

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information






工作经历 Work Experience
2009/05- , 西北工业大学,材料学院,教师/教授

教育经历 Education Experience
1998/4 - 2001/4,西北工业大学,材料加工工程
1995/9 - 1998/3,西北工业大学,材料加工工程
1991/9 - 1995/7,西北工业大学,铸造,学士

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

科学研究 Scientific Research

课题组近五年来先后承担国家自然科学基金项目、973计划项目等国家及省部级科研项目20余项。获陕西省科学技术二等奖1项,陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖1项,授权国家发明专利5项。近年来,课题组共发表SCI收录学术论文120余篇,其中大部分发表在Acta Mater,Scripta Mater,PRE,J Cryst Growth等本研究领域核心期刊上。同时,课题组非常注重国际与国内交流与合作,与日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS)、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)、德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学(KIT)、德国德累斯顿工业大学(DUT)、韩国浦项理工大学(POSTECH)、香港城市大学等国际知名研究机构保持密切的国际合作关系。在国内,与浙江大学、上海交通大学、中南大学、中科院北京物理所、中科院沈阳金属研究所等国内外著名大学与科研机构有广泛合作与交流。同时,课题组也非常鼓励研究生参加国际会议、与国外大学联合培养及国外短期学术访问等国际学术交流。

学术成果 Academic Achievements
近年来,课题组在Acta Mater,Scripta Mater,PRE,J Cryst Growth等本研究领域核心期刊上发表学术论文150余篇,其中SCI索引论文120余篇。主要代表性论文如下:

[1]. Junjie Li, Chunwen Guo, Yuan Ma, ZhijunWang, Jincheng Wang. Effect of initialparticle size distribution on the dynamics of transient Ostwald ripening: Aphase field study. Acta Mater, 90(2015)10.
[2]. Tang Sai, Wang Zhijun, Guo Yaolin, WangJincheng, Yu Yanmei, Zhou Yaohe,Orientation selection process during the early stage of cubic dendrite growth:A phase-field crystal study, ActaMater 60(2012)5501.
[3]. Junjie Li, Zhijun Wang, Yaqin Wang,Jincheng Wang, Phase-field study ofcompetitive dendritic growth of converging grains during directionalsolidification, Acta Mater 60(2012) 1478.
[4]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang,Yaohe Zhou, Phase field modeling theselection mechanism of primary dendritic spacing in directional solidification,Acta Mater 60 (2012) 1957.
[5]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang, Phase field modeling of grain boundarymigration with solute drag, ActaMater. 57 (2009) 2108.
[6]. Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang, Phase-field modeling of isothermal dendriticcoarsening in ternary alloys. ActaMater 56(2008) 4585.
[7]. J.J.Li, J.C.Wang, Q.Xu,G.C.Yang, Comparison ofJohnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kologoromov (JMAK) Kinetics with a phase field simulationfor polycrystalline solidification, ActaMater,55(2007) 825.
[8]. Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, GencangYang, Fourier synthesis predicting onsetof the initial instability during directional solidification, Applied Physics Letters, 2009,94(6)061920.
[9]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang, On the stagnation of grain growth innanocrystalline materialsScripta Materialia, 60 (2009)945
[10].Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, GencangYang, Phase field investigation oncellular tip splitting during directional solidification Scripta Materialia, 61 (2009) 915
[11].Tang Sai, Yu Yanmei, Wang Jincheng, LiJunjie, Wang Zhijun, Zhou Yaohe, Phase-fieldcrystal simulation of non-equilibrium crystal growth, Phys Rev E 89(2014)012405.
[12].Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, Junjie Li,Gencang Yang, Yaohe Zhou, Quantitativeinvestigation of cellular growth in directional solidification by phase-fieldsimulation, Phys Rev E 84 (2011)041604..
[13].Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, and GencangYang, Phase-field investigation ofeffects of surface-tension anisotropy on deterministic sidebranching in solutaldendritic growth Phy Rev E 78(2008)042601.
[14].Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, GencangYang, Onset of initial planar instabilitywith surface-tension anisotropy during directional solidification. Phys Rev E 80(2009) 052603.
[15].Wang Zhijun, Li Junjie, Guo Yaolin, TangSai, Wang Jincheng, Unique visualizationof multiply oriented lattice structures using a continuous wavelet transform, Comp Phys Comm 184(2013)2489.
[16].Zhijun Wang, Yaolin Guo, Sai Tang,Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Yaohe Zhou Preciselydetecting atomic position of atomic intensity images, Ultramicroscopy 150(2015)74.

English Version

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