本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
工作经历 Work Experience
2017.10-至今 西北工业大学,生命学院,副教授
Oct 2017, Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University
教育经历 Education Experience
2005.09-2009.07 西安工程大学, 纺织工程, 学士
2009.09-2011.07 美国马塞诸塞州立大学, 纺织技术, 硕士
2011.09-2013.12 美国田纳西州立大学, 生物医学工程, 攻读博士
2014.01-2017.05 美国俄亥俄州立大学, 生物医学工程, 博士
2009 Bachelor in Textile Engineering, Department of Materials and Textiles, Xi'an Polytechnical University
2011 Master in Textile Technology, Department of Materials and Textiles, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
2017 PhD, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University
教育教学 Education And Teaching
本科生课程: 生物科学Plus,生命的设计, “药”你健康,科技伦理
Undergraduate Courses: Biological Science Plus, Life Design, Medicine & Health, Ethics in Science and Technology
Undergraduate Course (English): Neuroscience
招生信息 Admission Information
083100 生物医学工程
0860 生物与医药
Recruit master students:
1. Biomedical Engineering
2. Biology & Medicine
科学研究 Scientific Research
1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,**,25万元
2. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费,**QD063,20万元
3. 主持中国博士后科学基金面上一等项目,2018M631197,8万元
4. 主持陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,2019JQ-231,3万元
5. 主持陕西省博士后科研资助项目,2018BSHQYXMZZ42,10万元
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), RMB 250000
2. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ( **QD063), RMB 200000
3. The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018M631197), RMB 80000
4. Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2019JQ-231), RMB 30000
5. The Shaanxi Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018BSHQYXMZZ42), RMB 100000
学术成果 Academic Achievements
30.L. Sun*, D. Liu, D. Fu, T. Yue, D. Scharre, L. Zhang*. Fluorescent peptide nanoparticles to detect amyloid-beta aggregation in cerebrospinal fluid and serum for Alzheimer’s disease and progression monitoring, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405, 126733.
29. D. Liu, D. Fu, L. Zhang, L. Sun*. Detection of amyloid-beta by Fmoc-KLVFF self-assembled fluorescent nanoparticles for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.cclet.2020.09.009.
28. D. Fu, D. Liu, L. Zhang, L. Sun*. Self-assembled fluorescent tripeptide nanoparticles for bioimaging and drug delivery applications, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.cclet.2020.07.011.
27. M. Sun, H. Hu*, L. Sun*, Z. Fan*. The application of biomacromolecules to improve oral absorption by enhanced intestinal permeability: A mini-review, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31(7), 1729-1736.
26. L. Sun, A. Li, Y. Hu, Y. Li, L. Shang, L. Zhang*. Self-assembled fluorescent and antibacterial GHK-Cu nanoparticles for wound healing applications, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2019, 36(4), **.
25. L. Sun*, Z. Fan, T. Yue, J. Yin, J. Fu, M. Zhang. Additive nanomanufacturing of lab-on-a-chip fluorescent peptide nanoparticle arrays for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 2018, 1(3), 182-194.
24. K. Tao, Z. Fan, L. Sun, P. Makam, Z. Tian, M. Ruegsegger, S. Shaham-Niv, D. Hansford, R. Aizen, Z. Pan, S. Galster, J. Ma, F. Yuan, M. Si, S. Qu, M. Zhang*, E. Gazit*, J. Li*. Quantum confined peptide assemblied with tunable visible to near-infrared spectral range, Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1), 3217.
23. Z. Fan, Y. Chang, C. Cui, L. Sun, H. Wang, Z. Pan*, M. Zhang*. Near infrared fluorescent peptide nanoparticles for enhancing esophageal cancer therapeutic efficacy, Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1), 2605.
22. L. Sun*, Y. Hu, L. Zhang*. Recent trends in nanocrystals for pharmaceutical applications, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2018, 24, 1-9.
21. W. Zou, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Li, L. Sun, Z. Gui, B. Du, S. Chen*. Cytocompatible chitosan based multi-network hydrogels with antimicrobial, cell anti-adhesive and mechanical properties, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 202, 246-257.
20. Y. Wang, L. Yu, X. Kong, L. Sun*. Application of nanodiagnostic in point-of-care tests for infectious diseases, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12, 4789-4803.
19. J. Li, X. Feng, B. Liu, Y. Yu, L. Sun, T. Liu*, Y. Wang, J. Ding*, X. Chen, Polymer materials for prevention of postoperative adhesion, Acta Biomaterialia, 2017, 61, 21-40.
18. L. Sun, Y. Huang, Z. Bian, J. Petrosino, Z. Fan, Y. Wang, KH. Park, T. Yue, M. Schmidt, S. Galster, J. Ma*, H. Zhu*, M. Zhang*, Sundew-inspired adhesive hydrogels combined with adipose-derived stem cells for wound healing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(3), 2423-2434.
17. Z. Fan, L. Sun, Y. Huang, Y. Wang, M. Zhang*, Bioinspired fluorescent dipeptide nanoparticles for targeted cancer cell imaging and real-time monitoring of drug release, Nature Nanotechnology, 2016, 11(4), 338-394.
16. T. Fan, X. Yu, B. Shen*, L. Sun*. Peptide self-assembled nanostructures for drug delivery applications, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017, 2017(16), **.
15. T. Yue, X. Jia, J. Petrosino, L. Sun, Z. Fan, J. Fine, R. Davis, S. Galster, J. Kuret, D. Scharre, M. Zhang*. Computational integration of nanoscale physical biomarkers and cognitive assessments for AD diagnosis and prognosis, Science Advances, 2017, 3(7), e**.
14. Y. Huang, Y. Wang, L. Tan, L. Sun, J. Petrosino, M. Cui, F. Hao, M. Zhang*, Nanospherical arabinogalactan proteins are a key component of the high-strength adhesive secreted by English ivy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016, 113(23), E3193-3202.
13. L. Sun, Z. Fan, Y. Wang, Y. Huang, M. Schmidt, M. Zhang*, Tunable synthesis of self-assembled cyclic peptide nanotubes and nanoparticles, Soft Matter, 2015, 11(19), 3822-3832.
12. Y. Huang, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Yi, Z. Fan, L. Sun, D. Lin, N. Anreddy, H. Zhu, M. Schmidt, Z. Chen, M. Zhang*, Exploring naturally occurring ivy nanoparticles as an alternative biomaterial, Acta Biomaterialia, 2015, 25,268-283.
11. Y. Huang, Y. Wang, L. Sun, R. Agrawal, M. Zhang*, Sundew adhesive: a naturally occurring hydrogel, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2015, 12(107), **.
10.L. Sun, N. Wanasekara, V. Chalivendra*, P. Calvert. Nano-mechanical studies on polyglactin sutures subjected to in vitro hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15, 93-99.
9. Y. Wang, S. Yi, L. Sun, Y. Huang, M. Zhang*, Charge-selective fractions of naturally occurring nanoparticles as bioactive nanocarriers for cancer therapy, Acta Biomaterialia, 2014, 10(10), 4269-4284.
8. S. Yi, Y. Wang, Y. Huang, L. Xia, L. Sun, S. Lenaghan, M. Zhang*, Natural nanocarriers from green tea facilitate intracellular drug delivery of doxorubicin in tumor cells, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2014, 10, 1-14.
7. L. Sun, S. Yi, Y. Wang, K. Pan, Q. Zhong, M. Zhang*, A bio-inspired approach for in situ synthesis of tunable adhesive, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2014, 9(1), 016005.
6. S. Yi, L. Sun, S. Lenaghan, Y. Wang, X. Chong, Z. Zhang, M. Zhang*. One-step synthesis of dendritic gold nanoflowers with high surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) performance, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 10139-10144.
5. Y. Wang, S. Yi, L. Sun, Y. Huang, S. Lenaghan, M. Zhang*. Doxorubicin-loaded cyclic peptide nanotube bundles overcome chemoresistance in breast cancer cells. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2013, 10(3), 445-454.
4. L. Xia, Z. Xu, L. Sun, P. Caveney, M. Zhang*. Nano-fillers to tune Young’s modulus of silicone matrix, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15, 1570.
3. L. Sun, L. Xia, S. Yi, S. Lenaghan, M. Zhang*, Biosynthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles using the peel of Asparagus Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. asparagine), Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 2013, 5(11): 1157-1165(9).
2. Y. Wang, L. Sun, S. Yi, Y. Huang, S. Lenaghan, M. Zhang*. Naturally Occurring Nanoparticles from Arthrobotrys oligospora as a Potential Immunostimulatory and Antitumor Agent, Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 23(17): 2175-2184.
1. S. Yi, L. Xia, S. Lenaghan, L. Sun, Y. Huang, J. Burris, C. Stewart Jr., M. Zhang*. Bio-synthesis of gold nanoparticles using English ivy (Hedera helix), Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012, 13(3): 1649-1659.
English Version
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