工作经历 Work Experience
-2017/04-Present, Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northwestern Polytechnical University.
-2016/07-2017/03,Postdoctoral Researcher for Computational Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University.

教育经历 Education Experience
-2011/09-2016/06, Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics, Fudan University.
-2007/09-2011/07, B. S. in Computational Mathematics, Northeastern University.
-2012/07-2012/08, Visiting student, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University.
-2011/02-2011/06, Visiting student, Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University.

教育教学 Education And Teaching
Fall of 2020,Fall of 2018, Real Analysis and its Applications. (Graduate students)
**References: G. Folland, Real Analysis, 1999;
P. Halmos, Measure Theory, GTM18.
Fall of 2020,Fall of 2018,Stochastic Differential Equations. (Graduate students)
**References: L. Evans, Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations, 2013.
Spring of 2020, Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications.(Graduate students)
**References: P. Malliavin, Stochastic Analysis, 1997;
Zhiyuan Huang, Stochastic Analysis, 2001;
Zhongmin Qian, Jiangang Ying, Introducation toStochastic Analysis, 2017.
Spring of 2019, Mini-course on SPDEs. (Graduate students)
**References: L. Evans, Partial Differential Equations, 1988;
D. Khoshnevisan, Analysis of SPDEs, 2014.
Fall of 2020,Fall of 2019, Probability and Statistics. (Undergraduate students)

招生信息 Admission Information
There are open positions for Master/PhD student in our group. Please contact me freely for further information.

-Much of the research conducted in our group is of an interdisciplinary nature. And for mathematical applications, we also do some research on models arising in engineering.
-As an student in our group, you can focus on the research you are passionate about.
-Last but not least, you can expect to find a supportive, stimulating ans productive studying environment in our group.

科学研究 Scientific Research
Nonlinear evolution equations and infinite dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems arising in physics, material science, biology.
1.Analysis of PDEs (Dissipative wave equations, Reaction-DiffusionEquations etc)
**We are doing a comprehensive research about the propagation of elastic/acoustic waves in bounded domains.
**Some interesting problems related to stochastic nonlinear wave equaitons have come into our sight recently.
2. Quantitative biology (neuroscience, tumor growth, chemotaxis etc)
**Our work now has a special focus on cerebellar circuit to study the undrlying mechanisms of timing in perception and action.
3.Stochastic theory of non-equilibrium statistic mechanics and its applications

Deep learning from applied mathematics perspective and applications
1. Machine learing methods in neuroscience
**To understanding the development and organization of cortical processing by artificial neural networks.
2. Sparse representation on general domains (surfaces, manifolds, graphs, etc)

Research Grants
1.Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No. CX033, 150000, 2019.9-2020.12, PI.
2. National Natural Science Foundation (Youth Program), No. **, 260000, 2019.1-2021.12, PI.
3.Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No. **OQD073, 150000, 2017.4-2018.12, PI.

学术成果 Academic Achievements
-Stochastic Wave Equations
1. Zhe Jiao, Armen Shirikyan, Yong Xu, Exponential mixing for stochastic nonlinear wave equation with a critical growth exponent (in preparation).

2. Zhe Jiao, Armen Shirikyan, Yong Xu, Stationary measures for damped wave equation forced by boundary noise, Preprint.
-Pattern Formation
1. Zhe Jiao, Propagation of acoustic waves in homogeneous or heterogeneous media(in preparation).
-Quantitative Neurobiology
1.Zhe Jiao, Bo Liu, Yong Xu, Shanglin Zhou, Timing mechanism in cerebellar Purkinje cells (in preparation).

2. Zhe Jiao, Yong Xu, Balanced synaptic input promotes efficient dendritic integration, Preprint, 2017.
3.Zhe Jiao, Yuguo Yu, Cable energy functions for cortical axons: equivalent formulas, Submitted, 2018.
-Dissipative Wave Equations
1. Zhe Jiao, On the spectral properties and stability of acoustic wave, Preprint, 2018.
2. Zhe Jiao, Yong Xu, Global existence and stability for semilinear wave equations damped bytime-dependent boundary frictions, Applied Mathematics and Computation 354(2019), 282-295.

3. Zhe Jiao, Global convergence and speed estimatesfor semilinear wave systems damped by boundary frictions, Under Review, 2020.
4. Zhe Jiao, Yong Xu,Local convergence and speed estimates for semilinear wave systems damped by boundary friction,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications462(2018), 590-600.
5. Zhe Jiao, Yong Xu,Acoustic wave motions stabilized by boundary memory damping II. Polynomial stability,Applied Mathematics Letters85(2018), 35-40.
6. Zhe Jiao, Ti-Jun Xiao,Acoustic wave motions stabilized by boundary memory damping I. Wellposedness and strong stability,Applied Mathematics Letters57(2016), 82-89.
7. Zhe Jiao, Yong Xu, Lijing Zhao, Convergence and speed estimatesfor semilinear wave systems with nonautonomous damping II, Under review, 2020.

8. Zhe Jiao, Ti-Jun Xiao,Convergence and speed estimates for semilinear wave systems with nonautonomous damping I,Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences39(2016), 5465-5474.
-Lecture Notes
1. Zhe Jiao,Microlocal analysis and Stochastic analysis, Preprint, 2020.
2. Zhe Jiao, Statistical Learning and Applications, Preprint, 2019.
3. Zhe Jiao, Introduction to Stochastic PDEs, Preprint, 2019.

4. Zhe Jiao, Introduction to Measrue Theory and Probability, 2018.
5. Zhe Jiao, Dynamical analysis for cerebellar Purkinje cells, Preprint, 2017.
6. Zhe Jiao, Microlocal analysis in control, observation ans stabilization for hyperbolic equations, 2016.

学术活动 Professional Activities
2017 Activities

-Visit toBICMR , May 16-25, 2017, Peking University, Beijing, China.

-The 14th International Conference on Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, July 9-14, 2017, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.

-2017 Fall program on analysis of PDE: Free boundary problems, October 16-20, 2017, SCMS , Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

2018 Activities
-Visit Prof.Armen ShirikyanatUniversity of Cergy-Pontoise,France, May 20-June 10, 2018.
-Visit Dr.Qiang Xuat Lanzhou University, July 30-August 2, 2018.
2019 Activities
-Visit Dr.Xinlei YiatKTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, April 25-May 13, 2019.
-VIsit BICMR, Peking University, Beijing, China,May 23-25, 2019.
-Visit toMax-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany, July 15-August 15, 2019.

-Visit to Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany, December 14, 2019-January 25 2020.
2020 Activities
-Visit Prof.Armen ShirikyanatUniversity of Cergy-Pontoise,France, January 1-5, 2020.

List of My Visitors

-Dr. Yuan Gao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), February 3-4, 2018.
-Dr.Dingwen Zhang(Xidian University) and Dr. Jiaojiao Li (Xidian University), September 19, 2018.
-Dr. Qin Zhao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), April 1-4, 2019.
-Prof. Armen Shirikyan(University of Cergy-Pontoise), May-June, 2020. (Cancelled due to Coronavirus)

English Version

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