基本信息 The basic information
教育经历 Education Experience
2005/9 -2010/4,西北工业大学,材料加工工程,博士,导师:杨根仓
2000/9 -2004/7,西北工业大学,材料成形与控制,学士
工作经历 Work Experience
2014/5 - 至今, 西北工业大学,材料学院,副教授
2010/5 –2014/4,西北工业大学,材料学院,讲师
科学研究 Scientific Research
李俊杰,男,1982年生,工学博士,副教授。主要从事凝固理论、材料微观组织数值模拟等方面研究工作。先后主持国家自然基金青年项目、教育部博士点基金新教师项目、陕西省自然基金、西北工业大学基础研究基金项目、凝固技术国家重点实验室自主课题等多个项目。作为主要成员参与国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)专题项目、国家自然基金面上项目等4项。获陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖1项(排名第二)。在Acta Materialia、Scripta Materialia、Phys Rev E、物理学报等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文40余篇,SCI收录30余篇,其中第一作者论文16篇(JCR一区5篇),论文被他引100余次,2012年获西北工业大学顶级论文专项资助。
学术成果 Academic Achievements
[1]. Junjie Li, Chunwen Guo,Yuan Ma, Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang. (2015). Effect of initial particle sizedistribution on the dynamics of transient Ostwald ripening: A phase fieldstudy. Acta Materialia, 90:10-26.
[2]. Junjie Li, Yacong Zhang, Jincheng Wang andZhongming Zhang. (2014).Microstructure evolution of Mg-4.3Zn-0.7Y-0.6Zr alloy during solution heattreatment. Materials Transactions,55:264-269.
[3]. Honglei Yu, JunjieLi, Xin Lin, Lilin Wang, Weidong Huang. (2014). Anomalous overgrowth ofconverging dendrites during directional solidification. Journal of
[4]. SaiTang, Yan-Mei Yu, Jincheng Wang, JunjieLi, Zhijun Wang, Yaolin Guo, Yaohe Zhou. (2014). Phase-field-crystal simulation ofnonequilibrium crystal growth. PhysicalReview E, 89: 012405.
[5]. Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, Lilin Wang, Junjie Li, Yaohe Zhou. (2014).Quasi-two-dimensional equilibrium solid/liquid interface of colloids at lowosmotic pressure. Journal of
[6]. Gao Ang, Hu Yansu, Wang Zhijun, Mu Dejun, Li Junjie, Wang Jincheng. (2014). GPU-accelerated phase field simulation ofdirectional solidification. Science in China-SeriesE: Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(6):1191-1197.
[7]. Zhijun Wang, JunjieLi, Yao Lin, Sai Tang, Jincheng Wang. (2013). Unique visualization of multiplyoriented lattice structures using a continuous wavelet transform. Computer Physics Communications, 184:2489-2493.
[8]. Junjie Li, Zhijun Wang,Yaqin Wang, Jincheng Wang. (2012). Phase-field study of competitive dendriticgrowth of converging grains during directional solidification. Acta Materialia, 60:1478-1493.
[9]. Zhijun Wang, JunjieLi, Jincheng Wang, Yaohe Zhou. (2012). Phase field modeling the selection mechanism ofprimary dendritic spacing in directional solidification. Acta Materialia, 60: 1957-1964.
[10]. Junjie Li, Zhijun Wang, Yujuan Yang,Jincheng Wang. (2012). Competitivegrain growth in directional solidification investigated by phase fieldsimulation. IOP Conf. Series: MaterialsScience and Engineering, 33:012098.
[11]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang, Yaohe Zhou. (2012). Predictinggrowth direction of tilted dendritic arrays during directional solidification. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science andEngineering, 27: 012009
[12]. Zhijun Wang, JunjieLi, Jincheng Wang.(2011). Predictinggrowth direction of tilted dendritic arrays during directional solidification. Journal of
[13]. Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang, Yaohe Zhou. (2011). Quantitativeinvestigation of cellular growth in directional solidification by phase-fieldsimulation. Physical Review E, 84:041604.
[14]. ZhijunWang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang,Gencang Yang. (2011). What happens tothe initial planar instability when the thermal gradient is increased duringdirectional solidification, ChinesePhysics B, 10: 108104.
[15]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang,Gencang Yang. (2010). Phase field simulation of grain growth withgrain boundary segregation. InternationalJournal of Materials Research, 101(4):555-559.
[16]. Li JJ, Wang JC, Wu LY, Yang GC. (2010).Phase field simulation of equiaxed dendritic growth duringnon-isothermal polycrystalline solidification. International Journal ofModern Physics B, 24: 2762-2767.
[17]. ZhijunWang, Jincheng Wang, Junjie Li,Gencang Yang. (2010). Phase fieldinvestigation on the initial planar instability with surface tension anisotropyduring directional solidification of binary alloys, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(1): 017305
[18]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang,Gencang Yang. (2009). Phase field modeling of grain boundarymigration with solute drag. ActaMaterialia, 57: 2108-2120.
[19]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang,Gencang Yang. (2009). On the stagnation of grain growth innanocrystalline materials. ScriptaMaterialia, 60: 945-948.
[20]. JunjieLi, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2009). Investigation into microsegregation duringsolidification of a binary alloy by phase-field simulations. Journal of
[21]. YujuanYang, Jincheng Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Yaochan Zhu, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang. (2009).Three-Dimensional Multi-Phase Field Simulation of the Lamellar GrowthStability in a Directionally Solidified Hypereutectic. Journal of
[22]. YujuanYang, Jincheng Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Yaochan Zhu, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang. (2009).Three-Dimensional Multi-Phase Field Modeling of the Effect of LamellarThickness on the Eutectic Growth.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 40: 1670-1674.
[23]. Wang Jincheng, Zhang Yuxiang, Yang Yujuan, Li Junjie, Yang Gencang. (2009). Phase field modeling for dendritic morphology transition and micro-segregation inmulti-component alloys,Science in
[24]. Li JJ, Wang JC, YangGC. (2008). Phase Field Simulation of the ColumnarDendritic Growth and Microsegregation in a Binary Alloy. Chinese Physics B, 17: 3516-3522.
[25]. WANGJincheng, LI Junjie, YANG Yujuan,ZHANG Yuxiang, YANG Gencang. (2008). PhaseField Simulation of the Interface Morphology Evolution and its Stability duringDirectional Solidification of Binary Alloys. Science in
[26]. JunJie Li, JingCheng. Wang, Quan Xu, GenCangYang. (2007). Comparison ofJohnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kologoromov (JMAK) Kinetics with a phase field simulationfor polycrystalline solidification, ActaMaterialia, 55: 825-832.
[27]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang,Gencang Yang. (2007). Phase-field simulation of microstructuredevelopment involving nucleation and crystallographic orientations in alloysolidification,Journal of
[28]. 郭春文,李俊杰,马渊, 王锦程。定向凝固过程中枝晶侧向分枝生长行为与强制调控规律。物理学报,2015, 64(14): 148101.
[29]. 罗海滨,李俊杰,马渊,郭春文,王锦程。粗化过程中颗粒界面形状演化的三维多相场法研究。物理学报,2014,63(2):026401.
[30]. 王陶,李俊杰,王锦程。界面润湿性及固相体积分数对颗粒粗化动力学影响的相场法研究。物理学报,2013,62(10):106402.
[31]. 王雅琴,王锦程,李俊杰。定向倾斜枝晶生长规律及竞争行为的相场法研究。物理学报,2012,61(11): 118103.
[32]. 李俊杰,王锦程,杨根仓。含第二相颗粒的晶粒长大过程相场法。稀有金属材料与工程, 2008, 37(10): 1746-1750.
[33]. 李俊杰,王锦程,许泉,杨根仓。外来夹杂物颗粒对枝晶生长形态影响的相场法研究。物理学报,2007,56(3):1514-1519.
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