本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
工作经历 Work Experience
2016/12 获四川大学 材料学专业 博士学位
2017/03——至今, 西北工业大学生命学院,助理教授,硕导
Dec 2016 phD, Material Science, Sichuan University.
Mar 2017 Assistant Professor, School of Life Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University.
教育教学 Education And Teaching
Undergraduate Courses: 《Biological Science Plus》、《Biomedical Devices & human health》
科学研究 Scientific Research
[2] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2017M623247), 2017-2019
[3] 陕西省博士后科学基金,(2018BSHYDZZ02), 2018-2020
[4] 青岛产业培育计划惠民项目(18-6-1-94-nsh),2018-2020
[5] 中央高校基本科研业务费(**OQD078),2017-2018
学术成果 Academic Achievements
[1] Jing Wang*, Yangyang Su, Lizhou Xu, Danyang Li**. Micro-patterned surface construction on BCP ceramics and the regulation on inflammation-involved osteogenic differentiation. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2020,116:111220.
[2]Jing Wang,Yangyang Su, Lizhou Xu, Danyang Li*. Fabrication and preliminary evaluation of the osteogenic potential for micro-/nano-structured porous BCP ceramics. Ceramics International, 2020,46:4801-4812.
[3] Jing Wang,Xuening Chen, Xiao Yang, Bo Guo*, Danyang Li, Xiangdong Zhu* , Xingdong Zhang. Positive role of calcium phosphate ceramics regulated inflammation in the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2020:1-16.
[4] Jing Wang, Danyang Li, Huaixing Cang, Bo Guo*. Crosstalk between cancer and immune cells: Role of tumor-associated macrophages in the tumor microenvironment. Cancer Medicine, 2019.05.10,8:4709-4721.
[5]Yangyang Su, Kezhi Li*,Jing Wang*.Microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of sprayed Ca-P coating for micropatterning carbon/carbon substrate surface. Ceramics International, 2020, 46:7374-7387.
[6] Yangyang Su, Kezhi Li*, Jing Wang*, Wei Xie, Xiaofei Zhu, Changcong Wang. Effect of the heating time on the preferred growth of hydroxyapatite crystal prepared by microwave-hydrothermal technique on the defective surface of sprayed coating. Composites Part B, 2019.7.19, 176:107205.
[7] Jing Wang, Xuening Chen, Bo Guo*, Xiao Yang, Yong Zhou, Xiangdong Zhu* , Kai Zhang, Yujiang Fan, Chongqi Tu, Xingdong Zhang. A serum protein adsorption profile on BCP ceramics and influence of the elevated adsorption of adhesive proteins on the behaviour of MSCs, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018.10.10, 6: 7383~7395
[8] Jing Wang, Dan Liu, Bo Guo*, Xiao Yang, Xuening Chen, Xiangdong Zhu*, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang. Role of biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic-mediated secretion of signaling molecules by macrophages in migration and osteoblastic differentiation of MSCs, Acta Biomaterialia, 2017.03.11, 51:447~460
[9] Jing Wang, Ying Chen, Xiangdong Zhu*, Tun Yuan, Yanfei Tan, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. Effect of phase composition on protein adsorption and osteoinduction of porous calcium phosphate ceramics in mice, J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2014.01.30, 102A: 4234~4243
[10] Jing Wang, Huijie Zhang, Xiangdong Zhu*, Hongsong Fan, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. Dynamic competitive adsorption of bone-related proteins on calcium phosphate ceramic particles with different phase composition and microstructure, J Biomed Mater Res Part B, 2013.01.30, 101B: 1069~1077.
[11] 王婧,陈颖,朱向东,樊渝江,张兴栋。双相磷酸钙陶瓷表面吸附血清蛋白的洗脱特性研究,无机材料学报,2013.10.28(10):1143-1147
[12] Xuening Chen*, Jing Wang, Jing Wang, Xiao Yang, Xiangdong Zhu, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. The positive role of macrophage’s secretion stimulated by BCP ceramic in the ceramic-induced osteogenic differentiation of pre-osteoblasts via Smad-related signaling pathways, RSC Advances, 2016.10.12, 6(104): 102134~2141
[13] Xuening Chen, Jing Wang, Ying Chen, Hanxu Cai, Xiangdong Zhu*, Yujiang Fan*, Xingdong Zhang*. Roles of calcium phosphate-mediated integrin expression and MAPK signaling pathways in osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, J Mater Chem B, 2016.02.17, (4): 2280~2289
[14] Ying Chen, Jing Wang, Xiangdong Zhu*, Zhurong Tang, Xiao Yang, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. Enhanced effect of β-tricalcium phosphate phase on neovascularization of porous calcium phosphate ceramics: in vitro and in vivo evidence, Acta biomaterialia, 2014.09.15, 11: 435~448
[15] Ying Chen , Jing Wang, Xiangdong Zhu*, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. Adsorption and release behaviors of vascular endothelial growth factor on porous hydroxyapatite ceramics under competitive conditions, JBiomater Tiss Eng, 2014.02.01, 4: 155~161
[16] Ying Chen, Jing Wang, Xiangdong Zhu*, Xuening Chen, Xiao Yang, Kai Zhang, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. The directional migration and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells toward vascular endothelial cells stimulated by biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic, Regenerative Biomaterials
[17] Jing Yang, Jing Wang, Tun Yuan, Xiangdong Zhu, Zhou Xiang, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang*. The enhanced effect of surface microstructured porous titanium on adhesion and osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, J Mater Sci: Mater Med, 2013.07.10, 24: 2235~2246
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