

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information






工作经历 Work Experience
2015/06~ 西北工业大学 理学院 应用化学系 副教授

教育经历 Education Experience

2010/09~2015/06 西北工业大学 材料学院 材料学 博士


Northwestern University, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Visiting student in Grzybowski's group

2007/09~2010/04 西北工业大学 材料学院 材料学 硕士
2003/09~2007/07 西北工业大学 理学院 应用物理系 本科

科学研究 Scientific Research
1. 机械力可控的表面活性微裂纹的设计及其在新材料设计中的应用
2. 聚合物拉伸机械力化学的研究及其在材料自修复中应用
3. 聚离子液体的设计及应用
4. 可控纳米催化系统的探索与设计

学术成果 Academic Achievements
1. Su-Yun Zhang, Qiang Zhuang(共同一作), Miao Zhang, Hong Wang, Zhiming Gao, Jian-Ke Sun and Jiayin Yuan, Poly(ionic liquid) composites. Chemical Society Reviews, 2020. (IF=40.443)
2. Zhuang, Q.; Yang, Z.; Sobolev,Y.; Beker, W.; Kong, J.; Grzybowski, B. A., Control and switching ofcharge-selective catalysis on nanoparticles by counterions. Acs Catal 2018. (IF=11.384)
3. Gu, J.; Wang, L.;Liang, C.; Zhuang, Q *.; Kong, J., Controlledshell on nanoparticles as a tool to regulate the properties of immobilizedmolecules. J Alloy Compd 2018, 745, 430-435.
4. Gu, J.; Xu, S.; Zhuang, Q.; Tang, Y.; Kong, J.,Hyperbranched polyborosilazane and boron nitride modified cyanate estercomposite with low dielectric loss and desirable thermal conductivity. IEEETransactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 2017, 24 (2), 784-790.
5. Gu, J.; Meng, X.;Tang, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhuang, Q.;Kong, J., Hexagonal boron nitride/polymethyl-vinyl siloxane rubber dielectricthermally conductive composites with ideal thermal stabilities. Composites PartA: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017, 92, 27-32.
6. Dang, A.; Li, T.;Xiong, C.; Zhao, T.; Shang, Y.; Liu, H.; Chen, X.; Li, H.; Zhuang, Q.; Zhang, S., Long-life electrochemicalsupercapacitor based on a novel hierarchically carbon foam templated carbonnanotube electrode. Composites Part B: Engineering 2017.
7. Bai, T.; Du, J.;Chen, J.; Duan, X.; Zhuang, Q.;Chen, H.; Kong, J., Reduction-responsive dithiomaleimide-based polymericmicelles for controlled anti-cancer drug delivery and bioimaging. PolymerChemistry 2017, 8 (46), 7160-7168.
8. Zhao, W.; Kong, J.;Liu, H.; Zhuang, Q.; Gu, J.;Guo, Z., Ultra-high thermally conductive and rapid heat responsive poly(benzobisoxazole) nanocomposites with self-aligned graphene. Nanoscale 2016, 8(48), 19984-19993.
9. Liu, H.; Wu, J.; Zhuang, Q.; Dang, A.; Li, T.;Zhao, T., Preparation and the electromagnetic interference shielding in theX-band of carbon foams with Ni-Zn ferrite additive. Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society 2016, 36 (16), 3939-3946.
10. Dang, A.; Li, H.; Li,T.; Zhao, T.; Xiong, C.; Zhuang, Q.;Shang, Y.; Chen, X.; Ji, X., Preparation and pyrolysis behavior of modifiedcoal tar pitch as C/C composites matrix precursor. Journal of Analytical andApplied Pyrolysis 2016, 119, 18-23.
11. Zhuang Qiang,Scott C.Warren, Bilge Baytekin, Ahmet F. Demir?rs, Pramod P. Pillai, BartlomiejKowalczyk, H. Tarik Baytekin, Bartosz Grzybowski. Mechanical control of surfaceadsorption by nanoscale cracking. Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(22):3667-3672.(IF:17.493)
12. Zhuang Qiang, David A. Walker,Kevin P. Browne, Bartlomiej Kowalczyk, Goliath Beniah, Bartosz A. Grzybowski.Temperature driven assembly of like-charged nanoparticles at non-planarliquid–liquid or gel–air interfaces.Nanoscale, 2014, 6(9): 4475-4479. (Frontcover, IF = 7.394)
13. Zhuang Qiang,Tiehu Li,Huiqin Lv, Hongyan Zhang, Tingkai Zhao. Stable and homogenous functionality onPDMS surface and the kinetic of gold nanoparticle adsorption on its surface.Soft Materials, 2014, 12(3): 334-338.
14. Zhuang Qiang,Heguang Liu, TiehuLi, and Tingkai Zhao. Bistability and pH hysteresis of graphene oxide solutionin circle acid-base titration. Chemistry Letter, 2015, 44(4): 454-456.

团队信息 Team Information
课题组主要成员有:M. Idrees(联合培养博士),贺浩然、曹晨光、赵昕昱刘越(本科)。
M. Idrees:Hyperbranched Polymer synthesis and its pyrolytic ceramic for lithium-ion battery
anode materials towards high performance battery.

综合介绍 General Introduction

English Version

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